A light of the way #2

Post on 17-Jan-2015






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All digital art and words © C J Lewis.


A Light Of The Way #2

© All Digital Art & Words by C J Lewis

If a relationship starts to contain too much evil, wrong doings, then it is time to

burn the bridge of that connection, continue one’s life and contemplate why one’s self brought such evil to the relationship

in the first place.

We are led in the light of one’s own direction in right or wrong behaviour,

through one’s freedom of choice therefore, one needs to be careful what their choices are.

One’s true self-nature ripples upon the waters of life, therefore, one should

mingle in society with a respectful and peaceful manner to have the same in return.

Who would want to hurt children by teaching them wrong? 

If misguidance of a child by a parent happens then that parent must want a life,

at some stage of eternity, in like manner for that is what one is doing to oneself; creating conditions and casting nets of one’s

futures to come.

One should be careful of where and how one cast their nets and always travel in

the light of knowing one’s self; traits, habits and reasons of why one does certain things.

Life is like a crystal spectrum from the beginning of one’s own being mirroring back from how one

is giving to how one is receiving.

One projects good and bad traits onto the shadows of others by judgements of one’s self,

for all one can truly know is one’s self.

Life with love and virtue, or hate and bad habits, are the outcomes

emanating from one’s own thoughts and actions of their life.

One needs to know one’s self first with virtue and respect to live in the light of love.

Friendship is far more precious than material


One should have respect, gratitude, compassion and appreciation for whatever one brings one’s

life to … as one created it that way for one’s self.

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C J Lewis Original Art

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