AAR 82nd Armored Recon Battalion, 2nd Armored Division, June 44 Thru May 45

Post on 30-Nov-2015






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    AAR # 250


    2ND ARMORED .D~o~5. 23,-' June 44 thru May 45







    BUILD~GT-5. (T-1782).

    ,.' UNClASS1FIED...




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    8 E CR E T :Auth:-CG,-2~~D. : Init:

    : Date: 25 July 1944.

    ..................... . . . . . . .. . . . ... . . . .. . . ..

    F~ADQUA.RTERS 82d Armored Reoonnaissanoe Battalion

    A oP .0. 252 , U. 8. 25 July 1944


    'vUBJECT: Aotion Against ~nemy Report.

    TO The Adjute.nt General, i''iashington, .0. Co (Thru Channels)

    1. In oomplianoe with paragraph 10 (v)}, .:rn 345-105, the following ".otionAgainst ~nemy Report is submitted for the 82d Armored_Heoonnaissanoe Battalion, 2d ;\Xffiored Division.

    IvIAP.3: FRAFCE - GSGS 4250 - Sheets 6E6, 6F2 - 80ale: 1: 50,000.

    1. On June 26, .L.;I'i-Lf. the 82d Armored Reoonnaissance Eattalion was oommitted in aotion for the first tL'lle since landing in FRJI.l1CE on 10 June 1944. 'this aotion oonstituted a oombat patrol frdm "B" Company, tLis unit, W.u~", .... operateu in area south of CAm:ONT 0 The results of patrol are as follows:

    a. l~ines: TVvo rows of mines were found in' the northern "V" formed by the crossroads on the west side 01 'LE BOURG. 'Coordinu tes of ninefi.eld - T699587 to '1'701587" 'The mines Vlere patterned in rows a?proximately 5 paces apart' ~itb. the mines spaced approxi.trJ.8.tely 3 to 5 paoed apart 'rne mines were viireu with rather heavy0 ,ire about "[aist high and oould be easily seen when mer1bers of the patrol observed against the skyline 0 1'.10 booby traps were observed.

    b. Jus",-. wefore dark the patrol observed a self propelled gun, of undelermined oaliber, situated along the road at the northeastern edge of LZ BCURG, coverine; the road from CAUHOKT. ~!;hen the 1-tt (irol reached this ,Poiut (T70l5$6) after dark, the gun was gone.

    c. :c.:neJ"lW Troops: The 1)8 trol observed a few enemy troops in the to\-\n just before dark, uut upon reaching the 8

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    !. Patro~ jumped Ofi from the line of the 2nd D~ttrlion, 18th .J..nfantry Rer:iment, 1st .wfantry .uivision1 s110rtl,1T after ;c200.u, 26 .Tune and returned to OUI' lines at O~OOD, 27 J~m8 l')J".4..

    2. un 28 .Tune 1944 at 2100b, a combat patrol fro~'i:'C" CO'::libn,v, this uniti notroiled area soUthV,'8St of .... ;.UI:Cl~rI'. Besults of ,);o'.trol are as fo lov's:

    a. }:ines Vfere dist,;overeu. uut tl

  • .

    JOU}{i:"'~ - ft~0 "'L2~TT~D ::CC'}! .. :-3' ",'-C'~ P...'!'T, 'OIr Period 10-)0 June 1944.

    ----_._"_. -- - -.------

    10 Jt,,::,r; 194L: '}1116 (;2 d .'.:c.'nol'e d ,; 8 C omy.' iL ~~:;nce 1)1" t t,:; lion Gis Sl.oe r 1'-':8 d from. L :T' S nt .~~":' r:-LL..;, iT? '~;'l., ='1~..:C "; c t 10 :1.: 3:) , Jvne l()hl~, end i.'lrleci~:-Jtely .:noved to asse.lbJ.~r ,rea ::t To07Q2'3. 3ivou~;c I.-rea 'Was bomhed b~r el1e"w~"~L .-v:ines c,nd booby tro. '8 were conducted for nIl :.'ersonnel in thr.:; .:[lttalion.

    Sitution ;"C 10cCtt~.on unch,r'.{,:ed. l.or'''l'':j. tr3.ininr: c ono..ucted. . iott;,lion:'irst COl'l'''1.ittedlRction \";llen a s"lb11 corClbct ilatrol, Tltl CO''1(/"ny,. uper:.-.ted in fn':r..t 0:::' inf~.ntry lines in are::" scutJ-o of C':..umont. :ctrol ,i'J.:-:o.ed off fro. line of ~d :;3-, ttali'On, l,~th T~furtry~~riGe~t, 1~t Tn~.ntry ')ivision, chort1y : fter 2~200''', 2C J 1lne 2.C'Jl~4. NOvhilP- i"J.1't>el' on

    Ie tr 01 L t r:.idn j. rtt "~t ~;~-:)B, all !'lenbc:rs of '"t:rol ~r:tl1TJ1r:r1. No c . c'.' Itief.. ',t .;.,~i-, n'.rrl,.l t:_7ld ":',~ "cco.,}...;:; .. A,,~. lie';,r:,nder of do.y s )eEt in nor~

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    ;""" "s"B"G"h"i"T "". ".; : Auth: CG, 2AD

    : Init:

    : Date: 1 Aug. 44 " "

    ..................... . "


    ,e . :

    Fr.om: 3022003 June' 44 TO 312400~ July 44

    hq.~ 824 Armds Rcn. ~~ ~36 485,. - \ 1 August 1944.

    ~,O 2 ~ l'':':~.JjS : FRJ.l,:CE - GSGS 4250 - Dheets 6F2, 6F3, 6F4 - uoale:'t 1:50,000,

    1. '1'368485. ~his Battalion ;lot in contaot with the enemy.

    2. unit in assembly area at time of this report, '1'368485'. / 3. .I.'lot applioable.

    4. ~ieather was damp and cool with only a few fair days, -.visibility: Gobd.

    / 5. The :uatt.,lion moved into area just 'Vlest of the vIRE River on the J.JAYEAU'.JC-J?ERIERS Highway and north of ST LO on 26 ,july" 1944 after having,oeen in a reserve status sinoe ~uly 1, 1944. "I'he Battalion had been given "t ....e mission of 'following up a breaK-through of the ~ Infant~y ~ivision fn the area just northwest 01 ~T LO ..,fter a gigantio bombing 1ll8.de on enemy' positions on uuly 25, 1944, and July 26, 1944. Our mission also included f:;1ezing and. holding bridges on the ,::)I~ Rlver at the follo"Viing coordinates 'f,nd relorting all eneUJY iilfol'ma

    , tiOIl. .L.riclce;::; to be siezed and .held by ::A" Company 1noludedthe f9l1ovving: T359424, 'l'339438,~323427, :.&.2984091 :/"268401,and '1'246411. "B" Company was given iJJ:1dges at '..L'24,,426 a.~ T238433. ::0" COJ(paD-waS given bridges at ;i230450 and '291483, :l'he axis ot advanu fteilRaUJ' aouthw .." 1;0the sea on an axis of maroh .t4rough the tolloWSAa ......: HEBECREVON, ST GILLES, CANISY, Q.UIBOU, :rONT BROOARD NomEDAME: LE 'CENILLY, ST MARTIN DE CENILLY, LENGRONNE~ l:en Oomp

    " / . any,. "D" Company and Battalion Hea.dquarters were to tollow \ the axis of advanoe with "cn Company to travel enseQondary

    roads to the right ot the axis and '\An CompanT on seoGndary r?>EI.ds to the left of the ex-is. Our r1ght flank was to be oov~' ed with an advanoe ot the 3r4 Armored Division and our lti"t ; flank by Combat Command "A"ct' the 2nd Armored Division.

    6. Exoellent.

    7. The attack was launohed at ap.prOX1matelY 043OB, -Ju.l~.1944, and by 0707B, July 27, 1944, the Battalion had '. through friendly infantry and had made its tir$t. ~ . at . w.ith the enemy. T~I"~

  • :;: i'. ' .\\~l~ (Monthly. S-t Periodic Report - Period 302200.8 June 4l.. to 31240OB, July 1944, Contd.)...

    .. ' to the town of ST MARTIN DE CENTLLY on the 27th day of July, 1944, representing an advance of about 12 miles. On July 28,'a11 companies spent nost of the day consolidatingpositions and beating off counter-attacks in the vicinity of ST lii.ARTlN DE C~'J:LLY. The first counter-attack "'as repulsed with'heavy losses to the enemy. The second reaohed .the road junotion at rr342476, but "las later driven off. The Battalion then moved on to LENGRONNE where it sucoeeded in making contaot with friendly forces across the ~IENNE' River. Several counter-attacks were repulsed in this vicinity during the night, but by 1000 hours, 30 July, most of the area was cleaned out and numerous prisoners takep. "An, "Bit. and "crt Companies patrolled out from LENGRONNE until about l800B', 30 July 1944, where they moved into the town and bivouac-ed for the night. Qn the morning of 31 July, the Battalion Was relieved and returned to area at T368485 for regrouping and rest.

    HORSMAN S - 3.

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    (!~~:r{~T; ], U?TT': 72d \rnored B,ocorm;iss nce Battalion of t~1e ?d ..rrlOred iHvision

    t \.

    . '''1' r-;~."" =\':: aO''.1):~n~r ")", 17th ..rmored ~~n!Sineer B8ttalion of t,e 2r1 ,rmol'.,d .0iv ision, att'cl1ed to 82d ~\r.rnored Reconnaissance

    ;~J.ltt, lin11 on 25 July 1944.

    c. ,;t1"JV"tl1 of R2d ji.r r10rHd -q~cOTm(' iss;",nce Hsttalion on 1 July 1944, ". G.-icers, 1 'Ilnrrc:nt Orficer ~Dd 9~7 "';n1isted lfen. ~ :I~; r."("'t'~ of R2d l.rmored :1r.conl'.pissenca ~,~tt':'lion on 31 July 1944,

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    DAT'E~ -

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    Tech. 4.th Gr.



    Teoh. 5th Gr.

    2A4 Lt. 2nd Lt.

    Teoh 5th Gr1. PTt.- 1Cl.

    Pt"t. Pvt.

    ,PYt. 101. lat sgt.

    , Cpl.., PYt. 101. Cpl

    . Pf't. 101. ~. pyt.

    ,pyt. ' "En.lDl.:

    , "

    Drake, Da11is A. Roberts ,Hubert G. Dunoan, Charles S. Water., J'ames J'. Denbo., Olaranoe

    Morawski, Stanley

    Schaefer, Harold

    ,Bivins,_ Carl E.

    oFrICEBS WOUNDED Bubolz, Dantord J. pro8t, Robert s.


    27 July 1944. 27 July 1944.. 27 July 1944.

    . 27 July 1944. 28 July 1944. 28 July 1944'. 28 July 1944. ;1 July 1944.

    27 July 1944. 27 luly 1944.



    APpendix,l Narrative RepOrt. APpendix #2 Copy ot UnitJllouraal. APpelldix,) :r1eld Order 11"2.! . 'APpendix i' 4 'OVerlaY' to ....ooo.pan1 Fie14 Order ~2.

    ~or tlle Battalion Commander,


    ., t,'?,,~,

    .. .3 - ,I

    RANK-' Lt. Col.

    1st "Lt. '~S/Sgt

    Pvt. ~gt. Sgt. Sgt. slS~ . .t'Vt. IstLt. 1st Lt . 1st Lt. Sgt~/sgt. s~t.

    R'E/ 1..--\ ! "

    - . " 'tJAln.~ ..... '-'~:J~

    Merriam, Wheeler G. ofC onne r, Jam.es J

    Morawski, stanley

    Smith, John E.

    Aye~ Olovis F.

    Farmer, Howard W.

    !:cElwane1, 'J.'heron V.

    Bullirgton, Thomas E.

    Banks. Roy W.

    Ro~ers, Claude P.

    Jordan, Frank H.

    Eustis, Mortin

    Shook, James u-.

    Johnstone, Luoian B.

    Patricella, John J.

    Silver star 8it.ver titar Silver Star Silver Star Silver star Bronze Star Silver Star Bronze star Bronze star

    Bron~e star Bron?e t;tar Bronze star SUver Star Silver star SlIver btar

    20-30 July 1944. . 27 July 1944. 27 July 1944. 27 tI uly 1944 27 July 1944. 27 July 1944. 27 July 1944. 28 July 1944. 2 ~ July 1 QJd .... 29 July 1944. 29 July 1944. 29 July 1944. 29 July 1944. 29 July 1944. 29 July 1944.

  • - - ---- -


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    1'l_i3}1~\'TTV:3! R~-1.!}JORT

    32d ,1rr~ored Reconnaissance ~a.tta1ion

    1. '.i.'l:.e ,~2d .d..rnored .deconnaiss2r.lce :~att8.1io.a uoved froJll their

    assenbly area hi t~le vicinit;t of .LA '!,Tt'J':, }'r8nce, north to the \JER~SY

    FCR.iyr, to tj"e area east of v .. Jr-mrr, France, when the 2d ~:.r.rnored JJivi

    sion relieved the 7th _.;.I'!!lored j .. v:~sion (British) in a defensive mission,

    assel'1blino; iIi the vicinit~r of '1'730685, Jul? 2, 1944,'

    2. ?ro~ 2 July 1944 until 22 July 1944, the battalion spent a

    neriod 0:;:' reilabilltation aEa naintenF...nce as it was not committed

    aGainst the enemy during this lJeriod.

    " 3. The V!J: Cor~)s, to v:hich the 2d ...~:r.!1lOred Division W8.S attached, had tile :"lission tooenetrate the enemy defenses between MiillIGl1'Y (3861) and 81' txI]JT:~S (4362), seize ~nd hold the line liOUTANC1l.S (2)56) -HARIGNY (3861) in or der to eut off the enemy forc as fac iug they'll Corps, elestroy th'ese forces and to block alongthe line OERE:NC~ (~342) - TESSYom..\. 7I?.}~ (5147) - ;3':e :::"0 any reinforcements from the south or east interfering \:ith this operation. .

    r.l'he 2d ~'..rnored Division was to .move through and seize the objective in order to cover the movement of the ls~ Infantry Division and the 3d JU'i'lored Division. The 82d Armored Reconnaissance ./jat'1;alion was:iven the nission to perform reconnaissance in the zone, to proteot the division flank, to furn::_sh oonnecting Patrols and to .mainta1n liaison fron left to right. .

    4. r.l..11e 82d>l.rnored Reco~iissance 13atta11on moTecl,.,.270lt)O,b

    July 1944, on the::..:r assigrted [tussion to:, I) Reconnoit.r.. ... to

    locate any strong enemy defensive positions, tro0p conoeutiona and

    moveflent. (2) Secure and hold the line along the ~IENNER$..er. (3)

    Eaintain liE'cison I'!i th 3d ,Armored Divislon.

    -&.."_:;": ,: < : ,," - ',_' c;; ,-j~,5. Lieutenant colonel Whe.eler G. M:erriam, (;OmD1~JUU,ngOttl"t," t"tK~t5N

    the batt~.lion, decided on the follOWing deployment at' ',\l18 oOnIDlaD4t ... ";'.:~;~! a. "AU C0n1)3ny ("D" Company. 17th Armored Engtneer Be...tall",~~;'1

    less one n"Ia toon attached) reconnoitar area 1n Batte.11ol'l.eot~. O"Q.th . "::' and i'jest ofaxi~ of advanoe of Combat OO!D.Lland ":B~. . ....... . '.... .

    b. "13~ C ompany (with one platoon "11' O~J!''',.YI!7.~.4.' ':~ Engineer .batt~,ll,on atteche4) t.o reconnott~ag . ...... 1" _U.. .. j~i axis in advance of the main oolumn of oombat 00 ..... '. 'f1)j!:'i. . .... ' ...,....... }.>~

    c. "G" C oI'l!)any to reo onno1ter area .1D.:" >tal.!... aectof'-:hOl'tl\,.,~/~ of main ax-rs and 'nainte.. in liaison with the ,d u_ed ..'s."fUioaM, tile i~~~~~it. . '. . ... . .'. ,l".

  • I . ,. # 4 ... ( _4. \.,. ,

    t ..

    . . ~~.

    6. ODerations of 1I.''''i1 CO"1)Clny during the .oeriod fron 27-31 tful;T

    1944, were as f'0110\'7s:

    . a. 1st ~?latoon - 'llhe l~j.rst action v,c.S at 0830lj, 27 ~1'J.l~r ~i.t a road cr oasing at '..~UIBOU wher.e the platoon ren into [. ..r:r::: ~-i~ t::mlc. A ton 4 x l~ 'was lost and one man cs.ntured. 'J.'his ::.n leter e~:J c. \'C'ld and WEtS nicked u~o by II}," Corn.oeny. .A.t 170.0..1) t~er loc: ted c; Ci ole', UJ a small ammunition dump one quarter mile soutr.:v.'e::t of 0._:, ,~;;'/.~T?:: DF BO.N Ir'OSSE and at 190.0.e located 8.nd ble"; up [J lc,rge 8.'T:.rrunition 'nd gasoline dunp one quarter of a mile south 01 .:::i. _N ,_,:IN.~UR. ~~i:x: )risoners were taken.

    July 28 the platoon .'lloved to L~EI,\~GROFr'lli And t.nen ':ithdre,v to LA :t>EI~TIERE for the night. The bivou.ac at LA 2.)~:~TI}~.:s ':TaS :=:ttcc:-ced at O.93O..Jj forcing the plstoon to move tothE: 'lOrthe&st ot' J.iC'l?~~ .0.":-:':'; DE CENIIJ.,Y. The l?latoonrlloved on to the vicinity of 0T })l;l'J:J l)U ~~-U::?P Where heavy resistance was met one mile south of the tOVln at 1930..0. Tanks, 2o'.~ ,"uns, heavy ;]8chine gun fire, ::~nd infantry forced the pla to on to w-ithdraw. ArtiLlery was requested and received on this area destroying several of the enemy guns and vehicles.

    July 29 the pIe toon j,oined the company headque..rters one nile east 01" ::iT DENIS 00 GAST at 0130H. At 0500lJ the bivouac ,\,1as attac:ced by the 4th (.;ompany (1:/G) of the 983d Grenadier Hegiment. 'llhis attaclc Was beaten off by O.63O.,lj. 9 enemy 'vrere killed and 28 capt:U'ed. One .'nan t'rom flA" Company and one man from. the attiached Engineers 'Were lcilled.

    JulyJQ the platoon ~oved to a rest area. - b. 2d Platoon - un 27 July the platoon follo',';ed the com;Jany

    headauarters asa reserve platoon. In the vicinity of C.\NJ::SY the advan.ce guard WaS cut oft' from the company headquE.rters by a Y..ark V -'~ tank. 'fhe 2d platoon moved up as advance Gu~rd erd the column'V':ithdrew and !:loved around by a new route. A horse dravIn artillery bivouac Was found and attacked at 397531. Lt. l!'rost e.nd l:-'rivate Morris were wounded in the action at this place. 20. prisoners were taken and these pieces of artillery destroyed. At 2lO.O..b 3 enemy j:lalf'-tracks were destroyed at 3851,the ocoupants fleeing into the woods. The platoon biTouaced with the 3d platoon and the ~ngineers at 38950.7 for the nip,ht .

    The attached Engineers captured an enemy half-track to'VITing a lO.5mm gun during the night and shot up the enemy wagon train with the

    "gun, taking about 20. prisoners. On the '28th of July the platoon proceeded on its aSSigned miSSion, rejoined the company atLENGRON".L:t~ and proceeded toward. GAVRAY, then returning to LA .eENETIERE for the night ..

    The platoon Was attaCKed by a Mark IV tank early the 29th of' July at LA PENETIERE. The assault gun was lrnocked out and .i?rivate J!'irst Class Pilcher WaS wounded. tJ.the pola toon .J..eIt tne company near :iT DENIS DU GAST and moved toward GAVRAY, bivouacing near LA CH.A2ZLLE for the night. The platoon rejOined the cOmpany on ~he 30th of July and moved to a rear area in vicinity of' ~QTRE DlU,rn DE .CID-J"'ILLY on July 31,

    1944~ . c. 3d Platoon - ;l"he platoon 1'10vea. out at 04300 on the 27th

    ot' July. b~ermans surrendered to ~ieutenant Bubolz at 06308 near

    C.ANISY when eneM.1.machine guns were engaged at 425575. By llO.O,lj the

    platoon had reached. creSl; of h1ll nortn or VANGY. GerlI!3.n troops were

    observed. at cross roads nortn of town. Lieutenant Bubolz placed the

    assault gun in pOSition to lay covering fi~e. Using one umore.dcsr,

    he approaoned the town on the right side ot the road. One;; ton4 x 4 mDTed to the oross roads Where several Germans were seen.

  • ----pw.'-I, ,~ 'JIl', ." ...


    .- ...._----

    Private Ayers drove eip-",ht Gern.ans out 01' hed.gerows ic.nd held the cross road until the platoonlHoved. in. rl'he platoon cG.;>tured 2nd destroyed one Mark V tank, two 75mm guns, one howitzer, and four personnel curriers. Forty-tHo )risoners were turned over to the P.:! Cage. Corpor;:,l Looney v.', s wounded in the ler: end lert for medical care. At lk.50jj a supply venicl e in the vicinity 0'1' 414557 Was lcnocked out and C~.l.ugut on .lire .,~s the c01wun was pass ing the l'our1jh vehicle sliplJed into a ditch near tIle burning vehicle. AS aamunition Was exploding the creW of the vehicle WaS forced to leave. Lieutenant Bubolz and Corporal Eell returned to Save the vehicle. While so occupied, the burning vehicle exploded in';uring Lieutenant Bubolz in both 1ep:s. The platoon then rejoined tte column.' Lieutenant Bubolz and Corporal Hall were both evacua ted.

    Early on July 27th the .oletoon cftptured 10 prisoners at 39/+490 and 6 prisoners at 390490. They rem into .machine gun :'ind snEl1l ",rns fire near a hospital west of tLA}.1J3YE. Private Huckeby VIas wounded. The platoon moved. on to ST DENIS DU G~.;;3T, then west tovmrd, LEI':GRCI,~j~ v:here they destroyed seven enemy vehicles and captured four ambulEnces. rovin&l: to the bridge they were flet by machine gun, rocket, end S.!1lB 11 arms fire. after killing and injurine several Germe ns , the plato'on withdrew. . Serceant Quire was injured by shell fragments. The platoon bivouaced southwest of NOTRE DiU,:E: DE CENILLY for the night. Caught in the counterattack the next'morning, the platoon withdrew to the outskirts of rOTPE DMTE DE CENILLY, reorganized and started back to the bridge at 3T D=~}ITS DO GAST. On moving toward the bridge the platoon ran into such heavy anti-tank, machine gun, andrifle fire that it had to withdraw.

    7. Operations of "b" Company during the period 27-31 July 1944,

    Were as follows:

    a. "B" Company moved out on the morning of the 27th Of July with the fIrst platoon as advanoe guard, followed by the forward eche"lon of the company uP consisting of the OP half-traok and one armored car and one t ton 4 x ~ truok, the 2d platoon, oompany trains consisting of two 2~ ton trucks, one with ammunition and one with gasoline, and three half-track tenders and the oompany maintenance seotion, the 3d platoon with the attached platoon of Engineers bringing up the rear.

    The plan Was as follows: The 1st platoon was to move down

    the main axis as fast as possible. The 2d platoon WaS to perform flank

    seourity enough to insure safe passage of the company. The)d nlatoon

    and attaohed Engineers were to be used only in .an emergenoy.

    i. b. 1st ~latoon - The 1st platoon was alerted at 0400B, 27th July and movea south toward ST GILLES as the advanoe guard of the oompanr. The move through ST GILLES to CANTSY was slow due to the many bomb erat'ers. At 07100 the platoon moved from CANISY on a highway going south toward the town of NOTRE oom DE 'CENILLY to make .oontaot with:the enemy. Several of the enemy voluntarily turned themselves in Just bel~ the town. A Mark V tank moved out 'on to the road with an,Amerioan soldier in frnt of the tallk e' Lieutenant 0 'OO1me1" had Se:rgeant Shafter move his armored oar forward and open f1l'.- on the tallk. The An1erioan soldier escaped during the oonfusion and was picked up later by the platoon. He Was from"Att Company. The enemy tauJDO'Yed oft down the road. Lieutenant O'Conner followed a~out twenty-tive y~ds when another Mar~ V tank. appeared on the right flank. The 37mm Shells tired at this tank were inefteotive. The aSSault guns were called up, tWoot which started to

  • the flank cross country. Seeing a !;lovement the sergee.nt f~ed 2 shots

    at a farm .house and flushed out ti','O enemy armored cars. 'l'hese cars re

    treated, followed by the two t&nks. The platoon edv2nced to ~/,UI:aOU

    under s!;lall arms and machine gun fire. They captured a motcrcycle and

    killed tvro of the enemy

    ~.bout 300 yards south of ~',ur:80U an observation plane report

    ed three t:-;nl\:s on the crest of the hill which the 'Ole-,toon Vif~S cliclbing.

    One of the tc.:"nks WaS brou~ht u.nder 37n1I!l fire as soon as it W,-tS seen,

    but this fire had no effect on the tc.nk. T':,'O asscult f:uns under the

    direction of Lieutenant Rop;ers 'V.'ere brought up, but could not ;:~ar.euver

    because of the terrein. Lie'.ltenant O'Conner then withdrew the I)lr,toon

    to "Ur3CU.? nd reauested ertillery fire.

    . )4t the request ocf n':.." Con.. '8.ny, 'who in an attempt to run T)8St

    the enel~ly trim;: fire bad re~~ched lJ...lfGY and needed help, the p19t oon'

    moved out at 0900B. The l'J.st vehicle, an assc:ult gun, \'lS,S hit by the

    ene~y t'3,n};: ~uns killine: :3er,,;eant Drake and t"lO .::e"lbers of the' C:r~"T.

    The second section, loved on to J))J-J'GY to assist ".~11 Compa,ny. The remin

    der of the pIG. toon ['loved forv!c.rd as soon e s they could clear the burnin~

    aSS3 ult gun. "

    D~\.rGY VlaS he ld by "I.'hat was judged to be a regiment of infantry. , Abo'.lt forty pri:ooners v'ere captured on the outskirts of the town.

    Lieuteni:.lnt Rogers, with Corporal Price and ,erivate Smith, moved out to reconnoiter the left flank where it was reported a tank \'las rnoving into position. ~Jrivc.te Sn:.th.captured a machine gun nest and two men and he I then dug in to cover avenues of a):!)roaoh. He killed three enemy infantrymen and put to route a 11a trol advancing along with a Hark V tank. The tank took another road to toY.'n and was knocked out by "A" Company.

    At l445b the road was clear, the ,town was taken, and the compan':, and battE/lion IJl:J m.oved in. The pl~toon moved at 2l00ts to join the 3d platoon at ~OTR::~ D1J'!E IE C}~NILLY J but they met them at LA PE1>!lSTIERE where the 3d platoon WeS be ing held by the enemy. They ou tposted and reste'.;. for tl!e night.

    ,L>.t 0000.3, July 29th the platoon moved to :::>T J:ARTIN IE CENILLY. At 1?30b r~ieuten3.nt O'Conner sent I..ieutenant Rogers and his scout section u? the side roed by foot. About 300 yards dovin the road they captured an ene,ny Cl.J trucl(. ~>.t l330B the patrol was fired on by automatic fire from th'3 left flank of' the road just as Lieutenant Rogers stepped out fror.l the left side uf' E~ hea.gerow. Sergeant Morawski, who Was on the right side and in front, received the fire and was killed. The ~trol returnAcl to the Gj? "There it remained in. defensive position tor the ni~ht. ":\.t 013073 d rin,g; an enemy 3ttaok Lieutenant O'Conner was kill.~. at 0345B the 1st :olatoon returneci to ::>T l:i'.RTTr:: IE C:.:IVILIJY where it was used in repulsing a u-erftlB.n tOrL,'i

  • ED . .


    ~:\.tJ1.:,)) tl~'" ,Ltoon Lew":; ,-mt or :i,ts '-:.ission to su")!)ort the 1st plstcon ' ;lic~-:. ',"::: tj~e leG.ciin reconnc is S', j C'8 ele~'llent of the co,"locnv.

    r..L'~l.e 2d T)13toon follovlec1 the Istl toon ~,d ~,lso reconnoiterl3d to ei_t~ler flc'n.l{ to xrotect the .::l~'n;;:s of t:le c02"1.)ny. l..LhA rylrtoon ~Jve: - :: tilOJt L~::i'~~ic,)lt~r s(Juth t~1.T.,):J.,g~l ;:/.i.' GIIJ"::'~; to (j ~T~Y. .I)uri::.- tl-'~:' '''.i''; rcs t~ 8 ,,',-c t~Ol, reco::no:Ltered side rJ;=-,ds to t:-.6 :t1 n~;:s '-nd rcolis\e,l, t:_6 l,rn, l~,:otoon of ,'ro:'"~~T-~~ely ten '."lrisl)ners ""l5ch tlle~r hrd CR )turec1 . nu':} tUen t'J.:::'Ee~~ t!lCl OVGr to the ::jptt-.l:Con ~Leednt:'rters at G . .l J >Y. ..,tFIBOU t: e 1st ')1' -;:,oon r;=-.n into its ::irst tesi8t.:1ce u1d the 20 pl~to on cover ed ;:,11 side :i: 0:::. ds , also s Gnd inp.: 'l' 'X: trol 0:':' t,\,O ~ ton truc};:::-; ,- !l(J. one 3r"10r ed. c;~,r in corclland of Lieutenant Georr:e oc ~me icier, one -J.161f l.lile Vies 1:. u... ,-r:fB(JU. 3erge~ nt .,10'.\'crd .Ifarmer, c:: l' cOfl:::"nder of' t:::.e Ar!'LOred c,:,.r, c )tured five (Terr!f3nS in a house ':_t ths.t Doint. ...:he 1st pl'- toon t:.sn)usled throu::'h r !!d c&ptured u\NJ.Y after

    ovcrco~~1ilj:~ sl\-'ht resisti_l1Ce iro.:,l tL.a 0Ilemy. 11.'1:e 2d ~)l[1toon relieveu tree _s-:,;.)li.toon Ctt J.I,~JGY ;,:-:j .:roceeued as tlle le2di~1f recoIL.'1aiss::nce ele .G: t ...t

  • , . "... {.

    ~" , j


    had been the point vehic Ie in tlle c dv: nc e i:,;r:edi~ tely, of Lis o'.n acoord, took up a position Y!itJ~ h5.s ar.rlOred C2.1' to ,:':cLy t;_s criC'~~y and cover the platoon's vithdrawal. nis cc'r v" S rees~vi:irt VG:::':T heavy 'lachine gu..l'l, st'1.811 arns, ,,:,nd tank fire, ~1'.t he cnr;,~eed. t:~e enel',lY in r tire duel, IdlliI,-" over t" lTt~ 'i.~,ye eEe':~' ~ r< :':.clri, t~s frol',J, t,dvr!:.ej.ng, tl,-erc:~r L,J.:'::"nr tIle 8:,1'8 " ~t~_Cj~~'::-,l {,~' '~,:: ~._ '~'-~:J~]. '1':-18 l)ll~'coon' _.de tJ__:.e IJ :.~ty "Jut orderl~r , i tIld!':,\"' 1 b:'e~c to t~:e e~'o;~s roads at L~ .. /":;l[~~T~;~:=~~, 'r.ere it. :c8~e!:e d t~le cross roods et .L... ~'~~:3TT):~. :-j,ssion 0: -cil8 ';l,l. t:.)on V:i..:.,S n01 C,' ~1f"'ed nnd it 'uas ftt:::-,ched to the 26. ~;8.tt, lion, 67t ..'J. ,]Irlored Ee~~i!lent

    ..'lot a,))ro~ i!'.lf-!tely 0700:; the cor:l'cny Y;US i'oreed to '--itlldrn'r fron tl~e cross roeds at L... J:):;i;2Ji~r.rL~P3 2nd the platoon ii

  • r ..,;k*"",,""~':~..__-.r-----------------..-'--------. --. ---....-----------.....--.,.


    . ", ----.~-.

    in reserve, follm.'i~lG vOn~)f,n:T l""ir:tcll::.Ece .iection. lipop erriv..:.l ~t L..\.I.~lmY, the p.Lb.toon ~'ias given tlle i.assion of .)roceedL. arounQ "the r ip:llt flank o"f the church several hU!lcired y[,rds to the rir ,1~t flElnk 0:" the n:...:in road to locate euemy' t

  • ~- ......... '--.


    resc inded enroute end the pletoons Vlellt ir.to an assembly f:.rea at wNUROmE, T': 0 prisoners were tQ.ken at the crossroads one mile north of ST IlEltr:::; UJ Gl'ST. At this crossro{;ds one of the Engineer's halftracks fell out from P"lechar:ical failure and the '.aintencHce ~ ton tl'uck 1'1'01":'1 the 3d platoon remained behind to re,)[' ir the vehicle. These two v:2I".S.clcs y:ere cut off by a lrsrr.lcn thl'ust be1'ore they could rejoin the ;:->Ltocns (.: nd ''':ere forced to be abcndoned ~. rd the OCCu~)' nts 50ined -Til C011,'':'.12:-" of tI1G 41st ....r;~lored I:!fr'Ttry. T~ey .:oLJed t:.e ol~toon.f? day lr.;.ter. The :;J}" intencnce i ton truck '\'[(';s lcter recovered.

    ;;.t 0300B, July 30th, the :-:>lE toon 'W;:;S ordered to asse:.ble [-;11 l-:'".i.en, i"ith tile exception of one per vehicle, c.l:d 'J!'ovide security for the cr 01' Cor:"J.b::... t C omnand "::3" v'hich 'vms locf, ted a fev.' hundred ytrds west of the }l,:tool1 area. ,.:.t da'wn foUl' enemy nere fired on about 100 YLrds fron the :t:'orYf8.rd outpost by a machiLe gun. ;. !?atrol under :5erp8[ nt P}.nsnn investi.::;i:l.ted Lnu found one dead and three v;ounded. Eleven others of the ene~7W force were reported by one of the "foundedrnen to have 1:1.2de the ir esca,:Je. .:.. patrol of ei~ht men under~:)er,qeant ~Je&n Patrolled the area sever.:;.l hundred ~Tards on all sides of the o'J.tpost lines, but no cne~LY "-ere discovered. The pletoon ViaS relieved at l045B und retlU'ned to its plc.toon a.rea. In the early afternoon a patrol, consisting of t,,-o armored cars, two t ton trucks, and one half-track, reconnoitered the area ':ithin L-~~KGROJJ}\-;E, I.E I:ESNIL, A!iiBBRT, southwest to tlle ST~L:C~ River. .At 1100B, the pl:-::,toon moved under (jom... pony control beck to 2.n Assembly area in the vicinity of the crossroctds at .)fll 1:"":''{TIl\!' ~ C..!.!, ILLY

    e. 1st :elD.toon, "D" Com.!.)~,ny, 17th ..'U'J1lored Engineer Battnlion, effective 27th July. Joined tIle cOffi?eny at ..:..IRli! at 04301:>, following i1"'. the re8r of' the cor1 . .>8.ny column on the nove 30uth through ST BILLES to C_'J ISY, thenC:3 to r)'UIBCU.. .

    The platoonnoved l.nto a field ~~:i th the corrl':,>any trains ","hiIe the three line:)l'ltuons cleared out the resistance met at Q.UIBOU. In the earl:'Y? -Afternoon the ulatoon moved \'!ith the company trains to D~lTGY, Where it out posted t~1e town. One s(]uad outpostinp; the secondary roed to the east and a s~uad end 57nm gun crew covering the-road to the west.

    At 0430B, 28th July, tjle )latoon followed the Gom1'an~' C1) and traiT'S to t.r.e crossronds at L.\' }::j::lIET1J:.'R:"~. It remained there in bivouac for the day outpost inc its 01,""n inun.ediate area Bnd siting the 57mM gun to cover tlle road leading into the intersection from the west.

    At 0400B, 29th July, annenemy tank ,'lElS seen approachinp, from the 't\Test. The 57!1ll:l crew fired six ro1mds at the tank: forCing it to 'withdraw. .ii.t about 080u,b, of the 29th J'uly, the enemy began to attack in strength from the south. their objective beinf.'; the intersection. "l"he platoon i\ithdrew vlith the ComlJany trains to IJ~ GUISL!i..IN, where it remained in bivouac till about 1900B t_hc1t eveninE;. At that time it moved out v!ith the 1st plAtoon of "Bit COm)D.llY, ~loving to L,~NGRONNE, arriving there- at about 2l30b. On the mqve the half-track of the third SQuad fell out 4u to mechanical failure. ',[hen it vres repaired it f:love'd on \';ith ttl" Con Jany of the 41st Inf.:,ntry, planning to stay with them for the nir;ht, ~.,nd rejoin tlle platoon the next morning. During the nifht . the enelllY atte.ckea heev i.!-~ in the areo ~ua:t'ded by h"I".pc~mDal1-.Y of tne4J.st ...J'mbred Infc ntry, aDuut one-auarter ml.le sont O.L iiP:!SY. 'llhe squad 'ViaS called upon to tal~e ps.rt in the dismounted ac ron and suffered six casu2~lties, none serious.

    'l"he n:i.c;ht )8ssed .... ithout incident for the rest of the p15toon. .:J\U'ing the afternoon of 3Jth duly, the 1st and 2d scu:)ds v~ere

    - 3

    _. ___ ._. - 0- ____ _. -~------..-- .-.--.- ".-.

    -- ~.~- -- _____. ... ____ - .-.--- ...._-. --_.. '- .-' .-- .. - .---.-_~_ .. -.~

  • "';'''1"' .........

    essic':r.ed t;~,e t'-1s~~ of roul1Gin" U'I) tllS ene,rw in the aree bOill~ded by the .. . .., t ;'J.1e nO'I't'l 0'" 'r ",'r:"')OTT'~~~,~cllnrO'Q8 ;':101';" one" _" J. J.J,l,r.~ ___.J' TIIe s 0, uc d s C~;)tur e d . :~:Lfte8P"~~'21.7 'jrisoners. r,']'.e =~ollo'.':~.nr: n::',;-::}1t pose,ea '=-thout inCident. Cr, t:-"'~,,~:'!1i'~' o'L' J~J.l~ 31, the '):,,_to:Jn l10ved =.tl' tL G corn;':-,n;' to t~1e y ~'.. c 5~r :'~ .;~;1" (J~.:~l _ ~ ~~.,:lI ~ ~~; ~~ ,:)r :' ~ O~ :": 'f\ 5_7. ~~., ~G =_n!l


    - ')

    (' ~)


  • 8, Operations of "C" Com.pany durin[; thc period ZI-31 July 1944, fcre as fo~wslI

    a. On the 2'ith July 1944, the company was in bivoL_ac one ond one hali miles east of sr J"~AN DE DAYE. Alerted at 0400B :ll1d lilOved out at 050uB 'with mission~o make recormdssance south to ST GII..l.ES - CANI.::iY - G.t:.:~S:: LA S.ALl..L mel then west by second~_ry rOb.ds to ,[,he SIii:i.~ijE J.i.iver.

    'l'he corrq)

  • ,,/

    out. At about 1300.d t,lC of '('[lC 6 (th "l'ri~red !~eg:iJncnt.

    -11.". ". "~.~t""'~ , 1>'

    . ~ ~

  • ~" .It.. ~-,,"I ". . ~.

    ,T~'~.' ~ '. " ........ ~.

    stronG forces ;f ene.iV "ere ~'c.JOr"eC."o "oe in '"he are;,:, no:,,~.:,h of \.;...~~:I..... '.I.'he column, witi1 tho lilad.ium tUlks

  • .'.

    '.). V e_

  • "..",.

    l)any l.iOil]l'wnd 1"03 1:.. l-ne .nan \,,,c.s "~ill(;ci ; Jlcl j.u'..u' ere ..' ~.Jn~~oCL. lin ~~g J,.ly Gile COl"l:lany :.loved 'co 0 ....h)4?0 .:::~t 1S'0, "5, t. t; "Gicl.

    \:, ....rn" t. .. c:nty .til; l~O :o-:>l::l.nes calle over, bce\; ';i61'(: ::i.l'ivor!:";8.~i by ei'.L'~ct;ive u.nti-alpl:rc.ft ::',re. '.i.'.:H;) :;0. ::Qn~,' (;u':;:.',o:3tE-d D:,G~, ,J.i n, "e::i.dc ur'l't.er3 1.'-::::' tile 11'::",:)1. t~

    en .,V Jui~i \J1L(~ co. e,n.! l'J10V0d ,~UClic) 'Cd. HCJ'v ~.V ;':',,1.' '",I 'J tnl':)a6~1 ..:J.J.' .I...h . J.0 0" V,":.)l.l\.jO L _I..Vi... L. \ide, ,:; ';[O,i";:~':' int,.) biv() :'.i,C '.'UiJ.H pos I:.ing ,-r,'l~ ~2.1ion l~e:d(~u;:'i:--L(;:('S 1'(;1' trlC Eit:"l."l~ 2,'C '~':,:LA ,'-.'.

  • \.:

    10. . UrJel'c: tions 0 i' :!1/ COLl~;; .lY, 17th il.rr:~ored 1:.n;inoo1' 13, tt;a j_ion, during the = eriod :~7- 01 .Tul-:/ L)i.l:4 \/ure L.3 f"lloVls:

    a. li Ii J ulY 87th tne co Y'!.,)U ny le ft bi vouac are a at .d.L.":' ('l'4J77S,j) a~ 040vB cud moved to ard' C"~ ,1::)Y. (Jompany was attached to d~d .~rrl1oI'ed 1.0C0l1,'1!::L3s.nce 3~~tt~;lion (Com;)any headquartel's, ;jecond :lnd '.L'nird iL to-=ms acc,-~ched to ita" Corilt) ;:ty; l"irst ~l,:!toon attached to "b ll C01,l)o.ny). .t'irst en01l1Y c_ntact VU1S r'1.:!.de at 07;JOB that day. Gor:l)ani s p'.lSlled i'():"'WC:,l'd to ..) 1,,3 miles e;~st 01' .:(.JirR~ D~";,~ IJ..;., G:~ILJ::c'': ('.('417510)

    ,~nd c.Losed in bl.vo'.lac for the nii:;.nt at :::00013. '.('.i:1c cora_.:c;.ny sLlfJ.:~red no C sU~3.1 tie 3 JIldJ.ri.ng t,n.e da:-.' S Hct;ion thirty two (0::::) German :,ris ners we.,:e t,-:en (exclusive of those ta{enby t,ce &d Armored .i..econnE.L3s~1nce .J['.ttr'.l icm). outpose or' the biv. uac was established

    ~md necess:'.FJ security )leaSUrcs 'cc~kcn. During the n':'ght a colUl~~n was ne;.rd alJ .'roaching alonG t~le 1'0 c.d ilear the biv~,uac. '.('he colunm was ilalc.ed ,::n.d turned out tv be a C:)lW:lll of Gcrnan vcililes. A half-track, l;O'.-;L1i,'> a 1':;5 rlun gun vias til(; lead veilic:'.6 in tHe many coltunn followed fY'J 3c;vor~'1 horse dr'.v{[l VCl1icles. 1'he colurnn vIas cap tured intc,ct and tilt:' . ~)ris:)ne:.s Yiel'e t"lcento tj,le Fv' bnclosure et up nearby. During the Cl11:;l:.::8 (.wy ootLl COLZlllS of the 82d Annored LeconnaL33t,nCe BattRlion had

    e~1CG-~n~Gred lll~Ul~: enc y vehicles r:lO.jt of which ~nad just nreviously been destr.yed by ou. alr ~oI'ce.

    (,n 2_,th JI~~l;;i:;he con;, flY '('oved out rlt ObO. I1:) and continued the e:

  • ;40:~~our elements were forced to withdraW to 8. better .90sition. ~1fl.l1'-'i*ack "'8.S lost in this action Emd tile crev.- not accounted tor until th~ next daY' Wilen it was found out tnat six flen of the ,crew had bean hospitalized 'and all accounted for. rl1he mission of destroying b;r ia-ges was temporurily abc:.ndorled and tte i.!'Uportr: ""ce of that flission Hinimized bedause of tl:e better than SCheduled a.dv6no~ of the rest of the troops.

    On 30th July at 0530lj "A'~ Com?~ny, 82d iI.l"mored Reconnaissance .battalion, with elements of n D" C om::any, 17th ~i.l'nor ed ~ ;ngineer J:jattalion, was in olose blvquao east ot LENGRONE~. At this ti.'ne . the' enemy attaoked the bivouac from two sides with foot troops. A fire fight ensued and. the enemy repulsed. During thi~ aotio~~ t::le enemy suffered twenty one casualt ies. Nine of t.hese were dead and twelve wounded. J.'wenty six German prisoners were taken at t~lc:.t pOint The company had one man killed during tnis action.

    On 31 July the con.paIlY was ordered to move to'rest bivouao one mile south ot l\lOTRE ll'J~ DE CE.N!LL~;". Thr ee Gerlllan prisoners were captured durir~ that dey.


  • ~ \


    '\'. ,

    t, .................. . . . ..... .. . ........ .

    . , r:; ",...:~ ..

    .utn: C' 2 j .',1 . - r,it:

    ~ )~te: "

    o .Jt 1.4: . . .. . . . . . . . .


    ...... . ................. , .

    '7-('.'"5?, J'.'Y.

    (l .,-t c ~h~,. 1:".L.

    ~j""C 'd~'ltr.,nt,,_ "Terl-l','"'l.."".~, ,\",,,,.,,,.r>,.lr.,..tc,,,.'"'. .'.,.1".'. Ci.'", l.:~'_~)~" , c. u _ ('1'!-' .... '.1J.

    if; ~2d .'\r !.'lore d ~>c orm~ l ~ s r nee Hr. t. +.' 1 j "n of 1..' ., 2 jr /.rr'lorec D1vi""ion. :.. ... ''', n. ;1.'7'~'.C; ::.~':';: C0"l1~~lT1y It')", l7tt. r"'1a.r~'" "rri"'eel' l~r>ttal1()L of the

    2d l...rrno:;:oed ~).1v1~im:, r.'ott,:,ehe~ t() ~~~)d ~r",,()red LeconnB': fl"" Cr" t~r tt' 110"". d'l:r~,.,r t. \~f'1 ~'1Ontr' r< "U(1'ust 194.4.

    i';' C.jtr~i rt~ of ~2d Armored :~eecr:;!~1::~ nee ;l"tt.:'li0r, O~ 1 'U ....H'lt 1944:

    52 Of 2ie ers, 1 ''11'l'81: t O:!,"f'1e er, 9S '5 r~ nils ted Van. ;trenr:tJi of ,g'2d .\,rr:lcred ~~eecr:l".."'1~ ~.'jcne~ l~'1t~"lir:m OJ} :31l'i'ust 1944:

    ;(" 53 Ciffic ers, 1 .c~rri-,!1t effie er ,~67'nli~3 ted 1".en. All operations in 17ranr.e.J.. ,

    , , 'J:; J'.\PCT: ;L: Not applioable (see }~J!lrrF.ltjvp "eport, \o;endix '1). ~ , ' . \)

    t ' .. ' ;:'r LC. li':t!'tI~C~ I2 .Jur}:,tion: O~:er&tion C0!1t1f'lCC dl]rir'-:01.t,~L of

    l.UC:'llst 1944.. ~ ') ~. IWPcse: To rel'~ue Rna deflt-ro;,r t\l~ t~7r'lhn Foroe. ,.,

    retreatir.r:- tn tre eeet. 4. ,.uthor1ty: ~TGD.d'''J[-rtE'rf.'', 1st ll.;) .....r'lY.

    F. 1. )..,

    H. con::J;,'D'FG- OFli'lClWi: L1.ut.n~nt ColliT':el .'tF:4~1-~:i: ('!.. '~':~~~T '1(, Infantry.

    I. Losses in Bot1ori of me.mbars of the ~dArm.ored RfCOOI)t; 1589110. !iattalion:


    1at tt. 2nd Lt. 1st Lt.

    l .

    lr.IJt Craig ~. Thoma8 William t. Shaapnoi_ Morton C. Eustis

    - 1 -

  • ,. ......



    ,. '\Upust 1944.

    4 ..ugust 19"-4.

    4'u(':Ust 1944.

    4 ~ugust 1944.

    ,.~ ~lJ4"J.a~-,1944 ... 6

  • '-~--l 'I ! .,

    F:,~r'J~ KiJ rP D~..T.E s~ i'.~ill}8 m J. ~.~olh.e 5 .\UF,ust 1944. i-'Vt. 101. Jos e ,)h T. Greiner 6 AUf-'U st 1944. !-'Vt. Le orl C. : :il1e r ~ :~u 11 f!'t 19' b.. ,: '\-t. 101. Bernard C. Griffin 7 /\.u~st 19J...i Pvt. Farvin J. Te~r1or iJ ,:..u;,:ust 19th. v! ;~ver8on L. Vosburrh :3 ',unlet 1941..

    John J. 'l'ay1ar 8 !I.~llf' t 19L~4. C1c~',tde L. Grl!lC~st6.ff ~ .'..UP:llst 19l.4. F~l.rvey A. S hater 8 ,\.ugust 19!+l~. ~3(.'t J~!!lCS lj. ;): ook 8 :i~Ut;"ust 1 ,}~4. Cpl. Raymond ~.,:hee1en R l.Ufust 1944. ''Vt. J06e lJ Aguerre 8 ,;.Ur~uflt 1944. ;;.yt. Ie 1. Joseph C. Chamberland 8 ."I.ugust 1944. !'Vt. leI. LewTer-ee ,:,to::.estreet 9 AUg\B t ,1944. ...; rt Eobert L. ~tllne 9 AUgust 1941.

    ~/~,t . :tal ph E. Mobley 10 AUgust 194.4. .Pvt. Roland r:. Lovesque 10 AUgust 1944. 'lieo }1. Fay E. Bird 10 AU&\1st 1941.. llvt ',':111iaa c. VllLda BClBoh 12 AUgust 191.4. :~rrt ~oy c. Po1comb 12 AUgust 19..,..

    l~t Glenwood c. ~'}tegal1 11 AUgQI t 1944. ')t"t Cliftor. H. Sander s 14 AUeut 191e4. 'Pvt. 101. Cecil H. !iartin 14 AU~8t 1944. ,'vt ., Louis ~.!. Gup.lleL"Ilo 15 AUg\1: t 1944. l'Vt. Harrison 01 Green 18 Aupust 1944. :c'Vt. 1e1. J-irthur A. !)9nepu.ol 19 Aug\:l.~t 194J.. Teor.. 5th Gr. Wil11es rl Veaoh 20 AUgt1,st 1944. ,i:'Vt. le1. .John H. Laws.. 21 Auguat 191.4. cpl. lohB E. Smith 21 August 1944.

    ,~t. 1el. George E. Gladu 22 Auguat 1944. .i.'Vt. Harry :N. McReJ'!101da 22 AU8'l.t 194.4

    ~'Vt AUre" E. Miller 22 AU'-!':USt 194,.. 'rech 5th ur. Bruoe .l!i. H1~1 22 AU'18t 1944 l..ovt :V1111am H. Louth.. 22 Aueust 1944; sgt Elm_ V. 1lann1no 22 AU~st 1'44. '1'00 h, 5th Gr. Jaok Pavl.k:o 2~ AugUR 19-..

    p~t W1lliam 1'ura. 22 lu~.t 1 9 .. 4Teoh. :,th Gt. 14 j'. Patte:r.on 2) AUogqt 191+4. Teoh. 5th Gr. Lo.m~ J. Dollar ' .23 AU8U"t 1,,..,..'l'aoh. 4th Or. Lee 'A. W1111. ,2) Aucut 1944. l''1t. ot1. '1'. Lett ! '2) A~'19"4. Pvt. Ec!war4 !.!. Lind , ,~6 AllIU' .1'.... J'Vt. Ronald V. Ruch ~'1 ~:19~. CR1. 1..' ..,..,Ur--" ~!:nnkR~':~:PbaOll "1~ f-O:~lDt:.

    . ,ft> .' \'. J. Members of the 824 Armored n1enna1.......,fta116n 160 41a

    tlnt:r.liS.hed themselve. 1n .otion t1Rin. A.....: W, "., .. ... I,

    ~, ", '.R1J;K NA..'W: .A!AIll : \'1. ~

    Prt.- Melyin r.-IndJ'a4. Bl'oDii"'iia . -' !). \\....~1944.tj,t. Homer C. 1,;~a.te:r. 30141ers al' itt 1\11_" 19U. t) ~3gt. HubC"t Beall ~OJ1Ze stu; ,I Auuat 19..,..


    ,. f- STR~~T:r"!

  • K. pnOTOGRA 'HS:


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    (.None i

    APpencl.x ,\ ppe ndlx Appendix


    l:arrative ~:e:~orto unIt Journal.

    ~.!arch CrdeJ.'. duted 6 , ..U(:rl\,- t lJl~4.. t.~.arch (,'rder :73, ','!ovt;rl y r::aroh CTder ff 4 'l (]V '~l'lr!y

    1'(1' the Batta Ii or- COf"l:rrnder.

    GEORG"S 1'0 nra:;",d; Capt. 0111'.. ~2~ -lrma. Hell. Dn.

    S - :3

    - 4I

  • -- ---.~ .. -'~~-~T,,'rlf-n--~---

    APPE~'DIX To Atter AOt1~!!!U.t 191.1..#1 }cARRATlVE RE .. 'CHT

    82d Armored Heoonnais8sDoe Battalion

    The beg1.uill8 at thia perlod. round the 82d Armored Reoonmisscnce Battalion In ass.mbly ea. at T)6848S, nertcrming mair.teDanoe on vehlola., weapon. and .quipment atter the 8J LO Break tllrough. .,

    Comi8D1' "B" waa attaoll.cl to the 67th Armor.

  • R August 19th 8al'~ the Battalion moTed to Yio1nity AliillCHANVILLE

    and mission reo.iyed to push reooDn&isnoe to the north between the towns of' V'ERNEUlL and DREUX.

    This drive to the north with tl1e mission or taking B0UHGTHEROULD oontinued until August 24th when units were just short ot the objeoti.,e. C8r~dian troops relieved the ~attalion and it was assembled in .,icinity of ~~;UETOT for a maintenoe period. However, before this WeS oompleted it was moved to the banks of the SEIl-:B River in vicinity ot MAlTTES Gi-\Sf~lCOURT where it arriYed early the 27th ot,:"uP'ust. It remained here until 1700.'3 A Up1l8t 29th when It o]!t :,.sed the SEINE and adyanced north and east towards the SCr,j\~ Riyer ',;hioh Was reaohed and orossed on September lat, 1944, after !!'l8.ny small brushes with the enel'l17 and numerous prisoners of War ~aken.

  • ...

    On ,.Up:\lst 1, 1944, the Com.:1any weB assembled ~1t T)6~4~O working on f".Litenunce of vehicles, weupons end other e' u1~ment. It moved to t~;e vioinity of . ERCY tr...at ni;rht tin,j continued 1ts Cl6.intenanee period t;.e follo\'.iLfr, day. :I.ugust )rd found the COm,)i:,ny moved up to a position one mile v,est of NCNTKU;'Y prepurin,;: for a mission performiLg reconnaissance lVest of l'CFT;3RAY to find ~oute8 for Combet CommeIld "En to edvar... ce south to the rORTil.lN - DOI.:FRONT area. The COLll;..>any did not start this mission until lJl5B!\u~Ullt 4th. The fU'at resistance ~~s met at 1545B near T5493)7 in t~e form of one Mark IV tank, infantry, and anti-tank artillery.

    In the ensui'Lg action Lieutenant Thomas Was kUlad and seven men were 'I.cllnded. The Com~ny reformed at SEPI' FR.I!.:RES and agein moved out on its mission. The seoond platoon again encountered enemy resistance at 532344 1r the form. of 88mm anti-tank and mortar fire. One man was killed and two wounded when the platoon Withdrew.

    On Aurust 5th, the Company moved to T537)21 at 16SOB and apentthe atternoon olearir.p' the area of mine. and' booby trapa whioh the enemy had sown" iT profusion. The following eta, the Company mayed to poir.t four and one-half mile. we~~t ot ST SEVER CALVAJ:)(S and againhad to clear the area. of mines and booby trapa. .

    'l'he OO:".1)[..ny was ~iven a mission to raaroh With the Battillon to 'ViCinity of 3T')CIS and perform reoonnaissanoe south to the ~10RTAIN

    DO!'.FRO~T area. The maroh to this area was _de under OOTer or etarkness, however, oor:siderable enemy tire was reoeiTeet alon~ the route. After daylip,ht tpe Company mo'Yed to the west and south Tla BREaT to vioinity of ~~ Tl~ILLEUL, arriYing there at 2l30B.

    A new nis8ion waS given the Company on Aucuat 8th to Pl'ooeeet to ~init, ot LOLLAY L 'ABEAYE and destroy bridgea to the J1orth~.t anet secure the r i~t flank 01' Combat Commanet "B". The OoapaD1 proceeded on its miSSion and enoountered resi.ten.e betw.enST GEORIIS DE ROUEI..L and H.t-\.tlliFTOl:. The 1st platooll b,-pa...d M the north, the )rd platoon by-passed to the aouth and ...t While ~e 2net platoon remained 1n observation eaat of BARiiTGI. Ll.uteaaDt ~haaPDo1a and two men were killed when their ,.-8 aJ'JIGl'ect ear .a hit by an 88_ armor pieroing shell just west ot ST GBORGES Jm ROtmLL. ArtUler, fire was immediately brouRht on the 88am CUD anet it waa d.stro,... The 1st platoon with attaohe4 Knginr. 'oiDed the )1'4 pla\ocm at LOl:UY L 'ABBAYE and destroyed the brldp there. Stlttenin, ene., reai.tanoe roroed them to withdraw to yioinlt, eou~ ot 'he tawa ror the light where it reoained in obaenatlon UDtil tbe follow1.na Ml'Ding when it ugaln attemnte4 to oontinue 1ts lIiaalOll t but ... fer.ed to withdraw in tit e faoe of heavy resistanoe in the rora of t_ ill. enem, tanks.

    August 9th, 10th, 11th an4 121h .aa .,.nt oltt,.n1ltc the line ST GEORGES DE RCUELL east to VARKNNE RiYer wl"b01lt 1Mlt,_

    The 13th of AUl:ust. "A" Compen, re.el.,e. the ailon aa part ot the Battalion to take the town or DOMrROI'T. !'h. tuat re.t-ta Wa. met at 7600)1 at about l600B when Lieute.an, xll,.trlot anet on. enliated man were ~ounded. Re.latan.e o01latate4 JIlO.tl, ot 41amouate4 men with rooket launchers. AJ1 e.tt.te. f1tteen or .ont, e .,. aoldiers were killed when the Oompan, waa toread to oODs'11.to tar the night at 748026 - 76~oat. At tir.t li8ht the tollowlnS JIOJIJllnc

  • --' ,,~~.,.~ tI e\.,..ftt , If

    the attack Was resumed by t ~e Battalion v.'ith .j".." C om;iany in reserve and outposting the rear.

    , The Company moved into .tAJ/FRONT about 140cr; A,up:ust 14th. and Oltposted the town after the remainder or the DAttalion had taken it. 'fhe Company was relieved by elements or tIle 30th Infantry Vivision and returned to the vio inity of ST ROCHE at last lir:ht.

    August 15th, 16th and 17th was s !l8nt ir mai' tenance 8t:d rehE: bilitation in the vioinity of ST ROCHZ. _\t 0530 ....UF!Ust lRth the Company

    . perf.,rmed route reoonnaissanoe to vicinity of ~-)~:L8, a citista,..:ce of about fifty miles. It then determined friendly dispositions to tIle north and. east of S:&!~S &nd oortinued route raconnEJissance the followlr'~ day to GAVRAY a distance of seventy-five miles.

    The mission was then changed to push t~ tl 1e north towards . BOURGTHERC'ULD and locate bridges across the numerous streaMS on the axis of aC.anoe. The Company WaS in contaot ~ith small groups of enemy with only li~ht skirmishes on its route between u~YWILLE and CONCHES. Many prisioners were taken along the route. Crossln~s were found on all streams and only light resistanoe was met until August 24th when the Battalion had advanoed to points .nly a tel'- miles south of the highway between Be URGTHEROULD and ELBEUF where it oame under very heavy observed anti-tank and artillery fire.

    August 25th found the Company telieve4 in the late afternoon by Canadian troops whloh had joined us from the west and we moved to the vicinity of l!:CQUETOT for a maintenance period. The Battalion was moved

    .. the following day to the west bank of the ::;ElNE River in the vioinity ot MANTES GASSICGURT Where the maintenance period was oontinued until 1600B August 29th When the aompany crossed the oElNE and moved into an assembly area one and one-half miles northwest of VILLERB ER ARTLERS in preparation of pushing reOonnaissance to the north and east towards the SOMME RiTer. .

    This neW mission was oommenoed at first light the morning of AUgust 30th and the Company was in oontaot with the enemy AUgust 30th and AUgust 31, during whioh it oaptured many prisoners and inflioted heavy casualties on the enem,. The Company waS in an assembly area two miles northeast of liARICOURT on the night, of A~U8t 31st prepe.ring to oontinue its mission the folloWing IlOrning. .

  • ......

    ..Ul1'ust 1, 1944, fO:.lnd t:-:e GOC1[Xiry i Liss~[.-:1;ly '~,re:: ilt 13';74;.p perfor mirp t'U~:L te"nhrce. The follow inF" d~:y it nov l; .:~ t 1915.t~ to T499332 wnere it cont.acted friendl;.' i' t!il"'try .. d ;I()sted r"l1:.:;.rd .for tLe niF"ht. Or. t>e ''lornir'r'' of _,.il!':Uf\t 3rd it :"".oved 0:-' to one flJ'rtr-T r,lle south of r..; I ;.r; CJ~~.?.s (T4?4352). 'l"lle 2nd Ohl 1 00I1 ~ler;."ormed recnnnaissnnce fer tf'e ~.:r;d Betta:llor, 67t~! 'rncred 'eriroont. ~. tor 4. x 4 truck Wfl.S d~.stroyed hy t:rtillery fire ne:-.r FCf'"TI'.fF Y.

    AUt":.Jst 4th t,re 1st plf1toor Yf,S ,.;: Sj-!1"C. r.lls~; ion or ret~o"oiter-ing nort: crT' seotor of ~C'::T .JT:; ;';". ,-~'.' ~ d :rrot.ect'.ncf ~r~if'ecr platoon 11: oper;;~tior: of rlilovirp rood bIock.l}'!toCIJ rf:'1:,i',ed in :lo[fenr-e of this seotDr of 'Woods rro!~.. lOOOn until l700B. The 2r d pl~.toor "'erforrled rc.te i'ecorn:..Iissf,rce for lett ccl:~1.n 0-:: 00nbot C;ot1.l"lt:Jrd W'f'. ro'o evel:1Y ocr-tact. 'l'~!e 3rd ~}la1Don Wf;lS i: rf!serve .~IT!pi .eers pl~\t.oon re~ovE1d rOLd bbek i, northerr:. sector of l!'Dn.:''l' .J:.: .iT .,..;:' ....11. 'fhe CO"'T ny (lP .~oved t.o ,,1' IJ.reeJ wout one .mile south of :'( :;r2J7>'.Y nnd rer.lf.1 led t ;,ere durL.,t:- the ni#lht 4-5 :-lU/?:lAst. (I:esther: 3'letoon continued reconnaissanoe of route to CJL:\l1:i S W BOIS. Re.alled to Company at 1300u and moved to nav.' a8sembly area. Engineer platoon renw ined with Compt1ny "B" OP. COL1pany CP 'Was shelled at 02)08 by ene.'llY artillery. No cllsualties. 4..t 17000 COf'l.pa.ny noved to new areu ir, the vioinity of T4r9321. f,.eatLer: Fair and warm.)

    AU8Ust 6th the 1st platoon met J:lattal1on in new areb lIt 030013. Was ordered to reconnoiter a tJOSf.' ible route 'tor Combat Com.rn.and "3" thru

    CHRRXIC~ L'~ H(:tf0Jli~T. JUVIGt:Y LI 1ot-r.:.:,1'::.;!.': ami t:1el( to r'(J.l.rAlI-;. At 0630B en6~~ ',rtill;':::'1 "K::.!:i :,e~lrd !.L t.l~ "1!eh:ity ":)f' L :.':C:: .L.'l an.d the ;->latoon le.. d ......~ A .~ t~ ~~t~~ '!!'t~ ~~ t~~ "0 ee-r.~et ~lernents of the 9th Infantry Division. Information 'Was received t~ at the ..marty had launohed t:.. counter attaok in the vlcir,ity and bad 'ulre6dy cut OTf the repiment in that to~n troM supplies. The platoon w~s unab1~ to paaa

    ~ .. " , .."

    . '~

  • '.

    tm: r.,,~,~ t. t(,\1:j \''';,01, ';,rtille::;! fi1'~,: 1', & PL ceci 0', !.iB col: i,r tl-le :.J1.::. t 00, 1 G(!; ,')I.:e;':r'ed ~ '"iV,dri' \1,.; it k.:. :,t ~:l .' tOL scctiCJi ir to":n for 'r,;.:;',;:;:'yt).;,'. 'jIb:: ct1>,ck cC'r.tLued t, rou;!'.() l.t t,r,.(, dy ~,lt. "C ,lBtoor: 1',,3 ')rC;tc":~.& (CDy-msL; th? ;,eo,o:1' 'J ::ocncd tn,; C',,';,:L,Y:, 'lere the ;~c ,,' Y:",;e J..;led for T,~I::; LJr"~\t. ;~l)e 2r:d:l r ltoor. \ .. ". ,',"del''''',; to co:tc':. t' c ;':::" '1;;tt,.11c[: of :7t, r"',)rcrl (',Ir/'r~" 'et",j t so"t ot i;.. r~G C ;): .. l'oads at .L., ".< ::r, ~=i':r VieT, e,''1bly are:: ,:,;t,;,,; cdvissrt hv frie~dl" i:,:ral

  • ",. '0

    . "1 ' " i'"; \" ___ ,s_ ...~''''',~.:.G. Q'E' ,

    -: !-,,:ce ",

    ,CC"'_"-:h ~. d 1(' 'r, "';{Y\"' i:-:":,,, :frr: I" _ ~~~ , ~.'.i ~.: ; ~' . ~, : . ',i',e c:,'ec.: t:,:" J' 01,,""c~t,~' of tr', l:.'tL"ri()f.,;~ it. er't.t3l'ed ',. '..Ld 31." .~]:. tc: (: T, l.to/~'~:' .:,t~~ct:i.::;'~. C'''~e 711;tco t',e: "to'; :'\.".(1 tooJ by -'~( .~s . {.~ ~~: t' (' !O;''!.'', 'blt '-;:!j bI'!;',' ;1t :lnder r~e V;/ .,rtiLJ.t:::ry fi,re. .. '.J. -:~t~' ,"~; T 1" ~~C '\,-:, t 6 "ar~~.:est' ~' tried, 'i H \"slnder r i r'3 ofene'ny t n,~.: I!, . ;'1', 1 ~;,' L" rt:rr"p.::. L:ct ct f 'c.de "~:,T..' fri,"' nlv ~lr:l.ts il 1.', v~,C ',' J .. , ,or>, r'iL.tin '":.~'Gd ~'p'r; "oi~ to t;, CO"")' : r:". 7).jC

    :l :"'111 "let ()(' It!:~ -; Ole! 1:1':. ~.8hi: d t!.e entl-t,:mk '~ln. ~'ore f1.rt111ery f1l'e v.~)s)l[~CG.;-.p 'che c:':er:y ,.lositions, tut its efrect coul.d r.ot t~ ohserved. '!'lJe ~l'}t:)OI, ~.' < -::'.' (,L orc~,erd tc Cllt~ost t

  • s .

    at 1000-;\ \'.',.1:'; ~,;':;,. i."'ed t!,e :'uDslc p C:' ,1:;':'c;U '.::I':i':r'c: .:~ "t' r.

    mile eLI~t or:: '..:0 Dti;r~";:CC:L. 'i' br~d ~ c ;1. J't. be 1:

    beOttLV}e tb; nil' co:;: ;'s \'[;8 bc:.b:it~ it, 1 tc t '::

    r-..r':bombi~.f never o:::c':..rred.. :,Cist \'LS e;;;t,:,;,li,' ,(; ..'.;': - . 11I..i, was oltcd 0" .. t: e G:uthEll'n (t, Jl'O(lO': te /.l." C. I~>~C:;'::, . " & heuvy :'JJ,V .. :1. ,"'etc,ok :it Clj()!j. i'j't ,C lj;'t:,-2_" 1:'t1!ack 't';~-;S e,c; tro;lC::i. (;o;::;;"'i:Y c .... t~OVE:G ",Gi.",14-::~i. (C'+' ')1': find Vi8.rr.1.)

    On ~,U('~tlHt IltJ'. tLe 1st LL(i 3rd )l::"tc;)~'" l:.:'l~:J. Clt :'\C"J.~j 0::-' lDiiiltenJ.nce of vel~icles , wet:. OJ'S ,,;'c1 e,\'li '::[;,' rt. 11.r c 2ric I: :.. t:- 'll" scout secti';',~ ; :;d o""c aro:rcd radio d~~r' ;- ::l:)':i.ve, ;, (3 'j S!j:] ~'1' X:.'

    sendi,~ u di~F.:' -lr.t(,d '~Jtrol to th(~ l~i. ('r':'i 'i Lt 1 . to learn, 11: tJ.t.tioil:t WU3 c1e.r (::1' t.e c c .~)'. r~'J'.:: r~,di~,,; C 1" ~3: de at hill 26), ,~'Ust r(irtl of L;~,. n.~I.LL.:~~. 'i'J;c:l..tre:l CPi.t Ct(:Cl" trol fro: t.'6 l~ldt : rfo try ",hose cxia \'. :.:8 t';'el2.i:: rCA, d Ie d: ,,~ ;- o;.,t to GER. OOLtoct '\,"';;;8 '. de 500 yards rorth 01' tl'.e L V..!L 1..:,' .. iv' ... :,t: Gie

    ener~ terti): ,y:d cir;lt djs~':ollnted :'1erl. :,.i'ir+! V:0S exchur,~d. ':.'lc.:- C',Y be~o.n to ou.t:t'l:-'l": t:: .8tl~ol k~:icl~ vJ.t'~dl'e' to the ''.Lil, 1'o:'J ; "il:::'~sad t'r;e i:-i'ol'''ati.:y;-, O!! to tl.e L,.lst Infantry. 'rho .p';:;ltrol t ':', I'("t.n'oo. to its e.S~36 '1' ;'::1'6U. r::hl'] ::~nGi: cexr.; platoon rS:1tl ined l',':~ t;, Ceo',:, y "::,,, C.P. rrhe OCr'le!.y 0:' rH::eied ii". :iositio. dllxi r~ t'1e df'l.Y. ('e~t1.".J': Yair 1.:!!1d "'8r':':.) . .

    Or! tLc l;~;t~ of . 11 n7.lst t'19 lst,~ tOG. wos l' r"8ervc. J;~e ?t~1 pJ.atoon Jl0vcc1 to ReCtu'~ ,i) e hi11~1 ort.! ot "'f" jT.. .. ld let t"C ')1'd

    p1atoo.n:.'u,:;~~ t. ;"r,- ".~: to LC'LIY 1,',"\::'."3:'. C:l !"'(' d0':, !l te r~V~'!'flC ~l( ;e,(C co~tf.lct "l:S ',. de '. :Lti} ,~n 3,S$:~ i:-1.lr~ ,rlc ,':;out 'i dh'-:.')lt:lt,;:.1 .~':r'.. ':"~' "',;'IS" placu Oi: t::e e\~~"iY \'ith .sr1l1ler::s, rL'le .":1'C:r.. d2S, ,.>~(! r:ort.l':, One' eneL:1~~ "II''' 1"'i11cd. tIle '?~>rn- """I" ..:'\th,lre,' ".~'.,,; roo .... t'" ~,o\t'-;' tl'~~",C1..:1 ~CtliJ _.... '. '_',.J",u...;":' ,-"t.L.l ,,_ \.l ~. '-4""",-,,:, \,f.' ',J ~ .... , .... -; ~..;quarters of a ~1.i1e of' LL'! L::.Y L ._.02.J.... t e lato('!. V;,;j ,,0.:!.J f:il'cu ;- \'Jl,:.le the TO':id .1UJi.ct1.Cr, \':~.s uei~:p: secu.red. :~ortf..r .1:d ':;c:::',(! '-l:' '(1 rti11ery fire 't'Jere .iluoed O~; t~ e 6fl6;:iY l'csition i'c'!."oi" The'. to "':it; dr~1v;. A defensive d.'Jsi ticL \. ,~:D ~et 11,' i.r. OO!:' jllr:otioL v,ith (., '.1.:~t: ,il f'!" t, t e ')h t.O!'lr ',r'\' r. d south to 'rote~t t~e rig~t flunlc of "e l : (;o;,,,.,ny. The 2r'U}q,toor remaiI.ed ill rc[:e!'ve. tl'he Jrd pl[1toor: moved to\'io.rd ;C .;'-:,:7 b ;':'CG .. 'Ftir. axis ot "/,-" ~nd "C" ~~:l qn1es.l!,~o~un~~~S.d ~;~,(~lc t('fii'_'-~:"

  • ...)


    l'cc ll::c tJ t' c lie" ny ~.t 19CJ..J.~. _,T":L.(3Cl .,l;;~t()J=.LlC~d trl":.

  • I -' . , ,-.--,-- ,~--

    On .t,i.~ust 21, the 1st; ~)lt:;loon m.ved Cl1t t 0600r to rECO;." oiter rc~.:,te to J.Fv'ILLL. J'uare:,: reCOt~ru.,issariCG to ti'; OlJ.t skirts of ,; ~Yl_.I:., ...,here. '-'r:""'"'' ",,,t';11e;'y W"'f!:! p""e'~~nt'Jred !"irf"'d t'r.: 8: af,lt r':'1' . n. ',((1.'1'1.. v ...' ._. ...' ..........t- .. t ( .. ' .. , .JJ:; '.. .'~' ~ I. j tars Cl a concer-trotier of (i out seventy tc Gi:c-'ty :~er let:,;', ~ t~"." tOV-!1"1 1'lrd reoAlv~,d. S"~;,ll :\r~'lS firE' fTC;", tJ '. ::)och:. so';t 0i' t('l1')'l. r.'A~l~du"d ir ("I"Hl~n:""tioj c,' c:'c ':l'~il :r'lif';v'.':(":;!' mi.s::ion at ~:;38H. 3:rd .ilatoon 1;, I""'s(,'T've. 1"'01.1.0','(;:1 l":'f:r' ~',l(j '.C " .' oC Co':hre ret1lrn1ng to ,l3toon. At 11300 fin enemy ool:ml1 upproached frohtli.e lett flank. .. b.,ttl e ensued 1:"" wh ier: the .r latoon knooked C'Jt fo:U' towed r:uns end five atll'1.Ur 1:t ion voh ioles, and captUred two officers ;,~Q thirty-f1vE:

    enlisted~on. The ~:h;toor. !'loved ir:to bOJ',FEVJJJLE at 15l0t'l. .4. rU~'irdng enr.. te~ler.t. 1, t"-'" town netted twe:ntYl)ri8o:,~ers, eip-l1t. ene:ny deE.d nn~ two 77r.:....rn F';"lrrr: JTocked out. 'l'he scout sectlon lender lind tViO ~'i6n \,eI!e Wourded i, tj,in enf'c:::re:nent. >;'letoon seoured thc:; toWr~ uY-,ti1 relieved by th e 66th :J'!lOre4 :.((' {"i!nent at 1900H. CCnloor,y cr moved trom 12({50J at 091b5. Ca;:t&ir:. Lcrp,e (Hid four enlisted men ware 'Wounded "hen tl,e command halftr:,)ck struck 1 min~. Carn.~ny went It'to bivou~c at Hll265' at 21'}OB. (' optl'er: Rein.)

    23 ;~U('llst, 1st ,'latoon in reserve. 2nd platoon ,moved 11O:rtl) to

    cut roc ds leodl!lp. il'to I!.LBEAUF. Contacted enemy at IU/lTH!JAL'J,~; ar,d

    knocked. out five horse ardWl1 vehicles, one self-propelled ":tIll., ons

    teN\! ed pun and one Yolkswtlr:on. One-quarter mile north at .U:J~'l'l,':: ..,~E

    the plntoon knocked out three truoks. three motorcycle s . ..,. d OJ:C ~l, 1f

    trcck. .r. total of )6 prisor-ers \'lSS t;aken. .'l.ss6C!bl.ed It C;\., .'...\';' IS.nd

    outpostea. 14th lfield Artillery. 3ro platoon l'lOverl north '.ll,til COf"t~,ot

    was!"'.Elde \:1th 2nd platoon at 1400,:1. ,Juoported hct1m. O!' thl t lr:toon

    at ),U:t rl'Rlil'~,;~l~. Con:.eny C1') moved to ne'\;\ bret:: nt !H)83910. !'uisl.:noe

    air raid flt 2200b No oasualt1es. (Went.eT: Ra1l1.)

    On the 24th of A u at the lot platoon iT Ocecueo. or' _, .Jli ::.; ~, i on t 0

    locate ene!!l.,V' north and east of n;lFREYII,L.h; andF('lTE,VILl..~~. IT' the

    ~('t,.n'~Trn \1 0

  • 0


    .J .' I

    Ys..1Jls.t~ ot BID mOJlAS a lu.. JlUlJl)eJl ot hrama were obaeryea 1u I!l WOo4..4 IefU.. ~'hoUlh th., .t1'or04 aD _oallent tart'et,:the platHUrJlte wa. lle~4 bee.use the .s.aaloa was to looate the -near ad puh

    ~. APJlloaohiD8 DARVILLE trom the southea.t a motor.yol1 .im4 two __ U ..... 0111"...zae Obn.4 to our rear. WheD t1"1e.n411!'uk u.a1a'opH .,.' tu. on th.......b!c18. th. platoon ~o the tlaDlal ptAk1q up ta ).1riaonazaa att_pt1nS to oap. the Tank Deat:toyers. ft ..too.... JI.11e....4 b1 0 'ComP8l1J at 11008. 2nd platooD 1Jl re~en : ," platoon 1u..eY.. OomP,u11 OP JlCJlred to H08)894 at 10458. ,atber. Clowl7 with raiD.) .

    2Stll .l~t the Com.pan, mo...e4 at 1,'0 to _W Battalion area at .102848. (W..th..: Clcu., an4 warm.) . . 26 "'up- the COA)llD.Y JIOYect to MY Battfllioa 1' 81'_ at

    19)08, anlT1nc at ntl6a at 2,.OOB. (W_th..: Rain.)21 AUC1II" tbe 2a1 platoon .,nt a patrol to JI.AmES G.i\tiSICCtIRT

    .. r_1D4a ot the a_paD,. ,....tOI"... _innoe at yeM.l, radiae, wapo.. aall ..btr 'QUi,..t. (W.athe, J'aU at war J .

    2ftJl td AlI6uat til. Goa,.,. .... alert.d t 1011. COIl'tlDUH 0- ....lt111'...... (......, 4.11.11aiD. Pt fa. eal1rs!' )

    . OIl AIl8U' 29th tb. la, PlatooD mare...Jloea SlINE Ri.... r at 1545B .C oontaote4 Brit!. at 1IARlC0UR'l. seoued With th_ tor the nl,e, 2Jl4 platocm ......4 &01'oa8 SEIRI RDU at 1'458 an4 r8ooJlllolt.:reCi to IWRI!' U VlSlOJI, ._ur.4 'at town t. the n1ght with 1"1'lancU,G.__8. ':)1-4 platooa ...... with 2nd. platoon. Oa;tUft4 tiye 'pr1aon.... OOAJllIW CP ...... to MA4ft' D TEXl1f11l. h4 and )1'4 platC)018.C...u..Z" Rata,.. ) . .

    OIl" )Otih et a.,u.t th.1.. platoOJl a1ntaln.Cl oootee" with . B'rltlab. 4viDe da" ~o1Plaa COaPBlQ' at BS961S4. 2S1cl ian4 '~d, ,Platoon. neOlUlOltQ:roa......UF to It'967S4. tat PlatooD took ~curpri.oll, ," platocm took aD ;prl.on.... 2nd .1atoon outpoateCl tawn oi'I'aarsous !!IIUJC t. the 81cht. ,:rIC platooa outpoete4. town o't.D: MUtnq G.&'IRDB tol' a1ch'. (Wthel Cloudy and rain ..; Qoo1.)

    ,1ft of .......'. lat platoon in rea,"a. 2nd platoon. ~".1Ulo1tar.d I'eute to e aE.O.""".4 es.lbt lIl'iaon.ra at KORXUIL. 'rd.,plll~oD . ..,... .. 070C8 t.u4 BIOOAIB. Capture. a1x Gel'maD. at "Ilat votat PlatOOll ..... 011 tbJaoap J.&S SOIS S'.r lM.R'rIl'l, RElnL and BUWAlS to JIOIJDtS. 01~._ JdaaSDIl'F BattaliOll Cotmnan4~r to mOfe al'0\1114 ooluiul to Ooapr..,.. W....811...4 .at or MORt to ,.. UP. .Platooa IIOY Ido ..lYo._ d .RelDL. O.IB.' GP' .,..4 to .709'4. )00 JUb ~01'th fit ItJJI.ANOOURT. (W_~.JlI !lain en 0001.)


    .._....:..-____._. _ .. _______ ._ ...__ -_ .... -- .... ... --.~w ~

  • ;" T

    ~ .

    ~ ,

    I. 1':.~RHATIVE REPORT OF "0" COl~"'\l:Y !1 . f : ! .

    AUgust 1st t'ou.m the Canp",DY in an !lssembly drea about one mile SOllth of rK;TI'~'~ l1J:E J.E CIDILI,Y performing '!l81,ntenence end rehabl1itatior.. 'rho fClllowiYlg day 'the 0 o;n~ny moved to 6. ne~ a rea one md onehall miles Ll&Ollth east of f1Ei.~OY. Then on .\w;:ust )rd ~o 'Ylo1nlty at r I

    ,t.~ONT,:3!( lY f'ollowing the advfutOe ot Combat ComnBn4 "B". On .~u~ust 4th, tit 1)00.1:5 the Oompany Was ~ 'Yen a rn.l sa10n to 11.0

    throuvll tlle t(W,~n o-t ~T Sh'VEB C.ALVJ\..OOS and roads south throu~h the 100';'1' lL ~T ,]::W'}~H. EllenlY oontaot 'It\'8S "1l1i3de at a road block COl'lsiatinf!; , at frlllan trees at a point one-ilalf !inle into the torest. 'rhe Oomr;:en, J' went into dism.mmted action UlltU road block oould be oleareel. No i! mine::! could bc found &l'oUJ'l4. the road.blook and jt seemed to be un4e- telJd(;d. j',t this point Lieutenant r:;ustis, olatoon leader ot the 'rei

    't";'pl~toon. and Lieutenant Jordan, Cor:naDJ .!!.'Xecuti'Ye o~t1oer arriyact . ~'ith tv:o me4.ii.ll"'1 tal1kS vm1Ch were useCi to break a by-pasa ~~l1...h tbe tnick ~'ra.', tt at thz side at the road and around the blook. 'I'M 1 tanl( destroyed an enemy motoroycle with 8 burst ot .SO oe1.1bre "ohin, gun fire as 1t !Il)ved do\,;n the road towards the Company pit1on.Th. SCOtlt seotir;ll of the l~;t and 3r4 platoons were then moved up 41811OUIl'ted Oll. the rir:~t of the road to prOt'idel flank proteotlon 'tar the .cl"a~.-ing colW';m. .

    ,l1t this point the ene!D1 opened heavy oonoentrated tire hom well concroled .~)o.ltions alone either 8:148 ot tt. road with ~l ~. mortars ilnd anti-tank 6UD8j Due to the nature ot the teftaln al14 ~h. hea"fY trees ar:d underbrush only the ..11 arm. at the 41-.O\Ulte. m_ and t!18 nachine I~un of the lea4 tank could be uae4 88a11181;. the ea ...,. .i~s serious oasualties ~';er. be1ng caused by thla eDe.,. t1rDeI elh it \'.Ins i'Jlossible to bring efreoti.e rue on the e.1Il)' ....."lona 1t Was decided to withdraw.

    Yitilo tho column 'WaS w1thdrawln'h I,1eu".naa" ,DoMe,. and In. Sergeant V1Il.sor~ evaouated the woundect. The' ..........a1 tri,.. ~to the worst of the oross-fire to .arry lVoUDde to 8. p~. ot .ar.". Statr Jerge&nt Bralce kept the 4iaounte4 Ill. 'in 11 b, oonatanU, exposirlg himsal1' to tire. betterl!"8 the position, an4 enOOu:rtl81n@ 'lte

    JDen. .i:>rivtrte!:elv.1n .':~drad theat'ta.he4 a14 me of the IRt pla'tooa.

    trented v.oumad nen atter he waa ..e1"1 palntUll,. wounded h1Jaae1t 8D.4

    1atcr tad to be ordered to the r.er. !'he wlt1l~al .. -.~lT anti

    When a check ";as 1'1.n4e tor oa.ualt1es it ti........ that r...

    men had been ll:Uled lnclu41nS two platoon .u..... (Staff Sere_at

    Parra and ;':tlJff ~.;ergeant Bullington) aD4el....... wouacle4. "..

    Oom any rctm'nod to pos1t ion DOII'th ot SAN SIVER to _1t turthU CJl4e~

    The l'ollov'.r1!',p; dey the OQlllP8nJ' WIl. alerted a" l.300B to .lllDge boll 1t8 assembly ar ea. near MCf!'1'DRAY towed ST SJ.'V'ER ~.A.DG8. ft. c_,.,less the 2nd :,lutoon moved into a1'_ n.r MEJIL CLIlIJIfAJIPS. 2nd platoon movE;4 on a reoODDal..... ailon to Sf J4AftfDU. ~t south ot ST 1,r&:VII~U the platoon oOllta.tat the _. '1'he platoonlee.der had tha 91atoon v/1thdr._ to high pouD4 ea.' at ST MANV'IEU. The enemy shelled this ... pound 10 the Platoon was wi th4rawn toe point just north of th e t~'Jl anA ahortl,J at'ternr. retUI'De4. to .... I OO1ll;Jany on order. . . >' ' ~

    The COl!lI.lftny moved :tram r~mL OLINOHAJIPS t. 3uft "..t of ri " . .~ SEV:::H C~VAIXl] at 180013 and prred t a1ht Jal"eh. '1'bI 00.... moved witll the Battalion ., 010_, A.,..t 1, to IIIl de. JWI-' 80...."


  • ot ST POn~ . The )rd platoon was :,o1r:t tor the Com,>e.ny and drew some a.mall arms tire ,WIt before moving in to the neY' a.rea. The CO!lOO1l1 moved into a bl~ tield and remair.ed 1r. th1a poaition until daylirht At this ti!t.W3 the BattalioD o..aemblJtd on hl~h ground and set U\J defel;.aive position in "readiness "rar an enGY attaok.trlat waS a pprooohi I1f: trom .the east and .ruth.

    Thert! waS aome artillery til d emall UlII3 fir e til at oc.>l!le unco:~ortably close. At 1100B thA Com,'8ny mOlT ed to an area west ot 5T jJ{.1!;:). The 3rd platoon WllS given the mis8ion at moving on the ripJtt :t'lF.:!I~l~ ot Combat CO!nn.and "B". '!'he 3rd platoon moved via BRECY and mede con.tact With elements at the )rd Arm ed Division near fJ10RT!Gl''Y. Oonbat Co.m.mand "B" ohanged its route ot march and the )rd platoon had to double the oalumn tl'l..rough ST HJIJlIRE - L'8 TElLLEUL to B.AREJ:!TON. This 1'1e.toon ohecked a mine field west of BARENTOn and went tor a shart distance tolWtrd ST GEORaES DE RvUELLE .bare it mede ene~ oonts,ct then returned to the Oo.mp'l n1 assem.bly area north eaat ot ST 01'R DE BAJLIETJL tel" the

    D1~ht. The tol1mv&n~ morniDg (A Ug\lst 8th) the Com.pany was a.lerted at

    t 1:rst light. 'l'he 1st platoon wa. to lII)Ve north at BAJ.U~WrON and reconnoiter the area to thetront O't Combat Oommand "B". The 2nO platoon was to move on the left fiaulc of CO_fit Command "B". ThiS platoon _4e eneIq oonrtaot aboot three ndJ.e. weat at B.Un:NTCN. The poeit1ons Q) l'!ai.ted or sorile ini"alltrT. a towed 15JUl anti-tank gun ard one 8elt-propelled anti-tar:k g~m. Contact With U,1s toroe ... !!l81rtair.ed by dis.. mounted patrols. 'l'he 3r4 platoon was . to move on the 1'1~t llatlk of Combat Command "D". 'the nfJXt two days were a~.nt 1~ this aree, how

    ever. tJo progress could be made due to heavy enenv- reaistanoe to any

    at't*11lpt to a4vanoe. .

    On August 11th the COilpanJ maYed" to ....101nlt,. or S'l' ROCHE 6vd 11..8embled. !!be 1st platoon waa given the mi.aion of' outjloating tile h1ghWilT between ~T rARe D'EGRENJE and OOMFRO~'T 11) tile w.st or the VAR:~!!~:t.tz River. '.rhe 1"i... proved to be nOthiJ!c. aore than a brook. but the maz'ahT nature at the terrain mate .the. Btreaa I5C1!tewha't at a banier. !'he )r4 pl.-toon outpoated the :ra1l1'ca4 br1dge to the north or ::>'1' !!uiC D'EGRENNK. ft- 2nd platoon placed an .outPCl8t cr.er _tOlling the 1'01'4

    ~U8t no~h at the l"8.ilroaA b1-14ge. .eh platoon kept aetiT. patrols and although-the enemy eoul4 be 0.0"-4 on the ea." ballk of \he r1".r ther. w little aotlvltJ 18 the OOJQQ.1 ...t,ar ~ .

    The COlllPlUlF oontiJlue' to _1n~alt1: thoee outpoe'ta ana ., ure the

    len nank of Co_at Commanc1 "B" until 1'008. 12 AUCUst when 'the

    Oompany was "Ilt north to v101n1t, of LmlLAY L'ABBAYi. The 2nd pla

    toon was to llOY. along" 001"tarr rca. Whieh tlll'llec1 north tram tbe BJ.REN'I.'ON .. lX1M1RONT h1g!nray about' thr mUe...at of OOWR()~~T 'I'M 1ft platoon _8 to work on the 1'1.".' t1aDk .01 ,. IJld _a~Jl. ffB" CoapaDT ... on the lett tlaDk. DU'1Dc tbe .'Jze opva"!", l.ieutenall' Warrell, Of ":e" OOll1:panl' _1ntab.e ., ne With .. Jadpl.,ocm.,.4 ..oh platoon supported the etiIler 'bT 1'l..e Wi_ ...... allU1't IUDa.

    !he b4 platoon .ct. e__ an ~t ....., the l'o'ta4 3""ot10Jl ~.e .u.....an of DCIO'R~.1 bat alaaH. tile re.ln... W1th ...11 u_ t1re

  • J.

    Ser{leant orakes oar moved. into position to oover it. The German rooket gunner \',-es ld.lled by the turret gun in the 4aJDaged oar.

    Lieutenant Warrent~; platoon o'f "B" Coms:tny on the left And the 2nd p.Lstoon shelled the area wIth 60_ raortar and 75mm assault gur t11'e and advanoed to within two m118S of LOFLAY L'ABPA r.t!;. 'l'he platoon OEliJtured two eneny halt-t.aoka in f9 od rrUlD.i'18 cond1t1ol1 1\'h10h had .bandone d b'r the ene~.

    ~he 1st platoon on the right flank had a brisk skirmish with dUg in enemy infantry. The platoon destl"o~ d two !!laahir: 8 glm positiona and one rooket gun position. The 3rd platoon 1R18 in re,erve during this aotion ;:,!id outpoated the town or t1T GEOR(;ES DE ROUl!;LI.H:.

    The CO::l;

  • ---_./


    Th-e Jrd platoon moYed to kl }!'~nTE VIDtJ'CE, but 'tIElI helcl by eneD1 contact

  • ---- --



    AU@Uat 1n and 2nd found t;Ojnp~y .t..)" fier!'cl'ol.-' :Ji:L.teLL.:':H~': 1.;\

    aase!ilO1y area at t1'420410 atter the :.:..T LO Brc~throufdl.

    "~U~8t 3rd the i"ompemy le.tt b~ouao ,il'f.k. Lt '.142,"'::.1) .t 1/ ....

    t;.ncl arrived fit 'fl.87);5 at 2245:ts. D1stal;Oe 't::'uvGleC1, ..i:0

  • The following image( s) may be of poor quality due to the poor quality of

    the original.

  • I . ~. !

    . , ,'.:~l t 1:t.r - 7 4::' ,."): t G' c-z:t c' ", :.' :::. r ':'d


    ,,"', . .. ...t .. '.. ) . -'.,., J .

    ....,. .1...

    " I"~'! . ... " ~. 'to 0 ' , ..., CJ b',': c t

    ......' .:,->' ( "'1::1.::). c, ~,. ~ ~.~ tt- .. l .- C 1;' (" .. ~t.: (' e tr;\'tL ... 4 . ',1 :,~S.l." .

    -" . ": r ( ~, , *""11'j i.~_d...:\i..:' ,:.;:;ved :-. -; 'lile

    . -. . 1 t !.,' .-"1 t- ':. (" ~1 f' i t (, ~liO ,.: ~ 1 \ . '- -. ;,~~" _Il t:---!! '\: . Lt t oj.... c . \ .(

    l..ny, l,:~_: ~= .:l.. ;{~\x.", .:Vt3r.;' '-~:..~-: '.il!::.' tr. 1, ... at J:;~2 :::.

    :l... U:-;t .~:1~,_!.s-I,_, t, ... ',;.,", -1'" 1"" '0 '1':',-, "'l . ' ;'.-~ ..,,"- .' ,.-,., ",') (i'7l\161~ _ __ _ ;:turne4 to (;O'1lpany. CO:'Lj,iUDJ' !11Oved to h106856. one-h~ilf lldle north of >~ 'UETOT.

    August 26th, at 1955.t~ the COZllt>enl moved to M.a1~T:;;3 G.A.JS!CCT]r:T. D1stance traveled 4-5.9 miles. Passed thrOU~h LOTNIEHd, Innm InJnDll.'V1LLE, BCAHDJSlNILU. AUTHBUIL, FONTAINE, PAST SU'.d E1JRE, SILLlb.'RS, BGISST.

    On Au~.1; 27th and 28th the OompaQ' .pent a period ot a1rltenanee and rehabUl1atlon.

    AuguR 29th the Oompal17111O...ed It 161~ and ol'oased SElD R1T. at ~0:l~'Y&tJdrtt-rl...e mileeat ot PARIS t to VETREUIL to blY!'J'WI .a,.,

    0473 .. , . AUau~ fJOth tlle Ooapa., MYe. at OSlSB. It tbr._.=.~. J4AG~'Y D then efta. oourJ'., to 1'..~1'.. .., ,lad' '*".. tit B01:it1;;' aJ;l4. BACIl'fD.l,]JIRS. Co'1,......t Ill'" a.u,B.AC '... ' 0..1*-e4 aSS: PW'a. ' .

    .-. ua. Ooape.,. ......to .~ m VOtQ"jtsAW>,.f:. .ORB .......,J.A.. . .,. . JW'.... __,;;:.....1..PI................ .....~ ... _1..~.

    ,' ..

    -~----.---'.~-- -~ ..-- -----. ---..-~-.------ .. ~

    '1 " ,

    JI4t4I~.'''~~'' _

    --~.==:=--'r.JIr.'Dm:;t!l~....~ ~ . -

  • - .



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    11-13 .\ur: Ilk i'.ur:U.l~:


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    " t y Ci'\ t ,etc: t ':fl

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    t ,... ~ ::~.:. eB i're roUdb r- :Jo;;(:~ ':r:;s ~},:, ',f. "6

    )(: ,I.

    '! ':;"T.jC t to t,,,() l:~.leL~ ": 8~; t cf t L.;..~ . l~_ :"'-"v ~-;.I~ OV8C to tl',C ,:ile~ sc"tt.;.Cct c;? :"C:L..Y . t : :,y"~~

    Ftnd ,;t 2~C:OlJ~!le'.. o:rid.>:c :l1. oa::tS...l:':':;:' t:':l":T ;Jftlr :,,'vL [' cte"e(; e .. rllGr i! :If'terr.O(~I:I,:~. t!.:) \,5ttdr~~:,Ll'. _,l~,o t1e :1 '_ 5::"..E.oll ~:Ee".~; ;', _~...;.it L: Ii ,1u.;:F; ;., t thS s tc, .n 'A nJ d6;'; t ... '" ;laG 1\;1" (141 Y v:rlcls:. .~ll t.ll.~5 \"i,;iU done L COii,1~11Ctil, -,Idth i. u 1t,toOt of' the ~2Q ,..r:'1lO. ;::0[1. $ll.. I!'

    ':uved to J..~)j L..Y L'.U;f)",Yi; uarly i..; t:.6 ,i( ,,', ';It I ','e.;:~ sto,,'d h\' enemy tank ,_,nd tU'til i.E.ry :'i.re .!: _ c ced to \ :i:tadra\'. tc Of:I.':l f"li1c aou.tn'.. ();.;t of Ii . '_'. f~~ Tr~:;LLl:; ~

    J;enuined ill bivouao but '018\ t\'w DJ: id:~"e;:; i'; vic- ': 11'1ity of ~'('iJ~I.l..E to ~W:1rd L.{::&LU, Bt.a~.:.; l~~(;, eneJ:J I attack. una })rld;~., )0' 8lltlrl. 011 :.l

  • j':oved to 'j ILI.L ,iI B!"~ LRTl-IT..l!:S. !.1oved to ol!e 'md one-;'L.1! :.-,1165: went o'f tLl.:l[:;Y.

    Took five ~J.I.~1.oi!eT lioyedto :1.:;';, ;,i'01.";'.


    I I Il\; .

  • ....

    \ . . c. , "

    4 . .,..~ ..... - .... ~ .(,.-<

    . . . . . .. . .. . .... . ................ : :

    HEADQUARTERS S ,/i.; t; k ~ 'l' :

    82d Armored rteoon~1ssance Dattalion Auth: "\6, 2 AD :

    Inlt: :

    : Date: 2 Oot 44 :

    ................. .

    ................. .

    JU"V 252 , u. s A:r1JY. 2 ootober, 19.......

    SUB.TECT: Action Against .lSnemy / Atter action ite port, a:teptember, 19,.,..

    TO The Adjutant General, washington, u. ". \~hru vhannelsJ

    A ORIGINll. UN!T: 82d Armored ~eoonna1ssance Battalion ot the 2nd Armored Division.

    B. A'rl'ACHMI!!NTS : Company "D". 17th Armored ..e,ngineer Battalion at the 2nd Armored DiTlsloD, attached to 824 Armored ...l.econna issa.nce .1::!attallon trom 1st SepteJlber through 20 September, 19".

    ". STRENGTH OF 82.u ARMORED RECONNAISSANCE BATTALION ON 1 SEPTE~".;tt 1944. 53 otficers, 1 warrant off1cer, 866 enliste4 min. STl~l~....Lu OF 82D ARMORED REOONNAISSANCE BATTALION ON 30 ~EPr.EMBm 1944.

    55 ofr1cers, i. warrant ottioer, 892 enli".4~n. ,

    JJ. STATIONS: Operations in j'rance, lSelgium. and Holland. E. MARCHES: Not al'plloable tsee l'1arratiTe .t,eport, appendix #1) F. CAMPAIGNS: 1. The pursuit or the retreating ....rman ~oro.a towardS

    u-ermany 2. lJUratlon: Operation contlnueC1 Quring month or

    a:teptember, 19,.,.. 3. ~rp08e: To pursue and destroy the werman Foroe.

    retreating into ~rmany. Authority: aC1quartera. 1st u. S. Aray.

    G. BAfJ.WrLES : (s.. NarratiTe .neport, Appendi% 11) H. COMMANDING OJ'll'IC~~R: L1eut enant volone1 WHEELER G. MERRIAM,





    captain 'J.'heodore W. Lar.e, 2 September 1944. (;aptain Clark ~. A/lo ...ee, 2 ~e"eJlber 1944. 24 Lt. George (N],,!!) Sohneider, 11 BePte... 1944.



  • l' .


    ..;.rivate (,iorporal Private 1st ulass 'l'eoh 5th ~rade 'l'ech 5th '.Tra

  • DECORATIONS (Continued)

    1st Lt. George J. Karl Bronze Star S/Sergeent C1erndon Jeffers Bronze Ster CorporalTeoh 5th Grede Private Sergeant 2d Lt. 2d Lt. SergeantPrivate

    * CaptainCorporalS/Sergeant

    * 1st Lt. Corporal

    * CaptainCaptain SergeantPrivate Teoh 5th Grade Lt. Colonel

    Delbert F. Sohreiner Bronze Star John O. Stout Bronze Star Josep. A. Musoarello Bronze Star Woodrow Barten Silver Star HenrY' H. Burns Bronze Star Charles L. DosseyJames H. Maser

    Barry N. :MoReynolds Clerk E. MoGee Leonerd S. Hall Philip S. Han1fyMorton C. Eustis John E. Smith Theodore W. LargeLester B. Johnson

    Bronze Star Bronze Ster Bronze Star Silver Star SilvE.r Star Bronze Star

    OLe to Silver Star 13 August 1944 OLe to Silver Star R August 1944

    Silver Star. 27 July 1944 Silver Star 4. August 1944.

    1-2 Septe.ro.ber 1944 28 July-10 Seot 44 6 August 19L.l" 8 August 1944 6 August 1944 7 September 1944 7 September 1944 1 September 1944 1 September 1944 27 July 1944. 2 Seotember 1944. 27 July 1944. 1 September 1944

    Ernest A. Whitv~rth Silver Star 8 August 1944.

    Robert M. Lohr Silver Star 29 July 1944.

    Fay E. Bird Soldiers Medal 10 August 1944.

    Wheeler G. Merriam OLe Bronze Star 7 August 7 Sept 44

    Sergeant Louis Bisiack Bronze Star g August 1944. Sergeant John J. Patrioella Silver Star 29 July 1944. Sergeant Theron U. McElwaney StIver Star 27 July 1944.

    * Awarded Posthumously.

    K. mOTOGRAPHS: (None.) L. INCLOSURFB: APpendix JlAPpendix. 2

    APpendix 3 APpendix #4 APpendiX #5

    Narrative Report.

    Un1t Journal.

    'F1f1i! Id OrdfIJr Jj./~

    In~truetion9 tn Or~~ni~~t1'n Cn~~~de~~

    FtfIJld Order JI t; "1th Att,.ch8d ove .... l .. ".

    For the Battalion Commander:

    /' -:;./4..-~~.......... --

    c- GEOlIDJi: L'. HORSMAN J Capt. Cavalry, 824 Armored Ron. DD.

    S - :3

    - "3


  • 'I


    September 1st found the Battalion advancing in front ot the 2d Armored Division on the drive from the SEINE River into 'BELGI~l.

    The SOMtlr.E River was crossed during the morning on a crossinglocated by "A" Compa~v at BRAY SUR SOMME. Most of the bridges we~e found to be destroyed, however this bridge was a by-pass bridge that had eYident1y been overlooked by the retreating Germans.

    The advance was rapid after crossing the SOMME with little or no resistance found except for disorganized groups of the enemy Which stumbled onto our columns. Many prisoners Were taken and a greatquantity of enemy JlSteriel was destroyed during the day before the Battalion was assembled in vicinity of RUMANCOURT for the night.

    The follOWing day Companies "A" and "B" covered the advance into BELGIUM with the frontier reached at 0930B. Shortly thereafter,Captain Large, Commanding Officer, company B and Captain McGee, Commanding Of ticer, Company A, were both killed by enemy riflemen as they were checking on their advance patrols. 'l'he rest of the day was spent in mopping up islands of resistance with one patrol pushinginto the outskirts of TOURNAI, BELGIU'M. The Battalion assembled in the viC'1nity of RUMES, BELGIUM for the night, after an unknown nWJl)erof the enemy were killed, over 800 prisoners taken and ) SP 75 mm anti-tank guns, 2 armored cars 2 half-track personnel carriers, several trucks, and many horse drawn carts were destroyed.

    September 3 and 4 were spent in the vioinity ot RUMES, BELGIUM in maintenance and rehabilitation. About 160OB, 5 Septem.ber, the Battalion was given the mission ot proceeding the ~ivlsion to the east towards MAASTRICHT, HOLLAND. Movement was made to the vioinityof 660280 betore night fall without meeting any resistance.

    The Battalion was marching on 5 routes with "A" Company ooverinc the two routes to the north~ liB" Company followed by the Battalion Forward Echelon covering the oenter route and "0" Company caveringthe two south routes. fI'he march continued with only slight enemyresistance o~ isolated groups until ~eotemher 8 When elements reaohed and outposted the south banks of the ALBERT Canal in the vicinity of hASSELT, BELGIUM. All bridges were round to be destroyed but the opposite bank of the canal was strongly held by the enemy.

    The canal was outposted until September 11 when the Battalion crossed on a bridge held by the British at BERINGEN and swept east along the canal to the vicinity of the highWay ~ro. :GONHOVEN to HASSELT Which seemed to be held in strength as heaTY mortar, antitank and small arms fire was received by patrols in that Ticinity.

    On September 12 "0" and "D" Companies were given t he miSSion oJ. *1'.ring this roa~ which was acoomplished before last light but onlyafter a fierce tililt. .Illring the aotion the 14-8 ArJilored Car in which the Battalion ~ommander was riding was hit by a 75 IIIIl ~ shell. The


    ~ ,'- r.' ~,~ '",j

  • !1

    driver and radio operator were wounded but Lt. Colonel. Merriam and the rest of the crew were unhurt.

    The Hattalion was attaohed to U.C."A" far a drive to clear out all enemy from the north side of the canal. 1Iuring lJne Utl,y tI.,U Qdvance was made to a north soltth lin~ through GENCK with "A" Company ambushing and killing 186 dismounted Germans in the vicinity of 570788.

    un September lh CC"A" with the 82d Armored Reoonnaissanoe Battalion attached, advanced to the ~A,.u vanal With only slight resistance. nowever, several islands of resistanoe _re by-passed and t:le 15tH. ueptember was spent in mopping up all the area east to the VAAS Canal.

    ~epte.mber 16, 17 and 18 were spent aSsisting CC"A" olear out the island between the VAAS Canal and the MEUSE River. un the afternoon 01 i~th September, the ~ttalion less Company "A" orossed the MEUSE at lI..A..4STRICHT and assembled in vio1nity of .ttAJUt for a new mission while ~ompany "A" held its seotor on the VAAS Canal until it was relieved by -tjritish troops. "A" Company rejoined the Battalion on the morning of ~eptember 19 when the ~ttalion reoeived a mission of marohing north and holdinf the line east of the MEUSE from UH111lliN JJ to ~I~D Wb1eh was held and improved when it was relieved by the 113th "."'alry Squadron.

    The l;Sattalion tllen moved to vioinity of ALIMMEN, HOLLAND and was gi'YWD a rest and rehabilitation period. ~or the remainder of the period oovered b, this report. ,.. his period was utilized in regrouping, maintenance, re-equlplng and rehabilitation of the oommand.

    - 2


    OD Septe.ber 1st the. iaaion at the OO-PIln,' waa to prooeed to oertain croasillgs aD the SOIIm River, report _ the bridgea, the.to eross and prooeed as tar as possible betore night-taU in a north.ast.r1y direotion tOErd the BeIgiua bord.r. Th. Ooape.DJ" AOTed out trOll HARGIOOURT at 0600B. The 1st platoon tollowed by OoapaD7 Headquartersafter reoonnoitering the SOMMB River and oanal touBd all .orosa1ngs in Oompa~ seotor to be blown. uaing a by-pass over a a_11 bridge that had been tound e~lier by "I])" Oompan, at BRAY, the COIlPllllY oross.d the the river at about l400B anu oontinued atter the retr.ating a.er_na, oapturing 250 prison.rs in runn1~ tights. AlIloet e .... ry liberated town yielded a tew prisoners. The 3rd platooa und.r 2nd Li.utenant Burns engag a COllpa~ ot int'anUy i n the op intlioting ...ery hea...y easUltiea and oapturing 4.5 priaoners. Th. Opan, w.nt iDto an aaseJab1y area in the vioinity or RUMANOOURT tor tba JL1ght.

    S.ptember 2nd, the mssion ot the Co.~ ... to .1 1apo~tant orOS8 roads thrU.. northeast at ORCHDS, a 41.t.... ot about 35 an.s. 'l'h. Co_pan, aoYed cut at 0730B an. arrl"..d on obJ.ot1.... a.d .ross.d the Helgiua frontier at 0930B. In the t .. ot CIlOBIBS the C._~, oaptur.d 4.80 prisoMra and the 3rd platocm "_lIle. a" OllCBIJIS to guard t }1rlsoDir. aad aintain order. ft. ~ t an. 284 plat00 outpaeted the oro.. roads. Oaptain MOGe., the O"l*n, Co......, took tm lat platoon to the B.lgium frontier lII1el was returaill8 to OBCBIIS to aee v4lat the altuation waa and to IIOV. the H_hd.r ot the 0 capaa, to~d. o. the outak1rta ot ORCHIBS his. t ~, ..bu.bed &Il4 Captai. KeGe., Corparal Wanne, and Pri...ate Plrat .".,Herbl, wer. kl1led. The 2nd platoon pushed patrola to the outskirts ot ~URJlAT, Be1giu. wit~ut tuther ooata.t. '!'he .Dtire Ooapa~ was relie.,. od lIO'9'ed to an asse.bly area at RUIIIS, Belglua.

    On .eptember 3rd, lat Lieutenant Prank H. lorfan was ...ipectthe co..nd ot the CompaD1'. !lhe cla, was spent in _1nt_nc

    September 4th waa spent on aalDteaano. sa4 retiabl1itatl0 S.ptember 5th the Oompa., ft. a.algct a ai8810n .. reoou8itcr

    iD@ to the east aa tal" aa the DUSK Rl".er to ooyer the a4.,....e ot elements ot the 2d Armored Di.,.ialoD. ft. OOJll~, 1e the 1n platoon, ao...ed out on ita aission 8.Il4 tra.,.elect 68 ail , pln, 1:t. all ass..,l, area' one aUe northeaat of LBB CULHB. The 1.t platooahalted in pao'e on ita ,.1a and .pat till alght aptr_1-.te1, ... ailes north ot the LION O'H WA'llmLOO.

    SeptUlber 6th, the Coapall1 continu lI1.al-. tit re.o_laau.e. OB two parallel axia. The aorthern two .,,:rU 1'1".e azu belaa o....e. b, the Battalion. All elem.nts ot the COIlpaIlJ' ..auddd at a 1'01.t one aile east ot HANlNILLE at appro:z:1atel, 133GB. ft. O-JI&D)" .utpoated thia position. The lat, 2Bd, 04 3Z'd platoou ..N .eDt b, " parallel routea to reoonnoit.r to the BOrth.aat 1D th., du.."1oa of 'l'IRLEMONT. The lat platoon rani_to two en.., lIalt-tra.u aDd a ligbt tank whioh retreate4 ha.tUy ad e.oape4. fte 1.t Plateoa book.d out two mohine gun neata, kUlla, tour ell.., aDd WCUJ14lnS aD. 1Dlknown number and takins ti.,.e prisonera at OPWKLP. 'lh. COlIPallT went into poaition tor the nlgbt at MlLDERT.

    On Septa.ber 7th, the Oo.pan,'s ai_ioa was to .-Jlt1nu. to push reoonnaissance to the east toward the AIBER'l Oanal alollg the two

  • -,. -.-~ " ...---. "-"'-~'-----'----' ..._--- ..........------

    Northern axis ot the tive the Division was using. The 2nd platoonllad the northern axis and reaohed the canal at HASSELT without meeting epposition. The platoon received an ext~eme~y enthusiastic welcome. About one aile east of the city the platoon ran into heavy small arms tire and was in the process ot overcomiIl8 this when it was torced to retire due to anti-tank tire and direot tire trom artillery which was looated aoros. the oanal. This platoon outposted ALKIN for the night. The platoon inflioted s,"ere oasualties and oaptured 40 PW's. CompanyHea4quart,rs tollowed the let and 3rd platoons. The 3rd platoon beingthe advanoe guard tor the Company. On the din road at a point one and one-halt ailes Jl)rthwest ot CORTESSEM a road blook Was encountered, ..etended by machine guns, two 20ma tlak guns and om anti-tank gun.Tke lead ~ ton waS hit a nu.ber ot timas by maohine gun tire, but no e.sualt i .. were suffered. The Jrd platooD furnished the holding foroe aad sent seourity to the lett tlank. The 1st platoon was employed to

    ~ cross-country and com. in on the right rear of the road blook. Thia taroe inflioted heavy o.8Qllties on the enemy. The seotion of the 31'd platooa"coyering the lett tlaJ1k was attacked by infantry and killed 13, captured 36, and ooapletely stopped the attaok. The two Platoons oaptured a total of 58 prisoners at this point. A tter reduoing the road blook the two platoons pursued the retreating Germans '_rd COR'1'!:BSEII, a section ot armored cars mOVing at about 300 yards tiataDoe along eaoh side ot the road. The re.ma1Jlder ot the column .. on the road. Almost in the oear ot town, the armored oar 00.anded by 2nd Lieutmant Wnson was hit by a 75- anti-tank shell. 2ad Lieutenant Burns, the platoon leader, happened to be riding on the baok ot the oar at this point. He was lcnoolatd ott the oar by the ooneus.ioll. "eryone in the oar managed to g.t out exoept 'l'echnician 5th urade Hubbell. Lieutenant Burns oliabed up on the oar to get him but was again knooked ott by the ooneussion ot another round hittingthe oar. On the third try Lieute..nt Burns got the _n out and dragged Ilia behind a house. '1'he Germans were attao'king up the street and it ... necessary to organize and 4riTe thea out at to.. in order to evacuate the oaaualties. Oaptab. Breath, the attaohed Medieal Offioer, worked about two hours on Teohnician 5th Grade Hubbell and Lieutenant Wilton under Tery dittioult GODditiollS, as the Germans attempted to retake the town on two oooassions. Both att..pts were broaa up with tire tro. all w_pons 1.nf'liot1ng heaT,. lo..e. on the u-er.a.ns. Mortars were e.peoially etteoiiTe. The Company the. seoured the oross roads one liile north ot the town tor the night. AS the Company was id.ated, od the large town ot ST 'l'ROND directly to the west hadn ot talltn, the Company took the preoaution ot laying three adne tields in the event the heaVJ' tanks ot the ene.,. should atte.pt to withdraw throughthat pOSition. The tollowing oasualties were incurred during the day: Teohnioians 5th urade Hubbell and Wenger killed, 2114 LieuteDlnt Wilson aad Teohnioian ~th urade ~arker wounded.

    Sept_bar 8th the company aissiOD was to proo..d. due east to the ALBERT Canal, ..tablished obaenatioJl posts and report any enemy actiTity.

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