A MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS TB Item 01... · A MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS ... Higher education is expanding with ... Cllr Clarke explained that the council has secured

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* Strategic Objectives 1 Care 2 Research 3 Knowledge sharing 4 Policy 5 People 6 Infrastructure 7 Finance 8 Enterprise


To be held in public on

Thursday 23 November at 09:30am

In the Boardroom, 4th Floor, Kemp House, 152 – 160 City Road, EC1V


No. Item Action Paper Lead Mins S.O 1. Apologies for absence Note Verbal TG 2. Declarations of interest Note Verbal TG 3. Minutes of the last meeting Approve Enclosed TG

4. Matters arising and action points Note Enclosed TG 5. Chief Executive’s Report Note Enclosed DP 00:10 3 6. Integrated Performance Report Assurance Enclosed JQ 00:10 1

7. Finance Report Assurance Enclosed SD 00:10 7 8. SIS Programme Update Assurance Enclosed JQ 00:20 6 9. Clinical Governance Event Feedback Report Assurance Enclosed IT 00:15 1

10. General Data Protection Regulations Assurance Enclosed IT 00:15 3 11. Well Led Framework Review Action Plan Approve Enclosed DP 00:10 5 12. Update to SFIs Approve Enclosed SD 00:05 4

13. Strategic Objectives Progress Report Assurance Enclosed JM 00:10 3 14. Report of the Quality & Safety Committee Assurance Enclosed TG 00:10 3 15. Report of the Audit and Risk Committee Assurance Enclosed NH 00:10 3

16. Membership Council meeting report Note Enclosed TG 00:10 3 17. Identify any risk items arising from the agenda Note Verbal TG 00:05 6 18. AOB Note Verbal TG 00:05 19. Date of the next meeting – Thursday 14 December 09:00am

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7 September 2017 Board of Directors Meeting


Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Directors held on 7 September 2017

Board Members Present Tessa Green (TG) Chairman David Probert (DP) Chief executive Steven Davies (SD) Chief financial officer/deputy chief executive Andrew Dick (AD) Non-executive director (from item 2082) Declan Flanagan (DF) Medical director Ros Given-Wilson (RGW) Non-executive director Nick Hardie (NH) Non-executive director David Hills (DH) Non-executive director Sir Peng Khaw (PK) Director of research and development Tracy Luckett (TL) Director of nursing and allied health professions John Quinn (JQ) Chief operating officer Sumita Singha (SSi) Non-executive director Non-Voting Board Members Present Johanna Moss (JM) Director of strategy and business development Helen Rushworth (HR) Director of human resources Elisa Steele (ES) Chief information officer Ian Tombleson (IT) Director of quality and safety Officers In Attendance Katherine Ayers (KA) Interim senior communications manager Helen Essex (HE) Company secretary designate Tim Fry (TF) Director of capital investment and development, Heather Wilcox (HW) Executive assistant to chief executive and chairman Geoff Stokes (GS) Company secretary (minutes) Governors Present Brenda Faulkner Patient governor Pau Murphy Public governor, north central London Jill Wakefield Patient governor Apologies Mariano Gonzalez (MG) Commercial director Steve Williams (SW) Non-executive director Tessa Green (TG), chairman, welcomed everyone to the meeting especially Sir Robin Wales (RW), mayor and Councillor Ken Clarke (KC), deputy mayor for regeneration and communities. She thanked Sir Robin for hosting the meeting at Newham Council and invited him to give the board his vision for the borough.

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Sir Robin welcomed the trust board to Newham and noted that London is moving eastwards. By 2025 Newham expects to have 130,000 additional houses and an increase in investment of £25bn. Transport connections are improving, for example Heathrow will be just 45 minutes away once Crossrail is completed.

Higher education is expanding with UCL, Loughborough University and Birkbeck all developing sites in Newham. Canning Town docks is the fifth largest redevelopment project in the country, entirely driven by the council.

The council believes in resilience and although infrastructure is important, Canary Wharf, for example whilst a great development had not created better lives for Newham residents. Local residents getting jobs is the single most important factor in improving public heath, well-being, and lifting people out of poverty. The council has developed Workplace, which has so far helped 34,000 people by understanding the skills that local employers need and helping candidates gain those skills. When candidates are presented through Workplace, 80-85% jobs are filled with those referrals, whereas simply sending CVs is only successful 2% of the time.

Education is important and the council has developed arts in schools and provides free school meals for all pupils in years 1 to 6. As a result, key stage 1 results are now the best in the country. Investment in A levels has also been made which has led to eight pupils going to Oxbridge this year.

The council is popular with local residents and won all 61 seats but is not complacent.

It has initiated a joint venture with the local CCG to buy primary care estate and use that as leverage to develop new facilities.

The council has recognised that a monolithic management structure doesn’t work, nor does outsourcing, so the council is being broken up into small businesses where employees own half and the council own half. Staff are incentivised to improve services and any profits are shared. The council is not innovative for its own sake, and believes in a scientific method, governed by evidence.

The borough is growing rapidly; 20 years ago there were no hotels. Newham tries to be a great partner and is looking for great partners to work with. All roads are being developed over the next eight years and there has been no increase in council tax for many years

Cllr Clarke explained that the council has secured a commitment from TFL that the Carpenters estate (where the trust have been invited to develop) will have its own entrance to the Jubilee line. He explained that the council owns most of the land under discussion and has a track record of moving quickly.

David Probert (DP), chief executive, explained that discussions are underway to clarify the partnership arrangements with the council for the short term. It is hoped that the council will be able to support the trust with access to capital financing which could make development in Stratford very attractive.

RW explained that Newham Council has invested heavily in housing and infrastructure and wants blue chip partners with which to build sustainable partnerships. Although there are always changes made in the regulatory landscape the council actively seeks alternative and innovative ways of financing and leveraging opportunities.

Tracy Luckett (TL), director of nursing and allied health professions, welcomed the commitment

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to provide affordable housing and asked how Newham is working with the Mayor of London’s office. RW explained that he is happy to support the London Mayor’s office in lobbying for affordable housing and has developed innovative housing arrangements to maximise the space available and increase affordability.

Declan Flanagan (DF), medical director explained that the trust functions on 30 sites and has never been able to build exactly what it needs. It always has to fight for suitable space and the Stratford development could provide one of the first opportunities for Moorfields to operate in purpose-built facilities for eye-care. TG clarified that, were a development to proceed, the trust would be likely to occupy part of a larger building but would have an opportunity to identify the space it needs.

David Hills (DH), non-executive director, asked if the legacy of the Olympics had materialised. RW explained that the International Olympic Committee had not been as helpful as they could have been. After consultation with previous Olympic hosts, the council had fought for sustainable development, including transport links and had gained much more than previous host cities.

In answer to a question about likely timescales, Deirdra Armsby, Director for Planning and Regeneration at Newham Council explained that politicians encourage the officers to move quickly, and the ambition is to start on site by 2020/2021 with a building in place within a further two years.

TG thanked Sir Robin and Councillor Clarke for their inspiring presentation and looked forward to a productive partnership.


Board members were asked to declare any interests of relevance to the agenda other than their normal professional interest. None were declared.

TG welcomed Helen Rushworth as interim director of human resources. She also welcomed Helen Essex who will be joining the trust as Company Secretary on 2 October 2017. She thanked Geoff Stokes (GS), company secretary for his support over the past 12 months in developing governance processes.


The minutes of the meeting held on 26 July 2017 were agreed as an accurate record.


The action log was noted and further updates were given on the following actions:

Dates for divisional management teams to attend board and committees are being confirmed

The ‘enterprise’ rating in the corporate objectives update report is being reviewed for the next quarterly update in November.


David Probert (DP), chief executive, introduced his report and made the following comments;

There has been a delay in agreeing the funding arrangements with St George’s for the development work planned and this is being escalated to the highest level.

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The unannounced inspection of Moorfields Dubai that took place in July gave a positive outcome

The quality strategy in development will drive quality forward, under the overall trust strategy. The outline timetable is included in the report

DP invited John Quinn (JQ), chief operating officer, to highlight any operational issues not covered elsewhere on the agenda.

JQ explained that the divisional structure has been in place since in April and most posts are now filled. A divisional board structure is being introduced to enable more decisions to be taken locally, although a cultural shift is needed.

He also noted that the trust has had to make a difficult decision regarding Loxford polyclinic. Over the past 12-18 months there have been multiple problems for patients, including no access to drinking water, equipment failures and crowded waiting areas. Clinicians and management staff asked to stop seeing patients at the site and this has been agreed for clinical safety and patient experience reasons. Patients will be seen at Barking and Mile End.

TG asked about the process for informing patients of the move and JQ explained that the trust has already started moving patients. The CCG has been informed and understand that there are legacy issues, with the site now being owned by a multiplicity of organisations providing no overall ownership so that the trust has had to take measures to support its patients, e.g. buying bottled water.

Ros Given-Wilson (RGW), non-executive director, asked about timescales for appointing to the divisional director post in Moorfields North. JQ explained that currently the five clinical directors are covering the role with the trust shortly to go out to external advertisement for a divisional director, having tried to recruit internally. DP commented that it is fortunate that the five clinical directors have good local knowledge of their sites but there is a need for overall strategic leadership which is currently being supplied by JQ and Declan Flanagan (DF), medical director.

DP invited Steven Davies (SD), chief financial officer/deputy chief executive to comment on the financial position of the trust.

SD noted that the year-end forecast has increased due to receipt of the final instalment of sustainability and transformation monies for 2016/17.

He explained that management executive has discussed changes to the use of resources framework, and there are no material changes affecting Moorfields. Proposed changes to the single oversight framework were also discussed but the implementation timescales are not yet clear. In any event, the trust will need to measure its own performance against the framework.

TG asked about the annual plan submission dates and SD said that early indications were that the submission date may be March 2018 instead of November and December 2017 but there has been no confirmation of this as yet.

DP drew attention to the network review being carried out and Johanna Moss (JM), director of strategy and business development explained that she will be seeking advice from the membership council about how to best carry out this work.

TG congratulated SD on his appointment as deputy chief executive and recognised that this will be important to support DP with external commitments.

The Board NOTED the Chief Executive’s Report including the delegation to the quality and safety committee to agree the quality strategy text on behalf of the board.

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Ros Given-Wilson (RGW), non-executive director, introduced the annual report of the quality and safety committee and made the following points;

The committee meets bi-monthly and there has been good attendance by executive and non-executive directors. The terms of reference have been amended and the committee is now much clearer about its remit.

A summary report is produced from each meeting to provide assurance to the board

Organograms have been developed that show feeder committees much more clearly and those key meetings provide one page summaries to each committee meeting for assurance

The committee reviews progress with the CQC action plan, reviews compliance and risk, and is overseeing the production of quality dashboards

Deep dives are undertaken at each meeting looking at key areas in detail

With recent estates issues, there is now permanent attendance from estates personnel

TG congratulated RGW on the work of the committee and the assurance it provides.

The Board received ASSURANCE from the annual report of the quality and safety committee


John Quinn (JQ), chief operating officer, introduced the integrated performance report for July 2017 and made the following points

Development on a more narrative summary is in progress

There have been no 52 week breaches since the last meeting, but as the annual target is zero, the year-end target will not be met due to previously reported breaches

Cancer performance was good in the month and a new cancer service manager has been appointed which will help to strengthen this function

The 31 day target is difficult to recover for the year-end due to the breaches earlier in the year and the low volume of cases. The aim is to have no more breaches for the rest of the year.

Sumita Singha (SS), non-executive director, sought clarification on the increased cancellations shown on page 20 and JQ explained that this was due to a better process for seeking confirmation from patients about their appointments and this had reduced the number of DNAs (did not attends).

David Hills (DH), non-executive director, welcomed the introduction of trend data.

Ros Given-Wilson (RGW), non-executive director, asked if the old clinic templates were still being used and could improvement be expected before the new templates are implemented. JQ explained that the baseline data wasn’t clear so initially the position looks worse. He is still confident that improvements in glaucoma will occur by end of September.

Ros Given-Wilson (RGW), non-executive director, also asked about appraisals as this has been ‘red’ for approx. 2 years. JQ noted that there was a period last year when the target was achieved. However, changes in personnel and management have not helped to maintain progress

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although there has been an improvement in August. All clinical divisions have been challenged to achieve 85% by end of September, and as they represent the vast majority of staff it will bring the overall figures up, if achieved,.

Helen Rushworth (HR), director of human resources, commented that she has just come from a trust with similar issues, and partnership arrangements are needed to manage expectations and set realistic targets to generate sustainable improvement. Appraisal will have an impact on performance and staff morale. TL explained that in her monthly management meetings, she has two new managers who are keen to be more robust on this and mandatory training and have suggested, for example, not allowing access to development or threatening disciplinary action if appraisals or mandatory training are not carried out.

DP explained that all applicants for clinical excellence awards were told that they would only be considered if they were up to date with appraisal and mandatory training.

Nick Hardie (NH), non-executive director, felt that it is mind-set issue; if appraisal is seen as important for development then it will be treated seriously. It is a continuous process not just a tick box or compliance exercise.

TG wondered if the trust is training staff enough to help them understand the importance of appraisal and how it should work.

DP noted that 80% of managers in the clinical divisions have changed over the past 12 months, so it will take time to bed in but the new leaders have the right mind-set and will tackle this issue.

Declan Flanagan (DF), medical director said that considerable effort is needed to ensure that standards are met and maintained. The next step may be to block study leave, for those behind on their compliance.

The Board received ASSURANCE from the integrated performance report


Steven Davies (SD), chief financial officer/deputy chief executive introduced the finance report for month 4 and drew attention to the following points.

The trust reported £0.3m surplus in July against a breakeven plan

The year to date position is £740k surplus against a planned breakeven position

The forecast for the year has been adjusted to £920k to allow for the additional sustainability and transformation funds (STF) received in respect of 2016/17

Commercial trading units registered £340k surplus in month, above the plan by £170k

Cost improvement schemes delivered £480k in July which is behind plan but improvements are being made

Cash stood at £44m at the end of July, £4m above plan, mainly due to the receipt of STF receipts for 2016/17

Overdue debts have reduced from £12.6m to £9.2m

The use of resources score remains at 1

Nick Hardie (NH), non-executive director, asked about drug costs and administration and clerical costs. SD explained that there has been a shift in activity towards more injections, resulting in additional drug costs, although more cost effective overall. The variances relating to admin and clerical relate to the use of temporary staff and the trust needs to think differently to address

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skills shortages in key areas, e.g. booking centre, St George’s, etc., as there are difficulties in recruitment and retention.

JQ explained that a baseline is being prepared for an admin review to be carried out from November. This is always a sensitive area, and there is a need to look at turnover, training, retention, appropriate internal promotion routes etc. HR noted that there are not clear promotion pathways and the trust should be aiming to become an employer of choice. JQ said that as with most trusts, little training is invested in bands 2 to 5 but these are future service managers. He is keen to use the apprentice scheme to develop these key skills.

DP noted that now is the time to invest while the trust is financially sustainable, as often training is one of the first areas to be cut when trusts are in financial difficulties

TG asked for more visibility the area of apprenticeships and suggested a more substantive discussion at a future board meeting.

NH asked if the year-end outturn forecast is still robust. SD explained that some granularity is needed and more certainty will be possible over next few months, but he is confident that overall the out-turn estimate is robust.

Sumita Singha (SS), non-executive director, welcomed the reduction in debt levels but still felt that they appeared high. SD explained that there will always be a level of debt in month and although payment profiles from other NHS organisations have improved, there are often three or four month delays in reconciling invoices with commissioners and other debtors. He feels the debt level is reasonable and is happy to provide more detail on the process of needed. TG suggested that further details could be provided through the finance committee.

NH said that only the net figures are shown so the gross debt is not explicit. It is important to understand the gross, especially in relation to longer term debt, as this will be harder to recover, especially in relation to private patients.


Substantive item on training and development at future board meeting

Debt levels to be reviewed at finance committee



The Board received ASSURANCE from the month 4 finance report


Tessa Green (TG), chairman, introduced the proposed changes to the constitution and asked Geoff Stokes (GS), company secretary to summarise the key points.

The constitution task and finish group was set up by membership council to review proposals to change the constitution

The proposals are for some uncontroversial changes

The change to the definition of patient member has been agreed in principle, but options for implementation need to be assessed before it is approved

TG explained that she has asked GS to review the membership database to ensure there is an understanding of the membership and constituencies. Once reviewed, there may be a need for a change in representation to reflect the balance of members. This could have implications for existing governors so it is important to base any proposals on analysis of accurate data.

DP re-emphasised to the board that he is keen that the trust addresses the representation of

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young people. TG agreed and acknowledged that both the young people’ s champions are attending the board (Brenda Faulkner and Jill Wakefield) who will be advising on how best to achieve this.

Johanna Moss (JM), director of strategy and business development, explained that the trust is actively engaging with young people through the development of a young people’s strategy.

TG told the board that one issue that has been discussed but for which governors currently have no appetite for change regards overall term limit for governors. This is different than for non-executive directors and she would like to revisit this issue.

The Board APPROVED the changes to the constitution


David Probert (DP), chief executive, introduced the report which the north central London sustainability and transformation partnership (STP) has requested all partner organisations to review. The following points were made;

It is not easy for the trust to endorse a document where reference to ophthalmology and Moorfields is limited

The elective care work stream (under which ophthalmology sits) is being led by Marcel Levy, chief executive of University College London Hospitals, and DP has attended the CEO group but no proposals have yet emerged relating to ophthalmology

There are notional savings relating to ophthalmology but there are no details

The most significant element is from page 52 regarding estates and Project Oriel is clearly highlighted as a priority in the STP. Any allocation of capital from the centre will need the support of the STP.

The document points towards better management of resources, improving patient experience and the need to relocate Moorfields

TG asked for clarification about the control total set at STP level, even though it is individual organisations that are legally accountable, not the STP. Steven Davies (SD), chief financial officer/deputy chief executive, explained that NHS England has tried to direct funding based on the agreement of STPs but this does not appear to be the position now. Their intention is to promote collective leadership across the STP.

DP explained that although the plan is not actionable it is a key document that will be used by the system when allocating resources. It is significant that Moorfields is the only trust in the north central London STP that is not currently in deficit.

Tracy Luckett (TL), director of nursing and allied health professions, commented that the plan describes an intention to encourage the rotation of staff and to build skills locally which would be a useful approach.

Elisa Steel (ES), chief information officer, sought to assure the board that Moorfields’ digital informatics strategy is in line with the STP (page 57) and although she has attended many meetings over the past 18 months, it is not hugely relevant for Moorfields.

Declan Flanagan (DF), medical director, explained that the medical partnerships the trust has are different from the STP relationships. DP pointed out that it was interesting that the trust currently provides ophthalmology services for and with a wide range of trusts across London but

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not in north central London.

John Quinn (JQ), chief operating officer, warned of unintended consequences, for example in relation to prior referrals, and that different STPs are communicating and sharing ideas.

Sumita Singha (SS), non-executive director, felt it was odd that ophthalmology is not mentioned apart from in relation to estates, and wondered whether this represented a risk for the trust. DP explained that he is happy for the STP to support the trust’s capital plans but focus on other clinical specialities.

Ros Given-Wilson (RGW), non-executive director, asked for clarity about the bridge chart on page 59, which shows an £800m gap by 2020 and the implied risks to the trust. Steven Davies (SD), chief financial officer/deputy chief executive, said he is aware of some proposals but they are unlikely to be beneficial for the trust. Although the figures shown represent the worst case scenario, there are serious challenges to the health system in north central London

DF noted that in some areas of the country ophthalmology has been decentralised to different trusts (for example, in Birmingham) and it is questionable whether that represents a more efficient model. There could be a risk to the resilience across London if the specialism were to be broken up in a similar way.

DP explained that he will reiterate the argument for maintaining Moorfields presence at every opportunity.

The Board made the following resolutions;

NOTED the reframing of the STP partnership of health & care organisations: North London Partners in Health & Care

SUPPORTED the direction of travel set out in the North London Partners in Health & Care Sustainability and Transformation Plan

NOTED the intention to produce a plain English public summary of the plan

NOTED the commitment to continue to work with NHS England and NHS Improvement to produce a set of affordable NHS plans for 2017/18 as part of the Capped Expenditure Process


Sumita Singha (SS), non-executive director, introduced the summary report from the inaugural meeting of the people, diversity and education committee on 1 August 2017. She drew attention to the following;

Sally Storey was thanked for her work with the trust and setting up the first meeting

Helen Rushworth was welcomed and SS looks forward to working with her

The committee covers a wide agenda. People are critical in the quality agenda and represent a large element of cost for the trust

The committee proposed that it change its name to the people committee

The Board received ASSURANCE from the report of the people, diversity and education committee and APPROVED its change of name to the people committee


Ros Given-Wilson (RGW), non-executive director, introduced the report from the meeting of the

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quality & safety committee held on 1 August 2017. The following points were highlighted;

Two never events have been reported involving inter-ocular lens replacements (IOLs). The committee have requested an overview of the recent never events to see if this can identify any learning that would not only help Moorfields, but also the worldwide ophthalmic community

The committee was pleased to see compliance with the WHO checklist is improving

There was a deep dive into service level agreements (SLAs) for networks, and it was good to see the consolidation of information of contracts in one place

Complaints have been reviewed, and the committee intend to review some examples of complaints to get a better feel that is not always shown by trends.

The committee plan to have a future deep dive on bookings and cancellations

The Board received ASSURANCE from the report of the quality & safety committee


Tessa Green (TG), chairman, invited the board to comment on the draft agenda for November.

The quality strategy and quarter 2 strategic objectives review will be added to the agenda


Agenda to be updated GS

The Board NOTED the draft board agenda for November


Tessa Green (TG), chairman, invited board members to comment on any areas of risk identified during the meeting.

It was proposed that a risk related to the implementation of the STP should be added, even if it represents a relatively low risk at present


A risk to be added covering STP to board assurance framework/corporate risk register GS

The Board NOTED the proposed changes to the board assurance framework/corporate risk register.


Tessa Green (TG), chairman, asked the board to note the dates of key meetings for 2018.

The Board NOTED meeting dates for 2018.


Note added following the extraordinary meeting of the Board on 19 October 2017:

The Board had previously delegated authority to the Quality & Safety Committee to agree a final draft of the Quality Strategy. This has been completed and the strategy will be launched at the Clinical Governance half-day to be held on 6 November. The Quality & Safety Committee will

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monitor progress against the strategy by inviting divisions to attend and advise on implementation in their specific areas.

The meeting was closed at 11:15


Meeting Date Item No. Item Action Responsible Due Date Update/Comments

29 Jun 2017 17/2055 Integrated performance report May


Agree the dates of future presentations to the board by

divisional management teams

John Quinn 7 Sep 2017 24 Aug - dates agreed for City Rd and

Moorfields South. Moorfields North to be

confirmed with new divisional manager.

26 Jul 2017 17/2071 Strategic objectives Q1 progress


‘Enterprise’ rating to be reviewed Mariano Gonzalez 31 Aug 2017 7 Sep - to be reviewed for next quarterly


7 Sep 2017 17/2080 Finance report Substantive item on training and development at future

board meeting

Helen Rushworth 30 Sep 2017

7 Sep 2017 17/2080 Finance report Debt levels to be reviewed at finance committee Steven Davies 12 Oct 2017 8 Sep - added to Finance committee agenda

for 12 Oct 2017

NB Items greyed out have been completed and will be removed from the next log

Bold shows updates Page 1 of 1

Glossary of terms OpenEyes Patient record system developed by Moorfields

Project Oriel A project that involves Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and its research partner UCL Institute of Ophthalmology working together to improve patient experience by exploring a move from our current buildings on City Road to a preferred site in the Kings Cross area by 2023.

ACO Accountable Care Organisation

AHP Allied Health Professional AIS Accessible Information Standard

AMD Age-related macular degeneration ARVO The Association for Research in Vision and


BAF Board Assurance Framework

CCG Clinical Commissioning Group CCIO Chief Clinical Information Officer

CIP Cost Improvement Programme CPQ Centre for Healthcare Planning and Quality Clinical regulator in Dubai CQC Care Quality Commission UK regulator

CQUIN Commissioning for Quality Innovation CTC Clinical Tutorial Complex

DIPC Director of Infection Prevention and Control DTA Decision to Admit EBITDA Earnings Before Income Tax Depreciation and


EDMS Electronic Document Management System EMR Electronic Medical Record EPPR Emergency Preparedness Planning Resilience

EWTD European Working Time Directive FBC Full Business Case

FFT Friends and Family Test FRR Financial Risk Rating FTSUG Freedom to Speak Up Guardian

GCC Gulf Co-operation Council GDPR General Data Protection Regulations

IOL Inter-Ocular Lens IPR Integrated Performance Report ISA Individual Service Agreements

ITT Invitation to tender KPI Key Performance Indicators

LCFS Local Counter Fraud Service MDT Multidisciplinary Team

MEC Moorfields Eye Charity MEH Moorfields Eye Hospital MLEB Moorfields Lions Eye Bank

MMC Moorfields Medical Consultants Meeting MOU Memorandum of Understanding

MR Medical Retina OBC Outline Business Case OHIM Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market

OSC Overview & Scrutiny Committee PbR Payment by results

PDP Personal Development Plan PFI Private Finance Initiative PID Patient Identifiable Data

PMO Project Management Office PSPP Public Sector Payment Policy

QAF Quality Assessment Framework QIPP Quality, Innovation, Productivity and Prevention

QP Quality Partners QSC Quality & Safety Committee R&D Research & Development

RDCEC Richard Desmond Children's Eye Centre RCA Root Cause Analysis

RIDDOR Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences

RNIB Royal National Institute for the Blind RTT Referral to treatment

SGH St Georges University Hospital SI Serious Incident SIS Service Improvement and Sustainability

SLA Service Level Agreement SMART Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-

bound In relation to objectives

SOC Strategic Outline Case

STF Sustainability and Transformation Fund STP Sustainability and Transformation Plan

UAE United Arab Emirates UCL University College London VFM Value for money

WRES Workforce Race Equality Standards

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