Post on 21-Nov-2021






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Master Brand Provocateurwww.ZingYourBrand.com

Mary van de Wiel

Mary van de Wiel

Free Quiz and Scorecard | Are you craving to zing your brand?

A ZING GLOSSARY n. – zing (i) an exquisite, irresistible part of every entrepreneurial CEO that needs to be

catapult to new levels. (ii) a feeling people crave; also, a sophisticated, style-driven and cutting-edge perspective

v. – zing your brand. (i) a provocative, new way of doing business today; a new paradigm shift in building a thriving business for the 21C; an innovative way to show up, stand out, stake out your territory so your brand will be set apart in an over-saturated marketplace.

n.– zing factor (i) an unmistakable quality an individual, entity or company embodies in order to naturally attract clients, resonate with people, capture attention, turn heads; also, acts like a magnet

n. – master of zing – n. a person who zings; also, one who owns their brilliance

ZING YOUR BRANDNow, more than ever, it’s clearly the moment for entrepreneurs and CEOs to capture their core essence – that differentiating spark, zing factor or creative juice – embed it in their brand and then, build their entire business, strategy and brand culture around it. I call it the art of Zing Infusion.

Ready to take our free ZING Quiz to see how your business measures up? It’s one of the fastest ways to give a super-caffeinated jolt to your business. Just go through the list of questions below, write your response in the space provided and answer on a scale of 1 to 5, using these guidelines:

5 - Yes! (Absolutely, and no doubt about it!)4 - Mostly yes3 - Not sure

2 - Not very often1 - Not at all


Business Success Quiz & Scorecard

PLEASE NOTE: If you want to give your business an extra shot and super-caffeinated jolt, give this Quiz to a colleague to complete for you. Ask them to be totally honest. You might be surprised. In any case, you’re sure to get an idea of how they perceive your Zing Factor – and the success of your business brand!

1. Right now, would you say you’re paying enough attention building your brand in a bolder and more provocative way, particularly in this tough market? ______(P.S. Enough attention means a minimum 5 hours a week.)

2. Do you consciously position yourself as a Visionary in your field? You know, the kind of person who has that indefinable aura about them and knows innately how things tick? ____ (That’s right: Are you the leader of the pack? The go-to person in your industry? First among

equals? The person who Gets It Every Time? Are you getting the picture here?)

3. Would you give yourself a high score when it comes to measuring the level of passion you bring to your business? ____ (Here’s a clue: Is your level of passion turned up HIGH or is it simmering ON LOW. Or, plain


4. FACT: The behavior of your business brand is going to create a hugely important sense of who you are and what you deliver, particularly with the explosion of what’s going on in all the virtual alliances, on line and offline. ______(Clue: Managing your Brand Behavior is critical here. You never want your brand to misbehave, right? You do, however, want your brand to intrigue, spark interest, beguile, tantalize. Get the idea?)


Business Success Quiz & Scorecard

5. Right now, are you choosing radically different marketing activities that reflect your unique energy, personality and authentic self so you really stand out from your competition? ____(How many radically different activities are you really doing? Can you count them on one hand?)

6. Can visitors to your site actually tell you’re AT HOME, so to speak, when they click on your home page? ____(What I mean is: Does your business message actually inform your visitors that you are

indeed, vital, alive and pumping with your own unique life force? Is that obvious? Or do

people leave scratching their heads and mumbling under their breath?)

7. How about the Visibility Factor of your business brand? Is it on HIGH or is it simmering on LOW? ____(OK. Are you showing UP in your business? Can people get a sense of you, your voice, your

expertise, attitude, values, humor and your character? Remember, all of these factors come

through the language and images on your site, or in your marketing communication. Make

sure they’re real, authentic so people can get an accurate sense of who you are. That’s when

they can see you; and that means you have a high Visibility Factor.)

8. If clients are confused by what you are offering, would you ever consider it might be related to how you reveal and express the energy of your brand and what it delivers? ___(Be honest. PS By now, you have a good idea of what we’re talking about here, yes?)

9. Are you building an emotional connection with your clients? ____(Again, this is all about how you reach out to your clients, how to speak to them, build

relationships, and how you let them know, on an ongoing basis, that they mean something to you.)


Business Success Quiz & Scorecard

10. Are you taking the role of Brand Guardian of your business seriously enough? ____(This is an important one. You’re the captain of a ship. You’re the one steering the business.

How do you manage navigating in stormy weather? Can you spot the horizon even in murky

waters? Think about this one. Remember. Zing is not something flighty. Zing is the feeling

around your brand and it straddles many changeable conditions.)

11.As the internet is becoming critically important as a brand-building vehicle, are you running your business - and moving forward in fast, flexible, nimble and agile ways - so you stay on top of your competition?____(Think about it. Do you think of yourself as agile, nimble – not to mention, sure footed? These

are highly valuable qualities for an entrepreneurial business owner. It means you can take

advantage of opportunities effortlessly as they pop out of the blue. That’s a good thing.)

12. The world of marketing is increasingly design-driven in the 21C. Are you creating a distinctive design culture for your business so you stand out from your competition?____(Look at Target and Apple, NIKE and Google. It doesn’t matter that they’re mega major, global

and, not to mention, amazing corporations and brands. They’re smart. They’re 100% design

driven in all their marketing communication efforts. It also doesn’t matter whether your business

is big or small. Or even if it’s tiny. Design matters. That’s the most important thing here.)


Business Success Quiz & Scorecard

Congratulations! You’ve completed your Zing for Business Success Assessment! Now add up

your points and record them below.


OK. Now it’s time for your Business Assessment Score below. Let’s see how much zing

you’re infusing in your brand every day. Check out what category you fall into and what we’d

recommend so you can catapult yourself above the 21C new brand landscape and get on

track to celebrating the zing in your business!

P.S. Regular Business & Brand Assessments are essential to the success of any business,

no matter how small or big. This scoring will help you spot, identify and see the areas in your

business that are propelling you forward or holding you back. It will also tell you whether

you’re living up to your business potential and, ultimately your success.

So what category do you fall into? Here goes:

50-60 – You’re doing all the right things with building your brand and business, congratulations!

As a brand-conscious entrepreneur, you are running your business mindfully and as a result,

keep growing and reading our monthly tips and articles that will be emailed to you. Continue

to expand in your success and remember, it’s in times like these that getting a monthly

checkup with your Brand Analyst could be just the answer to staying on top! PS Always a

good idea to continue infusing your business with zing!

40-50 – It would appear you’re ‘working smart’ on your brand and business, and you’re

getting pretty close to perfect, so to speak! You probably have a very good sense of what

you’re offering and why you are such an expert but perhaps the one thing you might want to

look at is this issue around clarity. Remember, people don’t buy with a confused mind. Does

that sound accurate for you? So if you don’t have a long client waiting list, this might be a

clue that you might need a few outside insights or sounding board from a brand analyst!


Business Success Quiz & Scorecard

30-40 – Sounds like you may be looking for a bit of guidance from a Brand Vision Master or

territory and lock out the competition, once and for all. It also might be helpful to go back

passion, interest and determination is still right up there for you. No doubt about it. You CAN

create a brilliant business. It just might take some reworking, and this is the most exhilarating

part of building your brand. If you want some support in this exciting journey, don’t hesitate

to get in touch, and why not take advantage of our 20-minute free Branding Assessment call?

Email van@zingyourbrand.com

Under 30 – You know, none of us were ever taught about the art of creating a business success

or building a brand. And certainly very few of us were taught how to recognize, articulate and

teach us that one of the most basic building blocks of a successful business is your brand?

So it’s time for taking a break, looking around and making sure you’re doing what you want to

be doing, and then, get some branding help to get back on track. It’s a simple step-by-step

process and it makes all the difference to work with a branding professional who ‘gets’ who you

are, and where you want to go. So get moving, and let’s make your brand dreams come true!

OK! How did you do? Chances are some of you might just need some insights and feedback

from a Brand Analyst and Master of Zing! If you’d like to have a talk about what the next steps

might be or book some monthly Business Success Checkups, why not email me at van@

zingyourbrand.com and book a free 20-minute Business Success Assessment phone

call, and we can see what kind of package would best suit you – and your business!Thanks for having the desire, willingness, courage and curiosity when it comes to looking into

your business – and exploring the zing factor embedded in your brand – and moving your

business forward, sooner than later!


Remember. Your brand won’t sell a thing if it ain’t got that zing. (ZING = KA-CHING.) That’s where I come in.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Mary van de Wiel (Call me Van) is founder, CEO and creative brand analyst of A New Brand Landscape & Co. and www.ZingYourBrand.com, a brand consultancy that specializes in helping entrepreneurs and corporate clients lever-age that unmistakable Zing factor in their brands and transform their entire business around it. Want more information on speaking engagements, media appearances and consulting work? Go to www.zingyourbrand.com. Want to check out Van's portfolio of global branding campaigns for Fortune 500 clients, go to www.maryvandewiel.com.

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PS Are you an entrepreneur who is living out loud? E-mail us about it at van@zingyourbrand.com

@2010 Zing your Brand // A New Brand Landscape & Co.

Business Success Quiz & Scorecard

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