A ride back_in_time

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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Paulette Goddard, getting into her husband's (Charlie Chaplin) Rolls-Royce Phantom II.

Fatty Arbuckle and his 1919 Pierce Arrow

Erich Von Stroheim and his Cadillac (early 1920s)

Harold Lloyd and wife Mildred Davis with their Buick

Lincoln Theodore Monroe Andrew Perry aka Stepin Fetchit with his

Cadillac Phaeton

Joan Crawford with her 1929 Ford Town Car

Babe Ruth receiving a 1926 Auburn Roadster as a gift

Lilian Harvey and her


Johnny Weissmuller (Tarzan, remember?) with his 1932 Chevrolet

Clark Gable with his 1932 Packard

Laurel and Hardy in their Buick 1930 Series 30 Model 30-45 phaeton

Joan Crawford (again) and her 1932 Cadillac Fleetwood

Carl Brisson behind the wheel of his 1934 Isotta


Al Jolson with his Mercedes

Jean Harlow with her Cadillac

William Powell admires Gary Cooper's Duesy

Buck Jones with his 1933 Packard Special

Errol Flynn driving his Packard...

…and his Auburn Speedster

Tyrone Power with his Duesenberg...

... and a post-war Jaguar

Robert Montgomery with his Cadillac Sport Phaeton

Joan Crawford (yes, again!) driving her 1938 Lincoln model K

James Stewart with his Plymouth

Ginger Rogers and her 1937 Dodge

Norwegian Olympic figure-skating champion, and Hollywood star Sonja Henie,

posing with her Cord 810

Cecil B deMille with his 1937 Cord

Rita Hayworth with her 1941 Lincoln


Bing Crosby giving rides around the studio lot in his 1939 Olds coupe


Cary Grant

parked on the

fender of his 1941 Buick


John Wayne and Maureen O'Hara in a 1914 Stutz Bearcat

Renee Zellweger and her Mercedes E Class (E 63)



Jennifer Love Hewitt around Hollywood driving a Bentley

Tom Cruise, and his Bugatti Veyron

Nicolas Cage and his wife Alice Kim getting out of their Ferrari Enzo

Paris Hilton in an impossible to ignore—Pink Bentley

Now, back to work

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