AAustralian Institute ustralian Institute oof f QQuantity ... Report 2007.pdf · TThe Australian Institute of Quantity Surveyorshe Australian Institute of Quantity Surveyors SStrategic

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Australian Institute Australian Institute of of

Quantity SurveyorsQuantity Surveyors

Annual ReportAnnual Report20072007


EMBARKING ON CONSTRUCTIONIS A RISKY JOURNEY?Don’t leave without a Quantity Surveyor to guide you safely home


aiqsContentsContentsMessage from the National President & Strategic Alliances Board 1Communication & Marketing Board 2Publications & Research Board 3Membership & Education Board 4Policy & Development Board 5National Education & CPD Committee 6OverSeas Section 7The AIQS College of Expert Witnesses and College of Contractor’s QS 8Membership Statistics 9AIQS National Office 10Photographs from 2007 11Committees List 13Chapter & Division Reports 14

ACT Chapter 14 New South Wales Chapter 15 Queensland Chapter 17 Queensland Chapter – North Queensland Division 19 South Australia Chapter 20 South Australia Chapter – Northern Territory Division 21 Victoria Chapter 22 Victoria Chapter – Tasmanian Division 24 Western Australia Chapter 25

AIQS Achievements in 2007 26Certificate and Award Recipients during 2007 27Pacific Association of Quantity Surveyors (PAQS) 28International Cost Engineering Council (ICEC) 29Australian Construction Industry Forum (ACIF) 30National Building and Surveying Alliance (NBSA) 30National Building Specification (NATSPEC) 31Australian Council of Built Environment Design Professions (ABEDP) 32Australian Council of Professions (ACP) 32Register of Members as at 31 December 2007 33 - 46Financial Statements and Auditor’s Report for 2007 (i) - (xix)2007 Council Photograph 66Agenda & Proxy for 2008 AGM 67



T +61 2 6282 2222 F +61 2 6285 2427W www.aiqs.com.au E contact@aiqs.com.au

The Australian Institute of Quantity SurveyorsThe Australian Institute of Quantity SurveyorsStrategic Plan 2006-2010Strategic Plan 2006-2010

RoleRoleTo lead, inform, develop, promote and encourage the profession of Quantity Surveying.

VisionVisionAchieve universal understanding & recognition of the Quantity Surveying profession by 2010.

MissionMissionTo inform the community of our roles and capabilities.Set and maintain Standards of Excellence and Best Practice.Promote QS as indispensable and independent.Collect and disseminate the QS body of knowledge.Develop new markets and opportunities.Promote careers in QS.

GoalsGoalsGoal 1: Raise the profile of the QS profession to the public, younger people and industry.

Goal 2: To lead and service AIQS volunteers.

Goal 3: Provide direction and communication for members.

Goal 4: Deliver people with appropriate competencies.

Goal 5: Be recognised as the custodians of QS standards.

Goal 6: Broaden the scope of membership.

2007 Annual Report1

John Popplewell FAIQS National President

When I was asked to become the National President, I was immediately struck by the immense privilege of the task. My second and more

sobering thought was, do I have the right credentials to fulfil the task.

The National Council is filled with people who have experience in all aspects of Quantity Surveying, and it is my privilege and honour to be able to represent the Australian Institute of Quantity Surveyors. It is with their help and guidance I will be able to continue the good works of the past.

The National office in Canberra with Terry Sanders at the helm are a wonderful asset for any Institute to have, and along with the hard work and commitment of the staff, I am very confident of being able to continue to forge a path for the Profession which will be both building on our recent achievements and constructing a platform for the future.

In June this year you will have, for the first time, an opportunity to make a voluntary contribution to our Benevolent Fund. The National Council have agreed to kick start the Fund by depositing $10,000 from our investments

and there will also be an opportunity to bequeath money in your will to the Benevolent Fund.

I am delighted that Peter Cox, our Immediate Past National President, has agreed to remain as Chairman of our Marketing Taskforce. I believe that you have all received our “Recommendations for Raising Professional Standards and Accountability.” I urge you all to carefully read the recommendations as, if passed, they will affect everyone in the future. The Marketing Taskforce are confident that the changes outlined will have the effect of “raising the profile” of the Quantity Surveyor, the primary object of the changes.

2008 is a momentous year for our Institute. It is 100 years since the first Quantity Surveying Institute was set up in Australia. Each State will be holding its own celebrations, however having discussed the early planning with your representatives I am confident that the celebrations will be remembered for a long time to come. We are delighted that the internationally renown comedian, Jimoein, will be our major entertainment. Having practiced quantity surveying in Dublin, I am sure we can expect some real insight into the profession from someone who knows. In addition we will be launching our history on the Quantity Surveying profession. A good read packed full of photographs.

Our continued support and leadership of overseas organizations including PAQS and ICEC opens opportunities for members and gives us the ability to influence the direction of our Profession both in the Pacific Region and further afield. We congratulate both Trevor Main, as Chairman of PAQS and Peter Cox as Vice President of ICEC for their contribution to Quantity Surveying globally.

The Australian Institute of Quantity Surveyors is undoubtedly moving from strength to strength as shown by our latest membership breakdown. Becoming a member provides you with the highest level of peer recognition within the industry in Australia and the Pacific region, and also gives our members the opportunity to influence their own profession and have input into the policies, direction and activities of the profession. I urge all our members to encourage students and new entrants to the profession to become involved in the Institute and help shape their own future.

John Popplewell FAIQS ICECANational President

Message from

the National P

resident & S

trategic Alliance B


essage from the N

ational President &

Strategic A

lliance Board

2007 Annual Report2

Raising the QS Profile and Marketing

The AIQS continued with its Raising the QS Profile during 2007, with a number of new initiatives, sponsorships and publications aimed at

not only the industry but also the wider community.

The two page feature spread on QS in the Australian Newspaper in September 07, was the first of what is likely to be an annual feature and this was complimented by an article in the Sydney Morning Herald on QS as a career.

Sponsorship of the CRC for Construction Innovation, the Construction Industry Leaders conference, the Construction Forecasting Council seminars and a number of community activities, helped promote the AIQS name and the profession .

The year also saw the continuing development of the marketing and communication strategies which resulted from the previous year’s market research. Consistent with the views of both QS clients and members via the research conducted by the Andrews Group, implementation of recommendations for improving QS professional standards and accountability has begun. A Marketing Task Force established has developed plans which address these two specific marketing strategies. One of the key recommendations proposed that a higher level of QS professional qualification eg a Certified QS should be introduced with a range of Certified Specialities and a new Code of Professional Conduct which would include an open complaints procedure.

A survey of members’ opinions of these recommendations was conducted in late December 07 through to February 08. The survey revealed that while there was support for the broader aims of the recommendations, there was also considerable concern about the other possible changes to the AIQS membership structure. More information was requested by many members and the Council has decided to defer proceeding with any changes which are likely to affect the membership structure until all such issues are investigated and further explanations circulated.

However, there was good support for the new Code of Professional Conduct and Complaints procedures. It should be remembered that these recommendations were the result of our response to the members’ and QS clients’ desire to see improvements in standards and accountability and provide new tools which the AIQS could market in the future.

Consequently, in 2008 the AIQS will continue to develop the proposals and address the members’ concerns, while moving ahead with the new Code.

CommunicationsA change in the design and style of many of the Institute’s communications mediums occurred during 2007.

A new look Institute News Supplement (INS) and Overseas Members News & Information (OMNI) were published, new look stationery produced and more colour added to the inside pages of the Building Economist journal.

A new look for the AIQS manuals and text publications was also developed and will be seen in 2008 with the issue of the Australian Cost Management Manual Volume 6 – Guidelines for Cost Planning Consultants. This new look will eventually be seen in the covers of all the “green books” and other books published by the AIQS.

Our continued move to electronic communications has also continued with the AIQS Email Bulletins to members and development of our first publication on CD which will be released in early 2008.

The Members’ Business Register and the AIQS website continue as most successful means of communication with QS clients, the public and members.

Peter Cox, FAIQS IECAVice President

Peter Cox FAIQS Vice President


munication &

Marketing B



unication & M

arketing Board

Continued on page 4 2007 Annual Report


Gerry Postmus FAIQS Vice President


The BRIX survey and report have been running for a seventh successful year and continue to provide the QS industry and other interested

parties with vital information on current and future movements in the costs of construction in Australia. The BRIX survey relies on information from the major QS firms to remain viable and credible. However, during 2007, there was a decline in responses, possibly because of the increased security of the BRIX website which now requires contributors to register and establish their own ID and password for them to access the information on the site and submit their quarterly survey returns.

THE HISTORY OF QS IN AUSTRALIAThe Quantity Surveying profession in Australia will celebrate 100 years since the first professional QS institute in this country with celebrations in all States. A major part of the celebrations will be the official launch of the History of Quantity Surveying in Australia, which has been in development over the last 6 years. Copies of the History will be on display at the Centenary Gala

Dinners which are to be held in Perth, Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane during May-June 2008. The History will be on sale in mid year, in paperback for $29 and in hardcover “coffee” table version for $160. Supplies will be limited so it will be wise to order a copy as soon as orders are open in midyear.

AUSTRALIAN COST MANAGEMENT MANUAL (ACMM)Guidelines for cost planning consultant services will form the sixth volume of the ACMM. This volume is based on the 1988 NPWC publication of the same name; it has however been updated and enhanced with an electronic copy of typical, elemental cost planning forms. It is expected that the ACMM Vol 6 will be released in early to mid 2008 and will feature the new cover design for the AIQS published texts and manuals.

AUSTRALIAN STANDARD METHOD OF MEASUREMENT (ASMM)A reprint of the ASMM fifth edition is being considered. No changes to the measurement rules will be made but there are some minor corrections.

JOURNALSThe quarterly editions of the “Building Economist” continue to be a source of interesting articles and useful information. The Building Cost Index (BCI) and construction times tables are popular with readers. During 2007, a number of enquiries from subscribers and members have been answered in relation to the data. These tables are as good as the information in the quarterly BRIX reports but provide far greater detail.

Two editions of the newly renamed Australasian Journal of Construction Economics and Building (AJCEB) were published in 2007. The publications are now a joint venture with the Australian Institute of Building (AIB), the New Zealand Institutes of Quantity Surveyors (NZIQS) and Building (NZIB) and the Singapore Institute of Surveyors and Valuers (SISV). Associate professors Peter Davis and David Baccarini of Curtin University of Technology in Perth WA are the joint editors for 2007 and 2008.

RESEARCHThe AIQS has awarded several research grants to Chapters. The grants are to promote the AIQS and the QS profession, to increase membership and to enhance the professional skills and knowledge of our members.

The grant to the WA Chapter was for the review and development of the unit rates that are published in the Building Economist. This research is expected to be completed early in 2008.

Another AIQS funded research project delivered in 2007 was the UTS study into the requirements of QS employers. The AIQS is also fully supporting the YQS Travelling Scholarship and the PAQS Research Committee’s projects.

Gerry Postmus, FAIQS ICECA Vice President

Publications &

Resaerch B


ublications & R

esaerch Board

2007 Annual Report4

Chris Leach FAIQS Vice President

The last 12 months has been a busy time for the Membership Committee with an overall growth in membership of 5.4%, which is

well in excess of 2006, which was approximately 2%.

A pleasing aspect of the increase in numbers was the growth in numbers of Associates 7% and Probationers 6%, although there was a 2.9% decrease in the number of Affiliates.

The December 2006 Conditions of Membership were implemented during 2007 and a number of applications for Associate grade have been successfully processed using the specialist route methodology.

It is proposed that a further minor update of the conditions of membership will be issued prior to the end of 2008.

The membership committee is currently investigating the possibility of submitting Diary/Log book electronically although a number of procedural issues will need to be overcome before the system could be implemented.

I would like to thank the Membership Committee(s), both Nationally and at the Chapter level for its tireless efforts over the last 12 months.

Young QSThe Young QS are essentially State and Territory based Committees throughout Australia. They have been particularly active during the year organising both social and educational events.

A YQS representative from NSW (Michael Manikas) participated in the 2006 exchange of young professionsals with Japan, which was organised by Professions Australia.

Michael reciprocated by hosting the Japanese YQS on their visit to Sydney in late 2007.

Education (Including CPD)Refer report from the Education Chairman (Page 6).

Overseas SectionRefer Report from the Overseas Section Chairman (Page 7)

Chris Leach FAIQS ICECAVice President


bership & E

ducation Board


bership & E

ducation Board

2007 Annual Report5


National Council is continuing the development of a new series of Policy Statements to supersede the now outdated Policy

Statements of yesteryear.

It is intended to develop a series of Policies broadly divided into two fields:

External Policy: those that establish the Institute’s policy on issues that are to do with “our public” – government, clients, other associations and general public issues.Internal Policy: those that establish the Institute’s policy on issues that deal with our internal affairs – institute matters, members’ issues, education and quantity surveying in general.

Drafts of the policies will be published on the AIQS website for comments and input from members.

For management and communication the Institute is divided into four Boards each headed by a National Vice President;

Communications and Marketing Membership and Education Publications and Research Policy and Development

The general policy direction of the Institute in any particular area is governed by these Boards. The policies developed by the Institute will be the confirmation of the outcomes and recommendations of the particular Boards together with National Council.

The Communications & Marketing, Membership & Education, Publications & Research reports forming part of this document provide insight into the current policy direction in each particular area.

DEVELOPMENTCurrent issues to which the Institute is committed on the Development front include;

• Tax Depreciation: David Kelly continues his excellent work in defining tax depreciation, providing depreciation methodology and providing case studies. This service to members has the backing of the Australian Taxation Office and has provided the Institute with an outstanding secondary outcome of raising the QS profile with our kindred professions.

• Funder’s Representative: David Kelly has currently in draft form “QS as the Funder’s Representative”. Like his work on Tax Depreciation, this document will define the process and provide the required methodology for providing this service to the finance industry.

• CPD: innovative methods of ensuring CPD is embraced by the membership is an on going challenge for the Institute.

• Current Construction Costs: Gerry Postmus continues the unenviable task of updating the Current Construction Cost Section of the Building Economist.

Trevor Sanders FAIQS ICECAVice President



Trevor Sanders FAIQS Vice President

Policy &


ent Board

Policy &


ent Board

2007 Annual Report6

Rick Best FAIQSChairman National Education

& CPD Commttee

In 2007 the committee addressed a number of issues and laid the groundwork for a busy 2008. As usual course accreditations were an

important part of our work with a number of courses in Australia and offshore being assessed. Some of the courses have not previously been accredited by the AIQS and a couple of them raise some fundamental questions that both the committee and the institute will have to consider during 2008. The courses at Unitec (NZ) and Bond University are of only three years duration and therefore accrediting them will set a precedent as to the best of my knowledge no course of less than four years had been accredited in the past.

The committee is still considering these applications and does not want to pre-empt the impending education review which will be undertaken in 2008. As chair of the committee I have written a discussion paper dealing with various aspects of accreditation and this will no doubt be circulated and discussed in the months ahead.

The accreditation conundrum is further complicated by the still unresolved question of the Co-operative Accreditation Agreement (CAA). In September, wearing a different hat, I drafted a joint response on behalf of the Council of the Australasian University Building Educators Association (AUBEA) to the CAA document that had been circulated earlier in the year, raising quite a few concerns with the process that was detailed in that document. To date there has been no response and it seems that another year has slipped by with no real progress.

On a happier note the online CPD learning programs that began in 2006 continued in 2007 with the introduction of some new courses and a second run of Craig Langston’s Life Cycle Costing program. This initiative has been a great success in spite of one or two teething problems and as the co-ordinators become more experienced in the online environment and closer alignment of student and instructor expectations is developed these programs will become an invaluable part of AIQS service to its members.

The committee also monitored the Further Education Programs (FEP) in Measurement which has run in Sydney for a number of years and in 2007 ran for the second time in Brisbane. These workshops have been very successful thanks to the co-ordination by Peter Smith from UTS and instructors Paul Marsden and John Thompson.

Once again I’d like to thank the committee for its work in 2007 and Robyne Nash who has taken over the role of Education Officer. The coming year will be an interesting and challenging one for the committee as it will deal with some significant questions, particularly in regard to course accreditation in a changing professional and educational environment.

Rick Best FAIQS ICECAChairman

National E

ducation & C




National E

ducation & C




2007 Annual Report7

Chris Leach FAIQS Chairman Overseas Section

It has been a very busy year for the OverSeas Section with an overall increase in numbers from 1,086 to 1,140 which represents an increase

of 5% which was slightly under the growth for the Institute as a whole. Our current numbers within the OverSeas Section (OSS) include:

Associate 471Affiliate 90Fellow 26Life Fellow 1Probationer 432Retired 9Student 103Technician 8

During the year, the OverSeas Section Committee reviewed:

139 - Applications 3 - Diary/Logs 1 - Teleconference APC 13 - Member enquiries

A number of overseas visits by OSS members was undertaken during the year with Pat Copping visiting Brunei and Malaysia during September and Peter Clarke visited Hong Kong also in September.

Rob Little, as our Senior Overseas Representative attended the June National Council Meeting in Auckland providing a conduit for dialog between National Council and our Overseas Members.

During September, the annual teleconference was held with the overseas reps from Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Singapore, Middle East and Brunei with various views put forward by the Overseas Representatives which in turn were reported to the National Council.

During the year the regional overseas representatives were re-appointed including a deputy to assist our Malaysian Representative, reflecting the increased activity undertaken within this region.

Chris Leach FAIQS ICECAChairman



eas Section


eas Section

2007 Annual Report8

The primary purpose of this College is to: Approve Members admission to the AIQS Register of Expert WitnessesOver see the provision of formal Expert Witness training for membersProvide advice to the AIQS National Council on Expert Witness mattersDraft submissions on behalf of the AIQS on matters relating to Expert Witnesses.

In 2007 six new members were approved by the College panel for admission to the Register of Expert Witnesses. The AIQS register of Expert Witnesses is published on the AIQS website and is also included in the privately operated Expert Witness Register – a commercial publication which is widely used by the legal fraternity and industry clients.Formal training in Expert Witness report writing and presentation in court was conducted by seminars in Melbourne and Sydney in October 2007. This followed previously successful sessions in 2006 and we plan to repeat the program in 2008. These seminars are conducted in conjunction with the University of New South Wales and are managed by the AIQS Education Officer, Robyne Nash, on behalf of the AIQS College of Expert Witnesess. We hope to conduct these training sessions in other capital cities in due course but until now have found difficulties in identifying suitable facilities and qualified personnel for the program. The College committee in 2007 consisted of:

John Barker FAIQS, Peter Clack FAIQS, John Deans FAIQS, Cliff Ventris FAIQS and Robyne Nash.

John Barker FAIQSChairman





John Barker AAIQSChairman College of

Expert Witnesses

Gavin Thomson AAIQSChairman College of

Contractor’s QS

College of Contractors Quantity Surveyors

2007 has been a challenging year for our College, due to a series of movements to and from our committee, leaving only myself and

Andrew Ma from our original group.We have noticed that the membership is heavily based in locations such as UAE and Singapore, hence we have now formed a new committee with a more international flavour.Those who nominated proved to be of a very high standard, and it was an extremely difficult task to decide whom to leave out. Decisions were made to combine a representation of the major locations where our membership is based, together with a balance of youth and experience.My apologies go to some admirably qualified individuals who were equally qualified with some of those nominated but who missed out due to location.The new College committee consists of: Gavin Thomson WA (Chairman); Andrew Ma QLD; Swee Lin Sweet Malaysia; Dr Indrawasan Samaratunga (Dr Sam) Dubai; and Ken Chan Hon Chuen Hong Kong, and Robyne Nash.Our second newsletter is currently being circulated-regretfully delayed due to lack of contributions-and we hope that with the new committee we will have a source of interesting articles which will lead to a further edition shortly.We now have a fresh new committee and look forward to a year of enthusiasm and activity.

Gavin Thomson AAIQSChairman



ollege of Expert W

itnesses & C

ollege of Contractor’s Q



College of E

xpert Witnesses &

College of C

ontractor’s QS

2007 Annual Report9

A s s o c iate39%

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2007 Membership NumbersNew Members 483Reinstated Members 167Elevations 241Resigned 32Deaths 6Lapsed 412Migration Assessments 237

Grade NumbersHon. Fellow 2Life Fellow 25Fellow 191Associate 1503Affiliate 169Probationer 832Retired 116Student 1012Technician 25TOTALS 3,875

Chapter NumbersACT 61NSW 938OSS 1140QLD 510SA 293VIC 583WA 350TOTALS 3,875


bership Statistics


bership Statistics

2007 Annual Report10

The year 2007 was without doubt one of the most challenging ever for the AIQS National Office staff. Changes in staff, commencement of

new initiatives, expansion of existing activities and continued growth in all areas required even greater productivity from the National Office team.

Growth in membership and Financial Activity The total increase in membership for 2007 of 5.4% is indeed pleasing but even more impressive is the increase in the very important categories of Associate members 7%, Probationer members 6% and student members 4.7%. Increases in these categories are vital for the overall growth and development of the Institute and the QS profession generally.

Centenary Preparations Preparations for the AIQS centenary in 2008, kept us busy in a number of areas – developing new look stationary, planning Centenary Gala Dinners, initiating an awareness program with Government and related bodies.

QS Promotion/Raising the ProfileOur two (2) page spread on QS in The Australian newspaper (September 2007) and QS careers article in the Sydney Morning Herald helped boost public awareness of the profession. A full page colour advertisement in the Property Australia Magazine and various sponsorships, scholarships and charitable events at National and Chapter level also raised our profile within the industry and community.

Skilled Migration Assessments and the MODLAfter considerable lobbying by the AIQS, both directly and through the Australian Council of Professions, we were successful in having QS added to the Most Occupations in Demand List or MODL of the Federal Government. This greatly assists QS employers to sponsor qualified QS from overseas and skilled migration of QS.

The number of skilled migration qualifications assessments conducted by the AIQS membership officers in 2007 was 237. The continued growth in the number of assessments while encouraging, are still too few to make a major impact on the shortage of qualified QS in Australia.

Cadetship Growth and Careers Promotion The annual cadetship survey of QS firms produced the largest number since the inception of the survey eight years ago, providing further evidence of the skills shortage for QS. However, some firms in Brisbane reported an increase in the number of cadetship enquiries from school leavers, indicating that the Institute careers marketing efforts are starting to succeed. The AIQS spent a record sum on attending careers shows in Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide and Perth in 2007.

Website Place for Employment The employment pages of the AIQS website are now being more frequently used by both members/QS firms and recruitment companies in 2007.

A reminder to members and firms late in 2007 resulted in over 40 positions being placed on the website in one week.

Conduit Recruitment are the AIQS preferred supplier for QS recruitment services and their sponsorship of AIQS activities in 2007 was very helpful to the Institute.

Lobbying New Federal Government Following the election of the new Rudd Government, the AIQS moved quickly to open communications with the new Federal Ministers. Return correspondence from the Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister and Industry Minister thanking the AIQS, has opened opportunities for one on one dialogue with senior members of the Government.

They have also passed the Federal Government’s congratulations to the AIQS for our Centenary

Terry SandersGeneral Manager



ational Office R



National O

ffice Report

2007 Annual Report11

in 2008.

Staff ChangesIn May 2007, Miranda Grace the AIQS National Marketing Manager/Victoria Chapter executive officer, left and was replaced by the Andrews Marketing Group on a casual consultant basis. Receptionist/Administration Assistant Rachel Taylor resigned in September 2007 to join the public service and was replaced temporarily by Mrs June Nash, before Samantha Mussett was appointed as trainee Receptionist/Administration Assistant.

Dale Phillips joined the National Office Team in September as Assistant Bookkeeper and on 21st December Lynn Adams resigned as Finance officer, after being with the Institute for over 8 years. However, Lynn has remained as a casual employee to do DTP tasks and to assist with the bookkeeping/accounts while her replacement settled in during early 2008.

Phoebe LaGerche-Wijsman became the AIQS Victoria Chapter Administrative Assistant in July 2008, provided via the RAIA Victoria Division and Susana Jones became the AIQS Queensland Chapter Administrative Assistant provided via the RAIA Queensland Division.

Robyne Nash replaced Doreen Tan as the AIQS Education Officer in March 2007.

Thanks for SupportAll staff in the AIQS National Office rely from time to time on the volunteer members of the Institute, and we greatly appreciate such support which enables us to perform our work efficiently and effectively.

Our sincere thanks go to the members of the National, Chapter and Division Councils/Committees and the standing committees listed in this report, and also to the many individual members who have helped us on numerous occasions during 2007.

Terry SandersGeneral Manager



ational Office R



National O

ffice Report

2007 Annual Report12

Photographs from


hotographs from 2007

2007 Annual Report13















Code of C

onduct - In C



Cox C


Schick Treasurer


sborne Mem



ling Mem

berT L S

anders Ex O







T L Sanders N


Manikas N


Vacancy V


Brady Q


Wright N


Tulla SA

T Sanders W


Australian C

onstruction Industry Forum



Cox M


T L Sanders Treasurer

International AssociationsP

Cox IC


Region IV

T Main P



anders PA


TreasurerJ Low

ry PA



R Little



























embership Standing




age (Chair) L V


Leach N C


J Lowry A



Davies S



ard NM


x Officio

OverSeas Section

C Leach



opping AC


Clarke A



ard NM


x Officio

Education (includes CPD

)J R

obinson R B


Davies V


C Leach P



Nixon T L S






hin Tsun Fung Brunei


g Yau Y

ee Hong K


Millard N

ew Zealand

C Law

ence United K

ingdomJ A

nderson US


in Mohd Y

usuf Malaysia

Dr A

Ong S


Weddikara S

ri Lanka H

Chandrasena S

ri LankaI S

amaratunga M

iddle East

R Little D


Young QS

J Sm

ith NS


Healy V


Dello Iacovo S



onnor WA


rahn QLD


















STax D


Kelly C


TaylorJ D

eansJ Low




ox Chair




T L Sanders







Standards Australia

T Main

M January



ScholarshipsJ P

opplewell C

hairJ D

eansT L S



Y & D













urrent Construction

Costs C



acancy VIC


ostin AC


eric WA

M Viscariello S


Gray Q






us National C


Aust. C

ost Managem

ent M

anuals Volumes 2&






J Stranger

Aust. C

ost Managem

ent M

anuals Volumes 4



K Jaunalksnis

Method of M




eavis Chair

M de Jager A


Vacancy N


T Sanders W


ain VIC

J Popplew

ell SA

J Deans S


Kinlay (Interpretations)

Practice Notes


opping Chair

J Sierra




S &














esearch Com


J Popplew

ell Chair

C Leach


istoryT M

ain Chair

T L Sanders



entenary Celebrations



uilding Economist

T Main

I Blyth E


Australian Journal of

Construction Econom

ics and B


Best C



T L Sanders



Davis E


Expert Witnesses

J Barker


lackJ D







illsJ B


T L Sanders

College of Contractor’s QS

G Thom

son T LangR

Nash E

x Officio

T L Sanders E

x Officio



















T L Sanders AC


anders AU



anders NSH Joint VentureT L S

anders Body C

orporateT L S

anders ABCB

2007 Com

mittees List

2007 Com

mittees List

Maurice FalcettaACT Chapter President

2007 Annual Report14

2007 has been a busy time for ACT Chapter members. All members report significant construction activity and workload and

regrettably this has impacted on some of the time members would otherwise devote to Institute matters or supporting Institute matters. That said, there have been some notable developments involving the Institute. A new course for quanity surveyors has been launched at the University of Canberra. That fills a gap which had been present for many years.

There was also a seminar which was jointly held with the Australian Institute of Arbitrators and Mediators on expert determinations. That seminar involved a mock expert determination and was filmed. In the near future, the Chapter wishes to publish that for the benefit of members generally and also for the wider community.

Work on the major works contract review being undertaken by the Chapter is continuing, albeit at a slow pace. This project has been funded by a grant to the Chapter from the AIQS National Research Grants Scheme.

I wish to thank my Chapter Councillors for their efforts and support.

Maurice Falcetta AAIQSACT Chapter President

ACT Chapter CouncilACT Chapter CouncilPresident: M Falcetta AAIQS

Vice President: P Spaven AAIQS

Secretary: A Feng AAIQS

Treasurer: G Costin FAIQS

National Councillors: C Leach FAIQS, M De Jager AAIQS

Chapter Councillors: P Clarke FAIQS, E Schick LFAIQS, M Chappe De Leonval



T Chapter R



hapter Report

Brian McCloyNSW Chapter President

2007 Annual Report15

2007 has been my second year as Chapter President and good progress has been achieved on a number of fronts which I will

describe later in this report. The Chapter Council is a young energetic group who have shown great enthusiasm for raising the profile of Quantity Surveying, something which is foremost in our minds. I thank them enormously for their support.

The industry has experienced another busy year in 2007, despite a continuing drop in the volumes of residential projects. Other sectors such as PPP’s and infrastructure projects have continued strongly to ensure that all businesses have continued to prosper. Given the change in economic outlook due to the sub-prime loans and debt markets in the United States and its effect on our markets, it is probably time to remind ourselves of the cyclical nature of our industry. There is some likelihood that the timing of some projects may be affected by a tightening of the financial markets.

The NSW Chapter membership as at 31 Dec 2007 was 938, an increase of 9.0%. This is a significant increase in numbers over the last year. The total is made up of 611 members (in the range of Probationers to Fellows) and 327 students. We have carried out a number of panel interviews throughout the year and are impressed by the quality of many of the applicants to our institute. I thank Louise Vlatko for undertaking the Chairperson’s role for this sub-committee, assisted by Ian Menzies and on occasions by Paul Janes who championed this committee for some years.

The Chapter President’s meeting was held at National office in Canberra on 7 September 2007. This meeting is a great opportunity to discuss common issues with other Presidents and I have always gone away from these meetings with a better perspective of how our profession, at institute level, is progressing. There are many initiatives that can be shared between states.

Thanks to our National Councillors in 2007 - David Kelly and Michael Manikas.

CPD events were very much on track in 2007 with six events organised by Peter Smith of the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS). I take this opportunity to thank Peter for his efforts in organising these events. Unfortunately, I have been advised that Peter is not in a position to organise the CPD events in 2008 on behalf of the Chapter, owing to the demands of his position at UTS. The Chapter is in the process of looking at alternative ways of delivering CPD in 2008.

The Chapter is committed to support education and careers. In 2007, Alec Horley assisted us in carrying out the accreditation of the Quantity Surveying course at the University of Western Sydney. Thank you Alec for your time and commitment to do this review on our behalf.

During the year the Chapter approved an initiative proposed by Rick Best of UTS to create a definitive book on measurement. Such a guide book is really lacking in our educational institutions. The book will be accompanied by a CD and electronic drawings, thus presented in contemporary form. The target audiences are the educational institutions throughout Australia and possibly overseas. The Chapter has advanced an amount of funds towards this initiative which should be repaid when book sales occur.

The major careers event in 2007 was the National Careers and Employment Expo held in Darling Harbour on 22/23 June. Simon Baum and his group of enthusiastic attendants manned the booth. It’s amazing what a few free movie passes can do in attracting Generation Y.

In November, a number of directors from the firms attended a lunch to discuss the issues of attraction and retention of staff. Stephanie Dinnell, Human Resource Manager at Rider Levett Bucknell, facilitated

NSW Chapter CouncilNSW Chapter CouncilPresident: B McCloy FAIQS

Vice President: L Vlatko FAIQS

Secretary: G Newman, FAIQS

Treasurer: P Osborne FAIQS

National Councillors: D Kelly FAIQS, M Manikas AAIQS

YQSJ Smith

Chapter Councillors: S Baum AAIQSR Best FAIQS, P Janes FAIQS S Mee AAIQSI Menzies AAIQS



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2007 Annual Report16

this discussion. Hopefully we now have a better understanding of promoting the Quantity Surveying profession to the younger people.

On the purely social side, the big event for 2007 was the black tie dinner at the Westin Hotel held on July 27. This dinner was seen as a preview of the Centenary Celebration dinner to be held in 2008. We had 130 attend from our Chapter and invited guests from our fellow industry institutes. The feedback was very positive and we hope the word spreads to ensure the success of the larger 2008 function. The Chapter sub-committee of Michael Manikas, Louise Vlatko, Jamie Smith and Jeff Hughes put together a great evening and have volunteered immediately to organise the 2008 Centenary function. We thank them for their enthusiasm and great planning skills. NSW Chapter is proud to re-establish the annual black tie dinner.

The Chapter also held two ““Barefoot Bowls”” evenings in North Sydney the first in March and again in November, both were well attended by 36 and 48 people respectively. This event has now proved itself in being well supported by the younger members and for the November 2007 event, RICS certainly assisted in the numbers of attendees. Our thanks goes to Jamie Smith for taking charge of this event.

The Chapter Council is currently very focused on the Centenary celebrations of the Quantity Surveying profession in Australia in 2008. The main event being the Gala Dinner on 30 May at the Westin Hotel Grand Ballroom. This event will feature the Irish comedian, and one time QS, Jimeoin. The Master of Ceremonies will be Mike Munro and we even have a celebrity chef, Darren Simpson of Channel 7’s Sunrise fame. Music will be provided by the Sydney Metro Big Band which performed well for us at the 2007 dinner.

A number of politicians have been asked and are expected to attend. This in itself is a sign of our increasing profile within our industry.

A good amount of sponsorship has been gained through industry and from early reports, a strong level of support is growing within our industry. The ACT Chapter has decided that they will join with us for this event and approx. 100 attendees are expect from there chapter. I would like to take this opportunity to encourage all firms and individuals to get behind this event and book a table of ten and also invite fellow industry professionals and clients.

Our Chapter continues to be financially sound and are continually looking for ways to use our funds effectively to promote interaction and professional development for our members. We feel that the activities which have been managed by the committee have been well thought out and present good value for the use of Chapter funds.

Thanks to my committee for your great effort in being leaders for the profession and I hope that some of you wish to serve again in this coming year. For those who have indicated that they wish to step down I wish you well. I personally want to make sure that people are free to take leave when they feel it is time and not feel bound to carry on indefinitely. I hope this is seen by others as a signal that once on Chapter it is not a life long commitment which may encourages others to serve, even if just for a few years.

That ladies and gentlemen, is a summary of activities in the NSW Chapter during 2007 and an insight for the year 2008. We are already developing ideas for future events and welcome new members to our committees to build on the good work done in 2007. I would like to again sincerely thank the committee who served the Chapter well in 2007 and wish them all the best for 2008.

Brian McCloy FAIQSNSW Chapter President



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Gavin BradyQLD Chapter President

2007 Annual Report17

In 2007, construction activity in Queensland again provided a busy workload for the profession. Several major infrastructure projects

are now underway and investment by private and public sector clients continues to see strong demand for the services of Quantity Surveyors including a sustained level of interest in Bills of Quantities and other forms of tender documentation.

In was also a successful year for the Queensland Chapter thanks to the efforts of all members of Chapter Council who continue to volunteer their time to meet with industry, to liaise with tertiary institutions, to promote the institute and organise the educational, social and all of the other activities of the chapter.

Membership: Membership of the Chapter increased by 5% during the 2007 calendar year. APC interviews were conducted for 19 members by a team led my Michael Davies and including Ben Foster, Gary McDonald and myself. Membership numbers for student and probationer members

all grew during the year which reverses a negative trend in previous years.

Education: Chapter continues to maintain a strong relationship with QUT including regular contact with Course Co-ordinator Jason Grey and lecturer Adrian Bridge. This year will be the third year of operation of the new Bachelor of Urban Development (Quantity Surveying) course. The course now offers students the ability to graduate with other “major” or “minor” qualifications.

Chapter continues to sponsor two student prizes, which are presented at the Faculty Annual Awards function. In 2007 the David McNeil Memorial Award was awarded to Matthew Erskine and the Young Quantity Surveyors Prize was awarded to James Krebs.

In 2008, 27 first year students have enrolled in the QS course, with an OP12 or better entrance grade. The current total enrolment is 128 students after the graduation of 18 students at the end of last year. Chapter has again supported careers stalls at the National Careers & Employment Expo and the Tertiary Studies Expo, with members rostered on at both events to answer questions and promote Quantity Surveying as a career. These stalls would not be nearly as effective as they are without the support of volunteers and QS academic staff from QUT.

This year the School of Urban Development intends to re-establish an advisory committee; including industry representatives. This sort of forum has been useful in the past for monitoring

the QS course and suggesting improvements.

At the beginning of this year Mr Johnny Wong AAIQS was appointed as a new QS lecturer bringing the full time academic staff numbers up to three. Johnny has expressed interest in becoming a member of Chapter Council and will join Jason Gray in representing QUT.

At Bond University, the accreditation process for the new Quantity Surveying degree course has now commenced. Meetings have been held with Professor George Earl, Professor Jim Smith and other key members of the new School of Sustainable Development. Students are now enrolled in the course and Bond have established an Academic Sub Committee of practicing Quantity Surveyors to provide input and feedback on the course. There are now approx. 180 undergraduate students enrolled in the school with 22 students enrolled in the Construction Management and Quantity Surveying course. The first group of students is expected to graduate at the end of this year.

National: In 2008 the AIQS will celebrate the Centenary of the formation of the first organization for quantity surveyors in Australia. Preparations are now well under way for the Centenary Dinner to be held on 13 June at Rydges Southbank. The dinner committee, led by Ben Foster are organising what promises to be a memorable occasion and members and firms are strongly encourage to support this function. Entertainment

QLD Chapter CouncilQLD Chapter CouncilPresident: G Brady AAIQS

Vice President: G McDonald FAIQS

Secretary: P Kamp, FAIQS

Treasurer: G Eaton AAIQS

National Councillors: M Davies FAIQS, G McDonald FAIQS


SecretariatS Jones

Chapter Councillors: S Beavis FAIQSB Foster AAIQS, J Gray AAIQS S Gray AAIQSB Jackson AAIQS


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2007 Annual Report18

on the evening will include a performance by “former Quantity Surveyor” and internationally recognised comedian Jimeoin. Substantial sponsorship has been secured by National Office to assist with the cost of Centenary Year activities and a limited number of opportunities still exist for Dinner sponsors.

A major national initiative currently under way is the Communications and Marketing Strategy. This strategy aims to raise the profile of the profession through higher standards, improved skills and wider recognition of the value of Quantity Surveyors. As part of this, details of a new membership structure have been circulated to all members, with an opportunity to provide input before the proposed changes are voted on at the next National Council meeting.

The Queensland Chapter was represented this year at National Council meetings by Gary McDonald and Michael Davies.

I also wish to acknowledge the support of the National President Mr John Popplewell FAIQS, AIQS General Manager Terry Sanders and all of the staff at National Office.

Social: The annual charity golf day was again organised by Stuart and Davina Gray at the St Lucia Golf Course. An amount of $3,250 (20% higher than the previous year) was raised for Kids Under Cover (KUC) to provide temporary shelter and accommodation to young people. KUC are about to launch their first pilot project in Qld and our donation will help to make this project possible.

The Annual Christmas function at the Tattersall’s Club, organised by Ben Foster and Peter Kamp was well supported with over 95 members and guests in attendance. The cheque for Kids Under Cover was presented at this event and lucky door prizes were made possible with the sponsorship support of Carel Kad.

Training: For the third year running a Further Education Program in Measurement was held. The program was organised by Peter Kamp, delivered by John Thompson and Paul Marsden with the assistance of David Mitchell. Measurement is of course a core skill for Quantity Surveyors and Chapter considers that it is important for the AIQS to be able to offer further education opportunities in measurement for its members to develop and improve their skills. We also acknowledge the support of QUT in providing the venue for this activity.

A “hands on” CPD event was organised through Karel CAD for members to find out first hand about the CostEx measurement program. Twenty-four members attended these sessions over three days.

Online professional development courses have been developed and run for a second year by AIQS National office. The demand for these courses has been strong and new subjects are expected to be offered in the year ahead.

Regulatory: In late 2007 changes to the Queensland Building Services Authority Act were passed through the parliament which increase licensing requirements for persons carrying out “building work” as defined under the Act. Chapter Council was extremely disappointed at the announcement of these changes without any prior consultation with the AIQS and several other affected professions.

However, we have since had an extremely productive series of discussions with the QBSA about the implications of the changes on our profession and a way to address our requirements. In particular we can report that these changes were not introduced to target the QS profession or out of any concerns about the professional conduct of the Quantity Surveying profession. On the contrary the QBSA appear to have a high regard for the profession and a good understanding of our area of professional practice.

Other activities during the year include:- Chapter continued support of Stuart Beavis in the review of the SMM.- AIQS represented on the Building Design Professions committee. - Presentations to QUT students on career opportunities as quantity surveyors.- Orientation week presentation at QUT- Construction Cost Forecasting Council Forum (June & November 2007)


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2007 Annual Report19

Moorthy KarunaNth QLD Division


Nth QLD DivisionNth QLD DivisionChairman: M Karuna AAIQS

Secretary / Treasurer: Kapila Bandara / Tsun Fong Liew

Rockhampton Rep: N Richardson AAIQS

Cairns Rep: Michael Spicer AAIQS

Traditionally the executive for the North Queensland Division moves between Townsville and Cairns every two years. Over the past seven

years, the executive for the North Queensland Division has remained in Townsville. The construction industry in the Townsville region has remained very buoyant over the last five years.

In April 2008, Queensland Chapter President Gavin Brady attended the AGM in Townsville. The meeting was informative and gave local members a much better understanding of some of the issues currently being discussed at both state and national level, for example the quality of documentation in the construction industry is very poor. North Queensland Division has raised this issue many times before. Queensland Chapter has a committee looking at improving the quality of documentation. AIQS at national level is focusing on raising the QS profile and marketing the QS profession. National Marketing strategy has been implemented and a marketing person appointed. Media release etc. will be carried out as appropriate. The AIQS Centenary celebration

next year will be used to raise the QS profile and marketing the QS profession. It was good to have a “face to face” meeting with the Queensland Chapter President, as far too often we feel isolated. A greater interaction between North Queensland Division and Queensland Chapter should be encouraged.

We did not organise any CPD events in 2007. For the third time we had a Christmas Dinner in November.

I attended the 11TH PACIFIC ASSOCIATION OF QUANTITY SURVEYORS (PAQS) CONGRESS 2007 – AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND. This was the third and best congress that I have attended to date. Most topics that I attended were of a high calibre. ESD/Green Building is a major initiative

which most countries including Australia are hoping to achieve, because 40% of the world energy is utilised by buildings. Davis Langdon had a brochure on the Cost & Benefit of Achieving Green Buildings.

In closing I would like to thank all members of the North Queensland Division for their support and attendance at general meetings. Special thanks also to our Secretary/Treasurer Kapila Bandara and Tsun Fong Liew, who helped to organise most of our events.

Moorthy Karuna AAIQSChairman Nth QLD Division

- Construction Forecasting Breakfast Panel - ACIF 2007 Industry Leaders Conference, Gold Coast. - CRC for Construction Innovation Conference- Presidents visit to North Queensland Division- President’s attendance at the annual Presidents Conference at National office.- Representation at QMBA, API, AIB, RAIA, Engineers Australia and RICS functions.- Natspec Stakeholders meeting

The end of this term of office will see our long serving Chapter Secretary Peter Kamp step down from this role. Peter has provided outstanding service to the Chapter both in the execution of his duties as Secretary and in taking on a wide range of other tasks over the years. I’m sure that all the members join me in thanking Peter for his excellent contribution as Chapter Secretary.

In conclusion, I acknowledge everyone who has contributed to the activities of the Queensland Chapter over the past year. As always the success of Chapter Council will ultimately depend on the time, energy and enthusiastic support of our members.

Gavin Brady AAIQSQLD Chapter President


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Tim Lang SA Chapter President

2007 Annual Report20

2007 was another very busy year for our members and there is no doubt this high level of activity in the construction industry will be

sustained during 2008. Consequently our QS practices are experiencing heavy workloads with many facing the regular concern of staff shortages and recruitment issues.

Despite the heavy work commitments the SA Chapter councillors have continued to volunteer their time to attend Chapter Council meetings, promote the AIQS and arrange and participate in APC interviews, CPD activities and social events. The CPD and social events were also well supported by our members.

Our Chapter councillors come from a wide cross-section of the industry with Government, Professional Practice, Developers, Consultants, Contractors and Trade Contractors all represented.

It is also pleasing to see that a SA member will be the AIQS National President during our centenary year and we congratulate John Popplewell on this appointment.

CPD activities during the year included:• Site Visit to the award winning Advertiser/Sunday Mail Building• Hands on demonstration of the new Advanced Air Defence Simulator at Woodside• Tour over Bianco Walling precast yard

We are also updated on the CPD activities arranged by the AIB and it was pleasing to see a number of our AIQS members attending these events. We need to continue consolidating our relationship with our fellow professional bodies. Thanks also to Peter Tulla who continues to be our AQIS representative on the BEDP (Built Environment Design Professions).

The Chapter has continued its relationship with the University of South Australia and is keen to work closer with the students and staff to ensure the course provides the source for our young QS graduates and the future of our profession. The SA Chapter also took a stand at the careers expo and I would like to thank the members who kindly volunteered their time to support this important promotion.

Our social events have again continued in the same format as previous years with an increasing number attending our quarterly lunches and also increased numbers at the annual dinner. We were grateful for the Conduit Group sponsorship which enabled the Chapter to offer an excellent venue and extremely reasonable prices. The year wouldn’t be the same if we didn’t hold our Christmas drinks aboard Popeye.

2007 saw a change in our YQS representative and thanks to Daniel Dello Iacovo for the enthusiastic way he has taken on this role.

Your committee has been extremely busy planning for the AIQS Centenary year and in particular the Centenary Dinner to be held on Friday May 23rd 2008. This promises to be a fantastic gala event and I would encourage you all to attend.

The AGM in March 2008 will conclude my term as the SA Chapter President and I would sincerely like to thank my fellow councillors over this 4 year period for their active support and willingness to serve the Chapter and help raise the profile of our profession in SA. Also thanks to National Office for their backup and support.

Tim Lang, AAIQS SA Chapter President

SA Chapter CouncilSA Chapter CouncilPresident: T Lang AAIQS

Vice President: G Taylor AAIQS

Secretary: D Marsh AAIQS

Treasurer: J Popplewell FAIQS

National Councillors: J Deans FAIQS, J Popplewell FAIQS

YQSD Dello Iacovo AAIQS

Chapter Councillors: G Fessas AIQS (Affil)G Hooper AAIQSA Knowles AAIQSC Mihatsch AAIQSS Msomi AAIQSM Viscariello AAIQS


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Charles WrightNT Division Chairman

2007 Annual Report21

The past year has disappeared in a flash, but rather fortunately, members of our Division were able to get together twice during the


Our AGM held in March 2007 was attended by six members and two guests and provided a good review of our individual involvement with the Institute’s activities during the past year. At the conclusion of the AGM, the attendees remained for some socialising, amber fluid and discussion on the state of the construction industry in the Northern Territory, and all agreed that conditions were strong and expected to stay that way for at least another years.

We had a social get together at the Sailing Club in September 2007 which was attended by several Members who savoured the last of the ‘dry’ season and the opportunity to discuss the state of the industry. It was unfortunate that several Members who indicated they would attend were late apologies as they ‘had to work back late’ that night and didn’t

get there. This is a reoccurring theme at the moment and hard to overcome and is leading to a ‘burn out’ factor with some of our Members.

As Chairman of the AIQS, I attended several ACBEDP meetings together with several meetings of the ACBEDP group with the NT Government’s Department of Planning and Infrastructure (DPI). The ACBEDP in the NT, is a great forum for the AIQS to raise matters of concern from AIQS Members and have them discussed, which I think, is leading to a greater appreciation by all ACBEDP Members of the role we play and the situation we are in being at the tail end of the design process.

Through the ACBEDP involvement, the meetings with DPI are worthwhile and it is a good forum for presenting AIQS Member’s points of view with regard cost planning, bills of quantities and other QS related issues.

With the introduction of the Construction Contracts (Security of Payments) Act 2004, there have now been a number of adjudications carried out by the NT based Adjudicators, with the arrangements being seen to be readily accepted by some industry participants.

The skills shortage is affecting all businesses in the NT and it is proving very difficult, if not impossible, to attract and retain people in the NT. This is causing a lot of stress in the business community, not only in the construction industry but also in all sectors, and lead late last year to two firms of consultants (one architectural and one engineering) in taking a decision to exit Darwin. This is difficult to reconcile in the current buoyant market conditions, but the realty is if you can’t get people, you are unable to continue functioning economically.

However, it is pleasing to see several new young people come into the profession and we look forward to their future involvement in the Institute’s affairs and activities.

We look forward to the year with some trepidation with the knowledge that it will be another year of all work and no play.

My thanks again to the General Manager of the AIQS National office and his staff for the wonderful support they continue to provide us in Darwin. Thanks also to our Secretary/Treasurer, Paul Lassemillante, for his support.

Charles Wright AAIQSChairman NT Division

Nth Territory DivisionNth Territory DivisionChairman: C Wright AAIQS

Secretary / Treasurer: P Lassemillante AAIQS


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T Division

David Picken VIC Chapter President

2007 Annual Report22

VIC Chapter CouncilVIC Chapter CouncilPresident: D Picken AAIQS

Secretary: T Roberts AAIQS

Treasurer: D Picken AAIQS

National Councillors: P Cox FAIQS, T Main FAIQS

YQSR Healy

SecretariatP LaGerche-Wijsman

Chapter Councillors: N Cambridge AAIQSK Jaunalksnis AAIQSD Jones AAIQSS McCoullough AAIQSA Mills FAIQS

This report, whilst delivered in 2008 and noted as such, deals with the 2007 calendar year. The year got off to a shaky start with a

measure of uncertainty over where we would be holding our Chapter meetings and what would be the nature of our administrative support. Once we resolved those matters we settled into a year which has been successful on some fronts. In the month to month running of the Council I wish to thank Tim Roberts who, whilst not carrying an official title in this regard, has from time to time taken on the role of Vice President and has provided valuable support.

Neville Cambridge takes on the responsibility of looking after education and training matters. All of our activities collectively are important but one might suggest that education and training is among the most important as, by definition, it concerns the future health and well being of our profession. The cycle of Neville’s work, and those colleagues that contribute with him, begins with liaising with the universities and colleges that offer AIQS accredited programmes. This involves sitting on the advisory boards of the various faculties and schools and also being involved in the initial process of accreditation. When graduates of accredited programmes are seeking to become full members their membership applications and the monitoring of their professional experience comes under Neville’s purview. Managing and organising the final interviews of the Assessment of Professional Experience process completes the circle.

Thanks to Neville and all the people who respond to his call when APC interviews are conducted. A particular thank you to Stephen Pitney who undertakes the job of inspecting and scrutinising the APC diaries.

Anthony Mills has represented the Chapter on the Built Environment Design Professions group which provided the opportunity to lobby government on matters of concern to the profession. My use of the past tense here alludes to the fact that the future of the group’s access to government is currently uncertain. It is to be hoped that this is resolved in a positive fashion. Anthony is also responsible for co-ordinating the survey and analysis work for the Institute’s BRIX survey. This is a national level activity which grew out of work initiated in Victoria. It is sponsored by Westpac Bank and provides valuable insights into the current and future state of quantity surveying business.

The AIQS, through the Chapter, is invited to nominate a member of the Building Commission’s Practitioners Board. The Chapter was required to nominate a new member during the last year and the role has been taken up by Murray Baker. Many thanks to Murray for accepting this nomination. In my capacity as retiring President I would like to record that Murray has identified the matter of statutory registration as an issue which needs to be addressed by the incoming Chapter Council for 2008.

In the past I have referred to our Young Quantity Surveyors group (YQS) as the social engine of the Chapter and I see no reason to change that moniker. There are various sporting and social events organised by the group with their major effort being the annual dinner. They do sterling work in promoting the profession through university visits and staffing exhibition stands.

Under the heading of YQS and social, a special mention of the annual dinner is appropriate. Yet again we came up with a stunning venue in The Eureka Tower restaurant. Everyone I spoke to at the event was glowing in their praise for the organisers and I was very proud to receive those plaudits on behalf of the YQS group. I should record here the work of Stephen McCoullough who is the Chapter Council member liaising with the YQS group, and he is unstinting in his support and encouragement


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of the group in their work.

The organisers of our CPD programme continue their work under the expert guidance of Chapter Councillor Kal Jaunalksnis. Many thanks to Kal, Dale Ipsen and the CPD committee.

There is provision for a report in our proceedings from the Tasmania Division which is part of our Chapter. Just to note here that we endeavour to maintain links with Tasmania by the Division having a representative at our monthly Chapter meetings.

Peter Cox and Trevor Main are the National Councillors on our State Chapter Council. They represent us at the federal level and keep us up to date with developments on a nationally. Thank you Peter and Trevor for your valuable contribution.

A focal point for our institute in 2008 is the Centenary celebrations and our main event will be a celebration dinner in May. Tim Roberts, Stephen McCoullough and Daniel Jones together with our YQS group have been working hard on this and it should be an event not to be missed this year. Please mark it in your diary and promote the dinner and its significance to other colleagues and related professions.

Many thanks to Phoebe LaGerche-Wijsman for her work in keeping us in line administratively as well as organising our Chapter Council meetings, continuing professional development seminars and social events. With respect to finances, although there has been a slight hiccough in seeking the levy from our quantity surveying practices in Victoria I wish to record my thanks to the Victorian QS firms who generously respond to the levy requests. This is a critical element of our finances and helps us immensely.

Lastly, in terms of thanks – a formal thank you to all of my colleagues on Chapter Council for your support and contributions during the last and, indeed the previous year – Neville Cambridge, Peter Cox, Kal Jaunalksnis, Daniel Jones, Stephen McCoullough, Trevor Main, Anthony Mills, Tim Roberts.

David Picken, AAIQSVIC Chapter President


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2007 Annual Report24

TAS DivisionTAS DivisionChairman: H Hunter AAIQS

Secretary / Treasurer: L Deacey FAIQS

Generally a lack luster year with low attendances at our divisional meetings.

The main highlight of the year was a series of meetings with the Tasmanian Building and Construction Industry Training Board (TBCITB) to discuss a Tasmanian Government initiative to provide funding to subsidise courses and seminars to be utilised by the various Construction Industry Professional groups in attaining the necessary number of hours of Continuing Professional Development required by each body.

A detailed submission was submitted to the government on behalf of the members of the Tasmanian Division of the AIQS, and it is envisaged that the Government will announce the amount of funds to be made available to each body within the next 12 months.

Harry Hunter AAIQSTAS Division Chairman


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Mark HampsonWA Chapter President

2007 Annual Report25

WA Chapter CouncilWA Chapter CouncilPresident: M Hampson AAIQS

Vice President: S Warne AAIQS

Secretary: S Warne AAIQS

Treasurer: A Reid AAIQS

National Councillors: G Postmus FAIQS, T Sanders FAIQS

YQSM O’Connor

Chapter Councillors: M Buss AAIQSL Castell AAIQSK Daniels FAIQSS Luce FAIQSI Mitchinson AAIQSJ Stranger FAIQSR Wheelwright AAIQS

2007 continued on from where 2006 left off and proved to be a very busy year in Western Australia. Work levels across all sectors of

the construction market remained high in both Perth and the regions. The booming resource industry remains the driver for growth in Western Australia and not surprisingly the northwest remains particularly busy. The start of 2008 is starting to show some softening of some sections of the market, particularly residential, but with solid population growth and so many significant projects commencing the busy times are likely to be with us for a while.

Despite significant growth in our numbers, demand for QS’s continues to outstrip supply. The WA Chapter now has 362 members and we receive new applications for membership continuously.

It is heartening to see the role of the QS’s is getting wider recognition beyond our normal boundaries. Not a Saturday goes by without advertisements in the weekend paper asking for QS’s not only in traditional construction but also in mining and petrochemical roles.

The year was also a busy one for the WA Chapter Council. We manned stalls at two major career expo events targeting high school students and trying to convince them of the great opportunities a career in quantity surveying offers. These were the Dept. of Education Careers Expo at Burswood and a private sector expo at the Perth Convention Centre.

The Chapter held two CPD events in 2007 namely, a site visit to the CBD Courts and a presentation on the Perth Convention Centre. Thanks to Steven Luce, Trevor Sanders and Stephen Warne for organising these events. We continue to represent QS’s at the BEDP and with government. 2007 was also the year that Curtin University gained joint AIQS/AIB joint re accreditation for the Bachelor of Applied Science Construction Management and Economics Course.

After a slow start in earlier years the AIQS, as a Prescribed Appointer under Construction Contracts Act 2004, received a number of requests to appoint Adjudicators to disputes under the Act.

Membership remains a busy portfolio with a significant growth in membership. The Committee has been very busy reviewing APC diary’s and conducting APC Interviews.

YQS, under Mark O’Connor, has had a revival in 2007 with two events being held and more being planned for 2008.

2007 was the year we were due to hold our major social event, (held every 2 years). However, with 2008 being the centennial year for the AIQS the decision was made to postpone until May 2008. Jimoin heads an impressive line up for what should be a great night and thanks must be made to the Centennial Dinner Subcommittee of Kevin Daniels, Iain Mitchinson, Robin Wheelwright and Lindsay Castell for the work they are doing.

Finally I would like to thank all the 2007 committee for their support and hard work. It is not always easy for the committee to give up their time when things are so busy. In particular I would like to thank Stephen Warne who has held both the roles of Vice President and Secretary.

Mark Hampson FAIQSWA Chapter President


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1. Developed strategies for raising the standards and accountability of the Quantity Surveying profession following the market research project

2. Prepared draft proposals and a survey of members on implementing the strategies for raising the standards and accountability of the Quantity Surveying profession.

3. Conducted the Further Education Program in Measurement & IT in Sydney and Brisbane.

4. Developed and conducted Long On Line Learning Programs (LOLLP) on Project Management, Building Cost Planning and Life Cycle Costing.

5. Developed and conducted the first Short On Line Learning Program on Property Depreciation for QS.

6. Successfully raised the QS profile with a 2 page spread in the Australian newspaper and commenced preparations for the Centenary year in 2008.

7. Further raised the profile with an article on QS as a career in the Sydney Morning Herald and a full page colour advertisement in Property Australia.

8. Successfully conducted the AIQS/WESTPAC BRIX Survey and published its second Annual Report, plus a number of media releases.

9. Opened the AIQS Benevolent Fund for the support of members in distress and continued the QS Scholarship scheme with scholarships to students in five States.

10. Continued “Raising the Profile” of Quantity Surveying with displays at careers shows in major and regional cities, plus media releases throughout the year.

11. Conducted Expert Witness workshops in Sydney and Melbourne.

12. Continued production of the History of Quantity Surveying in Australia.

13. Conducted successful industry lunches/breakfasts in Sydney and Melbourne

14. Succeeded in having two senior QS appointed to the Built Environment Strategic Leaders Group of the federal government’s action agenda.

15. Sponsored Young Quantity Surveying representatives to the young professionals’ conference and supported the Japan/Australia Young Professionals exchange program.

16. Participated in and sponsored the second ACIF Construction Industry Leaders conference.

17. Sponsored a number of local community events and raised funds at Chapter level for charities.

18. Succeeded in having QS added to the Most Occupations in Demand List.

19. Held a joint national Council meeting with the NZIQS.

20. Signed a reciprocity agreement with Sri Lanka and an MOU with India.

List of Achievem

ents in 2007 List of A

chievements in 2007

2007 Annual Report27

NSWRobert E Dunlop FAIQSKeith E Henshall AAIQS

Gail K Hickey AAIQSVanessa P Y Lee AAIQS

Haney Mikhael AAIQSJames W Sinclair AAIQS

Alessandro W Spinetti FAIQSPeter H Young AAIQS


Ross M Jarden AAIQSKenneth A Jones AAIQS

Peter L Kamp AAIQSNeil W McEvoy AAIQS

Kevin N Needham AAIQSGeoffrey A Rose AAIQSChristofer J Smit AAIQSKenneth Spain AAIQS

Paul J Sparshott AAIQSReuben D Tilby FAIQS

SARoger H Bourne AAIQSAllen L Stanley AAIQS

VICRobert Buggy FAIQS

Derek F Gnauck AAIQSJohn E Harvey FAIQSAnthony J Mills FAIQSJames S Rubira AAIQS

Michael D Trowell AAIQSCharles Wong Jin Shen AAIQS

WARandall V Field AAIQSNigel J Hollis FAIQS

Robert W Pegrum AAIQSTrevor T Phillips LFAIQSRobert A Steven AAIQS

Mark N Taylor FAIQS

Name State University SponsorBodie Gibbons QLD Queensland University of

TechnologyTurner Townsend Pty Ltd (QLD)

Rhys McNamara WA Curtin University of Technology

Rider Hunt WA Pty Ltd

Mohammed Rajah QLD Queensland University of Technology

Arshad Randeree QLD Queensland University of Technology

Rider Hunt Queensland Pty Ltd

Stuart Stanhope SA University of South Australia

Rider Hunt Adelaide Pty Ltd

Jack Thompson WA Curtin University of Technology

Davis Langdon Australia

NSWJeff Hughes

Greg NewmanPaul Janes

QLDPeter Kamp

NSW Eric Leung - UTS Prize Elyssa Kingston-Brown

- UTS Environmental Contribution Prize

QLDMatthew Erskine - David McNeill AwardJames Krebs - YQS Award

SASiow Hong - Student of the Year

VICJacqueline Lyon - Donald J Cant PrizeAhmed Al - Lawati - Harry Wexler PrizeEdward Gengoult - Smith - LA Casey PrizeKate Dawson & Benjamin Hawker (shared) - Tony Carpenter Prize

WA L Chiang Chao Tak - Pate prize

VIC Hugh McGaw

Certificate S

cholarship and Aw

ard Recipients

Certificate S

cholarship and Aw

ard Recipients

2007 Annual Report28

The AIQS resumed leadership of the PAQS in June 2007, when Trevor Main FAIQS was elected Chairman for the next two years and Terry

L Sanders was elected Secretary for the second time. He also remains as the PAQS Teasurer, a post he has held since the establishment of PAQS in 1997.

John Lowry FAIQS was again elected Chair of the PAQS Research Committee and Robert Little FAIQS a member of the PAQS Education and Accreditation Committee.

Trevor Main also chairs the PAQS International Committee which has been promoting QS to international banking and financing bodies.

At the PAQS Board meeting in Auckland during June 2007, a number of initiatives were approved to stimulate regional QS development. These included:

a) Establishing a PAQS online research portalb) Support for international research by a HKIS memberc) Compilation of the proceedings of all PAQS congressesd) Establishment of a young QS prize and a PAQS Congress best paper

prize for future years.

Interim PAQS accreditation of universities was continued with the University of Technology Sydney being approved in early 2007.

The annual PAQS congress held in Auckland in June 2007 was a great success, delivering both an informative and interesting technical program and varied social program. This congress has established a great record over its eleven year history and is considered one of the professions major events each year, with attendance from around the world.

The AIQS delegates to PAQS were John Popplewell FAIQS and Peter Cox FAIQS.

PAQS Office holders are:

Trevor Main FAIQS - PAQS Chairman, Terry L Sanders - PAQS Secretary/ Treasurer, John Lowry FAIQS - PAQS Research Committee chair and Rob Little FAIQS - PAQS Education Committee member.







2007 Annual Report29

The ICEC is the world wide body representing the cost engineering, quantity surveying and project management

professions. Its members are national associations/institutes representing the professions in their countries. It therefore operates on a united nations model and has been very successful in uniting many disparate groups to form global approaches to common industry and professional issues. Its World Congresses and Council meetings provide excellent opportunities for the exchange of latest research, updates on policy and professional issues and country profiles.

The ICEC continues to grow in membership numbers and activities. In 2007, new organisations joined the ICEC, making the total 49 member bodies.

The International Round Up electronic journal provides useful information and cost data from around the world and this twice yearly publication is forwarded to all AIQS members electronically via the AIQS weekly email bulletins.

Another initiative of the ICEC has seen the United Nations recognition of the role of cost engineers/ quantity surveyors in development projects around the world. This will assist members involved in international relief and reconstruction programs to access international and UN funding.

Also in 2007, the establishment of the Humphrey’s Award will provide an incentive for young researches to prepare papers on relevant topics and offer them the opportunity to present their paper, if selected, at future ICEC Congresses.

The AIQS delegates to the ICEC are:

Peter Cox FAIQS – ICEC First Vice ChairJohn Popplewell FAIQS – AIQS President

Dr Peter Smith FAIQS is also the ICEC Secretary General and the AIQS continues to host the ICEC Secretariat in National Surveyors House. Robyn Nash is the ICEC Administrative Manager.



eport IC



2007 Annual Report30

ACIF represents over 900,000 people in the industry and is therefore the major peak body advising the Government, bureaucracy and

community on the property and construction industry.

The successful conduct of the 2nd Annual Construction Industry Leaders conference in July 2007 at the Gold Coast which AIQS sponsored , was a major achievement for ACIF. It also assisted ACIF to progress development of the draft KPI’s for the industry and enabled additional pressure to be placed on the then Government and opposition over the skills shortages in the industry.

AIQS membership of ACIF provides us with an ideal opportunity to raise the QS profile amongst the various industry professional and contractor organisations that make up its membership. Active participation of our representatives on various ACIF committees contributes greatly to this goal and we also achieve this by sponsoring ACIF’S major on going project – the Construction Forecasting Council, on which Anthony Mills FAIQS represents the AIQS.

Other ACIF activities include:

sustainable development, improved procurement and contracting, innovation and research, education and safety in the industry.

The AIQS representatives on ACIF are Peter Cox FAIQS and Terry L Sanders.


The NBSA bulk buying co-operative has continued to grow with another new member joining the Alliance in 2007.

The Illuminating Engineering Society of Australia and New Zealand brings the total number of members to over 32,000.

The annual fee free and no joining fee AMEX credit card remains a popular offer to AIQS/NBSA members as do the hire car and accommodation deals.

The ING Life Insurance and AMP Bank home loans are also offering members cost effective products, and the Winebox Warehouse discounted wines are also popular.

Car leasing and purchase deals have also benefited a number of members.

Members who do not wish to be included in any of the direct mailing campaigns conducted by the NBSA for the AMEX, ING, AMP or any other NBSA service provider can opt out by contacting the AIQS National Office and so advising us.

For Details go to www.nbsaonline.com

Terry L Sanders – NBSA Chair and Secretary/Treasurer and official AIQS delegate


IF & N



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2007 Annual Report31


The NATSPEC board currently comprises:Tom Fussell – Chair; Richard Choy – Company Secretary; Colin Blair; Ross Clark; Peter

Clarke; David Nichols; Jeff Norton; Barry O’Mara.

BOARD MEETINGSThe board meets four times a year with a set agenda and meeting focus for each meeting:

February Meeting – Financial Report.May Meeting - AGMAugust Meeting – Strategic PlanningNovember Meeting – Budget and budget approval

FINANCIAL STATUSNATSPEC is in a strong financial position through initiatives with product alliances and interstate promotion.

INTERSTATE PROMOTIONThe decision to concentrate on growth in states other than New South Wales has seen a 42% increase in subscribers in Victoria and a 70% increase in Western Australia. All other states have seen a strong subscriber growth.

PRODUCT ALLIANCESOver the past eighteen months NATSPEC has produced for manufacturers specific branded worksections which have been written around particular products. Product partners pay NATSPEC for these specification sections and they are added to the available database of worksections. For example if an architect wished to write a paint specification using only Dulux products the architect would use the Dulux product partners specification and not the generic specification.

The product partners programme is proving to be popular – the April 2008 edition of NATSPEC will have 40 Branded Worksections. The income from branded worksections has helped keep subscriptions at 2004 prices.

TERTIARY EDUCATIONAs an education initiative by NATSPEC and in recognition that specification writing is a low priority at most tertiary institutions NATSPEC has developed a tertiary education package for specification lecturers and is supplied free to tertiary institutions. To complement this NATSPEC has also developed a specification package for Tertiary institution libraries.

AUS-SPECNATSPEC has a been engaged by the Institute of Public Works Engineering Australia to update and develop the AUS-SPEC specifications. This is a minor civil works and maintenance specification used by many local councils and State Governments. The technical team at NATSPEC are currently bringing the AUS-SPEC worksections into alignment with NATSPEC.

SPECbuilder PRONATSPEC has developed and introduced specification compilation software SPECbuilder Pro, to assist those people in getting started in compiling specifications. SPECbuilder Pro includes guidance text and the NATSPEC toolbar allowing “one-click” functions.

NATSPEC AND THE NEW SMMNATSPEC are talking to AIQS representatives to ensure that there is alliances between NATSPEC and the classification system in the SMM.

Peter ClarkeAIQS NATSPEC Representative









2007 Annual Report32

During 2007 the BEDP Executive Officer Ian Blyth retired and was

replaced by Johanna Gastevich who moved from Western Australia to take up the position in Melbourne. Johanna has introduce a number of new administrative and financial management systems which have greatly improved the reporting and management processes for the BEDP directors.

Late in the year, the BEDP initiated Action Agenda for the Built Environment Design Professions was one of the victims of the new Federal Government cost cutting exercises.

However, an agreement was reached with the Government for funding completion of the report by the Strategic Industry Leaders Group (SILG) of senior professionals representing all the BEDP member bodies and a range of other industry and government representatives.. This report will be used as the basis of further development applications and projects which will be aimed at achieving outcomes for the goals identified in the report.

The Industry Co-operative Innovation Program (ICIP) commenced in 2007 will also be completed in 2008. This will provide essential benchmarking data for use in the new projects to be pursued by BEDP in 2008 and 09.

A new strategic plan for BEDP is to be developed in early 2008 and it is expected that there will be a re-focussing of attention on the primary role of BEDP as an advocacy body for the design professions.

AIQS delegates and office holders in the ACBEDP during 2007 were:

John Popplewell – ACBEDP Director and official AIQS delegate Terry L Sanders – ACBEDP Director and official AIQS delegate

The AIQS continued its membership of Professions Australia (PA) during 2007 and benefited from a number

of their initiatives and services.

The AIQS requested and received the PA’s support to have QS added to the MODL in early 2007. Their support and our own lobbying of the then Federal Government succeeded in having the MODL include QS in June 2007.

A PA seminar on “Professional Ethics and Codes of Conduct” also proved a valuable source of information for the development of our own code and procedures. The recommendations for the possible new AIQS Code and procedures which were included in the AIQS members survey in Dec 07 - Feb 08, included many of the points raised at the PA seminar.

The AIQS also participated in the PA and Australia Japan Foundation hosted exchange program between young professionals in Japan and Australia. This commenced in 2006 when Michael Manikas AAIQS, went in the delegation to Japan and continued in 2007 with his hosting of the Japanese YQS during their reciprocal delegation visit to Australia. This has proven to be a most useful exchange program and AIQS will continue to support PA in hosting similar programs in 2008 and 2009.

A regular media update service from the ACP has also proven useful in keeping AIQS up to date on Government grants, parliamentary enquiries and submissions.

The AIQS representative for the PA (ACP) is Mr Terry L Sanders.



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2007 Annual Report31

Register of M

embers as at D

ecember 2007

Register of M

embers as at D

ecember 2007

Honorary Fellows FAIQS (Hon)Bromilow: FrancisVerwer: Peter

Life Fellows LFAIQSBeattie: HunterBeattie: JamesChantrell: JamesCopping: PatrickDunworth: JamesForster: PeterFreeman: GeorgeGeorge: WalterHodgetts: MichaelIsahak Bin Mohd Yusuf: Jensen: DouglasLangley: MichaelLenard: DennisMitchell: HerbertMitchell: JohnMooney: JamesO’Dean: DerekPhillips: TrevorQuinlan: MatthewRawlinson: JohnRoberts: RobertSchick: EricScotford: AndrewSilversmith: JohnSummers: David

Fellows FAIQSAlsop: RodneyAnderson: JulianAngel: PhilipBaglin: KeithBallesty: StephenBampton: PeterBatger: StevenBayley: DonaldBazak: FrankBeattie: MarkBeavis: StuartBerger: RaymondBest: RickBonser: GrahamBoots: ColinBowden: RossBrandtman: GregoryBrookes: GregoryBrown: H DouglasBrownjohn: KennethBuckham: JohnBuggy: RobertBurow: MarkBurton: HowardCarmichael: IainCarrick: HarryChandrasena: HettarachigeChong Ah Ping: PaulClack: PeterClarke: PeterCooney: TerenceCordia: PeterCostanzo: FlavioCostin: GraydonCottrell: NevilleCox: Peter

Crone: RichardCrutchley: GaryDaniels: KevinDavies: EdwardDavies: MichaelDawson: PeterDeacey: LeeDeans: JohnDiamond: CharlesDiamond: JohnDouglas: WilliamDowie: StewartDoyle: DavidDrapes: TerenceDuncan: AlanDunlop: RobertEaton: KeithEllis: HarryFaifer: NormanFord: JamesFulcher: DennisGordon: ChristopherGray: StuartGreen: KennethGreenwood: BruceHampson: MarkHanna: RichardHarvey: JohnHawkins: PeterHemmett: FrederickHill: GeoffreyHo: SamuelHollis: NigelHughes: JeffreyHumphreys: JohnHyde: RichardIrwin: KeithJackson: JohnJanes: PaulJanuary: MalcolmJohannes: DerickJones: DavidKamp: PeterKelly: DavidKerr: BrianKerr: RichardKirkland: PhilipLangston: CraigLeach: ChristopherLeary: DavidLeong Kum Weng: Leung Siu Kin: DanielLevett: DenisLiddell: EricLittle: RobertLochran: MarkLonsdale: PaulLowry: JohnLuce: StevenLYE Kok Kuan: Maginness: RonaldMain: TrevorMajeed: FarokMakin: AnthonyMartin: AllanMason: RichardMcCallum: RobertMcCarthy: NiallMcCauley: GeoffreyMcCloy: Brian

McColl: PhilipMcCracken: BruceMcDonald: GaryMcEvoy: PaulMcGowan: KennethMcLean: ThomasMeredith: JohnMilliken: JohnMills: AnthonyMitchell: DavidMontgomery: EdwardNewman: GregoryNewton: GraemeNg Yau-Yee: PeterNolan: AndrewNuttall: MarshallO’Neill: GregoryO’Shea: MichaelOliver: JohnOng Boo Chye: Orlovic: MariaOsborne: PeterPackham: NeilPage: AlanParlane: GeoffreyPatching: AlanPeacock: WilliamPeet: JamesPerks: EdwardPopplewell: JohnPostmus: GerardusRayner: StuartRichardson: ColinRichardson: RobertRobinson: JonRosenbauer: RobertRuffle: JohnSamaratunga: IndrawansaSanders: TrevorSanig: MichaelSercombe: StephenShaw: VincentSlattery: PeterSmith: DerekSmith: PeterSmyth: RobertSoh Lian Wa: DorisSoh Tong Poh: StephenSomerset: DavidSpencer: PeterSpinetti: AlessandroSpork: DougalSri Kandan: KStark: IanSteele: John AStewart: DavidStranger: JohnStreifler: ReginaldStringer: JohnTaggart: CharlesTam Siu Sun: SamsonTan Ghee Soon: Tang: ClarenceTang: William C MTaylor: MarkTeoh Juan Cheun: Thomas: LaurieTilby: ReubenTipping: GeorgeToohey: Peter

Towell: CliveTrowse: BarryUpton: GrahamVapp: RodneyVentris: CliffordVlatko: LouiseVolbrecht: FrederickWallace: DavidWatt Yiew Kuen: PeterWelford: StephenWildermuth: RobertWilkes: WilliamWilliamson: ChristopherWolff: GeraldWoodhouse: ColinYau Kong Foo:

Associates AAIQSAbbato: NeonAbbenhuys: ErikAbdul Hamid: SurianaAbdullah: MuhammadAbeyratna: R.M. Iromi NAbeysinghe: AnuradhaAboothahir: U K MAdams: PeterAdikaram: AthulaAditya: EmyrAHAMED Nafees: A L Ahenkorah: KwadwoAldridge: MarkAldridge: MarkAllard: CarolineAllen: KeithAmarasekera: E A L S BAmphlett: BradleyAnderson: BenjaminAndrew: MichaelANEES Ahamed: M SAng Swee Lee: Anseline: PhilipAntcliff: DanielAnton: StefanArachchige: SusanthaArcher: MariusArcher: RichardArdren: CaoimhinAriyaratnam: RuthArkcoll: KayleneArtis: NoelAsbridge: MichaelAshton: MarkAshworth: JeffreyAu Suet Ling: CherryAu Wai Lok: JoeAuditore: Christopher AAzzopardi: RobertBaccarini: DavidBailey: WilliamBaker: MurrayBakrania: AnilBalaeswaran: RajarathnamBalagangatharan: TBall: David SBanger: MichaelBarcan: SuzanneBarden: PaulBarker: DavidBarker: JohnBarlow: Paul

2007 Annual Report32

Register of M

embers as at D

ecember 2007

Register of M

embers as at D

ecember 2007

Basnayake: NishanthaBateup: GordonBauer: JannaBaum: SimonBeard: CameronBeck: Bruce WBeck: JamesBedrossian: VaroujanBeencke: AnthonyBell: BradleyBell: DavidBell: JamesBellion: WilliamBengtson: Gregory DBennett: MichaelBennion: PaulBentley: AndrewBerkowitz: DesmondBerson: IanBeutler: DickBeveridge: DavidBird: DarrylBirt: AlanBiscan: MarkBlack: GaryBloomfield: IanBlunt: PeterBoase: JohnBolton: MarkBong Joo Kee: StefiBong Siak Khiun: Bopp: CarlBosworth: MarcusBottrall: RogerBourne: RogerBower: PeterBoyd: GaryBozdag: IsikBrackenreg: GavinBradley: AlanBrady: GavinBramley: JamesBrandtman: Shane GBratt: TonyBrewster: Anthony C RBridge: AdrianBrien: ColinBrierley: DavidBriggs: MartinBrimblecombe: GeorgeBristow: StewartBritton: RobertBrown: AntonyBrown: JonathanBrown: MatthewBrown: MichaelBrown: StephenBrown: TimothyBrown: Toby L.Browne: AndrewBryce: JamesBuchanan: Douglas W JBuckley: TerryBuddhika: P. M.Buksh: AseemBuntine: RobertBurchill: MartinBuskin: RobertBuss: Matthew

Butcher: MalcolmButler: NeilButterfield: GregoryBylett: ChristopherByng: MichaelByrne: AndrewByrne: PeterByron: WayneCadman: DavidCairns: AshleyCallaghan: RonaldCallaghan: StephenCalver: DavidCambridge: NevilleCampbell: MurrayCant: GrahamCarey: LloydCarfoot: EricCarnevale: TerryCarrier: GavinCarter: RandallCasey: BrianCassidy: RoyCastell: LindsayCeric: SadmirChadbourne: KeithChai Moi Kee: Chai: JulianChan Cheow Pheng: Chan Ching Leung: AndrewChan Hon Chuen: KenCHAN Koon Sze: KennethChan Kwok Cheung: CHAN Kwok Kau: KwokChan Meng Cheong: CHAN Ngai Min: YvonneChan Ping: Chan Ping Kwan: AdamChan Poy Leng: CarolineChan Siu Ming: JamesChan Tan Tat: Chan Wai Leung: EricCHAN Yee Man: EmilyChan Yiu Kong: Chan Yuk Sim: KatherineChan: AlbertChan: ChristineChan: EricChan: SharonChandrasiri: L K RanjithChapman: TrevorChappe De Leonval: MarkCharania: ShehzadCharles: EdwinCharlesworth: GeoffreyCharteris: MichaelChau Wai Ip: WilliamChau Yat Wah: Cheah Kow Chye: Chee Yok Kam: PaulChen Swee Eng: Chen: CathyCheng Wai Hung: NelsonCheong Hong Khoon: Cherian: N.G.Cheung Chan Ki: DominicCHEUNG Wai Hong: CHEUNG Wai Kin: Cheung Wing Pui: CHEUNG Wing Wah: M

Cheung: RicardoCheung: RobertCHEW: Ju WenChiam Soon Kiam: Chiang Kam Man: AdaChiew: Stephen W LCHIN Pei Shih: KrissyChin Tsun Fung: JosephChin Vune Hiun: PeterCHIN Wen Hon: StanleyCHIU Chi Hang: BrianChiu Chun Man: TimothyChiu King Wai: Chiu Koon Tung: Chiu Oi Ping: AnnCHIU Yuen Han: NoranaChng Kee Cheong: Chong Lee Chin: Chong Sing Kuan: CHOO Churn Huai: Choo Kum Ching: IvyChoo Wei Kong: Choo: KengChoong Foo Cheong: Chor Goeh Huei: Chor: MichaelChow Chi Long: CalvinChow Chi Wa: CHOW Tin Yiu: TonyCHOW Wing Sze: Chu Chung Fai: VincentChu Kwok Wa: Chu Wai Tak: SteveChu: BrianChu: RickyChua Hai Eng: Chua Keng Hong: WarrenChua: KennethChui Kwok For: Chul: AlexanderChung Hong Chew: Chung Soon Lum: Chung Wai Ping: JennyClark: JamesClohesy: MichaelCochrane: RogerCoetzee: KeenanCohen: RichardColeman: EdwardColeman: TimothyCollin: NicoleCollins: AdamCollins: ChristopherCollins: DavidCollins: MartinConnor: ThomasCooke: AllanCoomaraswamy: EliyathambyCooper: PhilipCooray: RussellCorbett: ToddCordia: MichaelCorke: GlennCornally: WayneCorrigan: MichaelCottle: GillianCoultas: SethCoutts: AndrewCovington: Kenneth

Cox: AndrewCox: DavidCox: MalcolmCox: SuzanneCrawley: JaminCrebbin: DarylCroker: AlanCroker-Caniogo: CatherineCronje: HenrietteCrossley: MichaelCroucher: MorrisCrow: JulianCugley: ShaunCumming: ScottCurrie: DavidCurtis: RichardCutler: GregD’Cruz: EdmundD’Silva: DicksonDakhoul: MichaelDamiano: PeterDaravong: AphidethDarling: ChristopherDarvell: NeilDavey: KevinDavidson: MalcolmDavies: CliveDavis: AndrewDavison: CraigDay: KeithDay: MichaelDe Alwis: T A D SDe Jager: MarkDE SILVA Siriwardena:M N CDe Silva: A K M FDe Silva: AyomaDe Silva: G S SDe Silva: VijithDe Wet: EdwardDe Zoysa: A D BDeeks: NicholasDEEPAL Gunasekera:P D KDeieso: MarkDelaney: GaryDello Iacovo: DanielDevendra: KingsleyDewendra: DeranDharmadasa: AthulaDickinson: StephenDikmans: AdrianDing Kam Chun: GraceDoherty: AndrewDoherty: FionaDolan: LeeDorape-Vithanage: MallikaDoret: LeonDowie: KevinDowling: PaulDrelincourt: BradleyDrillis: JohnDriscoll: JamesDuckitt: PeterDuffy: KevinDunk: MatthewDyer: NeilDyson-Holland: DavidEarl: GeorgeEarnshaw: JohnEaton: GregoryEden: Jason

Associates continued...

2007 Annual Report33

Register of M

embers as at D

ecember 2007

Register of M

embers as at D

ecember 2007

Edward: B JEggleton: GarryElhen: GregEllis: GrahamEllwood: AnthonyElphick: PaulEmmanuel: NicholasEmmerich: NeilEngland: SandraEsslemont: IainEvans: DilwynFabris: AntonioFalcetta: MauriceFarmer: PeterFarquhar: DonaldFarrant: WilliamFarrelly: WilliamFarrow: DavidFarrow: MichaelFarrugia: BrendanFendt: AntonyFeng: AlexFernando: E S KFernando: HermanFernando: JayalathFernando: StanleyFerrarin: JohnFerrinda: NinoField: AlanField: RandallFigg: StevenFinlayson: RossFisher: AdrianFisher: JamesFlentjar: JasonFletcher: DouglasFletcher: JustinFlint: PeterFoley: StephenFong Ping Sum: SamFONG Sen Khyun: PeterFong Yin Keong: FOO Loke Onn: Foo Tseh Long: RichardFoo: SandyFoong Phik Wan: Ford: JamesFord: ThomasForrest: CraigFoster: BenjaminFoster: JonathonFoster: LukeFowler: WilliamFranco: GiuseppeFriend: RaymondFulton: CrawfordFung Hak On: AlanFung Hoi Ni: AlfisFung Kam-Ying: MikeFung Kwok Chung: Fung Kwong Fai: PaulFUNG Wing Yi: StephanieFung Yi Wen: EvenFuss: Kym FGabriel: JohnGadiewasam: B D SGajendran: ThayaparanGall: NeilGallagher: David

Gamage: DhammikaGan Bee Ling: PatriciaGan Keng Ling: Ganesan: K SGanesharajah: ThevarajahGardiner: LeonGarrett: DavidGavahan: BrianGavin: PeterGavshon: Anthony HGay: StephenGeary: SarahGerber: BarryGeue: JonathanGibson: GregoryGill: Peter J.Gillett: PeterGilligan: MichaelGiordano: ReparatoGlaister: JohnGlanville: TerenceGnanasekaram: SGnauck: DerekGoh Chien-Chang: PeterGoh Choon Seng: JamesGoh Laye Hian: KarenGoh Min Yung: Goh Seh Harn: Goh: Jeremy J KGoodge: Victor HGoodwin: RogerGopakumar: RaghavanGordon: BruceGramazio: MichaelGrant: DavidGray: JasonGray: WarrenGreene: Adam BGreene: PaulGreenhalgh: Nigel RGreenhill: MartinGregg: StephenGrierson: MarkGrimes: StephenGrootendorst: WouterGuerra: PeterGuerra: RichardGunalan: Jeyanthan GGunaratne: D A HGunasekara: TalagalaGunawardena: D T N Ha Tung Ing: JamesHaines: PeterHall: CharlesHamilton: AngusHamilton: MurrayHammon: CharlesHammond: PeterHamori: JohnHanau: SimonHand: AlanHanif: AbuHanlon: PatrickHanna: JohnHaralambous: HaralambosHarfield: AndrewHarlock: DavidHarmon: GeorgeHaronsen: PHarper: Ken

Harper: MatthewHarrington: GlenHarrington: JamesHarris: AdamHarris: MatthewHatzantonis: StephenHaughey: RobertHAUW Sze Shiung: WHayim: AndrewHeath: GordonHeinonen: ThomasHenderson: JohnHensley: SimonHenson: KevinHerd: SimonHeseltine: RichardHetherington: PhilipHettiarachchi: KeerthiHeymann: JoshuaHeys: GrahamHigginbottom: StephenHill: DonaldHill: GavanHill: TimothyHillas: AndrewHo Ah Hua: BernardHo Cheng Harn: EvelynHo Chi Wai: DanielHo Chun Kit: DavidHo Chun Kit: PatrickHo Fook Weng: CharlesHo Kee Kiong: Ho Siu Cheung: RaymondHO Wai Kei: DerekHo Wai Yin: WilkinHo Wing Keung: HermanHo Wun Fun: RichardHobson: RobertHocking: MarkHodges: PeterHodson: DavidHoe Kok Hua: Hogan: BarryHogg: RogerHogg: TimothyHolden: CraigHolland: GregoryHolloway: ShaunHolt: StephenHon Chi Yi: LudwigHon Ka-Kei: RaymondHON See Loong: NicholasHook: AaronHooper: GaryHouston: RachaelHoward: GregoryHoy: AlanHu Nguik Wui: RaymondHu Saye Kock: HUE Fook Keong: BenHughes: GlynHughes: NicholasHUI Man Shuet: CandyHumble: ChristopherHung Tak Man: EricHung Tsz Tung: AlexHunt: RobertHunter: AlanHunter: HenryHutchinson: David

Hutchinson: IanHyde: TyronHylton: PeterHyslop: JamesIbrahim: SafianIllukkumbura: I R M R DInthunesan: RIoannou: MeganIp Moon Chi: ClaudeIpsen: DaleIreland: SimonIsmail: ZaifulizanJackson: BradleyJackson: IanJagodage: D A S KJamal: T RJames: GaryJamieson: IanJankowitz: FrederickJarden: RossJaunalksnis: KalvisJayasinghe: ChamilaJayasoma: GunaseeliJayasundera: Sunil SJayasuriya: ChamindaJayatillake: BuddhikaJayatillake: ChamilaJeffery: TrevorJeffress: TrevorJemison: HarryJenkins: AlanJohnson: AntonyJohnson: PaulJohnson: RodneyJohnston: SamuelJohnston: ThomasJones: DamonJones: DanielJones: DanielJones: DanielleJones: JohnJones: KennethJones: NicholasJorgensen: IanJudge: DamianKahts: WillemKajanantha: KidneswaranKapila Dhanusekara: P M AKaros: PantelisKaruna: MoorthyKaruppa Samy: MKaszas: StephenKearton: NeilKee Swee Ann: KEI Kai Lung: DanielKelava: SimonKellam: RobertKells: LiamKelly: ChristopherKenafake: ShaunKenley: RussellKennedy-Cooke: WilliamKennett: VictorKenny: KatherineKerr: MichaelKerven: LionelKeys: JenniferKho Gim Bian: KHOO Sze Boon: Khor Peh Sin:

Associates continued...

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ecember 2007

Register of M

embers as at D

ecember 2007

Khosla: RanjitKing: GrahamKinsley: RogerKirkpatrick: PeterKissane: MichaelKnapman: CraigKnight: StephenKnott: DamianKnowles: AndrewKnowles: PeterKnox: PeterKO Man Fai: TerenceKo Tong-Poh: Koh Eng Yong: Kok Chee Qong: Kospolage: NevilleKovaljev: OllieKrahn: PetaKrimmer: PhilipKrueger: CarlKulaga: RichardKulendran: SubithaKumara: P D B WKumarasinghe: DushanthaKung Chi Man: Kunjamboo: RamanKwan Kwok Leung: BillKwan Man Keung: JonahKwang Min Paw: Kwok Ka Chun: KelvinLagerroth: LaurenceLai Chung Kau: PhilipLAI Fung-Tung: RogerLai Kar Fook: Lai Lung Seng: Lai Sin Tak: VincentLaidler: ColinLam Cheok Weng: Lam Cheung Ming: Lam Chi-Yin: LeoLam Fei Lai: PhylliaLAM Hau Chi: JohnLam Hou Bun: PatrickLam Kai Jyh: LAM Lai Yin: CalvinLAM Shu Kee: Lam Wein Seong: RobertLambert: DavidLAN Kwok Chung: BannyLang: TimothyLansdell: RoyLarsen: ChristopherLassemillante: PaulLau Choo Yew: FrancisLau Geok Chen: DannyLAU Hie Kung: ArlineLau Hoi-Ming: KelvinLau She Fun: VincentLau Siu Hong: Lau Wai Ming: Lau Wai Sum: DorothyLAU Wing Chau: AndyLAU Wing-Chung: Lau: KennethLauga: WayneLaw Ka Ye: LouisLaw Kim Thong: LAW Wai Lam: WilliamLaw Wan Ting: Wendy

Lawrence: ChristopherLawrence: JohnLawson: DavidLawson: GodfreyLawther: PeterLazell: StuartLe Roux: JohannLeadbetter: BarryLeck: GordonLee Cheuk Woon: GaryLee Chun Yu: Lee Chun-Ming: JasonLee Fook Pui: BillyLee Hin Ching: JohnLee Kai Tiong: PeterLee Kwok Ying: Lee Li Na: TeresaLee Moon Ming: LEE Peng Quan: GeorgeLee Shu Yan: Lee Tze Chang: LEE Wah On: DavidLee Yu-Cheung: RosannaLee: AnthonyLee: DavidLee: DonaldLee: James C PLee: VanessaLeelarathne: DonLees: KeithLemon: RoderickLEONG Keng Mun: LEONG Tat Sing: LEU Fook Teong: SteveLeung Kin Sang: TerryLeung Siu Woo: DanielLeung Tai On: AaronLEUNG Tsz Chung: AgathaLeung: DickLeung: StephanieLew Kong Hor: Lew: Mei YLewis: KennethLi Chee Man: AlbertLi Chi Kwan: AliceLi Hoi-Yuen: BobbyLi Ngai-Kwong: KennethLiddle: DavidLie Kiat An: BillyLIEW Shiow-Koon: RichardLim Bee Leng: Lim Chew Hong: SerenaLim Ching Kang: LIM Fei Ling: ZoeLim Hong Heng: Lim Keng Weng: LIM Kok Lim: Lim Li Ping: ChristineLim Siew Cheng: Lind: JaanLindsay: IanLing Chee Kwun: Ling Sheng Sion: GabrielLipshut: JonathanLiptak: GeorgeLiu Ling Hong: StephenLiyanage: DharmasiriLloyd: RobertLo Chung Yin: BryanLo Kai Wah: Philip

Lo Po Keung: CalvinLo See Wing: Lo Siu Fai: Lo: LeeLo: RickyLoh Hak Eng: Loh Lay Yean: Loh Ley Chuong: Loh Peng Wai: SilasLoh Sau Nee: ShirleyLoh: AndrewLok Cheuk Yin: EricLok: ClementLong: MatthewLong: PeterLorimer: JamesLove: SeanLovegrove: SimonLow Chee Teong: LOW Say Mei: Low: AlanLowe: GeoffreyLudlow: PaulLui Ka Yun: LindaLui Wai Leung: Lukey: DesmondLukins: GrahamLum Ka Wai: AndyLum: JanetLun Shu Pak: AlvinLunniss: StephenLunniss: Tracey L.Lutu: EmosiLuu: AnnaLuu: ChrisLynch: DesmondMa Kim Wan: DorothyMA Sai Yuen: TeddyMa Yue-Fie: AndrewMa Yuen Fat: TonyMacansh: RobertMacDonald: RobertMaceri: FrankMacKenzie: JaneMaclaren: StevenMacLeman: ColinMadden: DavidMadden: StephenMagnussen: BrettMain: FraserMak Kam Chin: Mak: PeggyMalalasekara: AlagiyawannaMallalue: NeilMammarella: MarkManewa: Anupa S.Manikas: MichaelManwaring: ChristopherMarais: ChristiaanMarch: GarryMarquis: DonMarsden: PaulMarsh: DeborahMartin: DavidMartin: DouglasMartin: GarethMartinez: AntonioMason: CraigMatsas: AristoMatthews: Adam

Mayor: GaryMazoletti: PaulMcAlister: GordonMcBryde: BronteMcCarthy: MichaelMcConkey: GavinMcConkey: StuartMcCoullough: StephenMcCoy: SimonMcDonald: EwenMcEnroe: RoryMcEvoy: NeilMcEwen: CharlesMcGeown: DermotMcGrath: DenisMcHardy: CraigMcHugh: PhillipMcIver: HarryMcKenzie: MarcMcKiddie: JamesMcMichael: AlastairMcMillan: RobertMcNair: MathewMcNally: TrevorMcNamara: KennethMcPhail: BruceMeager: Jason S.Meallin: PeterMeaney: JamesMee: StephenMegram: PaulMeh: MajaMendis: MMenzies: IanMerefield: TerryMiddlemiss: JohnMihatsch: CharlesMikhael: HaneyMildenhall: PeterMildwater: DavidMilentijevic: DanielMillar: StephenMillard: AndrewMiller: DarrylMiller: GraemeMiller: RobertMilner: AllenMinnie: JacobusMitchinson: IainMohamed Zahmy: M YMohammad Hanafi Abdul R: Moir: RonaldMoleta: TonyMoon: PeterMoore: AaronMoore: GrahamMoore: MartinMoore: PhilipMorgan: HaroldMorland: MichaelMorschel: JohnMoschoyiannis: JimMoseley: TrevorMoyle: AlanMoyle: GeoffreyMsomi: SossyMuir: RobertMuller: GrantMullins: MichaelMunindradasa: Anil

Associates continued...

2007 Annual Report35

Register of M

embers as at D

ecember 2007

Register of M

embers as at D

ecember 2007

Munir: TamzilMureeth: A L AMurphy: PaulMurrell: FrancesNader: EmileNajjar: GeorgeNajm: SamuelNarayanan: NagendramNarkiewicz: SimonNash: ChristopherNash: JodyNaude: AlfredNaulls: StephenNavarupan: NadarajahNeedham: KevinNewbold: NevilleNewton: IainNewton: SidneyNg Chun-Wah: TeddyNg Ka Fai: Ng Kit Ching: EstherNg Penn Chun Pang: Ng See Wing: SylviaNg Shiu Keung: LouisNg Shou Guan: Ng: NealNgai: StephenNgan Chor Nam: AlanNgiam: JosephNicholls: GarryNicolai: RobertNixon: ChristopherNixon: MichaelNjuguna: JudyNoble: DavidNorris: GrahamNorton: BarryNotte: RinaNuttall: LeithO’Connor: KerryO’Connor: MarkO’Donnell: PatrickO’Donnell: PeterO’Donoghue: PeterO’Halloran: JohnO’Keefe: ThomasO’Loughlin: NicholasO’Neill: StephenO’Sullivan: JeremiahOates: ChristopherOlsen: CarlOng Choon-Beng: Ong Hong Leong: GeorgeOng Kok Eng: Ong Mooi Kin: ChristineOng Pooi Yoke: Ong: AOoi Swee Hong: Ooi: JimmyOpperman: AndrewOrford: JohnOrtmans: RichardOsbaldiston: MurrayOsborn: PeterOwen: MatthewPaddick: SamPage: RobertPaice: BarryPalella: Paul

Palihakkara: WipulPalmer: QuentinPan Chiu Sing: Panditha: J.W.Pang Sai Chown: VincentPANG Siew Ping: Paris: WarrenParkinson: RoyParrello: AnthonyParrott: ScottParsonage: AdrianPasslow: StevenPathiraja: KaushalPavey: MichaelPeck: Christopher J.Peden: GrahamPegdon: AdrianPellizzari: FrankPeluso: DanielPemble-Smith: JohnPennington: BrianPerera: B A K SPerera: B A R PPerera: D J NPerera: D M NPerera: SrinathPerera: T B WPert: IanPeterson: RobertPetrohelos: EmanuelPettenuzzo: PaulPhillips: MichaelPhillips: StevenPicken: DavidPiebenga: RudiPih: Kah YaoPincini: JohnPincott: RoryPinkerton: DamianPitney: StephenPitts: Nathan APlant: PhilipPledge: StephenPlenty: ThomasPlester: JayPok Ting Che: JamesPong Chin Yee: KarenPope: NadiaPopplewell: RobertPortelli: JohnnyPostmus: ErikPowell: NicolaPrasanna: SPratley: SimonPratt: IanPratt: MalcolmPredgen: GraemePremachandra: KankanigePremakumara: MunasinghePremkumar: SPriskas: StamatiaProwse: AnthonyPrzybylski: EdwardQuaife: KevinQuek Chia Yeong: Quickson: ChristopillaiQuinn: MarkRadcliffe: DavidRafferty: PaulRai: Bhala

Rains: JamesRajagopalan: UllattilRajakaruna: Channa PRajapakse: LalithRamanayake: DonRameezdeen: RaufdeenRameshkumar: KengatharanRanasinghe: J A S SRanjan Perera: A VRapiti: EnzoRatnapala: Jagodage PRatnasekara: M G C WRatnavel: SRatnayake: S A Mervyn PRavinath: AmbalavanarRawlinson: Matthew JRay: RichardRaymond: RichardRayner: NigelReaidi: ZiadReekie: ThomasReid: AlistairReid: DonaldReid: ScottRex: AndrewRichard: MatthewRichardson: NeilRichter: PeterRidgway-Cross: CliveRidley: CameronRidley: JosephRiley: GeoffreyRitchie: JohnRiza Mohamed M H C: Robb: MasonRoberts: PerryRoberts: TimothyRobertson: PeterRobinson: DavidRodgers: GerardRofe: LyndalRomer: GrahamRose: GeoffreyRose: RaymondRose: RudolfRosier: JohnRoslan: Bazlin ARoss: CowanRoss: MichaelRubira: JamesRudkin: AntonyRudolph: PeterRugeiyamu: TheophillusRujenthan: TRussell: MaoibhRyan: MichaelRyan: ThomasSale: ChristopherSalem: MichelSAMAN Kumara: HewaSammut: EdwardSammut: LeanneSamuels: RichardSanjeev: SSasiharan: OppilamanySassine: TonySaunders: ChristopherSaunders: JeffreySavage: CharlesSavage: John

Savio: LucaSayanthan: RamachandranScarcella: NicholasSchilt: GeorgeScott: DavidScott: GregoryScully: MichaelSeah Chee Beng: SEAH Chou Luang: SSeah Hsiu-Min: EugeneSeddon: DavidSee Chong Hong: RichardSee Choo Lip: Seib: GregSelvendran: NSeman: JohnSeman: PeterSeymour: PaulShameem: HassanSharpe: NigelShaw: KennethShearer: JoelSheldrick: GrahemeShelley: LawrenceSheridan: JustinShim Fui Sen: AmbroseShort: JohnShort: KimShum: EvaShutt: StephenSiebert: JohnSii Chin Mei: Sii How Kiong: PhilipSii Mee Ming: AmySilva M W: Indralal ASilva: P N M SSilvapulle: AnthonySilver: IanSim Khern Toa: SammySim Pit Huat: DerrickSim Puay Hiong: SIM Tze Kwan: SunnySimms: BrianSimpson: BradSimpson: GeoffreySims: GregorySIN Cheuk Yee: CandySin Kim Yong: RonaldSinclair: JamesSirisena: D GSiritunga: H P KSIU Kim Wan: GladysSIU Kin Tak: RichardSiu Man Lei: SharonSivabalan: NavaratnamSivapalan: SivasothySlattery: JoshuaSlattery: SarahSmart: IanSmit: ChristoferSmith: AnthonySmith: BarrySmith: BelindaSmith: CameronSmith: CraigSmith: GregSmith: JamesSmith: JamieSmith: JeffreySmith: John

Associates continued...

2007 Annual Report36

Register of M

embers as at D

ecember 2007

Register of M

embers as at D

ecember 2007

Smith: KevinSmith: PeterSmith: ReeceSmith: RowanSmith: ScottSnelleman: DirkSnowden: PhillipSo Ho Man: BillySo Pak Wing: StephenSo: HermanSong: DevlynSonter: DerekSoo Eng Aun: RonSoo Huat Hin: HarrySoon Fah: TenloySorrell-Saunders: GlendaSorrentino: PeterSouster: GraemeSpain: KennethSpark: GregorySparks: IvanSpaven: PeterSpence: MarkSpicer: MatthewSpicer: MichaelSquire: SimonStanley: AllenStanton: AdamStapleton: DavidSteele: David FStehbens: KarenStephenson: RichardSteven: RobertStevens: CleveStevenson: JamesStevenson: SamStevenson: TristanStewart: AndrewStewart: DavidStewart: PeterStill: DavidStill: John MStilo: MelinaStuart-Robertson: IanSturgess: MichaelSu King Tung: Suckling: PaulSuen Ming Hay: BillSugathadasa: S H K DSukanthan: NSukumar: SubramaniamSullivan: DavidSullivan: NigelSullivan: PaulSundaresan: NarayananSuryadi: JosephSutharsan: NagamuthuSuttie: AndrewSuttle: AndrewSwart: BarendSze Tho Foon Wah: Szeto Siu Yin: RoyTabulutu: PauliasiTam Chung-Leung: JohnnyTam: MichelleTAN Boon Chin: ThomasTan Choon Hoo: PeterTan Hok Leng: Tan Kiat Sing: Tan Kin Giou:

Tan Kok Ping: FrancisTan Li Ling: JaneTan Mui Siang: CarolineTan Poh Hin: TAN Puay Hoon: AnnieTan Sau Eng: Tan Seng Giap: Tan Wei Joo: Tan Woon Tian: Tan: EdwinTANG Chi Hung: JackTang Yin Mei: AnnieTanner: MartinTanner: MichaelTaranto: MichaelTarca: JohnTate: PaulTay Guek Nah: IvyTay Kim Kuan: PhilipTay Kok Yeow: Tay Wei Lien: Tayfield: GaryTaylor: BradleyTaylor: GlynnTaylor: PeterTaylor: ShayneTebbatt: MarkTeh Huck Hong: Teh Leong Meng: RobinTeo Ai Lin: EvelynTEO Ching Mui: JenniferTeo Choo Ching: MatthewTeoh: JustinTham: SusieThan: YvonneTharmachandirar: TThayakaran: SThebuwane: KarunasenaTheofanides: ConstantineThomas: DavidThomson: DavidThomson: FionaThomson: GavinThornley: JasonTimmings: StevenTing Dao Ping: Ting Sien Mee: JohnTiong Chung Ong: FrancisTiong Ho Soon: AnthonyTO Lai Yin: MaggieTobin: ScottToh Chong Weng: TonyToh Keng Loi: Toh Swee Kim: Toms: RobertTong Kin Ning: SunnyTONG Shiu Kee: SunnyTonitto: Gianni ATooker: PeterTormey: SimonTowe: PaulTowill: NathanTownsend: HowardTrain: GaryTrankels: KonradTriegaardt: LouisTrinder: DavidTrowell: MichaelTruong: DavidTsang Hon Kay: Jacky

Tsang Man Hung: PatrickTSANG Tsan Sum: Tsang Tze-Ming: BrianTse Che-Wah: ThomasTse Hung-Yan: TSE Ka Kui: MathisTsui Chi Keung: Tsui Ngai Keung: CharlesTulla: PeterTyack: StephenUmakanthan: SUng Chin Teong: Upul Shantha: G MUsalli: MuhammadUys: GaryUzay: ArifVaccarella: LupoVan Aalst: JamieVan Baalen: GarthVan Beers: MarkVan Der Berg: JohannesVan Der Merwe: LexVAN Dyk: GrahameVarga: AntonVaughan: RichardVeale: PeterVedelago: DerickVedelago: KevinVijayaratnam: RatnalingamVillari: CarlVinasithamby: KalaiarasanVincent: TimothyVincz: AndrewViney: ChristopherVirtue: DavidViscariello: MichaelVisscher: EdwardVithanagamage: B KithsiriVithanage: Harshana KVo: TrongVong Yin Ting: AngelaWagstaff: DavidWaisberg: TheodoreWakeling: BenjaminWalker: AdamWalker: AndrewWalker: DarrylWalker: MarkWalker: WarwickWallace: PeterWaller: StephenWalmsley: RobertWalsh: MatthewWalsh: RobertWalter: StuartWalton-Smith: GraemeWan Chee Tho: Wan Moon Sing: StephenWang Fot Jin: JeremyWard: DominicWardy: JohnWarne: StephenWarren: MelanieWaterworth: JohnWatkins: ColinWatson: GraemeWatson: WilliamWattage: DayaWaye: DarylWearn: Stuart

Weatherell: LanceWeatherhead: WilliamWebster: AlecWeddikkara: ChitraWee Kee Teck: DennisWeerakoon: PadmaWellalage: PiyadasaWelsh: RussellWEN Fang Fiena: Wetthasinghe: S DWheeler: AdamWheeler: LachlanWheelwright: RobinWhishaw: NicholasWhite: DonaldWhittaker: PaulWhittle: PeterWickramasinghe: L M JWickramasinghe: LionelWickramasinghe: P B GWijayasinghe: DonWijekoon: W J M AWilkinson: AnthonyWilliams: LeeWilliams: RonaldWilliamson: AlanWilliamson: MichaelWilson: AndrewWilson: BensigerWilson: GailWilson: GraemeWilson: MurrayWilson: NeilWindross: KevinWinney: DavidWirth: RobertWise: BenjaminWong Bay Yuen: ThomasWong Chen Shieh: FrancisWong Cheow Ren: RichardWong Chi Nam: FrankWong Chu Heng: Wong Jen-Yin: JeffreyWong Jin Shen: CharlesWong Kok Mun: SamuelWong Kong: GerardWong Kwok Hung: AlanWong Kwok Wai: JohnnyWong Kwong Lee: EricWong Kwong On: Wong Lam Har: HarryWong Loi Ki: EdwardWong Ping Sin: Wong Shing Tak: StephenWong Shu Kau: Wong Soon Bin: Wong Thiu Tim: WilliamWong Ting Kwok: CWong Tsing Man: AngelaWong Wai Keung: Wong Wang Hong: EdwinWong Yee Hung: AnvioWong Yee Ki: JimmyWong Yong Jin: JimWong: KwokWong: MidcoWong: PeterWong: RaymondWONG: Wei-Lam IreneWonson: Andrew

Associates continued...

2007 Annual Report37

Register of M

embers as at D

ecember 2007

Register of M

embers as at D

ecember 2007

Wood: DamianWood: RobertWoodley: KeithWoollam: RogerWoolley: AnthonyWorsdall: RichardWragg: SimonWright: AndrewWright: CharlesWright: GregoryWright: KevinWrobel: GrahameWU Chee Shien: JeremyWu Chun Kong: WarrenWu Jian Min: JimmyWU Siu Keung: TerenceWynne: ChristopherYan: VivienYap Chee Kam: WilsonYap: KongYasotharan: MurugaiahYau Chi Ho: Yee Chiew Wah: Yeh: Joe Y CYeldham: BarryYeo Meng Chuan: EricYeo Shi Heng: Yeo Soo Kheng: Yeoh Chia Kiat: DavidYeoh Yue Man: Yeow Pei Chen: JanessaYeung Kai Yu: FrankiYeung Luen: CarmenYeung Wai Tao: AndrewYew King Foong: DannyYew Wei Chew: MatthewYiin Soon Kiong: LauraYip Chi Fan: Yip Chi Keung: HenryYip King Peng: MichaelYip Wai Kit: Yong Cho-Kee: RalphYONG Wui Nyap: DavidYoung: CraigYu Chin Ho: Yu Ngie Hing: Yu: JeffreyYu: MarcoYu: YueYuen Lai Yin: AlexYuen: KentZampieri: JohnnyZhang: PingZhou: JianZorn: GraemeZumpe: JustinZvinakis: Victor

Affiliates AIQS (Affil)Alahakoon: A N RAmarasekara: AshleyAmarasiri: PAntidormi: AngeloAriyaratnam: ShanthihumarAsawanopakiat: NAsghar: SagheerAshton: JohnBabu: M. SunilBadrinarayanan: NBandula Kumara: H B

Beth: BasavarajBilsbury: RobinBoniface: ABoulos: AminBrandon: KeithBurgess: AdrianButt: RichardCameron: CharlesChan Shelt Tsong: Chau Dat: Cheung King Wah: PattyCook: JohnCruz: CarlitoDavis: Paul ADe Silva: GDe Silva: Mahinda J HDewage: DonDharmadasa: G S WDharmaraju: MurugaianDodangoda: LalaniDoyle: Lindsay RDuangmanee: ThippawanDuraisamy: VasuFares: ImadFernando: MuthuthanthiriFlorea: CarmenFoster: MalcolmGalati: AngeloGamage: DGandhi: SudhagaranGnanachandran: MartinGoerke: JohnGomes: D G CGoonawardena: DilrukGunatilake: WijithaHan: XiaorongHassan: H.D.EHeinrich: ThomasHerath: R J BHO Hou In: DerekHO Ping Man: EricHorvath: SteveHui Ki Hang: HenryIbrahim: SuhadIqbal: KhalidJaganathan: AnnamarJayakody: J P CJayasekara: A P N GKaoustos: GeorgeKarppinen: SailaKeast: RobertKhan: FerozKho: KimKhoo Sui Lai: EricKoniel: TengaKrombholz: AlexanderKulatilaka: K.C R JKumara: JudeKwok Chi Kwan: RoyLakshman: YogendraLamahewa: SenathLAU Hoi Yung: Lay: MichaelLee Kwok Leung: Lelwala: L A PLiteplo: BobLong: BryceLove: BruceMagsino: R.R.D.MAK Chi Kong:

Malai Ali Faisal: M F RMAN Hung Chiu: GaryMann: CharlseMarasigan: Rodel CMasters: KeithMendis: M S MMillett: GrahamMinuzzo: GarryMitry: RaedMohan Kumar: DMoodley: MathavenMoult: DouglasMunro: DonaldMurphy: CherylNadana-Sabesan: NadesuNG Kiu Chung: Ng Wai Min: RayNguyen: QuocNickolla: Ihab S ANimal: WijesekaraNiven: JamesO’Donnell: ChristopherPalacio: JuanPalmer: NeilPardasani: DharmendarPathirana: BimbaPavlekovich-Smith: IvanPeiris: L H S GPerera: SrilalPerrin: OwenPhillips: StevePiyasena: D PPosthausen: DieterPremaratne: E G D RPriyantha: A D V AProctor: DavidPuckett: AlisterPurcell: JohnQimaqima: NoaRaki: DaryoushRaman: RajendranRanatunga: NihalRanchigoda: SisiraRekogama: K M P BRenuka: HettiarachchigeRizvi: S Akbar AbbasRuhunage: ChamindaRupasinghe: SusilSaunderson: MatthewShah: AnishSharp: MurraySharqawi: MaherSheppard-Morris: MichaelSimmons: RobertSIN Chun Ho: JasonSivanesan: BSmith: ShawnSoliman: SayedSomatilake: AjithSpence: AlanSripathy: PasupathyStevenson: LaurenceStork: WilliamSurendran: KSuriyabandara: M D STaha: MasrulTang Sau Ying: IvyTaylor: DavidThomson: JohnTilden: Michael

Toleman: PaulTolentino: MarioTSOI Chuen Ching: Tucker: IanTurton: RandallVarghese: CVarghese: KoshyWalker: GeoffreyWestaway: NeddieWhite: LindsayWhyte: KennethWickramasinghe: W P SWijayaratne: K H KWong Shek Pui: PeterYiu Tak Wing: KennethYong: DavidYousseph: JanoZhang: Ningrong

ProbationersABDUL Sathar: M EAbdulgaffoor: InaamAbeysekera: W V K MAdikari: P WAh Sue: BernardAlberto: EdgarAlexander: SamAluwihare: AnuruddhaAmarasinghe: WalaweAmarathunga: E M S B DAmeer Ali: NoushadAmeerullah: Ahamed LAnderson: MarkAndrews: ChristopherAndrews: Leon BANG Kaen Hoe: VincentANG Kok Seng: ANG Su Li: Anoran: SAnthony: LukeAntony: JacobArdren: SeamusArseculeratne: LakshicaArullinkam: MArunothayan: SAththanayake: R D D NAthukoralage: V C WAtighi: ArminAu Long Fung: AU Wing Chuen: RaymanAvdic: SelmaBabic: DavidBacon: RichardBagby: RickyBalasubramaniam: SBalharrie: GavinBandara: K G A UBandara: K M D KBandara: W M L RBandara: W.A.M.SBandulahewa: B K MBarsby: PeterBartholameuz: H CBeer: BradleyBell: CraigBendell: DavidBenfield: SarahBessell: TimBezuidenhout: JanBird: Steven

Associates continued...

2007 Annual Report38

Register of M

embers as at D

ecember 2007

Register of M

embers as at D

ecember 2007

Blake: YvetteBogamuwa: M M J CBolt: StephenBooks: ChristopherBorissiouk: AnatoliBotha: Dewald J LBoyd: Clayton GBrandtman: JamesBryce: GraemeBuckland: AdamBuckley: StephenBullivant: StewartBurnett-Read: RobertCajina: FabioCampbell: AlexanderCapelli: MitchellCardoso: Pedro JCarlow: RossCarolan: JohnChadee: ShyamsoondurChamo: MonametsiChan Chi Fai: KelvinChan Chi Keung: KamveyCHAN Chi Tak: KirkChan Chi Wai: Chan Chung Shing: PhilipCHAN Ho Fung: Chan Hoi Fai: WayneCHAN Ka Yan: TracyChan Kai Wang: Chan Kin Shuen: MartinCHAN Kwok Shum: CHAN Lut Ying: MichelleChan Ping Leung: Chan Tsz Shan: Chan Wai Cheong: Chan Wing Cheung: Chan: GraceChan: TonyCHAN: TracyCHANG Lin Lun: Chang: AntheaChau Tat Hang: Chehab: AaronCHEN Yun: Chen: CChen: JohnCheng Chi Keung: CharlesCHENG Hoi Sing: CHENG Kam Yuen: Cheng Wai Man: CHENG Yee Mei: MayCheung Chi Lok: ElvinCHEUNG Chiu Chung: GCHEUNG Moon Fai: WillCheung Tak Sum: TerenceCheung Wing Kam: Chew Chiu Fang: Chew Kon Min: CHEW Teng Teng: Chew: IvanChiang: Paun-ChackCHIEW Wei Chien: PedroChin Ching Yee: CaroleCHIN Li Sein: Chin: LarryChiong Chung-Chung: Chiu Kwok Wa: Chiu Wah Chun: Thomas

Choi Phui Han: Choi: RaymondCHONG Ah Lan: Chong Ai Leng: IreneChong Hui Chee: JoyceCHOONG Khian Ghee: CHOW Ka Yin: YvonneChow Kai Wah: CHOW Pui Yu: Choy Wai Ming: CHU Lo Wan: Chu Wen Kai: Chua Khim Hong: FredaCHUA Koh Puay: DominicChua Shiu Yee: ElaineCHUA Wan Teing: CHUA Yin Ching: CarolChung Mei Yee: Chwee Shook Kuen: TernasserCoetzee: HermanCole: AliceColeman: SimonConley: LathamConnell: RobertConnolly: SeanCoon: DanielCormie: LyndaCosentino: JohnCostanzo: GiuseppeCotton: JohnCUNG Lee Hien: Dada: RobertDaluwatta: V SDarmasena: G A N DDasanayaka: D R S Dasanayake: H M C PDavies: KingsleyDe Silva: W K K MDe Zoysa: A H LDeck: IanDevinuwara: Prasad R.Dissanayaka: D.M.P.SDissanayaka: I.GDissanayake: NiroshaDissanayake: RathnayakeDixon: LuciaDjajadi: TonnyDO Binh Thanh: Domingo: D D A N DDONG Ke Di: BryanDunlop: IanDuong: DavidDuong: XanEdirisinghe: E A T PEkanayake: E M DEscudier: LewisFadden: Michael JFairoos: A M MFan Mo Shan: PriscillaFarzan: MohamedFenwick: JamesFerlauto: LuigiFernando: M T DFernando: TerrenceFernando: U L A S BFiddik: AndrewFini: DonFok Kong Cheung: Fok Wai Sun: Wilson

Fok: WinnieFoley: SimonFonseka: WarnegeFoo Chuan Ping: PeterFoo Toon Chiang: AndyFoo Yoke Ching: ShawnFourie: JanFrancey: AdamFreeman: ChadFry: SeanFu: JianminFUNG Cheuk Shan: Fung Chi Ming: FUNG Mei Wing: FUNG Wing Yin: StephenGajic: RobiGallella: B S DGamage: I.S.WGannon: Mark L.Garner: CarlGayani: E D NGibbard: KatieGilbert: KirstenGillies: StuartGinigaddarage: S PGinige: KanchanaGoeldner: Craig WGoh Choon-Hua: GOH Ee Lee: GOH Mui-Yong: Goh: RemusGoh: SarahGondwe: PaulGoodman: IanGounden: KovillanGriffin: AnthonyGriffin: MichaelGriffiths: BenjaminGunasekara: Hasitha D MGunasekara: K AGunasekera: M T WGunathilaka: I P H LGunatillake: W M AGunawan: YulianaGunawardena: S B RGuthrie: AnyaHaigh: Yoyo M YHAJI Othman: KathyHangawatta: H A P RHariharan: BHarmse: JohnHashim: C N BHatarasinghe: V IHawker: JamieHayes: KimHealey: AndrewHealy: RossHedley: GregoryHemajith: A DHemajith: S D MHemming: MatthewHerath: D R M PHETTIGE Don: U NHEWA Wellage: J N SHewamanage: AmilaHilton: AnthonyHinton: LucasHirst: DamienHo Chor: AlbertHO Hong Leong: Nigel

Ho Mo Yi: Ho Nga Yan: OliveHoe Chin Aik: Hoe Chin Khwan: Honeywill: David JHoo Sen Swee: StanleyHOON Jui Ying: CherylHopsick: MeganHorta: HelderHoward: Daniel CHui Cheung Sing: HUI Kwai Wah: Hui Man Wai: AndyHumby: MarkIsaac: TimothyJames: AndrewJames: DerekJames: PortiaJanadari: O MJasinghe: C PJayakajan: NJayamal: W R P SJayarajah: HemaJayasena: HimalJayasena: L A SunethJayaweera: K I PJayaweerarathna: P K NJeevanthi: B H CJeevaratnam: MuttiahJesurasa: VelJeyageethan: NadarajahJeyakaran: NadarasaJeyamathan: JeyarajahJeyanthan: SivabalanJilich: NicoleJohnson: MarkJohnson: SuganyaJong: KevinJude: JosephKajaraj: SKalivitis: GeorgeKalubowila: S M SKanewala: SamanthiKarandana: G A A SKarunadasa: W PKarunarathne: A M A PKarunasena: GayaniKasief: SusyKasthuriarachchi: JeevanKasthurirathna: C.GKeerthi: S W M CKeerthirathna: W A DKeerthirathne: N G P N SKelly: DamonKennedy: SteveKeraminiyage: KaushalKetshabetswe: BaitseKeung Kim Sing: KHOR Tse Leong: KIEU Tho Tian: Kilroy: JamesKim: In-SookKiritharan: JKirk: TrudiKodicara: PrinsKodikara: ThanujaKodippily: N CKodithuwakku: C PKodithuwakku: JanakaKoenig: Thomas

Probationers continued...

2007 Annual Report39

Register of M

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ecember 2007

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ecember 2007

KOH Fei Ching: BerniceKok: AlisonKokulan: KanthasamyKong Chow Lam: KONG Chun Wai: Kong Mui Yin: WessieKong Yoke Jing: Kong: AnnKrishnasamy: SrikanthKuah Hwee Suan: Kuan Lai Woh: MargarettaKulatunga: KushanKumar: Sateesh RKumara: B M A SKumara: EKumara: JanakaKumara: SamanKumari: G R S PKung Ka Fai: KevinKuruwita: E K S KKuzman: IrenaKwan Sin Chung: OscarKWOK Kwai Fan: MagKwok Suk Kei: TobyKwok Wai Kuen: Kwong Siu Tim: KWONG Wing Kwan: CLai Man Yee: SophiaLAI Sai Kei: Lai Wing Hang: Lai Yuen Cheong: LAI Yui Ka: JoanneLai Yun Shang: Lam Hok Hin: EdwardLAM Keet Yeng: GraceLam Kin Man: JamesLam Man Shui: StevenLAM Wai Ho: TerryLam Yen Ling: Lam: MonteLampard: RowlandLappas: EvangelosLau Man Hin: SolomonLau Pak Hung: TobyLAU Pei Peng: LAU Pui Ting: KylieLAU Shun Yin: NelsonLau Wing See: Lau: KimLaw Chi Man: Laws: JamesLee Chee Loong: LEE Cheok Ming: BettyLee Chi Keung: MichaelLEE Chun Keung: MichaelLee Hui Siew: CherlynLee Kam Piu: LEE Peck Hoon: LnyieLee Pui Ho: Lee Siew Fee: FeliciaLEE Su Ren: LEE Yeen Sum: YvionLEE Yen Yen: NoranceLee: BrendanLEE: Ignatius C HLee: JacklynLee: MathewLei Pui Chong: AngelLeong Poh Paik:

LEUNG Chi Chiu: LEUNG Chi Fuk: Leung Chi Kwong: Leung Chiu Ki: KeithLeung Ka-Wing: PeterLeung Kam Tim: Leung Wai Chiu: Leung Yan Kit: Leung: MinksonLi Ka Kui: LI Yuen Fun: AdaLiew Kow Chen: VincentLiew Tsun Fong: Liew Yah Tze: AngelinaLIEW Yu Fuh: NormanLim Chie Ann: LIM Miao Xin: AngelineLIM Ming Yang: Lim Ming Yat: LIM Poay Chuan: PatrickLim Swee Kiat: RogerLim Teck Heng: BensonLim: Andy C WLin: JosephLin: MichelleLING Kwee Voon: LING Shin Ngei: Ling Yii Sing: Ling: CarrieLiu Joo Kin: Liu Kit-Yee: StevenLiyanage: BuddhiniLiyanage: P HLloyd: TerenceLO Ting Wing: Lo Wai Leung: Lo: GeorgeLogeswaran: SivapunniyamLOH Chun Leng: Loh Li Siang: Loh Siew Yee: Loh: IreneLoo Say Keow: EricLOO Yit Siew: LOONG Sheau-Lan: SLor Kan Wai: Louey: AnitaLow Boon Nee: ChristineLOW Kin Oon: KelvinLow Sow Fun: Lu Yong: SimonLuangamath: JamieLuc: DonnieLunn: Nicholas F OLuus: Stefan PLyons: StewartMackiewicz: PeterMaduwagoda: P SMahar: SimonMaheshanie: K H PMahomedy: MahomedMak: KenyonMalacchini: DanielMalalgoda: C IMalam: SimonMallawa: DayanathMallikarachchige: Kanthi HMallikarathna: C PMAN Yiu Wing: Mang Man Kong: Jason

Manners: RebeccaMarks: CameronMarsden: ToddMarshall: AndrewMarshall: BruceMayooran: TharmalingamMcAllister: AndrewMcCartney: CharlesMcCully: Alan LMcGinn: TrionaMcGlade: CraigMcKenna: SianMcLaren: JonathanMcLaughlin: StephenMeakin: MatthewMendez: JoseMendis: B I K SMendis: V DMerican: FarahMetcalf: John PMithulakaran: BMittiga: DavidMoeis: AlterMohamed Mushthak: AbdulMok: JinaMok: LindaMorayas: C SMorgan: Colin JMoroney-Whyatt: JaneMortimer: SimonMoult: GrahamMugunthan: PathmanathanMuhandiram: A U JMukarakate: VirginiaNagarajah: SNagulan: SNah Cher Min: BenjaminNair K. Jayaram: PNajeeb: AthamNanayakkara: S N T DNanayakkara: UpulNanthagoban: RNawarathna: N M S A BNeilsen: Daniel JNewby: DanielNg Chi Kwong: KennyNG Choon: KeithNG Eng Tong: HenryNg Kwee Fun: AgnesNg Kwok Fung: RaymondNg Tang Feng: ShirleyNg Tsz Ming: BennyNg Tze Ling: Ng Yim On: PatrickNg: CherylNGO Shing Yung: JenneyNGUYEN Huy Vinh: HarryNGUYEN Thach Thao Le:TNguyen Thanh Binh: BenNguyen: PaulNilanka: SandraNimalan: ThanigasalamNiranjan: CNirfan: M H MNishan: H G ChamilNishanth: ThuraisamyO’Neill: JohnOng Chin Kung: Ong Hui Yong: Ong: Jasmine

Oo Bee Lan: Osenton: JamesPanditaratne: Y BParathan: RPark: AndrewParthipan: VPasqual: Y.SPearce: MarkPeiris: K M S J NPenna: RobertPercy: ShannonPerera: D Rajika CPerera: G H C RPerera: H P KPerera: K B DPerinpanayagam: IPHAN Khai Cao: Philip: Sabu NPiratheepan: RajenthiraPlasto: PaulPlathottathil: Shaji KPoh Gim Hoe: WatsonPomirski: ChristopherPooley: GregoryPound: MichaelPoutney: JordanPowrie: GaryPranavan: RatnasingamPremaratna: KasunPremathasan: ThangarajahPritchard: Robert W SPrithikumara: S A SPriyadarshi: G.MPriyanga: T A RPriyanka: ThenujaProctor: DanielPunithaviththakan: KPurusothaman: SellathuraiPushpakumar: ArunasalamPushpakumara: P AD R UQuah: Kare Radulovich: MarkRafferty: Ryan J.MRahme: MarwanRajakaruna:R W D W C A BRajakulasuriyar: MohanRajeev: WRam: P KRamachandra: ThanujaRamesh: NirubaRanasinghe: AyonaRanatunga: MahindaRanaweera: SanjayaRanaweera: W.R.S.CRangika: P.PRanjithkumar: SRasila: K.A.MRathnayake: KumuduniRathnayake: T.PRecks: TerenceReddy: YenkteshRoberts: GrantRobinson: ChristopherRobson: NigelRoche: Karl J PRosandic: RonaldRoss: Anthony JRoubin: MichaelRowe: Nicola PRowe: Stephen

Probationers continued...

2007 Annual Report40

Register of M

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ecember 2007

Register of M

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ecember 2007

Rowlands: MarcRuston: BradleyRuwanpura: U D M DSabesan: SrirathanSamarajeewa: A K GSameera: S D S D GSandanayake: Y GSanjeewa: B V PSanthanakrishnan: SivasankarSantharuban: NSarvathas: SarvananthanSasitharan: ASatchell: AaronSatgunarajah: SSathiasuthan: SathiamoorthySathiyaseelan: MurugesuSathkumara: D M M NSaunders: LouiseScott: NealeSEET Swee Lin: AudreySeeto: MarkSenevirathne: T K W Seneviratne: T K K SSenthooran: RSeo Tho Keen Hong: FSeo: YoungsinSetshwaelo: KitsoSewell: MarkShanmugam: MenahaShaw: LassetterShaw: MatthewSHEA Wai Hoh: MaxSheehan: ZanetaShepheard: JasonShiyamasuntharan: RShiyamasuntharan: SrishanthiniShiyamini: RSia Leh Hee: KathySiew Yuen Ping: JovinaSilva: B H C SSIM Hui Yong: Simpson: RobertSingh: Om PrakashSisomphou: Dee VSivasaththy: TSkinner: PaulSmit: GeorgeSO Muk Fa: SOH Meng Yoong: RyanSomarathna: P H P ISomesan: PSOO Gim Teik: Southward: CraigSpaulding: We MildSpiden: WarrenSpiers: PeterSrisuthan: SStammers: PiersStone: KristySubaranjan: RajeswaranSulochana: SivasithSun Cheuk Wah: PeterSun Yee Ting: OliviaSwart: EricTai Pik Kiu: AmyTait: GlennTam Chi Ho:

Tam Chi Wai: Tan Bee Lian: TAN Ching Ching: Tan Lay Hoong: Tan Paik Kuan: PatrickTAN Siew Fui: AgnesTAN Yen Eng: Tang Chun Yin: JohnnyTANG Ja Chee: DanielTang Po Chuen: PaulTang: DavidTaylor: WayneTee You Tat: Tee: SiewTeh Bee Bee: Teh Bin Sin: Teh Chua Tiang: Teh Teng Heng: BruceTen Cate: Herna MTennakoon: UdayanganiTEO Chiang-Jen: AlvinTEO Poh Lian: Terry: LouiseTham-Gazzard: JudyThambiratnam: AnanthyThangarasa: KugathasThayaparan: ShanmugamThen Siaw Khiun: Thie: ZefironThompson: GaryThomson: RyanThorne: PeterThurairajah: NiroojaTiew: ShirleyTimilsina: PravaTimmins: KatherineTIN Guang Kae: TING Su Yee: Tiong Siew Ting: Toh Yeow Keng: RoystonToh: PearlToms: Jared RTong Wai Keung: PatrickTotman: JinTowell: MarcusTranter: Jason STsai: JudithTSUI Yuk Wah: HyedyTYO Mui Teng: Ubeysiri: NadeeraUng Chin Tat: UNG Lay Minh: Vickers: Aaron. JViero: AnthonyViney: LukeVinothan: SatcunasingamViskovich: MichaelVithana: S B K HVithya: SWalpole: BenWan Hung: WAN Ka Keung: Warshahannadi: SameeraWathudura: MalsiriWatkins: BradleyWedawatta: G S DWeerakkody: W P D TWeeraman: N W J KWeerawardhana: I A D S SWelagedara: D K N

Whiteley: GrahamWickramaarachchi: R CWickramaarachchi: W A TWickramarachchi: M M PWickramasinghe: B V DWickramasinghe: W A N KWijekoon: M C L KWijesekara Liyanage: S DWijesinghe: R T J Wijesiri: B D SWijesooriya: M P RWijesooriya: W M T DWilkins: MarkWilliams: HelenWilliams: ScottWilson: MarkWilson: StephenWinder: JamesWipulanayaka: PrabathWONG Chi Ming: RaymondWong Chii Nguong: Wong Hoi Wan: Wong Hok Kin: Wong Hon Leung: Wong Ka-Man: CelinaWong Kar Chi: FionaWONG Kui Poh: WONG Kwok Cho: WONG Kwong Chee: JohnWong Lai Tak: WONG Sau Ling: Wong Shun Fat: Wong Tack Leong: WONG Tuck Huei: Wong Wai Cheuk: Wong Wai Kit: BillyWong Wing Shan: SharonWong Yik Shun: RickyWong Yin Chor: Wong Yuk Tong: WONG: Aaron C MWONG: James Chun CWong: MichaelWONG: VincentWong: WinnieWoodruff: DamianWoollam: BarryWU Min Yi: Wuiske: GavinWylie: MatthewYakaseelan: BalsamyYan Chi Sing: JoeYan Kum Seng: Yang: DavidYAO Chu Yien: AngeunaYAP Siow Hoong: YAP Wei Cheng: JessieYapa: B SYasodaran: KYAU Mei Lun: Yau Yat Cheung: YEE Vui Leung: VincentYen Foong Loo: Yen: RaymondYeo Lee Hoon: JaneYEO Phuy Hua: EdnaYeong Huai Kang: YEUNG Chi Ho: Yeung On Wai: WilliamYeung Pak Hung:

Yeung Sai Kit: Yeung Sai Kuen: YEUNG Tung Hoi: Yeung Wing: BetsyYii Chee Sing: YIK Pui Hang: FlorenceYING Mee Fong: CynthiaYing Shuk Yee: ShirleyYip Wai Ming: YIU Wun Sing: Yogeswaran: RavindranYoung: StevenYu Chun Wah: YU Fung Yee: Yu Kin Cheung: YU Ya Wen: GraceYu: KennethZarakhsh: KamranZhan Zhong Hua: ZHANG Qi Long: Zust: Shane

TechniciansANG Hwie Ling: MelissaAsoka: M A A RAU Yeung: ThomsonChang Yee Ching: StefanieEdwards: TinaFisscher: Scott AHewageegana: T P HHodges: Darryl MJANSEN Van Rensburg: DJayalath: I A A NKeighley: GlennKershaw: Daniel JKnopek: Tadeusz JMeiring: Ricard IMurugesan: RajasekaranNg Yee Kei: IrenePatil: MahanteshgoudRamana Prasad: K VRathnayake: H M U KSaggu: RavdeepSheppard-Morris: AnthonyTalbot: PeterTung: WinnieXUE Zhang Dun: GordonZeng: Xiping

StudentsAbang Noordin: DayangAbdullahi: AbdirahmanAbdurahmanovic: DamirAbela: DanielABO Ghani: N.Aboumelhem: CharbelAbu-Geras: MahmoudAckland: LukeAcosta: MartinAcosta: RosemarieAdams: ScottAdams: WesleyAdis: JohnAH-Koon: LucAhn: Jae-YongAl Hazzouri: NouraAl Suwaidi: Mohammed AAl-Lawati: Ahmed MAl-Sweedy: Mustafa K

Probationers continued...

2007 Annual Report41

Register of M

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ecember 2007

Register of M

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ecember 2007

Alder: MathewAllen: Nicholas GAmeen: FazilAn: JieAnargyros: GeorgiosAnderson: AidanAnderson: JamesAnderson: MarkAndolfatto: PaulAng Wei Zhen: Angel: BradAngus: JamesAnlezark: DominicAnthony: JamesArakel: ArmenArancibia: NelmaAssarapn: Tass JAta: Atkins: BernardAu Yuen Biu: LouisAyoub: JaiBabic: JohnBacic: Joey IBader: GeorgeBadge: MitchellBadr: EmilleBain: AshleyBain: JeremiahBarathithasan: TBareki: ShathisoBarker: JakeBarnes: DanielBarnes: JockBarry: JasonBasilio: JoseBaskin: Lynden JBasnayake: M.A.BBassin: ShmuelBaybory: EnginBayliss: BenBeer: AmeliaBeeton: SimonBega: MatthewBeinke: SamuelBenger: Anthony MBeni: BrendanBenjamins: Malisa M LBensch: FrancoisBettio: SarahBevan: Jonah TBiar: M A ABilsborough: RyanBird: ChristianBisanovic: NadinaBishop: DavidBlack: MatthewBlack: ThomasBlackman: AliceBlackman: Ivy QBlackmore: Matthew RBlomfield: MichaelBlood: Peter WBojcetic: AdrianaBoleseng: TshegofatsoBolton: JamesBonacci: Leia NBool: LeighBosua: TjaartBotros: Joseph

Boumelhem: LinaBourne: ThomasBoutros: GeorgeBowden: StephenBower: Jeffrey PBox: Laurence TBoyce: WilliamBoyle: Jay A PBradey: NatalieBrady: AndrewBrandtman: Simon WBrettig: SimonBridson: HaydenBrinias: MichaelBrinkworth: PaulBroderick: ThomasBrodie: DavidBrooks: DavidBrown: AdrianBrown: JoshuaBruce: NickBruderlin: Wally JBruning: MarkBuckland: StevenBurns: AnthonyBurza: AllisonByrne: DavidByrne: Julie MByrne: Marcus PCameron: Jarrad ACameron: ScottCampbell: Cameron JCanny: MatthewCapaldo: RichardCarcallas: PaulCarney: BenjaminCarpenter: BrendanCarrick: SeanCarroll: RisteardCartwright: GlennCasey: JamesCatton: Lincoln KCera: BraydonCestaro: Mark BChadwick: DarinCHAI Min Fui: Chai: SteveChai: Y CChamara: H V PCHAN Chun Ming: Chan Ka Fu: Chan Kwok Wah: CHAN Ming Sum: CHAN Pei Ling: CHAN Shih Yung: Chan Tak Wai: RayCHAN Ying Tsz: Chan: Rose W.CHANG Sueng-Ho: Channell: JamesChaplin: MatthewChapman: AdrianCharles: VignesChe Wan: SafuanCHEAH Wing Cheung: CHEN Hsin Hung: ThomasChen Jia Leo: Cheng Tik Hong: CHEUNG Kwan Lim: Chittleborough: James T

CHO Hyun Soo: StevenChoi Yat Ming: CHOO Tien Kim: Chow: SimonChoy Chit Ying: Christofidis: EmmanuelChristou: TheoChu Tak Wah: EdwardCHUA Yin Ching: Chui Kai Wang: Cipi: MartinClark: HamishClark: JamesCleaver: JoelClements: MatthewCockburn: GerardCocky: RyanCole: Ryan GColeman: JessicaColes: BradCollins: KhanConey: RichardConolly: RobertCorcoran: ThomasCouani: PaulCousin: FrancisCrichton: JonathonCrouch: James ACrouch: LukeCurcio: LouisaCurnow: MatthewDang: QuintonDaoud: FaideDarmanin: BelindaDarshani: M W NDavey: Thomas CDavidov: RobertDavies: EdwardDe Silva: H D ADe Silva: T L M PDeeb: Benjamin ADennis: JamesDesyllas: StevenDevsam: KrishDhanasinghe: I.PDicamillo: NathanDickie: ScottDiehm: MylesDiep: RyanDijkstra: DavidDINH Khoi Quang: Dinning: CraigDissanayake: M C KDitshwene: NametsoDivito: Jailton ADixon: Samuel ADodd: PhillipaDoherty: MarkDolic: DzulianDollery: Benjamin RDoornbusch: TravisDost: Ahmad QDowling: Stuart PDoyle: BradleyDoyle: JamesDriscoll: ChristopherDuncan: NicholasDunlop: Mitchell BDusek: AnthonyDwyer: Joel

Eden: JoshuaEdirisooriya: S.HEfthimiou: DeanElegoda: N.LElesh: RashidEllis: James DElton: TimothyEmmitt: Simon PEngelaar: RobinEnglish: AaronEnglish: VanessaEsquilant: GeoffreyEtemadi: DanielEtheridge: SimonEtri: MuhammadEvans: DanielleEvans: MitchellEvans: Vaughn J Faisal: Mohamed R MFalagas: PaulFarquharson: StuartFarrant: JosephFarrugia: DanielFawaz: HassanFazlioglu: ElifFernando: HarshaFernando: S.R.SFeros: SimonFerrantino: MatthewFerris: DanielFincher: BenFiori: NicholasFisher: Brendan JFlint: SamuelFlynn: LisaFong Chi Ming: FlorideFoo: KellyFord: CarmelFordham: AlexandraFortuna: DamienFredericks: BeauFreeland: EdwardFreeman: NicholasFreitag: Robert EFricker: JasonFrkovic: NGadsden: PeterGanibegovic: ErminGarigali: BenGarvey: MitchellGayed: GirgisGeelhoed: Sean DGentile: J.B.A.Genua: EnzoGeorges: MatthewGeorgiou: AndrewGerrard: AlexGhobrial: MichaelGiamarelos: SotiriGIAN Heng Chuan: Giannasi: Michael PGiasoumi: GarryGibbons: BodieGigliotti: RobertGill: Varindaz SGillett: MatthewGilmore: David JGiuffreda: JosephGodfrey: AndreaGolding: Joshua

Probationers continued...

2007 Annual Report42

Register of M

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ecember 2007

Register of M

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ecember 2007

Gong: MaxGonzalez Medina: CarlosGoodbody: ScottGoodhew: Joshua PGovey: SimonGow: DavidGraham: JamieGranger: Nicholas L WGray: AndrewGray: MarlonGray: PaulaGrebenshikoff: PaulGreen: Karl JGrida: AnthonyGriffin: PaulGrigg: JohnGroves: JeremyGunathilake: C M D AGunathilake: S V SGunawardena: D M KGunawardena: R BGuner: BugrahanGunson: LukeHaagman: Ross GHagley: StephenHains: DuncanHainsworth: JonathonHall: GarthHamilton-Foster: Emma LHampel: DavidHanna: JoshuaHanna: RoniHannah: LiamHansen: StephenHapuarachchi: D U AHardy: NathanHarrison: LiamHarry: KeganHart: AndrewHartcher: SkyeHaslam: BenHauri: MinHawker: BenjaminHawkins: JamesHaynes: David AHeath: BryceHenderson: JamesHenry-May: CharlotteHenson: LukeHenwood: Matthew JHerath Mudiyanselage: M SHercegovac: DejanHesa: JefHettige Don: L WHeydenryeh: JohannHiddlestone-Lea: JanineHiggins: JesseHiggins: NinaHII Kiing Liung: Hiley: BenjaminHimson: Mathew RHintz: Caitlin AHo Chi Man: TommyHo Chi Ming: WilsonHo Chung Ping: GordonHO Ming Kei: DavidHo Ying Kee: Hollonds: JamesHolmes: Amy E

Hopkins: IsaacHopkins: JuanHopkins: RussellHoppe: NicholasHouchar: SadekHua: DannyHughes: JacintaHughes: NicholasHughes: StephenHummel: JoelHumphreys: Michael BHunt: SpencerHunter: BrendaHunter: TimHurtado: ManuelHUYNH Vinh Quong: Huynh: JasonHuynh: MichaelHuynh: NgocHuynh: NhungIbrahim: GarryIerace: JonathanIesa: TarigIllangasingha: L D BIndrisie: TimInwood: MelodyIreson: TimIssa: YahyaJacobs: TemmetyJaensch: AshleyJamal: KassirJamal: MohsinJames: DrewJames: JakeJameson: EmmanuelJameson: MatthewJane: LeonJarrett: Rodney WJayasinghe: E V A BJayawardana: K G H KJayaweera: U P BJayawickrama: T SJeffries: SamuelJenkins: RyanJennings: XavierJerliu: TeutaJeyarajah: DushikaJiang: MichaelJobber: BenjaminJobber: MatthewJohn: BeverlyJohnson: JayJohnston: LukeJolly: Matthew PJones: BradleyJones: Mathew DJones: WayneJordan: MichaelJoseph: Anne LJoseph: RyanJoukhadar: Michael JJuwono: Reza AKairouz: CharbelKalinowski: HubertKamalanathan: SKang: NaheeKao: DominicKarvountzis: GeorgeKassab: SebastianKay: Tymko

Kearney: SeanKeegan: ByronKeeley: GerardKelly: ChrisKelly: DavidKenfield: MatthewKennedy: JonathanKennedy: KieranKennon: Scott PKenny: BraydenKent: RobertKerkhof: ShannonKeung: AmmaronKhoo: MatthewKildea: TerenceKIM Dong Hun: Kim: ElijahKime: VictoriaKinnaird: SteveKirk: DanielKirschner: NataleKitchin: AngusKleemann: TimKlopper: StephenKnoblauch: JarrodKochergen: DavidKoeshendro: ArifianaKOH Kheng Yew: KennethKOH Tat Kian: Kombani: LefokoKonc: SashaKONG Lah Shyan: BeatriceKONG Poi Yee: Konitzka: AshleyKonya: Christopher HKoutlakis: DanielKoutsouliotas: ConstantinosKrebs: JamesKropf: Emily LKruit: MartinKukanesan: HamshayiniKumara: K A C PKwok Kam Wah: Lake: Dwayne A NLang: ScottLangley: PeterLast: StevenLau Ching Ting: Lau Pak Yi: Lazzaro: JanineLe Cornu: MatthewLe Serve: Scott MLe: AlbertLe: ThomasLeach: BenjaminLebnan: LouisLee Chi Lun: Lee Hoi Lung: LEE Jee Hung: AugustineLEE Jia Yee: LEE Sheng Ming: FelixLEE Wai Loon: AlanLee: AlexanderLee: ChristopherLee: EdmandLee: EunLee: Y F Lees: AnneLehman: Nathan JLekang: Tshiamo

Lenora: R T CLeong: JianLeow: EnricLeow: IvanLeung Chun Kong: Leung Chun Yu: DickLeung: EricLevy: MarkLewis: BenLi Sun Hing: LIEN Chong Hock: Likouras: FotiLilly: LiamLim: NoiLim: W HLindfield: PhillipLING Chai Lim: LING Jung Che: Ling: JessicaLinke: Paul MLittle: JarrydLomman: SharaiLongbottom: GrantLOW Wen Chin: LOY Wei Ming: LU Siaw Wei: Lubajo: NimayaLucarelli: MatthewLucas: Harry CLucas: SteveLui Ying Wai: Lundy: Stephen ELuong: ChristopherLuppino: RockyLUY Wai Leang: LingLyall: GregLycakis: PeterLymberopoulos: MichaelLyons: TerryMA Hong Mei: Ma: Nora YMacao: RichardMaccagnan: JasonMacDonald: ColinMacins: PaulMadushanka: H W CMagar: Muhammad MMaiolo: RobertMak: ClarencioMallalue: PhillipMaltman: MattMangione: RossManley: SimonMarchant: JulianMarchese: StevenMarco: AnthonyMartin: BradMartin: SamuelMartini: BenjaminMatlapeng: OnneileMaurice: MartinMazza: MarcuMazzaferro: MichaelMazzone: NicholasMcAnulty: ShaneMcAuliffe: AllanMcClure: Luke DMcDonald: DavidMcGaw: HughMcGough: Steven

Students continued...

2007 Annual Report43

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embers as at D

ecember 2007

McKay: Timothy TMcKee: BryceMcNamara: RhysMead: MatthewMedagedara: S CMelvold: RyanMerhi: BashirMichael: DavidMihailou: PetrosMikucki: MarekMiller: AlisonMilligan: LawrieMilvain: Henry JMinchin: TomMinuzzo: DanielMirtschin: JamesMitchell: AlexanderMoeller: GregoryMohajer: ShahinMohamed Ali: AbdulrahmanMOHAMED Mufas: AbdulMohammad: AoufMohammed: RamiMokgwathi: LeruoMoldrich: NicholasMoorthy: ArjunaMorgan-Van Loon: JarradMorris: JamesMorris: William J LMorrison: NeilMorten: GavinMortlock: MichaelMsomi: VictorMulholland: JesseMumford: HaydenMunns: JesseMurgia: Christopher JMurphy: DanielMurphy: EamonMurphy: StevenMurray: ThomasMwashita: Kurai CNadarajapillai: SNagy: ThomasNakajima: JeffNaleer: AdamNanizad: ShayanNavam Fernando: MaximusNazarudin: Naziwa SNdoli: KozibaNeduncheran: NNeilly: MichaelNelson: Paul J ANeri: StephenNG: Angie W YNG: StevenNg: TonyNgo: DavidNGOH Chin Huay: NGU Leh Soon: JosephNGUYEN Giang Son: Nguyen Quoc Tam: Nguyen Thinh Tuan: Nguyen: DavidNguyen: DzungNiceski: AlexanderNicholson: Jade A RNiedzwiecki: Michael JNielsen: Edward D

Nissanka: A L NNissanke: M N W KNkelesa: ThusoNthutang: GorataNuhn: Steven TO’Brien: Adam JO’Brien: JustinO’Brien: StephenO’Connor: David JO’Day: StephenO’Dell: RowanO’Donoghue: DamienO’Halloran: RosieO’Meara: CourtneyO’Neill: LukeO’Reilly: ColmO’Rouke: Michael TO’Sullivan: Daniel JObeid: RodneyOlifent: AshleyOn Wai Sze: ONG Sing Hui: JoanneOpiyo: Jordan ROsidacz: RossOsterballe: AlexOstrowski: AlyceOtang: EdoOuslinis: Simon JPagotto: MichaelPaley: WilliamPamandanan: TeddyPanaccio: AlexanderPandya: NiranParker: LukeParsons: AnthonyParton: BrettPasco: ThomasPatel: M HPathirana: G P D H APatterson: DavidPavelic: AlainPearce: ChristopherPearce: LukePeddie: GregoryPejic: StevenPennell: DavidPepper: JordanPerkin: ThomasPerry: LauraPeters: MitchellPeters: PaulPetherbridge: Pfitzner: ShanePham: RavyPhillips-Ryder: MichaelPhilp: KevinPhologolo: M.Piccione: AndrewPickard: DavidPickering: AlexPico: KathleenPidd: TristanPirathiban: KPither: AshbyPlayer: MatthewPlunkett: AdamPokar: NaziaPoore: AndrewPope: NickPorter: James

Powell: Lisa MPranata: ClaraPratt: MichaelPreece: TobyPrice: HiediPriyantha: T H SProud: SamProzinski: MichaelPrpic: AnthonyPsarros: DimitriosPuvanesasingham: JanahanPynt: AndrewQuaglia: StevenQuinn: DamienRaei: HoomanRaffa: Matthew SRajadurai: StephenRajah: MohammedRajendram: ThanurjanRajeskanthan: BaminiRamah: NeeranjRanasinghe: S U W GRanatunga: D SRanderee: ArshadRath: DarellRathnayake: K G G PRathnayake: M C KRatnayake: G DRatty: MatthewRayner: Thomas ARead: AdamReid: Kirby AReinboth: SamuelReinhard: CorinneRemeevs: DanielResos: CharmaineRezo: Adrian KRhodes: JamieRich: JarrodRickie: Robert GRimmelzwaan: KieranRizk: KaissarRobinson: AdamRobinson: Daniel JRobinson: JohnRobinson: MatthewRobson: MatthewRoe: DonaldRogers: Shelly LRohozynsky: JosephRollan: Steven A.JRolley: Andrew SRolton: Sarah ERooney: BlakeRossenkhan: FateemaRoud: ChristinaRougier-Lagane: XavierRowe: StuartRudzitis: DavidRunia: KateRusso: AnthonyRuwan: B L NRyan: Michael JRyan: Michael RRyan: StephenRyan: StuartSabdia: MuhammadSachs: TimSadler: Lee NSadlier: Martin

Sahayaratnarajah: NirojanSaia: JamesSales: PeterSalgadu: M E HSammut: JodySanders: JakeSantosa: HendraSantoso: NarishaSardelich: LukeSarkis: CharbelSarris: TimothySasikoran: SubramaniyamSassine: MichaelSaunders: JoshuaScarff: HamishScarman: ThomasScerri: Dean NSchmid: RebeccaSchrammeyer: JohannaSedirwa: DimphoSekhavati: ShayanSelwood: PaulSenarathne: B G RSfeir: GabrielSghirripa: DanielShanahan: Adam MShanmugaratnam: SuthanShaw: SimonShaw: ToreShepardson: BrockShevlin: Troy EShilton: Matthew IShort: AnthonyShortis: AnthonySHZE See Choy: SIE Ing Siew: SIM Lai Ly: Simpson: ThomasSinclair: DuncanSirakumarah: TharshiSithathanthirapalan: KousihanSitu: NingSiu Yuk On: BensonSkinner: LukeSkratulja: StevenSlack-Smith: BlairSlatter: VonSmith: AnthonySmith: JustinSmith: KyleSmith: Luke A CSmith: Luke RSmith: NathanSneeuwjagt: BernardSo Yiu Ming: Sofra: JoeSok: PhiaSomerville: LukeSoong: EricSooriyarachchi: Saveen SSparkes: TomSriprom: JendisStanhope: StuartStanton: ShaneStarkie: RyanStarling: MarkStecher: Iwan SStepanovski: ZoranStephens: Natalie

Students continued...

2007 Annual Report44

Register of M

embers as at D

ecember 2007

Register of M

embers as at D

ecember 2007

Stewart: CoryStone: MatthewStopyra: Agnieszka JStopyra: DominikStrahorn: ScottStuart: DavidSudiro: AnthonySukor: Siti ShakiraSulochana: W A P TSurtie: RidwanSutton: Timothy JSwigart: JoshuaSwigart: TravisSwinnerton: DanielSwinnerton: MichaelTabet: BahaaTAN Ke-Yih: TAN Zhi: LarryTan: EugeniaTang Chi Man: Tang Chun Leung: Tanner: KevinTAY Ian Wei: Taylor: DominicTaylor: JoshuaTaylor: Mark DTeh: SabrinaTelii: LeviThai: HingThanushayan: BennyTharmakulasingham: RThazhuthadath: K OThelermont: JerryTHIEN Vui Chau: Thilakarathne: W B MThompson: JackThompson: Kirk DThorn: BenjaminTicic: JakovTilton: GlennTing Tiew Nong: Ting: NigelTIONG Yew Geen: TNG Liang Teck: DaronTO Cheuk Pong: JTomasini: MattToomeh: VanessaTorelli: DanielToro: RichtofferTorresan: RiccardoTran: PhuongTredrea: SalemTrevaskis: Nathan JTripi: Reece CTSEN Heng Ngee: Tsen Sui Fu: Tsen Sui Lioong: Tsoroklidis: KonstantineTutt: AdamTzerefos: StevenUkang: CarenUnwin: Michael SValente: PhillipVan Meer: ThomasVasko: DavidVasquez: Ernesto AVassallo: Adam MVincent: Gregory KVlachos: Adam

Voevodov: IgorVoivodich: JoshVonidis: SamVukajlovic: PetarWakely: Benjamin RWalczuk: MartinWallace: JasonWaller: RobinWalpole: RobertWAN Mei Chiek: IvyWan Siu Wai: WANG Wen Xing: TinaWang: NatalieWard: TeganWardman: SeanWaters: DavidWatt: Christopher MWattenhofer: PeterWatts: AdamWayman: TravisWeare: WilliamWeeks: Scott KWeerakkody: NWen: AnnaWenham: DavidWest: DouglasWest: JarrodWest: NathanWestley: JamesWhang: JasonWightman: AlexanderWijebandara: R M SWilke: Benjamin PWilliams: MichaelWillis: Stephen JWillmott: KateWills: AngelaWillsmore: DanielWilson: DarrenWitt: TimothyWong Chi Man: WONG Chun Hung: WONG Hee Cheong: Wong Hoi Kan: MarkWONG Kui Kiun: Wong Leh Leong: Wong Leung Hung: WONG Tsz Ho: HoraceWong Wai Chung: Wong Wing Yau: WONG: AnnaWood: ChinoWood: DavidWoodward: BrettWOON Wei Yuet: Work: NicholasWorrall: DennisWright: Michael JWynne: GarethYAP Eng Ken: JasonYAP Soo Mei: Yap: JustinYatanwala: W S RYEE Pei Yi: IrisYeung: SammyYING Li Wen: YIP King Shing: DonaldYONG Pe Teck: Yong Wai Teck: WilliamYoung: Brendan

Young: Samuel JYounis: PeterYovan: StuartYU Ying Ping: Yu: BonanYuen: HungYung Kin Shun: Zaid: Al HinaiZarro: AnthonyZhang: JialunZhang: WayneZhu: AmyZhuang: Xiao XiaoZilic: MunirZOU Chu Feng:

RetiredArcher: RobertBaillie: IainBarr: EdwardBent: DouglasBishop: JulieBlack: NormanBollard: MichaelBooth: RonaldBrinkworth: AlanBrown: JohnBurgess: JohnBurke: MichaelCampbell-Stewart: DonaldCatania: VittorioCattermole: WalterChalmers: DavidChambers: FrankChan Kwai Moon: Chandler: DonaldChaudhry: MahinderChia Man Hing: Chiang Chao Tak: LaurenceCook: DavidCorke: DennisCromby: WilliamCrowdy: PeterCrowe: RichardDacombe: MichaelDixson: MichaelDonald: MagnusDowling: GavinDuckworth: RogerEdgtton: DonEdwards: WilliamEvery: DavidFaulke: GlenFisher: NormanFraser: AlanFuller: ColinGan Eng Foh: Gategood: FrancisGeorge: ThomasGersekowski: NevelGodfrey: DenisGoff: RobertGoldfayl: GregoryGourlay: TerenceHall: BruceHazlewood: BryanHenshall: KeithHickey: GailHorley: WilliamHornby: Robert

Horton: LeonardHutchinson: JohnJackman: AlanJacobs: StuartJennens: DavidJohnston: IanJones: AlbertKAM Sing Yu: AlbertKerr: HughKilpatrick: RobertKinlay: GordonLaw Tong Kok: Lee: JohnLeedham: DouglasLeith: DonroyLord: JohnMcCrae: JohnMcGeorge: WilliamMcPherson: NeillMoore: ThomasMortimer: TrevorMountifield: ChristopherMourant: GrahamNapier: DonaldNeilsen: JohnNixon: StephenO’Hara: LeonardOtt: AnthonyOulton: BrianPeek: DeanPegrum: RobertPetchey: RonaldPhinn: RossPorter: ArthurPorter: LloydRalph: PeterRichmond: IanRobson: MalcolmRogers: BrianRogerson: JohnSavill: BrianSherring: RobertSierra: JosephSmith: EricSouthon: PeterStaciunas: JonasStonell: MichaelTasker: GordonTeck Fung Ting: KennethTeo Gim Hoon: Tew: GraemeTurner: MaxwellValentine: RobertViatkin: GeorgeVigours: JohnWatts: JohnWatts: VickyWilde: AlanWilson: JohnWright: William RYap Lay Wah: Yonge: GeoffreyYoung: Peter

Students continued...

Financial Statem

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tatements for 2007

Financial Statem

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2007 Council P

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2007 Annual Report64

Agenda &

Proxy for 2008 A


Agenda &

Proxy for 2008 A


2007 Annual Report67

Notice is hereby given that the National AGM of members of the AIQS will be held on Friday 30 May 2008, at the Radisson Plaza Hotel, 27 O’Connell Street, Sydney, NSW at 12.45pm.

A light lunch will be served and members are requested to notify National Office of their attention to attend for catering purposes.


Welcome and Opening.Confirmation of previous AGM Minutes held on 8 June 2007.Receive and consider the Annual Report to Members for 2007.Receive and consider the Audited Balance Sheet and Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2007.To appoint Duesburys Nexia as the Institute Auditors for a further twelve months.Address by the National President on directions and initiatives for the future of the Institute and the profession.Presentation of Awards.To discuss any other matters required or permitted under the Articles of Association.Close.



AIQS PROXY VOTEI ……………………………...……….of…………….......………………………………………………. (Name) (Address)

A member of the ……………Chapter of the AIQS hereby appoint:

…………………………….……........of…………………………….………………………………………(Name) (Address)

or failing them…………………..….……...of…………….………………………..……………………… (Name) (Address)

Or failing either of them may appoint any other member to be my proxy to vote for me on my behalf at the: Annual General Meeting of the Institute.

To be held on the 30th day of May 2008 and at any adjournment thereof, and I direct my proxy to vote in favour of / against (either circle the words you wish to retain or strike out the words you do not wish to retain) the following motions:

Receive and adopt the Annual Report to members for 2007. In Favour / AgainstReceive and adopt the Audited Balance Sheet and Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2007. In Favour / AgainstTo appoint Duesburys Nexia as the Institute Auditors for a further twelve months In Favour / Against

As witness my hand this………………..………….day of …………………………………...2008

Signed:……………………………………………….(Member’s Signature)

Witness’s Signature:…………………..………….Witness’s Name:……………………………………

NOTE: Mail or Fax your proxy to the AIQS National Office to arrive no later than 12 noon AEST on Friday 30 May 2008






T +61 2 6282 2222F +61 2 6285 2427W www.aiqs.com.auE contact@aiqs.com.au

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