A History of Remarkable Acclaim - Bodega Catena Zapata · 2019. 9. 17. · - Descorchados - James Suckling - The Wine Advocate - James Suckling - Vinous - Descorchados 2016 100 2017

Post on 20-Feb-2021






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A History of Remarkable AcclaimUna Trayectoria de Grandes Exitos

Adrianna VineyardWhite Stones Chardonnay

Adrianna VineyardWhite Bones Chardonnay

White Stones Chardonnay comes from a selected group of 27 rows in the Adrianna vineyard. The name refers to the ground beneath the vines which is covered with gravel - oval white stones - and in ancient times was the site of a dried river bed.

Las uvas para la elaboración del Chardonnay White Stones provienen de un selecto grupo de 27 hileras plantadas en el Viñedo Adrianna. El término “White stones” (piedras blancas) hace referencia a la composición de suelo de dichas hileras, con piedras ovaladas, pertenecientes al lecho seco de un antiguo río.

White Bones Chardonnay comes from selected rows in the Adrianna Vineyard. The name refers to the soil underneath these rows, which is layered with limestone deposits that have the appearence of crumbled bones.

Las uvas para la elaboración del Chardonnay White Bones provienen de un selecto grupo de hileras plantadas en el Viñedo Adrianna. El término “White bones” (huesos blancos) hace referencia a la composición de suelo de dichas hileras, calcáreo con apariencia de restos fósiles o huesos.


201698 - The Wine Advocate98 - James Suckling

201798 - James Suckling97 - Tim Atkin

95 - Descorchados94+ - Vinous94 - Tim Atkin

201597 - The Wine Advocate95 - James Suckling95 - Descorchados94 - Wine & Spirits94 - Decanter (Silver)

201499 - James Suckling95 - Decanter (Gold)95 - Vinous94 - Tim Atkin

201395 - The Wine Advocate95 - James Suckling95 - Descorchados94 - Decanter (Silver)94 - Tim Atkin

201297 - Descorchados (Best White & Best Chardonnay)95 - James Suckling94 - The Wine Advocate94 - Tim Atkin

201196 - The Wine Advocate95 - Descorchados

201094 - The Wine Advocate

200995 - The Wine Advocate95 - Decanter94+ - Vinous

201698 - James Suckling98 - Descorchados (Best White & Best Chardonnay)

201799 - James Suckling98 - Tim Atkin (White Wine of the Year)

97 - The Wine Advocate96 - Tim Atkin (White Wine of the Year)95 - Vinous201597 - Descorchados (Best White & Best Chardonnay)96 - The Wine Advocate96 - Wine & Spirits94 - James Suckling201497 - Tim Atkin (White Wine of the Year)96 - James Suckling95 - The Wine Advocate95 - Decanter (Platinum)(Best Argentinean Chardonnay)94+ - Vinous201398 - James Suckling97 - The Wine Advocate 97 - Descorchados (Best White & Best Chardonnay) 96 - Tim Atkin (White Wine of the Year)95 - Decanter (Platinum)(Best Argentinean Chardonnay)201298 - James Suckling95 - Descorchados95 - The Wine Advocate95 - Tim Atkin201197 - The Wine Advocate97 - Descorchados (Best White & Best Chardonnay)95+ - Vinous201096 - The Wine Advocate96 - James Suckling95+ - Vinous

200996 - The Wine Advocate95 - Decanter

Best Chardonnay - Descorchados

Adrianna VineyardMundus Bacillus Terrae Malbec

The soils in this 1.4 hectare parcel are filled with scattered limestone and marine deposits that covered the region millions of years ago. The limestone layers are well-drained and particularly rich in rhizobacteria, the microorganisms that help vine roots withstand stress and absorb nutrients. Thus, the name "mundus bacillus terrae" or "elegant microbes of the earth.

Los suelos de esta parcela, de 1.4 hectáreas, están compuestos por carbonato de calcio y fósiles marinos que cubrieran la región millones de años atrás. Las capas calcáreas poseen un buen drenaje y son ricas en rizobacterias, los microorganismos que ayudan a la raíz de la vid a soportar el stress y absorber los nutrientes. De allí, el término “mundus bacillus terrae” o “elegantes microbios de la tierra”.


96 - Tim Atkin97 - The Wine Advocate

201798 - James Suckling

96 - James Suckling

201598 - James Suckling97 - Descorchados96 - The Wine Advocate96 - Tim Atkin96 - Vinous

201497 - The Wine Advocate97 - James Suckling96 - Tim Atkin95 - Descorchados94+ - Vinous

201398 - Descorchados97 - The Wine Advocate96 - James Suckling96 - Tim Atkin94+ - Vinous

201298 - James Suckling97 - Descorchados (Best Malbec)95 - The Wine Advocate94 - Wine & Spirits

2011100 - Falstaff98 - The Wine Advocate95 - James Suckling95 - Tim Atkin94+ - Vinous94 - Descorchados

A History of Remarkable AcclaimUna Trayectoria de Grandes Exitos

Adrianna VineyardFortuna Terrae Malbec

Adrianna VineyardRiver Stones Malbec

Fortuna Terrae means luck of the land in Latin, and indeed, our vines from this parcel of the Adrianna Vineyard are lucky. The loamy soils are home to many varieties of native grasses wich prevent erosion and attract benefic insects, singing birds and mountain foxes. Because of the freshness imparted by the deep soils and high altitude, the wines of Fortuna Terrae have optimal acidity and delicate flower aromas.

Fortuna Terrae -“Suerte de la Tierra” en latín - hace referencia a las “afortunadas” vides de esta parcela del Viñedo Adrianna. De hecho, los suelos arcillosos profundos de este sector albergan gran cantidad de pastos nativos que previenen la erosión, atrayendo a insectos benéficos, pájaros cantores y zorros montañosos. Debido al frescor que imparten los suelos profundos y la altura, los vinos Fortuna Terrae presentan una óptima acidez y delicados aromas a flores.

The River Stones sector of Adrianna is planted in the path of a dried river filled with white stones covered with lime - limestone. These stones make for optimal drainage and extreme temperatures because the stones absorb the heat and moderate the nights but also function like ice cubes after a very cold night. Stony soil Malbecs tend to be extremely aromatic, rich and luxurious.

Este vino lleva el nombre de una pequeña parcela compuesta por piedras cubiertas por carbonato de calcio, que pertenecieran al lecho de un antiguo río. La abundancia de piedras facilita un drenaje óptimo y la adaptación a temperaturas extremas. Las piedras retienen el calor del día, irradiándolo durante la noche, moderando el frío nocturno. A su vez, en noches de frío extremo, funcionan moderando el calor diurno. Los Malbec provenientes de suelos calcáreos son extraordinariamente aromáticos, concentrados y opulentos.


201697 - The Wine Advocate

201798 - James Suckling

96 - James Suckling95 - Tim Atkin

201597 - James Suckling96 - Descorchados95 - The Wine Advocate95 - Tim Atkin94+ - Vinous

201498 - James Suckling96 - The Wine Advocate95+ - Vinous95 - Tim Atkin95 - Wine Spectator94 - Descorchados

201396 - James Suckling96 - The Wine Advocate96 - Descorchados95+ - Vinous95 - Tim Atkin

2012100 - James Suckling

- The Wine Advocate

- James Suckling

- James Suckling - Tim Atkin

- James Suckling - The Wine Advocate - Tim Atkin - Descorchados - Vinous

- The Wine Advocate - Tim Atkin - Descorchados - James Suckling

- The Wine Advocate - James Suckling

- Vinous - Descorchados







201294 - James Suckling

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