A New Perspective on Engagement and Performance...It’s time to embrace a new perspective. It’s time for meQuilibrium. meQuilibrium is the engagement and performance solution that

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A New Perspective on Engagement and PerformanceFour Challenges Every HR Exec Needs to Solve

© 2018 New Life Solution, Inc. All rights reserved. 2


Building a culture of high engagement and performance is one of the most pervasive challenges in

business today, but it’s not impossible to achieve. While most organizations see a dismal 33 percent

rate of engaged employees, the world’s best organizations average 70 percent.1 It’s clear that there’s

something these organizations have figured out that the rest of us haven’t.

These best-in-class organizations have discovered that no amount of perks or external motivation

will offset the relentless pace of change and pressure that the workforce faces today. They’ve realized

that what employees really need is internal — the internal capacity to conquer everyday challenges

without anxiety, engage fully in their work, and perform to their utmost potential.

Internal? That sounds difficult.

Stay with us. Building this internal capacity is easier than you think the key is resilience. Resilience is

a set of skills that equips your employees with the ability to adapt, manage stress,

and handle challenges with agility and a growth mindset.

In this e-book, we’ll explore the four challenges every HR executive faces in improving engagement and performance. And we'll show you how you can overcome each of them with the power of resilience.

1 Gallup State of the American Workplace 2017.

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Chaos is the new normal. Transformation is

constant. As a result, your people now face

change and unpredictable challenges

on a daily basis.

“Experts have estimated that 30 years ago the largest companies typically had only one or two simultaneous enterprise-wide change initiatives; today, that number is 20 to 25 changes.”2

In addition, as organizational models change,

people now work in teams with varied

structure and minimal hierarchy. The clear-

cut roles of the past are gone. The only thing

that's clear about work today is the demand

for employees to apply their skills in a variety

of contexts. To do this, they need agility.

2 Managing Organizational Change. SHRM. 2018. 3 2017 Deloitte Global Human Capital Trends. 4 Ibid. 5 Ibid.

80% of organizations report they are either currently restructuring their organization or have

recently completed the process.3

94% of executives agree that building agility skills is critical to business success.4

6% of organizations believe they are “highly agile today.”5




© 2018 New Life Solution, Inc. All rights reserved. 4

To thrive in this new world of complexity, your people need the ability to react and adapt with agility.

Some engagement providers claim that mindfulness, wellbeing, stress management, or survey tools

alone can solve this problem. However, few address the most foundational aspect of engagement and

performance improvement: the thinking style. When employees understand their thinking styles, they

can then learn to change their thinking — and make behavior changes based on that new thinking.

Resilience increases agility like no other method because it equips employees with the cognitive skills

to positively adapt to change. As your employees build resilience, they learn to better control their

emotions and impulses, reach out and connect with others, empathize, solve problems, feel confident

in their capabilities, and handle challenges with realistic optimism.

Unlock agility with the power of resilience

CEOs are “looking for recruits who share a growth mindset, with high

adaptability, high resiliency, and high levels of curiosity that bode well

for somebody who can navigate through change is actually energized by

that environment. … They recognize that work life could be more difficult

for someone who experiences anxiety with constant change and that

productivity could decline without the right personal skills.”

— Claudia Saran, Principal, Advisory, U.S. People and Change Leader, KPMG

© 2018 New Life Solution, Inc. All rights reserved. 5

As you begin to solve Challenge No. 1 with the power of resilience, it’s important to remember that every

employee has unique needs and challenges. Research shows that resilience is independent of income,

education, and other personal attributes, such as age and gender. Differences in work environments make

it even more difficult to provide an individualized approach. People who work in high-stress, high-demand

environments will face different stressors and challenges than people who have some control and agency

over their work conditions.


6 Andrew Shatté, Ph.D.; Adam Perlman, MD, MPH; Brad Smith, Ph.D.; and Wendy D. Lynch, Ph.D. Is Resilience the Result of Higher Education and Income? Investigating the Independent Effect of Resilience on Stress and Work. 7 Deloitte Global Human Capital Trends 2017.

Almost 50% of high-income, highly educated people lack adequate

resilience skills.6

83% of executives agree that continuous skill building and engagement on employees’ own terms is critical.7

50% 83%

© 2018 New Life Solution, Inc. All rights reserved. 68 The Psychology of Personalization: Why We Crave Customized Experiences. HubSpot. 2017.

Unlock individual results with the power of resilience.

Not only is a customized approach necessary to meeting each individual where they are, studies show

that people actually prefer personalized content, even if they aren’t aware it’s personalized.8 To equip

each of your employees with the specific skills they need to overcome the stress and pressure of work

and life, you should look for a solution that provides:

Compelling, scientifically validated content that works for a

variety of thinking and communication styles

A clinically validated assessment tool to diagnose where each

person is on their journey

Advanced analytics using AI and machine learning to prescribe

the right skill-building activities for each employee

A prescriptive skill-building plan, customized for each user

© 2018 New Life Solution, Inc. All rights reserved. 7

In the past, many organizations viewed

leadership skills as only necessary for

managers and people with clear hierarchical

authority. Today, leadership takes on a whole

new meaning.


Today, your people need to be able to take

initiative, lead at a moment’s notice, and equip

their teams to execute with agility. Resilience

training can empower your people with the

adaptive capacity and emotional intelligence

they need to do so. However, these soft skills

can be hard to come by.

“In a network of teams, goals are set and shared by the team, leaders are often specialists rather than people managers, and organizations develop their people to fill roles rather than jobs, making sure people can move from team to team or project to project.” — Josh Bersin, HR Technology Disruptions for 2018

9 State of the Economy and Employment 2013. Adecco Group North America.

44% of senior executives cite soft skills, such as communication, critical thinking, creativity, and

collaboration, as the biggest gap in workforce skills.


© 2018 New Life Solution, Inc. All rights reserved. 8

Unlock leadership with the power of resilience

The good news is that with the right tools, everyone can build these soft skills over time. With the power of

resilience, you can equip your employees with the leadership skills that allow them to:

Remain focused and present — while working toward long-term sustainable goals

Solve problems with emotional intelligence — reframing issues to help others on the team remain calm and focused

Exhibit empathy and emotion control — reading social cues and managing emotional reactions to boost culture and morale

Build trust and integrity — fostering a belief in fairness and a sense of empowerment that strengthens the team’s resilience

Demonstrate the organization’s values in moments of challenge — helping the team choose the right path in the face of difficulty

Live the connection to the company’s mission and purpose — promoting optimism and increased motivation and resilience

© 2018 New Life Solution, Inc. All rights reserved. 9

Equipping individuals with the tools they need

to adapt and lead with resilience are the first

steps, but you shouldn’t stop there. To ensure

widespread change and improve engagement

and performance across the organization,

you need to overcome the fourth and final

challenge: aggregating intelligent data and

putting it to work.

The secret to creating lasting change in your

organization is harnessing data that goes

beyond outward results and behaviors to the

inner workings of the individual — to how your

employees actually think. This is cognitive data,

and combined with benchmarks from best-in-

class organizations, it enables you to identify

risks and opportunities to improve engagement

and performance in your population.


46% of respondents struggle to make better use of people data.10

10 Report: HR Lags in Using Data to Make Decisions. SHRM. 2017.


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Sources of stress

Personality types

Emotional and physical wellbeing skills

Self-care and lifestyle habits

Skill gaps and opportunities for improvement

Productivity improvement

Self-awareness and cognitive behavior skills

Resilience scores

Unlock lasting change with the power of resilience data

With the right kind of data, you’ll not only get insight into the number of employees using your solution

and what average scores look like across the organization. You'll also get deeper insights into how your

employees are progressing in resilience and what’s holding them back. These data points include:

Then, go still further. By segmenting the data according to department and role. You’ll be able to

uncover patterns or trends and develop specific interventions to help employees improve. With robust

benchmarking data from other organizations, you can see how your organization stacks up, discover

what you’re doing well, and flag areas that demand immediate attention.

© 2018 New Life Solution, Inc. All rights reserved. 11

As you begin to explore how to solve these challenges in your organization, you don’t need to struggle

with the status quo. It’s time to embrace a new perspective. It’s time for meQuilibrium.

meQuilibrium is the engagement and performance solution that harnesses behavioral psychology

and neuroscience to unleash your organization’s full potential. Our solution solves for each of the four

challenges identified in this e-book by:


Equipping people and teams to thrive in complexity with the science of resilience

meQuilibrium is clinically proven to increase problem-solving skills, reduces stress, and decrease emotional and

somatic stress symptoms every hour an employee spends in the program.

Meeting individual needs with a personalized approach

meQuilibrium uses a clinically-validated assessment paired with prescriptive analytics to provide each employee with

customized skill-building modules to help them improve.

Empowering all employees to lead with the power of resilience

meQuilibrium provides a complete manager toolkit to help employees learn how to model resilience, mentor resilient

teams, and foster a resilient workplace.

Making real impact with the right data

Powered by predictive meQ scores and robust benchmarking data from over 250,000 global participants, our solution

applies psychometric and cognitive insights to business algorithms to direct employees to the right resources at the

right time — all in support of your organization’s goals.

11 How to Drive Front-line Engagement in an Era of Change and Disruption. meQuilibrium. 2017.

© 2018 New Life Solution, Inc. All rights reserved. 12

Experience the Resilience Effect™

No other solution transforms your people and teams like meQuilibrium. Employees who improve

their resilience skills with meQuilibrium:

Are 47% less likely to miss at least one day of work per month

Are 4x more likely to have high job satisfaction

Are 50% less likely to quit

Are 5x more likely to enjoy good health

Experience 50% less stress-related productivity loss

Experience 60% less burnout

Report a 2x increase in quality of life

And the best part? meQuilibrium produces an ROI of $800 per person on average.11 By unlocking the

power of resilient people and teams, your organization can navigate even the most turbulent of times.

With meQuilibrium, you can equip each of your employees to discover and master the skills they need

to overcome any obstacle, increase agility, gain adaptive capacity, and transform your organization.

Discover how your organization can Experience the Resilience Effect™

at www.meQuilibrium.com.

© 2018 New Life Solution, Inc. All rights reserved.

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