A.Agricultural Soil Conservation Jethro Tull – Seed Drill Enclosure Movement Causes of the Industrial Revolution Effects B. Population More Food Higher.

Post on 17-Jan-2016






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A. Agricultural

Soil Conservation

Jethro Tull – Seed Drill

Enclosure Movement

Causes of the

Industrial Revolution Effects

B. Population

More Food

Higher Life Expectancy

Lower Infant Mortality

C. Energy

Steam Engine

Coal Production

Where will the Industrial Revolution Start?

Political Stability

Urban Population

400,000 – 1million




Yellow = Protestant

Purple =


Green =


Black =


Rust =



The Economic Spectrum

Capitalism Socialism

Laissez - FaireUtilitarianismUtopiansCommunism

Adam Smith: Wealth of Nations:

The Philosophy: people are motivated by personal interests of property ownership

more you want to own – harder you work.

Competition: two types of people: producers and buyers

“Invisible Hand” Natural laws of competition will create cooperation between the two

“Free Market” when left uninterfered with producer and buyers will establish equilibrium.

Law of Supply and Demand: No buyer will pay more than willing – which will limit what producer can charge. Vice Versa

Trickle Down: Wealthy can only get so wealthy. Can only buy so much. Rest of money trickles down to jobs/ philanthropy

Role of Government: Fair Play – make sure buyers/producers aren’t interfering with system

Keep buyers from trying to control prices (no unionization of labor)

Keep producers from trying to control prices (no monopolies)

Defend countries resources from other countries.

Provide education to combat culture drain

Free Market

Socialism: Public or government ownership of means of production

Government or people in general with pooled wealth own resource and factories. Provide own labor.

Utopians: Robert Owen

The Philosophy: Those interested should remove themselves from society and establish own isolated communities in which all things were shared.

No Private ownership: entire community owns everything and is shared.

Lack of ownership would create cooperation as it ended greed and competition for more goods.

Small numbers: communities could not be larger than 2000 people.

Role of Government: serves as a collection and distribution agent. No need for law because all crimes are a result of desire of personal ownership.

Socialism: Public or government ownership of means of productionGovernment or people in general with pooled wealth own resource and factories. Provide

own labor.

Communism: Karl Marx, Communist Manifesto/Das Kapital

The Philosophy: All history is a story of conflict between Bourgeois (owners) and Proletariat (workers)

Competition has always allowed owners to take advantage of workers.

Only way to get cooperation was to eliminate one class.

As working class gets larger and poorer – they would rebel and destroy the working class – violently taking control of means of production.

Once there are no classes – all things would be shared. Only works when there are no classes anywhere in the world – but all people are equal.

Role of Government:Dictatorship of the Proletariat: would be necessary at first to seize all personal ownership and fight to spread the revolution to entire world. After that: government would again would just be a distributer of goods: No laws because would be no violence due to lack of competition.

Utilitarianism: whatever creates the greatest amount of happiness for the greatest amount of people

Jeremy Bentham and John Stewart Mill.

The Philosophy:

There are two principles- pain and pleasure

There will always be two factors competing with each other (Workers and owners; Buyers and Producers; Socialists and Capitalists)

Purpose of society is to strike a balance between these to create the greatest amount of happiness for greatest amount of people.

Role of Government: Determine between all forces which gets greatest pleasure for most people. If gov needs to own somethings: fine! If need to let others be privately owned – fine. Gov’s job is to keep pain from happening to majority.

Important that all people have ability to vote – say in their own pleasure

Purpose of schools is to prepare all people to participate in democracy

Capitalism: Private or corporate ownership of means of production.Person or corporation with independent wealth (capital) invests it in

purchasing of resources/factories/labor. Keeps all profit for self.Laborer merely owns his labor and time – not the product

Laissez Faire: economy where government should not interfere at all:

Walter Malthus: Population and food source:

There are two forces: Food and eaters. When there are more people than food then the population will drop.

David Ricardo: Iron Law Wages: Wages controls population. If keep wages down you control the population of poor.

Its in owners interest (more profit) to keep wages low – and thereby controls the population.

Darwin: Survival of the fittest: nature makes sure the strongest survive and weak are destroyed in seemingly cruel ways, but it makes the species stronger in the long run.

Role of Government: should not exist: Survival of fittest. The poor are poor because they are weak and deficient. Disease and starvation will control the population

Disease and Sanitation

Communism Utopian Utilitarianism Free Market Laissez Faire


What Happened in the Industrial Revolution

Current Issues



Job Safety

Communism Utopian Utilitarianism Free Market Laissez Faire


What Happened in the Industrial Revolution

Current Issues




Communism Utopian Utilitarianism Free Market Laissez Faire


What Happened in the Industrial Revolution

Current Issues



Population Control

Communism Utopian Utilitarianism Free Market Laissez Faire


What Happened in the Industrial Revolution

Current Issues




Communism Utopian Utilitarianism Free Market Laissez Faire


What Happened in the Industrial Revolution

Current Issues



Cultural Identity: Culture Drain

Communism Utopian Utilitarianism Free Market Laissez Faire


What Happened in the Industrial Revolution

Current Issues



Communism Utopian Utilitarianism Free Market Laissez Faire


What Happened in the Industrial Revolution

Current Issues



Class Discrimination

Communism Utopian Utilitarianism Free Market Laissez Faire


What Happened in the Industrial Revolution

Current Issues




Art and the Industrial Revolution

The Romantics: Late 1700’s Early 1800’s

React against Reason and Industrialism

Focused on Past and glorious history (when things were simpler)

Often contained a moody, flawed, Hero - An outstanding individual But – not perfect

Focus on Nature/ Taste of Exotic / Idealize Women / Return to Religion / Rediscovery of Middle Ages


Lord Byron / Percy Bysshe Shelley / John Keats

Sir Walter Scott: Ivanhoe

Mallory: Le Morte de Arthur






Chopin: Peasant Dance

Beethoven: Tortured hero

The Realists: - 1840’s – 1860’sForget sentimentality! Try to capture the reality of modern conditions. Reject studio paintingsEmphasize factual observation with human feelingOften speak out against tedium and coldness of the Middle Class

Writers:Charles DickensHeinrick IbsenCharlotte Bronte

Painters: CourbetMilletDaumier

Music: Wagner

The Impressionists:

If you want realism – use a camera

Art is about capturing a feeling or impression.

Don’t paint the object – paint the colors and movement


Claude Monet Edgar Degas


Symbolism: Don’t tell the reader exactly what you want them to know – imply it through images

Post Impressionists:Used new knowledge of science to create art.

Pointillism – the eye will blend thingsGeorges Seurat:

Expressionism - Mixes Impressionism with artists personal feelings/psyche

Van Gogh Edward Munch

Cubism: Painting and sculpture where the subject matter is portrayed by geometric forms without concentrating on detail.

PicassoLeger Braque

Test Question #4

Test Question #5

Test Question #6

Test Question #7

Test Question #8

Test Question #9

Farm On The FreewayNine miles of two-strand topped with barbed wire

laid by the father for the son.Good shelter down there on the valley floor,

down by where the sweet stream run.Now they might give me compensation...That's not what I'm chasing.

I was a rich man before yesterday.Now all I have got is a cheque and a pickup truck.I left my farm on the freeway.

They're busy building airports on the south side...Silicon chip factory on the east.

And the big road's pushing through along the valley floor.Hot machine pouring six lanes at the very least

.Now, they say they gave me compensation...That's not what I'm chasing. I was a rich man before yesterday

.Now all I have left is a broken-down pickup truck.Looks like my farm is a freeway.

They forgot they told us what this old land was for.Grow two tons the acre, boy, between the stones.

This was no Southfork, it was no Ponderosa.But it was the place that I called home.

They say they gave me compensation...That's not what I'm chasing. I was a rich man before yesterday.

And what do I want with a million dollars and a pickup truck?When I left my farm under the freeway.

Fire at MidnightI believe in fires at midnight ---

when the dogs have all been fed.A golden toddy on the mantle ---

a broken gun beneath the bed.Silken mist outside the window.

Frogs and newts slip in the dark --- too much hurry ruins the body.I'll sit easy ... fan the spark

kindled by the dying embers of another working day.Go upstairs ...

take off your makeup --- fold your clothes neatly away.

Me, I'll sit and write this love song as I all too seldom do ---

build a little fire this midnight.It's good to be back home with you.

AstronomyThe middle lane has trapped my car in red-light claustrophobia.

I slip the shackles, cut the rope --- stand naked with a telescope as the cat walks alone under a big

sky.Against the dark so thin and white ---

gonna be a big sky night.Miss Galileo, come with me and view the new Astronomy

Black hole dressing on salad plate --- quasar at the kissing gate.

Now the cat, he walks alone under a big skyUmbrella dome pin-pricked in lights ---

gonna be a big sky night.My spectacles, my white lab coat ---

my coffee, thermos and my notes.I pat my pockets. I got the keys to the secrets of the observatory.

And closing the door, I feel a new dawn as the darker slides align ---

you to yours and me to mine.And now you stand, assisting me ---

I can touch what I can see, see, see.I look in wonder, I feel no shame ---

see the consequences of the game.Expand the universe.Head for the Big Bang.

Reach for my switch and shout --- gonna turn the big sky out.

There's got to be astronomy.Astronomy.

Chain Reaction

Cause and Effect Web

How did we get from this,

( a flying shuttle loom)

To this (a digital image I found on the internet and projected to you here in this classroom.)

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