मुकुन्द माला = Mukundha-maalaa (Sri KulaSekhara Aazhwaar)skcsp.skywalktosafety.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/... · 2017. 6. 10. · jayathu jayathu megha

Post on 22-Jan-2021






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मुकुन्द-माला = Mukundha-maalaa (Sri KulaSekhara Aazhwaar):

घुष्यते यस्य नगरे रङ्गयात्रा ददनेददने । तमहं दिरसा वने्द राजानं कुलिेकरम्॥१॥

ghushyathe yasya nagare ranga yaathraa dhine dhine tham aham Sirasaa vandhe raajaanam KulaSekharam. 1

May we all offer our humble prostrations at the Holy Feet of KulaSekhara Aazhwaar, in whose country Sri-Ranga yaathra is reverberating everyday.

श्री वल्लभेदत वरदेदत दयापरेदत - भक्त दियेदत भव लुण्ठन कोदवदेदत ।

नाथेदत नाग ियनेदत जग्न्निवासेदत - आलादपनं िदतपदं कुरु मे मुकुन्द ॥ २॥

Sri vallabhethi Varadhethi dhayaaparethi – bhaktha priyethi bhava lunTana kovidhethi

naaThethi naaga Sayanethi jagannivaasethi - aalaapinam prathi padham kuru me Mukundha. 2

O Lord Mukundha! Make me chant Your Holy names at every step as Sri-vallabha (Lord of Sri Mahaa-Lakshmii), Varadha (one who can give all the boons), dhayaapara (an ocean of compassion), bhaktha-priya (one who is very dear to His devotees), bhava-lunTana-kovidha (one who is an expert in wiping out His devotees’ repeated births), NaaTha (the Supreme Lord of all the universes), Naaga-Sayana (one who is reclining on His bed – AadhiSesha) and Jagannivaasa (whose living space is this whole world).

जयतु जयतु देवो देवकी नन्दनोऽयं - जयतु जयतु कृष्णो वृग्न्ष्ण वंि िदीपः ।

जयतु जयतु मेघ श्यामल कोमलाङ्गो - जयतु जयतु पृथ्वी भार नािो मुकुन्दः ॥३ॱ

jayathu jayathu dhevo Dhevakiie nandhanoyam jayathu jayathu Krishno VRushni vamSa pradhiipa:

jayathu jayathu megha Syaamala komalaango jayathu jayathu PRuThvii bhaara naaSo Mukundha: 3.

Let all victory be to the Supreme Lord, Dhevaki’s son. Let all victory be to Lord Sri-Krishna, the blazing light of the VRushni-vamSa. Let all victory be to the Lord with delicate limbs and body hue of a dark rain-bearing cloud. Let all victory be to Mukundha, who wiped out the burden of Earth (by eliminating all demons from the face of Mother-Earth).

मुकुन्द मूर्ध्ाा िदिपत्य याचे - भवनं्त एकानं्त इयनं्त अथं ।

अदवसृ्मदतः त्वच्चरिारदवने्द - भवे भवे मे असु्त तव िसादात् ॥४॥

Mukundha muurDhnaa praNipathya yaache - bhavantham ekaantham iyantham arTham avismRuthi thvath-charaNa-aravindhe - bhave bhave me asthu thava prasaadhaath. 4

"O Mukundha! With my head bent in humble prostration, I beg you only for this one

favor – with Your blessings, may I never forget to remember Your Lotus-Feet in any

number of my future lives, birth-after-birth.

नाहं वने्द तवचरियोः द्वन्द्द्वमद्वन्द्द्व हेतोः -

कुम्भीपाकं कुरुमदप हरे नारकम् नापनेतुम् ।

रम्या रामा मृदुतनुलता नन्दने नादप रनु्तम् -

भावे भावे हृदय भवने भावयेयं भवन्तम् ॥ ५ ll

naaham vandhe thava charaNayo: dhvandhvam adhvandhva hetho: Kumbhiipaakam gurum api Hare naarakam naapanethum

ramyaa raamaa mRudhu thanu lathaa Nandhane naapi ranthum bhaave bhaave hRudhaya bhavane bhaavayeyam bhavantham. 5

"I do not prostrate at Your Lotus Feet because I want to have Liberation, nor to escape from the most dreaded Kumbhiipaaka naraka, nor to enjoy the company of most beautiful women in the Nandhana gardens of heavens. I worship You only to keep You in my heart, life-after-life that I may be forced to have (I am not worried about Mukthi).

नास्था धमे न वसु दनचये नैव कामोपभोगे -

यद्यद्भवं्य भवतु भगवन् पूवा कमाानुरूपं ।

एतत्प्रारं्थ्य मम बहुमतं जन्म जन्मान्तरेऽदप -

त्वत्पादाम्भोरुह युगगता दनश्चला भाग्न्क्तरसु्त ॥६ll

naasThaa Dharme na vasu nichaye naiva kaamopabhoge yadhyath bhavyam bhavathu Bhagavan puurva karma-anuruupam ethath praarThyam mama bahumatham janma janmaanthare-api

thvath paadha-ambhoruha yuga gathaa nischalaa bhakthi:-asthu. 6. “O Lord Mukundha! I have no desire to acquire any of the three purushaarTha-s – Dharma, arTha (wealth) or kaama (material pleasures). Let it happen whatever has to happen, according to the karma-phalam from my earlier births. My only humble submission to You is to grant me firm devotion to Your Lotus-Feet, in this life and in all future lives (that I will be forced to have due to the Sanchitha-Karma waiting for me).

दददव वा भुदव वा ममासु्त वासो - नरके वा नरकान्तक िकामं ।

अवधीररत िारदारदवन्दौ - चरनम् ते मरनेऽदप दचन्तयादम ॥७ll

dhivi vaa bhuvi vaa mamaasthu vaaso - narake vaa narakaanthaka prakaamam avaDhiiritha Saaradhaaravindhau - charaNau the marNe-api chinthyaami. 7.

“O Mukundha! I am not worried whether I go to heaven or stay on earth (taking many

more births) or go to hell. O Lord Krishna! (Narakaanthaka, who killed the demon Naraka) Bless me that at the time of death, I will be able to think of Your Lotus-Feet,

that can put to shame even the fresh-Bloomed Lotus flowers in Fall (Sarath-Ruthu, just after the rainy season).

कृष्ण त्वदीय पद पंकज पञ्जरानं्त - अदै्यव मे ववशतु मानस राज हंस:

प्राण प्रयाण समये कफ वात वपतै्त: - कंठावरोधन ववधौ स्मरणं कुतस्थे ॥८ll

Krishna thvadhiiya padha pankaja panjaraantham - adhyaiva me viSathu maanasa raaja hamsa:

praaNa prayaaNa samaye kapha vaatha piththai: - kaNTa-avaroDhana viDhau smaraNam kuthasthe. 8

O my Lord Sri-Krishna! Let my mind enter the cage of Your Lotus Feet like a Royal Swan, right now itself. Otherwise, how can I think of You, during my last moments. when my Soul is about to leave this body with flum, air and bile choking my throat. (You better imprison my Soul right now itself at Your Feet, as I cannot think of You in my last moments, and without Your smaraNa - rememberance, there is no way I can attain Salvation - Sri-VaikunTam, as You Yourself said in Bhagavad-Gita 8-5. A swan can separate milk from water and will drink milk only. But this mind is so fickle that it cannot separate material comforts from spiritual bliss and will crave only for temporary material comforts. So, my Lord Sri-Krishna, please imprison this mind right now itself at Your Holy Feet and never, never allow it to go away from Your Lotus-Feet).

दचन्तयादम हररमेव सन्ततं - मन्दमन्द हदसताननांभूजं ।

नन्द गोप तनयम्परात्परं - नारदाादद मुदनबृन्द वग्न्न्दतम् ॥९॥

chinthayaami Harim eva santhatham - mandha mandha hasitha-aanana-ambujam Nandha gopa thanayam paraathpaam – Naaradha-aadhi muni bRundha vandhitham. 9

(little Krishna with His mesmerizing smile, that can captivate all the Universes)

May we always think of that Hari (Sriman-Narayana), with a beautiful and smiling,

lotus-like face, the darling son of Nandha-gopa of Gokulam, the Supreme Lord who is glorified by great Bhagvatha-s like Naaradha and other great divine Sages.

(baby Krishna with Nandha’s Padhuka-s on His head & Naaradha sings Krishna’s glories)

कर चरि सरोजे काग्न्न्तमिेत्र मीने - श्रम मुदि भुज वीदच व्याकुले अगाध मागे ।

हरर सरदस दवगाह्यापीय तेजो जलौघं – भवमरु पररग्न्ििः िेदमद्य त्यजादम ॥१०॥

Kara charaNa saroje kaanthimannethra miine Sramamushibhujaviichi vyaakule agaaDha maarge

Hari sarasivigaahyaapiiya thejo jalougham bhava maru parikhinna: khedham adhya thyajAmi. 10

May we all surrender to that Supreme Lord Sri-Hari, by jumping into that lake called Hari. His Divine Hands and Feet are the beautiful lotus flowers and His Eyes are the fish (constantly moving and looking around to protect His drowning devotees) in that lake and His Arms are there as waves ever-ready to protect us, the drowning devotees (immersed in this samsaara-saagara from time immemorial).

सरदसज नयने सिङ्ि चके्र - मुरदभदद मा ग्न्िरमस्व दचत्त रनंु्त

सुितरं अपरं नजातु जाने - हरर चरि स्मरिामृतेन तुल्यम् ॥११॥

sarasijanayane sa Sankha chakre murabhidhi mA viramasva chittha ranthum

sukhatharam aparam na jaathu jaane Hari charaNa smaraNa-amRuthena thulyam. 11

O my fickle mind! Never ever stop deriving the pleasure of thinking of that Muraari, (who killed the demon Mura) with beautiful lotus-petal-like eyes, sporting His Divine Conch (Paanchajanya Sankha) and Chakra (SudharSana). There is never a greater pleasure than enjoying the celestial nector from the Holy Feet of Lord Mukundha. (Vedha-s declare that - Vishno: padhe parame MaDhva uthsa: - that the real nector comes from the Holy Feet pf Lord Sri-Mahaa-Viashnu).

माभीमान्द मनो दवदचन्त्य बहुना यामीदश्चरम् यातनाः

नामी न िभवग्न्न्त पाप ररपवः स्वामी ननु श्रीधरः ।

आलस्यम् व्यपनीय भग्न्क्त सुलभं ध्यायस्व नारायिं

लोकस्य व्यसनापनोदनकरो दासस्य दकं न क्षमः ॥१२॥

maabhii: mandha mano vichinthya bahunaa yaamiischiram yaathanaa:

naamii na prabhavanthi papa ripava: swaamii nanu SriiDhara: aalasyam vyapaniiya bhakthi sulabham Dhyaayasva NaaraayaNam lokasya vyasanaapanodhanakaro dhaasasya kim na kshama: 12

O ignorant mind! Do not have any fear of all those terrible punishments in Hell, which are reserved only for sinners. We have Lord SriiDhara (at whose Feet we all have surrendered) and won’t that Lord Sriman-Narayana protect His own surrendered devotees when He can protect all the Universes ??

(Lord Mukundha will certainly protect us all, because His very nature is to protect us - anaalochitha viSesha-aSesha loka SaraNya).

भव जलदध गतानां द्वन्द्द्व वाताहतानां - सुत दुदहतृ कलत्र त्राि भाराददातानां ।

दविम दविय तोये मज्जतामप्लवानां -भवतु िरिमेको दवश्िुपोतो नरािाम्॥१३॥

bhava jalaDhi gathaanaam dhvandhva vaathaahathaanaam sutha dhuhithRu kalathra thraaNa bhaaraardhithaanaam

vishama vishaya thoye majjathaam aplavaanaam bhavathu Saranam eko Vishnupotho naraaNaam. 13

For all of us who are totally immersed in this samsaara-saagara (an impassable Ocean - this material world), tossed by the winds of opposites (pain-pleasure, cold-hot, happiness-distress, honor-dishonor etc..,), pulled down by the heavy burden in the form of spouse, sons and daughters and completely drowned in sensual pleasures, the only rescue is the boat called Sri-Mahaa-Vishnu (who promised to protect all His surrendered devotees, no questions asked – man, woman or sins committed so far).

भवजलदधमगाधं दुस्तरं दनस्तरेयं - कथं अहं इदत चेतो मा स्म गाः कातरतं्व ।

सरदसजदृदिदेवे तावकीभग्न्क्तरेका -नरकदभदददनिण्णा तारदयश्यत्यवश्यम्॥१४॥

bhava jalaDhim agaaDham dhustharam nisthareyam kaTham aham ithi chetho maasma gaa: kaatharathvam

sarasijadhRuSi dheve thaavakii bhakthi: ekaa Narakabhidhi nishaNNaa thaarayiSyathi-avaSyam. 14

(Lord Sri-Krishna will rescue His surrendered devotees from this ocean of samsaara)

O mind! Do not be scared that we cannot cross this unimaginably deep ocean of

repeated Births-&-Deaths. Absolute devotion to the Supreme Lord Sri-Krishna, with beautiful lotus-like eyes and who killed the demon Naraka, will certainly make us cross.

(In pure Devotion and total Surrender to Lord Sri-Krishna, we need not worry about our past sins that lead to future births to go through the Sanschitha-Karma. Lord Sri-Krishna Himself said that He will change even the worst sinner into a pure devotee as soon as we develop that ananya-bhakthi for Him and also promised that His devotee will never perish, as given in BG-9-30&31).

तृष्णा तोये मदन पवनोध्दूत मोहोवमि माले –

दारावते तनय सहज ग्राह संघाकुलेच l

संसाराखे्य महवत जलधौ मज्जतां नस्त्रिधामन् –

पादाम्भोजे वरद भवतो भस्त्रि नावं प्रयच्छ ll १५ ll

thrshnaa thoye Madhana pavanoDhdhuutha mohormimaale dhaaraavarthe thanaya sahaja graaha sanghaakulecha

samsaaraakhye mahathi jalaDhau majjathaam nasthriDhaaman paadhaambhoje Varadha bhavatho bhakthi naavam prayaChcha. 15

O Lord Varadha! O JagannaaTha! (Lord of the three-worlds) Bless us with a boat of pure devotion to Your Lotus-Feet to cross this unsurpassable samsaara-saagaram

(ocean of life) with waves of delusion, pushed very high by the desires as terrible wind, with whirlpools in the form of spouse and with crocodiles as children and siblings.

माद्राकं्षक्षीण पुण्यान क्षणमवप भवत: भस्त्रिहीनान् पादाबे्ज –

मा श्रौषम् श्राव्यबनं्ध तव चररतं अपास्य अन्यत् आख्यानजातं l

मा स्माषं माधव त्वां अवप भुवनपते चेतसांअपःनुवानां –

मा भूवं त्वत् सपयाि व्यवतकर रवहतो जन्म जन्मान्तरेऽवप ll१६ll

maadhraaksham kshiiNapuNyaan kshaNamapi bhavatha: bhakthihiinaan padhaabje maa Srousham SraavyabanDham thava charitham apaasya anyath aakhyaanajaatham

maa smaarsham MaaDhava thvaam api bhuvanapathe chethasam apa:nuvanam maa bhuuvam thvath saparya vyathikara rahitho janma janmaanthare api. 16

O MaaDhava! Let me not even see those who are not devoted to Your Lotus-Feet. Let

me not hear anything if it is not about Your glories, however pleasant it may be. Let me

not think of those who are inimical to You and let me not not take any birth if it is not

for serving You.

वजहे्व कीतिय केशवं मुरररपंु चेतो भज श्रीधरम् –

पावणद्वन्द्द्व तमचिय अचु्यत कथा श्रोत्रद्वय तं्व शृणु l

कृषं्ण लोकय लोचन द्वय हरे: गच्छ अङ्वि युग्मालयं –

वजि िाण मुकुन्द पाद तुलसी मूर्िन्नमाधोक्शजम् ll१७ll

jihve kiirthaya KeSavam Muraripum chetho bhaja SriiDharam

pANi dhvandhva tham archaya Achyutha kaThaa: Srothra dhvaya thvam SRuNu

KrishNam lokaya lochana dhvaya Hare: gaccha-anghri yugma-aalayam

jighra ghraaNa Mukundha paadha thulasiim moorDhan nama ADhokshajam, 17

O tongue! Glorify Lord KeSava, who killed the demon Mura. O hands! Worship Lord

SriDhara (on whose chest Sri-Maha-Lakshmi always lives and got the title

Nithyaanapaayini). O ears! Always listen to the Divine pastimes of Achyutha. O eyes!

Enjoy the Divya-Mangala-Vigraha - the most beautiful form of Lord Sri-Krishna. O feet!

Go to the temples of Sri-Hari. O nose! Enjoy smelling the fragrance of thulasi offered at

the Holy Feet of Mukundha. O head! Bow down in all revence to Adhokshaja. (let all

the senses of knowledge and action be engaged in the service of the Supreme Lord

Sri-Krishna, forever).

हे लोका शृणुत प्रसूवत मरण व्याधे वचवकत्ां इमं -

योगज्ञा समुदाहरस्त्रन्त मुनयो यां यान्यवल्क्यादाय: l

अन्तयोवतरमेयं एकममृतं कृष्णाखं्य आपीयताम् -

तत्पीतं परमौषधं ववतनुते वनवािणमात्यस्त्रन्तकं ll१८ll

he lokaa SRuNutha prasuuthi maraNa vyaaDhe: chiktsaam imam

yogajnaa: samudhaaharanthi munayo yaam Yaajnavalkya-aadhaya:

antharjyothi:-ameyam ekam amRutham Krishnaakhyam aapiiyathaam

thath piitham parama-aushaDham vithanuthe nirvaaNam aathyanthikam, 18

All the people in this world! Listen about the best treatment to cure the incurable

disease of repeated and endless cycles of births-and-deaths and which is glorified by

great sages like Yaajnavalkya. It is the celestial nectar called Lord Sri-Krishna, who is

the Antharjyothi (inner light of all), the one and only one of unimaginable greatness

and when we take this supreme medication, Salvation is guaranteed in no time.

हे मत्यािः परमम् वहतंशृणुत वो वक्ष्यावम संके्षपत: -

संसाराणिवमापदूवमि बहुलंसम्यक प्रववश्य स्त्रस्थता: l

नानाज्ञानमपास्य चेतवस नमो नारायणायेत्यमंु –

मनं्त्र स प्रणवं प्रणाम सवहतं प्रवतियधं्व मुहु: ll १९ ll

he marthyaa: paramam hitham SRuNutha vo vakshyaami samkshepatha:

samsaaraarNavam aapadhuurmi bahulam samyak praviSya sThithaa:

naanaa jnaanam apaasya chethasi Namo Naaraayanaayethyamum

manthram sa praNavam praNaama sahitham praavarthayaDhvam muhu: 19

O human beings! (with a body that is subjected to shat-vikaara-s - 6 changes – birth,

existence, changes in form from childhood to youth etc.., , growth in physical size,

shrinking due to oldage and ultimately death) Listen to this brief and most beneficial

advice, as we are all mortals immersed in the ocean of samsaara, with sufferings as its

waves. Forget about all forms of knowledge and always chant repeatedly - again and

again, the greatest manthra (the Ashtaakshara-Manthra) - ‘namo naarayaNaaya’, along

with PraNavam and Nama: (obtain as upadheSam from an Aachaarya).

पृथ्वी रेणु: अणु: पयांवस कवणका: फलु्ग सफुवलङ्ग:-अनल: -

तेजो वनश्वसनं मरुत् तनुतरं रनं्ध्र सुसूकं्ष्म नभः l

कु्षद्रा रुद्र वपतामह प्रभृतय: कीटा समस्ता सुरा: -

दृषे्ट यत्र सतावको ववजयते भूमावधूतावावध: ll २०ll

PRuThvii reNu: aNu: payaamsi kaNikaa: phalgusphulinga:-Anala:

thejo niSvasanam maruth thanutharam ranDhram susuukshmam nabha:

kshudhraa Rudhra Pithaamaha prbhRuthaya: kiitaa samasthaa suraa:

dhRushte yathra sa thaavako vijayathe Bhuumaa vaDhuuthaavadhi: 20

O Lord Sriman-Narayana! Compared to You and Your Majesty, this whole Earth is but a

small speck of dust, the Oceans are but a drop of water, Agni the fire is but a spark,

Vaayu the wind is but a breeze, the endless sky is but a small hole, the great gods like

Brahma, Rudhra etc.., are very insignificant, all other gods are but small insects and

may Your great glory be ever Victorious.

बदे्धनाञ्जलिना नतेन लिरसा गात्रैः सरोमोद्गमरैः -

कणे्ठन स्वरगद्गदेन नयनेनोद्गीणणबाष्पामु्बना॰

लनतं्य त्वच्चरणारलिन्दयुगिध्यानामृतास्वालदनां -

अस्माकं सरसीरुहाक्षसततं सम्पद्यतां जीलितम् ॱ१९ॱ

baDhdhena anjalinaa nathena Sirasaa gaathrai: saromodhgamai:

kanTena svara gadhgadhena nayanenodhgiirNa baaShpa-ambunaa

nithyam thvath charaNa-aravindha yugala Dhyaana-amrtha-aasvaadhinaam

asmaakam sarasiiruhaaksha sathatham sampadhyathaam jiivitham. 21

O Mukundha! May we always spend our lives with our hands folded in Anjali mudhra,

head bent down in obedience to You, body in ecstacy (with horripilations) of thinking

about You, throat (words) choked in emotion, eyes filled with tears (on thinking of

You). May we spend every second of our lives drinking the celestial nector of

meditating on Your Lotus-Feet.

हे गोपािक हे कृपाजिलनधे हे लसनु्धकन्यापते -

हे कंसान्तक हे गजेन्द्रकरुणापारीण हे माधि ॰

हे रामानुज हे जगत्त्रयगुरो हे पुण्डरीकाक्ष मां -

हे गोपीजननाथ पािय परंजानालम नत्वांलिना ॱ २२ॱ

he Gopaalaka he kRupaa-jala-nidhe he SinDhu-kanyaa-pathe

he Kamsaanthaka he Gajendhra-karuNaa-paariiNa he MaaDhavaa

he Raamaanuja he Jagathraya-guro he Pundariikaaksha maam

he Gopii-jana-naaTha paalaya param jaanaami na thvaam vinaa. 22

He Goppala-Krishna, O Ocean-of-Mercy, O Lord Of Sri-Mahaa-Lakshmi (daughter of the

Ocean), O Kamsaanthaka (who killed Kamsa), O Gajendhra-Varadha (who saved the

King elelphant from the crocodile), O MaaDhava (Sri-Mahaa-Lakshmi’s Husband), O

younger brother of Bala-Raama (Krishna), O most honourable teacher of the three

worlds, O Lotus-Eyed Lord, O beloved Lord of the Gopika-s, please protect me as I do

not know anyone else other than You (this is the real way to do SaraNaagathi – we

know NO ONE ELSE other than You, our Lord Sri-Krishna).

(That Gajendhra-Varadha, Gopi-Jana-Vallabha is sure to protect all surrendered Souls)

भक्तापायभुजङ्गगारुडमलणस्त्ररिोक्यरक्षामलण: -

गोपीिोचनचातकामु्बदमलणैः सौन्दयणमुद्रामलणैः

यैःकान्तामलणरुक्मिणीघनकुचद्वन्द्द्वरकभूषामलणैः -

शे्रयोदेिलिखामलणलदणितुनो गोपािचूडामलणैःॱ२३ॱ

bhaktha-apaaya bhujanga gaaruda maNi: thrai-lokya rakshaa maNi:

gopii-lochana-chaathaka-ambudha-maNi: soundharya-mudhraa-maNi:

ya: kaanthaa-maNi RukmiNii Ghana-kucha-dhvandhvaika bhuushaa-maNi:

Sreyo dheva SikhaamaNi: dhiSathu no Gopaala-chuudaa-maNi: 23

May that Gem of the Gokulam, Lord Sri-Krishna, the Garuda-Mani that can wipe out the

poison from the serpants of calamities for His devotees, the Gem that protects all the

three worlds, the Gem like the clouds for the Chaathaka-birds-like eyes of the Gopika-

s (Chaathaka-birds drink only the rain-water directly falling from the clouds), the

personified most precious Gem of Beauty, the invaluable Gem in the necklace on the

chest of Rukminii-Dhevi, the Gem among all the gods, shower His grace on all of us.

ितु्चे्छदरकमनं्त्र सकिमुपलनषद्वाक्य समू्पज्य मनं्त्र -

संसारोत्तारमनं्त्र समुलचततमसैः सङ्घलनयाणणमन्त्रम् ॰

सिैश्वयैक मनं्त्र व्यसन भुजग सन्दष्ट सन्त्राण मनं्त्र -

लजहे्व श्रीकृष्ण मनं्त्र जप जप सततं जन्म साफल्य मन्त्रम् ॱ २४ ॱ

Sathru Chchedhaika manthram sakalam-upanishath-vaakya sampuujya manthram

samsaaroththaara manthram samupachitha thama: sangha niryaaNa manthram

sarva-aiSvaryaika manthram vyasana bhujaga sandhashta santhraaNa mantharam

jihve Sri-krishna manthram japa japa sathatham janma saaphalya manthram. 24

O tongue! Always chant the greatest Sri-Krishna Manthram, that can destroy all the

enemies, that is glorified by all the Upanishath-s, that can help us cross this

samsaara-Saagaram, that can dispel the darkness of Ignorance, that can bring us every

kind of fortune (opulances, including that Moksha-Saamraajya-Lakshmi), that which

can save us bitten by the most vicious snakes of weaknesses (like drinking, gambling

etc.., ) and that manthram that can make our lives worthy (of attaining Salvation).

व्यामोह प्रिमौषधं मुलन मनो िृलत्तप्रिृत्त्यौषधं –

दरते्यन्द्रालतण करौषधं लत्जगतां सञ्जीिनरकौषधम् ॰

भक्तात्यन्त लहतौषधं भि भय प्रधं्वसनरकौषधं –

शे्रयैः प्राक्मि करौषधं लपब मनैः श्रीकृष्ण लदव्यौषधम् ॱ २५ ॱ

vyaamoha praSama-aushaDham muni mano vRuththi pravRuththi-aushaDham

dhaithyendhra-aarthi kara-aushaDham thri-jagathaam sanjiivanaika-aushaDham

bhaktha-athyantha hitha-aushDham bhava bhaya praDhvamsanaika-aushaDham

Sreya: praapthi kara-aushaDham piba mana: Sri-Krshna dhiya-aushaDham. 25

O mind! Drink that great medicine (Divine Nector - amRutham) Sri-Krishna (His name),

which can wipe out all our delusions (misidentifying the perishable body as the

imperishable Soul), which changed the mindset of all great sages, which caused the

destruction of all demons, the life-saving elixir for all the three worlds, the most sought

after amRutham by all devotees, which can cure the disease of repeated births-and-

deaths and which brings all auspiciousness to everyone (who surrendered to Him).

आम्नायाभ्यसनान्यरण्य रुलदतं िेद व्रतान्यन्रहं – मेदशे्छद फिालन पूतण लिधयैः सिं हुतं भस्मलन ॰

तीथाणनामिगाहनालन च गज स्नानं लिना यत्पद – द्वन्द्द्वाम्भोरुह संसृ्मलतं लिजयते देिैः स नारायणैः ॱ २६ॱ

aamnaaya-abhyasanaani-araNya rudhitham vedha-vrathaani-anvaham

medha Chedha phalaani puurtha viDhaya: sarvam hutham bhasmani

thiirThaanaam avgaahanaani cha gaja-snaanam vinaa yath padha

dhvandhva-ambhoruha samsmrthim vijayathe dheva: sa NaaraayaNa: 26

May all Victory be to that Supreme Lord Sriman-Narayana. Without the constant

rememberance of His Lotus-Feet, all learning and chanting of the Vedha-s is like crying

in the forest (with none to come to our rescue); all vedhic austerities is only to reduce

the body-fat; all pious acts (like helping the poor etc..,) are sacrificial offerings in the

ashes (not in the fire) and a holy bath in the sacred rivers is like an elephant’s bath.

(an Elephant had a good shower but throws all the dirt back on its body after the bath).

श्रीमन्नाम प्रोच्य नारायणाखं्य - केन प्रापुिाणक्मितं पालपनोऽलप ॰

हा नैः पूिं िाक्प्रिृत्ता न तक्मसं्मसे्तन प्रािं गभणिासालददुैःखम् ॱ २७ ॱ

sriimannaama prochya NaaraayaNaakhyam -

ke na praapu: vaanChitham paapina:-api

haana: puurvam vaakpravRtthaa na thasmin -

thena praaptham garbha vaasaadhi dhu:kham. 27

By chanting the Holy name of the Supreme Lord Sriman-Narayana (NaaraayaNa along

with Sri-Mahaa-Lakshmi), everyone fulfilled all the desires, including the worst sinners

(like Ajaamila). Unfortunately, we never chanted His Holy Name in our earlier lives and

hence we all ended up going through the trouble of entering the womb of a mother

(had we taken SaraNagathi in our earlier life and chanted that most famous Dhvaya-

Manthra, we would have attained Sri-VaikunTam in our last birth itself and could have

easily avoided this miserable rebirth).

मज्जन्मनैः फिलमदं मधुकर टभारे – मत्प्राथणनीय मदनुग्रह एष एि ॰

त्वद्भृत्य भृत्य पररचारक भृत्य भृत्य - भृत्यस्य भृत्य इलत मां स्मर िोकनाथ ॱ २८ ॱ

math-janmana: phalam-idham Madhu-Kaitabhaare

math praarThaniiya math-anugraham esha eva

thvath bhRuthya bhRuthya parichaaraka bhRuthya bhRuthya

bhRuthyasya bhRuthya ithi maam smara Loka-naaTha. 28

O Supreme Lord of all Universes! O MaDhu-suudhana! O Kaitabhaari! (one who killed

the demons – MaDhu and Kaitabha) May I beg You for only one favour, that makes my

life fruitful: “ May You kindly remember me as the servant of Your Servant of Your

servant, all the way down to Your seventh level servant “ (or seven-times-seven, 49th

level or for 49 births, in every birth and at any level, as Aandaal said in Thiruppaavai).

नाथे नैःपुरुषोत्तमे लत्जगतामेकालधपे चेतसा -

सेवे्य स्वस्य पदस्य दातरर परे नारायणे लतष्ठलत ॰

यं कलितु्परुषाधमं कलतपयग्रामेिमल्पाथणदं -

सेिायर मृगयामहे नरमहो मूढा िराका ियम् ॱ २९ॱ

naaThe na: puroshoththame thrijagathaam ekaaDhipe chethasaa

sevye svasya padhasya dhaathari pare NaaraayaNe thishTathi

yam kanchith purushaDhamam kathipaya graamesam alpaarThadham

sevaayai mRugayaamahe naram aho mooDaa varaakaa vayam. 29

How foolish and mean-minded are we (the human beings), because we are always

searching for another human being who is like us, but with some status to give us a

little money, being a headman of a village or so. How much more foolish are we to

leave the Supreme Lord Sriman-Narayana, who is ready to give us the unimaginable

status of His own (Saaruupya / Saayujya Moksham), if only we surrender to Him, the

unquestioned Single Lord of all the three worlds (and all the innumerable Universes).

मदन पररहर क्मथथलतं मदीये - मनलस मुकुन्द पदारलिन्द धालम्न ॰

हर नयन कृिानुना कृिोऽलस - स्मरलस न चक्र पराक्रमं मुरारेैः ॱ ३० ॱ

Madhana parihara sThithim madhiiye - manasi Mukundha padha-aravindha Dhaamni

Hara nayana kRuSaanunaa kRuSa:-asi - smarasi na Chakra paraakramam Muraare: 30

O Cupid! (ManmaTha) You better go away from my mind, which is converted into a

permanent home for the Lotus-Feet of Lord Mukundha. When you could not even save

yourself from the third eye of Sankara (being burnt to ashes), how can you even think

of withstanding the power of the SudharSana-chakra of Muraari (Sri-Mahaa-Vishnu).

ततं्त्व बु्रिाणालन परं परस्मात् - मधु क्षरन्तीि सुधां पदालन ॰

प्रितणय प्राञ्जलिरक्मस्म लजहे्व - नामालन नारायण गोचरालण ॱ ३१ॱ

thaththvam bruvaaNaani param parasmaath – maDhuksharanthiiva suDhaam padhaani

praavarthaya praanjali:-asmi jihve - naamaani NaaraayaNa gocharaaNi. 31

O my tongue! I beg you with folded hands (in anjali-mudhra) to keep chanting the holy

names of the Supreme Lord Sriman-NaaraayaNa, which are like a shower of honey and

this is the supreme truth, Superior to the most Superior result of all the highest virtue.

इदं िरीरं पररणाम पेििं - पतत्यिशं्य श्लथसंलध जजणरम् ॰

लकमौषधरैः क्मिश्यलस मूढ दुमणते - लनरामयं कृष्ण रसायनं लपब ॱ ३२ ॱ

idham Sariiram pariNaama peSalam – pathathi-avaSyam SlaTha sanDHi jarjaram

kim-aushaDhai: kliSyasi muuDa dhurmathe - niraamayam KrishNa rasaayanam piba, 32

This body is sure to die one day, afflicted with old age and with all the joints becoming

loose. Why are we force-feeding this body with all those medications, instead of giving

the most effective, fruitful and beneficial celestial nector, amRutha – the Krishna tonic.

दारा िाराकर िर सुता ते तनूजो लिररलिैः - स्तोता िेदस्ति सुरगणो भृत्य िगणैः प्रसादैः ॰

मुक्मक्तमाणया जगदलिकिं तािकी देिकी तेमाता लमतं् बिररपुसुतस्तत्त्वतोऽन्यन्नजानेॱ३३ ॱ

dhaaraa vaaraakara-vara-suthaa the thanuujo virinchi:

sthothaa vedhaa: thava suragaNa: bhRuthya-varga: prasaadha:

mukthirmaayaa jagadhavikalam thaavakii Dhevakii the

maathaa mithram Bala-ripu-sutha: thvayi-atho-anyath na jaane. 33

O Lord Mukundha! Sri-Mahaa-Lakshmi (daughter of the Milk-Ocean) is Your Consort,

Brahma (the 4-faced Creator) is Your son, all the Vedha-s constantly glorify You, all the

gods (330 Millions) are Your servants, Salvation is the prasaadham (mercy) You offer

Your devotees, all these created worlds are Your Maaya, Dhevaki is Your mother,

Arjuna is Your best friend and O Supreme Lord (Para-Vaasudheva) Sri-Krishna! I know

no one else other than You (I know nothing more than this much about You).

कृष्णो रक्षतु नो जगत्त्रयगुरुैः कृषं्ण नम धं्व सदा -

कृषे्णनामर ित्िो लिलनहताैः कृष्णाय तस्मर नमैः ॰

कृष्णादेि समुक्मितं जगलददं कृष्णस्य दासोऽस्म्यहं –

कृषे्ण लतष्ठलत लिश्वमेतदक्मखिं हेकृष्ण रक्षस्व माम्ॱ३४ॱ

Krshno rakshathu no jagath-thraya-guru: KrshNam namasyaami-aham

KrshNena amara Sathrava: vinihathaa: KrshNaaya thasmai nama:

KrshNaath-eva samuThthitham jagath-idham KrshNasya dhaasa:-asmi aha:

KrshNe thishTathi sarvam ethath akhilam he KrshNa rakshasva maam. 34

May the Supreme Lord Sri-Krishna, the Preceptor of all the Universes protect us and

may we all bow down to Krishna. All the enemies of the gods were wiped out only by

Krishna and may we prostrate to Krishna. All these Universes came from Krishna only

and sustained by Krishna only and may we all be the eternal servants of the Supreme

Lord Sri-Krishna only and O Krishna! Protect us.

तत्-तं्व प्रसीद भगिन् कुरु मय्यनाथे - लिष्णो कृपां परम कारुलणकैः खिु त्वम् ॰

संसार सागर लनमग्नमनन्त दीनं - उद्धतुणमहणलस हरे पुरुषोत्तमोऽलस ॱ३५ ॱ

thath-thvam prasiidha bhagavan kuru mayi-anaaThe

VishNo kRupaam parama kaaruNika: khalu thvam

samsaara saagara nimagnam-anantha dhiinam

uDhdharthum arhasi Hare Purushotthama:-asi. 35

O Supreme Lord Sri-Mahaa-Vishnu! (the all-pervading) O Anatha! (ever-existing,

without an end) O Hari! (who wipes out all our sins) O Purushoththama! (the Supreme

Purusha, the Super-Soul of all) Being the most merciful Lord, You have to be kind to

me and uplift me who is in a very pitiable condition, immersed in this Ocean of

Samsaara (day-to-day world) and I have no one else to save me.

नमालम नारायण पाद पङ्कजं - करोलम नारायण पूजनं सदा ॰

िदालम नारायण नाम लनमणिं - स्मरालम नारायण तत्त्वमव्ययम् ॱ३६ॱ

namaami NaaraayaNa paadha pankajam - karomi NaaraayaNa puujanam sadhaa

vadhaami NaaraayaNa naama nirmalam - smaraami NaaraayaNa thatthvam-avyayam.36

May we offer our humble prostrations at the Lotus-Feet of the Supreme Lord Sriman-

narayana, worship Sriman-Narayana, chant the holy names of Sriman-Narayana and

think (recollect in our minds) of the only one eternal reality – Sriman-Narayana (thri-

karaNa-SuDhdhi – mano-vaak-kaaya-karma-s – what all we think, we talk and we do).

श्रीनाथ नारायण िासुदेि- श्रीकृष्ण भक्तलप्रय चक्रपाणे ॰

श्रीपद्मनाभाचु्यत कर टभारे - श्रीराम पद्माक्ष हरे मुरारे ॱ ३७ॱ

अनन्त िरकुण्ठ मुकुन्द कृष्ण - गोलिन्द दामोदर माधिेलत ॰

िकंु्त समथोऽलप न िक्मक्त कलित् - अहो जनानां व्यसनालभमुख्यम् ॱ ३८ ॱ

SrinaaTha NaaraayaNa Vaasudheva – Sri-KrishNa bhakthapriya ChakrapaaNe

Sripadhmanaabha-Achyutha Kaitabhaare – Sri-Raama Padhmaaksha Hare Muraare. 37

Anantha VaikunTa Mukundha KrishNa - Govindha Dhaamodhara Maadhavethi

vakthum samarTha:-api na vakthi kaSchith - aho janaanaam vyasanaabhimukhyam. 38

Being immersed in all the worldly matters, no one is chanting the Holy Names of the

Supreme Lord Sriman-narayana, even though we are all capable of chanting them as –

SriinaaTha (Husband of Sri-Mahaa-Lakshmi), NaaraayaNa (the First and the Foremost

Supreme Lord), Vaasudheva (first of the four Vyuuha-Forms), Sri-Krishna (the mirror

image of NaaraayaNa), Bhaktha-Priya (very dear to His devotees), Chakra-PaaNi (the

Supreme Lord with the SudharSana-Chakra), Sri-Padhma-naabha (One with the lotus

from His navel which became the birth-place of the 4-faced Creator – Brahma),

Achyutha (one without any change or diminution of power), Kaitabhaari (who killed the

demon Kaitabha), Sri-Raama (Naaraayana’s Incarnation in Threthaa-Yuga),

Padhmaaksha (with beautiful Lotus-petal like eyes), Hari (who wipes out all our sins),

Muraari (who killed the demon Mura), Anantha (second of the four Vyuuha-Forms,

Aadhisesha), VaikunTa (Supreme Lord of Parama-padham), Mukundha (who gives

Salvation), Krishna (Naaraayana’s Incarnation in Dhvaapara-Yuga), Govindha (who

gives pleasure to the Cows and the senses), Dhaamodhara (one who was tied up with a

rope around His waist by YaSodha), MaaDhava (Husband of Sri-Mahaa-Lakshmi).

(Padmanaabha, Govindha, Dhaamodhara, Sri-Raama, Sri-Krishna)

ध्यायक्मन्त ये लिषु्णमनन्तमव्ययं - हृत्पद्ममधे्य सततं व्यिक्मथथतम् ॰

समालहतानां सतताभयप्रदं - ते याक्मन्त लसक्मदं्ध परमां च िरष्णिीम् ॱ३९ॱ

Dhyaayanthi ye Vishnum Anantham Avyayam –

hRuth padhma maDhye sathatham vyavasThitham

samaahithaanaam sathatha-abhaya-pradham

the yaanthi siDhdhim paramaam cha vaishNaviim. 39

Those blessed devotees, with complete sense-control, who surrender to Lord Vishnu,

also known as Anantha and Avyaya (the immutable), by keeping Him in the lotus of

their hearts (as given in Dhahara-Vidhya, one of the 32 Brahma-Vidhya-s), will certainly

reach the highest world – Sri-VaikunTam, as assured by the Supreme Lord Himself.

क्षीर सागर तरङ्ग िीकरा – सार तार लकत चारु मूतणये ॰

भोलग भोग ियनीय िालयने - माधिाय मधु लिलद्वषे नमैः ॱ ४० ॱ

Kshiira-saagara tharanga Siikaraa – saara thaara kitha chaaru muurthaye

bhogi bhoga Sayaniiya Saayine - MaaDhavaaya MaDhu vidhvishe nama: 40

Our humble prostrations to MaaDhava (the Lord of Sri-Mahaa-Lakshmi), who killed the

demon MaDhu, reclining (in Yoga-Nidhra) on the bed of Aadhi-Sesha, with a beautiful

dark body hue, rendered all the more wonderful with drops of milk from the Ocean of

milk, like little stars twinkling in the sky on a dark night.

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