भाकृअनुप - कुक्ुट अनुसंधान ननदेशालय · improved chicken verities, Vanaraja and Gramapriya were distributed to the farmers

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भाकृअनपु - कुकु्ट अनसंुधान ननदेशालयICAR - Directorate of Poultry Research

ISO 9001–2008Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-500 030.


Sardar Patel Outstanding ICAR Institution 2013

AICRP on Poultry Breedingand

Poultry Seed Project

Annual Report2015-2016

Correct Citation

Annual Report 2015-2016AICRP on Poultry Breeding and Poultry Seed ProjectICAR-Directorate of Poultry ResearchRajendranagar, Hyderabad - 500 030.Telangana, India.

Published by

Dr. R.N. ChatterjeeDirector

Compilation and Editing


Dr. M. NiranjanDr. Santosh HaunshiDr. Chandan PaswanPSP

Dr. S.V. Rama RaoDr. U. Rajkumar

Hindi TranslationSri J. Srinivas Rao

Back coverHon’ble Sri Radha Mohan Singh, Minister of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Govt. of India, distributing Varanarja chicks to the farmer at ICAR, Gangtok, Sikkim

Inside back coverAdministrative cum Laboratory building.

PrefaceThe ICAR-Directorate of Poultry Research has completed twenty eight years of dedicated and continued service by fulfilling the mandated responsibilities in improving the poultry production through All India Coordinated Research Project on Poultry Breeding. I feel privileged to present the comprehensive report on AICRP on Poultry Breeding and Poultry Seed Project (PSP) for the year 2015-16. The Directorate is coordinating 12 AICRP centre and 12 PSP centres. AICRP on Poultry breeding started during IV five year plan which is land mark in the history of poultry breeding research in India. Later, it was upgraded as Project Directorate on Poultry which came into existence from Ist March, 1988 at AP Agricultural. University Campus, Rajendrnagar, Hyderabad. The AICRP on Poultry Breeding had three components i.e. Poultry for Egg, Poultry for Meat and Rural Poultry. The AICRP on poultry for Egg had four centres and poultry for meat had four centres. Rural poultry component was initiated during X Five Plan in 2001 with only centre at Agartala. Later, five more centres were added during the XI Five Plan. During 2014-15, AICRP on Poultry Breeding is reoriented towards Rural Poultry with the objectives of development of location specific rural varieties, conservation of elite layer and broiler population developed under the AICRP and conservation, improvement and utilization of locally available indigenous germ plasm. At present AICRP on Poultry Breeding is operating at 12 centres. Poultry Seed Project came into existence during XI plan with three centres in main land and three centres in NEH region in order to improve the availability egg and meat in rural areas. During XII Five plan five more centres were added to PSP in ortder to reach more and more farmers through out the country. In addition, one voluntary centre was also added.

Initially, the target for egg component of the project was 220 eggs in a laying cycle. It was revised periodically to 305 eggs per laying cycle. Similarly, in broilers the initial target body weight was 1500 g at 10 weeks and later 1700 g a 6 weeks or 2000 g at 7 weeks of age with feed efficiency of less than 2.0. All tesec targets were achved fromtime to time. Breeding programs at different centres resulted in development and release of three layers varieties (ILI-80, ILM-90, ILR-90) and four broiler varieties (B-77, IBL-80, IBB-83 and IBI-91) for commercial exploitation. In rural poultry, the objective of these centres is development of

location specific varieties which have wider acceptability locally. During the year 2012-13 Udaipur centre released a dual purpose variety Pratapdhan. One more cross, a layer variety for rural poultry is in pipe line from Udaipur centre. During the 2014-15, Guwahati centre released a dual purpose variety Kamrupa which is gaining popularity in Assam. In the current year, Jabalpur centre released a dual purpose variety, Narmadanidhi for the benefit of the rural and tribal farmers of the Madhya Pradesh. The AICRP centres supplied 5.28 lakhs of germ plasm. The PSP centres supplied 2.48 lakh chicks of improved chicken verities, Vanaraja and Gramapriya were distributed to the farmers during this years. The work done by the AICRP and PSP centers is highly appreciable.

I place on record my deepest sense of gratitude to Dr. Trilochan Mohapatra, Secretary (DARE) & Director General (ICAR) for his ever inspiring and valuable extended during the period. I am grateful to Secretary, ICAR and Financial Advisor, ICAR for their constant support in development of this Directorate. I am grateful to Dr. H.Rehman, DDG (Animal Science) for his keen interest, support and guidance for the overall development of the Directorate. I am thankful to Dr.R.S.Gandhi, ADG (AP&B), Dr. Vineet Bhasin, Principal scientist (AGB) and other scientific and Administrative Officials of the ICAR Head Quarters for their help from time to time in growth and development of this Directorate. The research progress achieved under AICRP and PSP could not have been possible without the support and sincere contribution of the scientists of AICRP cell of this Directorate and all the in charges of different centers of AICRP and Seed Project. I also, thank the other staff for effectively supporting the scientists in their research endeavor. I also thank the editorial committee in bringing out this report in appreciable manner.

Date 16-05-2016 (R.N. Chatterjee)

ContentsChapter Topic Page No.


AICRP on Poultry Breeding

1. Executive Summary (Hindi) 1

2. Executive Summary 7

3. Budget 15

4. Brief History & Objectives 16

5. Technical Programme 18

6. Performance appraisal of AICRP centres

i. KVASU, Mannuthy 23ii. AAU, Anand 29

iii. KVAFSU, Bengaluru 35iv. GADVASU, Ludhina 39v. CARI, Izatnagar 43

vi. OUAT, Bhubaneshwar 46vii. ICAR RC for NEH Region, Agartala 49

viii. NDVSU, Jabalpur 51ix. AAU, Guwahati 53x. BAU, Ranchi 56

xi. CSKHPKV, Palampur 58xii. MPUAT, Udaipur 61

7. Control Populations, ICAR-DPR 64

8. Critical Observations 67

Poultry Seed Project9. Brief History 73

10. Budget & Technical Programme 74

11. PSP Centres

i) WBUAFS, Kolkata 76ii) BAU, Patna 78iii) CKVV, Durg 80 iv) ICAR-RC, Nagaland 81 v) ICAR-RC, Sikkim 83vi) ICAR-RC, Manipur 85vii) New Centres 86

12. Critical Observations 93

13. Proceedings of AICRP & PSP Annual Review meeting 97

14. Action Taken Report 102

Abbreviations ASM Age at sexual maturity in days

BW16 Body weight at 16 weeks of age in g

BW40 Body weight at 40 weeks of age in g

BW64 Body weight at 64 weeks of age in g

BW72 Body weight at 72 weeks of age in g

EP40 Egg production number upto 40 weeks of age

EP64 Egg production number upto 64 weeks of age

EP72 Egg production number upto 72 weeks of age

EW28 Egg weight at 28 weeks of age in g

EW40 Egg weight at 40 week of age in g

EW64 Egg weight at 64 weeks of age in g

EW72 Egg weight at 72 weeks of age in g

FC Feed consumption

FCR Feed conversion ration

HH Hen housed

HD Hen day

AICRP on Poultry Breeding

1 कार्यकारी साराशं

कार्यकारी साराशं वर्य 2015–16 के दौरान ककए गए मुख्र कार्य

कुककुट पालन पर स्थित एआईसीआरपी के तीन मुख्र भाग हैं- अडंो ंहते ुकुककुट पालन, मासं हते ुकुककुट पालन एवं ग्ामीण कुककुट पालन। अडंो ंके ललए कुककुट पालन परररोजना के अतंग्यत एसपीवीएनआरटीएसवीवीरू, हदैराबाद में IWD एवं IWF नसल, केवीएएसरू, मननुतत एवं एएरू, आनंद में IWN IWP नस्ल हैं। सभी लेरर नस्लें अतंजजीव चरन पद्धतत द्ारा चरतनत प्रजनन हेत ु तवररानुगत की गरी ह।ै 64 सपताह की आर ुतक अडंा उतपादन हतेु अतंजजीव चरन करते हुए एकल, पूण्यवंश एवं अर्य-वंश संबंरी सूचना के आरार पर 28 सपताह की आर ुतक अडें के वजन हते ु स्वतंत्र रूप से छंटाई के कार्य को अधरारोतपत ककरा गरा, साथ ही लेरर स्टाकस हते ुबनाए रखे गए लक्षर को प्राप्त करने के ललए लेरर-हाउस जीवनरोग्रता को भी चलारा जा रहा ह।ै

मासं हते ुकुककुट पालन घटक के अतंग्यत के.प.अनु.सं. इज्जतनगर में रंगीन संशलेतरत ब्ारलर वंशावली (CSML मादा CSFL एवं नर वंशावली) तथा तनरंत्त्रत जीतवरो ंको बनारा रखा गरा।

संशलेतरत मादा वंशावली (CSFL) एवं CSML को ओरएूटी, भुवनेशवर, संशलेतरत मादा वंशावली( PB-1 )

एवं मादा वंशावली (PB-2) जीएडीवीएएसरू, लुधरराना एवं केवीएएफएसरू, बेंगलूरू में सम्मिललत ह।ै मासं प्रजातत समूह में तनरा्यररत लक्षर को प्राप्ति हतेु नर वंशावली में पाचं सपताह में शरीर के वजन के साथ-साथ तवशेर लक्षणो ंकी पुतटि पर बल देत ेहुए इनका तवस्ततृत चरन ककरा गरा, साथ ही मादा वंशावली में पाचं सपताह में अडं उतपादन एवं अडं सेवन क्षमता की स्थितत को तवशेर लक्षणो ंहते ुबनारा रखा गरा।

ग्ामीण कुककुट पालन घटक के अतंग्यत छह केनद्र हैं – भाकतृ अनुप के उततर पूवजी पव्यतीर क्षते्र अनुसंरान कापं्लेकस, अगरतला : एडीवीएसरू, जबलपूर : एएरू, गुवाहाटी: बीएरू, राचंी : एमपीरएूटी, उदरपुर एवं सीएसकेएचपीकेवीवी, पालमपूर। रह सभी छह केनद्र ग्ामीण कुककुट उतपादन हते ु स्थानीर एवं समतृद्ध कुककुट जननद्रव्र का उपरोग करत ेहुए क्षते्रीर तवशेर जननद्रव्र के तवकास कार्य में जटेु हैं। अतंतम चार केनद्रो ं(एएरू, गुवाहाटी, बीएरू, राचंी, एमपीरएूटी, उदरपूर एवं सीएसकेएचपीकेतवतव, पालमपूर ) को माच्य, 2009 के दौरान ग्ामीण कुककुट पालन संघटक के अतंग्यत जोडा गरा।

दो रादृच्छिक तनरंत्त्रत जीव वंशावललरो ं (लेरर के ललए एक एवं ब्ारलर के ललए एक) का मूलराकंन ककरा गरा एवं कुककुट अनुसंरान तनदेशालर, हदैराबाद में इनको पुनरूतपाकदत ककरा गरा। इन जीतवरो ंसे प्राप्त जननक्षम अडंो ंको पुनरूतपादन हते ुकुककुट प्रजनन पर स्थित एआईसीआरपी केनद्रो ंमें तवतररत ककरा गरा। वरापाररक रूप से प्रचार-प्रसार हते ुवरापाररक लेरर एवं ब्ारलर जीतवरो ं के ऊव्यरक अडंो ं व एक कदन की आर ु के चूजो ं को तवभभनन उपरोगी एजेस्सिरो ंमें तवतररत ककरा गरा। परररद द्ारा ललए गए तनण्यरानुसार तीन एवं चार मागजीर संकरण हते ु तवभभनन एआईसीआरपी केनद्रो ंएवं पीडीपी में बनाए रखे गए नस्लो ंको स्ोत जीतवरो ंएवं आपतकाल में उपरोग हते ुएआईसीआरपी के तवभभनन केनद्रो ंमें कद्गुणीकतृ त ककरा गरा। IWN को हदैराबाद,IWF को मननुतत IWD एवं IWK को आनंद एवं M1 एवंM2 को जबलपुर स्थित एआईसीआरपी केनद्रो ंमें कद्गुणीकतृ त ककरा गरा। आनंद स्थित केनद्र ने लेरर संकरो ंमें दो एवं चार मागजीर संकरण द्ारा तवकास एवं मूलराकंन ककरा।

कुककुट प्रजनन हते ुएआईसीआरपी को ग्ामीण कुककुट पालन हते ुकदवसंबर 2014 के बाद से अभभतवनरस्त ककरा गरा।

केवीएएसरू, मननुतत केनद्र ने स्थानीर कुककुट जननद्रव्र के S-O पुशत को 40 सपताह की आर ुतक मूलराकंन ककरा ह।ै 40 सपताह तक देशज कुककुट जननद्रव्र का औसत अडंा उतपादन 69.83±0.96 रहा, जो 40 सपताह में औसतन अडें का वजन 43.65±0.20 ग्ा. रहा। आगे, S-1वें पुशत मेंअचछछी नस्ल के जीतवरो ंका लैंत्गक पररपकवता की आर ुतक पुन:सतृजन एवं मूलराकंन ककरा गरा। देशज कुककुटो ंमें उचच ऊव्यरता (94.4%) एवं सेननता (FES एवं TES पर 93.39 तथा 90.55%) देखी गरी। S-1वें पुशत में लैंत्गक पररपकवता की आर ु157.5±1.19 कदन दज्य की गरी। इसके अततररकत, इस केनद्र ने कंटो्ल लेरर कुककुटो ंके साथ ही IWN एवं IWP नस्लो ंके S-28 वें पुशत को 64 सपताह की आर ुतक मूलराकंन ककरा। 64 सपताह की आर ुतक S-28 वें पुशत में कफनोटाइपीर स्केल पर IWN नस्ल में हने हाऊस अडंा उतपादन में 8.1 की कमी हुई ककंत ुरह IWP में 6.2 के रूप में बढ़ ह।ै तपछले पाचं (S-24 से S-28) पुशतो ंमें IWN एवं IWP नस्लो ंमें 64 सपताह पर हने हाऊस अडंा उतपादन पर औसतन आनुवाभंशकी अनुकरिरा रिमश: 4.04 एवं 7.74 अडें रही। 2015-16 के दौरान IWN एवंIWPनस्लो ं के प्रततरूप जीवो ंको 72 सपताह तक मूलराकंन ककरा गरा जजससे उतपादन रिमश: 302.82±2.18 एवं 308.27±2.34 अडें रहा। इस कें द्र ने दाना पर खच्य कुल वरर 101.9% (रू.39.07 लाख) पर कुल रू.39.82 लाख राजस्व सतृजजत ककरा। इस कें द्र ने इस वर्य के दौरान कुल 35873 जननद्रव्र की आपूतजी की।

एएर ूआनंद कें द्र ने देशज कुककुटो ंके S-O वें पुशतएवं RIR नस्लो ंको वरतुपत्ति संसग्य द्ारा उतपाकदत ककरा। IWN नर एवं देशज मादा कुककुटो ंके साथ संकररत कर F1 संकरो ं(IWN x देशज) के चूजो ंको उतपाकदत ककरा गरा। F1 नर को RIR मादाओ ंके साथ संकररत कर फाम्य परीक्षण हते ुF1

x RIR के चूजो ंको उतपाकदत ककरा गरा। RIR नस्ल (91.75%) की तलुना में देशज कुककुटो ंमें ऊव्यरता कम (85.80%) रहा। तथातप, RIR नस्ल (72.39%) की तुलना में देशज कुककुटो ंमें ऊव्यरता (85.30%) कम रहा। इस अवधर के दौरान IWN एवं IWP नस्लो ं के S-12 वें पुशत के साथ कंटो्ल लेरर जीतवरो ंका 64 सपताह की आर ुतक मूलराकंन ककरा गरा। 64 सपताह की आर ु तक IWP 243.6) की तलुना में IWN(253.1) में अंडा उतपादन उचचतम रहा। तथातप, तपछले पुशतो ंकी तलुना में रह S-12 वें पुशत के IWN,IWP एवं तनरंत्त्रत जीवो ंमें रिमश: 6.5, 11 एवं 12.5 अडें कम रहा। इसी तरह से, तपछले पुशतो ंकी तलुना में S-12 वें पुशत में 72 सपताह का अडंा उतपादन IWN (294.2) IWP(275.0) में रिमश: 7.6 एवं 25.3 अडंो ं की कमी हुई। S-13 वें पुशत के IWN एवं IWP नस्लो ं को पुनरूतपाकदत कर उसे लैंत्गक पररपकवता की आर ुतक मूलराकंन ककरा गरा। तपछले पुशतो ंकी तलुना में S-13 वें पुशत के IWN (90.16%) एवं IWP(92.24%) में अचछछी ऊव्यरता देखी गरी। तपछले 10 पुशतो ंकी तलुना में 64 सपताह की आर ुतकIWN एवंIWPमेंअडंा उतपादन हतेु आनुवाभंशक अनुकरिरा रिमश: 1.03 एवं 1.51 रही। इस केनद्र ने IWD एवं IWK नस्लो ंके S-4 वें पुशत को 64 सपताह की आर ुतक मूलराकंन ककरा। इन नस्लो ंके S-5 वें पुशत को पुनरूतपाकदत कर इसे लैंत्गक पररपकवता की आर ुतक मूलराकंन ककरा गरा। इस कें द्र ने दाना पन खच्य कुल 50.48% पर रू.20.43 लाख राजस्व सतृजजत ककरा। इस कें द्र ने मौजदूा वर्य के दौरान 44,337 जननद्रव्र की आपूतजी की।

Annual Report 2015 - 2016

2कार्यकारी साराशं

बेंगलूरू कें द्र ने कना्यटक राज्र के भभनन प्रातो ं से एकत्त्रत ककए गए देशज जननद्रव्र को शुद्धीकरण करने के कार्य की पहल आरंभ की ह।ै 8,12 एवं 20 सपताह की आर ुमें देशज जननद्रव्र का वजन रिमश: 32.20, 470.13 987.12 एवं 1311.05 ग्ा. रहा। ककशोरवस्था के लक्षणो ंको देखने हते ुPB-1एवं PB-2एवंकंटो्ल लाईन के साथS-8 एवं S-21वें पुशत को पुनसतृजन ककरा गरा एवं मूलराकंन ककरा गरा ह।ै 5 सपताह की आर ुमें PB-1, PB-2एवंकंटो्ल लाईन का औसतन वजन रिमश: 1041±2.77, 1171±2.71 एवं 814±11.51 ग्ाम रहा। तपछले पुशतो ंकी तलुना में PB-1 एवं PB-2 एवं कंटो्ल लाईन में 5 सपताह की आर ुमें वजन में बढ़ोततरी हुई। तपछले पुशतो ंकी तलुना में सभी वंशावललरो ंमें दाना खपत अनुपात में आभंशक सुरार देखा गरा। PB-1, PB-2 एवं कंटो्ल लाईन में ऊव्यर प्रततशतता रिमश: 88.37, 89.29 एवं 84.86 रही। PB-1 नर एवं मादाओ ंमें औसतन चरन भभननता रिमश: 231.14 एवं 95 ग्ा. रही तथा रह PB-2में 188.42 एवं 82.43 ग्ा. रही। PB-1 एवं PB-2 जीवो ंमें चरन की सघनता 1.52 एवं 1.64 प्राप्त की गरी। मौजदूा पुशत में 0 से 5 सपताह के बीच मतृतरदुर सीमा के भीतर ही रही। तपछले पुशत की तलुना में PB-2एवंकंटो्ल लाईन के S-20 वें पुशत में ASM में कमी हुई। तपछले 10 पुशतो ंकी तलुना में PB-2के वजन का औसतन कफनोटाईपीर एवं आनुवाभंशक अनुकरिरा रिमश: 14.07 एवं 8.218 ग्ा. रहा। तपछले 10 पुशतो ंकी तलुना में 40 सपताह की आर ुतक PB-2में अडंा उतपादन हते ुसह-संबंधरत मूलर -0.816 एवं -1.062 अडें रहा। ककसानो ंएवं अन्र कहतरारको ं को इस वर्य के दौरान कुल 1,17,998 जननद्रव्र (1,07,464 वरापाररक चूजे एवं 10,536 सेनन अडें) की आपूतजी की गरी। इस कें द्र ने दाना पन खच्य कुल 126.66%(रू.26.67 लाख)पर रू.33.79 लाख राजस्व सतृजजत ककरा।

लुधरराणा कें द्र ने क्षते्रो ंसे एकत्त्रत ककए गए देशज कुककुट जननद्रव्र को वजन एवं अडंा उतपादन हेत ुमूलराकंन कार्य आरंभ ककरा है। कुल 552 एक कदन की आर ु के देशज चूजो ं को तवभभनन आर्थक लक्षणो ं को दज्य करने हतेु हाऊस ककरा गरा। 1 कदन, 4 एवं 8 सपताह की आर ुमें स्थानीर चूजो ं का औसतन वजन रिमश: 36.68±0.17, 235.88±3.71 एवं 745.55±10.8 ग्ा. रहा। इस कें द्र ने पीडीपी कंटो्ल जीवो ं के संग-संग PB-2 के S-4 वें पुशत एवं PB-1 के S-8 वें पुशत का पुन.सतृजन ककरा। PB-1,PB-2 एवं कंटो्ल जीवो ंका 5 सपताह की आर ुमें वजन रिमश: 1173.89±4.23, 1006.33±3.31 एवं 784.72±72±11.07 ग्ा. रहा। तपछले पुशत की तलुना में 5 सपताह की आर ुमें PB-1, PB-2 एवं कंटो्ल जीवो ंमें दाना खपत में कमी हुई। PB-2 जीवो ंके तपछले 10 पुशतो ंमें तपफनोटाईपीर एवं आनुवाभंशक अनुकरिरा के आरार पर वजन रिमश: 9.03 एवं 39.61 ग्ा. रहा। तपछले 10 पुशतो ंमें 40 सपताह की आर ुतक अडंा उतपादन पर कफनोटाइपीर अनुकरिरा 1.25 अडें एवं आनुवाभंशक अनुकरिरा 1.69 अडें रही। PB-1 एवं PB-2 में कुल रखे गए अडंो ंपर ऊव्यर प्रततशतता 92% से अधरक रही तथा सेननता 80% से अधरक रही। PB-1 में TES के आरार पर ऊव्यर प्रततशतता एवं सेननता में कमी हुई तथा रह मूलर तपछले पुशत की तलुना में PB-2एवं कंटो्ल जीवो ंमें बडी ह।ै तपछले पुशत की तलुना में पठोर दशा के दौरान PB-1 एवं कंटो्ल जीवो ंमें मतृतरदुर रिमश: 21.5 एवं 20.78% के रूप में बडी ह।ै इस कें द्र में कुककुटो ंके स्वास्‍थर प्रबंरन पर अधरक धरान देने की आवशरकता ह।ै तपछले पुशत की तलुना में PB-1, PB-2 एवं कंटो्ल जीवो ंमें लैंत्गक पररपकवता की आर ुमें बढ़त हुई ह।ै वरापाररक संकर क्षते्र पररसर में 5 सपताह की आर ुमें 1057ग्ा. वजन प्राप्त ककए। इस कें द्र ने ककसानो ंको 33,528 जननद्रव्र की आपूतजी ( पेरेंट स्टटॉक=23,000, एक कदन आर ुके चूज े25,895, रवुा ब्ारलर=5,333) की। इस कें द्र ने रू. 14.67 लाख राजस्व सतृजजत ककरा।

सीएआरआई, इज्जतनगर कें द्र ने ककसानो ं से संकललत स्थानीर कुककुटो ंको पुन:सतृजजत ककरा। कुल 78 चूजो ंको स्थानीर कुककुटो ंके अडंो ंसे तीन

हचैो ं में सेना गरा। 8 सपताह की आर ुमें स्थानीर कुककुटो ंकी औसतन टटंॉगो ंकी लंबाई,। पठाण की लंबाई रिमश: 5.05±0.58 एवं 6.06±0.31 ग्ा. रही। 8 सपताह की आर ुमें छाती की हड्ी 45.50±2.01 कडग्ी रही। स्थानीर कुककुटो ंका एक कदन की आर ुएवं 5 सपताह की आर ुमें वजन रिमश: 32.27±0.61 एवं 216.44±17.24 ग्ा. रही। वर्य 2015-16 के दौरान कें द्र ने CSML एवं CSFL जीवो ंका मूलराकंन ककरा। 52 सपताह की आर ुतक ककशोरवस्था के लक्षणो ंएवं उतपादन लक्षणो ंको दज्य ककरा गरा।S-14 वें पुशत के CSML, CSFL एवं कंटो्ल जीवो ंमें ऊव्यर प्रततशतता रिमश: 88.22, 91.67 एवं 86.48% रही। इन संबंद्ध जीवो ंके कुल रखे गए अडंो ंके आरार पर सेनन प्रततशतता रिमश: 81.87, 85.09 एवं 75.95% रही। CSML, CSFL एवं कंटो्ल जीवो ंमें S-14 वें पुशत के दौरान वजन रिमश: 44.99±0.62, 44.99±0.62 एवं 45.14±0.30 ग्ा. रहा। तपछले पुशत की तुलना में सभी वंशावललरो ंमें वजन में कमी हुई। S-13 वें पुशत के दौरान CSML एवं CSFL का ASM रिमश: 182.53 एवं 179.30 रहा। तपछले पुशतो ंकी तलुना में CSML एवं CSFL में 40 सपताह की आर ुमें अडें के वजन में बढ़ोततरी हुई ह।ै तपछले पुशत की तुलना मेंCSML एवं CSFL में 40 सपताह के अडें के उतपादन में कमी हुई। परा्यवरभणक उतार-चढ़ाव को नाप ने हेत ुरादृच्छिक तनरंत्रण जीवो ंका मूलराकंन भी ककरा गरा। CSML में 50 नर एवं 300 मादाओ ंतथा CSFL में 56 नर एवं 312 मादा कुककुटो ंका उपरोग करत ेहुए मौजदूा पुशत के संभात जननद्रव्र को पुनरूतपाकदत ककरा गरा। CSMLएवं CSFL में तपछले पुशत की तलुना में औसतन प्रभावी चरन भभननता में बढ़त हुई। इस कें द्र ने 44 वें आरएसपीपीटी (गुढ़गावं) में भाग ललरा एवं कैररब्ो-तवशाल ने तीसरा स्थान प्राप्त ककरा। 6 एवं 7 सपताह की आर ुमें वजन रिमश:1.588 एवं 1.886 कक.ग्ा. रहा। 0.6 सपताह तक FCR एवं ड्ेधसगं रिमश: 2.3 एवं 73.9% रहा। इस कें द्र ने कहतरारको ंको 48,787 जननद्रव्र की आपूतजी की।

भुवनेशवर कें द्र ने स्थानीर कुककुट जननद्रव्र के नए पुशत को पुन:सतृजजत करने का कार्य पूण्य ककरा। देशज कुककुटो ंके 1093 स्वास्थ चूजो ंके हचै को ललरा गरा। इन कुककुटो ंको ककशोरवस्था के दौरान लक्षणो,ं ASM, वजन, अडंा उतपादन प्रदश्यन एवं मतृतरदुर शैली जसेै आरारभूत आकंडो ंको दज्य करने हते ुरखा गरा। इस कें द्र ने CSFL एवंCSML के S-4 वें पुशत को ककशोरवस्था लक्षणो ं हते ु एवं CSFL एवंCSML के S-3 वें पुशत को उतपादन लक्षणो ंहते ुमूलराकंन ककरा। CSFL एवं CSML में संपूण्य ऊव्यरता 89.86 एवं 89.86% रहा ककंत ुरह कंटो्ल वंशावली में कम हुआ। तपछले पुशत की तुलना में मौजदूा पुशत में कुल एवं रखे गए ऊव्यर अडंो ंमें सेननता कम रही। CSFL, CSML एवं कंटो्ल जीवो ंमें 5 सपताह की आर ुमें वजन रिमश: 1102.18±3.39 (3326), 100.9±3.14(2844) एवं 787.09±12.21(339) ग्ा. रहा। तपछले पुशत की तलुना में CSML, CSFL एवं कंटो्ल जीवो ंमें मौजदूा पुशत में 5 सपताह की आर ुके वजन में बढ़त हुई। संबद्ध जीवो ंमें 5 सपताह की आर ुतक FCR रिमश: 1.93, 1.97 एवं 1.98 रहा। तपछले पुशत की तलुना में 5 सपताह की आर ुमें CSFL में FCR बढ़ा ह ै ककंत ुरह CSML एवं कंटो्ल जीवो ंमें घटा ह।ै 0.5 सपताह की आर ुमें CSFL, CSML एवं कंटो्ल जीवो ंमें मतृतरदुर रिमश: 5.20, 4.89 एवं 5.83 रहा। मौजदूा पुशत में मतृतरदुर धसफररश की गरी स्तर के भीतर रही। तपछले पुशत से CSFL एवं CSML के मौजदूा पुशत में ASM अधरक है। CSFL एवं CSML में 40 सपताह एवं 52 सपताह की आर ुतक अडंा उतपादन में आशाजनक बढ़त हुई। इस कें द्र ने दाना पर खच्य 31.72% पर रू. 8.2 लाख राजस्व प्राप्त ककरा। इस वर्य के दौरान इस कें द्र ने ककसानो ंको 38,754 जननद्रव्र की आपूतजी की।

मौजदूा वर्य के दौरान अगरताला कें द्र ने त्त्रपुरा बलाब, दहलमरेड को 72 सपताह तक मूलराकंन ककरा। ND संकर एवं CSFL जीवो ंको 40 सपताह की आर ुतक मूलराकंन ककरा गरा। त्त्रमागजीर (त्त्रपुरा ब्ाक x CSFL) x DR) को 52 सपता ह की आर ुतक मूलराकंन ककरा गरा। ऊव्यर प्रततशतता

AICRP on Poultry Breeding

3 कार्यकारी साराशं

69.93 से 82.69% के बीच रही। 8 सपताह की आर ुतक त्त्रपुरा बलाक, दहलमरेड, रंगीन ब्ारलर मादा वंशावली एवं त्त्रमागजीर संकरो ं का वजन रिमश: 312.73, 539.25, 1045.81 एवं 547.09 ग्ा. (त्चत्र 7) रहा। त्त्रपुरा बलाक के पठोर 2 कदन एवं दहलमरेड एक कदन की तवलंब से पररपकव हुए। त्त्रपुरा बलाक एवं दहलमरेड में 40 सपताह की आर ुतक अडंा उतपादन रिमश: 38.90 एवं 57.22 रहा। त्त्रपुरा बलाक एवं दहलम रेड में 72 सपताह तक अंडा उतपादन रिमश: 89.34 एवं 139.56 अडंें रहा। ND संकर में, पहला अडंा देने की आर ु162 कदन तथा 40 सपताह की आर ुतक अडंा उतपादन 47.54 अडें रहा। त्त्रमागजी संकरो ं में पहला अडें के समर आर ुएवं 40 सपताह की आर ुमें अडें का वजन रिमश: 165 कदन एवं 55.88 ग्ा. रहा है, त्त्रमागजी संकरो ंमें 40 एवं 52 सपताह की आर ुमें अडंा उतपादन 46.15 एवं 82.50 ग्ा. रहा। इस वर्य के दौरान, इस कें द्र ने 14,193 कद्-उपरोगी (NBD), स्थानीर (त्त्रपुरा बलाक) एवं अन्र चूजो ंकी आपूतजी की ह।ै इस कें द्र ने दाना पर खच्य कुल 35.43% पर रू. 9.54 लाख राजस्व सतृजजत ककरा।

मौजदूा वर्य के दौरान, जबलपूर कें द्र ने एक कद्-उपरोगी कुककुट नर्मदाननधध को तवमोत्चत ककरा, जजसमें 25%Kd: 75% रंगीन वंशानुरिम ह।ै इस कें द्र ने G-6 वें पुशत के कडकनाथ (Kd) एवंजबलपूर रंगीन जीवो ंको 52 सपताह की आर ुतक मूलराकंन ककरा। कद्-उपरोगी कुककुट (25%Kd, जबलपूर रंगीन) नम्यदातनधर को 72 सपताह की आर ु तक फाम्य में में मूलराकंन ककरा गरा। सभी जीवो ंमें ऊव्यरता 82% से अधरक रही। G-6 वें पुशत के दौरान, कडकनाथ एवं जबलपूर जीवो ंमें 6 सपताह का वजन 339 एवं 772 ग्ा. रहा। कडकनाथ एवं जबलपूर रंगीन जीवो ंके पठोर रिमश: 2 एवं 4 कदन पूव्य ही पररपकव हुए ह।ै जबलपूर रंगीन में 40 सपताह की आर ुतक वजन एवं अडें का वजन रिमश: 2116 ग्ा. एवं 59.60 ग्ा. रहा। 40 सपताह की आर ुतक कडकनाथ का वजन एवं अडें का वजन रिमश: 1520 ग्ा. एवं 48.3 ग्ा. रहा। 40 सपताह की आर ुतक JBL जीवो ंमें हने हाऊस अडंा उतपादन 86.20 अडें रहा एवं कडकनाथ में रह 49.10 अडें रहा। 40 सपताह की आर ुतक CSFLमें अडें का वजन एवं उतपादन रिमश: 59.0 ग्ा. एवं 60.8 अडें रहा। नम्यदातनधर को फाम्य एवं क्षेत्र पररस्थिततरो ंमें मूलराकंन ककरा गरा। इस ककस्म ने फाम्य में 40 एवं 52 सपताह की आर ुतक रिमश: 71 एवं 142 अंडे उतपाकदत ककए। इस संकर ने फाम्य पररस्थिततरो ंमें 40, 52 एवं 72 सपताह की आर ुमें रिमश: 49,79, एवं 178.2 अडें उतपाकदत ककए। इस वर्य के दौरान 58,236 जननद्रव्र की आपूतजी की गरी। मौजदूा वर्य के दौरान दाना पर खच्य 50.13% पर रू. 13.16 लाख राजस्व सतृजजत ककरा गरा।

गुवाहटी कें द्र ने 52 सपताह की आर ुतक स्थानीर, दहलमरेड, PB-2एवं BN जीवो ंका मूलराकंन ककरा। इस कें द्र ने फाम्य एवं क्षते्र पररस्थिततरो ंमें 52 सपताह की आर ुतक काररूपा (PB-2 x देशज) x दहलमरेड मादा) का मूलराकंन ककरा ह।ै BN संकर (63.25%) को छोड कर अन्र सभी वंशावललरो ंमें ऊव्यरता 75% से अधरक रही। सभी वंशावललरो ंमें ब्कूडगं एवं ग्ाइंग की दशा में मतृतरदुर 3.80% से कम रही तथा अडंा देने की दशा के दौरान रह 2.11% रही। 5 सपताह की आर ुमें देशज 115.90 ग्ा. , PB-2में 1040.51 ग्ा. एवं दहलमरेड 350.62 ग्ा. वजन के रह।े दहलमरेड में ASM अतरल्प (162 कदन) रहा एवं देशज में रह अतरधरक (180कदन) रहा। तपछले पुशत की तलुना में देशज कुककुट 2 कदन एवं दहलमरेड पठोर एक कदन तवलंब से पररपकव हुए हैं। तपछले पुशत की तलुना में देशज कुककुट देशज जीवो ंमें 52 सपताह की आर ुतक अडें का वजन एवं अडंा उतपादन एक समान रहा। BN संकर में 5 सपताह की आर ुमें वजन 230.20 ग्ा. रहा तथा FCR 3.15 रहा। तपछले पुशत की तलुना में लैंत्गक पररपकवता की आर ु171.80 कदन रही एवं अन्र एक जसैा ही रहा। 52 सपताह की आर ुतक हने हाऊस अडंा उतपादन 69.68 अडें रहा। मौजदूा वर्य में कामरूपा संकर को 52 सपताह की आर ुतक फाम्य एवं क्षते्र पररस्थिततरो ंमें मूलराकंन

ककरा गरा। 5 सपताह की आर ुमें फाम्य एवं क्षते्रो ंमें इनका वजन रिमश: 210.30 गा. एवं 160.25 ग्ा. रहा। फाम्य एवं क्षते्रो ंमें लैंत्गक पररपकवता की आर ुरिमश: 152.60 कदन एवं 174.80 कदन रही। फाम्य एवं क्षते्र में 40 सपताह की आर ुमें वजन 56.80 एवं 41.10 ग्ा. रहा। 40 एवं 52 सपताह की आर ुतक फाम्य में हने हाऊस अडंा उतपादन 46.90 एवं 87.30 अडें रहा एवं क्षते्रो ंमें इनका सह-संबंधरत मूलर 41.50 अडें रहा। तपछले दो पुशतो ंकी तलुना में इस संकर का प्रदश्यन स्थिर रहा। रह कें द्र ककसानो ंको कामरूपा कुककुटो ंके 3195 हतै्चगं अडें एवं 20,936 चूजो ंका तवतरण ककरा। इस कें द्र ने मौजदूा वर्य के दौरान दाना पर खच्य 34,68% पर रू.4.53 लाख राजस्व सतृजजत ककरा।

राचंी कें द्र ने G-4 वें पुशत के स्थानीर जीवो ंको 72 सपताह की आर ुतक मूलराकंन ककरा। इस वर्य के दौरान G-5 पुशत को 20 सपताह की आर ुतक पुनरूतपाकदत ककरा एवं मूलराकंन ककरा। BN को 20 सपताह की आर ुतक मूलराकंन ककरा गरा। फाम्य एवं क्षते्र पररस्‍थकततरो ंमें BND (PB-2 x स्थानीर मादा) x दहलमरेड मादा) एवं DBN (दहलमरेड नर) x (PB-2 नर x देशी मादा) संकरो ंका 72 सपताह की आर ुतक मूलराकंन ककरा गरा। सभी वंशावललरो ंमें (पट्टिका 87) में ऊवत्यरता 80.32 से 94.01 प्रततशत के बीच रही। तपछले पुशत की तलुना में दहलम रेड जीवो ंको छोड अन्र सभी संकर वंशावललरो ंमें ऊव्यरता में सुरार हुआ। मौजदूा वर्य में कुल रखे अडंो ंमें सेननता 64.29 – 77.03% से कम रही एवं रह सभी वंशावललरो ंमें वतृत्द्ध हुई। स्थानीर जीवो ंमें G-4 एवं G-5 वें पुशत में 40-72 सपताह की आर ुमें उतपादन लक्षणो ंका मूलराकंन ककरा गरा, तथा वजन एवं पहला अडंा देने की आर ुदज्य की गरी। G-4 वें पुशत में स्थानीर जीवो ंका वाकर्ज्ञिक हने हाऊस अडंा उतपादन 73.48 अडें रहा। BN संकर (ई-2) में 72 सपताह की आर ुतक वार्रक हने हाऊस अंडा उतपादन 93.36 अडें रहा। ई-5 के मूलराकंन के दौरान त्त्रमागजी संकरो ंमें BND(168 कदन) की तलुना में DBN (174 कदन) संकरो ंमें एक कदन, 4.8 एवं 20 सपताह की आर ुमें वजन अचछ रहा। फाम्य पररस्थिततरो ंमें ई-4 के मूलराकंन के दौरान 72 सपताह की आर ुतक BND संकर (126.82 अडें) की तुलना में DBN संकर (139.82 अडें) में हने डे अंडा उतपादन अधरक रहा। क्षते्र पररस्थिततरो ंमें, BND संकर (96.19 अडें) की तलुना में DBN संकर (111.13 अडें) ने 72 सपताह की आर ुतक अधरक अडें उतपाकदत ककए। इस कें द्र ने ककसानो ंको 8755 हैत्चगं अडें एवं 7020 चूजो ंकी आपूतजी की। इस कें द्र ने मौजदूा तवततीर वर्य के दौरान दाना पर खच्य वरर 21.41% पर रू.3.68 लाख राजस्व सतृजजत ककरा।

मौजदूा वर्य के दौरान, सीएसकेएचपीकेवी, पालंपूर क्ेद्र ने 52 सपताह तक स्थानीर (G-3) एवं दहलम रेड (G-3) कुककुटो ंका मूलराकंन ककरा। D x स्थानीर संकरो ंका 52 सपताह की आर ुतक फाम्य में मूलराकंन ककरा गरा। DN x xD (दहलमरेड x स्थानीर) x दहलमरेड) संकर को 52 सपताह की आर ुतक फाम्य में एवं 40 सपताह की आर ुतक क्षते्र में मूलराकंन ककरा गरा। सभी वंशावललरो ंमें ऊव्यरता अचछा रहा एवं वह 84.44 से 93.37 प्रततशत के बीच रहा। सभी वंशावललरो ंमें कुल रखे अडंो ंमें सेननता 58.08 से 71.61% रही। सभी वंशावललरो ंमें कुल रखे ऊव्यर अडंो ंमें सेननता 64.13 से 79.81 के बीच रही। संपूण्य ऊव्यरता अचछछी रही एवं सेननता में ओर अधरक सुरार करने की आवशरकता ह।ै दहलमरेड, स्थानीर एवं DR x N जीवो ंमें 4 सपताह का वजन रिमश: 210.7, 184.36 एवं 199.80 ग्ा. रहा। तपछले पुशत की तलुना में स्थानीर एवं दहलमरेड के पइोर 6 कदन पूव्य ही पररपकव हुए हैं। 40 सपताह की आर ुतक दहलमरेड में हेन हाऊस अडंा उतपादन 56.91 अडें रहा, जबकक स्थानीर जीवो ंमें रह 46.83 अडें रहा। 52 सपताह की आर ुतक दहलमरेड, स्थानीर एवं DR x N जीवो ंमें अडंा उतपादन रिमश: 83.26, 72.46 एवं 120.14 अडें रहा। स्थानीर जीवो ंमें 52 सपताह की आर ुतक सुरार देखा गरा। 40 सपताह की आर ुतक DR x D संकर का फाम्य एवं क्षते्र में वजन रिमश: 1602.81 ग्ा. एवं

Annual Report 2015 - 2016

4कार्यकारी साराशं

1447.76 ग्ा. रहा। फाम्य एवं क्षते्र में अडें का वजन लगभग 53 ग्ा. रहा। 40 सपताह की आर ुतक DN x D संकर में फाम्य एवं क्षते्र में हने हाऊस अडंा उतपादन रिमश: 52.74 अंडे एवं 42.37 अंडे रहा। इस संकर ने 52 सपताह की आर ुतक 86.62 अडें उतपाकदत ककए। इस कें द्र ने ककसानो ंको तवभभनन संकरो ंके 26,715 चूजो ंकी आपूतजी की। इस कें द्र ने तवततीर वर्य के दौरान दाना पर वरर 70.97% पर रू.12.95 लाख राजस्व सतृजजत ककरा।

एमपीरएूटी, उदरपूर कें द्र ने स्थानीर जननद्रव्र के वें पुशत को G-4 वें पुशत को 52-72 सपताह तक मूलराकंन ककरा एवं G-5 वें पुशत को पुन:सतृजन ककरा तथा उनका मूलराकंन ककरा। प्रतापरन (BNR संकर) को ई-4 वें पुशत के दौरान 72 सपताह की आर ुतक एवं ई-5 को 52 सपताह की आर ुतक मूलराकंन ककरा गरा। सभी वंशावललरो ंमें ऊव्यरता 78.81 – 84.71% के बीच रही। मेवाडी कुककुटो ं एवं RIR जीवो ं में ऊव्यरता में सुरार हुआ, पर रह प्रतापरन में आभंशक ही रहा। मेवाडी जीवो ंमें 8 सपताह की आर ुमें G-4 पुशत की तलुना में G-5 वें पुशत में तपछले पुशत की तलुना में ककशोरवस्था का वजन में आभंशक कमी (651.75ग्ा.) हुई। G-4 पुशत की तलुना में G-5 वें पुशत में 20 सपताह की आर ुमें वजन 245.97 ग्ा. एवं 40 सपताह की आर ुमें वजन 178.53 ग्ा. का सुरार हुआ। तपछले पुशत की तलुना में पठोर 4.38 कदन तवलंब से पररपकव हुए हैं। S-5 वें पुशत में 52 सपताह तक हने हाऊस एवं हेन डे अडंा उतपादन रिमश: 39.96 एवं 70.58 अडें रहा। S-4 वें पुशत के दोरान 72 सपताह की आर ुतक हने हाऊस एवं हनेडे अडंा उतपादन रिमश: 95.09 एवं 73.14 अडें रहा। ई-4 वें मूलराकंन के दौरान प्रतापरन को 72 सपताह की आर ुतक मूलराकंन ककरा गरा। ई-4 के दौरान लैंत्गक पररपकवता 151.27 कदन रही एवं रही ई-5 में 144.54 कदन रही। ई-4 की तलुना में ई-5 में 40 एवं 52 सपताह की आर ुतक हने हाऊस अडंा उतपादन में सुरार हुआ। ई-4 वें मूलराकंन के दोरान हने हाऊस एवं हने डे अडंा उतपादन 80.15 एवं 159.12 अडें रहा। 52 सताह की आर ुतक ई-5 में हने हाऊस एवं हनेडे अडंा उतपादन 75,605 जननद्रव्र का तवतरण ककरा गरा। मौजदूा तवततीर वर्य के दौरान इस कें द्र ने दाना खच्य 42.88% पर रू.11.33 लाख राजस्व सतृजजत ककरा।

राजस्‍व सृजन

मौजदूा वर्य के दौरान 12 एआईसीआरपी कें द्रो ने 5,88,578 जननद्रव्र की आपूतजी कर लगभग रू.2.00 करोड राजस्व का सतृ जन ककए। ‍वर्म 2015-16 के दौरान आपूर्ति ककए गए जननद्रव्य ए‍ंव सृजजति ककए गए राजस्‍व का न‍व‍वरण:

केन्‍द्र जननद्रव्य आपूतिती राजस्‍व (रू. लाखो ंरें)मननुतत 35387 39.82 आनंद 44337 20.43 बेंगलूरू 117998 33.79

लुधरराना 28195 14.67 भुवनेशवर 38754 8.21

सीएआरआई 48787 30.00 उदरपुर 75604 9.54 जबलपुर 58236 13.16 गुवाहटी 24131 4.53 पालंपूर 26715 12.95 राचंी 15755 3.68

अगरतला 14193 9.54 कुल 528578 202.32

कुककुट बीज पररयोजना

कुककुट बीज परररोजना का उदे्शर देश के दूर-दराज ग्ामीण क्षते्रो ं में ग्ामीण कुककुट नस्लो ं की उपलब्रता में वतृत्द्ध करना ह।ै इस पररप्रके्षर में XI वी ं पंच वरजीर रोजना के दौरान भारतीर कतृ तर अनुसंरान परररद ने 6 कुककुट बीज परररोजनाओ ंको आरंभ करने की पहल की, जजसमें से तीन उततरपूवजी क्षते्रो ं एवं तीन राजो ं के पशु त्चककतसा तवशवतवद्ालरो ं में ह।ै इस परररोजना को XI। वी ंरोजना के दौरान ककसानो ंके अपने क्षते्रीर आवशरकताओ ंकी पूर्त को धरान में रखत ेहुए इसमें पाचं और केनद्र जोडे गए। इस परररोजना का मुख्र उदे्धशर रही ह ैकक तवकधसत ककए गए स्थानीर कुककुट जननद्रव्र ( ऊव्यर अडें, एक कदन की आर ुके चूज ेतथा तवकधसत कुककुट ) का उतपादन एवं देश के दूर-दराज क्षते्रो ंमें बसने वाले जन समूहो ंको प्रतत वर्य 5000-15000 पररवारो ंको इसकी पहुुँच का लक्षर तनरा्यररत कर अडंा एवं मासं उतपादन में वतृत्द्ध कर उन तक इसे पहुुँचारा जाए तथा सुतनरोजजत बाजार वरवस्था द्ारा ग्ामीण कुककुट उतपादन, तनरा्यररत जन-समूहो ं का सामाजजक-आर्थक स्‍थकाततरो ं एवं लघु कुककुट पालन उतपादन कता्यओ ंसे इसे जोड कर इस के्षत्र की वतृत्द्ध करना है।

पुराने केनद्र तबहार कतृ तर तवशवतवद्ालर, पटना; पजचिम बंगाल पशु एवं मतस्र तव्ञिान तवशवतवद्ालर, कोलकाता; छततीसगढ़ कामरनेू तवशवतवद्ालर, दगु्य; भाकतृ अनुप अनुसंरान कापं्लेकस नागालैंड क्षते्रीर केनद्र, झरनापानी; भाकतृ अनुप अनुसंरान कापं्लेकस धसतकिम क्षते्रीर केनद्र, गैंगटटॉक; भाकतृ अनुप अनुसंरान कापं्लेकस मभणपुर क्षते्रीर केनद्र, इमफाल; में स्थातपत ह।ै नए केनद्र टीएएनरवूीएएस, होसुर, भाकतृ अनुप अनुसंरान कापं्लेकस गोवा क्षते्रीर केनद्र, पणजी; सीएआरआई, पोट्यब्लेरर;आईवीआरआई, मुकतशेवर; एसकेरएूसएटी, श्ीनगर को 2014-15 के दौरान इसमें जोडा गरा। रह तनदेशालर एक समनवरक एकक के रूप में कार्य करत ेहुए प्रतरेक केनद्र को कदए गए तनरा्यररत लक्षरो ंकी प्राप्ति हते ुपेरेंट चूजो ंकी आपूर्त करत ेहुए सभी केनद्रो ंका पर्यवेक्षण एवं समनवरन करता ह।ै कुककुट बीज परररोजना को रोजना अवधर के दौरान 15 मई, 2009 को आरंभ ककरा गरा। प्ररान भूत्म पर स्थित एवं उततर पूवजी केनद्रो ं के ललए ररपोट्य की अवधर (2015-16) के दौरान चूजो ंकी आपूर्त का लक्षर रिमश: 0.3 एवं 1.0 लाख चूजो ंकी आपूर्त करना ह ैतथा मुकत क्षते्रो ंकी पररस्थिततरो ंमें इन कुककुटो ं के प्रदश्यन पर फीडबकै प्राप्त करना ह।ै भाकतृ अनुप, मुख्रालर, नई कदलली में आरोजजत बठैक में केनद्रो ंके प्रभारररो ंके साथ हुई बठैक में उनसे चचा्य कर नागालैंड एवं मभणपुर कें नद्रो ं के मौजदूा लक्षर रिमश: 0.7 लाख से 0.50 लाख एवं दगु्य तथा गैंगटाक को 0.40 लाख के रूप में संशोधरत ककरा गरा। इस वर्य के दौरान संबद्ध क्षते्रो/ंराज्रो ंमें कुल 2,48,097 तवकधसत कुककुट नस्लो ंकी जननद्रव्र की आपूर्त की गरी।

वनराजा पेरेंट के 7 वें बचै को कोलकोता कें द्र में पाला जा रहा ह,ै जजनमें से तन बचै सकरिर लेइंग दशा में है। वनराजा के सभी पेरेंट बचैो ंमें 40 सपताह में अडें का वजन 51.06% रहा। तवभभनन आर ुदशाओ ंमें वनराजा पेरेंटस् में औसतन अडंा उतपादन 22.08 (59-98 सपताह) से 60.51% (25-69 सपताह) रहा है। तवभभनन कालचरिो ंमें अडें का वजन 41.12 से 53.91 ग्ा. रहा। सभी बचैो ंमें ऊव्यर प्रततशतता 81.76 से 86.42 रही। वनराजा मादा पेरेंटस् में TES एवं FES पर औसतन सेननता रिमश: 70 से 75 एवं 87 से 89% के बीच रही। पजचिम बंगाल के तवभभनन प्रातंो ंमें वनराजा कुकुटो ंके

AICRP on Poultry Breeding

5 कार्यकारी साराशं

कुल 52,408 चूजो ंकी आपूतजी कर 6.24 लाख राजस्व प्राप्त ककरा गरा। पजचिम बंगाल में वनराजा कुककुटो ंके पालन से कुल 53 ककसान/एनजीओ/स्व–आराररत समूह लाभाम्वित हुए हैं। 100 वनराजा कुककुटो ंके पालन से रू.30.60/- शुद्ध लाभ प्राप्त कर आर्थक वरवहार्यता का प्रदशन्य प्रस्ततु ककरा गरा।

पटना कें द्र में वनराजा के दो बचै एवं ग्ामतप्ररा पेरेंट का एक बचै को डीपललटिर पद्धतत में पाला गरा। वनराजा नर एवं मादा पेरेंटो ंमें 20 सपताह का वजन 3216.54±63.96 ग्ा. एवं 1783.53±40.14 ग्ा. रहा एवं रह ग्ामतप्ररा नर एवं मादा पेरेंटो ंमें 2558.20±4277 एवं 1496.82 ± 33.46 ग्ा. रहा। वनराजा एवं ग्ामतप्ररा पेरेंटो ंमें लैंत्गक पररपकवता की आर ुरिमश: 175 कदन रही। वनराजा एवं ग्ामतप्ररा में 40 सपताह की आर ुतक हनेडे अडंा उतपादन रिमश: 16.43 एवं 21.72% रही, इनमें ऊव्यर प्रततशतता रिमश: 80.46 एवं 82.56% रही। वनराजा एवं ग्ामतप्ररा पेरेंटो ंमें सेननता (TES) रिमश: 54.38 एवं 50.67% रही। तबहार में कुल 31,049 एक कदन की आर ुके चूज ेएवं धसकधसत कुककुटो ंकी आपूतजी की गरी। पटना कें द्र में रू.7.8 लाख राजस्व सतृजजत ककरा गरा।

दगु्य कें द्र में वनराजा के तीन बचै एवं ग्ामतप्ररा का एक बचै को डीपललटिर प्रबंरन पद्धतत में पाला गरा। 20 सपताह की आर ुमें वनराजा एवं ग्ामतप्ररा पेरेंट चूजो ंका वजन रिमश: 940.4 ग्ा. एवं 1066.9 ग्ा. रहा, जो मानक वजन से कम ह।ै ग्ामतप्ररा में 56.72 सपताह की आर ुके दौरान अडंा उतपादन 7.2 – 54.1% एवं वनराजा में रह 54.8% रहा। वनराजा मादा पेरेंटो ंमें कुल एवं ऊव्यर अडंो ंमें सेननता रिमश: 75.33 एवं 81.44% रही। छततीसगढ़ राज्र में कुल 28,976 वनराजा एवं ग्ामतप्ररा के तवकधसत जननद्रव्र की आपूतजी की गरी। इस कें द्र द्ारा रू. 6.36 लाख राजस्व सतृजजत ककरा गरा।

झरनापानी कें द्र में कुल 1146 वनराजा पेरेंट एवं 334 श्ीतनधर पेरेंओ ंको डीपललटिर पद्धतत में पाला जा रहा ह।ै वनराजा मादा पेरेंटो ंमें 6 एवं 20 सपताह की आर ुमें वजन रिमश: 626.73±64.76 एवं 1907.50±149±66 ग्ा. ह।े वनराजा पेरेंट एवं श्ीतनधर पेरेंटो ंमें हनेडे अडंा उतपादन 37 से 44 प्रततशत शे्णी के बीच रहा। तवभभनन बचैो ंमें वनराजा एवं श्ीतनधर पेरेंटो ंमें ऊव्यर प्रततशतता 60-64% एवं वनराजा में सेननता 53 से 63% तथा श्ीतनधर में 63 से 73% रहा। नागालैंड एवं इसके पडोसी राज्रो ंमें कुल 39,061 तवकधसत जननद्रव्र की आपूतजी की गरी। कुल 14.91 लाख राजस्व सतृजजत ककरा गरा।

धसतकिम कें द्र में, वनराजा पेरेंटो ंके दो बचै अडें देने की दशा (75 सपताह) में ह ैएवं एक तवकास की दशा (13 सपताह) में है। 6 सपताह की आर ुमें वनराजा नर एवं मादा का वजन रिमश: 743 ग्ा. एवं 564.4 ग्ा. रहा। वनराजा में औसतन अंडा वजन 57.94 ग्ा. के साथ औसतन हनेडे अडंा उतपादन 44.56 (25-76 सपताह) रहा। वनराजा में औसतन ऊव्यरता एवं सेननता (TES) 89% एवं 73% रहा। धसतकिम राज्र भर के ककसानो ंको कुल 53,407 तवकधसत कुककुट जननद्रव्र की आपूतजी की गरी। वनराजा के पालन से धस तकिम राज्र के 406 गावंो ं से 1965 ककसान लाभम्वित हुए हैं। गैंगटटॉक में वर्य 2015-16 के दौरान कुल रू.22.19 लाख राजस्व सतृजजत ककरा गरा। कें द्र ने तनरा्यररत जननद्रव्र के आपूतजी के लक्षर को पार ककरा एवं प्ररान अन्वेरक एवं उनके दल की सराहना की गरी। कें द्र की प्रगतत अतरंत सराहनीर ह।ै

इंफाल में मानक प्रबंरन पालन में कुल 934 वनराजा एवं 386 श्ीतनधर पेरेंटस् को बनारा रखा गरा। 16 सपताह की आर ुमें वनराजा एवं श्ीतनधर के नर एवं मादाओ ंका वजन रिमश: 2262.89 एवं 2237.30 ग्ा. रहा। मभणपूर में ककसानो ंको कुल 9,860 तवकधसत कुककुट जननद्रव्र का तवतरण ककरा गरा। वर्य 2015 में पभक्ष रोग के तीव्र होने पर संपूण्य समूह को तनकाल कदरा गरा।

होसूर में, वनराजा एवं ग्ामतप्ररा पेरेंटो ं का एक बचै मौजदू ह।ै वनराजा एवं ग्ामतप्ररा के नर एवं मादा पेरेंओ ं का 6 सपताह का वजन रिमश: 712.2±12.4 एवं 295.0 ग्ा. रहा। 28 सपताह तक वनराजा में उचचतम अडंा उतपादन 75% रहा एवं ग्ामतप्ररा में रह 80% रहा तथा रह 35 सपताह तक रह सकत ेहैं, वनराजा एवं ग्ामतप्ररा में ऊव्यरता रिमश: 72 से 92% शे्णी के बीच रही। वनराजा एवं ग्ामतप्ररा मादा पेरेंटो ंमें सेननता (TES) 68-89% एवं 74-83% शे्णी के बीच रही। तत्मलनाडु राज्र के 193 ककसानो ंको कुल 18,896 तवकधसत कुककुट जननद्रव्र की आपूतजी कर रू.3.24 लाख राजस्व सतृजजत ककरा गरा।

गोवा में धसतवल कारयों का तनमा्यण चल रहा ह।ै उपकरणो ंकी प्रापती का कार्य हो चुका ह।ै मौजदूा सुतवराओ ंमें ग्ामतप्ररा चूजो ंके बचै के साथ कार्य आरंभ ककरा गरा। 20 सपताह की आर ुमें वनराजा नर एवं मादा कुकुटो ंका वजन रिमश: 1798.67 एवं 1008.65 ग्ा. रहा। वनराजा में 40 सपताह का हनेडे अडंा उतपादन 46% रहा। कुल रखे अडंो ंमें ऊव्यरता एवं सेननता रिमश: 82.6 एवं 60.2% रहा। गोवा के 135 ककसानो ंको कुल 3,885 तवकधसत जननद्रव्र का तवतरण ककरा गरा तथा रू.3.47 लाख राजस्व सतृजजत ककरा गरा।

पोट्यब्ेएर में धसतवल तनमा्यण कार्य एवं उपकरणो ंकी प्राप्ती का कार्य चल रहा है। वनराजा कुककुटो ंके दो बचैो ंको डीपललटिर पद्धतत में पाला जा रहा ह।ै कुल 570 वनराजा नर एवं मादा पेरेंट ग्ोइंग दशा (9 सपताह) में मौजदू है। वनराजा मादा एवं नर पेरेंटस् का 6 सपताह का वजन रिमश: 397 एवं 498 ग्ा. रहा। लैंत्गक पररपकवता की आर ु(ASM) 168 कदन रही। वनराजा पेरेंटस् में 40 सपताह का हनेडे अडंा उतपादन 50% रहा। एवं इसे 6 सपताह (46 सपताह) तक बनारा रखा गरा। पुराने सुतवराओ ंका उपरोग करत ेहुए अडंमान एवं तनकाबार द्ीप समूह में कुल 939 वनराजा चूजो ंका तवतरण ककरा गरा।

श्ीनगर में, ब्डूर गतृह (1000 sft) का तनमा्यण कार्य पूरा हो चुका ह।ै हचेरी भवन का तनमा्यण कार्य अतंतम दशा में ह।ै इस कें द्र ने मौजदूा सुतवराओ ंमें वनराजा पेरेंट लाईन का पालन कार्य कर रहा है। वनराजा के मादा एवं नर पेरेंट लाईन में 20 एवं 40 सपताह की आर ु का वजन रिमश: 2535.75±47.70 एवं 1712.32±78 ग्ा. रहा है। वनराजा में अडें देने की दशा 25 सपताह से आरंभ हुई एवं 38 सपताह की आर ुतक रह 50% उतपादन तक पहुुँच चुका ह।ै पहला अडंा देने के समर आर ु173 कदन रही। 40-44 सपताह की आर ुमें अडें का वजन 58.32 ग्ा. रहा। वनराजा पेरेंटस् में कुल रखे अडंो ं (TES) एवं रखे गए ऊव्यर अडंो ं (FES) पर सेननता रिमश: 65.67 एवं 80.67% रही। जममु कशमीर राज्र में ककसानो ंको कुल 9616 वनराजा चूजे तवतररत ककए गए तथा 2.63 लाख राजस्व सतृजजत ककरा गरा। इस परररोजना से लगभग 700 ककसान लाभाम्वित हुए हैं।

Annual Report 2015 - 2016

6कार्यकारी साराशं

पट्टिका – कुककुट बीज पररयोजना के अतंिग्मति कें द्र‍वार न‍वतिररति जननद्रव्य क्रर सं

केन्‍द्र जननद्रव्य

1 पजचिम बंगाल पशु एवं मतस्र तव्ञिान तवशवतवद्ालर, कोलकाता


2 तबहार कतृ तर तवशवतवद्ालर, पटना 31,049 3 छततीसगढ़ कामरनेु तवशवतवद्ालर, दगु्य 28,9764 भाकतृ अनुप अनुसंरान कापं्लेकस, क्षते्रीर केनद्र,

झरनापानी 39,061

5 भाकतृ अनुप अनुसंरान कापं्लेकस, क्षते्रीर केनद्र, गैंगटाक 53,407 6 भाकतृ अनुप अनुसंरान कापं्लेकस, क्षते्रीर केनद्र, इमफाल 9,8607 तत्मलनाडु पशु त्चककतसा एवं पशु तव्ञिान

तवशवतवद्ालर, होसुर 18,896

8 भाकतृ अनुप-कें द्रीर तटवतजीर कतृ तर अनुसंरान संस्थान 3,885 9 भाकतृ अनुप- कें द्रीर द्ीप कतृ तर अनुसंरान संस्थान,

पोट्यब्लेरर 939

10 आईवीआरआई क्षते्रीर केनद्र, मुकतशेवर ....11 शेर ए कशमीर कतृ तर तव्ञिान एवं प्रौद्ोत्गकी

तवशवतवद्ालर, श्ीनगर 9,616

12 भाकतृ अनुप अनुसंरान कापं्लेकस, क्षते्रीर केनद्र, बारापानी


कुल 2,48,097


AICRP on Poultry Breeding

7 Executive Summary


EXECUTIVE SUMMARYSalient features of the work done during the year 2015–16

All India Coordinated Research Project on Poultry Breeding

The AICRP on Poultry Breeding has three components, namely, Poultry for egg, Poultry for Meat and Rural Poultry. The ‘Poultry for egg’ component of the project included IWD and IWF strains at SVVU, Hyderabad; IWN and IWP strains at KVASU, Mannuthy and AAU, Anand. All the layer strains were subjected to selective breeding through intra-population selection. Selection (using individual, full-sib, and half-sib information) for egg production up to 64 weeks of age with superimposed independent culling level for egg weight at 28 weeks of age, and layer house viability has been continued, to achieve the set target in the layer stocks.

The ‘Poultry for Meat’ component for the project included colour synthetic broiler lines (CSML-sire line and CSFL-dam line) and corresponding control at CARI, Izatnagar; a synthetic dam line (CSFL) and CSML at OUAT, Bhubaneswar; and a synthetic sire (PB-1) and dam line (PB-2) at GADVASU, Ludhiana and KVAFSU, Bengaluru. They were all subjected to selective breeding through mass selection for 5 weeks body weight with due weightage for conformation traits in the male lines, 5 weeks body weight, egg production and hatchability in the female lines, have been continued to be traits of importance to achieve the target in the meat stocks.

The ‘Rural Poultry” component of the project included six centres, at ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Agartala, MPPCVVV, Jabalpur, AAU, Guwahati, BAU, Ranchi, MPUAT, Udaipur and CSKHPKVV, Palampur. All the six centres are engaged in the development of location specific germplasm for augmenting rural poultry production utilizing local native and improved chicken germplasm. The last four centres (AAU, Guwahati, BAU, Ranchi, MPUAT, Udaipur and CSKHPKVV, Palampur) have been added under rural poultry component during March, 2009.

Two pedigreed random bred control populations (one for layer and the other for broiler) were

evaluated and reproduced at Project Directorate on Poultry, Hyderabad. Samples of hatching eggs from these populations were sent to different centers of the AICRP on Poultry Breeding during the time of regeneration. The commercials from layer and broiler populations were supplied to different user agencies either as hatching eggs or as day old chicks for commercial exploitation. As per the decision taken by the Council, the strains maintained at different AICRP centers and PDP were duplicated at various AICRP centres to be utilized in case of exigencies and as a resource population by the centre for three and four way crossing. The strains being duplicated at different AICRP centre are IWN at Hyderabad, IWF at Mannuthy, IWD and IWK at Anand and M1 and M2 at Jabalpur centre. Anand centre developed and evaluated two way and four way crosses in layer.

The AICRP on Poultry breeding was reoriented towards rural poultry from December 2014 onwards.

The KVASU, Mannuthy centre has evaluated the S-0 generation of native chicken germplasm up to 40 weeks of age. Egg production of native chicken germplasm up to 40 weeks of age was 69.83±0.96 eggs with average egg weight of 43.65 ±0.20 g at 40 weeks of age. Further, regeneration and evaluation of pedigreed population up to the age of sexual maturity was carried out in S-1 generation. High fertility (94.9%) and hatchability (95.39 and 90.55% on FES and TES) was observed in native chickens. Age at sexual maturity recorded was 157.5±1.19 days in S-1 generation. Besides, the centre evaluated IWN and IWP strains up to 64 weeks of age in S-28 generation along with layer control population. Hen housed egg production up to 64 weeks of age decreased by 8.1 in IWN strain but it has increased by 6.2 in IWP strain in S-28 generation on phenotypic scale. Average genetic response for 64 weeks hen housed egg production was 4.04 and 7.74 eggs respectively in IWN and IWP strains during last five generations (S-24 to S-28). Sample population of IWN and IWP

Annual Report 2015 - 2016

8Executive Summary

strains evaluated up to 72 weeks of age produced 302.82±2.18 and 308.27±2.34 eggs on hen housed basis during 2015-16. The centre has generated the revenue of Rs. 39.82 lakhs, which was 101.9% of the total expenditure on feed (Rs. 39.07 lakhs). The centre has supplied a total of 35873 number germplasm during the year.

At AAU, Anand, chicks of S-0 generation of native birds and RIR breed were produced by pedigree mating. The chicks of F1 cross (IWN X Native) were produced by mating IWN males with native chicken females. The chicks of F1 X RIR for farm testing were produced by crossing F1 males with RIR females. Fertility of native chicken (85.80%) was lesser as compared to RIR breed (91.75%). However hatchability (FES) was better in native chicken (85.30%) as compared to RIR breed (72.39%) Further, S-12 generation of IWN and IWP strains along with control layer population was evaluated up to 64 weeks of age during the reporting period. Egg production up to 64 weeks of age was higher in IWN (253.1) than IWP (243.6) strain. However, it has decreased by 6.5, 11 and 12.5 eggs respectively in IWN, IWP and control population in S-12 generation over previous generation. Similarly, 72 weeks egg production in IWN (294.2) and IWP (275.0) strains decreased by 7.6 and 25.3 eggs respectively in S-12 generation over preceding generation. S-13 generation of IWN and IWP strains was reproduced and evaluated up to the age of sexual maturity. Better fertility was observed in IWN (90.16 %) and IWP (92.24%) strains in S-13 generation as compared to previous generation. Genetic response for egg production up to 64 weeks of age in IWN and IWP strains were 1.03 and 1.51 respectively over last 10 generations. The centre has also evaluated IWD and IWK strains up to 64 weeks of age in S-4 generation. The S-5 generation of these strains was produced and evaluated up to the age of sexual maturity. The centre has generated the revenue of Rs. 20.43 lakhs which was 50.48% of the expenditure on feed cost. The centre supplied a total of 44,337 number germplasm during the present year.

Bangalore centre has initiated purification of indigenous germplasm collected from different parts of Karnataka. The body weight of indigenous germplasm at day old, 8, 12 and 20th weeks of

age were 32.20, 470.13, 987.12 and 1311.05 g, respectively. The S-8 and S-21 generation of PB-1 and PB-2 along with Control line was regenerated and evaluated for juvenile traits.The average body weight of PB-1, PB-2 and control lines at 5th week of age in PB-1, PB-2 and control lines were 1041 ±2.77, 1171±2.71 and 814±11.51 g, respectively. The body weight at 5th week of age increased in PB-1, PB-2 and Control lines over previous generation. The Feed Conversion Ratio showed marginal improvement in all lines as comapred to previous year. The percent fertility was 88.37, 89.29 and 84.86 % in PB-1, PB-2 and control, resprctively. The average selection differentials were 231.14 and 95g in PB1 males and females respectively and they were 188.42 and 82.43 g in PB2, respectively. The intensity of selection achieved was 1.52 and 1.64 for PB1 and PB2 populations, respectively. The mortality in the present generation during 0 to 5 weeks was within limit. ASM decreased in PB-2 and Control line in S-20 generation as compared to previous generation. The average phenotypic and genetic response of body weight at 5th week over 10 generations in PB-2 was 14.07 and 8.218 g, respectively. Corresponding values for egg production up to 40th weeks of age over 10 generations in PB-2 was -0.816 and -1.062 egg. A total of 1, 17,998 germplasm (1, 07,462 commercial chicks and 10,536 hatching eggs) were supplied to farmesrs and other stalkeholders during the current year.The center generated a revenue of Rs. 33.79 lakhs which is 126.66 % of expenditure on feed cost (Rs.26.67 lakhs).

Ludhiana center has started evaluation of body weight and egg production performance of native chicken germplasm collected from field. A total of 552 day old native chicks were housed for recording different economic traits. The average body weight of local chicks at day one, 4th and 8th week was 36.68±0.17, 235.88±3.71 and 745.55±10.8g, respectively. The centre regenerated S-40 generation of PB-2 and S-8 generation of PB-1 population along with PDP control population. The body weight at 5 weeks of age was 1173.89±4.23, 1006.33±3.31 and 784.72±11.07g in PB-1, PB-2 and Control population, respectively. The body weight at 5 weeks of age decreased in PB-1 and PB-2 lines as compared to previous generation. The feed efficiency up to 5 weeks of age decreased in PB-1, PB-2 and Control

AICRP on Poultry Breeding

9 Executive Summary

lines over last genertaion. The phenotypic and genetic response at 5 week body weight over last 10 generations was 9.03 and 39.61g in PB-2 population. The phenotypic response of egg production upto 40 weeks of age was -1.25 egg and genetic response was 1.69 egg over 10 generations .The percent fertility was above 92 % and hatchability on total eggs set basis was above 80% in PB-1 and PB-2. The fertility percent and hatchability on TES decreased in PB-1 and these values increased in PB-2 and Control lines as compared to last generation. During grower period very high mortality of 21.5 and 20.78% was recorded in PB-1 and Control as compared to last generation. Center needs extra attention on health management of the flock. The age at sexual maturity increased in PB-1, PB-2 and Control population as compared to previous generation. There was apreciable increase in the egg production upto 40 and 52 weeks of age in all the lines as compared to last generation. Commercial cross in the field attained body weight of 1057g at 5 weeks of age. Centre supplied 33,528 germplasm to the farmers (Parents Stock=2300, Day Old Chicks=25895, Young Broiler=5333). The center generated revenue of Rs. 14.67 lakh.

CARI, Izatnagar centre regenarated native chciken collected from farmers. A total of 78 chicks were hatched in three hatches of native chicken eggs. The average shank length, keel length at 8th week of age of native chicken was 5.05±0.58 and 6.06±0.31g, respectively. The breast angle at 8th

week was 45.50±2.01 degree. The body weights of native birds at day one and 5th week was 32.27±0.62 and 216.44±17.24g, respectively. During the year 2015-16 the centre evaluated CSML and CSFL populations. The juvenile traits and production traits up to 52 weeks were recorded.The fertility percent of CSML, CSFL and Control ppopulaston of S-14 generation was 88.22, 91.67 and 86.48 %, respectively. The hatchability percent on total egg set basis in these respective populations were 81.87, 85.09 and 75.95%, respectively.The body weight of CSML, CSFL and Control population during S-14 generation were 44.99±0.62, 44.99±0.62 and 45.14±0.30g, respectively. The body weight at 5th week decreased in all populations over last generation. The ASM of CSML and CSFL during S-13 were 182.53 and 179.30 days respectively. Egg weight at 40 weeks increased in CSML and CSFL as compared to previous

generation. The 40 week egg production decreased in CSML and CSFL as compared to previous generation. A random bred control population was also evaluated to measure environmental fluctuations. The present generation of elite germplasm was reproduced utilizing 50 sires and 300 dams in CSML and 56 sires and 312 dams in CSFL. The average effective selection differential increased over the last generation in CSML and CSFL. The center participated in 44th RSPPT (Gurgaon) and CARIBRO- Vishal secured III rank. Body weight at 6 and 7 weeks of age were 1.588 and 1.886 Kg, respectively. FCR upto 0-6 weeks and dressing % were 2.3 and 73.9%, respectively. The center supplied 48,787 germplasm to the stakeholders.

Bhubaneswar centre completed regeneration of new population of native chicken germplasm. A hatch of 1093 good chicks of native chicken was taken. The birds were housed for recording of baseline data related to juvenile traits, ASM, body weights, egg production performance and mortality pattern. Center evaluated S-4 generation of CSFL and CSML for juvenile traits and S-3 generation of CSFL and CSML were evaluated for production traits. The overall fertility in CSFL and CSML was 89.86 and 89.86 % but it decreased in case of control lines. The hatchability on total and fertile egg set basis in the current generation was lesser than the previous generation. The body weight at 5 weeks of age of CSML, CSFL and Control population were 1102.18±3.69 (3326), 100.9±3.14 (2844) and 787.03±12.21 (339) g, respectively. The body weight at 5 weeks of age of CSML and CSFL increased both in CSFL, CSML and Control population in the current generation as over previous generation. FCR up to 5 weeks of age in respective populations were 1.93, 1.97 and 1.98, respectively. FCR upto 5 week of age increased marginally in CSFL but decreased CSML and Control population over previous generation.The mortality percent during 0-5 weeks in CSFL, CSML and control line was 5.20, 4.89 and 5.83, respectively. The mortality was well within recommended level in the current generation. ASM of current generation in CSFL and CSML was more as compared to previous generation. Egg production upto 40 and 52 week increased appreciably in CSFL as well as CSML.The centre generated revenue of Rs 8.2 lakh which is 31.72% of cost incurred on

Annual Report 2015 - 2016


feed. During current year center supplied 38,754 germplasm to the fermers

Random Sample Poultry Performance Test

Bengaluru, Ludhiana and CARI centers participated in the 44th RSPPT at Gurgaon, Haryana during 2015-16. The average body weights of Raja - II (PB1 x PB2) of Bangalore at 6 and 7 weeks of age were 1,604 and 1,792 g. The feed efficiency was 2.47 between 0 - 6 weeks and 2.93 between 0 - 7 weeks of age. The body weight of IBL-80 of Ludhiana at 6th and 7th week was 1422 and 1782 g, respectively. The FCR at 6th and 7th weeks was 2.638 and 2.711. The dressing % was 72.46. IBL-80 ranked 4th. CARIBRO- Vishal of CARI, Izatanagar, ranked 3rd. The Body weight of CARIBRO- Vishal at 6 and 7 weeks of age were 1.588 and 1.886 Kg, respectively. FCR upto 0-6 weeks and dressing % were 2.3 and 73.9%, respectively.

During the current year Agartala centre evaluated Tripura black, Dahlem Red up to 72 weeks. The ND cross and CSFL populations were evaluated up to 40 weeks of age. Three way ((Tripura black X CSFL) X DR ) was evaluated up to 52 weeks of age. The percent fertility ranged from 69.93 to 82.69%. The body weight at 8 weeks was 312.73, 539.25, 1045.81 and 547.09 g in Tripura Black, Dahlem Red, coloured broiler dam line and three way cross, respectively (Table 7). The pullets matured late by 2 days in Tripura black and 1 day late in Dahlem Red population. Egg production upto 40 weeks of age was 38.90 and 57.22 eggs in Tripura Black and Dahlem Red, respectively. The 72 week egg production was 89.34 eggs in Tripura black and 139.56 eggs in Dahlem Red population. In ND cross, age at first egg was 162 days, egg production upto 40 weeks of age was 47.54 eggs. Tha age at first egg and egg weight at 40 weeks of age was 165 days and 55.88g in three way cross. The egg production at 40 and 52 weeks of age was 46.15 and 82.50 eggs in three way cross. During the year, the centre supplied 14,193 chicks of Dual purpose (NBD), native (Tripura black) and other crosses. The centre realized overall receipt of Rs.9.54 lakhs which was 35.43% of the expenditure on feed cost.

During the current year, the Jabalpur centre released Narmadanidhi, a dual type chicken having 25% Kd: 75% JBP colour inheritance. The centre

evaluated G-6 generation of Kadaknath (Kd) and Jabalpur colour populations up to 52 weeks of age. A dual type chicken (25% Kd. 75% Jabalpur colour), Narmadanidhi was evaluated in the field up to 72 weeks of age. The fertility remained above 82% in all the populations. During G-6 generation, the 6 week body weight was 339 and 772g in Kadaknath and Jablpur population. The pullets of Kadaknath and Jabalpur colour populations matured early by 2 and 4 days, respectively. In Jabalpur colour, the body weight and egg weight at 40 weeks of age was 2116 g and 59.60g, respectively. In Kadaknath, the 40 week body weight and egg weight were 1520g and 48.3g, respectively.The hen housed egg production up to 40 weeks of age was 86.20 eggs in JBL population and 49.10 eggs in Kadaknath population. In CSFL 40 week egg weight and production were 59.0g and 60.8 eggs, respectively. Narmadanidhi, was evaluated under farm and field condition. This variety produced 71 and 142 eggs up to 40 and 52 weeks at farm. This cross produced 49, 79 and 178.2 eggs, respectively, up to 40,52 and 72 weeks in field conditions. The germplasm supplied during the year was 58,236. The center realized overall receipt of Rs.13.16 lakhs which was 50.13% of the expenditure on feed.

Guwahati centre evaluated the native, Dahlem Red, PB-2 and BN populations up to 52 weeks of age. The centre also evaluated Kampura (PB-2 X Indigenous) X Dahlem Red female) up tod upto 52 weeks of age in farm and field conditions. The fertility was above 75% in all the population except BN cross (63.25%). The mortality during brooding and growing period was below 3.80% and below 2.11 % during laying period in all lines. The 5 week body weight was 115.90 g in indigenous, 1040.51g in PB-2 and 350.62g in Dahlem Red. The ASM was lowest in Dahlem Red (162 days) and highest in indigenous (180 days). Indigenous birds matured late by 2 days and Dahlem Red pullets by one day as compared to previous generation. In native population the egg weight and egg production up to 52 weeks remained same as compared to previous generation. In BN cross, the five weeks body weight was 230.20 g and FCR was 3.15 The age at sexual maturity was 171.80 days and remained similar as compared to previous generation. The hen housed egg production up to 52 weeks was 69.86

Executive Summary

AICRP on Poultry Breeding


eggs. During the current year, the Kamrupa cross was evaluated up to 52 weeks in farm and field conditions. The 5 week body weight was 210.30g and 160.25g in the farm and field, respectively. The age at sexual maturity was 152.60 days in the farm and 174.80 days in the field. The egg weight at 40 weeks of age was 56.80 and 41.10g, respectively, in farm and field. The hen housed egg production upto 40 and 52 weeks of age was 46.90 and 87.30 eggs in the farm and corresponding values in the field were 41.90 and 71.50 eggs, respectively. The performance of cross was constant over last two generations. The centre supplied 3195 hatching eggs and 20,936 chicks of Kamrupa to farmers. The center realized receipt of Rs. 4.53 lakhs during the financial year which is 34.68% of expenditure on feed cost.

Ranchi centre evaluated G-4 generation of native population upto 72 weeks of age. The G-5 grneration was reproduced and evaluated up to 20 weeks of age during the current year. The BN (PB-2 X Native Female) was evaluated up to 20 weeks weeks of age. BND (PB-2 X Native Female) X Dalhem Red female) and DBN ((Dahlem Red males) X (PB-2 male x Desi female)) crosses were evaluated upto 40-72 weeks under farm and field conditions. The fertility ranged from 80.32 to 94.01% in all the lines. The fertility improved in all the lines and crosses except in Dahlem Red population as compared to previous generation. The hatchability on total eggs set ranged from 64.29- 77.03% and it improved in all the poplations in the current year. In native population, production traits were evaluated from 40-72 weeks of age during G-4 and in G-5 generation body weights and age at first lay was recorded. pullets in the G-5 generation matured 7 days late as compared to G-4 generation. The annual hen housed egg production of native population was 73.48 eggs in G-4. In BN cross (E-2) hen housed egg production up to 72 weeks of age was 93.36 eggs. In three way crosses day old, 4, 8 and 20 week body weights were better in DNB than BND cross during E-5 evaluation. Age at first egg of the flock was higher in DBN (174 d) than BND (168 d) in the farm during E-5 evaluation. The hen day egg production up to 72 weeks of age was more in DNB cross (139.82 eggs) than BND cross (126.82 eggs) during E-4 evaluation under farm conditions. Under field conditions, DNB cross

(111.13 eggs) produced more eggs than BND cross (96.19 eggs) up to 72 weeks of age. Centre supplied 8755 hatching eggs and 7020 chicks to the farmers. The center realized a receipt of Rs. 3.68 lakhs during the financial year which is 21.42% of expenditure on feed cost.

During current year, CSKHPKV, Palampur centre evaluated Native (G-3) and Dahlem Red (G-3) birds upto 52 weeks of age. D X Native cross was evaluated upto 52 weeks in the farm. DN X D ((Dahlem Red X Native) X Dahlem Red) cross was evaluated in farm upto 52 weeks and in the field up to 40 weeks. The fertility was very good and ranged from 84.44 to 93.37% in all the populations. The hatchability on total eggs set ranged from 58.08 to 71.61% in all the populations. The hatchability on fertile eggs set ranged from 64.13 to 79.81% in all the populations. Over all fertility is good and and hatchability needs further improvement. The 4 week body weight was 210.7, 184.36 and 199.80g in Dahlem Red, native, and DRxN populations, respectively. The pullets of native and Dahlem Red matured early by 6 days, as compared to previous generation. The egg weight was 55.90, 45.77 and 53.31g in Dahlem Red, native and DRxN population at 40 weeks. The hen housed egg production in Dahlem Red was 56.91 eggs up to 40 weeks of age whereas native population recorded 46.83 eggs. The hen hosed egg production up to 52 weeks of age was 83.26, 72.46 and 120.14 eggs in Dahlem Red, native and DRxN populations, respectively. The 52 week production showed improvement in native populations. The DNxD cross was evaluated under farm and field conditions up to 40 weeks of age. The 20 week body weight was 1602.81g in farm and 1447.76 g in field condition. The egg weight at farm and field condition is around 53g in both the places. The hen housed egg production in DNxD cross was 52.74 eggs in farm and 42.37 eggs in field conditions up to 40 weeks. This cross produced 86.62 eggs up to 52 weeks of age in the farm. The centre supplied 26,715 chicks of various crosses to farmers. The center realized receipt of Rs. 12.95 lakhs during the financial year which is 70.97% of expenditure on feed cost.

MPUAT, Udaipur evaluated G-4 generation of Native germplasm from 52-72 weeks of age and G-5 generation was regenerated and evaluated

Executive Summary

Annual Report 2015 - 2016


up to 52 weeks of age. Pratapdhan (BNR cross) was evaluated up to 72 weeks during E-4 and up to 52 weeks in E-5. The fertility Ranged from 78.81- 84.71% in all the populations. The fertility improved in Mewari chicken and RIR populations and Pratapdhan showed marginal improvement. In Mewari population the juvenile body weights at 8 weeks marginally reduced (651.75g) during G-5 generation compared to G-4 generation. The 20 weeks body weight improved by 245.97g and 40 weeks body weight by 178.53g in G-5 generation as compared to G-4 generation. The pullets matured 4.38 days late as compared to previous generation. The hen housed and hen day egg production upto 52 weeks was 39.96 and 70.58 eggs, respectively, in S-5 generation. During S-4 genreration, hen housed and hen day egg production was 95.09 and 73.14 eggs, respectively, up to 72 weeks of age. Pratapdhan was evaluated up to 72 weeks of age during E-4 evaluation. The age at sexual naturity was 151.27 days during E-4 and 144.54 days during E-5. The hen housed egg production up to 40 and 52 weeks improved in E-5 as compared to E-4 evaluation. The hen housed and hen day egg production was 80.15 and 159.12 eggs during E-4 evaluations. In E-5 The hen housed and hen day egg production was 75.59 and 105.01 eggs up to 52 weeks of age. A total of 75,604 germplasm were supplied to farmers during the current year..The center realized a receipt of Rs.11.33 lakhs during the current financial year which is 42.88% of expenditure on feed cost.

IV Receipts generated

During the current year, 12 AICRP centres supplied 5,28,578 germ plasm and an amount of about Rs. 2.02 crores has been generated as receipts by AICRP centres.

Germplasm supplied and revenuegenerated during the year 2015-16

Centre G.Supply (Numbers)

Revenue (Rs. Lakhs)

Mannuthy 35387 39.82Anand 44337 20.43Bengaluru 117998 33.79Ludhiana 28195 14.67Bhubaneswar 38754 8.21CARI 48787 30.00

Udaipur 75604 11.33 Jabalpur 58236 13.16Guwahi 24131 4.53Palampur 26715 12.95Rachi 15755 3.68Agartala 14193 9.54Total 528578 202.32

Poultry Seed Project

“Poultry Seed Project” was evolved with a sole aim to increase the availability of rural chicken germplasm in remote areas of our country. In this endeavour, the Indian Council of Agricultural Research has initiated “Poultry Seed Project” during the XI five year plan and sanctioned six centres, three in the northeast region and three in the different stare veterinary universities. The project has been strengthened during the XII plan by adding five more centres to cater to needs of the farmers in their respective regions. The main objective of this project is local production of improved chicken germplasm (fertile eggs, day old chicks and grownup chicks) and supply to various stake holders in the remote areas to target production enhancement of egg and meat for augmenting rural poultry production, socio-economic condition of the target groups and linking small scale poultry producers with organized market.

The old centres are located at Bihar Agricultural University, Patna; West Bengal University of Animal and Fishery Sciences, Kolkata; Chattisgarh KamadenuViswaVidyalaya, Durg, ICAR Research complex for NEH region, Nagaland centre, Jharnapani; ICAR Research complex for NEH region, Sikkim centre, Gangtok; ICAR Research complex for NEH region, Manipur centre, Imphal. The new centres at TANUVAS, Hosur, ICAR -CCARI, Panaji; ICAR-CIARI, Portblair; ICAR-IVRI Regional Station, Mukteswar; SKUSAT, Srinagar were added from 2014-15. The Directorate as a coordinating unit, supplies parent chicks, co-ordinates and monitors the activities of different centres to enable them to achieve the set targets for each centre. The target set for supplying chicks for mainland and north-east centres during the year under report (2015-16) were between 0.3 and 1.0 lakhs chicks per annum for different centres

Executive Summary

AICRP on Poultry Breeding


and to collect feedback on the performance of the germplasm under backyard conditions. The targets for Nagaland (0.7 lakhs), Patna (0.50 lakhs) and Durg & Gangtok (0.40 lakhs) centres were revised in consultation with Centre In-Charges during the annual review meeting held at ICAR head quarters, New Delhi. A total of 2, 48, 097 improved chicken varieties have been distributed in their respective regions/states during the year.

Seven batches of Vanaraja parents were under rearing at Kolkata centre, out of which three batches were in active laying stage. The average hen day egg production (HDEP) at 40 weeks of age was 51.06 % across the batches in Vanaraja parents. The HDEP ranged from 22.08 (59-98 weeks) to 60.51% (25-69 weeks) in Vanaraja parents during various age groups. The egg weights ranged from 41.12 to 53.91 g in different cycles. The fertility rate ranged from 81.76 to 86.42 across the batches. The average hatchability on total egg set (TES) and fertile egg set (FES) ranged from 70 to 75% and 87 to 89 %, respectively in Vanaraja female parents. A total of 52,408 chicks of Vanaraja were distributed to farmers in various parts of West Bengal with revenue of Rs. 6.24 lakhs. A total of 53 farmers/NGO/self help groups benefited from rearing Vanaraja birds in West Bengal. Demonstrated the economic viability of Vanaraja farming with a net profit of Rs. 3060/- from a flock of 100 Vanaraja birds.

Two batches of Vanaraja and one batch of Gramapriya parents were reared under deep litter system at Patna centre. The 20 week body weight was 3216.54±63.96 g and 1783.35±40.14 g in Vanaraja male and female parents and 2558.20±42.77and 1496.82±33.46 g in Gramapriya male and female parents, respectively. The age at sexual maturity was 175 days in Vanaraja and 163 days in Gramapriya parents. The hen day egg production in Vanaraja and Gramapriya at 40 weeks of age was 16.43 % and 21.72 % respectively. The average fertility percentage was 80.46 and 82.56 % in Vanaraja and Gramapriya parents, respectively. The hatchability (TES) was 54.38% and 50.67% in Vanaraja and Gramapriya parents, respectively. A total of 31,049 day old chicks and grown up birds were distributed among the farmers in Bihar. An amount of Rs. 7.8 lakhs revenue was generated at Patna centre.

Three batches of Vanaraja and one batch of

Gramapriya were reared under standard management practices in deep litter system at Durg. The body weight of Vanaraja and Gramapriya female parents at 20 weeks of age was 940.4 and 1066.9 g which were low as per the standard target body weight. The egg production percentage ranged from 8.9 -54.8 % in Vanaraja and 7.2-54.1 % in Gramapriya during 56-72 weeks of age. The hatchability on total and fertile egg set in Vanaraja female parents was 75.33 and 81.44 %, respectively. A total of 28,976 improved chicken germplasm of Vanaraja and Gramapriya were distributed to the farmers across Chattisgarh. An amount of Rs. 6.36 lakhs revenue was generated from the Centre.

A total of 1146 Vanaraja parents and 334 Srinidhi parents were maintained under deep litter system at Jharnapani. The body weight at 6 and 20 weeks of age was 626.73±64.76 and 1907.50 ±149.66 g in Vanaraja female parents. The hen day egg production ranged from 37 to 44 % in Vanaraja parents and 49 to 53 % in Srinidhi parents, respectively. The fertility rate varied from 60 to 64 % in Vanaraja and 63 to 72% in Srinidhi parents and the hatchability (FES) was 53 to 63 % in Vanaraja and 63 to 73 %, in Srinidhi parents across different batches. A total of 39,061 improved chicken germplasm was distributed to 173 farmers in Nagaland and neighbouring states. A total of 14.91 lakh revenue was generated.

At Sikkim, two batches of Vanaraja parents were in position one in laying phase (75 weeks) and one in growing (13 weeks). The body weight of male and female parents of Vanaraja at 6 weeks of age was 743 and 564.4 g, respectively. The average hen day egg production in Vanaraja was 44.56 (25-76 weeks) with an average egg weight of 57.94 g. The average fertility and hatchability (TES) was 89 % and 73%, respectively in Vanaraja. A total of 53,407 improved chicken germplasm was distributed to farmers across Sikkim. A total 1965 farmers from 406 villages were benefited with the Vanaraja farming. A total of Rs. 22.19 lakh revenue was generated in 2015-16 at Gangtok. The centre exceeded the target of germplasm supply and the efforts of the principal investigator and his team are highly appreciated. The progress of the Centre is highly satisfactory.

A total of 934 Vanaraja and 386 Srinidhi parents were maintained under standard management

Executive Summary

Annual Report 2015 - 2016


practices at Imphal. The body weight at 16 weeks of age in male and female parents was 2262.89 and 2237.30 g in Vanaraja and 2779.09 and 1457.50 in Srinidhi, respectively. A total of 9,860 improved rural chicken germplasm was distributed to the farmers in Manipur. Entire flock was liquidated due to Avian Influenza outbreak in 2015.

At Hosur, one batch of Vanaraja and Granapriya parents were in position. The body weight at 6 weeks of age in male and female parents was 794.6 ± 10.4 and 519.3 ± 3.8 g in Vanaraja and 712.2 ±12.4 and 295.0 g in Gramapriya, respectively. The peak egg production attained at 28 weeks with 75% in Vanaraja and 80 % in Gramapriya, respectively and sustained up to 35 weeks. The fertility ranged from 72 to 92% in Vanaraja and 80-89 % in Gramapriya, respectively. The hatchability (TES) ranged from 68-89 % and 74-83 % in Vanaraja and Gramapriya female parents, respectively. A total of 18, 896 improved rural chicken germplasm was distributed to 193 farmers in Tamil Nadu with an amount of Rs. 3.24 lakhs revenue generation.

The construction of civil works is in progress at Goa. Equipment procurement completed. The work was initiated with a batch of Gramapriya chicks in the existing facility. The body weight at 20 weeks of age in male and female parents of Gramapriya were 1798.67 and 1008.65 g , respectively. At 40 weeks, the hen day egg production was 46 % in Vanaraja. The fertility and hatchability on total egg set was 82.6 and 60.2 %, respectively. A total of 3,885 improved rural chicken germplasm was distributed

to 135 farmers in Goa. An amount of Rs. 3.47 lakhs revenue was generated.

The construction of civil works and procurement of equipment is in progress at Portblair. Two batches of Vanaraja parents were reared under deep litter system. A total of 570 Vanaraja male and female parents in growing stage (9 weeks) were in position at present. The six week body weight was 397 and 498 g in female and male parents of Vanaraja, respectively. The age at sexual maturity (ASM) was 168 days. The 40 week hen day egg production was 50 % in Vanaraja parents and maintained for 6 weeks (46 weeks). A total 939 Vanaraja chicks were distributed in Andaman & Nicobar Islands utilizing the old facilities.

At Srinagar, the construction of brooder house (1000 sqft) was completed. The centre has initiated the rearing of Vanaraja parents in the existing facilities. The body weight at 20 and 40 weeks of age was 2535.75±47.70 in male and 1712.32±30.78 g female parents of Vanaraja. The egg laying commenced at about 25 weeks of age in Vanaraja, and reached 50% production by 38 weeks of age. The age at first egg was 173 days. The average egg weight at 40-44 weeks of age was 58.32 g. The hatchability on total egg set (TES) and fertile egg set (FES) was 65.67 and 80.67 % in Vanaraja parents. A total 9616 Vanaraja chicks were distributed to farmers in Jammu and Kashmir with a revenue generation of Rs. 2.63 lakhs. About 700 farmers were benefited from the project.

Centre wise distribution of germplasm under Poultry Seed Project

Sl. No. Centre Germplasm1 West Bengal University of Animal and Fishery Sciences, Kolkata 52,4082 Bihar Agricultural University, Patna 31,0493 Chhattisgarh Kamadhenu ViswaVidyalaya, Durg 28,9764 ICAR Research complex for NEH region, Nagaland Centre, Jharnapani 39,0615 ICAR Research complex for NEH region,Sikkim Centre, Gangtok 53,4076 ICAR Research complex for NEH region, Manipur Centre, Imphal 9,8607 Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Hosur 18,8968 ICAR-Central Coastal Agricultural Research Institute, Goa 3,8859 ICAR-Central Island Agricultural Research Institute, Portbliar 93910 IVRI Regional Station, Mukteswar --11 Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, Srinagar 9,61612 ICAR Research Complex for NEH region, Barapani --

Total 2,48,097

Executive Summary

AICRP on Poultry Breeding



(Rs. In lakhs)

AICRP Centre Actual budget released

(ICAR share)(Rs.)

Budget for (State share)


Total expenditure

incurred (Rs.)

Expenditure on feed (Rs.)

Receipts (Rs.)

KVASU, Mannuthy 59.25 19.75 79.00 37.80 39.82

AAU, Anand 66.75 22.25 89.00 40.49 20.43

SVVU, Hyderabad 18.70 --- 18.70 --- ---

OUAT, Bhubaneswar 57.75 19.25 77.00 25.85 8.20

GADVASU, Ludhiana 54.00 18.00 64.45 13.64 14.67

KVAFSU, Bengaluru 59.25 19.75 79.00 26.67 33.79

NDVSU, Jabalpur 58.50 19.50 78.00 26.25 13.16

NEH, Agartala 24.00 --- 24.00 26.92 9.52

AAU, Guwahati 70.28 23.42 93.70 13.06 4.53

CSKHPKV, Palampur 57.58 19.19 76.77 18.25 12.95

BAU, Ranchi 61.27 20.43 81.70 17.18 3.69

MPUAT, Udaipur 86.67 28.89 115.56 26.42 11.33

CARI, Izatnagar - - - - 30.00

Total 674.00 210.43 884.43 272.53 202.09


Annual Report 2015 - 2016



Brief History of ICAR- Directorate of Poultry Research

ICAR-Directorate of Poultry Research had a modest beginning during the IV five year plan period. Indian Council of Agricultural Research sanctioned two coordinated projects entitled “All India Coordinated Research Project on Poultry for Egg” and All India Coordinated Research Project on Poultry for Meat” to evolve suitable strains of egg and meat type chicken that combine well for production of commercial layer and broiler crosses. Both these projects were merged into a single project known as “All India Coordinated Research Project on Poultry Breeding” during the V plan period with no change in objectives. The ‘Rural Poultry’ component of the project was initiated with one centre at Agartala in 2001. Subsequently it was expanded to six centres during XI plan with the sole objective of development of location specific rural varieties. This was elevated to the status of a Project Directorate during the VII plan period. Besides AICRP on Poultry Breeding, Project Directorate also encompassed two more coordinated projects i.e. AICRP on Poultry Nutrition and AICRP on Poultry Housing and Management, which were subsequently phased out during 1992-93.

The head quarter of the Project Directorate on Poultry was established at A.P. Agricultural University Campus, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad with effect from 1st March, 1988. Coordination and monitoring had been the only work assigned to the Directorate Unit (Coordination Cell) to start with. Subsequently, Nucleus Stock Production Unit as a centre of AICRP on Poultry Breeding was established at the Project Directorate for multiplication and supply of the parents and their commercial crosses released from the project centres. From 1st April, 1990 the Project Directorate had been entrusted with additional responsibilities of maintenance, evaluation, reproduction and supply of control populations of egg and meat to the co-ordinated centres. Maintenance of layer and broiler control previously maintained at HAU, Hissar and UAS, Bangalore respectively was assigned to this Directorate w.e.f. 1.4.1990. The Directorate had been entrusted also with the evaluation of commercial layers and broilers developed at different

centres of the project vis-à-vis those available in the market from other hatchery sources and maintenance of the elite stocks of layers and broilers available in the country/to be imported from abroad in future and to undertake their genetic description and characterisation with respect to bio-chemic, immunologic and cytogenic traits and resistance to diseases. Research was also envisaged in the areas of poultry nutrition, poultry housing and management, and poultry health. Identification of alternative feed resources and their chemical and biological evaluation and development of least cost poultry ration was the priority of poultry nutrition research. In the discipline of poultry housing and management, biological efficiency of different management practices for economic poultry raising was intended to be determined. Surveillance and monitoring of poultry diseases and development of kits for quick diagnosis of diseases was proposed to be the main objective of poultry health research. Currently the Directorate is operating its research programmes within the frame work of the approved Perspective Plan. During the year 2014-15 the Project Directorate on Poultry has been upgraded to Directorate of Poultry Research


During the year 2014-15, AICRP on Poultry Breeding was reoriented towards Rural Poultry. Therefore for the current year the ojectives of AICRP on Poultry Breeding is being given as follows.

AICRP on Poultry Breeding


1. To develop location specific chicken varieties and their dissemination for village poultry

2. Conservation, improvement, characterization and application of local native and elite layer and broiler germplasm

3. To develop package of practices for village poultry and entrepreneurships in rural, tribal and backyard areas etc.


AICRP on Poultry Breeding


Location of The Centres

AICRP on Poultry Breeding

1. Anand Agricultural University, Anand2. Kerala Veterinary and Animal Science

University, Mannuthy3. Karnataka Veterinary, Animal and Fishery

Sciences University, Bangalore 4. Central Avian Research Institute, Izatnagar5. Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal

Science University, Ludhiana6. Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology,

Bhubaneswar7. ICAR Research Complex for NEH region,

Agartala 8. Nanaji Deshmukh Verinary Science University,

Jabalpur 9. Assam Agricultural University, Guwahati10. Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi11. Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture &

Technology, Udaipur12. CSK Himachal Pradesh Krishi Viswavidyalaya,

Palampur Control Population Units (Meat and Egg)1. ICAR-Directorate of Poultry Research,


Period for which the Scheme is Sanctioned

AICRP on Poultry Breeding1. SVVU, Hyderabad

26-03-1971 to 31-12-2014

2. AAU, Anand 06-07-1977 to 31-03-2017

3. KVASU, Mannuthy 19-02-1977 to 31-03-2017

4. KVAFSU, Bengaluru 14-01-1970 to 31-03-2017

5. GADVASU, Ludhiana 26-02-1977 to 31-03-2017

6. OUAT, Bhubaneswar 21-01-1971 to 1990 and 01-09-1991 to 31-03-2017

7. CARI, Izatnagar 01-04-1970 to 31-03-2017

8. ICAR Research complex 01-08-2001 to 31-03-2017 for NEH region, Agartala

9. NDVSU, Jabalpur 11-06-1970 to 31-03-2017

10. AAU, Guwahati 23-03-2009 to 31-03-2017

11. BAU, Ranchi 23-03-2009 to 31-03-2017

12. MPUAT, Udaipur 23-03-2009 to 31-03-2017

13. CSKHPKV, Palampur 23-03-2009 to 31-03-2017

Monitoring role of the coordinating unit/Directorate:

1. Organization of Review Committee meeting/scientists meet/workshops

2. Compilation of periodical reports received from individual centres for submission to ICAR and preparation of Annual Report of Directorate

3. Verification and scrutiny of proposals received from different centres in all aspects relating to budget, release of funds and in all other matters relating to the functioning of various centres and their onward transmission to ICAR

4. Preparation of EFC proposals.

5. Preparation of DARE’s Report and Research Highlights

6. Compilation of report for answering the parliament questions

7. Visit to different centres of the project for review of progress


Annual Report 2015 - 2016



Technical ProgramAICRP on Poultry Breeding

Activities time scale for all egg and meat centres for local native germplasm

Activities Guidelines Time InformationSurvey of the area to know the demand of the people (egg, meat or dual)

As per NBAGR proforma and guidelines

By November, 2014 All egg type and meat type

Collection and evaluation of local native germplasm

About 500 females and 100 males

By December, 2014 -

Hatching of S-0 chicks by random mating

S-0 (2000 chicks) By September, 2015 -

Evaluation, purification and selection for S-1 parents

Housing (700-800 female and 200 male)480 dams and 80 sires

By June, 2016 Selection for 40 week egg production for egg type and 16 week body weight, if selected for meat type

Hatching of S-1 chicks 3000 chicks By August, 2016 -Evaluation, purification and selection for S-2 parents

80 sires and 480 dams By March, 2017 -

Production and evaluation of crosses - - -

Data to be collected1. Body weight at 0 Day, 4, 6, 8, 12, 20 and

40 weeks2. Age at sexual maturity3. Egg weight at 28 and 40 weeks4. Egg production up to 40 weeks ( up to 52

weeks in first batch)5. Mortality, 0-6 weeks, 7-20 weeks and 21-

40 weeks6. Mortality target

1. 0-6 weeks should be <6%2. 7-20 weeks should be <6%3. 21 week onwards should be <1%

per month

Technical Programme for Rural Poultry Production

A. Technical Programme in Brief for the year 2015-2016

ØPedigreed hatching and evaluation of the local native chicken.

ØProcurement and evaluation of improved chicken germplasm in the local climatic condition and for development of cross.

ØProduction and evaluation of direct cross of local native birds with improved germplasm.

ØDevelopment and evaluation of terminal cross (location specific germplasm)

Detailed technical programme for Rural Poultry

On the basis of survey a decision is to be taken about the type of chicken to be developed by the centre

Development of crosses

For dual type chicken

CB/ Improved broiler germplasm X Local native

(Farm) Evaluation of F1 --- (F1) X RIR/ DR --- and crossing with improved line (50% Imp Ger pl + 50% Local native)

Crossbred Evaluation under farm & field conditions (25% Imp Ger pl + 25% Local native + 50% RIR/DR)

Repeat of the above

Selection of parental populations

Technical Programme

AICRP on Poultry Breeding

19 Technical Program

For egg type chicken

Improved egg type breed/ line (RIR/ DR) X Local native

(Farm) Evaluation of F1 --- (F1) X RIR/ DR --- and crossing with improved line(50% Imp Germ pl + 50% Local native)

Crossbred Evaluation under farm & field conditions (25% Local native + 75% RIR/DR)

Repeat of the above

Selection of parental populations

For meat type chicken

Improved meat type breed/ line (CB/ PD2) X Local native

(Farm) Evaluation of F1 --- (F1) X CB/ PD2 --- and crossing with improved line(50% Imp Ger pl + 50% Local native)

Crossbred Evaluation under farm & field conditions (25% Local native + 75% CB/PD2)

Repeat of the above

Selection of parental populations

NB: RIR – Rhode Island Red; DR – Dahlem Red; CB – Control Broiler; PD2 – Coloured synthetic female broiler line

Flocks to be selected for Rural Poultry

• Local native chicken (with better phenotypic performance) in the respective agro-climatic zones (preferably with similar phenotypic appearance).

• Improved egg type or meat type chicken developed by ICAR/ SAUs to be procured.

Selection of native birds (Egg type)

• Collection of about 300 females and 60 males initially

• Production of 1000 chicks by random mating

• Subsequent generations – To produce 1500 chicks utilizing 50 sires, 250 dams

• At the time of housing – To select 500 pullets, 150 males

• Primary trait – 40 wks egg production

Recording of trait

• Body Weight at 20 and 40 wks


• Egg weight at 28, 40 wks

• Egg production to 72 weeks

• Mortality – 0-6, 7-20, 21-40 and 41-72 wks

• Field Evaluation of about 250 birds under backyard/free range

Selection of native birds (Meat type)

• Collection of about 300 females and 60 males initially

• Production of 1000 chicks by random mating

• Subsequent generation – To produce 1500 chicks utilizing 50 sires and 250 dams

• Selection for 8 wk body weight – To select 600 females, 250 males

• At the time of housing – 500 pullets, 150 males

Recording of trait

• BW at day old, 4, 6, 8, 12, 20 and 40 wks


• EW at 28, 40 wks

• EP to 40 weeks

• Mortality – 0-6, 7-20, 21-40 wks

Field Evaluation of about 250 birds under backyard/free range and collection of data.

Annual Report 2015 - 2016


Conservation of Elite Germplasm

A. Layer lines1. Layer centres will work maintenance of elite

layer populations.

2. Collacetion, characterization and conservation of local native germ plasm.

3. Production and evaluation of crosses under farm and field conditions.

4. Develoment location specific varieties.

5. Impact assesment

6. The strains that are being maintained at present will be continued (IWH, IWI, IWN, IWP, IWD and IWF strains) since they have been identified as most promising , lines. IWG, IWJ and IWK will be maintained by the respective center on a small population size.

7. To maintain the pure line performance, the selection programme currently under progress in the AICRP will be continued with lesser intensity of selection. The entire flock of each population will be maintained till 64 weeks of age. The following traits will be measured:

i) Age at first egg

ii) Body weight at 16, 40 and 64 weeks of age.

iii) Egg weight at 28, 40 and 64 weeks of age. For those populations having low egg weight, the first ten eggs also need to be measured.

iv) Egg production to 40 and 64 weeks of age and computation of egg production on hen housed and hen day basis.

v) A random sample of 100 eggs will be utilized at 40 weeks of age to measure albumen height and index, yolk height and index and shell thickness and Haugh unit score. The percentage of blood and meat spots will also be recorded.

vi) Percent fertility and percent hatchability on total and fertile eggs set will be measured. The minimum expectation will be more than 90% fertility and 80% hatchability on fertile eggs set.

vii) Mortality during the following periods:

a) 0-8 weeks b) 9-16 weeks c) 17-40 weeks d) 41-64 weeks e) 17-64 weeks

The minimum expectation will be less than 6% mortality during 0-8 weeks. Less than

5% mortality during 9-16 weeks. Lessthan 1% mortality per month during the period 17-64 weeks in the layer house.

viii) Among the selected breeders, three eggs from each female will be broken for measuring the shell thickness. Breeders with very thin shell eggs will be replaced by breeders with better egg shell thickness before the mating are arranged.

8. All centers will maintain all the surviving birds of first hatch to record egg production till 72 weeks of age.

9. Only 350 females and 50 males will be selected from each population to reproduce next generation (only by artificial insemination). It is expected that in five hatches of 10 days interval, a total of 1400 female chicks will be hatched for each population.

10. A total of at least 1000 pullets for each population will be housed at 16 weeks of age in individual laying cages for generating the traits mentioned above at item no. 2. The desired number of males will have to be housed for each population.

11. Only 400 males will be retained at 16 weeks of age at the rate of two males per dam family. They may be housed either in cages or on deep litter in floor pens depending on the available facilities (all care should be taken to prevent mortality in the males, saved at 16 weeks, as it will affect the selection differential from the male side and also the average selection differential).

12. The hen housed egg production up to 64 weeks of age will be the criterion of selection.

13. The selection will be practiced in both the sexes for 64 weeks, hen housed egg production, and 28 weeks egg weight. Selection for egg production will be carried out on the basis of an index that takes into account individual production and its sire and dam family averages (Osborne, 1957 a and b). The selection for egg weight, obtained at 28 weeks, will be utilized as independent culling level selection to be superimposed over the selection for 64 weeks egg number. For giving due weightage to viability, in selection programme only hen housed family average need to be used in computation of Osborne index values.

14. Based on the index values, only 450 pullets will be selected on the basis of egg production. Out of these 450 pullets, based on the low early egg weight and shell thickness, 100 pullets will be rejected. Thus, finally only 350 pullets will be

Technical Programme

AICRP on Poultry Breeding


selected which are good for egg production having better egg weight and with good shell thickness.

15. The chicks will be sexed at hatching, in all layer populations and all the females and only 500 males at the rate of 18 males per sire family will be saved. All male chicks will be dubbed.

16. All centres will keep a sample of layer control females hatched from the hatching eggs received from ICAR-Directorate of Poultry Research (at least 200 females will have to be housed at 16 weeks of age). They will also be evaluated along with the selected populations.

17. Uniform reporting of the data by all the centres.

18. Maximum publicity through media for popularizing high yielding strains/ varieties developed by AICRP on Poultry Breeding.

19. Testing of all the existing 6 lines under the project together in a diallel cross at PDP for which necessary facilities need to be provided in XI plan.

20. Each centre will record rate of lay and persistency of peak production will be recorded.

21. The layer control will be supplied by ICAR-DPR to all the centres.

Programme for Layer Control population:

The technical programme currently under progress for control populations for egg will be continued. Each population will be reproduced using 50 sires, each sire mating to 4 dams and 4 progeny per dam are to be studied for various growth, production and reproduction traits. In order to obtain 4 progeny for each dam at the time of housing the suitable numbers of chicks are to be hatched.

The following traits are to be measured in case of layer control population.1. Body weight at 16, 40 and 64 weeks of age2. Age at first egg3. Egg weight at 28 and 40 weeks of age4. Egg production to 40 weeks of age and 64 weeks

of age5. Per cent fertility and hatchability on total and

fertile eggs set6. Egg quality traits like albumin index, yolk index,

shell thickness and percentage blood and meat spot on a sample of 100 eggs at 40 weeks of age.

7. Mortality during the following period 0-8 weeks, 9-16 weeks and 17 to 40, 40-64 and 17-64 weeks.

8. About 500 eggs are to be supplied to each egg centre from the Project Directorate for evaluation of environmental trends.

B. Broiler lines

Development of sire and dam line population:1. Layer centres will work maintenance of elite

layer populations.2. Collacetion, characterization and conservation

of local native germ plasm.3. Production and evaluation of crosses under

farm and field conditions.4. Develoment location specific varieties.5. Impact assessment 6. The centres will continue to develop the existing

female line available with them.7. Centres involved in development of dam line

population will produce 3,500 chicks each generation.

8. It is expected that at least 3500 chicks will contribute to data at 5 weeks for making necessary selection.

9. Between 5th and 6th week, out of the 1750 females, a total of 1200 females will be chosen by mass selection based on 5 week body weight.

10. Among the 1750 males 350 best males will also be mass selected on body weight at 5 week.

11. At the age of 12 weeks a physical selection will be taken up and 1000 females without any physical defects will be retained and 200 males will also be retained after screening them for satisfactory physical appearance.

12. All the surviving females will be housed in individual cages. The minimum numbers of females need to be ensured to be at least 500 females.

13. Simultaneously, 150 best males out of the 200 males physically selected at 12 weeks of age will also be housed in cages or on deep litter.

14. The females will be evaluated for dam line traits till the time the youngest hatch attains 40 weeks of age and sire family selection will be practiced.

15. Out of the surviving females, a total of 350 females will be selected and will be mated to 70 best males selected from the available 200 males housed at 18 weeks of age to obtain replacement progeny.

(The artificial insemination is mandatory to reproduce the next generation so as to ensure high percentage fertility and good number of chicks.)

Technical Program

Annual Report 2015 - 2016


16. It is estimated that in 4 to 5 hatches of 7 to 10 days interval, the required number of chicks can be reproduced from the 350 selected female breeders mated to 70 selected male breeders.

17. The criterion of selection, for the females, will be the sire means for settable egg production. Similarly, the males from the sire families from which females have been chosen will be selected as male parents.

18. The shape index of the eggs needs to be measured at 32 weeks of age by measuring the length and width of egg. It is desirable to measure the shape index for five consecutive days. The acceptable shape index is suggested as 1.30 to 1.50.

Restriction programme

Since the birds are selected at 5 weeks of age, a graph has to be generated assuming a target body weight of 2150 to 2200g at 20 weeks of age in dam line and 2400g at 20 weeks in sire line. Assuming linearity, a graph has to be developed starting from the mean weight of the selected birds at 5 weeks of age and the expected body weight at bi-weekly interval need to be identified as applicable to populations at each centre. The trend of the body weight at different ages during the restriction program needs to be plotted along with the expected line. The feed need to be increased or retained the same according to the adjustment needed for matching with the proposed graph. The allowance arrived, as per the graph, at different ages can be increased by 10 percent in case of males for achieving similar trend of body weight during the restriction period.

Feed formulation

To keep the nutrient content uniform at all the centres, the following recommendations are given.

ICAR-DPR, Hyderabad:1. This centre will maintain the pure lines that

are being withdrawn from different centres as nucleus stock.

2. Regeneration and supply of control population to different centres for evaluation of selected lines.

Programme for Broiler Control population:

The technical programme currently under progress for control populations for meat will be continued. Each population will be re-produced using 50 sires, each sire mating to 4 dams and 4 progeny per dam are to be studied for various growth, production and reproduction traits. In order to obtain 4 progeny for each dam at the time of housing the suitable number of chicks is to be hatched. In case of broiler control population the following traits are to be measured:1. Body weight at day old 5, 20 and 40 weeks of

age2. Feed consumption to 5 weeks of age3. Age at first egg4. Egg production to 40 weeks of age5. Egg weight at 40 weeks of age6. Per cent fertility and hatchability on total and

fertile eggs set7. Mortality during the following periods 0-5

weeks, 6-20 weeks, 21-40 weeks8. Restricted feeding programme is to be practiced

from 6 to 20th week.

About 300 to 400 hatching eggs of Control line are to be supplied to each of the broiler centres of the ICAR- Directorate of Poultry Research during their hatching season, for evaluation of environmental trends.

Table 1. Nutrient requirement for broiler lines

Nutrient Chicks0-5 weeks

Growers6-18 weeks

Prebreeders 19-23 weeks

Breeders 24-54 weeks

Energy K.cal/kgProtein (%)Lysine (%)Methionine (%)Ca (%)Phosphorus (%)Choline Chloride 50% (%)Sodium Chloride









0.750.35 3.50.450.10.4

Technical Programme

AICRP on Poultry Breeding



Performance Appraisal of Different Centres

Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Mannuthy

Programme activity assigned

• Conservation, characterization and improvement of the native chicken germplasm collected from the field.

• The egg production up to 64 weeks of age will continue to be the selection criterion in IWN and IWP strains; the target is 305 eggs up to 72 weeks of age for crosses, which is to be achieved by the end of XI plan.

• The centre will maintain all the surviving birds of first hatch to record egg production till 72 weeks of age.

• To participate with IWN x IWP cross in RSPP tests being conducted by Govt. of India each year.

• The centre would supply only a single sex of the pure line parent chicks or the female chicks of IWN X IWP cross for commercial exploitation.

• Three-way/four-way crosses will be developed and evaluated.

Action taken

• The local native germplasm was evaluated up to 40 weeks of age in S-0 generation. A total of 5796 chicks of S-1 generation were produced and evaluated up to 32 weeks of age.

• During the reporting period 2015-16 a total of 1064 female birds of IWN strain and 1040 female birds of IWP strain in S-28 generation have completed testing up to 64 weeks of age.

• The egg production up to 64 weeks of age is being continued as selection criterion in both the layer strains (IWN & IWP) as per the targets decided.

• About 300 hens of IWN and IWP strains in S-28 generation was evaluated for egg production up to 72 weeks of age.

• The IWN X IWP birds were supplied to farmers.

Details of the implementation of programme and results achieved

A. Development of location specific rural germplasm (egg type)

Evaluation of native germplasm

A population of native birds of S-0 generation was evaluated up to 40 weeks of age and its production performance is presented in Table 1. Body weight of male birds (184 Nos.) recorded at 40 weeks of age was 1889±21.05 g. Forty weeks egg production appears to be better in this generation.

Fertility and Hatchability

S-1 generation of native chicken produced by pedigree mating has completed testing up to 32


Table 1. Mean for body weights, egg weights of native birds (S-0 generation)

Traits FemaleNos. Mean ± SE

Body weight at 40 week (g) 726 1305±8.05Egg production to 40 wk (No.)Hen housed 731 69.83±0.96Hen day (17- 40 wks) - 70.54Survivors’ (17- 40 wks) 728 71.35±0.96Egg weight at 40 weeks (g) 447 43.65 ±0.20

Annual Report 2015 - 2016


weeks of age. The number of sires and dams used for breeding to produce the S-1generation was 80 and 480 (1:6) respectively. Very good fertility and hatchability rates were observed in native birds. The fertility rate was 94.5% and hatchability on fertile eggs was 95.33% (Table 2).

Growth traits

Results of body weight recorded at various intervals

of both male and female birds and egg weight recorded at 28 and 32 weeks of age is presented in Table 3.

Mortality in native birds

Less mortality was observed during 0-8 weeks of age. However, mortality during 9-16 weeks of age was on higher side (Table 4).

Table 2. Summary of Incubation and Hatching results for S-1 chicks of native chicken

Sl. No.

Date of Hatch

No. of eggs set

No. of infertile


Fertility (%)

Chicks hatched(Nos.)

Dead germ(Nos.)

Good chicks (Nos.)

Hatchability (%)


1 21/07/2015 2759 132 95.2 2520 107 2516 91.34 95.93

2 04/08/2015 3655 196 94.6 3281 178 3280 89.76 94.85

Total 6164 328 94.9 5801 285 5796 90.55 95.39

Table 3. Mean for body weights, egg weights of native birds (S-1 generation)

Traits Female Male Nos. Mean ± SE Nos. Mean ± SE

Body weight (g)0 day 1206 30.25±0.97 675 30.37±0.95

4th week 990 225±1.46 622 283±14.8 8th week 984 460.5±280 516 538.1±4.7316th week 725 992±7.00 200 1319±10.38

ASM (days) 714 157.5±1.19Egg weight (g)

28 weeks 634 40.90±0.15 - -32 weeks 540 41.60±0.17 - -

Table 5. Summary of selection records of IWN and IWP strains for last five generations

Strains Generations Sires Dams Ne SD in females SI (σ)

IWN S-25 50 295 171.0 20.28 0.555

S-26 50 287 170.3 14.95 0.477

S-27 50 288 170.4 21.61 0.483

S-28 50 278 169.5 14.40 0.580

S-29 50 300 169.4 14.39 0.320

IWP S-25 50 298 171.3 26.42 0.603

S-26 50 293 170.8 16.07 0.474

S-27 50 294 179.3 20.57 0.505

S-28 50 275 169.2 17.90 0.490

S-29 50 300 165.2 16.66 0.330


AICRP on Poultry Breeding


Table 4. Mortality records for native birds of S-1 generation

0-8 weeks 9-16 weeks

No. Housed

No. Died

Mortality (%)

No. Housed

No. Died

Mortality (%)

1774 43 2.42 1500 118 7.87

B. Improvement of IWN and IWP strains of White Leghorn

The centre evaluated the IWN and IWP strains for S-28 generation up to 64 weeks of age during the year 2015-2016. S-29 generation of IWN and IWP strains was produced and evaluated up to 16 weeks of age.

Selection records

The summary of selection records for last five generations is presented in Table 5. The average (both male and female) effective selection differential in IWN and IWP strains was 14.96 and 14.17 respectively (on lower side) in S-29 generation.

Incubation records

Fertility in both the strains was declining particularly during S-29 generation (Table 6). However, hatchability on fertile eggs set showed improvement in S-29 generation both in IWN and IWP strains.

Table 6. Incubation records in last three generations

Generations Strains No. of hatches

No. of eggs set

Fertility (%)

No. of good chicks

Hatchability (%)

TES FESS-27 IWN 4 8704 97.15 6111 72.13 74.24

IWP 3 6816 97.11 5082 76.04 78.30Control 1 156 91.03 40 28.21 30.99

S-28 IWN 3 6189 93.97 4561 75.20 80.02IWP 3 5953 91.01 4076 69.86 76.76

Control 1 667 85.76 522 79.91 93.18S-29 IWN 3 5707 84.72 4244 74.55 87.96

IWP 3 5794 83.44 4081 71.76 86.01Control 1 499 80.10 308 64.33 80.25

Table 7. Mortality percentage at different ages in last four generationsGenerations Strains 0-8 wks 9-16 wks 17-40 wks 17-64 wks

S-26 IWN 7.91 3.35 3.21 4.54IWP 5.19 3.27 4.48 6.03Control 5.67 4.17 1.10 1.10

S-27 IWN 5.27 0.64 3.04 5.32IWP 3.93 0.60 4.63 5.83Control 22.22 7.14 0 0

S-28 IWN 6.57 7.96 6.26 10.85IWP 4.97 0.22 5.00 10.00Control 2.87 7.03 5.33 11.33

S-29 IWN 5.3 2.41 - -IWP 5.8 1.39 - -Control 5.4 3.82 - -

Table 8. Egg production to 64 weeks of age over last four generations in different strains

Generations IWN IWP ControlHH64 HD64 Sur64 HH64 HD64 Sur64 HH64 HD64 Sur64

S-25 261.3 266.1 267.5 250.6 256.4 257.9 213.2 218.1 218.9S-26 251.4 259.4 261.2 254.1 261.2 262.9 210.0 212.0 212.1S-27 264.8 270.8 272.0 255.1 262.2 262.4 218.6 218.6 218.6S-28 256.7 261.2 263.8 261.3 266.7 268.2 177.6 192.1 194.0


Annual Report 2015 - 2016



The mortality of birds during 17-64 weeks of age was high in S-28 generation. However, the overall mortality was low during 0 – 8 weeks of age and that during growing period was very low and they were within the permissible limits in S-29 generation (Table 7).

Production performance

Least square means for different economic traits up to 64 weeks of age in both selected strains (IWN and IWP) and in control population during the S-28 generation is presented in Table 8. The hen

housed egg production up to 64 weeks of age in S-28 generation decreased by 8.1 in IWN strain while it increased by 6.2 eggs in IWP strain over previous generation. Similarly, survivors’ egg production up to 64 weeks of age decreased by 8.2 in IWN and increased by 5.8 eggs in IWP strains in S-28 generation compared to previous generation. Hen housed egg production up to 72 weeks of age was 302.8 and 308.3 eggs in IWN and IWP strains respectively.

Egg number

The birds in S-28 generation have completed the

Table 9. Growth and production performances in S-28 generation of IWN and IWP strains and control layer population

Traits IWN IWP Controln Mean ± SE n Mean ± SE n Mean ± SE

Body wt. (g) 16 wks 1051 1036.75±2.62 1034 1054.33±2.72 149 1014.26±6.6140 wks 1026 1561.01±6.07 993 1530.33±5.79 145 1648.72±19.7764 wks 830 1544.00 ±6.31 921 1585.00±6.34 133 1579.77±20.65

ASM (days) 1045 144.46±0.43 1030 139.65±0.42 149 153.09±1.23Egg weight (g)

28 wks 1014 48.00±0.10 983 48.22±0.09 139 48.11±0.2840 wks 1006 52.16±0.10 980 51.46±0.11 142 52.21±0.3164 wks 849 54.16±0.37 909 55.30±0.13 119 51.11±0.47

EP to 40 wks (Nos.)Hen housed 1051 122.43±0.73 1034 123.34±0.83 149 89.06±1.88

Survivors’ 1029 124.26±0.61 1004 126.45±0.62 145 90.94±1.73Hen day: 17-40 wks - 123.74 125.15 - 90.23Hen day: 21-40 wks - 121.57 122.18 - 90.11EP to 64 wks (Nos.)

Hen housed 1051 256.69±1.52 1034 261.35±1.4 133 177.61±4.44Survivors’ 923 263.76±1.30 934 268.22±1.03 134 194.03±3.85

Hen day: 17-64 wks - 261.16 266.70 192.06EP to 72 wks (Nos.)

Hen housed 300 302.8±2.18 300 308.3±2.34 - -Survivors’ 290 305.3±1.80 291 310.7±1.90 - -

Hen day: 17-72wks - 305.1 310.6 - -

Table 10. ASM and body weights at 64 weeks of age in last four generations in different strains

Generations IWN IWP ControlASM (d) BW64 (g) ASM (d) BW64 (g) ASM (d) BW64 (d)

S-25 146.4 1659 143.8 1698 151.9 1636S-26 138.8 1643 139.4 1731 170.9 1589S-27 139.0 1547 139.1 1547 145.3 1440S-28 144.5 1544 139.6 1585 153.1 1580


AICRP on Poultry Breeding


performance evaluation up to 64 weeks of age during the period under report (Table 9). The phenotypic response realized in S-28 generation for hen-housed, hen-day and survivors egg production up to 64 weeks of age were -8.12, -9.66 and -8.28 eggs in IWN strain (Response was negative). The respective values for IWP strain were 6.26, 4.49, and 5.79 eggs (Response was positive).

Frequency distribution

The frequency of egg production up to 64 weeks of age in IWN and IWP strains in S-28 generation was maximum in the class interval of 261-280 while in control population it was maximum in the class interval of 201-220 (Table 11).

Table 11. Frequency distribution of egg production up to 64 weeks of age (S-28 generation)

Class interval IWN IWP Control

<100 0.021 0.024 0.087

101 - 120 0.008 0.003 0.007

121 - 140 0.005 0.006 0.060

141 - 160 0.011 0.008 0.107

161 - 180 0.018 0.017 0.107

181 - 200 0.029 0.023 0.153

201 - 220 0.034 0.041 0.200

221 - 240 0.091 0.071 0.167

241 - 260 0.171 0.137 0.093

261 - 280 0.316 0.310 0.020

281 - 300 0.256 0.300 0.000

>300 0.041 0.064 0.000

Egg weight

The egg weight at 28 weeks of age decreased marginally in IWN and IWP strains compared to last generation. However, egg weight at 40 weeks of age slightly increased in IWN line while decreased in IWP line in the present generation as compared to last generation. Egg weight at 64 weeks of age has decreased in both IWN and IWP strains in the present generation (Table 12). In control population there was decrease in egg weight at 28, 40 and 64 weeks of age in S-28 generation compared to S-27 generation.

Table 12. Mean egg weights at various ages in last three generations in different strains

Strains Gener-ations

Egg weight (g)28 wks 40 wks 64 wks

IWN S-25 48.45 51.33 55.73S-26 51.48 53.45 54.09S-27 48.98 51.91 55.03S-28 48.00±0.10 52.16±0.10 54.16±0.37

IWP S-25 48.46 52.76 57.08S-26 53.25 55.06 56.63S-27 49.74 52.09 56.53S-28 48.22±0.09 51.46±0.11 55.3±0.13

C o n -trol

S-25 45.79 50.03 54.98

S-26 47.26 51.10 53.13S-27 46.60 52.61 54.95S-28 48.11±0.28 52.21±0.31 51.11±0.47

Heritability estimates

The heritability estimates of egg production up to 40 and 64 weeks of age were in the range of very low to moderate in both strains during S-28 generation. The heritability estimates of egg weight were moderate to high while that of body weight were in the range of low to high in magnitude (Table 13).

Table 13. Heritability estimates of different traits in IWN & IWP strains in S-28 generation

Strains Traits Sire Dam Sire + Dam

IWN ASM 0.33 ± 0 .11 0.72 ± 0.14 0.53 ± 0.08BW16 0.32 ± 0.11 0.26 ± 0.13 0.29 ±0.06BW40 0.33 ± 0.11 0.72 ± 0.14 0.53± 0.08BW64 0.11±0.08 0.45±0.14 0.28±0.07EW28 0.24 ± 0.09 0.13 ± 0.12 0.19 ± 0.06EW40 0.26 ± 0.10 0.49 ± 0.13 0.37±0.07EW64 0.26±0.11 0.23±0.15 0.24±0.07EP40 0.09 ± 0.07 0.11 ± 0.12 0.10 ± 0.05EP64 0.00±0.00 0.38±0.12 0.19±0.06

IWP ASM 0.07 ± 0.06 0.55 ± 0.13 0.31 ± 0.07BW16 0.07 ± 0.06 0.54 ± 0.13 0.31 ± 0.07BW40 0.18 ±0 .09 0.49 ± 0.13 0.34 ± 0.07BW64 0.25±0.10 0.48±0.14 0.37±0.07EW28 0.30 ± 0.11 0.17 ± 0.12 0.24 ± 0.06EW40 0.387 ± 0.12 0.45 ± 0.13 0.420 ± 0.07EW64 0.38±0.13 0.27±0.13 0.32±0.07EP40 0.24 ± 0.099 0.18 ± 0.12 0.21 ± 0.06EP64 0.096±0.07 0.13±0.12 0.11±0.05


Annual Report 2015 - 2016


Response to selection

The phenotypic response for hen housed egg production up to 64 weeks of age was negative in IWN and positive in IWP strains in S-28 generation. However, phenotypic response for egg weight at 64 weeks of age was positive in IWN strain and negative in IWP strain (Table 14).

The genetic response for hen housed egg production up to 64 weeks of age was positive in both lines and better in IWP line in S-28 generation. However, genetic response (indirect) for body weight at 64 weeks of age and egg weight at 64 weeks of age was negative in both strains in this generation (Table 15). Average genetic response for 64 weeks hen housed egg production was 4.04 and 7.74 eggs respectively in IWN and IWP strains during last five generations (S-24 to S-28).

Table 14. Phenotypic response in primary and various correlated traits in S-28 Generation

Sl. No. Traits IWN IWP1 ASM(d) 5.45 0.52

Body weight (g)2 16 wks -81.48 -78.493 40 wks 114.98 45.274 64 wks -99.3 -145.85

Egg weight (g)5 28 weeks -0.98 -1.526 40 weeks 0.25 -0.637 64 weeks 0.07 -1.33

Egg number at 40 wks 8 Hen Housed -5.61 -1.289 Hen Day -5.38 -1.5610 Survivors -5.25 -0.43

Egg number at 64 wksHen Housed -8.12 6.26Hen Day -9.66 4.49Survivors -8.28 5.79

Table 15. Genetic gain in primary and various correlated traits in S-28 generation

Sl. No.

Traits IWN IWP

1 Average age at first egg (g) -2.33 -7.262 Body weight at 16 weeks (g) -102.60 -99.613 Body weight at 40 weeks (g) 363.32 293.614 Body weight at 64 weeks (g) -99.3 -145.855 Egg weight at 28 weeks (g) -2.49 -3.036 Egg weight at 40 weeks (g) 0.65 -0.237 Egg weight at 64 weeks (g) -0.03 -0.398 Egg number at 40 weeks (HH) 9.18 13.519 Egg number at 40 weeks (HD) 8.24 12.0610 Egg number at 40 weeks (S) 7.66 12.4811 Egg number at 64 weeks (HH) 32.89 47.2012 Egg number at 64 weeks (HD) 16.9 31.013 Egg number at 64 weeks (S) 16.31 30.38

Supply of germplasm

A total of 26673 day old (commercial) chicks were sold to farmers, 8900 breeding birds sold to farmers and 300 breeding birds supplied to Institutions (Total germplasm 35873).

Revenue generation

The centre has generated the revenue of Rs. 39.82 lakhs, which was 101.92 % of the total expenditure on feed (Rs. 39.07 lakhs).


AICRP on Poultry Breeding


Anand Agricultural University, AnandProgramme activity assigned

• Conservation, characterization and improvement of native chicken germplasm.

• The egg production up to 64 weeks of age will continue to be the selection criterion in IWN and IWP strains; the target set is 305 eggs up to 72 weeks of age for crosses, which is to be achieved by the end of XI plan.

• The centre will maintain all the surviving birds of first hatch to record egg production till 72 weeks of age.

• To participate with IWN X IWP cross in RSPP tests being conducted by Govt. of India each year.

• Three-way/four-way crosses will be developed and evaluated.

Action taken

• During the period under report, the S-0 generation of native and RIR breed were produced and evaluated up to 20 weeks of age.

• The F1 cross (IWN X Native) were also produced by crossing IWN males with native chicken females and the F1 X RIR cross was produced by mating F1 males with RIR females and these crosses were evaluated up to 20 weeks of age.

• The S-12 generation of IWN and IWP strains along with a control layer population was evaluated up to 64 weeks of age.

• S-13 generation of IWN and IWP strains was produced and evaluated up to the age of sexual maturity.

• The centre maintained and evaluated S-4 generation of IWD and IWK strains up to 64 weeks of age.

• The S-15 generation of IWD and IWK strains was generated and evaluated up to the age of sexual maturity.

Details of the implementation of programme and results achieved

A. Development of location specific rural germplasm (egg type)

Evaluation of native germplasm

As per the new objectives of AICRP on Poultry Breeding that is being reoriented towards rural poultry, the breeding programme was started for the improvement and utilization of native birds. During the reporting period, chicks of S-0 generation of native birds were produced by mating of 80 sires with 480 dams with mating ratio of 1:6. Besides, the chicks of S-0 generation of RIR birds were also produced by mating of 70 sires with 350 dams with mating ratio of 1:5. The chicks of F1 cross (IWN X Native) were also produced by mating IWN males with native female birds. The chicks of F1 X RIR for farm testing were also produced by crossing F1 males with RIR female birds.

Incubation Records

Incubation and hatching results of native, RIR and their crosses are presented in Table 16. Among pure bred, native chicken showed better fertility and hatchability while among cross bred three way cross (F1x RIR) revealed better fertility and hatchability.

Table 16. Summary of incubation and hatching results of native chicken, RIR and F1 birds

Sl. No. Traits Native (S-0) RIR (S-0) F1(IWN X Native) F1 X RIR

1 No. of hatches 1 1 1 12 No. of eggs set 2831 2463 1204 32453 No. of fertile eggs 2429 2260 1034 28454 Fertility (%) 85.80 91.75 85.88 87.675 No. of chicks hatched 2072 1636 781 25976 Hatchability (%) TES 73.19 66.42 64.87 80.03

FES 85.30 72.39 75.53 91.28


Annual Report 2015 - 2016


Growth Performance

Native chicken birds were evaluated for body weight, feed consumption and mortality up to 20 weeks of age (Table 17).

Table 17. Growth performance of native and RIR breeds of chicken

Traits Native (S0) RIR (S0)Body weight (g)day old 31.4±0.53 39.8±0.174 wks 151.3±4.58 171.0±5.588 wks 351.3±1.58 396.0±1.5916 wks 916 ± 5.39 1116 ± 5.2320 wks 1115 ± 5.60 1397 ± 5.23Total feed consumption per bird (kg)0-8 wks 1.40 1.599-16 wks 3.39 3.46Mortality (%)0-8 wks 9.88 6.229-16 wks 7.89 4.66

A total of 546 pullets of native chicken, 537 pullets of RIR birds in S-0 generation, 160 pullets of F1 (IWN X Native) birds and 141 pullets of Farm Testing (F1 X RIR) birds were housed in individual layer cages at 16 weeks of age and 96 birds of F1 X RIR cross were tested at field conditions (Deep litter system). Body weights of native chickens were somewhat lesser than exotic chicken (RIR) breed with almost similar quantity of feed intake. However, mortality was high in native birds during respective age.

Performance of F1 and F1 X RIR cross at farm and field (Deep litter system of rearing) is presented in Table 18. Performance of F1 X RIR cross at farm with respect to body weight was better than F1 (IWN X Native) and its own performance at field conditions. Mortality during 0-8 and 9-16 weeks of age was within permissible limit. However, it was on higher side in native X IWN cross (0-8 weeks of age).

Table 18 Performance of F1 and (F1 X RIR) at farm and field conditions

Sl. No. Traits F1 (IWN x Native) Farm Testing(F1 x RIR) Field Testing* (F1 x RIR)1 ASM (d) 142.79±0.59 140.5 ± 0.56 160 (First egg)

Body weight on pooled sex (g)2 0 day 31.7±0.13 36.2±0.21 35.5±0.373 4 wks 143.4±1.42 217.6±2.15 211.3±3.264 8 wks 535.3±5.42 614.8±4.65 354.9

Body weight at 20 weeks of age (g)56

Female 1337 ±12.1 1526±14.8 1250 Male 1545 ± 8.87 1641±21.6 1487

Feed consumption per bird (kg)7 0-08 wks 1.59 1.60 -8 9-16 wks 3.62 3.55 -

Mortality (%)9 0-08 wks 7.19 3.00 2.50

10 9-16 wks 0.69 0.00 2.00* Deep LitterTable 19. Summary of selection records of IWN and IWP strains during last four generations

Strains Generations Sires Dams Ne SD in females SI (σ)IWN S-8 50 270 169 28.96 1.150

S-9 50 239 165 16.63 0.311S-10 50 269 169 17.35 0.619

S-11 to S-12 50 262 168 11.40 0.41S-12 to S-13 50 249 166.6 15.70 0.486

IWP S-8 50 276 169 31.48 1.157S-9 50 256 167 20.92 0.560S-10 50 266 168 18.10 0.594

S-11 to S12 50 271 169 3.98 0.13S-12 to S-13 50 241 165.6 15.70 0.406


AICRP on Poultry Breeding


B. Improvement of IWN and IWP strains of White Leghorn

The centre has evaluated the S-12 generation of IWN and IWP strains up to 64 weeks of age during the year 2015-2016.

Selection records

The summary of selection records for last five generations is presented in Table 19.

Incubation records

The fertility has increased in selected strains as well as control population compared to previous generation. Hatchability both on total and fertile eggs set has increased in selected lines but declined in control population as compared to previous generation. Overall fertility and hatchability in selected strains were better than control population in this generation (Table 20).

Table 20. Consolidated incubation records in last four generations

Gen. Strains Eggs set


Fertility (%)

Hatchability (%)

TES FESS-10 IWN 6977 84.17 61.01 72.48

IWP 6370 84.84 67.11 79.10Control 556 75.89 65.64 86.49

S-11 IWN 6451 90.11 69.43 77.05IWP 6241 89.71 70.74 78.85Control 327 78.28 56.26 71.87

S-12 IWN 5543 72.48 51.20 70.63IWP 5329 71.63 56.56 78.96Control 555 83.60 71.53 85.56

S-13 IWN 3325 90.16 66.34 73.58IWP 3192 92.24 76.91 83.38Control 720 86.11 56.25 65.32


The mortality figures of both selected and control populations during the last three generations are summarized in Table 21. Mortality during 41-64 weeks and 17-64 weeks of age was on higher side in selected lines and control population. Major cause of mortality in IWN and IWP strains was heat stroke and egg peritonitis during 17-64 weeks of age in S-12 generation. During S-13 generation, the mortality during starting period has marginally increased in selected lines while it decreased during growing period as compared to previous generation in all lines. However, they were within permissible limits.

Growth performance

The growth performance of IWN, IWP and control populations in S-12 generation is presented in Table 22. Body weight at 64 weeks of age was lesser in IWN as compared to IWP strain. However, it was higher in selected lines as compared to control population (Table 22). Body weight recorded at 16 weeks of age in S13 generation is better than previous generation in all three lines. Age at sexual maturity was lesser in selected lines when compared to the control population (Table 23).

Production performance

Egg production up to 64 and 72 weeks of age was higher in IWN than IWP strain and 64 weeks egg production in both selected strains was higher than control population (Table 21). However, egg production up to 64 weeks of age in selected strains was lesser in S-12 generation as compared to previous generation. Similarly, 72 weeks egg production was lesser in both strains in S-12 generation as compared to preceding generation (Table 24).

Table 21. Percent mortality during last three generations

Generations Strains 0-8 9-16 17-40 41-64 17-64

S-11 IWN 2.51 2.73 7.23 6.58 13.34IWP 2.80 4.14 19.18 11.05 28.11Control 2.19 2.82 5.26 0.00 5.26

S-12 IWN 4.21 2.67 3.12 9.15 11.98IWP 4.74 3.57 3.44 11.96 14.98Control 3.78 3.19 2.31 10.65 12.72

S-13 IWN 4.56 0.83 - - -IWP 5.04 1.71 - - -Control 2.96 1.97 - - -


Annual Report 2015 - 2016


Table 22. Performance of IWN and IWP strains and Control population in S-12 generation Traits IWN IWP Control

No. of pullets housed 1027 1048 173ASM (days) 138.3 ±0.35 141.9 ± 0.36 144.7 ±0.71Body weight (g)

16 wks 1028± 2.92 1025±2.88 960 ±7.9440 wks 1629± 5.28 1645±5.42 1640± 12.8664 wks 1690 ± 7.60 1736 ± 7.55 1619 ± 18.9672 wks 1682 ± 14.9 1881 ± 13.8 -

Egg production up to 40 weeks (Nos.)Survivors 127.4 ± 0.45 121.2 ± 0.53 104.0 ± 1.38Hen housed 124.65 114.42 96.40Hen day 127.18 116.84 97.31

Egg production up to 64 weeks (Nos.)Survivors 253.1 ± 0.98 243.6 ± 1.12 206.1 ± 2.67Hen housed 237.81 224.56 189.73Hen day 250.28 238.18 198.04

Egg production up to 72 weeks (Nos.)Survivors 294.2 ± 2.17 274.96 ± 2.20 -Hen housed 275.91 253.23 -Hen day 291.27 270.78 -

Egg weight (g)28 wks 49.32 ± 0.09 49.77 ± 0.09 47.12 ± 0.1640 wks 53.57 ± 0.10 54.49 ± 0.10 54.79 ± 0.2764 wks 52.83 ± 0.13 52.76 ± 0.16 54.58 ± 0.4272 wks 54.66 ± 0.18 55.61 ± 0.18 -

Feed consumption /bird (kg) 0-08 wks 1.58 1.56 1.689-16 wks 3.41 3.41 3.3917-40 wks 18.93 18.65 18.7817-64 wks 38.03 37.62 37.6617-72 wks 44.48 44.03 -

Table 23 Performance of IWN, IWP & Control in S-13 generation

Sl. No. Traits IWN IWP Control1 No. of pullets housed 601 599 1732 Body weight at 16 wks (g) 1121 ± 4.77 1169 ± 4.62 1001 ±10.843 Age at sexual maturity (d) 148.6 ± 0.43 150.9 ± 0.40 157.2 ± 0.67

Feed Consumption / bird (kg)4 0-08 wks 1.59 1.62 1.605 9-16 wks 3.51 3.56 3.53

Table 24. Egg production over last 4 generations

Traits Gen. IWN IWP ControlEP40 S-9 118.8 112.6 97.1

S-10 118.7 115.5 89.63S-11 119.3 116.6 103.4S-12 127.4 121.2 104.0

EP64 S-9 244.7 229.7 193.3S-10 250.0 243.6 197.04S-11 259.6 254.6 218.6S-12 253.1 243.6 206.1

EP72 S-9 284.9 270.4 223.5S-10 288.3 277.2 -S-11 301.8 300.3 -S-12 294.2 275.0 -

Feed consumption

Feed consumption from 17-64 weeks of age in IWN and IWP strains were similar to that of control population. Feed consumption from 16-72 weeks of age in both selected lines was almost similar.

Age at sexual maturity and egg weight

Egg weight at 64 weeks of age in S-12 generation was lesser than that of control population, which was lesser than those reported in previous generation in respective strains (Table 25). This reduction in egg


AICRP on Poultry Breeding


weight was due to prevailing heat stress conditions during that particular age. Age at sexual maturity in S-13 generation was increased by 10.3, 9 and 12.5 days as compared to previous generation.

Table 25. Mean age at sexual maturity and egg weight in last four generations

Traits Gen. IWN IWP ControlASM S10 137.1 139.1 155.5

S-11 145.3 144.9 151.1S-12 138.3 141.9 144.7 S-13 148.6 150.9 157.2

EW40 S-9 50.30 51.50 50.68S10 51.30 52.64 51.92S-11 52.21 53.10 51.53S-12 53.57 54.49 54.79

EW64 S-9 51.88 53.34 54.84S10 52.37 53.58 53.08S-11 54.24 55.61 55.30S-12 52.83 52.76 54.58

Frequency distribution

The frequency of egg production up to 64 weeks of age in S-12 generation was maximum in the class interval of 261-270 in IWN, IWP and control population (Table 26).

Table 26. Frequency distribution of egg production up to 64 weeks of age in S-12 generation

Class Interval

IWN IWPNo % No %

<151 9 1.01 24 2.76151-160 4 0.45 6 0.69161-170 8 0.90 8 0.92171-180 4 0.45 11 1.26181-190 6 0.67 18 2.07191-200 18 2.02 26 2.99201-210 27 3.03 33 3.79211-220 40 4.49 50 5.74221-230 50 5.62 68 7.81231-240 60 6.74 76 8.73241-250 105 11.80 117 13.43251-260 133 14.94 136 15.61261-270 171 19.21 133 15.27271-280 139 15.62 94 10.79281-290 77 8.65 61 7.00291-300 33 3.71 9 1.03301-310 6 0.67 1 0.11

Total 890 100.00 871 100.00

Heritability of the traits

Heritability estimates for different traits studied up to 64 weeks of age in S-12 generation are presented in Table 27. It was observed that heritability estimates were low to very low in magnitude for all the traits.

Table 27. Heritability estimates of different traits up to 64 weeks of age (Sire component) in S-12 generation

Traits Strain


ASM - 0.090±0.061

BW16 0.135±0.068 0.081±0.059

BW40 0.069±0.057 0.027±0.050

BW64 0.074±0.061 0.080±0.070

EP40 0.025±0.049- 0.082±0.059

EP64 0.064±0.064 0.017±0.050

EW28 0.073±0.057 0.072±0.05

EW40 - 0.053±0.054

EW64 - 0.079±0.070

Performance of IWD and IWK strains

Performance of IWD and IWK strains in this centre are presented in Table 28. Body weight at 64 weeks of age was almost similar in IWD and IWK lines. The egg production up to 40 and 64 weeks of age was better in IWD compared to IWK strain. Egg weight was better in IWK line compared to IWD line both at 28 and 40 weeks of age. However, egg weight at 64 weeks of age was lesser in IWD strain as compared to IWK strain. Feed consumption was almost similar in both strains during 17-64 weeks of age. Mortality was on higher side during 17-64 weeks of age in both strains.

IWD and IWK strains

The S-5 generation of IWD and IWK strains was generated by mating of 50 sires with 200 dams for both strains with mating ratio of 1:4. In this generation, the percent fertility in IWD and IWK strains was better. Higher fertility and hatchability both on fertile and total egg set was observed in IWK as compared to IWD strain (Table 29).


Annual Report 2015 - 2016


Table 28. Performance of IWD and IWK strains in S-4 generation

Traits IWD IWKNumber 225 225ASM (days) 136.8 ± 0.74 142.2 ± 0.67Body weight (g)

16 wks 989±6.14 954±6.1840 wks 1614 ± 11.19 1561 ± 13.4464 wks 1692 ± 10.59 1680 ± 13.92

Egg production up to 40 wks (Nos.)Survivors’ 120.7 ± 0.53 109.1 ± 0.97Hen Day 122.89 103.22Hen Housed 121.88 105.29

Egg production up to 64 wks (Nos.)Survivors’ 239.27 ± 2.18 213.73 ± 2.16

Hen Day 237.93 210.27Hen Housed 230.26 201.37

Egg weight (g)28 wks 48.88 ± 0.17 50.31 ± 0.2140 wks 54.39 ± 0.24 55.94 ± 0.22

64 wks 52.90 ± 0.25 54.78 ± 0.30Feed Consumption /bird (kg)

0-08 wks 1.56 1.599-16 wks 3.41 3.4217-40 wks 18.73 18.7717-64 wks 37.78 37.79

Mortality (%) 0-8 wks 2.50 3.749-16 wks 1.28 1.9417-40 wks 1.78 3.1117-64 wks 9.78 11.11

Table 29. Summary of incubation and hatching results in IWD, IWK Strains

Sr.No. Traits

S5 generationIWD IWK

1 No. of hatches 1 12 No. of eggs set 1011 9323 No. of fertile eggs 925 8724 Fertility (%) 91.49 93.565 No. of chicks hatched 648 708Hatchability (%)6 TES 64.09 75.977 FES 70.05 81.20

Performance of IWD and IWK strains

Performance of IWD and IWK strains in S-5 generation is presented in Table 30. Body weight at 16 weeks of age was almost similar in IWD and IWK strains. Age at sexual maturity in IWK line was higher than that of IWD strain. Mortality during 0-8 weeks of age was higher than that recorded during 9-16 weeks of age. However, it was within the permissible limit.

Table 30. Performance of IWD & IWK strains (S-5 generation)

Traits IWD IWK

Number 200 200

BWT (g) 16 wks 1140 ± 6.46 1041 ± 7.28

ASM (d) 143.9 ± 0.58 148.2 ± 0.62

Feed Consumption / bird (kg)

0-8 wks 1.61 1.56

9-16 wks 3.47 3.514

Mortality (%)

0-8 wks 4.77 3.64

9-16 wks 1.98 0.82

Germplasm supply

The centre supplied a total of 44,337 number germplasm during the present year.

Revenue generation

The centre has generated Rs. 20.43 lakhs which is 50.48% of the expenditure on feed cost (40.49 lakhs).


AICRP on Poultry Breeding

35 Bengaluru

Karnataka Veterinary, Animal And Fishery Sciences University


Programme activity assigned

• Purification and evaluation of local native germplasm by December 2015

• To improve PB-1 and PB-2 lines for the development of sire and dam lines for broiler production.

• To evaluate the control population received from ICAR-DPR to measure environmental trend.

Action taken during 2015-16

• During the current year, centre completed the purification of indigenous germplasm collected from rural house hold of Chamarajnagar, Mysore, Madya, Ramanagar and Bangalore rural district. The solid black, white plumage coloured birds were culled and uniform attractive plumage coloured birds were retained.

• The body weight of indigenous germplasm at day old, 8, 12 and 20th weeks were recorded.

• During the current year, production traits of of PB-1, PB-2 and Control lines were evaluated for S-7, S-20 generation respectively.

• The S-8 and S-21 generations of PB-1 and PB-2 along with Control line was regenerated and evaluated for juvenile traits.

• Center also participated in RSPPT, 2015 at Gurgaon.

Details of the implementation of programme and results achieved

During the current year, centre completed the purification and evaluation of indigenous germplasm collected from rural house hold of different districts of Karnataka.The body weight of indigenous germplasm at day old, 8,12 and 20th weeks was recorded. During the current year, production traits of of PB-1, PB-2 and Control lines were evaluated for S-7, S-20 generation respectively. The S-8 and S-21 generations of PB-1 and PB-2, along with control lines were regenerated and evaluated for juvenile traits. Center also participated in RSPPT,

2015 at Gurgaon.

Collection, Conservation and Evaluation of native germplasm

The indigenous birds obtained from rural house hold of Chamarajnagar, Mysore, Madya, Ramanagar and Bangalore rural district were maintained. The purification of indigenous germplasm was undertaken for two generaions. The solid black, white plumage coloured birds were culled and uniform attractive plumage coloured birds were retained. During the current year 1534 day old chicks were hatched using random mating. The body weight at day old ranged from 33.08g (H1) to 33.33.93g (H2) with an overall average pooled over hatches being 32.20g. The average body weight at eight weeks for the combined sex ranged from 447.20g (H2) to 490.34g (H1) in the local birds with an overall average pooled over hatches being 470.13g. The housing of 480 dams and 80 sires were done for production performance evaluation. The average body weight at 12 and 20th week age was 987.12 and 1311.05 g, respectively. The Feed efficiency between 0 - 8 weeks of age ranged from 3.07 (H1) to 3.10 (H2) with an overall average pooled over hatches being 3.08. The percent survivability up to 8 weeks of age was ranged from 99.01 (H1) to 97.37 (H1) with an overall average being 98.23 percent.

Conservation and utilization of elite germplasm

Selection record

The number of sires and dams contributed to next generation were 55 and 439 in PB-1 while 56 and 433 in PB-2, respectively. The effective number of parents was 264.4 in PB-1 and 251.23 in PB-2. The rate of inbreeding was 0.0012 and 0.008 in PB-1 and PB-2 populations, respectively. Summary of selection records for PB-1 and PB-2 were presented in Table 31 and 32, respectively. .

The average selection differentials were 231.14 and 95g in PB-1 males and females respectively, and they were 188.42 and 82.43 g. in PB-2, respectively. The intensity of selection achieved was 1.52 and 1.64 for

Annual Report 2015 - 2016


PB-1 and PB-2 populations, respectively.

Table 31. Summary of selection records for PB-1

Parameters S-7 S-8No. of sires used 62 64No. of dams used 512 509No. of sires contributed 62 55No. of dams contributed 506 439Effective number 317.69 264.4Rate of Inbreeding 0.0015 0.001SD for male (g) 182.13 232.14SD for female (g) 98.45 95Avg. selection differential (g) 103.48 104.12Effe. selection differential (g) - 181.89Selection intensity (σ) 1.77 1.52

Table 32. Summary of selection records for PB-2

Parameters S-20 S-21No. of sires used 90 58No. of dams used 720 449No. of sires contributed 83 56No. of dams contributed 643 433Effective number 424.41 251.23Rate of Inbreeding 0.0011 0.008SD for male (g) 170.96 188.42SD for female (g) 65.43 82.43Avg. selection differential 72.49 91.18Effe. selection differential - 164.18Selection intensity (σ) 1.78 1.64

In PB-1 and PB-2, the average selection differential increased indicating more variabilty in the population but selection intensity decreased marginally as compared to previous generation.

Incubation information

The fertility and hatchability records for the PB-1, PB-2 and control populations are presented in Table 33. During the current year a total of 3214, 3134 and 129 good chicks were hatched in PB-1, PB-2 and control populations, respectively. The percent fertility was 88.37, 89.29 and 84.86 in PB-1, PB-2 and control, resprctively. In PB-2 and control population hatchability on total eggs set and fertile egg set increased tremendously in the present generation compared to last generation but remained static in PB-1.


The mortality in the present generation during 0 to 5 weeks was 1.56, 1.50 and 0.78% in PB-1, PB-2, and control line, respectively. Mortality at 0-5 wk decreased in PB-1, PB-2 and in Control lines compared to previous generation. Low mortality in juvenile shows better management of flock health (Table 34).

Table 33. Incubation records for PB-1, PB-2 and control line

Gen. Eggs set (No.)


Good chicks (No.)

Hatchability (%)


S-7 5321 89.04 4014 77.75 87.32S-8 4326 88.37 3214 77.30 87.47

PB-2S-20 3841 83.23 2008 54.62 65.55S-21 4098 89.29 3134 78.43 87.84

ControlS-20 208 81.73 103 51.92 63.53S-21 185 84.86 129 71.35 84.08

Table 34 Mortality for PB-1, PB-2 and

control line

Gen. 0-5 wk 6-16 wk 17-40 wkPB-1

S-7 1.62 1.29 3.08S-8 1.56 1.86 NC


S-20 2.29 0 5.16S-21 1.50 0.78 NC


S-20 3.88 0 6.12

S-21 0.78 0.78 NC

NC –Not completed

Body weight and Feed efficiency

The body weight at day old in PB-1, PB-2 and control lines was 44.25 ± 0.24, 44.10 ±0.26 and 34.72±0.22 g, respectively. Corresponding values at 5th week of age in PB-1, PB-2 and control lines were 1041 ±2.77, 1171±2.71 and 814±11.51 g, respectively. The body weight at day old and 5th week of age increased in PB-1, PB-2 and control lines as compared to previous generation. In the current year, Feed Conversion Ratio showed


AICRP on Poultry Breeding


marginal improvement in PB-1, PB-2 and control lines as comapred to previous year (Table 35).

Table 35. Juvenile traits over last two generations in PB-1, PB-2 and Control line

Gen. Body weight (g) FCR (5 wks)Day old 5wk

PB-1S-7 43.53 ±0.32 (4014) 1029.71±5.28 (3949) 2.18S-8 44.25 ± 0.24 (3214) 1041 ±2.77 (3164) 2.16

PB-2S-20 44.15 ± 0.28 (2008) 948.22 ±2.92 (1962) 2.16S-21 44.10 ±0.26 (3134) 1171±2.71(3087) 2.03

ControlS-20 40.87 ±0.21 (103) 728.58±14.3(99) 2.64S-21 34.72±0.22 (128) 814±11.51 (128) 2.57

Production performance

The average body weight at 20 weeks of age recorded in PB-1 (S-8 generation) was 2470±12.04 g. Corresponding values in PB-2 and Control lines in S-20 generation was 2690±17.99 and 2050±46.09 g, respectvely. The average body weight of PB-1, PB-2 and Control line at 40 week was 3310±16.01, 3480±19.20 and 3020±52.57 g, respectively. In the current year the body weight of PB-1 at 20 week of age increased marginally. Improvement in body weight was observed across the age in three lines. The production performance in PB-1, PB-2 and control up to 52 weeks of age over last two generations have been compiled and presented in Tables 36, 37 and 38.

Table 36 Adult body weight at 20 and 40wks of females in different lines

Gen. Body weight (g) 20wk 40 wk

PB-1S-7 2400±14.42 (811) 3310±16.01(509)S-8 2470±12.04(830) NC

PB-2S-20 2690±17.99 (655) 3480±19.20(449)S-21 NC NC

ControlS-20 2050±46.09 (49) 3020±52.57(45)S-21 NC NC

The ASM recorded in S-7 of PB-1 and S-20 of PB-2 and Control lines were 183.57±0.40, 177.64±0.51 and 183.60±2.00 days, respectively. There was decrease of ASM in PB-2 and Control line in S-20 generation as compared to previous generation.

Whereas, the ASM of PB-1 increased marginally in S-8 generation as compared to S-7. Centre needs to record 52 weeks body weight.

Table 37. Age at sexual maturity and egg weight in different lines

Gen. ASM (days) Egg wt (g) at 32 wkPB-1

S-7 183.57±0.40 (512) 58.07±023(360)S-8 NC NC

PB-2S-20 177.64±0.51(512) 56.72±0.20 (380)S-21 NC NC

ControlS-20 183.60±2.00 (45) 52.48±0.52 (50)S-21 NC NC

The average egg production at 40 weeks of age (survivor basis) in PB-1, PB-2 and Control lines were 62.60±0.33, 60.69±0.60, 67.46 ±2.43 eggs, respectively. Corresponding values at 52 weeks of age were 114.94±0.48, 100.61±0.93 and 115.74±2.53 eggs, respectively.The egg production at 40 and 52 weeks of age decreased marginally in PB-1, PB-2 and Control lines in the generation under report as compared to previous generation.

Table 38. Production performance of females Gen. Egg production

40 wkEgg production 52


S-7 62.60±0.33 (509) 114.94±0.48 (487)S-8 NC NC

PB-2S-20 60.69±0.60 (449) 100.61±0.93 (423)S-21 NC NC

ControlS-20 67.46 ±2.43 (45) 115.74±2.53 (43)S-21 NC NC


The heritability (h2) of the body weight at 5th week in S-21 generation of PB-2 was 0.102±0.02. Heritability in PB-1 was not reported.

ResponseThe average phenotypic and genetic response of body weight at 5 week over 10 generations in PB-2 was 14.07 and 8.218 g, respectively. Corresponding values for egg production up to 40 weeks of age over 10 generations in PB-2 was -0.816 and -1.062 eggs (Table 39).


Annual Report 2015 - 2016


Table 39. Genetic and Phenotypic response to 5th week Body Weight and 40th week Egg Production in PB-2

Trait Phenotypic response

Genetic response

Body weight at 5 weeks (g) 14.07 8.218EP40 (eggs) -0.816 -1.062

Fig – 1 Genetic and phenotypic response to 5 week body weight in PB-2

Fig – 2 Genetic and phenotypic response of Egg Production upto 40 wk in PB2

Random Sample Poultry Performance Test

The center participated in the 44th RSPPT for broilers at Gurgaon, Haryana during 2015-16. The

average body weights at 6 and 7 weeks of age were 1,604 gm and 1,792 gm in Raja - II (PB1 x PB2). The feed efficiency was 2.47 between 0 - 6 weeks and 2.93 between 0 - 7 weeks.

Frequency distribution of 5 week body weight

Frequency distribution for body weight at 5 weeks of age in both the selected and control line are presented in Fig–3 .

Fig–3 Frequency distribution of 5th Week Body Weight in PB1,PB-2 and Control lines

Germplasm supplied

A total of 1,17,998 germplasm (1,07,462 commercial chicks and 10,536 hatching eggs) were supplied to farmesrs and other stalkeholders during the current year.


During the year 2015-16, the center generated revenue of Rs. 33.79 lakhs which is 126.66 % of expenditure on feed cost (Rs.26.67 lakhs).


AICRP on Poultry Breeding


Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University Ludhiana

Programme activity assigned

• Purification and evaluation of native chicken germplasm collected from farmers.

• To evaluate and improve the PB-2 and PB-1 populations as a broiler dam and sire lines.

• To evaluate a control population for evaluating the environmental fluctuations.

Action taken during the year 2015-16

• Center had initiated purification of native chicken germpalsm.

• The number of good chicks hatched in native chicken germplasm was 552.

• Different parameters viz; fertility percent, hatchability percent, juvenile traits, ASM, egg weights at 28 and 40 weeks , egg production upto 40 and 52 weeks and mortality percent at different time intervals were recorded in native chicken germplasm.

• The centre regenerated S-8 generation of PB-1 and S-40 generation of PB-2 population.

• A total of 4880, 5094 and 300 good chicks were hatched in PB-1, PB-2 and Control populations.

• During the current year, juvenile traits and production traits up to 52 weeks were evaluated.

Collection, Conservation and Evaluation of native germplasm Conservation and utilization of elite germplasm

A total of 552 day old local chicks were housed for recording different economic traits. The average body weight of local chicks at day one, 4th and 8th week was 36.68 ± 0.17, 235.88 ± 3.71 and 745.55 ± 10.8g, respectively. The mortality recorded in the age group of 0-8, 9-20, 21-40 and 41-52 week was 7.4%, 10.12, 19.53 and 2.60 respectively. The average body of the native chicken at 20th and 40th week was 1935.92 ±19.60 and 2656.21±37.88 g, respectively. The average ASM in the native chicken was 163.34 ±1.08 days.The egg weights at 28th and 40th week was 46.04±0.35 and 51.61 ± 0.38g. The the average egg production recorded upto 40th and 52nd week was 59.72 ± 1.97 and 91.91 ± 3.31 eggs.

Conservation and utilization of elite germplasm

Selection records

Summary of selection records over the last 2 generations for PB-1 and PB-2 have been presented in Table 40. The PB-1 population was reproduced utilising 73 sires and 504 dams during S-8 generation and S-40 generation of PB-2 population was reproduced utilising 105 sires and 480 dams. The intensity of selection improved in the current generation in PB-2 as compared to previous generation. The effective

Table 40. Summary of selection records in last two generations in PB-2

Parameters PB-1 PB-2S-7 S-8 S-39 S-40

Number of sires used 67 73 83 105Number of dams used 402 504 498 480Number of sires contributed 67 72 83 80Number of dams contributed 402 456 498 480Effective number 230 248.73 285 270.48Rate of inbreeding 0.0043 0.004 0.0035 0.0036Average Expected selection differential 188.35 124.84 148.3 124.84Average effective selection differential 140.20 211.55 109.1 120.64Selection intensity (σ) M 1.3 0.04 1.11 0.04

F 0.9 0.03 1.2 0.03Expected response 16.96 29.70 13.34 17.47


Annual Report 2015 - 2016


selection differential decresed in PB-2 and PB-1 as compared to previous generation.

Incubation information

During the current generation a total of 4880, 5094 and 300 good chicks were hatched in PB-1, PB-2 and Control populations, respectively (Table 41). The percent fertility was 92.6 and 94.6 % in PB-1 and PB-2 lines. The hatchability on total eggs set was 80, 87.7 and 50 % in PB-1, PB-2 and Control lines, respectively. The fertility percent and hatchability on TES decreased in PB-1 and these values increased in PB-2 and Control lines as compared to last generation.

Table 41. Incubation records for PB-1, PB-2, Control line and Local Germplasm

Gen. Eggs set



Good chicks (No.)

Hatchability (%)


S-7 7024 95.9 6017 85.7 89.3S-8 6100 92.6 4880 80 86.4

PB-2S-39 7289 93.0 6026 82.7 88.9S-40 5806 94.6 5094 87.7 92.8

Control2014-15 420 23.8 81 19.3 812015-16 600 64.8 300 50 77.1

Local Germplasm 2015-16 1105 67.42 552 49.9 74.1


During 0-5 weeks age, the mortality percent reported in PB-1, PB-2 and Control lines were 12.95, 20.36 and 16.33 %, respectively (Table 42). During grower period very high mortality of 21.5 and 20.78% was recorded in PB-1 and Control as compared to last generation. Mortalty percent was very high in all age groups across the lines as compared to last year center needs extra attention on health management of the flock.

Body weightDuring current generation the average body weight at 5 weeks of age was 1089±3.7, 929.42±2.84 and 784.72±11.07g in PB-1, PB-2 and Control lines, respectively (Table 43). The feed conversion ratio up to 5 weeks of age decreased in PB-1, PB-2 and Control lines over last genertaion. The body weight at 5 weeks of age decreased in PB-1 and PB-2 lines as compared to previous generation.

Table 42. Mortality percentage at different ages in PB-1, PB-2 and control

Gen. Mortality (%)0-5 wks 6-20 wks 21-52 wks

PB-1S-7 13.6 4.79 12.56S-8 12.95 21.15 10.94

PB-2S-39 16.1 1.89 6.18S-39 20.36 9.8 9.16

Control2014-15 2.5 2.53 12.822015-16 16.33 9.5 20.78

Table 43. Body weight and feed efficiency at 5 weeks during last two generations

Gen. 5wk (g) Feed Efficiency(upto 5 wks)

PB-1S-7 1271 1.93S-8 1089±3.7(3285) 2.1

PB-2S-39 1024 1.80S-40 929.42±2.84 (4005) 2.2

Control2014-15 744.65 1.722015-16 784.72±11.07(220) 1.9

Body Weight of Cross

Body weight of IBL-80 birds at 6 and 7 weeks of age was 905±13.90 and 1131.88±11.33g, respectively. There was appreciable decrease in body weight of cross at 6 and 7th week of age as compared to last year (Table 44).

Table 44. Average body weights of a sample of IBL-80 birds at 6 and 7 weeks of age

Age Mean± SE (2014-15)

Mean± SE (2015-16)

6 weeks (g) 1201±13.88 905±13.90 (230)7 weeks (g) 1424±13.58 1131.88±11.33 (225)

Production traits

The production traits were recorded up to 52 weeks of age (Table 45, 46 and 47). The body weight of PB-1, PB-2 and Control lines at 20 weeks of age were 2659.83±11.82, 2327.07±9.05 and 2285.27±26.15 g, respectively. There was increase in body weight


AICRP on Poultry Breeding


of PB-1 at 20 weeks of age beyond optimum recommended level for female. Center needs to implement feed restriction program in a better way in maintaining the required body weight at 20 weeks of age.

Table 45. Adult body weight in PB-2, PB-1 and control lines

Gen. Body weight (g) 20wk 40wk

PB-1S-7 2559 2954S-8 2659.83±11.82



S-39 2185 2855S-40 2327.07±9.05



2014-15 2099 2796.4

2015-16 2285.27±26.15(102)


The age at sexual maturity was increased in PB-1, PB-2 and Control lines as compared to previous generation. The egg weight at 36 weeks of age in all lines remained static except in PB-2 where it increased as compared to previous generation. Egg weight at 52 weeks decreased in PB-1and Control lines whereas it remained static in PB-2 as compared to last generation.There was apreciable increase in the egg production upto 40 and 52 weeks of age in all the lines as compared to last generation.

Table 46. ASM and Egg weights performance

Gen. ASM (d) Egg weight (g)36 wk 52 wk

PB-1S-7 170 58.07 66S-8 174±0.67 (878) 58.61±0.20



S-39 153 57.02 62.7S-40 161.57±0.39




2014-15 175 53.68 63.32015-16 183.83±2.87




Table 47. Egg production performance

Gen. Egg Production (No.) 40 wk 52wk

PB-1S-7 55.3 69.8S-8 59.42±0.67 (504) 75.08±1.02 (504)

PB-2S-39 55.7 84.7S-40 83.9±0.79 (480) 112.2±1.18 (439)

Control2014-15 34.4 60.52015-16 49.21±2.42 (77) 83.42 ±3.45 (77)

Egg quality traits

The egg quality traits measured at 36 weeks of age in PB-2 and control lines were presented in Table 48. The egg quality traits need to be measured at 32 weeks of age instead of 36 weeks.

Table 48. Mean and SE for egg quality traits at 36 weeks of age Egg quality traits Strains

PB-1 PB-2 ControlEgg wt (g)at 36 weeks 57.5±0.6 58.4±0.5 58.1±0.8Egg Length (mm) 5.5±0.03 5.6±0.03 5.6±0.04Egg Width (mm) 4.2±0.02 4.2±0.02 4.2±0.02Specific Gravity 97.4±1.1 115.2±1.5 91.1±0.9Albumen height (mm) 9.3±0.3 10.3±0.3 9.3±0.3Yolk height (mm) 17.3±0.1 17.5±0.2 17.9±0.1Yolk Diameter (mm) 3.7±0.03 3.9±0.03 3.6±0.03Yolk weight 15.3±0.2 16.4±0.2 17.7±0.3Shape Index 75.1±0.6 75.0±0.5 74.9±0.7Shell Weight (g) 5.0±0.1 5.0±0.1 5.2±0.10Albumen weight (g) 37.1±0.5 37.0±0.4 35.2±0.6Shell Thickness (mm) 41.5±0.5 36.7±0.7 36.6±0.6

Genetic parameters

The heritability estimates for 5 week body weight increased in PB-2 in the present generation as comapred to previous generation (Table-49). Similar trend was also observed for egg production upto 40 weeks of age. Heritabilty of egg weight at 36 weeks of showed improvement as compared to previous generation.

Genetic and Phenotypic response

The phenotypic and genetic response for 5 week body weight is presented in Table 50. The phenotypic and genetic response over last 10 generations for 5 week body weight was 9.03g and 39.61g in PB-2 population (Fig 4). The phenotypic responses of egg production upto 40 weeks of age was -1.25 egg and genetic response was 1.69 egg over 10 generations (Table 50) (Fig 5).


Annual Report 2015 - 2016


Table 49. Heritability estimates for various traits in PB-2

Traits Heritability (2014-15)

Heritability (2015-16)

5Wks-Bwt 0.09±0.03 0.14±0.0420Wks-Bwt 0.02±0.03 0.12±0.03ASM 0.09±0.13 0.08±0.03Egg wt-36 0.02±0.11 0.06±0.04EggPrd-40 0.10±0.08 0.13±0.06EggPrd-52 0.07±0.08 0.08+0.05

Table 50. Phenotypic and Genetic response in primary and correlated traits

Trait Phenotypic Genetic Body weight at 5 weeks (g) 9.03 39.61EP40 (eggs) -1.25 1.69

Fig – 4 Genetic and phenotypic response to 5 week body weight in PB2 at Ludhiana

Fig – 5 Genetic and phenotypic response to

EP40 in PB2 at Ludhiana

Frequency distribution of 5 week body weight

Frequency distribution of 5-week body weight (frequency on Y axis and body weight on X axis) was given in Fig 6 and 7.

Random Sample Poultry Performance Test

Report states that center has participated in 44th RSPPT at Gurugaon. The body weight of IBL-80 of Ludhiana at 6th and 7th week was 1422 and 1782 g, respectively. The FCR at 6th and 7th weeks was

2.638 and 2.711. The dressing % was 72.46. IBL-80 ranked 4th.

Fig-6 Frequency distribution of 5-week body weight in PB-1 Male and female

Fig-7 Frequency distribution of 5-week body weight in PB-2 Male and female

Field evaluation

Table 51. Economic evaluation in the field (500 IBL-80 birds were supplied and 430 birds survived till 5 weeks of age.)

Age Body weight (g) per bird

Total feed con-

sumed (kg)

Cost of feed @ Rs.


Receipt when sold @ Rs. 70/

kg live wt.* (Rs.)

Profit/loss per

bird (Rs.)*

5 wks 1057 1.98 47.52 73.99 26.47*Subject to market rates

Germplasm supplied

Centre supplied 33,528 germplasm to the farmers (Parents Stock=2300, Day Old Chicks=25895, Young Broiler=5333)Receipts

During the year 2015-16, the center generated a revenue of Rs.14.67 lakhs which is 107.5% of expenditure on feed.


AICRP on Poultry Breeding


Central Avian Research InstituteIzatnagar

Programme activity assigned

• To complete Survey in the state by November 2015 to know the demand of the people for egg, meat or dual purpose birds.

• Collection and evaluation of local native germplasm by December 2015

• To improve and evaluate CSML and CSFL for development of broiler sire and dam lines, respectively.

• To maintain a control population simultaneously to measure the environmental trends.

Action taken during the year 2015-16

• During the year 2015-16 the centre evaluated CSML and CSFL populations

• The juvenile traits and production traits up to 52 weeks were recorded.

• A random bred control line was also evaluated to measure environmental fluctuations.

Details of the implementation of programme and results achieved

• Eggs of local native germplasm of chicken have been collected from the field and hatch was taken for recording juvenile traits and biometrical parameters

• Juvenile traits , body weight and egg production prameters of previous generation was recorded.

• Regeneration of new population of CSML, CSFL and Control have been initiated.

Collection, Conservation and Evaluation of native germplasm

A total of 78 chicks hatched in three hatches from eggs procured from village areas. Incubation of fourth hatch is in progress. The average shank length, keel length at 8 weeks of age was 5.05±0.58 and 6.06±0.31mm, respectively. The breast angle at 8th week was 45.50±2.01 degree. The body weights of native birds at day one and 5th week was 32.27±0.62 and 216.44±17.24g, respectively.

Conservation and utilization of elite germplasm

Selection Records

Over last two generations the selection records for CSML and CSFL is summarized in Table 52. The present generation was reproduced utilizing 50 sires and 300 dams in CSML and 56 sires and 312 dams in CSFL. The effective number decreased in both CSML and CSFL and average effective selection differential increased over the last generation in CSML. The intensity of selection increased in CSML as well as CSFL as compared to previous generation. The number of dam used is less as per the technical programme in both the lines.

Incubation informationThe incubation records for the CSML, CSFL and the control lines over last two generations have been presented in Table 53. The percent fertility remained

Table 52. Summary of selection records for two generations in CSML and CSFLParticulars CSML CSFL

2014-15 2015-16 2014-15 2015-16No. of sires used 55 50 53 56No. of dams used 320 300 300 336No. of sires contributed 52 46 48 52No. of dams contributed 312 276 288 312Effective number 178.28 157.71 164.57 178.28Rate of Inbreeding 0.0025 0.0021 0.0030 0.0019Average selection differential 177.4 194.99 165.40 178.78Average Effective selection differential 161.43 177.44 145.33 157.32Selection intensity (σ) 0.814 0.903 0.821 0.893


Annual Report 2015 - 2016


above 85 percent in both the selected populations. The hatchability on total eggs set was improved in CSML and CSFL populations. The hatchability on fertile eggs set increased in CSML, CSFL and control population compared to previous generation. The centre needs to hatch required number of chicks as per the technical program in selected lines.

Table 53. Summary of incubation and hatching results during last two generations

Year Eggs set(No.)

Fertility (%)

Hatchability %TES FES

CSML2014-15 5152 80.32 72.44 90.192015-16 1087 88.22 81.87 92.80

CSFL2014-15 4169 87.67 79.40 90.562015-16 1308 91.67 85.09 92.82

Control2014-15 1015 80.10 69.75 87.082015-16 940 86.48 75.95 87.82


The percent mortality up to 5 weeks of age increased in the current year as compared to previous one but it was well within recommended limits across four lines (Table 54). Higher mortality was recorded in CSML and CSFL during growing period. Center need to control mortality in CSML and CSFL in 6-20 week age group.

Table 54. Mortality records for last two years

Year 0-5 wk (%) 6-20 wk (%)CSML

2014-15 1.67 12.22015-16 5.04 19.29

CSFL2014-15 2.32 13.02015-16 5.02 17.88

Control2014-15 2.06 5.02015-16 4.56 4.21

Body weights

The body weight at 5 weeks of age and FCR for CSML, CSFL and control lines over last two generations is presented in Table 55. The body weight at 5 weeks of age in CSML, CSFL and control lines recorded in the year 2014-15 were 1194.69, 1188.87 and 763.12 g respectvely. The body weight at 5 week is yet to be recorded for the current year. The FCR at 5 week of agein CSML, CSFL and control was 2.1, 2.15 and 2.2, respectvely.

Table 55. Body weight and FCR at 5 weeks during the last two generations

Strains Year 5 weeksBody weight (g) FCR

CSML 2014-15 1194.692 2.12015-16 NC NC

CSFL 2014-15 1188.87 2.152015-16 NC NC

Control 2014-15 763.12 2.22015-16 NC NC

Production traits

The body weight at 20 weeks was optimum indicating the effectiveness of restricted feeding. Centre did not record 40 week body weight in any of the lines. The average ASM of CSML and CSFL increased in the current genertaion as compared to last generation(Table 56). Egg weight at 40 weeks was increased in CSML and CSFL as compared to previous generation. This trait was not recorded in control. The 40 week egg production decreased in CSML and CSFL as compared to previous generation (Table 57).

Egg quality traits

Egg quality traits were measured in CSML and CSFL at 40 and 52 weeks of age (Table 58and Table 59).

Table 56. Adult body weight and ASM of females in last two generationsYear 20 week body weight(g) ASM(days)

CSML CSFL Control CSML CSFL Control2014-15 2345.57±18.14 2250.85±11.17 2213.07±10.35 170.95 168.22 187.322015-16 2451.62±19.07 2346.68±13.62 2315.68±14.42 182.53 179.30 NC

Table 57. Production performance of females in last two generationsYear 40 wk E.wt (g) 40 wk EP# 52 wk EP#

CSML CSFL Control CSML CSFL Control CSML CSFL Control2014-15 62.17 63.79 - 66..6 67.9 56.75 105.44 106.74 92.32015-16 65.24 66.96 - 65.4 65.8 55.03 NC NC NC

#EP on henhoused basis.


AICRP on Poultry Breeding


Most of the egg quality traits shown improvement in CSML and CSFL as compared to last generation.

Table 58. Egg quality traits at 40 and 52 weeks of age in CSML

Traits 32 weeks 40 weeksEgg weight (g) 57.20±0.84 65.24±1.50Egg Length (mm) 56.27±0.51 59.88±0.29Shape Index(Egg width/length*100)

76.35±0.40 75.54±0.56

Albumen height (mm)

9.76±0.24 8.30±0.16

Yolk height (mm) 19.87±0.19 21.41±0.43Yolk Index (height/width)

0.50±0.01 0.48±0.01

Egg Shell thickness (mm)

0.39±01 0.38±0.01

Haugh unit 98.16±1.14 89.45 ±1.14

Table 59. Egg quality traits at 40 and 52 weeks of age in CSFL

Traits 32 weeks 40 weeksEgg Wt. (g) 56.98±82 66.96±0.90Egg Length (mm) 57.13±1.26 59.90±0.38Shape Index 74.14±0.50 74.57±0.51Albumen height (mm) 9.57±0.31 8.48±0.15Yolk Ht. (mm) 19.48±0.18 22.72±0.13Yolk Index 0.49±0.01 0.50±0.01Shell thickness (mm) 0.38±0.01 0.37±0.01HU 97.31±1.21 89.95±0.76


The body weight at 5 week is yet to be recorded for the current year. Therefore, the heritability estimates from sire component for 5 week body weight in the previous year was 0.12± 0.09, 0.11 ± 0.05 and 0.15 ± 0.08 in CSML, CSFL and control populations, respectively (Table 60).

Table 60. Heritability estimates for 5 week body weight

Year HeritabilityCSML CSFL Control

2014-15 0.12±0.09 0.11±0.05 0.15±0.082015-16 Not

Reported Not Reported Not



Genetic response of body weight at 5 week is yet to be recorded for the current year. Genetic response till previous generation over last 10 generations of CSML and CSFL is presented in Fig-8 and Fig-9. The phenotypic response per generation was 15.76 g and 15.82 g in CSML and CSFL, respectively.

The genetic response was 10.18 g and 10.17 g, respectively, in CSML and CSFL lines in last 10 generations (Table 61).

Table 61. Phenotypic and Genetic response in primary trait (5 week body weight)

Trait Phenotypic Genetic CSML 15.76 10.18CSFL 15.82 10.17

y = 15.764x + 1042.8

y = 10.188x + 309.87









05-06 06-07 07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15

Phenotypic Response

Genetic Response

Fig – 8 Genetic and Phenotypic response to 5 week body weight in CSML at Izatnagar

Fig – 9 Genetic and Phenotypic response to 5 week body weight in CSFL at Izatnagar

Random Sample Poultry Performance Test

At 44th RSPPT (Gurgaon) CARIBRO- Vishal secured III rank. Body weight at 6-weeks and 7-weeks were 1588 and 1886 g, respectively. FCR (0-6 Wks), mortality % and dressing % were 2.3, 4.6% and 73.9% respectively.

Frequency distribution:

Frequency distribution of CSML and CSFL population for 5-week body weight is yet to be prepared as the data recording is going on.

Germplasm supply

A total 48,787 germplasm was supplied to the farmesr and other stakeholders during the current year.


Annual Report 2015 - 2016


Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology, Bhubaneswar

Programme activity assigned

• To complete Survey in the state by November 2014 to know the demand of the people for egg, meat or dual purpose birds.

• Collection and evaluation of local native germplasm by December 2015

• To improve and evaluate CSFL and CSML populations in respects of broiler traits.

• To evaluate the control population along with CSFL and CSML populations.

Action taken during the year 2015-16

• Center has initiated purification of the native chcicken collected from the filed.

• Native chicken germplasm called Hansli was hatched and 1093 good chicks were housed for recording of baseline data related to juvenile traits, ASM , body weights and egg production performance.

• During the current period, S-4 generation of CSFL and CSML were raised and evaluated for juvenile traits.

• During current generation S-4, a total of 3000, 3497and 360 good chicks of CSFL, CSML and Control lines were hatched.

• During the current year S-3 generation of CSFL and CSML lines were evaluated for production traits.

Details of the implementation of the programme and results achieved

Collection, Conservation and Evaluation of native germplasm

As per the result of the survey conducted in the field, center has intiated raising of native chciken birds with the objective of developing meat type crossbred birds. During the year under report hatch of native local chicken germplasm called Hansli was taken. The total number of eggs set over five hatches was 2322.The fertlity percent of Hansli eggs was 77%. The hatchabilty percent on total egg set (TES) and fertle egg Set (FES) basis was 50.80 and 66.05% during current generation. The total number of good chicks hatched was 1093. The bird have been housed for recording body weights at different age, ASM, egg weights, egg production performance and mortalty percent in different age groups. This will create a baseline data of native chicken germplasm and purification of the native chicken.

Conservation and utilization of elite germplasm

Selection records

A toal of 52 sires and 416 dams were used in CSFL whereas number of sires and dams used in CSML were 53 and 424, respectively, to reproduce the S-4 generation (Table 62). The average selection differential has incraesed in CSFL as compared to

Table 62. Summary of Selection Records of CSFL and CSML S- 3 Generation

Particulars CSFL(S-3) CSFL(S-4) CSML-S3 CSML-S4Number of sires used 52 52 53 48Number of dams used 416 416 424 384Number of sires contributed 50 48 50 46No of dams contributed 403 402 412 376Effective number 177.92 171.52 178.35 163.94Rate of inbreeding 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003Expected selection differential for males 126.15 187.16 106.37 155.21Expected selection differential for females 114.32 101.33 139.62 112.18Average expected selection differential 120.23 144.24 122.99 133.70Effective selection differential for males 154.19 153.27 142.83 132.08Effective selection differential for females 82.86 121.89 119.67 118.46Average effective selection differential 118.52 137.58 131.25 125.27Selection Intensity (σ) 1.13 M

0.68 F1.15M0.92F

1.05 M0.92 F



AICRP on Poultry Breeding


previous generation but it has gone down in case of CSML in the current generation. Selection intensity of male and female were improved in CSFL as well as CSML as compared to previous generation.

Incubation Information

The overall fertility in CSFL and CSML was 89.86 and 89.86 % but it has decreased in case of control lines. The centre hatched good number of chicks in both the selected populations as per the requirement in technical programme. The hatchability on total and fertile egg set basis in the current generation was lesser than the previous generation. The summary of incubation records is presented in Table 63.

Table 63. Incubation records for CSFL, CSML and control line

Gen. Eggs set(No.)


Good chicks

Hatchability (%)



S-3 3965 93.86 3216 81.08 86.38

S-4 4318 89.89 3000 71.46 79.49


S-3 3739 90.24 3047 81.45 90.25

S-4 5011 89.86 3497 69.95 77.90


S-3 210 85.24 165 80.95 94.97

S-4 620 68.06 360 59.35 87.20


The mortality percent during 0-5 weeks in CSFL, CSML and control line was 5.20, 4.89 and 5.83, respectively. The mortality was well within recommended level in the current generation. Moratlity percent is presented in Table 64.

Table 64. Mortality (%) at different ages

Gen. Age in weeks0-5 6-20 21-40

CSFLS-3 4.82 1.40 3.11S-4 5.20 NC NC

CSMLS-3 4.54 1.33 1.77S-4 4.89 NC NC

ControlS-3 6.06 NR NRS-4 5.83 NC NC

NC is not completed, NR is not reported

Body weight

The body weight at 5 weeks of age increased both in CSFL, CSML and Control lines in the current generation as compared to previous generation. FCR up to 5 weeks of age marginally increased in CSFL but decreased in CSML and Control population in the current generation as compared to previous generation. The juvenile traits during current and previous generations are presented in Table 65.

Production traits

The body weight at 20 week of age in CSFL and CSML are well within recommended limit. Restricted feeding regime was effective in controlling the adult body weights. ASM of current generation (S-3) in CSFL and CSML was more as compared to previous generation (S-2). Current generation (S-4) data recording is under progress. This centre did not report adult body weights and ASM in the control population. Twenty week and 40 week body weights in CSFL and CSML are presented in Table-66.

Table 65. Body weight, FCR and conformation traits in CSFL, CSML and control

Gen. BW5 (g) FCR BA(degree) SL (cm) KL (cm)CSFL

S-3 998.81 1.94 52.29 8.57 8.96S-4 1000.9±3.14 (2844) 1.97 52.04±0.98 (2844) 8.09±0.06 (2844) 9.03± 0.07 (2844)

CSMLS-3 1101.21 1.96 51.96 8.43 8.97S-4 1102.18±3.69 (3326) 1.93 51.81±0.34 (3326) 8.26±0.08 (3326) 9.20±0.05 (3326)

ControlS-3 734.88 2.01 47.59 8.21 9.27S-4 787.03±12.21 (339) 1.98 48.97±0.90 (339) 8.03±0.06 (339) 9.12±0.08 (339)


Annual Report 2015 - 2016


Table 66. Body weight at 20 and 40 week in CSFL,CSML and control

Gen. ASM 20week body weight(g)

40week body weight(g)

CSFLS-2 180 2021 2513S-3 184 2099.89±17.61 2725.14±52.71

CSMLS-2 187 2059 2524S-3 189 2063.83±21.56 2558.88±30.99

Control2014-15 NR NR NR2015-16 NR NR NR

Table 67. Egg weight and egg production in CSFL and CSML lines

Gen. 32WK egg wt. (g)

40WK egg wt. (g)



52WK EP(%)*

CSFLS-2 54.26 58.33 48.18 62.67S-3 52.07 59.69 65.41 107.83

CSMLS-2 57.22 58.61 45.64 56.32S-3 53.78 55.41 62.38 101.14

*Hen Day egg production (%)

Table 68. Mean+SE for egg quality traits of CSFL and CSML for S-3 generation

Egg quality traits


S2 S3 S2 S3

Egg Weight (g) (32 week)





Egg Weight (g) (40 week)





Egg Weight (g) (52 week)





Shape index%(52 week)(B/L)*100





Shell Thickness (mm)





Albumin Index 0.079±0.005




Yolk Index 0.439±0.005




Haugh Unit 78.32±2.03




Egg weights and Egg production traits

Egg weights at 32week in CSFL and CSML has decreased in the current year as comapred to last year. Whereas, the egg weight at 40week increased in CSFL and decraesed in CSML. Egg production upto 40 and 52 week incraesed appreciably in CSFL as well as CSML. Centre did not report these traits in Control population. Egg weight and egg production in CSFL and CSML lines are presented in Table 67.

Frequency distribution of 5 week body weight of CSML and CSFL

The body weight of CSFL and CSML at 5th week ranged from 700 to 1500g. Frequency distribution of 5th week bod weght of CSML and CSFL is given in Fig-10.

Fig-10: Frequency distribution at 5 week body weight of CSML and CSFL (Male and Female)

Random Sample Poultry Performance Test

The center has participated in 45th RSPPT conducted at Gurgaon and report is awaited.


During the year 2015-16, the center generated revenue of Rs. 8.20 lakhs which is 31.72 % of expenditure on feed (Rs.25.84 lakhs).

Supply of Germplasm

This center supplied a total of 38,754 germplasm to the farmers.


AICRP on Poultry Breeding


ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, AgartalaProgramme activity assigned

• Collection and evaluation of the local native chicken.

• Procurement and evaluation of improved chicken germplasm in the local climatic conditions.

• Production and evaluation of cross of local native birds with improved germplasm

• The centre will work on development of germplasm for rural poultry for the region utilizing local native population.

Action taken

• During the present year, the centre evaluated Tripura black population up to 72 weeks of age.

• The Dahlem Red was also evaluated up to 72 weeks of age.

• The ND cross was produced and evaluated up to 40 weeks of age.

• Coloured broiler dam line was evaluated up to 40 weeks of age.

• Three way cross was evaluated up to 52 weeks of age.

Details of the implementation of programme and results achieved

During the period under report, the centre hatched

1189 good chicks of Tripura black and evaluated up to 72 weeks of age. The Dahlem Red was also evaluated up to 72 weeks of age using 533 chicks. In three way cross 6487 chicks were hatched and 6298 chicks were supplied to farmers and remaining189 chicks were evaluated at farm up to 40 weeks of age. Three way cross was also evaluated up to 52 weeks of age.

Incubation and Hatching

The percent fertility ranged from 69.93 to 82.69% (Table 69). The fertility reduced in all the populations as compared to previous generation except in ND cross. The hatchability on total eggs set (38.70 to 61.89%) and hatchability on fertile egg set (54.94 to 77.85%) reduced in all the lines as compared to previous generation which needs attention. Centre need to hatch more number of chicks in native population as per technical program.


The percentage of mortality during brooding period was high in Tripura black (9.16%) and Dahlem Red populations (9.75%). During growing period the mortality was very high and ranged from 4.41 – 14.83% and during laying period it ranged from 8.41 – 11.36% (Table 70). Centre has to take all the precautions to control mortality and strict bio security measures to be followed.


Table 69. Summary of incubation and hatching of different populations

Strains Year Eggs set


Hatchability (%) Good Chicks (No.)TES FES

Tripura Black 2014-15 625 75.36 63.04 83.65 3942015-16 2483 72.65 47.88 65.90 1189

CSFL 2014-15 4830 83.71 65.86 78.68 31812015-16 5593 82.69 61.54 74.42 3442

Dahlem Red 2014-15 1140 80.88 56.40 69.74 6432015-16 1377 70.44 38.70 54.94 533

NB cross (Native male X CSFL female)

2014-15 1382 83.65 60.27 72.06 8332015-16 1886 69.93 46.02 65.08 863

ND cross(Native male X DR female)

2014-15 646 72.76 52.17 71.70 3372015-16 9726 75.63 49.62 65.08 48.27

NBxD cross 2014-15 12477 82.58 62.46 75.64 77932015-16 10481 79.48 61.89 77.85 6487

Annual Report 2015 - 2016


Table 70. Mortality percent at different ages

Strain Year 0-5wk 6-20wk 20-40wk 21-72Tripura Black 2014-15 3.55 20.31 12.90 -

2015-16 9.16 10.52 9.17 3.52CSFL 2014-15 2.98 30.08 9.58

2015-16 - 14.83 11.36 4.54DR 2014-15 5.59 11.40 8.13

2015-16 9.75 8.73 9.23 8.81NB cross 2014-15 3.6 17.44 3.66

2015-16 1.61 4.34 - 28.50ND cross 2014-15 4.45 8.57 7.52

2015-16 5.11 8.10 - 6.97NBxD cross 2014-15 1.92 4.80 -

2015-16 3.93 4.41 8.41 6.06

Table 71. Performance of different pure lines and crosses

Traits Tripura Black Dahlem Red Coloured Broiler (Dam


ND Cross (50%)

Dual Type(NBXD)

B.wt day old (g)

31.24 ± 0.62 34.55±0.48 45.53±0.42 32.85±0.39 41.39±0.62

4 wk 153.91± 3.89 212.21±7.22 418.67±10.77 208.54±8.14 243.67±8.348 wk 312.73± 8.29 539.25±16.08 1045.81±31.43 516.14±19.86 547.09±17.0420wk 1045.60±23.51 1759.78± 32.21 3112.40±58.82 1497.91±43.66 1806.04±54.4640wk 1443.33±26.09 2560.42±52.42 3740.40±56.61 2289.37±52.53 2653.72±82.26

ASM (days) 173 153 168 162 165EP (no) 40wk 38.90 57.22 33.96 47.54 46.15

52wk 68.45 104.75 - - 82.5072wk 89.34 139.56 - - -

E.wt(g) 40wk 41.60 ± 0.36 56.10 ± 0.40 62.71 ± 0.44 52.00 ± 0.38 55.88 ± 0.39

Performance of pure lines and crosses

The body weight at 8 weeks was 312.73, 539.25, 1045.81 and 547.09 g in Tripura Black, Dahlem Red, coloured broiler dam line and three way cross, respectively (Table 71). The pullets matured late by 2 days in Tripura black and I day late in Dahlem Red population. Egg production upto 40 weeks of age was 38.90 and 57.22 eggs in Tripura Black and Dahlem Red, respectively. The 72 week egg production was 89.34 eggs in Tripura black and 139.56 eggs in Dahlem red population. In ND cross, age at first egg was 162 days and egg production upto 40 weeks of age was 47.54 eggs. Tha age at first egg and egg weight at 40 weeks of age was 165 days and 55.88g

in Three way cross. The egg production at 40 and 52 weeks of age was 46.15 and 82.50eggs in three way cross. The centre has to make BN cross and then BND three way cross as per technical programme.

Germplasm Supply

During the year, the centre supplied 14,193 chicks of Dual purpose (NBD), native (Tripura black) and other crosses.

Receipt realized

The centre realized overall receipt of Rs.9.54 lakhs which was 35.43% of the expenditure on feed cost (26.92 lakhs).


AICRP on Poultry Breeding


Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science University, JabalpurProgramme activity assigned

• Evaluation of Kadaknath population for selection and crossing.

• Procurement and evaluation of improved chicken germplams in the local climatic condition.

• Production and evaluation of crosses of local native birds with improved germplasm.

• The centre will work on development of new varieties suitable for rural poultry in the region utilizing local native germplasm viz. Kadaknath.

Action taken

• The centre maintained Kadaknath, Jabalpur colour, CSML, M1 and M2 populations.

• During the current year, the centre evaluated G-6 generation of Kadaknath (Kd) and Jabalpur colour populations up to 56 weeks of age.

• CSML was procured from CARI, hatched and evaluated from 20-40 weeks of age.

• The Narmadanidhi (25% Kd. 75% Jabalpur colour) was evaluated in the field up to 72 weeks of age.

• M1 and M2 were conserved and evaluated.• The Centre released Narmadanidhi, a dual

purpose variety during the current year

Details of the implementation of programme and results achieved

The G-6 generation of Kadaknath and Jabalpur colour populations were evaluated up up to 52 weeks of age. Narmadanidhi (25% Kd. 75% Jabalpur colour) birds were evaluated in farm and field up to 52 weeks of age. The centre also evaluated CSFL from 20-40 weeks of age.

Selection records

The Jabalpur colour (JBL) population was reproduced utilizing 58 sires and 348 dams and Kadaknath population (G-6) was reproduced utilizing 49 sire and 294 dams (Table 72). The average effective selection differential was 13.45 and 14.53 g in JBL and Kadaknatha populations

and corrosponding selection intensity was 0.31 and 0.39 respectively.

Table 72. Summary of selection record of Jabalpur colour and Kadaknath (G-6)

Particulars Jabalpurcolour


No. of Sires 60 50

No. of dams used 360 300

Nos. of sires contributed 58 49

No. of dams contributed 348 294

Effective number 199 168

Rate of inbreeding 0.0025 0.003

Expected sel. Differential for male

14.54 16.20

Expected sel. differential for female

13.04 14.80

Average sel. differential expected

13.79 15.50

Effective sel. differential for male

14.31 15.76

Effective sel. differential for female

12.58 13.29

Average sel. differential Effective

13.45 14.53

Selection intensity (σ) 0.31 0.39

Incubation records

The fertility remained above 82% in all the populations. The fertility reduced in Kadanath, Jabalpur colour populations and Kadanath (50%) cross compared to previous generation. The hatchability on total eggs set reduced in Kadaknath and Jabalpur colour, whereas, it increased in CSFL and Kadaknath (50%) cross populations (Table 73).

MortalityIn G-6 generation, during brooding period the mortality though reduced as compared to previous generation, still it is on higher side in all the populations (Table 74). There was heavy mortality in CSFL population during growing and laying periods. The centre should take all precautions to reduce the moratality during brooding and growing periods.


Annual Report 2015 - 2016


Table 74. Mortality percentage at different ages in last 2 generations

Strain Generation 0 – 6 wk 7 – 18 wk 19 – 40 wkKadaknath G-5 a 4.62 All chicks died -

b 12.12 6.50 5.20G-6 11.8 6.80 3.80

Jabalpur colour line G-5 a 5.56 All chicks died - b 15.93 7.93 4.90G-6 7.3 8.4 4.70

CSFL 2013-14 a 3.60 All chicks died -b

2015-16 13.5 16.9 13.10Kadaknath Crosses 2013-14 a 4.15 All chicks died -

b 6.42 4.40 4.202015-16 5.9 4.1 5.10

M1 2014-15 37.8 39.42 6.40201516 6.4 6.5 9.30

M2 2014-15 33.6 44.80 7.102015-16 9.4 8.7 9.20

Performance of pure lines and different crosses under different management systems

During G-6 generation, the 6 week body weight was 339 and 772g in Kadaknath and Jablpur population. The pullets of Kadaknath and Jabalpur colour populations matured early by 2 and 4 days respectively. In Jabalpur colour, the body weight and egg weight at 40 weeks of age was 2116 g and 59.60g, respectively. In Kadaknath, the 40 week body weight and egg weight were 1520g and 48.3g, respectively.The hen housed egg production up to 40 weeks of age was 86.20 eggs in JBL population

and 49.10 eggs in Kadaknath population. In CSFL 40 week egg weight and production were 59.0g and 60.8 eggs, respectively(Table 75).

Narmadanidhi, dual type chicken having 25% Kd: 75% JBP colour inheritance was evaluated under farm and field conditions. This variety produced 71 and 142 eggs up to 40 and 52 weeks at farm, respectively. This cross produced 49, 79 and 178.2 eggs, respectively, up to 40, 52 and 72 weeks in field comditions (Table 75). This variety became more popular among the rural farmers and large number of chicks were supplied to the farmers.

Table 73. Incubation information of different populations

Strain Gen. Fertility (%) Goog Chicks (No.) Hatchability (%)TES FES

Jabalpur colour line G-5a 94.68 2355 64.34 67.95 b 93.35 2893 74.66 79.99G-6 85.26 3054 68.58 80.44

Kadaknath G-5a 92.67 3608 79.96 86.28 b 96.60 1435 71.77 74.29G-6 84.25 1598 60.22 71.47

CSFL 2012-13 88.46 73.30 82.862013-14 90.55 395 70.08 77.392015-16 89.20 518 86.19 96.60

Kd 50% and JBC 50% a 95.31 396 80.08 84.02 b 92.08 223 57.85 63.39

2015-16 82.40 490 71.64 86.90


AICRP on Poultry Breeding


Table 75. Performance of growth and production traits in pure lines and crosses under intensive management

Traits Kadaknath (G-6) JBC (G-6) CSML Kd (50%) x JBC (50%)Farm Farm Farm Farm Field

BW6 (g )

339.5 ± 9.2 772.1 ± 8.7 1089±10.6*(pooled)

- -

BW8 (g) - 103.6 ± 11.7791.4 ± 9.3

821 ± 12.8660 ± 13.4

BW20 (g) 1107.6 ± 17.9 (F) 1863.3 ± 24.3 (F)

2120±24.2 2152.3 ± 22.61710.8 ± 18.3

1648 ± 14.71365 ± 27.4

ASM (d)a 166.0 ± 2.3 151.0 ±1.70 178 164 -BW40 (g) 1520.2 ± 23.2 2116.5 ±

21.6 (F)2487.3 ±34.80 2563.4 ± 30.8

1880.5 ± 26.32380.4 ± 40.81651 ± 37.6

EW40 (g) 48.30±0.18 59.60±0.18

60.80 ±1.70 49.2 ± 2.4 -

EP (HH) 40wk

49.10 86.20 59.20 ±2.10 71.00 ± 2.5 49.2 ± 1.75

52wk 77.80 151.30 - 142.00 ± 3.80 79.07± 1.8

72wk - - - - 178.00 ±9.1*5 week body weight

Germplasm supply

The germplasm supplied during the year was 58,236 (chicks, grower and pullets).

Receipt realized

The center realized overall receipt of Rs.13.16 lakhs which was 50.13% of the expenditure on feed (26.25 lakhs).

Assam Agricultural University, Guwahati Programme activity assigned

• Evaluation and improvement of the local native chicken germ plasm and to be maintained as pure line.

• Procurement and evaluation of improved chicken germplasm in the local climatic condition

• Evalauation of new variety Kamrupa in different agro climatic conditions.

Action taken

• A total of 1429 chick of indigenous population were hatched and 620 adult male and female were kept in the farm and their performance was evaluated upto 52 weeks.

• A flock of 150 PB-2 male has been procured from the DPR, Hyderabad and their performance was also evaluated up to 52 weeks.

• A flock of 1300 Dahlem Red chicks were procured from DPR Hyderabad and their performance was evaluated up to 52 weeks.

• A flock of 895 nos. of crossbred (PB-2 x Indigenous) have been produced and their performance was evaluated up to 52 weeks.

• A flock of 1278 Kamrupa, crossbred (PB-2 x Indigenous x Dahlem Red) have been kept in the centre and their performance was evaluated up to 52 weeks in the farm and field conditions. .

Details of the implementation of programme and results achieved

Regeneration of native germplasm

Around 1429 chicks of native chicks were hatched and their evaluation was done up to 52 weeks of age.

Collection of improved germplasm

A flock of 150 PB-2 males has been procured from the DPR, Hyderabad and their performance was evaluated up to 52 weeks. A flock of 710 Dahlem Red birds were procured from DPR, Hyderabad and their performance was evaluated up to 52 weeks.


Annual Report 2015 - 2016


Evaluation of crosses

The BN (PB-2 X native) cross chicks were produced and evaluated up to 52 weeks of age. Kamrupa [(PB-2 x Indigenous) x Dahlem Red] was also evaluated up to 52 weeks of age under farm and field conditions.

Incubation records

Summary of incubation records has been presented in Table 76. The fertility was above 75% in all the population except BN cross (63.25%). The hatchability on total eggs set ranged from 48.22 to 68.85%. The centre need to take all measures to improve fertility and hatchability.

Table 76. Summary of incubation and hatching

Strain Year Eggs set


Fer-tility (%)

Hatchability (%)

Good Chicks (No.)TES FES


2014-15 2593 75.21 59.01 78.44 14122015-16 2327 77.09 61.41 79.65 1429

BN cross 2014-15 892 64.23 46.52 72.43 4152015-16 1856 63.25 48.22 76.23 895

BND cross

2014-15 16,806 78.42 66.23 84.45 111302015-16 31125 76.91 68.85 89.51 24310


The mortality in different flocks during different period is presented in Table 77. The mortality during brooding and growing period was below

3.80% in all the lines. The mortality during laying period was below 2.11%. The mortality was well below the prescribed level.

Table 77. Mortality at different periods (weeks)Strain Year 0-5 6-20 21-40 41-52Native 214-15 2.74 1.01 0.29 0.36

2015-16 2.65 1.36 0.29 0.36PB-2 2014-15 4.24 2.53 0.64 0.00

2015-16 3.33 2.06 2.11 1.43Dahlem Red 2014-15 2.11 0.57 0.28 0.43

2015-16 3.15 2.62 0.97 0.82BN cross 2014-15 2.40 0.49 0.74 0.50

2015-16 1.11 0.45 0.45 0.34BND cross 2014-15 3.28 1.29 2.29 0.25

2015-16 3.80 2.02 0.71 0.85

Performance evaluation of germplasmThe juvenile and production traits in indigenous, PB-2 and Dahlem Red are presented in Table 78. The 5 week body weight was 115.90 g in indigenous, 1040.51g in PB-2 and 350.62g in Dahlem Red. The ASM was lowest in Dahlem Red (162 days) and highest in indigenous (180 days). Indigenous birds matured late by 2 days and Dahlem Red pullets by one day compared to previous generation. In native population the egg weight and egg production up to 52 weeks remained same as compared to previous generation.

Table 78. Juvenile and production traits in pure lines

Traits Native PB-2 Dahlem Redn Mean ± SE n Mean ± SE n Mean ± SE

B.Wt (g) Day old5 wk

20 wk40 wk


29.50 ± 2.900115.92 ± 5.85995.61 ± 58.25

1485.20 ± 73.60


44.80 ± 3.151040.51 ± 69.302590.80± 165.233480.60 ± 310.15


38.10 ± 2.70350.62 ± 51.241210.42 ± 81.451610.60 ± 240.6

FCR up to 5 week 570 3.31 140 2.72 460 2.65Conformation traits at 5 weekShank length (mm)Keel length (mm)Breast Angle (o)


46.56 ± 1.2149.76 ± 2.2056.36 ± 2.50


74.40 ± 4.2685.10 ± 5.2071.50 ± 3.65


58.40 ± 2.7051.70 ± 2.6062.90 ± 4.10

ASM (days) 310 180.50 ±7.30 - - 350 162.10 ± 5.19E.wt (g) at 32 wk

40 wk52 wk


35.94 ±2.3636.10 ±2.5639.70 ±4.25 -



48.60± 3.1057.20± 5.2060.10± 4.40

EP (No.) 40 wksHen housed

Hen daySurvivor




- -350



EP. (No) 52wksHen housed

Hen daySurvivor




- -350




AICRP on Poultry Breeding


Performance of crosses

In BN cross, the five week body weight was 230.20 g and FCR was 3.15 (Table 79). The age at sexual maturity was 171.80 days and remained similar as compared to previous generation. The hen housed egg production up to 52 weeks was 69.86 eggs. Almost all the parameters are same as compared to previos generation

During the current year, the Kamrupa cross was evaluated up to 52 weeks in farm and field conditions. The 5 week body weight was 210.30g and 160.25g in the farm and field, respectively (Table 80). The age at sexual maturity was 152.60 days in the farm and 174.80 days in the field. The egg weight at 40 weeks of age was 56.80 and 41.10g, respectively, in farm and field. The hen housed egg production upto 40 and 52 weeks of age was 46.90 and 87.30 eggs in the farm and corresponding values in the field were 41.90 and 71.50 eggs, respectively. The performance of cross was constant over last two generations.

Germplasm supply

The centre supplied 3195 hatching eggs and 20,936 chiks of Kamrupa to farmers. The centre should take allsteps to improve germ plasm supply.

Receipt realized.

The center realized receipt of Rs. 4.53 lakhs during

the financial year which is 34.68% of expenditure on feed cost (Rs. 13.06 lakhs).

Table 79. Juvenile and production performance of two way cross

Traits BN crossFarm

n Mean ± SEB.Wt (g) atDay old

5 wk20 wk40 wk


32.90 ± 4.10230.20 ±25.20

1570.40 ±125.602480.16± 260.70

FCR up to 5 week 365 3.15Conformation traits at 5 week of ageShank length (mm)Keel length (mm)Breast Angle (o)


51.15 ± 3.5052.40 ± 5.1063.95 ± 5.60

ASM (days) 200 171.80 ±4.60E.wt (g) at 32 wk

40 wk52 wk


43.90 ±3.1047.75±4.2556.15 ±3.40

EP (No.) 40 wksHen housed

Hen daySurvivor




EP. (No) 52wksHen housed

Hen daySurvivor




Table 80. Juvenile and production performance of three way cross

Traits Kamrupa (BND cross)Field Farm

n Mean ± SE n Mean ± SEB.Wt (g) at Day old

5 wk20 wk40 wk


35.15± 2.90160.25±5.78

895.10 ± 76.351580.20± 290.60


35.15 ± 2.90210.30 ± 31.56

1090.80± 135.261890.40 ± 310.56

FCR up to 5 week 300 - 450 2.81Conformation traits at 5 week of ageShank length (mm)Keel length (mm)Breast Angle (o)


47.20± 3.1051.25± 3.1050.65± 3.90


46.50 ± 2.9047.80 ± 4.6064.90 ± 5.10

ASM (days) 150 174.80± 5.90 250 152.60± 3.10E.wt (g) at 32 wk

40 wk52 wk


38.60± 2.3039.80± 4.1541.10± 4.30


48.90± 3.7053.15 ± 2.7556.80± 3.40

EP (No.) 40 wks Hen housedHen daySurvivor







EP. (No) 52wks Hen housedHen daySurvivor








Annual Report 2015 - 2016


Birsa Agricultural University, RanchiProgramme activity assigned

• Evaluation and improvement of the local native chicken germ plasm and to be maintained as pure line.

• Procurement and evaluation of improved chicken germplasm in the local climatic condition.

• The centre will work on development of new varieties suitable for rural poultry in the region utilizing local native germplasm

• Release of new variety.

Action taken

• The centre evaluated G-4 generation of native population upto 72 weeks of age. The G-5 grneration was reproduced and evaluated up to 20 weeks of age.

• In Dahlem Red (G-3) was evaluated from 40-60 weeks of age and G-4 genartion was reproduced and evaluated up to 20 weeks.

• The layers of BN cross was evaluated up to 20 weeks during E-3 evaluation.

• During evaluation -4 (E-4) DBN and BND crosses were evaluated from 40 - 72 weeks in farm and field conditions and E-5 evaluation was reproduced and evaluated up to 20 weeks in farm condition.

Details of the implementation of programme and results achieved

Collection and evaluation of local germplasm

The centre evaluated G-4 generation of native

chicken upto 72 weeks of age. The G-5 generation was reproduced with 702 chicks and evaluated up to 20 weeks of age.

Production and evaluation of crossesThe BN cross (PB-2 male x native female) was evaluated for egg production at farm from 40-72 weeks of age. About 2789 chicks of a three way cross, DBN cross [(Dahlem Red males x (PB-2 x Native female)] were produced at farm and evaluated for production parameters from 52-72 weeks of age at farm and field conditions during E-4 and DBN cross produced during E-5 evalauation which was evaluated up to 20 weeks in farm conditions. A total of 1176 chicks of BND [(PB-2 x native male) x Dahlem Red female] were produced at farm and evaluated from 52-72 weeks of age at farm and field conditions during E-4 and DBN cross produced during E-5 evalauation which was evaluated up to 20 weeks in farm conditions.

Incubation recordsDuring current year, the fertility ranged from 80.32 to 94.01% in all the lines (Table 81). The fertility improved in all the lines and crosses except in Dahlem Red population as compared to previous generation. The hatchability on total eggs set ranged from 64.29- 77.03% and it improved in all the poplations in the current year. Hatchability on fertile eggs set ranged from 77-81% in all the lines. Centre should take all possible steps to improve the hatchability. The centre should hatch sufficient number of chicks in native grmplasm as per technical program.

Mortality Mortality during brooding period though reduced

Table 81. Summary of incubation and hatching

Strains Year Eggs set Fertility (%) Hatchability (%) Chicks hatched (No.)TES FES

Native 2014-15 2470 79.71 60.97 76.48 15062015-16 1098 80.32 64.29 80.04 702

Dahlem Red 2014-15 1355 92.10 66.56 72.27 9022014-15 750 87.73 68.13 77.66 505

BND cross 2014-15 3250 87.01 70.55 81.54 23062015-16 1670 89.88 71.01 79.01 1176

DBN cross 2014-15 7220 87.25 66.56 72.27 52672015-16 3640 94.01 77.03 81.94 2789

BN cross 2015-16 715 88.67 69.37 78.23 490


AICRP on Poultry Breeding


compared to previous generation, it was on higher side and ranged from 10.39-16.27% (Table 82). Mortality during growing stage was also high ranging from 2.24 – 9.65%. During laying period mortality was high in threeway crosses and Dahlem Red populations. The centre has to take all the necessary precautions to contain mortality at all stages in all the lines.

Table 82. Mortality at different weeks

Breeds/strain Year 0-6 wk

7-18 wk

19-40 wk

Native 2014-15 15.49 12.35 3.20

2015-16 13.30 9.65 6.37

Dahlem Red 2014-15 15.20 9.22 6.04

2015-16 10.39 8.22 12.57

PB-2 2014-15 17.25 3.02 -

2015-16 - 2.24 5.37

BN Cross 2014-15 - - 6.67

2015-16 4.33 5.39 5.22

BN X D cross 2014-15 21.00 13.55 6.31

2015-16 16.27 9.84 12.52

D x BN cross 2014-15 17.19 3.52 6.51

2015-16 14.37 4.02 12.56

Performance evaluation of germplasm

In native population, production traits were evaluated from 40-72 weeks of age during G-4 and in G-5 generation body weights and age at first lay of was recorded (Table 83). Pullets in the G-5 generation matured 7 days late as compared to G-4 generation. The annual hen housed egg production of native population was 73.48 eggs in G-4. In Dahlem Red, pullets matured 3 days late as compared to G-3 generatiom. In BN cross (E-3) hen housed egg production up to 72 weeks of age was 93.36 eggs.

In three way crosses day old, 4, 8 and 20 week body weights were better in DNB cross during E-5 evaluation. Age at first egg of the flock was higher in DBN (174 d) than BND (168 d) in the farm during E-5 evaluation (Table 84). The hen day egg production up to 72 weeks of age was more in DNB cross (139.82 eggs) than BND cross (126.82 eggs) during E-4 evaluation under farm conditions. Under field conditions, DNB cross (111.13 eggs) produced more eggs than BND cross (96.19 eggs) up to 72 weeks of age.

Table 83. Performance of different varieties

Traits Native (G-5) Dahlem Red (G-4) BN cross (E-3)

B.wt (g) day old 29.38±0.23 29.05±0.13 29.09±0.16 4 wk 159.94±1.37 170.63±1.33 464.56±6.10

8 wk 406.90±3.89 412.53±4.36 853.31±9012B.wt (g) 20 wk M F




Egg wt(g) 40wk (G-4) (G-3)49.56±0.47

Age at 1st lay (Days) 176 158 166EP(no) 40 wk


(G-4) 30.6929.92



EP(no) 52 wkHDHH

(G-4) 54.84




EP(no) 64 wkHDHH




EP(no) 72 wk HDHH




Annual Report 2015 - 2016


Table 84. Performance of three way crosses in the farm and field.Traits BND(E-5) DBN(E-5)

Farm Field Farm FieldB.wt (g) day old 30.03±0.41 - 32.10±0.33 -

4 wk 180.07±1.63 - 190.30±1.22 - 8 wk 507.32±8.23 - 595.21±5.77 -

20 wk M F


- 1640.59±19.281414.47±11.48


Age at 1st lay E-4 (Days) 168 - 174 -EP(no) 40wk HD(E-4) HH





EP(no) 52wk HD(E-4) HH





EP(no) 60wk HD(E-4) HH





EP(no) 72wk HD(E-4) HH





Germplasm supply

Centre supplied 8755 hatching eggs and 7020 chicks to the farmers. The centre should improve germ plasm supply.

Receipt realized.

The center realized a receipt of Rs. 3.68 lakhs during the financial year which is 21.42% of expenditure on feed cost (Rs. 17.18 lakhs).

CSK Himachal Pradesh Krishi Viswavidyalaya, PalampurProgramme activity assigned

• Collection and evaluation of the local native chicken

• Procurement and evaluation of improved chicken germplasm in the local climatic condition

• Production and evaluation of crosses of local native birds with improved germplasm

• The centre will work on development of new varieties suitable for rural poultry in the region utilizing local native germplasm.

Action taken

• In native germplasm G-3 generation was evaluated up to 52 weeks.

• A total of 1086 Dahlem Red parent stock chicks were procured from CPDO, Chandigarh (in two batches of 395 and 564 chicks) during current year and evaluated (G-3) upto 52 weeks. G-2 was evaluated from 52-72 weeks of age.

• About 290 chicks of Native X DR were produced and evaluated under field conditions.

• About 514 chicks of Dahlem Red X Native were produced and evaluated up to 52 weeks of age

• The chicks of DR x Native male with DR females cross have been produced and evaluated in farm (625 chicks) upto 52 weeks and in the field (230 chicks) upto 40 weeks.

Details of the implementation of programme and results achieved

Collection of local germplasm

A total of 4569 native chicks in G-3 generation were produced at hatchery by collecting fertile eggs from farm. Cross of ND, DN and DNXD crosses were made and the evaluation is in progress.

Collection of improved germplasm

A total of 1086 Dahlem Red parent stock chicks were procured from CPDO, Chandigarh (in two batches of 130, 395 and 564 chicks) during 2015-16. Incubation records

The summary of incubation records for various pure lines and crosses have been presented in Table 85. The fertility was very good and ranged from 84.44


AICRP on Poultry Breeding


to 93.37% in all the populations. The hatchability on total eggs set ranged from 58.08 to 71.61% in all the populations. The hatchability on fertile eggs set ranged from 64.13 to 79.81% in all the populations. Over all fertility is good and hatchability needs further improvement. The centre need to initiate pedigree hatching in native population.


During the current year mortality during 0-5 weeks was very high ranging from 7.46 to 11.12 (Table 86). Mortality was very high during 6-20 (13.60-24.77 % ) weeks as well as during 21-52 weeks (13.61-25.69 % ) in all the populations which needs attention. Centre has to take precautions to reduce the mortality at all ages in all the lines and proper biosecurity measures have to be adopted to reduce the mortality.

Performance evaluation of germplasm

The Dahlem Red, Native, DN and DNxD population were evaluated.(Table 87 & 88) during the current year. The 4 week body weight was 210.7, 184.36g, and 199.80g in Dahlem

Red, native, and DRxN populations,respectively. The pullets of native and Dahlem Red matured early by 6 days, as compared to previous generation. The egg weight was 55.90, 45.77 and 53.31g, respectively, in Dahlem Red, native and DRxN population at 40 weeks. The hen housed egg production in Dahlem Red was 56.91 eggs up to 40 weeks of age whereas native population recorded 46.83 eggs. The hen hosed egg production upto 52 weeks of age was 83.26, 72.46 and 120.14 eggs in Dahlem Red, native and DRxN populations, respectively. The 52 week production showed improvement in native populationsThe DNxD cross was evaluated under farm and field conditions up to 40 weeks of age (Table 88). The 20 week body weight was 1602.81 in farm and 1447.76 g in field condition. The egg weight at farm and field condition is aroung 53g in both the places.The hen housed egg production in DNxD cross was 52.74 eggs in farm and 42.37 eggs in field conditins up to 40 weeks. This cross produced 86.62eggs upto 52 weeks of age in th farm.

Table 85. Summary of incubation and hatching

Strain Year Egg set Fertility (%) Hatchability (%) Good chicks hatched (No.)TES FES

Native 2014-15 3218 89.43 74.76 83.59 24062015-16 6718 93.97 68.01 72.37 4569

Dahlem Red 2014-15 1638 83.94 64.83 77.23 10622015-16 618 87.37 69.74 79.81 431

ND cross 2014-15 27371 87.63 64.37 73.46 176212015-16 17401 90.61 58.11 64.13 10113

DN Cross 2014-15 2554 89.27 74.11 83.02 18932015-16 2738 91.52 71.61 78.25 1961

DN x D cross 2014-15 956 92.25 63.59 68.93 6082015-16 20352 84.44 58.08 68.77 11821

Table 86. Mortality percent at different weeks

Strain Year 0-5 week 6-20 week 21-40 weekDahlem Red 2014-15 5.98 7.08 18.31

2015-16 7.74 17.4 13.61*Native 2014-15 8.99 11.86 8.60

2015-16 11.12 15.88 16.08*DN cross 2014- 15 14.76 11.92 15.03

2015-16 7.46 13.60 25.69*DNxD cross 2015-16 10.24 24.77 14.83*

* 21 to 52 weeks


Annual Report 2015 - 2016


Table 87 Mean and SE for body weights and production traits

Traits DR (G-3) Native (G-3) DR X Nn Mean±SE n Mean±SE n Mean±SE

B. Wt (g) day old4 wk

20 wk40 wk





29.95 ±0.24184.36±1.70





FCR (0-4 week) 1481 3.42 514 3.79 3.50

ASM (days) 545 170 178 179 148 188E. wt (g) 28 wk 40 wk







EP40 (no) HH HD








EP52 (no) HH HD








EP72 (no) HH (G-2) HD



- -

Table 88. Mean and SE for body weights and production traits in crosses

Traits DNX DFarm Field

N Mean±_SE N Mean±_SEB.Wt (g) day old

4wk20 wk40 wk







-FCR (0-4 week) 3.53 - -

Age at 50% production (days) 190 165 133 191(Age at first egg)E. wt (g) 28 wk

40 wk100100



EP40 (no) HH HD






EP52 (no) HH HD Survivor





Germplas supply

The centre supplied 26,715 chicks of various crosses to farmers.

Receipt realized.

The center realized receipt of Rs. 12.95 lakhs during the current financial year which is 70.97% of expenditure on feed cost (Rs. 18.25 lakhs).


AICRP on Poultry Breeding


Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture & Technology Udaipur

Programme activity assigned

• Evaluation and improvement of the local native chicken germ plasm and to be maintained as pure line.

• Procurement and evaluation of improved chicken germplasm in the local climatic condition.

• Evalauation of Pratapdhan in different agro climatic conditions.

Action taken

• Evaluated G-4 generation of Mewari breed from 52-72 weeks of age and G-5 generation was regenerated and evaluated up to 52 weeks of age.

• Broiler X Native (BN) cross was produced

• Pratapdhan(BNR cross) was enaluated up to 72 weeks during E-4 and and up to 52 weeks in E-5.

• PRATAPDHAN a dual purpose variety for rural poultry developed by MPUAT, Udaipur started supply to rural farmers of Udaipur.

• Local native germplasm of have been registered as new indigenous chicken breed in as Mewari chicken breed and accession number given by NBAGR, Karnal is INDIA_CHICKEN_1700_MEWARI_12016.

Details of the implementation of programme and results achieved

Mewari population was evaluated from 52-72 weeks of age during G-4 generation and G-5 generation was regenerated and 3127 chicks were evaluated up to 52 weeks of age. BN cross was produced with 2957 chicks. Pratapdhan (BNR cross) was evaluated up to 72 weeks during E-4 and upto 52 weeks during E-5 evaluiations.

Incubation record

The center regenerated G-6 generation of Mewari chicken population as well as RIR , BN and BNR populationts. The fertility ranged from 78.81- 84.71 in all the populations (Table 89). The fertility improved in Mewari chicken and RIR populations. Pratpdhan showed marginal improvement. Though, the hatchability on total eggs set improved in Mewari, RIR and BN cross, it needs improvement. The centre has to improve over all fertility and hatchability.


The Mortality in various populations is presented in Table 90. The mortality was on higher side in Mewari and RIR populations during brooding period. During growing and laying periods mortality was on higher side in all the populatins. Higher mortality percentage particularly in native population during growing and early laying period needs to be controlled. The centre did not report reasons for high moratlity and all possible measures may be taken to keep mortality under control.

Table 89. Summary of incubation and hatching results

Strain/ breed/ cross Year Eggs set(No.)

Fertility (%)

Hatchability (%) Good Chicks Hatched (No.)TES FES

Mewari chicken

2014-15 (G-5) 6180 71.43 53.23 74.62 25852015-16 (G-6) 4960 79.91 62.74 78.51 3127

RIR(Anand) 2014-15 8897 73.68 64.46 81.81 52172015-16 7350 84.51 70.37 83.19 5210

CSFL 2015-16 420 78.81 58.10 73.36 244BN cross 2014-15 3001 81.08 64.43 79.27 1959

2015-16 3898 84.71 75.81 89.49 2957Pratapdhan 2014-15 1,28,977 81.50 72.54 89.34 89,874

2015-16 1,00,769 80.36 69.25 86.03 70,509


Annual Report 2015 - 2016


Performance evaluation of germplasm

Evaluation of local native germplasm

In native population the juvenile body weights at 8 weeks marginally reduced during G-5 generation as compared to G-4 generation (Table 91). The 20 weeks body weight improved by 245.97g and 40 weeks body weight by 178.53g in G-5 generation as compared to G-4 generation. The pullets matured 4.38 days late as compared to previous (G-4) generation. The hen housed and hen day egg production upto 52 weeks was 39.96 and 70.58 eggs, respectively, in S-5 generation. During S-4 genreration, hen hosed and henday egg production

was 95.09 and 73.14 eggs, respectively, up to 72 weeks of age.

Evaluation of Pratapdhan

Pratapdhan was evaluated up to 72 weeks of age during E-4 evaluation and E-5 evaluation was done upto 52 weeks of age (Table 92). The age sexual naturity was 151.27 days during E-4 and 144.54 days during E-5. The hen housed egg production up to 40 and 52 weeks improved in E-5 as compared to E-4 evaluation. The hen housed and hen day egg production was 80.15 and 159.12 eggs during E-4 evaluations. In E-5, the hen housed and hen day egg production was 75.59 and 105.01 eggs up to 52 weeks of age.

Table 90. Mortality (%) records

Strain/ breed/ cross Gen./Year 0-5 wks 6-20 wks 21-40 wks 41- 52 wksMewari G-4 10.37 14.65 23.42 14.47

G-5 10.26 13.86 8.44 10.61RIR G-4 2.76 7.63 15.10 -

G-5 7.41 8.19 10.66 5.24CSFL 2015-16 5.65 17.79 3.85 -BN cross 2014-15 10.75 14.25 17.04 -

2015-16 5.58 7.65 10.31Pratapdhan

(BNR cross)

2014-15 2.35 10.65 10.29 3.112015-16 4.67 9.44 10.29 6.90

Table 91. Performance of growth and production traits in Mewari breed

Traits Mewari (G-4) Mewari (G-5)Mean±SE Mean±SE

BW (g) day old 31.02±0.08 31.53±0.128 wks 678.56±6.99 651.75±4.33

20 wks* 1165.89±15.29 1411.86±17.5340 wks 1436.84±14.18 1615.37±16.43

ASM (d) 170.35 174.73EW (g) 28wk 41.10±0.19 41.86±0.14

40wk 45.47±0.18 45.98±0.12EP 40 wk (No.) HD 43.86 46.92

HH 29.42 28.81Survivor 30.09 49.32

EP 52 wks (No.) HD 112.11 70.58HH 72.17 39.96

Survivor 81.40 104.79EP 72 wks (No.) HD 95.09 -

HH 73.14 -*Data from 20 weeks of age are for female before 20 weeks in pooled sex


AICRP on Poultry Breeding


Table 92. Performance of growth and production traits in Pratapdhan

Traits Pratapdhan (BNR-Cross)E-3 E-4 E-5

Bwt (g) day old - 39.32±0.17 40.31±0.11 2 wk 185.83±1.03 173.02±1.91 169.67±1.16

4 wk 321.06±2.57 314.01±4.06 326.35±2.56 8 wk 695.28±15.94 682.73±8.26 693.38±5.31 20 wk* 1782.01±19.47 1796.42±26.50 1720.62±21.71

40 wk 2287.95±35.38 2032.04±30.44 2035.58±25.84Age at 1st egg of the flock 124 133 127ASM (d) 143.10±1.59 151.27±1.41 144.54±0.55EW (g) 28wk 48360±0.47 47.06±0.19 47.13±0.18

40wk 52.91±0.52 52.85±0.13 53.79±0.11EP 40 wk (No.) HD 55.30 51.24 80.86

HH 31.44 38.08 62.91

Survivor 90.18 82.50 122.90EP 52 wk (No.) HD 83.68 86.41 105.01

HH 40.92 55.17 75.59Survivor 165.19 119.54 171.33

EP 72 wk (No.) HD 160.90 159.12 -HH 53.91 80.15 -

*values for females only from 20 weeks onward before 20 weeks in pooled sex

Germplasm supply

A total of 75,604 germplasm (7025 hatching eggs, 5,268 grower and 63,311 day old chicks of Pratapdhan were supplied during the current year for dissemination.

Revenue generation

The center realized a receipt of Rs.11.33 lakhs during the current financial year which is 42.88% of expenditure on feed cost (26.42 lakhs).


Annual Report 2015 - 2016

64Control Population

ICAR- Directorate Of Poultry Research, HyderabadProgramme activity assigned

• Maintenance and evaluation of random-bred control population for egg

• Maintenance and evaluation of random-bred control population for meat

• Supply of control population stocks to all AICRP centres except CARI, Izatnagar.

Action taken

• The random-bred control populations for egg and a new synthetic coloured control population for meat were regenerated.

• Hatching eggs from layer and meat control populations were made available to different AICRP centres during the year.

Details of the implementation of programme and results achieved

1. Maintenance and Evaluation of Random-Bred Control Population for egg.

During 1996-97, the existing layer control population was replaced with the approval of the research advisory committee, as it had low egg weight and was having high mortality. A synthetic population that was originated from the AICRP and commercial populations at GAU, Anand was considered to be useful for this purpose and in the population available at PD on Poultry was under a mild positive selection for egg production. The selection was relaxed and matings were arranged among 70 randomly chosen males and 350 randomly chosen females to reproduce the base generation of the layer control LC-0. The LC-1 was reproduced with 60 sires and 300 dams in two hatches. The LC-2 generation was reproduced utilizing 40 sires and 200 dams in three hatches. The LC-4, LC-5, LC-6, LC-7 and L-8 generations were reproduced using 40 sires and 200 dams. LC-9 and LC-10 generation was reproduced using 32 sires and 128 dams and 37 sires and 74 dams, respectively. During the year 2015-16 LC-12 generation was reproduced using 50 sires and 200 dams. The inbreeding coefficient was kept at minimum level. At the time of housing only two males per sire family and two females per dam family were housed for recording of

production and other body weight traits according to the technical programme.

Regeneration of LC-12 generation

The number of sires and dams used to regenerate LC-12 generation, effective population size and rate of inbreeding are presented in Table 1. The effective population size for LC-12 was 246.15 and inbreeding coefficient was 0.00313.

Table 1. Number of sires and dams, effective population size and rate of inbreeding over generation

Gen. No. of


No. of


Effective population

size (Ne)

Rate of inbreeding

(∆F)LC-7 40 200 200.00 0.00250LC-8 40 200 200.00 0.00250LC-9 32 128 157.54 0.00488LC-10 37 74 169.14 0.00507LC-11 50 200 246.15 0.00313LC-12 50 200 160 0.003

Incubation records

Incubation records of LC-12 generation in layer control population have been presented in Table 2. Fertility, hatchability on total eggs set and hatchability on fertile eggs set respectively were 70.9, 61.7 and 87.0%. Fertility remained same as previous generation and hatchability on FES and TES increased in the current generation as compared to previous generation.

Table 2. Incubation records of layer control population

Gen. Fertility (%)

Hatchability (%)FES TES

LC-7 81.5 89.3 66.2LC-8 78.5 91.6 71.9LC-9 85.1 92.3 78.5LC-10 70.2 84.2 59.1LC-11 70.9 87.0 61.7LC-12 62 85 53

Production Performance

The production performance of during Layer Control (LC) S-11 was recorded. The average egg production up to 64th and 72nd week was 223.24±1.67

AICRP on Poultry Breeding

65 Control Population

and 257.52±2.14 eggs, respectively. The Egg weight at 64th and 72nd week was 53.39±0.25 and 54.24±0.32g, respectively. The average body weight of LC at 64th and 72nd week was 1594.71±12.48 and 1562.22±21.87g, respectively.

S-12 generation of LC was reproduced. The body weight of LC at day old chicks and 8th week of age was 36.55±0.11 and 482.10±3.42g, respectively. The performance of control population has been presented in the following Table 3.

Table 3. Performance of layer control population for growth and production traits

Gen. Body weight (g)

ASM (days)

Egg weight 40 wks


Egg production


16 wks

40 wks

40 wks

64 wks

LC-7 978 1511 148.1 50.90 93.13 189.1

LC-8 1010 1473 151.6 52.65 85.44 173.1

LC-9 1048 1510 154.9 52.91 91.47 200.7

LC-10 954 1508 155.4 53.28 92.64 194.4

LC-11 886 1497 156.4 51.28 94.90 223.24

b±S.E 0.83NS







Maintenance and Evaluation of Random-Bred Control Population for Meat

During the period, G-14 generation of the control broiler was evaluated for juvenile traits and for production traits.

Incubation records

Incubation records of G-14 generation in broiler control population have been presented in Table 4. Percent fertility, percent hatchability on total eggs set and percent hatchability on fertile eggs set respectively were 62.67, 54.81 and 87.46%. Both fertility and hatchability decreased in the current generation as compared to previous generation.

Table 4. Incubation records broiler control population

Generation Fertility (%) Hatchability (%)TES FES

G-12 87.16 81.93 94.0G-13 81.40 68.22 83.80G-14 62.67 54.81 87.46

Juvenile body weights

Performance of juvenile traits in control broiler population over 14 generation is presented in Table 5. During the current generation body weight at 5 and 6 weeks of age respectively were 520 and 663 g. After six weeks of age, 500 female chicks and 150 male chicks representing all the sires and dams were saved and were being maintained under restricted feeding schedule. At the time of housing only 2 males per sire family 2 females per dam family were housed for recording of production traits. The regression estimates of generation mean on generation number for 6th week body weight showed non significant changes over generations indicating the stability of the broiler control population for 6th week body weight.

Table 5. Performance of juvenile body weights (g) in broiler control population

Generation Body weight (g)5th week 6th week

G-1 822 1060G-2 872 1141G-3 731 995G-4 897 1195G-5 907 1106G-6 672 891G-7 592 783G-8 929 1215G-9 626 964G-10 578 829G-11 522 720G-12 731 1156G-13 573 993G-14 520 663b±S.E -23.61NS±8.66 -13.65NS±11.76

Production Traits

A total of 300 females were maintained till 40 weeks of age to record the traits like age at sexual maturity, body weights at 20 and 40 weeks of age, egg weight at 32 and 40 weeks of age and egg production to 40 weeks of age. The mean for all these traits were presented in Table 6. The hatching eggs of this population were supplied to the AICRP centers as and when they required for evaluation of selected lines. The regression estimates of generation means on generation number (G-0 to G-14) showed non-significant changes over the generations in all the traits (Table 6) indicating the stability of the broiler control.

Annual Report 2015 - 2016

66Control Population

Table 6. Growth and production performance of broiler control population over generations

Generation Body weight (g) ASM (days)

Egg weight (g) Egg Production to 40 weeks (No.)20 weeks 40 weeks 32 weeks 40 weeks

G-0 2509 3150 177 54.02 60.50 47.00

G-1 2536 3256 164 52.00 54.90 45.90

G-2 2776 3370 163 51.07 57.55 66.67

G-3 2670 3487 162 53.32 58.09 65.37

G-4 2591 3478 163 53.99 58.12 65.07

G-5 2559 3524 162 51.56 54.67 57.47

G-6 2130 2886 173 53.06 58.87 58.65

G-7 2457 3335 165 53.39 56.61 57.27

G-8 2436 3222 167 54.32 57.00 60.00

G-9 1941 3005 171 51.44 57.28 53.38

G-10 1982 2799 194 51.66 55.10 57.06

G-11 1885 2933 189 51.40 57.27 54.30

G-12 2369 3139 170 53.22 56.43 56.59

G-13 2279 3033 174 50.96 55.80 55.82

G-14 2416 3151 182 52.50 56.20 56.59

b±S.E 54.23NS±15.69






AICRP on Poultry Breeding



Critical Observations on Performance of Different Centres During 2015-16

KVASU, Mannuthy

Accomplishments and achievements

1. This centre has evaluated the S-0 generation of native chicken germplasm up to 40 weeks of age.

2. Egg production of native chickens up to 40 weeks of age was 69.83±0.96 eggs with average egg weight of 43.65 ±0.20 g at 40 weeks of age.

3. Further, regeneration and evaluation of pedigreed population up to the age of sexual maturity was carried out in S-1 generation.

4. High fertility (94.9%) and hatchability (95.39 and 90.55% on FES and TES) was observed in native chickens.

5. Hen housed egg production up to 64 weeks of age increased by 6.2 in IWP strain in S-28 generation on phenotypic scale.

6. Average genetic response for 64 weeks hen housed egg production was 4.04 and 7.74 eggs respectively in IWN and IWP strains during last five generations (S-24 to S-28).

7. Sample population of IWN and IWP strains evaluated up to 72 weeks of age produced 302.82±2.18 and 308.27±2.34 eggs on hen housed basis during 2015-16.

8. The centre has generated the revenue of Rs. 39.82 lakhs, which was 101.9% of the total expenditure on feed (Rs. 39.07 lakhs).

9. The centre has supplied a total of 35873 number germplasm during the year. This is better as compared to previous year.

Short falls

1. High mortality was observed during growing (9-16 weeks) stage in native chickens of S-1 generation.

2. Hen housed egg production up to 64 weeks of age decreased by 8.1 in IWN strain on phenotypic scale.

3. Egg production up to 72 weeks of age in IWN strain was lesser in S-28 generation.

4. High mortality was observed in IWN, IWP and control population from 17-64 weeks of age as compared to previous generation.

AAU, Anand

Accomplishments and achievements

1. In this centre chicks of S-0 generation of native birds and RIR breed were produced by pedigree mating. The chicks of F1 cross (IWN X Native) were produced by mating IWN males with native chicken females. The chicks of F1 X RIR for farm testing were produced by crossing F1 males with RIR females.

2. Fertility of native chicken (85.80%) was lesser as compared to RIR breed (91.75%).

3. Egg production up to 64 weeks of age was higher in IWN (253.1) than IWP (243.6) strain. Egg production up to 72 weeks of age in IWN and IWP strains was 294.2 and 275.0 eggs respectively.

4. S-13 generation of IWN and IWP strains was reproduced and evaluated up to the age of sexual maturity.

5. Better fertility was observed in IWN (90.16 %) and IWP (92.24%) strains in S-13 generation as compared to previous generation.

6. This centre has also evaluated IWD and IWK strains up to 64 weeks of age in S-4 generation. The S-5 generation of these strains was produced and evaluated up to the age of sexual maturity.

7. It has generated the revenue of Rs. 20.43 lakhs which was 50.48% of the expenditure on feed cost.

8. The centre supplied a total of 44,337 number germplasm during the present year which is far better than previous year.

Critical Observations

Annual Report 2015 - 2016


Short falls

1. Egg production up to 64 weeks of age has decreased by 6.5, 11 and 12.5 eggs respectively in IWN, IWP and control population in S-12 generation over previous generation.

2. Mortality during 41-64 weeks as well as 17-64 weeks of age was on higher side in selected and control populations.

KVAFSU, Bengaluru Accomplishments and achievements

1. During current year, centre completed the purification of indigenous germplasm collected from rural house hold of Chamarajnagar, Mysore, Madya, Ramanagar and Bangalore rural district.

2. The body weight of indigenous germplasm at day old, 8, 12 and 20th weeks were recorded

3. Production traits of of PB-1, PB-2 and Control lines were evaluated for S-7, S-20 generation respectively. The juvenile traits of S-8 and S-21 for PB-1 and PB-2 along with Control line was evaluated.There was improvement of body weight at 5 week of age across lines .

4. In PB-2 and control population hatchability on total eggs set and fertile egg set increased tremendously in the present generation compared to last generation

5. The center participated in the 44th RST for broilers at Gurgaon, Haryana and the average body weights of PB1 x PB2 cross at 6 and 7 weeks of age were 1604 gm and 1792 gm . The feed efficiency was 2.47 between 0 - 6 weeks and 2.93 between 0 - 7 weeks.

6. A total of 1,17,998 germplasm (1,07,462 commercial chicks and 10,536 hatching eggs) were supplied to farmesrs and other stalkeholders during the current year.

7. Center generated a revenue of Rs. 33.79 lakhs which is 126.66 % of expenditure on feed cost (Rs.26.67 lakhs).

Short falls

1. Proper restricted feeding regims needs to be followed to maintain recommended body weight of birds at 20 weeks of age.

2. Center needs to carry out carcass quality and sensory evaluation of cross

GADVASU, Ludhiana

Accomplishments and achievements

1. Center has initiated purification and phenotypic characterization of local chicken germplasm collcted from the field

2. This centre evaluated S-40 generation of PB-2 and S-8 generation of PB-1 population along with Control Population.

3. During current generation the average body weight at 5 weeks of age was 1089±3.7(3285), 929.42±2.84 and 784.72±11.07(220) in PB-1, PB-2 and Control lines, respectively.

4. The genetic and phenotypic responses to 5 week body weight were 39.61 g and 9.03 g, respectively in PB-2 population for last ten generations.The heritabilty of recorded for respective trait was 0.14.

5. During the year 2015-16, the center generated a revenue of Rs.14.67 lakhs

6. Economoic evaluation of cross (IBL80) was carried in the field profit calculated per bird was Rs. 26.47

7. Centre supplied 33,528 germplasm to the farmers and generated a revenue of 14.67 lakh

Short falls:

1. The number of sires and dams used for regeneration were not as per the technical programme in PB-1 and PB-2

2. The body weight of PB-1 and PB-2 at 5 week of age has decreased as comapred to previous generation

3. Mortalty percent was very high in all age groups across the lines as compared to last year center needs extra attention on health management of the flock

Critical Observations

AICRP on Poultry Breeding


CARI, Izatnagar

Accomplishments and achievements

1. Center collected local chicken germplasm from the field and hatched at the institite.

2. Purifucation and morphometric chracterization of local chicken germplasm was initiated

3. This centre completed production evaluatation of S-13 generation of CSML and CSFL. Regeneration of S-14 generation is under preogress.

4. The hatchability was more than 80% in CSML and CSFL first hatch of S-14 generation

5. The ASM was 182.53 and 179.30 days in CSML and CSFL. This trait incresed in S-13 generation as comapred to S-12

6. The egg production at 40 week of age was 65.24 and 66.96 in CSML and CSFL of S-13 generation

7. Egg weight at 40 weeks increased in CSML and CSFL in S-13 as compared to previous generation

8. The center participated in 44th RSPPT (Gurgaon) and CARIBRO- Vishal secured III rank. Body weight at 6 and 7 weeks of age were 1.588 and 1.886 Kg, respectively. FCR upto 0-6 weeks and dressing % were 2.3 and 73.9%, respectively.

9. The center supplied 48,787 germplasm to the stakeholders

Short falls

1. Center did not report the status of survey of local chicken germplasm

2. Very high mortality was observed during growing period in CSML and CSFL of S-13 generation

3. Mortality was not recorded during laying period

OUAT, Bhubaneswar.

Accomplishments and achievements

1. Center has initiated purification of the native chcicken collected from the filed

2. Native chicken germplasm called Hansli was hatched and 1093 good chicks were housed for recording of baseline data related to juvenile traits, ASM , body weights and egg production performance.

3. During current center evaluated juvenile traits during S-4 generation and production trits of S-3 generation

4. The body weight at 5 weeks of age was 1102.18, 1005.593 and 787.03 g in CSML, CSFL and control lines,respectively. All the lines showed improvement in 5 week body weight as compared to last generation.

5. During S-3 generation EP52 was 101.14 and 107.83 eggs in CSML and CSFL. This trait showed improvemnt over previous generation

6. During the year 2015-16, the center generated a revenue of Rs. 8.20 lakhs which is 31.72 % of expenditure on feed ( Rs.25.84 lakhs)

7. This center supplied a total of 38,754 germplasm to the farmers.

Short falls

1. As per technical programme center needs to take more chicks of native germplasm

2. Economic evaluation of the cross has not been made

3. Sensory evaluation of the cross has not been made

4. Center needs to record production traits in control line too.

ICAR Research Complex, Agartala

Accomplishments and achievements

1. During the current year Agartala centre evaluated Tripura black, Dahlem Red up to 72 weeks. The ND cross and CSFL populations were evaluated up to 40 weeks of age. Three way ((Tripura black X CSFL) X DR ) cross was evaluated up to 52 weeks of age.

2. The percent fertility ranged from 69.93 to 82.69%.

Critical Observations

Annual Report 2015 - 2016


3. The body weight at 8 weeks was 312.73, 539.25, 1045.81 and 547.09 g in Tripura Black, Dahlem Red, coloured broiler dam line and three way cross, respectively.

4. Egg production up to 72 weeks of age was 89.34 eggs in Tripura black and 139.56 eggs in Dahlem red population.

5. In ND cross, age at first egg was 162 days, egg production upto 40 weeks of age was 47.54 eggs.

6. The age at first egg and egg weight at 40 weeks of age was 165 days and 55.88g in three way cross.The egg production at 40 and 52 weeks of age was 46.15 and 82.50 eggs in three way cross.

7. During the year, the centre supplied 14,193 chicks. The centre realized overall receipt of Rs.9.54 lakhs which was 35.43% of the expenditure on feed cost.

Short falls

1. The centre need to hatch 1500 chicks in Tripura black population.

2. Mortality is high during growing and laying periods.

3. Germ plasm supply low

4. Revenue generation is low.

NDVSU, JabalpurAccomplishments and achievements

1. During the current year, the Jabalpur centre released Narmadanidhi, a dual type chicken variety.

2. The centre evaluated G-6 generation of Kadaknath (Kd) and Jabalpur colour populations from 52 weeks of age. Narmadanidhi was evaluated in the field up to 72 weeks of age.

3. The fertility remained above 82% in all the populations.

4. During G-6 generation, the 6 week body weight was 339 and 772g in Kadaknath and Jabalpur colour population. The pullets of Kadaknath and Jabalpur colour populations matured early by 2 and 4 days, respectively.

5. In Jabalpur colour, the body weight and egg weight at 40 weeks of age was 2116 g and 59.60g, respectively.

6. In Kadaknath, the 40 week body weight and egg weight were 1520g and 48.3g, respectively. The hen housed egg production up to 40 weeks of age was 86.20 eggs in Jabalpur colour population and 49.10eggs in Kadaknath population..

7. In CSFL, 40 week egg weight and egg production were 59.0g and 60.8 eggs, respectively.

8. Narmadanidhi, produced 71 and 142 eggs up to 40 and 52 weeks at farm. This cross produced 49, 79 and 178.2 eggs, respectively, up to 40, 52 and 72 weeks , in field conditions.

9. The germplasm supplied during the year was 58,236. The center realized overall receipt of Rs.13.16 lakhs which was 50.13% of the expenditure on feed.

Short falls

1. Mortality was very high at all ages.

2. Revenue generation was very low.

AAU, GuwahatiAccomplishments and achievements

1. Guwahati centre evaluated the native, Dahlem Red, PB-2 and BN populations up to 52 weeks of age. The centre also evaluated Kampura 52 weeks of age in farm and field conditions.

2. The fertility was above 75% in all the populations except BN cross (63.25%).

3. The mortality during brooding and growing period was below 3.80% and below 2.11 % during laying period in all lines.

4. The 5 week body weight was 115.90 g in indigenous, 1040.51g in PB-2 and 350.62g in Dahlem Red. Indigenous birds matured late by 2 days and Dahlem Red pullets by one day as compared to previous generation.

5. In BN cross, the five weeks body weight was 230.20 g and FCR was 3.15. The hen housed egg production up to 52 weeks was 69.86 eggs.

Critical Observations

AICRP on Poultry Breeding


6. During the current year, the Kamrupa cross was evaluated up to 52 weeks in farm and field conditions. The 5 week body weight was 210.30g and 160.25g in the farm and field, respectively. The age at sexual maturity was 152.60 days in the farm and 174.80 in the field.

7. The hen housed egg production upto 40 and 52 weeks of age was 46.90 and 87.30 eggs in the farm and corresponding values in the field were 41.90 and 71.50 eggs, respectively. The performance of cross was constant over last two generations.

8. The centre supplied 3195 hatching eggs and 20,936 chicks of Kamrupa to farmers. The center realized receipt of Rs. 4.53 lakhs during the financial year which is 34.68% of expenditure on feed cost.

Short falls

1. Fertility and hatchability was low.

2. Germplasm supply low.

3. Revenue generation was very low.

BAU, RanchiAccomplishments and achievements

1. Ranchi centre evaluated G-4 generation of native population upto 72 weeks of age. The G-5 grneration was reproduced and evaluated up to 20 weeks of age during the current year. BND (PB-2 X Native Female) X Dalhem Red female) and DBN (Dahlem Red males) X (PB-2 male x Desi female) crosses were evaluated from 40-72 weeks under farm and field conditions.

2. The fertility ranged from 80.32 to 94.01% in all the lines. The fertility improved in all the lines and crosses except in Dahlem red population over previous generation.

3. The hatchability on total eggs set was below 64.29- 77.03% and it improved in all the poplations in the current year.

4. In native population, production traits were evaluated from 40-72 weeks of age during G-4 and in G-5 generation body weights and age at first lay of was recorded. Pullets in

the G-5 generation matured 7 days late as compared to G-4 generation. The annual hen housed egg production of native population was 73.48 eggs in G-4.

5. In Dahlem Red, pullets matured 3 days late as compared to G-3 generatiom. In BN cross (E-2) hen housed egg production up to 72 weeks of age was 93.36 eggs.

6. In three way crosses day old, 4, 8 and 20 week body weights were better in DNB than BND cross during E-5 evaluation. Age at first egg of the flock was higher in DBN (174 d) than BND (168 d) in the farm during E-5 evaluation.

7. The hen day egg production up to 72 weeks of age was more in DNB cross (139.82 eggs) than BND cross (126.82 eggs) during E-4 evaluation under farm conditions. Under field conditions, DNB cross (111.13 eggs) produced more eggs than BND cross (96.19 eggs) up to 72 weeks of age.

8. Centre supplied 8755 hatching eggs and 7020 chicks to the farmers. The center realized a receipt of Rs. 3.68 lakhs during the financial year which is 21.42% of expenditure on feed cost.

Short falls

1. Centre need to hatch more number of chicks in native population.

2. Mortality was on higher side at all ages.

3. Germplasm supply low.

4. Revenue generation was low.

CSKHPKVV, PalampurAccomplishments and achievements

1. During the period under report, CSKHPKV, Palampur centre evaluated Native (G-3) and Dahlem Red (G-3) birds upto 52 weeks of age. DR X Native cross was evaluated upto 52weeks in the farm. ND X D ((Native X Dahlem Red) X Dahlem Red) cross was evaluated in farm upto52 weeks and in the field up to 40 weeks.

2. The fertility was very good and ranged from 84.44 to 93.37% in all the populations.

Critical Observations

Annual Report 2015 - 2016


Over all fertility is good and hatchability needs further improvement.

3. The 4 week body weight was 210.7, 184.36g, and 199.80g in Dahlem Red, native, and DRxN populations, respectively. The pullets of native and Dahlem Red matured early by 6 days, as compared to previous generation.

4. The hen housed egg production in DahlemRed was 56.91 eggs up to 40 weeks of age whereas native population recorded 46.83 eggs. The hen hosed egg production upto 52 weeks of age was 83.26, 72.46 and 120.14 eggs in Dahlem Red, native and DRxN populations, respectively. The 52 week production showed improvement in native populations.

5. The DNxD cross was evaluated under farm and field conditions up to 40 weeks of age. The 20 week body weight was 1602.81g in far and 1447.76 g in field condition.

6. The hen housed egg production in DNxD cross was 52.74 eggs in farm and 42.37 eggs in field conditions up to 40 weeks.

7. This cross produced 86.62eggs up to 52 weeks of age. The centre supplied 26,715 chicks of various crosses to farmers. The center realized receipt of Rs. 12.95 lakhs during the financial year which is 70.97% of expenditure on feed cost.

Short falls

1. Centre need to expedite process of development of location specific variety.

2. Mortality was very high (7.46- 25.69%).

3. Germplasm supply low

4. Revenue generation low.

MPUAT, UdaipurAccomplishments and achievements

1. MPUAT, Udaipur evaluated G-4 generation of Native germplasm from 52-72 weeks of age and G-5 generation was regenerated and evaluated up to 52 weeks of age. Pratapdhan was enaluated up to 72 weeks during E-4 and and up to 52 weeks in E-5.

2. The fertility Ranged from 78.81- 84.71% in all the populations. The fertility improved in Mewari chicken and RIR populations and Pratpdhan showed marginal improvement.

3. In Mewari population the juvenile body weights at 8 weeks marginally reduced (651.75g) during G-5 generation compared to G-4 generation.

4. The pullets matured 4.38 days late as compared to previous generation. The hen housed and hen day egg production upto 52 weeks was 39.96 and 70.58 eggs, respectively, in S-5 generation.

5. During S-4 generation, hen housed and hen day egg production was 95.09 and 73.14 eggs, respectively, up to 72 weeks of age.

6. Pratapdhan was evaluated up to 72 weeks of age during E-4 evaluation and during E-5 evaluation was done uoto 52 weeks of age. The hen housed egg production up to 40 and 52 weeks improved in E-5 as compared to E-4 evaluation.

7. The hen housed and hen day egg production was 80.15 and 159.12 eggs during E-4 evaluation. In E-5 the hen hosed and hen day egg production was 75.59 and 105.01 eggs up to 52 weeks of age.

8. A total of 75,604 germplasm were supplied to farmers during the current year. The center realized a receipt of Rs.11.33 lakhs during the current financial year which is 42.88% of expenditure on feed cost.

Short falls

1. Mortality was very high (4.67-23.42%).

2. Hatchability needs improvement

3. Revenue generation was low.

Critical Observations

Poultry Seed Project


Poultry Seed ProjectHistory

India is an agri-based country with more than 65% population living in rural areas, who mainly depends on agriculture and livestock farming for their livelihood. The intensive poultry farming largely depends on expensive inputs like feed ingredients, healthcare products, power and manpower. It has grown to an agri-based industry providing employment to 5-6 million people. Therefore, the intensive farming is limited to a few urban pockets in our country, which resulted in wide gap in availability of poultry produce (eggs & chicken meat) between urban and rural areas across the country. The poultry products are available relatively at cheaper price in abundance in production centres and at higher price in rural areas which resulted in wide gap in per capita consumption between urban and rural areas. Logically, there is a great need for protein rich food in the diets of rural population. Majority of rural families in our country consume rice or wheat as staple food, which is rich in energy and low in protein. Therefore, there is a great need for balanced protein for rural population to safe guard their health. Egg and chicken meat are less expensive and can be made readily available to enrich the low protein diets of rural / tribal population by adapting rural poultry farming.

ICAR-Directorate of Poultry Research, Hyderabad has developed three promising chicken varieties, which can sustain and perform better than the native (desi) chicken varieties available in the country. The improved rural chicken varieties developed by this Institute are Vanaraja, Gramapriya and Srinidhi which are popular for their better growth and production in the rural and tribal areas. The Directorate made modest attempt to popularize these varieties across the country. All these birds gained wider acceptability in almost all states of the country. Due to the limited facilities available with the Directorate for supply of these chicken varieties across the country and also difficulties involved in transportation of chicks and fertile eggs throughout the country, necessity was felt to establish rural chicken germplasm multiplication units across the country.

Indian Council of Agricultural Research initiated the Poultry Seed Project with a sole aim to provide the improved chicken varieties to all parts of the country through collaborative efforts involving state agricultural/veterinary universities, line departments and ICAR institutes. Six centres were sanctioned in XI plan and further strengthened in XII plan by adding another five centres, besides, one non funded centre has also been added.

Table 1.Centres in operation under Poultry Seed Project

S.No Centre State OldCentres1 West Bengal University of Animal and Fishery Sciences, Kolkata West Bengal2 Bihar Agricultural University, Patna Bihar3 Chhattisgarh KamadhenuViswaVidyalaya, Durg Chhattisgarh4 ICAR Reseacrh complex for NEH Region, Nagaland Centre, Jharnapani, Nagaland5 ICAR Reseacrh complex for NEH Region, Sikkim Centre, Gangtok Sikkim6 ICAR Reseacrh complex for NEH Region, Maniput Centre, Imphal ManipurNewCentres7 Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Hosur Tamil Nadu8 ICAR-Central Coastal Agricultural Research Institute, Panji, Goa Goa9 ICAR-Central Island Agricultural Research Institute, Portbliar A & N Islands10 IVRI Regional Station, Mukteswar Uttarakhand11 Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, Srinagar Jammu & Kashmir12* ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Barapani Meghalaya

*Non funded Centre


Annual Report 2015 - 2016



• Production of around 0.3-1.0 lakh improved poultry seed per identified centre per annum to distribute them in respective areas.

• Capacity building in SAUs/ICAR Institutes to produce poultry seed at each centre on its own.


Considering the advantages of establishing seed (fertile eggs / chicken) multiplication units, the Indian Council of Agricultural Research has initiated “Poultry Seed Project” during the XI five year plan. Initially six centres were sanctioned, three in the NE region and three in the main land and further strengthened with five more centres during XII plan as indicated below (Table 1).One non funded centre has also started during the XII plan.

Budget allocation

The council has sanctioned Rs. 2158 lakhs, under XII plan for poultry seed project which includes non-recurring and recurring expenditure required for implementing the project. Budget allocation for

each center is given below for the year 2015-16

Technical Program

• Technical program envisaged for all the centres is same except for the target of supplying chicks/fertile eggs.

• All the centres will procure parents (male line male and female line female) of improved chicken germplasm (Vanaraja, Gramapriya and Srinidhi) from the Directorate of Poultry Research. Day old parent chicks will be reared under standard management practices as per guidelines provided in the breeder manual supplied by the Directorate at the respective centre.

• Adult male and females birds will be reared to produce fertile hatching eggs. Day old chicks of the improved germplasm will be hatched out from the hatchery unit, and will be reared in the Nursery unit or sold to NGOs/ KVKs/farmers for nursery rearing up to 6 weeks of age. The chicks in the nursery unit will be provided with feed, medication, vaccination, brooding, and health care.

Table 2 Budget sanctioned and expenditure at different centres (Rs. Lakhs)

Centre XII plan EFC


Budget released

Actual expenditure

Receipt if any,

2010-11West Bengal University of Animal and Fishery Sciences, Kolkata

269.89 68.88 70.40 70.40 6.24

Bihar Agricultural University, Patna 242.81 65.71 34.00 34.00 7.80Chhattisgarh Kamadhenu ViswaVidyalaya, Durg 109.40 21.59 26.00 26.00 6.36ICAR Reseacrh complex for NEH Region, Nagaland Centre, Jharnapani,

227.95 52.83 71.00 71.00 14.19

ICAR Reseacrh complex for NEH Region, Sikkim Centre, Gangtok

146.86 34.73 47.50 47.50 22.19

ICAR Reseacrh complex for NEH Region, Maniput Centre, Imphal

234.49 53.25 66.80 66.80 --

Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Hosur

203.57 104.30 51.10 51.10 3.24

ICAR-Central Coastal Agricultural Research Institute, Panji, Goa

203.57 104.30 52.20 52.20 3.47

ICAR-Central Island Agricultural Research Institute, Portbliar

190.68 96.42 52.00 52.00 --

IVRI Regional Station, Mukteswar 173.70 88.41 0.04 0.04 --Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, Srinagar

155.07 64.22 69.50 69.50 2.63

Total 2158.00 759.63 540.54 540.54 66.12


Poultry Seed Project


After the nursery phase, the chicks will be distributed to the individual farmers on cost basis. Wherever possible, the day old chicks / fertile eggs of improved chicken varieties may be distributed to the individual farmers / extension agency / NGO / KVK, who has the facility to grow the birds up to 6 weeks of age in the Nursery Unit. These birds may be further distributed to the individual farmers at the rate of 10-15 birds per person.

• To know the performance of the birds at

farmer’s field recording of body weight at 4 weeks intervals during growing (7-20 weeks). Egg production and egg weight at every 14 day intervals during egg laying period (21-72 weeks) will be recorded.

• Analysis, documentation and reporting of the data at regular intervals

Table 3. Targets for germplasm supply for different Centres

S. No Centre Target (nos.)Old Centres

1 West Bengal University of Animal and Fishery Sciences, Kolkata 1,00,0002 Bihar Agricultural University, Patna 50,0003 Chhattisgarh Kamadhenu ViswaVidyalaya, Durg 40, 0004 ICAR Reseacrh complex for NEH Region, Nagaland Centre, Jharnapani, 70,0005 ICAR Reseacrh complex for NEH Region, Sikkim Centre, Gangtok 40,0006 ICAR Reseacrh complex for NEH Region, Maniput Centre, Imphal 60,000

New Centres7 Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Hosur 1,00,0008 ICAR Research complex for Goa, Panji 1,00,000* 9 Central Agricultural Research Institute, Portbliar 50,00010 IVRI Regional Station, Mukteswar 30,00011 Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, Srinagar 50,000

*to be revised

Technical Program

Annual Report 2015 - 2016


West Bengal University of Animal & Fishery Sciences, Kolkata

Activity assigned

• Maintaining parent stock for continuous supply of fertile eggs, day old and grown up chicks of rural chicken varieties.

• Recording the growth, production, fertility and hatchability in parents.

• Collection of data on growth and production for rural chicken varieties from farmer’s fields.

• Analysis, documentation and reporting of the data.

Work done

Parent stock

At Kolkata centre, seven batches of Vanaraja parents were under rearing at different ages. A total of 3096 female parents and 537 male parent birds of Vanaraja were reared in different cycles to maintain the continuous chick supply round the year. The chicks were fed ad libitum till 6 weeks of age, thereafter feed restriction schedule was followed as per the breeder manual to maintain the body weight during the laying period.

Egg production

The egg production, egg weight and hatching performance were presented in Table 4 and 5. The

Table 4. Egg production (%), egg weight (g), fertility (%) and hatchability (%) of Vanarajaparents in different cycles

Batch Age, wks

HDEP EW Fertility Hatchability

TES FESI 59-98 22.08 53.91 81.76 70.26 85.90II 28-79 35.37 48.68 86.42 74.27 85.94III 25-69 60.51 47.83 84.34 75.16 88.94IV 26-54 40.03 41.12 84.05 73.51 87.14

average hen day egg production (HDEP) ranged from 22.08 (59-98 weeks) to 60.51% (25-69 weeks) in Vanaraja parents in different batches during various age groups. The egg production was consistent from 28-30 weeks onwards in Vanaraja in all the batches till 60 weeks of age, thereafter fluctuated till the end of the cycle. The production

was consistent during third cycle from 26-69 weeks with peak production of above 70 percent during 36-37 weeks and 47-50 weeks of age. The high performance might be due

Table 5. Egg production in Vanaraja parents (III) in a complete laying cycle at Kolkata

Age, wks

No. of Layers


EW, (g)



TES FES25 280 36.3 38.1 31.72 27.2 85.626 272 59.9 39 47.92 37.2 77.727 260 56.9 39.5 83.10 69.9 84.128 247 65.8 39.8 84.43 73.2 86.729 231 68.8 40.1 82.75 75 90.630 231 61.3 40.2 86.61 80.3 92.731 231 64.5 40.5 84.79 41.9 49.532 231 60.9 41 87.98 79.8 90.733 231 65.2 41.2 86.73 80.6 9334 231 69.3 42 90.78 81.2 89.435 225 69 43 91.52 85.7 93.636 210 74.1 43.5 91.49 86.3 94.437 194 71.4 43.8 88.88 83.6 9438 185 68.9 44 87.40 75.4 86.239 174 59.9 45 88.68 86.7 97.840 150 58.6 45.1 89.95 83.8 93.141 135 56.1 45.8 87.28 81.5 93.442 112 57.5 46.1 88.86 82.5 92.843 92 68 47 83.45 76.1 91.244 85 63.5 47 82.32 73.8 89.645 82 57.3 46.8 80.63 76.3 94.646 80 67.5 47.9 83.11 76.8 92.547 78 72.5 48.1 86.35 79.8 92.448 76 71.6 48.2 90.08 84.6 93.949 76 72.4 49.1 88.36 83.3 94.350 76 70.1 49.4 89.44 79.4 88.851 76 53.6 50 82.61 80.8 97.852 75 63.6 51 86.15 79.7 92.553 72 63.3 51.5 87.66 84.1 95.954 70 68 51.5 87.69 74.5 84.955 68 73.3 52 87.46 74.9 85.756 66 68.4 53 86.73 77.3 89.257 66 65.4 53 86.30 74.7 86.558 66 66.2 53.1 85.67 74.7 87.359 66 65.6 53.5 87.21 78.8 90.360 66 56.3 53.6 88.80 74.8 84.261 66 50.4 54 89.43 80.6 90.162 66 49.8 53.8 90.54 78.4 86.663 66 50.6 54 91.96 73.7 80.164 66 58.2 54.1 86.64 66.8 77.165 66 40.5 54.2 80.11 72.9 9166 66 35.7 54.6 81.99 72 87.967 66 37.9 54.5 77.06 71.2 92.468 63 42.2 54.7 81.97 72.1 8869 63 46.9 55 84.85 78.3 92.3

Average 60.51 47.83 84.34 75.16 88.94


Poultry Seed Project


Table 6. Characteristics of Vanaraja farming and economics

Sl No Parameters Attributes Response1 Support to family income Principal Source 40 %

Supplementary Source 53%Down Stream enterprise 07 %

2 Duration of farming More than 4 years 37%More than 2 years 43%More than 1 year 20%

3 Flock size per batch More than 400 33%250-400 47%50-250 20%

4 Batch interval 84 ± 8 days5 Age of marketing 62 ± 4 days6 Body weight at disposal, Kgs 1.75 ± 0.247 Sale price per Kg live weight Rs. 114.2 ± 6.1 8 Feed management Compounded feed 18 %

Compounded feed + House hold grains 82 %9 Feed cost, kg Rs. 26.75 ± 3.210 Profit margin (100 birds) Rs. 3060 ± 262.0011 Advantages of Vanaraja over commercial

broilerConsumers’ preference 62 %

Higher sale price 69 %Faster growth 67 %Low chick price 34 %Acceptability of all feed 22 %Less spoilage of litter 08 %

12 Advantages from Vanaraja farming Additional family income 80 %Helps in children education 47 %Aids in family expenditure 68 %

to the better management practices indicating the potential of the birds. The egg weights ranged from 41.12 to 53.91 g in different cycles depending on the age of the birds (Table 4). The average hen day egg production at 40 weeks of age was 51.06 % across the batches in Vanaraja parents. The fertility rate ranged from 81.76 to 86.42 % across the batches (Table 4). The average hatchability on total egg set (TES) and fertile egg set (FES) ranged from 70 to 75 and 87 to 89 %, respectively in Vanaraja female parents, respectively.

Germplasm supply

A total of 52,408 chicks of Vanaraja were distributed to farmers in various parts of West Bengal and adjoining north eastern states with revenue of Rs.

6.24 lakhs during the reporting period. A total of 53 farmers/NGO/self help groups benefited from rearing Vanaraja birds in West Bengal.

Field evaluation and feedback

In West Bengal, Vanaraja is attractive as broiler among self-financed marginal and small poultry producers. In state-financed schemes where Vanaraja chicks were distributed free of costs to beneficiaries under self-help programmes 15 to 20 % birds survive up to egg laying stage. Field performance of Vanaraja as broiler with 32 respondents is presented in Table 6. The study demonstrated that rearing of 100 flock of Vanaraja birds generate a net income (profit) of Rs. 3060/- in west Bengal.


Annual Report 2015 - 2016


Bihar Agricultural University, PatnaActivity assigned

• Maintaining parent stock for continuous supply of fertile eggs, day old and grownup chicks of rural chicken varieties.

• Recording the growth, production, fertility and hatchability in parents.

• Collection of data on growth and production for rural chicken varieties from farmer’s fields.

• Analysis, documentation and reporting of the data.

Work done

Parent Stock

Two batches of Vanaraja and one batch of Gramapriya parents were reared under deep litter system. A total of 1190 Vanaraja parents were procured during this year. The mean body weight in male and female parents at 6 weeks of age was 723.38±12.06 and 592.18±12.82 g in Vanaraja and 542.30±12.63 and 327.52±5.37 g in Gramapriya, respectively (Table 7). The 20 week body weight was 3216.54±63.96 and 1783.35±40.14 g in Vanaraja

male and female parents and 2558.20±42.77 and 1496.82±33.46 g in Gramapriya male and female parents, respectively. The body weight in both Vanaraja and Gramapriya female parents was lower than the standard body weight of the breed. Proper monitoring of feed restriction is required for improving the body weight.

Egg production

The age at sexual maturity was 175 days in Vanaraja and 163 days in Gramapriya parents. The hen day egg production in Vanaraja and Gramapriya at 40 weeks of age was 16.43 % and 21.72 % respectively. The peak production was 50 % in Vanaraja (49-50 weeks) 37 % in Gramapriya (30 weeks) during the entire laying cycle. The overall egg production was low in both Vanaraja and Gramapriya parents. The feed restriction and feed quality needs to be checked to improve the egg production. The egg weights at 40 weeks in Vanaraja and Gramapriya parents was 51.82 and 56.47 g, respectively (Table 8).

Fertility and Hatchability

The average fertility percentage was 80.46 and 82.56 % in Vanaraja and Gramapriya parents, respectively.

Table 7. Average body weights (g) in Vanaraja and Gramapriya parents

Age, weeks Vanaraja GramapriyaMale line Female line Male line Female line

4 376.32±9.95 379.80±8.31 336.84±8.29 224.38±4.296 592.18±12.82 723.38±12.06 542.30±12.63 327.52±5.378 1078.02±28.24 775.66±20.25 1193.76±24.78 708.24±14.2812 1891.88±46.44 1165.78±22.77 1319.10±33.44 961.12±21.1216 2354.72±59.97 1675.86±36.54 1537.74±35.16 1265.98±29.7220 3216.54±63.96 1783.35±40.14 2558.20±42.77 1496.82±33.46

Table 8. Egg production (%) and egg weight (g) in Vanaraja and Gramapriya parents (% on hen day basis)

Age, weeks Hen day egg production Egg weightVanaraja Gramapriya Vanaraja Gramapriya

28 32.40 31.83 46.74 45.3240 16.43 21.72 51.82 56.4752 46.90 16.03 54.78 57.3264 31.42 16.82 62.1072 22.19 27.48 62.60


Poultry Seed Project


Table 9. Fertility (%) and hatchability (%) in Vanaraja and Gramapriya parents

Vanaraja Gramapriya

Age, wks Fertility Hatchability Fertility Hatchability


28 84.17 76.65 85.95 76.10 48.42 63.63

40 86.58 58.48 67.54 74.02 46.98 63.47

52 83.07 47.66 57.37 78.27 59.07 74.91

64 66.35 53.08 80.00 85.16 77.34 90.83

72 82.55 58.72 71.14 81.70 62.04 75.94

Overall 80.46 54.38 70.56 82.56 50.67 68.59

In, Vanaraja the TES and FES were 54.38% and 70.56%, respectively, while the corresponding hatchability in Gramapriya was 50.67% and 68.59%, respectively (Table 9).

Germplasm supply

A total of 31,049 day old chicks and grown up birds were distributed among the farmers in Bihar. Grown up chicks (5-6 weeks) were distributed to farmers through various agencies like ATMA and KVKs to promote backyard poultry farming in the state. The birds were distributed in Arwal, Jahanabad, Nalanda and Gaya districts. An amount of Rs. 7.8 lakhs revenue was generated at Patna centre.

Feedback from the beneficiaries

The farmers reared the Vanaraja and Gramapriya birds under intensive, semi intensive and extensive

systems of rearing. The farmers expressed satisfaction on the performance of the birds (Vanaraja & Gramapriya) under backyard system of rearing with minimal or no inputs from the farmer. The poultry farming operations were handled by SHG members. The SH groups are selling their eggs through evening egg shop in local market which are fetching higher price due to the larger size and brown colour of the eggs

Constraints and difficulties, if any

• High growing period mortality during winter season

• Less demand for chicks during winter season• High feed cost


Annual Report 2015 - 2016


Activity assigned

• Maintaining parent stock for continuous supply of fertile eggs, day old and grown up chicks of rural chicken varieties.

• Recording the growth, production, fertility and hatchability in parents.

• Collection of data on growth and production for rural chicken varieties from farmer’s fields.

• Analysis, documentation and reporting of the data.

Work done: Parent Stock

Three batches of Vanaraja and one batch of Gramapriya were reared under standard management practices in deep litter system at Durg during the reporting period. The body weight of Vanaraja and Gramapriya female parents at 20 weeks of age was 940.4 and 1066.9 g which were low as per the standard target body weight (Table 10). The target body weight needs to be maintained by monitoring

Table 10. Weekly body weight (g) of Vanarajaand Gramapriya parent stock

Week Body weight

Vanaraja Gramapriya

Male Female Male Female

6 658.5 550.1 350.4 224.9

10 1443.2 750.6 618.3 364.0

16 1752.7 880.5 1465.5 725.1

20 1940.6 940.4 1940.9 1066.9

40 2240.5 1550.3 2285.5 1211.6

Table 11. Egg production (%) in Vanaraja and Gramapriya parents

Vanaraja GramapriyaAge, Week

No. of layers

HDEP No. of layers


56 159 54.8 187 54.160 152 36.7 185 36.464 152 29.3 181 27.768 143 21.7 177 17.572 70 8.9 85 7.21

Chattisgarh Kamadhenu Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Durg

the feeding schedule to get the optimum production during the laying phase.

Egg production

The hen day egg production ranged from 8.9 -54.8 % in Vanaraja and 7.2-54.1 % in Gramapriya during 56-72 weeks of age (Table 11). The hatchability on total and fertile egg set in Vanaraja female parents was 75.33 and 81.44 %, respectively.

The field data on body weights were collected. The body weight at 6 weeks of age was 578.7 g and 12 weeks body weight ranged from 1300-1500 g in Vanaraja birds under filed conditions.

Germplasm Supply

A total of 28,976 improved chicken germplasm of Vanaraja and Gramapriya were distributed to the farmers across Chattisgarh. A total of 255 farmers from 65 villages benefited from the project. An amount of Rs. 6.36 lakhs revenue was generated from the Centre.

Constraints1. Only one setter is available at the Centre.

One more setter is required immediately for efficient running of the project.

2. No feed store at the centre


Poultry Seed Project


ICAR Research Complex NEH Region, Nagaland Centre Jharnapani, Nagaland

Activity assigned

• Maintenance of parent stock for continuous supply of fertile eggs, day old and grown up chicks of rural chicken varieties.

• Recording the growth, production, fertility and hatchability in parents.

• Collection of data on growth and production for rural chicken varieties from farmer’s fields.

• Analysis, documentation and reporting of the data.

Work done

Parent stock

Two batches of Vanaraja and two batches of Srinidhi parents were reared at Jharnapani during the reporting period. A total of 1146 Vanaraja parents and 334 Srinidhi parents were Z maintained under deep litter system. The details of body weight from 1 to 20 weeks in parents of Vanaraja and Srinidhi are presented in Table 12. The body weight at 6 and 20 weeks of age was 626.73±64.76 and 1907.50 ±149.66 g in Vanaraja female parents. The six week body weight was 352.73±77.32 g in Srinidhi female parents, respectively. The mortality percentage up to 6 weeks of age was about 16 % in Vanaraja and about 9 % in Srinidhi parents, respectively.

Egg production

The hen day egg production ranged from 37 to 44 % in Vanaraja parents and 49 to 53 % in Srinidhi parents, respectively (Table 13). The production is not consistent and could not reach even 70%. The peak production was observed between 33-37 weeks of age (53-61 %) and could not sustain for a longer period in Vanaraja. In case of Srinidhi, the peak production (77 %) reached at early age below 30 weeks and sustained up to 43 weeks of age with above 50 % production. Early production might be due to the improper lighting management during the growing stage. The egg production potential of the birds could not be attained due to various factors at Jharnapani Centre. The egg production was quite low in Vanaraja parents, which needs attention.

Hatching performances

The fertility varied from 60 to 64 % in Vanaraja and 63 to 72% in Srinidhi parents (Table 13). The hatchability on fertile eggs set was 53-63 % in Vanaraja and 63-73 %, respectively in Srinidhi parents across different batches. The hatching performance on total egg set was poor in Vanaraja and Srinidhi parents, respectively, which needs immediate attention. The incubation conditions in setter have to be monitored regularly for improving the hatchability percentage.

Table 12. Juvenile and growing period body weights (g) in Vanaraja and Srinidhi parents

Age, week Vanaraja Male Vanaraja female Srinidhi Male Srinidhi Female1 84.7±12.60 90.67±11.52 109±14.93 56.87±11.882 187.2±32.0 176.2±17.8 241.95±22.50 89.80±16.874 424.6±62.13 379.87±40.0 687.05±51.95 197.20±30.946 786.35±72.60 626.73±64.76 1085.05±75.92 352.73±77.328 1251.45±90.03 963.83±67.67 1452.7±94.73 545.60±34.7010 1534.5±113.74 1281.5±118.50 1618.6±150.09 776.6±107.9112 1809.95±153.0 1415.63±146.60 2013.3±239.33 850.10±86.2714 1983.4±128.0 1523.8±94.79 2400.2±211.39 959.50±56.9516 2242.95±158.34 1687.5±180.07 2946.25±296.80 1124.80-±82.6018 2676.35±191.50 1705.07±147.90 3595.55±369.16 1224.167±112.5020 2947.1±308.71 1907.50±149.66 -- --


Annual Report 2015 - 2016


Table 13. Egg production (%), fertility (%) and hatchability (%) in parents of Vanaraja and Srinidhi

Batch Age, wks

HDEP Fertility Hatchability

TES FESVanaraja

I 25-76 37.20 63.97 40.87 62.69II 27-43 44.12 59.54 30.57 53.34

SrinidhiI 25-61 49.63 71.46 52.66 72.86II 22-42 53.04 63.22 32.17 63.22

Germplasm supply

A total of 39,061 improved chicken germplasm was distributed to farmers of Nagaland and neighbouring states during the year 2015-16. The propagation work was carried out in collaboration with KVKs, NGOs and other developmental agencies under different state/central sponsored program/schemes.

Table 14. Details of Germplasm Supply in Nagaland

Month Chicks Farmers InstitutionsApril, 2015 3805 17 0May, 2015 4182 18 2June, 2015 5255 18 1July, 2015 5132 16 2August, 2015 3650 12 2September, 2015 3206 21 3October, 2015 2587 21 2November, 2015 1250 2 4December, 2015 1907 3 0January, 2016 977 6 0February, 2016 4426 14 2March, 2016 2684 5 2Total 39061 153 20

Several capacity building programs were undertaken to popularize the backyard/rural poultry farming in Nagaland. A total of 14.91 lakh revenue was generated under PSP at Jharnapani Centre.

A total of 173 beneficiaries were benefited from different districts in Nagaland and adjoining areas. A total of 8613 grown up chicks of Vanaraja and Srinidhi varieties were provided to 29 beneficiaries under Tribal Sub Plan (TSP). The performance of Vanaraja birds under field condition was appraised from the demonstration unit established in previous year.

Feedback from the farmers

Poultry Seed Project has become popular in the state and also in NEH region with huge demand for grown-up chicks. The improved chicken germplasm reached to almost all parts of the state inspite of high cost of transportation due to hilly terrain. This project is successfully meeting the demand of eggs and meat and generating subsidiary income to the rural/tribal people across the state. The project is also empowering the rural women and providing the livelihood to the rural poor families.


• Irregular power supply throughout the year affected the hatchery operations. Additional power generator is required immediately for smooth running of the project work.

• Higher rate of chick mortality during winter season. Demand of day old chicks is very limited.

• Non-availability of quality feed ingredients and packaging material in the region.


Poultry Seed Project


ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Sikkim Centre Gangtok, Sikkim

Activity assigned

• Maintenance of parent stock for continuous supply of fertile eggs, day old and grownup chicks of rural chicken varieties.

• Recording the growth, production, fertility and hatchability in parents.

• Collection of data on growth and production for rural chicken varieties from farmer’s fields.

• Analysis, documentation and reporting of the data.

Work done

Parent Stock

Two batches of Vanaraja parents were in position at Gangtok during the reporting period, one batch was under laying phase (75 weeks) and one under growing phase (13 weeks). The mortality up to 6 weeks of age was only 1% and up to 13 weeks was 6 % (cumulative) indicating the better management during the juvenile phase. The body weight of male and female parents of Vanaraja at 6 weeks of age was 564.4 and 743 g, respectively. The weekly body weights of Vanaraja birds up to 20 weeks of age were presented in Table 15

Table 15.Body weight (g) of Vanaraja birds up to 13 weeks of age

Age, weeks No of birds Body weight

Female Male1 861 74.57 92.22 856 175.80 207.753 855 279.60 427.504 855 387.10 522.505 855 416.40 554.006 853 562.40 743.007 844 646.40 844.008 833 705.00 931.009 833 916.50 1052.0010 820 1074.00 1221.5011 818 1166.00 1335.0012 818 1309.00 1588.5013 809 1390.00 1820.00

Egg production

The average hen day egg production in Vanaraja was 44.56 (25-76 weeks) with an average egg weight of 57.94 g during the reporting period at Gangtok. The egg production (HDEP) and egg weights at different ages are presented in Table 16. Peak production (52-58 %) attained at 29 weeks of age sustained till 45 weeks of age and gradually decreased to the end of the laying cycle. The higher egg weights suggests the improper feed restriction leading to higher body weights resulting in heavier eggs. The egg production may be further improved by controlling the body weight following the feed restriction effectively.

Table 16. Egg production (%) and egg weight (g) in Vanaraja parents birds

Age, weeks HDEP Egg weight

28 46.81 52.0

40 54.70 56.0

52 49.52 57.1

64 37.26 59.7

72 37.80 59.7

Avearge (25-76) 44.56 57.94

Hatching performance

The data on reproductive performance of Vanaraja female parents is presented in Table 17. The fertility ranged from 85 to 92% with an average of 89 % during the year. Fertility was consistent throughout the year except for the winter months. The hatchability on total egg set (TES) ranged from 62-85 % with an average of 73%. The fertility and hatchability is fairly good indicating ideal hatching conditions.


Annual Report 2015 - 2016


Table 17. Hatching performance in Vanaraja parents

Month Fertility (%) Hatchability TES (%) April 15 87.26 67.32May 15 85.38 62.67June 15 86.89 66.46July 15 85.97 69.08Aug 15 89.82 80.02Sep 15 87.63 74.74Oct 15 90.55 73.04Nov 15 91.87 78.52Dec 14 91.14 66.98Jan 16 88.42 76.62Feb 16 90.18 84.66Mar 16 90.46 80.17Total 88.79 73.35

Table 18. Details of chick distribution in Sikkim

Month Tribal Sub Plan Normal (payment)Chicks No. of

villagesNo. of

farmersChicks No. of

villagesNo. of

farmersApril, 2014 1385 03 57 332 05 05May, 2014 1850 20 74 400 08 08June, 2014 3925 45 157 1480 10 10July, 2014 5287 37 212 315 05 05August, 2014 6667 59 265 97 06 06September, 2014 5497 40 218 315 04 04October, 2014 5731 36 228 - - -November, 2014 5306 29 211 300 02 02December, 2014 4202 35 186 - - -January, 2015 2739 24 110 - - -February, 2015 3285 19 131 750 02 02March, 2015 1834 16 73 1000 01 01Total 47708 363 1922 4989 43 43

Germplasm supply

A total of 53,407 improved chicken germplasm was distributed to farmers across Sikkim. A total 1965 farmers from 406 villages in Sikkim were benefited

with the Vanaraja birds (Table 18). The revenue generated was Rs. 22.19 lakhs from the Centre. The success of backyard poultry was demonstrated in tribal areas of Sikkim. The centre achieved the set targets and effectively popularized the rural poultry farming in tribal and rural areas of Sikkim.


No constraints were reported in operating the project


Poultry Seed Project


ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region Manipur Centre Imphal, Manipur

Activity assigned

• Maintaining parent stock for continuous supply of fertile eggs, day old and grown up chicks of rural chicken varieties.

• Recording the growth, production, fertility and hatchability in parents.

• Collection of data on growth and production for rural chicken varieties from farmer’s fields.

• Analysis, documentation and reporting of the data.

Work done

Parent Stock

One batch of Vanaraja and one batch of Srinidhi parents were in position at Manipur Centre. A total of 934 ( 16 weeks) Vanaraja parents and 386 (16 weeks) Srinidhi parents were maintained under standard management practices during the year. The body weight at 16 weeks of age in male and female parents was 2262.89 and 2237.30 g in Vanaraja and 2779.09 and 1457.50 g in Srinidhi, respectively (Table 19). The body weight was higher in both parents of Vanaraja and male parent of Srinidhi, which is not desirable as it effects the egg production. The target body weight at 20 weeks should be around 2 kg to maintain the egg production. It clearly shows that the feed restriction schedule was not followed. It is suggested to follow the feed restriction strictly to maintain the body weight for better egg production during laying.

Table 19. Body weight (g) in Vanaraja and Srinidhi parents

Age, wks Vanaraja SrinidhiMale Female Male Female

4 487.00 358.27 503.59 306.008 1339.67 955.82 1374.35 793.5012 1627.78 1046.91 2277.27 878.7516 2262.89 2237.30 2779.09 1457.50

Germplasm supply

A total of 9,860 improved rural chicken germplasm was distributed to the farmers in Manipur. The details of chick distribution were presented in Table 20.

Table 20. Distribution of improved chicken germplasm in Manipur during the year

Sl. No


Village/District chicks distributed

1 20 Chandel 400 2 17 Senapati 510 3 22 Churachanpur 660 4 34 Ukhrul 1020 5 6 Chandel 3006 7 Senapati 350 7 5 Churachanpur 250 8 6 Ukhrul 300 9 NGO/


Maiba Village, Senapati


10 NGO/Community/KVK

Komlathabi Village, Chandel


11 NGO/Community/KVK

Tupul Village Tamenglong


12 NGO/Community/KVK

Thangkholui Village


Total 9860

Field performance and Feedback from the farmers

Field data on growth performance of Vanaraja were collected at different places from Manipur (Table 21). The body weight at 16 weeks of age was 2197 and 2110 in male and female chicks of Vanaraja.

Table 21. Body weight (g) of Vanaraja chicks under field conditions

Age, weeks Male Female 4 420.50 388.708 1229.23 1158.7012 1561.72 1505.2016 2197.26 2110.80


• Due to outbreak of bird flu last year, the target could not be achieved.

• The strong earthquake tremor had caused massive damage to poultry sheds.

• Higher rate of chick mortality during winter season.

• Non- availability of quality feed ingredients in the region and high feed cost.


Annual Report 2015 - 2016


New CentresThe Poultry Seed Project was strengthened by adding five more centres under XII plan and have come in to operation from 2014-15. All the centres started rearing the parents in the existing facilities except IVRI, Mukteswar. The civil works and procurement of equipments at different centre is in progress.

Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (TANUVAS), Hosur

Activity assigned

• Construction of civil works

• Procurement of poultry equipments

• Maintaining parent stock for continuous supply of fertile eggs, day old and grown up chicks of rural chicken varieties.

• Analysis, documentation and reporting of the data.

Work done

Civil works and equipments

The construction of civil works and procurements of equipments is in progress


One batch of Vanaraja and one batch of Granapriya parents were in position at Hosur Centre. A total of

621 Vanaraja parents and 567 Gramapriya parents were maintained under standard management practices during the year. The body weight at 6 weeks of age in male and female parents was 794.6 ± 10.4 and 519.3 ± 3.8 g in Vanaraja and 712.2 ±12.4 and 295.0 g in Gramapriya, respectively (Table 22). The body weight at 20 weeks of age was 1780.2 and 1322.4 g in Vanaraja and Gramapriya female parents. The target body weight at 20 weeks age was lower which needs attention and proper monitoring feeding schedule is required to maintain the body weight.

Egg production

The hen day egg production in both Vanaraja and Gramapria was presented in Table 23.The peak egg production attained at 28 weeks with 75% in Vanaraja and 80 % in Gramapriya, respectively and sustained up to 35 weeks. The egg production in

Table 22. Body weight (g) in Vanaraja and Gramapriya parents

Age, weeks Vanaraja GramapriyaMale Female Male Female

1 37.7 ± 0.4 (68) 33.7 ± 0.2 (553) 32.9 ± 0.5 (58) 31.4 ± 0.1 (508)2 91.8 ± 1.4 (64) 83.3 ± 0.5 (524) 91.2 ± 1.5 (58) 61.6 ± 0.4 (497)3 192.3 ± 2.9 (63) 166.1 ± 1.1 (516) 179.9 ± 3.4 (58) 109.6 ± 0.7 (492)4 334.2 ± 5.5 (63) 278.4 ± 1.8 (516) 314.4 ± 6.6 (58) 171.97 ± 1.2 (492) 5 539.5 ± 7.5 (63) 430.5 ± 2.6 (516) 524.8 ± 8.4 (58) 222.6 ± 1.6 (491) 6 794.6 ± 10.4 (63) 519.3 ± 3.8 (516) 712.2 ±12.4 (58) 295.0 ± 2.5 (487)7 834.8 ± 11.8 (63) 617.4 ± 4.6 (513) 831.5 ± 16.1 (58) 345.9 ± 2.9 (486)8 911.6 ± 13.4 (63) 708.3 ± 5.0 (509) 905.1 ± 19.9 (56) 427.8 ± 3.9 (486)9 1055.9 ± 15.3 (62) 840.3 ± 5.4 (507) 1020.9 ± 21.4 (55) 539.4 ± 4.8 (483)10 1152.2 ± 17.2 (61) 936.3 ± 5.7 (505) 1185.1 ± 21.1 (55) 632.6 ± 5.6 (481)11* 1157.3 ± 21.6 (61) 983.7 ± 6.0 (504) 1174.8 ± 22.9 (48) 743.4 ± 6.5 (480)12* 1167.6 (25) 1056.5 (100) 1211.2 (25) 872.4 (100)13* 1201.6 (25) 1109.4 (100) 1279.1 (25) 887.7 (100)14* 1385.8 (60) 1233.7 (100) 1323.0 (45) 1009.6 (100)15* 1394.6 (60) 1275.4 (74) 1328.1 (43) 1102.8 (71)16* 1417.7 (17) 1321.7 (67) 1359.0 (17) 1151.1(69)17* 1691.0 (21) 1521.6 (82) 1390.0 (24) 1198.5 (80)18* 1719.5 (22) 1632.6 (90) 1555.5 (20) 1240.8 (80)19* 1860.5 (21) 1718.6 (81) 1729.1 (22) 1286.1 (83)20* 2025.9 (57) 1780.2 (65) 1942.3 (38) 1322.4 (85)


Poultry Seed Project


both the breeds is as per the standards of the breeds. The egg weight was also good 50 g in Vanaraja and 51 g in Gramapriya at 28 weeks of age.

Table 23. Egg production (%) and egg weight (%) in Vanaraja and Gramapriya parents birds

Age, wks

Vanaraja Gramapriya

HDEP EW HDEP EW25 28.4 43.0 26.5 44.826 53.6 44.8 56.3 46.827 67.4 46.1 75.6 47.228 75.0 49.7 79.2 51.429 71.5 50.3 80.7 52.030 69.3 51.1 80.6 52.931 67.1 51.7 79.7 53.232 67.2 52.2 80.9 54.533 68.3 52.6 79.4 55.134 67.6 52.6 81.3 55.135 67.2 52.6 77.0 55.2

Hatching performance

The data on fertility and hatchability of Vanaraja and Gramapriya female parents was presented in Table 23. The fertility ranged from 72 to 92% in Vanaraja and 80-89 % in Gramapriya respectively during the year. The hatchability on total egg set (TES) ranged from 68-89 % and 74-83 % in Vanaraja and Gramapriya female parents, respectively. The fertility and hatchability is consistently good

indicating ideal hatching conditions.

Table 23. Hatching performance in Vanaraja parents

Age, wks

Vanaraja GramapriyaFertility





28 72.7 68.4 94.1 80.1 74.1 92.629 83.0 76.5 92.2 85.9 79.9 93.130 88.5 83.1 93.9 86.0 80.7 93.931 88.8 84.6 95.3 86.1 79.1 91.932 89.0 86.0 96.7 88.8 83.9 94.533 91.7 89.0 97.1 86.9 81.9 94.234 91.9 88.3 96.1 86.7 83.3 96.0

Germplasm supply

A total of 18, 896 improved rural chicken germplasm was distributed to 193 farmers in Tamil Nadu with an amount of Rs. 3.24 lakhs revenue generation.

Feedback from farmers

Most of the farmers expressed interest for grownup birds as it was less risky. The body weight at 5 weeks of age under field conditions was 597 in Vanaraja and 430 g in Gramapriya, respectively.


• Sanctioned casual manpower is less


Annual Report 2015 - 2016


ICAR-Central Coastal Agricultural Research Institute, GoaActivity assigned

• Construction of civil works• Procurement of poultry equipments• Maintaining parent stock for continuous

supply of fertile eggs, day old and grown up chicks of rural chicken varieties.

• Analysis, documentation and reporting of the data.

Work done

Civil works and equipments

The construction poultry houses and hatchery is in progress. Rs. 25 lakhs was deposited with CPWD, Goa for construction of brooder and grower house. Procurement of Poultry Setter (5000 eggs Capacity), Poultry Hatcher (5000 eggs Capacity).

Parent stock

The activities of the project started at Goa with the procurement of Parent stock of Gramapriya chicks (423) from ICAR-Directorate of Poultry Research, Hyderabad. The Parent stock of Gramapriya was maintained under standard management practices in the existing facilities. The body weight at 6 and 20 weeks of age in male and female parents of Gramapriya were 571.55 and 418.96 g and 1798.67 and 1008.65 g , respectively. The body weight in female parent was very low which affects the productivity at laying. Regular monitoring of feeding and management is advised to improve the body weight in female parents.

Egg production

The data on egg production at different ages is presented in Table 24. At 40 weeks egg production was 46 % in Vanaraja and declined drastically. The egg production is low, needs improvement. Proper management and quality feed might improve the performance of the birds. The fertility and hatchability on total egg set was 82.6 and 60.2 %, respectively.

Table 24. Egg production in Gramapriya parents

Age, weeks Hen day egg production, %28 10.6740 45.9252 27.8464 28.4172 29.44

Germplasm supply

A total of 3,885 improved rural chicken germplasm was distributed to 135 farmers in Goa. An amount of Rs. 3.47 lakhs revenue was generated during 2015-16.

Farmers Feedback

A survey was conducted in villages of Goa and feedback was collected through a well devised interview schedule. Most of the farmers were interested in dual-purpose birds and preferred grownup birds instead of day old chicks.


Poultry Seed Project


ICAR-Central Island Agricultural Research Institute Portblair, A & N Islands

Activity assigned

• Construction of civil works

• Procurement of poultry equipments

• Maintaining parent stock for continuous supply of fertile eggs, day old and grown up chicks of rural chicken varieties.

• Analysis, documentation and reporting of the data.

Work done

Civil works and equipments

The construction of poultry houses and hatchery is in progress. Equipment procurement will be taken up during 2015-16.

Parent stock

The centre has initiated the rearing of parents in the existing facilities. Two batches of Vanaraja parents were reared under deep litter system during the

reporting period. A total of 570 Vanaraja male and female parents in growing stage (9 weeks) were in position at Portblair. The six week body weight was 397 and 498 g in female and male parents of Vanaraja, respectively. The body weight was low compared to breed standards. Monitoring the feed quality and management is important to improve the body weight.

Egg production

The age at sexual maturity (ASM) was 168 days. The 40 week hen day egg production was 50 % in Vanaraja parents and maintained for 6 weeks (46 weeks) . The 40 week egg weight was 57g. Proper hatchability could not be achieved due to the limitations in the existing hatchery

Germplasm Supply

A total 939 Vanaraja chicks were distributed in Andaman & Nicobar Islands utilizing the old facilities.

ICAR-Indian Veterinary Research Institute, MukteswarThe works could not be initiated due to administrative and technical difficulties.


Annual Report 2015 - 2016


Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir

Activity assigned

• Construction of civil works• Procurement of poultry equipments• Maintaining parent stock for continuous

supply of fertile eggs, day old and grown up chicks of rural chicken varieties.

• Analysis, documentation and reporting of the data.

Work done

Civil works and equipments

The construction of civil works is in progress. The construction of brooder house (1000 sqft) was completed. Hatchery building is in final phases of completion. Procured basic equipments and others is in progress

Parent stock

The centre has initiated the rearing of Vanaraja parents in the existing facilities. A total of 687 Vanaraja male and female parents were maintained under deep litter system and performance was recorded up to 64 weeks of age (Table 25). The body weight at 20 and 40 weeks of age was 2535.75±47.70 g in male and 1712.32±30.78 g female parents of Vanaraja.

Table 25. Adult body weight of Vanaraja parent stock

Age, weeks VanarajaMale Female

20 2535.75±47.70 1712.32±30.7828 2863.75±42.57 2390.18±50.3540 3222.53±68.08 2524.13±34.8252 3366.05±64.48 2471.31±32.1264 3276.77±64.16 2435.04±29.87

Egg production

The egg laying commenced at about 25 weeks of age in Vanaraja, and reached 50% production by 38 weeks of age (Table 26). The age at first egg was 173 days. But with onset of winter a sharp decline in production was observed which continued throughout the winter months. The average egg weight at 40-44 weeks of age was 58.32 g.

Table 26. Egg production and egg weight in Vanaraja female parents

Age, weeks Hen day Egg production, %

Egg weight, g

23-26 1.16 44.0327-30 20.65 50.8831-35 49.01 53.2836-39 46.96 57.1140-44 18.26 58.3245-48 9.51 59.1549-52 5.8 59.5453-59 3.88 61.5058-61 3.22 60.2062-65 1.3 60.1766-69 3.72 61.14

Hatching performance

The hatchability on total egg set (TES) and fertile egg set (FES) was 65.67 and 80.67 % in Vanaraja parents at Srinagar (Table 27). During winter hatches could not be taken due to extreme cold temperatures.

Table 27. Hatching performance in Vanaraja parents

Age, weeks Hatchability % TES FES

28-29 60 83.1130-31 63.87 79.7832-33 73.88 87.1733-34 67.85 76.7034-35 61.53 80,8135-36 77.98 90.6236-37 65.62 76.2437-38 70.34 84.2538-39 74.79 84.3839-40 62.50 82.5640-41 49.28 70.8841-43 62.09 76.5643-45 67.34 82.9845-48 43.91 67.78

65.67 80.67

Germplasm Supply

A total of 9616 Vanaraja chicks were distributed to farmers in Jammu and Kashmir with a revenue generation of Rs. 2.63 lakhs. About 700 farmers benefited from the project.


Poultry Seed Project


Success Stories

Vanaraja saves Malati Saha’s family from financial debacleMalati Saha (39 Y) of Simhat, Dist Nadia was finding it increasingly tough to manage her family of five with her husband’s meager income. Three square meals, clothing, doctor’s bill, children’s education, house maintenance and many more were almost going out of control. She finds no opportunity for additional income other than working as agricultural labour in other’s field as she is land less. She was unable to accept the profession as she has to look after three school-going kids while her husband works as daily wage earner. She was searching for some alternative that will give her some extra bucks while managing her regular family chores.

She once observed an E-TV programme on Back-yard farming of Vanaraja chicken and immediately visited the Vanaraja farm at Mohanpur just 3 km from her residence. Started with 10 chicks in first lot now rears 150 chicks batch. In every three months she earns a net profit of Rs. 4000.00 while staying at home. She rates it as a highly dependable source of supplementary family income. She finds good growth on non-conventional feed and good market demand at 2 months age is the attractive positive points of Vanaraja chicken. She looks for increasing the business but limited by non-availability of space and capital starvation.

Success Story

Annual Report 2015 - 2016


Senior Citizens Roy Brothers are in competitive mood to earn More from Vanaraja

Biplob Kumar (60 y) and Krishna Gopal (63 y) Roy of Rajberia are in Vanaraja farming for four years. It is junior brother who was first attracted by seeing the majestic birds at University farm. A broiler farmer since long switched to Vanaraja and soon discovered the superiority of Vanaraja over other breed/ strains. Good growth and better consumer acceptance have attracted Roy brothers. While junior brother manages batch of 250 birds, senior brother prefers

batch of 400 birds which earns a handsome Rs. 12000 to 13000 /- in every 2.5 months. They have their own feed formulation for mixing commercial broiler feed with broken rice, wheat (unsuitable for human consumption) and maize when cheaper. Time and often they supplement with greens. Both feel besides income, Vanaraja farming keeps them engaged and cheerful.

Success Story

Poultry Seed Project


Critical Observations on Performance of Different CentresWBUAFS, Kolkata

Accomplishments and achievementsa. Seven cycles of Vanaraja parents were in

rearing , three in layingb. Collected the data on body weights and egg

production c. Supplied 52408 chicks of Vanaraja to

farmersd. Demonstrated the success of Vanaraja


Short falla. Target of germplasm was not achieved

Suggestion for further improvementa. Efforts should be made to meet the target


BAU, Patna

Accomplishments and achievementsa. Two batches of parents are in position b. Supplied 31049 chicks of Vanaraja and

Gramapriyac. The data on body weights and egg

production were collected.

Short falla. Target of germplasm supply was not

achievedb. Egg production was lowc. Field data was not collected

d. High grower mortality

Suggestion for further improvementa. The egg production should be improved by

monitoring feed restriction, quality of feed and lighting schedule.

b. Data from the farmers fields need to be collected

c. Efforts should be made to control the mortality with the help of health experts from university or from the Nodal institute, DPR, Hyderabad.

d. Efforts should be made to meet the target supply

CKVV, Durg

Accomplishments and achievementsa. Three batches of Vanaraja and Grampriya

parents were reared during 2015-16.

b. Supplied 28,976 Vanaraja germplasm to the farmers

c. The data on body weights and egg production were collected

Short falla. Target of germplasm was not achieved

b. Egg production was low

Suggestion for improvementa. Schedule for continuous rearing of birds in

3-4 cycles is essential

b. Efforts should be made to achieve the target supply

ICAR-RC for NEH Region, Nagaland Centre, Jharnapani

Accomplishments and achievementsa. Three cycles of parent rearing was in


b. Growth and production data were recorded

c. A total of 39061 chicks/ grown up chicks were distributed to the farmers

Shortfalla. Target of germplasm was not achieved

b. Egg production and hatchability was low

Suggestion for further improvementa. Efforts should be made to meet the targetb. Feed quality and feed restriction should be

ensured to improve the productionc. Monitoring of the setter and hatcher

regularly is essential to improve the hatchability

d. Monitoring of chicks and parents in winter needs much attention

e. Provide dry environment especially during winter and rainy season

Critical Observations

Annual Report 2015 - 2016


ICAR-RC for NEH Region, Sikkim Centre,


Accomplishments and achievementsa. Two batches of parents are in position

b. Collected the data on body weight, egg production and other parameters.

c. Distributed 53,407 chicks to the farmers in the rural and tribal areas. The target supply was achieved. The efforts of the PI and his team are commendable.

Suggestion for further improvementa. Provide dry environment especially during

winter and rainy season

b. Care should be taken to avoid wet litter condition in the poultry house

ICAR RC for NEH Region, Manipur Centre, Imphal

Accomplishments and achievements

a. Collected the data on body weights and egg production

b. The centre has supplied 9,860 chicks. c. Conducted awareness programs on poultry


Short fallsa. The target supply was not met. b. Bio security conditions needs be improved

Suggestion for further improvementa. Strict bio security measures needs to be

adopted at the Centre to prevent the disease out breaks

b. Efforts should be made meet the target supply


Accomplishments and achievements

a. One batch of parents are in positionb. Collected the data on body weight, egg

production and other parameters.c. Distributed 18, 896 chicks to the farmers

in Tamil Nadu. The supply in two months was encouraging

Short fall

a. Civil works not completed

Suggestion for further improvement

a. Efforts should made to complete the civil works in time

a. Parents should be reared in 3-4 cycles for continuous supply of chicks

ICAR-CCARI, GoaAccomplishments and achievements

a. One batch of parents are in position

b. Collected the data on body weight, egg production and other parameters.

c. Distributed 3885 chicks to the farmers in Goa.

Short falls

b. Civil works not initiated

c. Egg production is very low

Suggestion for further improvement

a. Civil works should be expedited

b. Parents should be reared in 3-4 cycles for continuous supply of chicks

c. Quality of feed, feed restriction schedule needs to be monitored for improving the egg production

d. Lighting management needs to be monitored

ICAR-CIARI, PortblairAccomplishments and achievements

a. One batch of parents are in position

b. Collected the data on body weight, egg production and other parameters.

c. Distributed 939 chicks to the farmers.

Short falls

a. Civil works and equipment procurement not initiated

b. Egg production is very low

Suggestion for further improvement

a. Civil works and equipment procurements should be expedited

b. Parents should be reared in 3-4 cycles for continuous supply of chicks

Critical Observations

Poultry Seed Project


c. Quality of feed, feed restriction schedule needs to be monitored for improving the egg production

d. Lighting management needs to be monitored

SKUAST, Srinagar

Accomplishments and achievements

a. Completed construction of brooder house and other works in progress

b. One batch of parents are in position

c. Collected the data on body weight, egg production and other parameters.

d. Distributed 9616 chicks to the farmers in Goa.

Short fall

a. Egg production is low

Suggestion for further improvement

a. Civil works and equipment procurements should be expedited

b. Parents should be reared in 3-4 cycles for continuous supply of chicks

c. Quality of feed, feed restriction schedule needs to be monitored for improving the egg production

d. Lighting management needs to be monitored

e. Monitoring of chicks and parents in winter needs much attention

f. Provide dry environment especially during winter and rainy season

Critical Observations

Annual Report 2015 - 2016


Proceedings of the Annual Review Meeting of AICRP on Poultry Breeding and Poultry Seed Project

ICAR-Directorate of Poultry Research(Indian Council of Agricultural Research)

Rajendranagar, Hyderabad 500 030

September 15 – 16, 2015

NASC Complex

New Delhi



ProceedingsInaugural session Chief Guest: Dr. R.S. Gandhi, ADG (AP&B), ICAR Dr. R.N. Chatterjee, Director, ICAR-DPR Dr. Vineet Bhasin, Principal Scientist, Head Quarters (ICAR)

The inaugural session started with the welcome address by Dr. R.N. Chatterjee, Director. He welcomed the chief guest, Dr. R.S. Gandhi, ADG (AP&B), Dr. Vineet Bhasin and In-charges from various AICRP and Poultry Seed Project (PSP) centres.

Dr. S. Ayyappan, Director General, ICAR and Secretary DARE, briefly visited the venue of meeting and exchanged the pleasantries with the participants. He enquired about the best and poor performing centres of AICRP, and PSP and left the venue.

Dr. R.S. Gandhi, ADG (AP&B) initiated the proceedings by highlighting the importance of rural poultry production in providing the nutritional and livelihood security to the poor people of rural and tribal areas. He mentioned that 87% of livestock and 94% of the backyard poultry is in rural conditions reared by landless, small and marginal farmers. He further emphasized that the main aim of AICRP on PB is to develop location specific varieties for egg, meat or dual purpose. He stressed on thr importance of supply ofimproved germplasm of rural poultry. He mentioned about 16 registered native chicken breeds of India and advised the participants to register the variety/line/breeds by the end of the present five year plan.

AICRP CentresTechnical Session – 1Bengaluru Centre

Dr. S. Nagaraj, presented the progress report of Bengaluru centre for the year 2014-15. He informed that there was reduction in hatchability of PB-1 and PD-2 lines due to the problem in the electric supply cable. Dr. Vineet Bhasin asked to investigate the reasons for lack of improvement in fifth week body weights of PB-1 and PB-2 lines. Dr. Nagaraj

replied that it could be due to lack of genetic variation in these populations as demonstrated by lower heritability estimates. It was suggested to explore the possibility of introducing the PB-1 and PB-2 germplasm from other centres to increase the variability in the population. ADG also suggested to check the quality of feed provided to birds. Director, suggested to continue the practice of selection process but with lesser population size as given in the technical program. He further suggested to purify the native germplasm for uniform plumage pattern as as per NBAGR guide lines. He further sai that best aprt of this centre was morethan satisfactory performance in terms of germplasm supply and revenue generation and bad part was decreasing fifth week body weight in PB-1 and Pb-2 lines

Ludhiana Centre

The progress report of the Ludhiana centre was presented by Dr. Shaktikant Dash. Dr. Vineet Bhasin asked reasons for high mortality of birds during 0-5 weeks of age and further suggested for having uniform format for presentation of progress report for all the centres. Director mentioned about normal distribution of data and asked to remove extreme figures from the data so as to make the frequency distribution to follow normal distribution. ADG suggested that out-liers may be removed for data analysis. It was also observed that the germplasm supply of the centre was less. The centre was instructed to participate in Random Sample Performance Test (RSPT) as the centre did not participate in the 42nd RSPT.

Izatnagar Centre

Dr. V. K. Saxena, Pr. Scientist presented the progress report of the CARI, Izatnagar Centre. ADG enquired about high mortality observed in the flock at Izatnagar centre. Dr. Saxena replied that there was an outbreak of disease which might have been due to either VVND or LPAI. The chairman asked to follow the biosecurity guidelines strictly. Director


Annual Report 2015 - 2016


suggested to record the production performance of CSFL and CSML up to 72 weeks of age. Dr. Saxena informed the house that the survey revealed the demand for meat type rural poultry germplasm in the region surrounding the centre. Director suggested not to make crosses with existing native chicken germplasm of Izatnagar centre and instructed to collect the native chicken germplasm available in the region and to use that germplasm to develop location specific variety for rural poultry production.

Bhubaneswar Centre

Dr. N. C. Behura, presented the progress report of the Bhubaneswar centre. He presented the performance of CSFL, CSML and broiler control population. It was suggested to record all growth and production performance of broiler control population besides juvenile traits. Dr. Behura informed that the survey of the area revealed the demand for meat type coloured birds for rural poultry farming in the region. Director asked to procure about 1200 hatching eggs of ‘Hansli’ native germplasm and all necessary stepsneed to be taken to register the ‘Hansli’ as per the NBAGR guide lines. Chair suggested to increase the revenue generation of the centre.

Anand Centre

Dr. Savalia presented the progress report of the Anand centre duringb the technical session 2. He informed that 30% of bireds of terminal cross involving the native germplasm had white coloured plumage. He further informed that RIR nor Dahlem Red was used in production of threeway cross. The survey of the area revealed that 60% of the people preferred egg type germplasm for rural poultry production. Egg weight of IWD and IWK lines increased because of increase in body weight. Director suggested to record body weight at 8 weeks of age in native germplasm and go for selection for higher body weight in native chicken germplasm as per the technical program finalized in the previous year. Dr. Vineet Bhasin suggested for including the standard errors of heritability estimates of production traits in the presentation and specify the reasons for lower heritability estimates. He also asked to present the trend of heritability estimates over the years in layer germplasm. Director suggested to study the

growth and production performance of F-1 cross before using it for production of three way cross. Chair asked to increase the germplasm supply and revenue generation. The revised target fixed for this centre for the germplasm supply is 50000.

Mannuthy Centre

The progress report of the Mannuthy centre was presented by Dr. C. S. Suja, Asst. Professor. Chair asked about the availability, breeding tract and breed characteristics of ‘Tellicheri’ breed of native chicken. Dr. P. K. Vij, Pr. Scientist mentioned that there should not be any introduction of exotic germplasm in the native tracks of indigenous chicken breeds across the country to protect the native breeds from genetic erosion or loss of genetic make up of native breeds. Director asked to increase the germplasm supply and revenue generation. Dr Vineet Bhasin enquired about the reson for hogh mortality during 9-16 weeksof age and reduced egg weight (40 weeks) in layer lines. The revised target fixed for Mannuthy centre for germplasm supply is 50000 numbers.

Agartala Centre

Dr. Vinay Singh, Scientist presented the progress of the Agartala centre. Director enquired about the progress made on seven points mentioned during his visit to the centre. Dr. Singh replied that steps are being taken to address the issues raised by the Director. Dr. Bhasin instructed the PI to reduce the mortality of birds as high mortality was noticed during 7-20 weeks of age. Director suggested for studying the demand for ND and NB crosses in the region. Director revised the target for the germplasm supply for the centre to 25000 excluding the number from supply of Gramapriya cross..

Jabalpur Centre

The progress report of the Jabalpur centre was presented by Dr. J. K. Bhardwaj. Dr. Bhasin enquired about the reasons for high mortality noticed during 0-6 weeks of age. Dr. Bharadwaj replied that due to failure of electricity because of heavy rains during that period. Birds died due to huddling and piling up during power outages.. Dr. Bharadwaj was asked to make arrangements for electricity backup during outages. PI informed that there is a demand for dual purpose bird for rural poultry production in the region. Director asked the PI to supply the chicks at day old stage or before 4 weeks of age to reduce




the expenditure on feed cost. The ADG asked the PI to increase the germplasm supply from the centre. Director asked the PI to fix the date for early release of variety developed by the centre..

Udaipur Centre

Dr. S. P. Tailor, Professor, presented the progress report of the Udaipur centre. He informed the house that ‘Mewari’ breed of chicken was registered at NBAGR, Karnal. He further informed that a road is being constructed by State Govt. across the farm premises thereby affecting the poultry shed infrastructure (demolition) of the centre. Therefore, he requested to reduce the target of germplasm supply of the centre to 50000 numbers this year. Director/House agreed to the demand. He further requested to release the the salary portion of the allocation and Director informed that the salary allocation is a committed expenditure from the ICAR side and the funds will be released as soon the Institute receives the fund from the ICAR. Director suggested the PI to get CSFL germplasm from AICRP centre of ICAR-CARI, Izatnagar for utilization in development of location specific variety. He further asked the PI to get RIR birds from wherever (CPDO and TI, Bengaluru) they are available as CARI centre expressed its inability to supply RIR birds.. However, the performance of RIR birds needs to be studied before utilizing them for the said purpose. Otherwise, centre may take Dahlem Red birds from ICAR-DPR for the purpose of utilization in development of location specific variety.

Palampur Centre

Dr. Varun Sankyan presented the progress report of the Palampur centre. Dr. Bhasin advised the centre incharge to study the Spiti area for demand and supply of germplasm. ADG mentioned sbout the less number of germplasm supply. Director mentined that the expenditure under Salary component is high and asked the PI to take steps to reduce the expenditure by minimizing the number of Co-PIs. Dr. Bhasin said the supply of germplasm is very less. ADG suggested for writing a letter to the Vice Chancellor of the CSKHVKVV to improve the infrastructure facility at the centre. Director said that the location specific variety needs to be developed and released before the end of this plan period.

Guwahati Centre

Dr. Niranjan Kalita presented the progress report of the Guwahati Centre. He requested for permission to procure feed mixing machine. ADG mentioned that the germplasm supply is very less and revenue generation is also less. Dr. Kalita replied that once variety is popularized the germplasm supply will increase. Accordingly Director revised the target of germplasm supply of the centre to 50000 numbers for the present year. Director also asked the PI to start the pedigree hatching of native birds. Director/Dr. Bhasin mentioned that allocation of funds in commensurate with the progress or performance of the centre.

Ranchi Centre

The progress report of the Ranchi centre was presented by Dr. Sushil Prasadr. Dr. Bhasin enquired about the high mortality of birds. Dr. Prasad replied that mortality of birds was due to incidence of blue comb disease/Hazara disease. Germplasm supply of the centre was less. PI told that there is a requirement of setter and Director suggested for using university fund for procurement of the setter.

Presentation of PC report

Prof. K.M.L. Pathak, DDG (AS) chaired the evening session of the meeting. Director Dr. R. N. Chatterjee welcomed the chairman. DDG (AS) interacted individually with centre In-charges and urged all the centres to perform better in terms of enhancing the germplasm supply, reducing the mortality and increasing the revenue generation. During this session, the Director presented the Project Coordinator report (PC report) of AICRP and PSP. DDG suggested to change the grading of some centres and to present the trend of grading in previous and present years simultaneously. He warned the Palampur centreas this centre gotC grade in last two years simultaneouly DDG suggested to write a letter to the Vice Chancellor, CSHPKV, Palampur to expedite the process of creation of infrastructure facility at Palampur centre. Prof. Pathak advised to include Srinidhi and Pratapdhan at PSP centres. DDG further, told CARI centre to collect the native chicken germplasm without further delay. DDG further stressed to expedite the infrastructure facility at Mukteshwar centre at the earliest.


Annual Report 2015 - 2016


Poultry Seed Project

Manipur Centre

Dr. Narendra Prakash, Jt. Director, Manipur centre of ICAR Research Complex, presented the progress report of the Manipur centre. He informed that germplasm supply target could not be achieved due to outbreak of Avian Influenza disease in the farm premises. Chair asked PI to follow strict biosecurity guidelines to prevent the recurrence of the outbreak. He was asked to follow the disease investigation and reporting protocol fixed by the Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India while dealing with the suspected Avian Influenza disease outbreak without fail.

Nagaland Centre

Dr. B. C. Deka, Jt. Director, Nagaland centre of ICAR Research Complex presented the performance of the Nagaland centre. The Chair and Director appreciated the excellent performance of the centre as the centre exceeded the fixed target (60000 number) for germplasm supply and generated the revenue of Rs.26 lakhs. The revised target fixed for the germplasm supply is 70000 for the present year. Dr. Deka informed the house that there is a need for the 50 KVA generator and incinerator for the disposal of dead birds.

Sikkim Centre

Dr. Mahak Singh presented the performance of the Sikkim centre. Dr. Bhasin enquired as to why the germplasm supply target was not achieved. Dr. Singh informed that there is a lack of space for housing of birds. He was suggested to use or convert the available goat shed in the centre to poultry shed. The house fixed the revised target 40000 chicks for germplasm supply for the present year.

Patna Centre

Dr. K. G. Mandal presented the progress report of the Patna centre. Dr. Bhasin enquired about unaccounted15000 germplasm and told the PI to account for this germplasm. The ADG enquired about the reasons for lesser number of germplasm supply and asked to collect the data from the field. Director revised the target for Patna centre to 50000 numbers and decided to reduce the fund allocation by half as centre is not performing up to the mark in terms of meeting the supply target.

Kolkata Centre

Dr. Pan presented the progress report of the Kolkata centre. ADG suggested to address the disease problem in Vanaraja birds. Dr. Pan informed that Dr. M. R. Reddy visited the centre and collected the blood samples for diagnosis of disease and that the Mycomplasma infection was confirmed in the laboratory test. He further replied that subsequent to the treatment of birds the incidence of Mycoplasma disease has come down. Director instructed the PI to procure Krishibro germplasm from DPR Hyderabad to meet the demand for meat type coloured birds to be reared in intensive system of rearing. Dr. Pan added that there was stiff competition from the Private firms and also from State Govt. Animal Husbandry Department.

Durg Centre

Dr. K. Mukherjee presented the progress report of the Durg centre. He informed the house that university is not cooperating in creation of infrastructure facility. ADG suggested to write a letter to the Vice Chancellor, IGKV to expedite the process of construction of poultry sheds. Dr. Mukarjee expressed inability to recruit the SRF position due to non availability of Veterinary post graduates in the state. Director instructed Dr. Mukherjee or persons of his choice to undergo training in poultry management at ICAR-DPR Hyderabad in consultation with Dr. S.V. Rama Rao, In-charge PSP. Dr. Mukherjee requested to increase the allocation under T.A. head and Director assured him to increase the allocation to Rs. 50000/- under T.A. head. Since the germplasm supply of the centre was not satisfactory the target for the same was revised to 40000 for this year as decided by the Director.

New PSP Centres

Hosur centre

Dr. M. Murugan, Dean, College of Poultry Production and Management presented the progress report of the Hosur centre. He informed about the progress being made on the construction of poultry shed and procurement of equipments.




Port Blair Centre

Dr. A. Kundu presented the progress report of the Port Blair centre. Director suggested to revise the target of germplasm supply to 50000 numbers for the present year. DDG suggested to introduce the Srinidhi in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

Goa Centre

Dr. R. S. Rajkumar Scientist presented the progress report of the Goa centre. He informed that Srinidhi birds were vulnerable to predation because of its heavy weight and Vanaraja with lesser weight would be tried. He highlighted the use of social media (Whatsapp) in transfer of technology and technical information to the farmers. He also informed that online decision support system was developed to address the needs of poultry farmers. He further said the poultry shed of state government will be used to rear the birds and work on construction of poultry shed will shortly be initiated through CPWD with approval of the Director, Works (ICAR). The Director decided to fix the target for supply of germplasm to 50000 number for the present year for this centre.

Srinagar Centre

Dr. A. A. Khan presented the progress report of the Srinagar centre. He informed about the problems being faced due to drastic reduction in allocation of budget under revised estimate from that allocated under budget estimate as the centre had already initiated the construction work as per the budget estimates. The Director fixed the target to supply 50000 number germplasm for the present year for this centre.

Barapani Centre

Dr. Vinay Kumar, Scientist presented the progress of the non-funding Barapani centre. Dr. B. C. Deka Joint Director, ICAR Research Complex requested the house to convert this centre from non-funding to funding centre as there is huge demand for improved germplasm such as Vanaraja and Gramapriya in Meghalaya and adjoining Mizoram states for improved germ plasm and people have to travel to Nagaland to get the chicks or hatching eggs of improved germplasm. Director fixed target of 15000 numbers for germplasm supply to this centre for the present year.

Mukteshwar Centre

Dr. A. K. Sharma presented the progress report of the Mukteshwar centre. He informed the house that the estimate prepared for construction of poultry shed and hatchery building in the earmarked site was in excess of Rs. 2.5 crores the Estate Office of IVRI did not approve the same. Subsequently a new site was identified and revised estimate (Rs. 87.8 lakhs) was prepared and submitted for the approval of the Director, Works/Finance. Since estimate is well within the allotted budget of Rs. 87.8 lakhs the work on creation of infrastructure facility can be initiated. DDG instructed to initiate the work at the earliest without further delay and asked Director to visit the Mukteshwar centre to monitor the progress of work.

Discussion on technical programPresentation of Dr. M R Reddy

Dr. M R Reddy explained in brief about the procedure to be followed during the break of Avian Influenza. He also elaborated about the biosecurity measures to be followed in the poultry farms to minimize the incidence of disease outbreaks.

Presentation by Dr. S V Rama Rao

Dr. S V Rama Rao elaborated about the feeds, feeding standards and feed additives to extract the maximum genetic potential of the bird.

Dr. M Niranjan presented the technical program for the remaining period of time. He explained the AICRP poultry breeding is being reoriented towards the rural poultry production. In order to maintain the elite layer and broiler germplasm he presented the stock position to be maintained at different stages for broiler, layer and native population. The stock position is as follows:

Layer Broiler Native Chicks Female 1400 3500 1500

Male 500 Combined sex

Combined sex

Growth Female 1000 1200 600Male 400 250 200

Housing Female 600 500 500Male 300 150 150

Selection Female 350 350 250Male 50 70 50

Dr. Chatterjee advised to follow the above mentioned stock position strictly in order to reduce the feed cost.


Annual Report 2015 - 2016


Plenary session

Dr. M Niranjan welcomed Dr R S Gandhi, ADG (AP & B), Dr. R N Chatterjee, Director DPR and Dr. Vineet Bhasin, Principal Scientist, ICAR Headquarter.

Dr. Chatterjee told that the progress of AICRP & PSP centers were reviewed elaborately. He suggested that all the centers should meet their respective targets. He told that Palampur and Agartala centers should expedite the development of location specific variety. He told Jabalpur and Ranchi centers to take steps for releasing of the newly developed variety from the respective centers. He also suggested that PSP centers should give emphasize to farmers

feedback. He told the elite population must be maintained as per the technical program. He wished center in charges all the best for their future endeavor.

Dr. R S Gandhi, ADG (AP & B), mentioned that majority of the centers are showing good performance and the underperforming centers has to improve their performance. He told that the slogan should be performance or perish. He advised all the centers to achieve the given targets. He wished all center in charges best of luck for their future work.

Dr. S V Rama Rao in-charge, PSP proposed vote of thanks

Action Taken Report on The Recommendations of AICRP and PSP Annual Review Meeting held at NASC Complex, New Delhi on 15 and 16, September, 2015

Recomendations Action Taken


All AICRP Centers should not supply new varieties/crossbred germplasm in the native tracts of recognized/registered native breeds of chicken

Infoirmed all AICRP and PSP centres

Revised targets for germplasm supply for Anand, Mannuthy and Guwahati centers are 50000 and for Agartala center is 25000. Allocation of funds will be inaccordance with the activity of the centres.

Complied with

Jabalpur center must take all possible steps to release the new variety and all other centers to develop and release the new variety before the end of current plan period

Jabalpur centre released Narmadanidhi variety.

Ranchi centre is ready to release the new laction

specific variety

A letter needs to be sent to the Vice Chancellor, CSKHVKVV, Palampur requesting to improve the infrastructure facility of the center. Special care and attention to be taken to improve the functioning of the centre.

Complied with

All the centers should give emphasis to biosecurity in order to reduce the mortality

Complied with


Pratapdhan and Srinidhi germplasm needs to be included in the PSP centers from the present year onwards

Complied with

Process of creation of infrastructure facility in all new PSP centers, particularly in Mukteshwar center must be expedited

In progress

The revised target for supply of germplasm for Patna centers will be 50000, for Sikkim and Durg 40000 and 70000 for Nagaland center.

Complied with

All the PSP centers need to collect feedback from the farmers Complied with


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