Ab book 2011

Post on 14-Jul-2015






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A, a A lot of us attempting to feel an artery.

B, b Bronny bounces balls the best!

C, c Clever Caelan can count.

C, c Chris colors with cool crayons!

D, d We get dirty digging in the dirt.

E, e Ella enjoys to eat.

E, e Emily likes Ella.

E, e Evyn erases everywhere!

F, f Friends having fun!

G, g Grace grabs green grass.

H,h Holding hands while hanging helps with hiccups!

I, i We are walking on an inch of ice.

J, j Jolly, Julie jump-ropes!

K, k Keimani climbs.

L ,l Learning to tell time is full of laughs.

M, m Michael makes music.

N, n Nice girls near each other.

O, o Owen opens old doors.

P, p Practicing for the performance.

Q, q Two boys counting quarters quickly.

R, r Boys running really fast.

S, s Sam sharpens small pencils and smiles!

S, s Sara’s shoes sparkle!

S, s Sweet Sophia sits in her seat.

S, s Smiling Sydney swings hands with Sarah.

T, t Timmy types tirelessly!

T, t Ty takes Timmy’s hand.

U, u Under the table is the place to understand.

V, v Finding a vein in class.

W, w Watching Mrs. Wyman in the art room.

X, x Ty and Owen standing next to the x ray.

Y,y Young girls yawning.

Z, z Zoe zips her zipper.

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