A very cheesy asylum part 1

Post on 01-Dec-2014



Entertainment & Humor



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A creepy fairy wearing a purple dress...whatever could this be?

It started off with Chewy growing into an adult. That wouldn’t have been too unusual...except he was 14 days away from his birthday.

The family were even more concerned when he pulled out a mop.

Whatever the disease was it quickly spread through the house.

One after another the teens prematurely aged into adults.

The symptoms included hedious fashion choices and impailing body parts through walls.

“Look everyone, I’ll get so much screen time now!”

“No please don’t look!”

Other’s were spared fish net stocking through the power of the default.

Strange behaviors were seen.

The symptoms worsened during the evening.

It was decided a good nights sleep would probably fix things.

But come the morning things had become worse.

The shrink soon arived, diagnosed Silly Gilbert’s disease and commited everyone.

Across town the disease spread to Sim Jo’s house....

“Okay, who turned out the lights?”

There was only one thing to do. Sim Jo needed to become Dr Jo Cheese!

With her trusty side kick daughter, nurse Gem Cheese! Together they would rid the neighbourhood of this terrible disease.

There was no time to lose! The neighbourhood was going crazy!

“So urm, can we all go back to being nice to each other now?!”

“Boo! Stick ya finger in his eye!”

If you haven’t guessed yet you might now...

It’s the asylum challenge! With Dr Jo Cheese and her bunny slippers in charge, what can possibly go wrong?...

Everyone went through a registration process which included setting all relationships to 0, removing all the famaily ties, putting aspiration to level 3

(That’s average green) removing all skills in simPE-Yes all that hard work at prep school gone! Oh and adding a few interesting things... like my

bunny slippers. Those are the same slippers my simself had in the great asylum challenge of 07, except there I was a looney and this time I am the

controlable with the LTW to eat 200 grilled cheese sandwhiches. So this time I’m sain.. right...?

Yes, but what about that knife!

“Nurse Gem is in charge of that, don’t you worry about that.”

Okay this-I didn’t bank on. I was thinking no one had any gender preference. They’re swooning because Chewy is now a romance sim, because I

forgot and set it when they went to high school. I went around the aspiration wheel giving each sim the next one in turn. Apart from Gem and I who

are cheese. I have also clicked all motive aspiration points for all house mates. I will not be adding conjure cheese as that hardly seems fair. I’ll have

to cook and eat those 200.

I decided on cheese as I have far too many custom careers to wait for mine to turn up. I also removed my harder skilling and age hack for the


While I am mostly following the rules, I have 9 simselves instead of 8 as I couldn’t leave Gem out seeing she joined up at Prep-school. To make up for

that I added an extra sitting spot-a couch. There are still only 5 beds, but the couch adds a place to nap. Also don’t expect great pictures, this is more

picspam than anything. Just it’s easier to put it up on slideshare then it is to fiddle with photobucket and HTML lines.

Scribbles is here too, she’s just trying to hide between the wall and the bin.

“Darn, who ratted me out?”

The bin.

“I knew he wasn’t to be trusted!”

Let’s introduce the inmates!

First up is Jess, who got fortune. Poor Jess, fortune sims tend to do fair rather badly in asylums.

“Hello, I’m Pippi Longstocking, see how energetic I am...urrr I moved really I did.”

While that costume kind of suits the character I wouldn’t let simJess wear that throughout the challenge-Don’t worry!

For anyone that doesn’t know, Pippi Longstocking is an eccentric child’s book character. She lives alone with her animals doing energetic things such

as chasing down bullies and climbing trees...

“I moved really! Sheesh.”

“Ho ho ho! Merry Christmas and stuff!”

Sawyer is our jolly elf/Santa wannabe. He picked knowledge out of Santa’s bag.

“Rudolph the red nosed reindeeeerr had a very shiiiiny nose! Ho, ho ho!”

“Meeeow! Enough with the ho slurs Sawyer!”

Scribbles is a cat burglar... ^_^ with emphasis on the cat. She also picked romance.

She is actually pulling a face at sawyers Playing.

She has this really odd tail that looks like it’s made out of a tree branch.

Gem is a cheese loving phyco knife carrying nurse.

“But I’m sweeeeet! See the bow!”


Because that’s not scary at all... She pulled that face all by herself!

I’m sure we will all sleep well knowing nurse Gem is on night duty.

This... Who guessed that ‘cover’ was actually Fuzzy’s hair? Complete with her imaginary friend! Who is wearing the latest fairy leaf ensemble.

I’ve had that thing in my download folder for years I needed a chance to use it!

But since Fuzzy does have to wear a permanent fairy friend, she gets normal clothes-with flamingos! Or ostriches or whatever they are. I’m calling

them flamingos, so there.

Fuzzy picked Pleasure.

Esme our resident alien got some fetching shriek thingamies antenna and more up to date Star Trek clothes. She is being helped to screw her head

on the correct earth way by Fuzzy.

Also your alien cc eyes disappeared so I gave some dark contacts, the pale blue eyes underneath them just didn’t look right.

“My fairy friend says whopping with a pillow is the best way to right your head Esme!”

Gem “Would you two cut that out! I have important cheesy business to attend to here!”

Esme picked popularity.

“Someone is going to pay if I don’t get my cheese!”

Seriously between sims playing and benches with food on them Gem could not get to make her cheese so she went outside and did that rather scary

face I showed before.

I downloaded this asylum of MTS and tweaked it a bit, but it isn’t that large.

Ani-mei is a pink fairy, she picked family.

She very helpfully made Gem’s cheese after it got left on the bench and didn’t burn it. Remember no skills.

Last but not least is Chewy the pirate. Chewy picked romance...


He does make a rather cute pirate.

So not much happened the first day.

Gem earned the first skill point on the piano.

Fuzzy couldn’t decide which was hotter.

“Which is hotter? Chewy or the piano?! I can’t decide!”

Better watch out for that fairy advisor Fuzzy.

Dur, the piano of course.


Some people nabbed beds while others missed out.

But no one passed out.

Dr Jo Cheese dug up enough rocks to pay the first bill.

She also dug up two water pipes and a cc cook book on a stand-I didn’t know you could do that.

I also cooked and ate 5 grilled cheese sandwiches’-but only has a memory for one?!

I’ve since grabbed the grill cheese counter-what a terrific idea! So I hope the game recognizes those five.

To end this bit of picspam, here is the overview shot of the asylum. I only seem to have this one shot in the dark.

I just hope that little bottle neck into the kitchen doesn’t cause trouble with putting out any kitchen fires. Luckily there is an outside doorway as


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