A Parish of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Hartford · 2017-02-26 · A Parish of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Hartford The St. Catherine Parish Legacy Fund is committed to

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A Parish of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Hartford

The St. Catherine Parish Legacy Fund is committed to ensuring the long-term stability of our parish and its ministries. Please consider a gift in lieu of flowers upon a loved one's passing as a way to ensure our community will thrive well into the future.

Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time 26 February 2017

Parish Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m. through 2:00 p.m.

Pastor The Reverend Michael Whyte, 860 658 1642

PARISH STAFF Administrative Assistant-Parish Office Mrs. Lisa Cerchia 860 658 1642 or stcathy@comcast.net

Director of Religious Education Mrs. Kathi Bonner 860 658 4737 or kathidre@aol.com

Director of Youth Ministry Mrs. Judy Pluta 860 408 9888 or judyplutaym@gmail.com

Director of Music Ministry Mrs. Susan Zybert 860 404 5514 or susanzybert@comcast.net

Facilities Manager Mr. Michael Grappone, 860 658 1642

Parish Council President Mr. Jim Peters 860 651 3143 or jpetersjjr@gmail.com

Finance Council Chairman Mr. Scott Muryasz 860 693 4164

Parish Legacy Fund Chairman Mr. Peter Pabich, 860 408 1254

Parish Lay Trustees Mrs. Melissa Horbal, 860 651 7844 Mr. Joseph Capozzoli, 860 352 2390

Thanks for worshiping with us. If you would like to join our parish

family, fill out a yellow membership form found in the vestibule or atrium and mail it to us, drop

it in the collection basket or call us at 658 1642.

We Welcome You to Our Family of Faith!

Mass/Liturgy Schedule: Saturday Vigil at 5:00 p.m. Sunday Masses at 8:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. (Memorial Day Weekend through Labor Day Weekend, NO 5:00 p.m. Sunday Mass) Daily Mass at 8:30 a.m., Monday through Wednesday, and Friday. (Yearly) Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday from 4:00 p.m. until 4:30 p.m. Monday from 6:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. Baptisms and Baptismal Preparation: Please call the parish office at 860 658 1642 Sacrament of Holy Matrimony: Please call the parish office at 860 658 1642 at least 6 months in advance Choir Practices: Adult—Tuesdays at 7:30 p.m. Youth—Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. Contemporary Music Group—Sundays at 4:00 p.m.

Bulletin Deadline: Monday at 10:00 a.m. Website News: email to: StCatherineWebMaster@Comcast.net 265 Stratton Brook Road, Box 184, West Simsbury, Connecticut 06092 Tel: 860 658 1642 /Fax: 888 297 3134 Email: stcathy@comcast.net Website: www.stcatherine.info Facebook Page: St.Catherine of Siena Parish-West Simsbury CT

WELCOME! We welcome all visitors who are celebrating with us today. As is our custom at St. Catherine of Siena, please remain in your pew for the singing of the first and last verses of the recessional hymn.

Religious Education News NO REL ED Classes Sunday, 26th. We resume classes on Sunday, March 5th! CATECHIST RETREAT is Sunday, Feb. 26th. We meet at 9am for Continental Breakfast in Russell Hall. This retreat includes, 11am Teaching Mass, catered lunch, formation on the Sacraments of Initiation and Reconciliation. We conclude at 2pm. Confirmation I & II meet next on Sunday, March 5th. Remember all classes meet 7:00- 8:00 p,m. for the Mission, no morning classes. CHILDREN MAKING CHANGE - our Religious Education Lenten Giving Program will begin when we resume classes on March 5th. An email will also be sent to parents with all the details. Our children can "change" another child's life by giving their "change" each Sunday during classes. A container will be in each classroom (courtesy of Kane's Market) to collect change to donate to CCMC. Together, we can make a difference!

Saturday, February 25th @ 5:00 pm Mass for Nicole Larramee, 19th anniversary, requested by her family;

Sunday, February 26th @ 8:00 am Mass for Rev. Msgr. Charles W. Daly, requested by the Pabich Family;

Sunday, February 26th @ 11:00 am Mass for Anthony Daniels, requested by Judy & David Pluta;

Sunday, February 26th @ 5:00 p.m. Mass for Ethel Melanson, birthday remembrance, requested by her family;

Monday, February 27th @ 8:30 a.m. Mass for Special Intetnion;

Tuesday, February 28th @ 8:30 am Mass Rev. Ronald R. Yelle; ==============================================

Wednesday, March 1st --ASH WEDNEDAY

7:00 a.m. Liturgy of Word with Ashes;

8:30 a.m. Mass for Special Intention;

12:00 p.m. Liturgy of Word with Ashes;

3:00 p.m. Liturgy of Word with Ashes;

6:00 p.m. Mass for Agnes Hark, requested by her family; ==============================================

Friday, March 3rd @ 8:30 a.m. Mass for Charles Deye, requested by his family;

STATIONS OF THE CROSS, 9 a.m. & 7 p.m.;

Saturday, March 4th @ 5:00 pm Mass for Leslie Brimmer & Kevin Brimmer, requested by their family;

Sunday, March 5th @ 8:00 am Mass for Rev. Msgr. Charles W. Daly, requested by the Pabich Family;

Sunday, March 5th @ 11:00 am Mass for Ethel Melanson, requested the Adult Choir; and,

Sunday, March 5th @ 5:00 p.m. Mass for Jack Sarsfield Berry, 11th anniversary, requested by his family.


Offertory Collection Weekly Collection: $10,140.50 Loose Cash/Checks $ 1,399.50 Envelopes $ 8,741.00 Cathedraticum* -$ 557.73 School Tax* -$ 557.73 *Parish taxes (5.5%) paid to the Archdiocese for services to the parish. Repair & Refurbishment……………….$385.00 (additional)


Senior High Youth Ministry —Sunday, February 26th, 6:00 pm, Russell Hall—Save the date!! A highlight of the winter! Sr. High welcomes

special guests from Looking-In Theater project, who will present a series of scenes from the lives of everyday teens and open the floor to discussion and problem solving. This interactive evening is one that you simply will not want to miss. Bring a friend.

--Save the date, Sunday, March 12th - We've been invited to play Dodge ball with St Mary's Youth Group. St Mary's vs. St Catherine's - please wear your green youth ministry tee shirt to show our team spirit. Not a dodgeball player?

Quieter activities have also been planned in another room. Mark your calendar. Details to follow.

Junior High Youth Ministry —Monday, February 27th, 6:45 p.m., Russell Hall. Youth group meets tonight for Movie Night on the big screen. Pizza will be served. Bring a bag of munchies or crunchies (veggies) to share. Can we meet 15 minutes

earlier so that we can end on time?

Coming this Lent!

YOUTH STATIONS OF THE CROSS” led by our high school parishioners, Friday March 3rd, 7 pm. Practice is Friday, March 3rd at 5:45 pm prior to the Stations of the Cross at 7 pm (approximately 25 minutes). Please join us and tell your friends! Email Mrs. Slattery at bmslattery@comcast.net or call 860-658-1250 with any questions. Confirmation Candidates can receive service hours for this Devotion.)

MUSIC TEACHER NEEDED...for 4 weeks in March to prepare a small group of 8th Grade singers for the Living Stations of the Cross! We meet on Sunday mornings at HJMS from 9:30-10:30am. Please contact Kathi Bonner,

DRE at 685-4737 or by email atKathidre@aol.com.


Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Wants versus needs? Mam mon (mamen) noun - wealth regarded as an evil influence or false object of worship and devotion. It was taken by medieval writers as the name of the devil of covetousness, and revived in this sense by Milton. For many literalists today’s Gospel is an indictment of all “wealth,” as if intent has no role in Christianity-at-large. In the Roman Catholic faith, we are well-schooled on the idea of culpability as in ‘”Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa” and the power of intent. (Mea culpa is a Latin phrase that means "through my fault" and is an acknowledgement of having done wrong. Grammatically, meā culpā is in the ablative case, with an instrumental meaning. The phrase comes from a prayer of confession of sinfulness, known as the Confiteor, used in the Roman Rite at the beginning of Mass or when receiving the sacrament of Penance.) But I digress. Today’s Gospel offers us one of the most powerful and simple questions asked by Jesus: “Can any of you by worrying add a single moment to your life-span?” Well, can we? Nope! But the question being asked of all Christian disciples is less about the possessing of wealth or money or jewels or golf clubs or any other material item but is rather about the “motivation” by which we utilize to acquire such items—and furthermore what they truly mean to us once we have them. If we possess items for the benefits they bring to us or for the convenience and the betterment of our lives—and of those around us—then they are a “good” by which we can use to help ourselves and others. If we collect things for the simple fact of ownership or for power or for purely selfish purposes so that they become things that define who we are, then we must ask the question of “do we own them or do these things own us?” Today’s message from the gospel is all about is: Learning dependence on God while living in a consumer society. Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta once gave a talk to a group of Franciscans about their founder St. Francis. She told of his story of first meeting a leper. How at first the future saint drew back from the leper as he was turned off by his presence. But after thought and prayer, Francis embraced the leper and felt that he had been born anew and became of lover of Christ. In fact, Mother Teresa said that Francis had a “competition with Christ” in terms of poverty. Francis believed that when you properly understood poverty—hard to do in our society—you actually come to know freedom. “Having less, living simply, equals freedom.” Both St. Mother Teresa and St. Francis are wonderful examples of this freedom. I remember the day I entered the seminary in Boston. Leaving my apartment and life behind, I packed my car and headed to Brighton. I took everything up to my third-floor room (cell) and began to unpack. Quickly I realized that I was trying to fit everything I thought I “needed” to survive into an 11 by 7 foot room. Books, clothes, TV, computer, paintings and more…Trip-by-trip back home I began to unload my room at St. John’s Seminary and eventually had one painting on the wall and few items (it was just too difficult to maneuver around the room with all the things I first brought up with me.) And after nearly eight years in the Seminary, I can honestly say that I felt “free” from all those belongings. Now, 14 years after ordination I am back to square one. We are by nature and by nurture collectors and possessors. We live in a society that rates our value by what we possess: No longer is a 1300 square foot home with 1.5 bathrooms and three

bedrooms and two garages sufficient for a family of four; no longer is a car that seats five enough, or a two-week rental on the Cape good enough, nor is the 32” television or the sunfish or catamaran. We live in an ever-increasing and needy society where the “person” is now defined by the “place or thing.” Character has been replaced by self-esteem and feeling good about one’s self means having more and bigger things. This is what defines us, sadly. But in the end, we must all face that one simple question asked by Jesus in today’s Gospel: “Can any of you by worrying add a single moment to your life-span?” Let’s not worry so much (and we don’t have to do this ‘cold turkey’) about how many or how much we have, but how do we use well the blessings and things we already possess. Over the inside front door of the rectory there is a sign that says, “Count your blessings.” A good reminder not to focus on what might be owned but rather what you already have…we sometimes are so focused on looking at what we think we need rather than count what we already have. What’s the worrying going to accomplish…except stress?

Lenten Mission: March 5-7, Sunday, Monday & Tuesday Knowing our Catholic Identity is a little like knowing “the self.” Who are we as Catholics and what does it really matter?” Many people are asking this question today—and sadly with little real knowledge or understanding of our faith and the impact it has had for more than 2000 years on humanity. Today, with so many options for living one’s life, many are choosing not to have faith (“unbelief”) and so leaving the Church and other churches behind. How are we supposed to make an informed decision about Christ and our faith, with so little real knowledge? How can so many people make a “choice” with Conjecture only? Come to the Lenten Mission at Saint Catherine of Siena and let Dr. Joan Kelly, theologian, professor and papal award winner help us to form our understanding of our Catholic faith with real knowledge and inspiration—along with wit and humor. “What makes us Catholic?” “What difference does it make?” “How does living out my Catholic faith and identity lead me to Eternal Life with God?” At least you’ll be able to make up your own mind and own an informed decision about your faith. Aren’t three one-hour sessions worth making an eternal decision. Come join us and have some fun, too! Time: hours, Place: Church. Sunday, Monday and Tuesday nights, March 5,6,7, 7:00-8:00 p.m.

Lent is upon us! This Lent on every Friday evening at 7 p.m. our parish will celebrate the Stations of the Cross, a beautiful Lenten devotion and tradition of the Catholic Church. Each Friday evening Stations will be led by a different group—from our youth to Fr. Michael to many ministries. Come join us for this half-hour (1/2) Friday night event and put a wonderfully spiritual perspective on the Lenten Season! Weekly schedule of Station leaders is:

March 3rd--Youth Stations of the Cross

March 10th -- Father Whyte

March 17th--3rd grade students

March 24-- 8th grade Living Stations

March 31st--Women’s Club

April 7--Father Whyte

MANY THANKS to our Senior High Youth Ministry who baked and delivered 75 apple pies to area soup kitchens for their Thanksgiving meals. Thank you to the parent helpers who gave their time and energy on PIE NIGHT: Rosanne O' Hara, Amy Dillon, Susan Hoffman, Jeanne Carpenter, Debbie Hamil, Kathy Duford, Manuela Hanshaw and Mike Laiuppa.

Upcoming Meetings/Events

FEBRUARY -Sun, 26th—Catechist Retreat, RH, 9 a.m.

-Sun, 26th—Teaching Mass, Church, 11 a.m.

-Sun, 26th—St. Elizabeth House, parking lot, 3:45 p.m.

-Sun, 26th—Contemporary Choir, MR, 4 p.m.

-Sun, 26th—Sr. High Youth Ministry, RH, 6 p.m.

-Mon, 27th—Confession, Church, 6 p.m.

-Mon, 27th—Jr. High Youth Ministry, RH, 7 p.m.

-Mon, 28th—Parish Council, Library, 7 p.m.

-Tues, 28th—Children’s Choir, MR, 6:30 p.m.

-Tues, 28th—RCIA, Library, 7 p.m.

-Tues, 28th—Adult Choir, MR, 7:30 p.m.

MARCH -Wed, 1st—ASH WEDNESDAY 7:00 a.m. Liturgy of Word with Ashes 8:30 a.m. Mass for with Ashes 9:15 a.m. Bible Study, Library, 12:00 p.m. Liturgy of Word with Ashes 3:00 p.m. Liturgy of Word with Ashes 6:00 p.m. Mass for Ashes 7:00 p.m. Lenten Soup & Bread, RH

-Thurs, 2nd—Renew, Library, 10 a.m.

-Fri, 3rd—Stations of the Cross, Church, 9 a.m.

-Fri, 3rd—Rehearsal for evening Stations, 5:45 p.m.

-Fri, 3rd—Youth Stations of the Cross, Church, 7 p.m.

-Sat, 4th--Bagels and the Bible, RH, 9 a.m.

-Sun, 5th—Lenten Mission with Dr. Joan Kelly, 7 p.m.

-Sun, 5th—Confirmation I & II, 6 p.m.

-Mon, 6th— Mass at McLean Home, 11 a.m

-Mon 6th—Lenten Mission with Dr. Joan Kelly, 7 p.m.

-Tues, 7th—Reception with Dr. Joan Kelly, RH, 6:15 p.m.

-Tues, 7th—Lenten Mission with Dr. Joan Kelly, 7 p.m.

-Wed, 8th—Bible Study, Library, 9:15 a.m.

-Wed, 8th—Men’s Club, RH, 6:30 p.m.

-Thurs, 9th—Renew, Library, 10 a.m.

-Thurs, 9th—Girl Scouts, RH, 7 p.m.

-Fri, 10th—Stations of the Cross, Church, 9 a.m.

-Fri, 10th—Stations of the Cross, Church, 7 p.m.

-Sat, 11th--Bagels and the Bible, RH, 9 a.m.

Social Outreach





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but everyone should do something!

Pantry Partners—The March distribution date for SCPP is

March18. We always welcome our Confirmation candidates so if you need hours, please contact Mrs. Willis at scpp2013@gmail.com. We have a delivery opportunity for an adult volunteer who would like to come by on distribution Saturdays to pick up the food for our house-bound recipient and deliver. Please contact me if you are that person and I will give you the details. Thank you to all of our parishioners for your wonderful support!

The WOMEN’S CLUB invites all to: 1. March 9th - Wine Tasting (re-scheduled) at Super Cellar,332 West Main St, Avon. “Treat Yourself or Bring Your Favorite Valentine”. From 6 pm to 7:30 pm, please join us as Tony & our own Donna Hammond lead a complimentary tasting/sampling of six wines which will be available for purchase. Look for our e-mail invitation and please register on-line for planning. 2. Thursday, March 23rd ,Speaker Program, 7pm, RH Simsbury native Sheila Horan, Retired FBI and Deputy Director of United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Division of Child & Youth Protection.

Two Lenten Bible Studies: 1. Looking for something spiritual and intellectual for Lent

this year? Join us on Wednesday mornings, 9:15 am- 10;30 am, March 1st -April 5th. We will focus entirely on the Gospel of John. In our Lectionary (Sunday readings) only John doesn’t have an entire year designated to his Gospel, while Matthew, Mark and Luke rotate on a 3 year cycle. This year, during Lent and Holy Week, we will hear 5 Gospels from John. Join us to learn more! Contact Kathi Bonner, Kathidre@aol.com to sign up.

2.The Road to Redemption--Beginning Saturday March 4, 2017, 9:00 AM – 10:15 AM, Russell Hall. Presented by Father Michael and Lou Daniels. Scripture – Tradition - Magisterium. Coffee and Bagels will be served. All are invited.

St. Elizabeth House—next service date is, today, February 26th. Food needs to be ready to serve (casseroles hot, salad pre-cut) and at the church by 3:45 p.m. Please sign up in the atrium. Questions, please contact Leila Bruno at (860) 392-8585. Thank you!

Join the men of St Catherine and the Holy Family retreat team for a weekend of peace and reflection. Discover how simplicity can shine a light on what is truly essential and important in our lives. Come with us on retreat March 17-19 and enjoy fellowship, inspirational liturgies and uplifting music. Come with us to Holy Family Passionist Retreat Center in West Hartford and be renewed and inspired. The cost is $315 for the weekend. Senior Discount $215. We also have full and partial scholarships for anyone who would like to go. Register at www.holyfamilyretreat.org or call Lou Daniels at 860-916-3577 for more information.

Lenten Soup & Bread All Parishioners are welcome to attend our Lenten Soup & Bread meal immediately following the evening mass on Ash Wednesday, March 1. This potluck event, sponsored by the Women’s Club Ministry, is a time for fellowship & offers some of the world’s greatest soups, breads, and mac–n-cheese, all made by parishioners. Please sign up in the Atrium or on the Parish

website, www.stcatherine.info, to indicate # of attendees and if you are able to bring soup or bread to share. Items can be brought to the kitchen before Mass. Questions? Contact Anne Davis at astudleydavis@gmail.com or


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Church: St. Catherine of Siena City: West Simsbury, Connecticut Account # 04-0523 Run # Routing Code: O Phone: 860.658.1642 Fax: 888.297.3134 Contact: Lisa Cerchia

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