A Complete Bibliography of Applied Statistics 1952{1959ftp.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/as1950.pdf · 2019. 3. 14. · A Complete Bibliography of Applied Statistics: 1952{1959 Nelson

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  • A Complete Bibliography of Applied Statistics:1952–1959

    Nelson H. F. BeebeUniversity of Utah

    Department of Mathematics, 110 LCB155 S 1400 E RM 233

    Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090USA

    Tel: +1 801 581 5254FAX: +1 801 581 4148

    E-mail: beebe@math.utah.edu, beebe@acm.org,beebe@computer.org (Internet)

    WWW URL: http://www.math.utah.edu/~beebe/

    14 March 2019Version 4.03

    Title word cross-reference

    χ2 [199].

    -Test [199].

    10th [49]. 11th [254]. 1951 [4].

    2 [187]. 2nd [312].

    A. [76, 49, 254, 112, 363, 78]. Absence[120, 105]. Absence-Proneness [120].Abuses [8]. Acceptance [303].Accounting [195]. Accounts[113, 241, 364]. Accumulation [150].Accuracy [31, 118, 9]. Achieve [261].Ackoff [159]. Action [120, 130]. Active

    [136]. Adjusting [356]. Administration[81]. Advanced [326, 75]. Age [351].Agricultural [359, 65, 77]. Aid [104].Aitchison [269]. Alan [326]. Allen[253, 98]. Allocation [211]. Analysed [214].Analysis[82, 229, 54, 48, 94, 140, 18, 327, 8, 247, 260,306, 181, 328, 302, 296, 340, 262, 122, 145,231, 160, 57, 285, 341, 152, 93, 324, 359, 92].Answer [200, 142]. Answers[89, 184, 10, 34, 45]. any [197]. Application[348, 49, 254, 276, 138]. Applications[12, 24, 36, 47, 61, 73, 90, 110, 125, 143, 155,173, 185, 201, 26, 312, 246, 132]. Applied[347, 140]. Appraisal [166]. Approach[295, 350, 42, 7, 253]. Aptitude [112].Arbous [112]. Arithmetic [345]. Arthur[266]. Aspects [310, 315]. Assessments


  • 2

    [353]. Associated [95]. Attributes [304].Auction [277]. Auditing [350, 69].Australia [354]. Authorities [113].Automatic [214]. Average [261].

    B [176, 204]. Back[99, 115, 133, 192, 207, 221, 365]. Bailey[325]. Bartlett [189]. Basic [304]. Basis[235]. Batteries [66]. be [84]. Beginners[238]. Bell [127]. Belts [9]. Bennett [160].Berkeley [284]. Between[259, 149, 40, 211]. Bias [317]. Binomial[97]. Biological [332, 176, 77].Biomathematics [176]. Biometric [75].Biometrika [146]. Bishop [359]. Block[306]. Blocks [198]. Blood [274].Blood-Clotting [274]. Boddington [49].Book[76, 288, 218, 310, 163, 203, 97, 220, 206, 237,256, 238, 270, 286, 326, 348, 324, 362, 282, 283,361, 49, 330, 254, 269, 347, 345, 243, 26, 75,48, 94, 130, 146, 50, 112, 323, 327, 363, 312,176, 127, 328, 302, 27, 79, 95, 96, 157, 189,188, 267, 340, 114, 346, 359, 113, 159, 98, 241,299, 268, 325, 187, 145, 364, 271, 242, 342, 343,236, 266, 190, 235, 287, 300, 360, 132, 128, 77,158, 162, 161, 240, 253, 78, 204, 51, 92, 160,284, 311, 285, 14, 129, 205, 239, 341, 344, 93].Borstal [218]. Both [250]. Branch[21, 170]. Britain [212, 55]. British [121].Broadcast [213]. Brown [269].Buckingham [287]. Buckland [268].Budget [336]. Budgets [364]. Bush [203].Business [364].

    C [288, 220, 269, 26, 302, 157, 364, 51]. C.[75, 359, 92, 239]. Calculating [232].Calculation [150]. Calculations [79].Calibration [20]. Calvin [158]. Cardpack[187]. Cards [335]. Care [117]. Carl [160].Carlo [210]. Cauter [205]. Cave [128].Cedric [176]. Census [39, 271]. Censuses[212]. Certain [261]. Chacon [237].Chance [187]. Change [44, 71]. Chart

    [278, 320, 180]. Charts [66, 258]. Chemical[270, 18, 42, 160]. Chemistry [160].Chemists [27]. Chessboard [187]. Child[363]. Choice [319, 187]. Cigarette [334].Circle [63]. Class [248, 5]. Classification[352, 332, 241]. Claus [344]. Clotting [274].Coal [31]. Coding [241]. Coke [355].Collaborative [18]. Comment [215].Comments [11, 23, 35, 46, 60, 72, 88, 109,124, 154, 172, 183, 216, 233, 251, 264, 280,297, 308, 321, 357]. Commerce [49, 254].Communication [205]. Companies [351].Comparison [139, 43]. Compilation [190].Complex [140, 181]. Composite [33].Computation [335]. Computers[214, 246, 337]. Concise [163]. Conditions[171, 261]. Confidence [263]. Congress [4].Connection [195]. Construction[215, 107, 122, 86]. Consumer [318, 30].Consumption [41]. Continuous [262].Contrôle [128]. Contributions [204].Control [66, 230, 101, 179, 278, 258, 305,315, 180, 161, 64, 311]. Controlled [171].Conversion [319]. Conveyor [9].Copybook [238]. Cornell [242].Correlated [220]. Correlation [54, 324].Correlations [197]. Cost [168, 278, 81, 294].Costs [354, 302]. Cotton [315, 70]. Course[342, 341]. Cowden [311]. Cox [362]. Crisi[307]. Critique [162]. Current [165, 162].Curso [237]. Cybernetics [361].

    D [359, 98]. D. [163, 362, 127, 235].Dahlberg [266]. Daily [105]. Data[276, 181, 317]. Davies [270, 346, 145].Decision [282]. Decontamination [198].Defectives [58, 119]. Deferred [333].Degrees [33]. Demand [328, 102].Derivation [319]. Descriptiva [237].Design[209, 171, 6, 48, 94, 306, 249, 159, 145, 235, 93].Designing [336]. Detect [231]. Detergent[68]. Determination [119, 170].Development [57, 93]. Deviates [220].

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    Dictionary [268]. Difference [151].Differences [259, 40]. Different [226].Digit [43]. Discontinued [319].Discriminant [248]. Dishwashing [68].Distribution [326, 39, 269, 305, 228].Domestic [68]. Donald [93]. Doris [256].Dornbusch [239]. Downham [205].DuBois [324]. Dudley [311]. Dynamic[240].

    E. [220, 206, 146, 236]. Econometrics[225, 103, 284]. Economic[345, 248, 359, 275, 55]. Economics[58, 269, 204]. Economist [292].Economists [347]. Economy [121]. Edey[364]. Edge [335]. Edge-Punched [335].Edition [312, 302, 270, 49, 254]. Editor[123, 108, 153, 338, 59, 87, 141]. Editorial[2, 16, 291]. Educational [242]. Edward[98]. Effect [226]. Effects [213]. Eight[198]. Elasticities [102]. Electrical [127].Electronic [246]. Elementary [256].Elements [157, 337]. Elimination [317].Ely [98]. Empirical [107]. Engineering[76, 206, 249, 127]. Enrick [161]. Enrique[237]. Environmental [171]. Epidemics[325]. Epidemiology [360]. Error [232].Errors [106, 231]. Essentials [242].Establishments [170]. Estadistica [237].Estimates [120]. Estimating [17, 40, 32, 5].Evaluation [167, 68]. Evolutionary [245].Examination [317]. Examining [181].Examples [194, 76]. Executive [120, 137].Exercises [114]. Expenditure [182, 32].Experience [30]. Experienced [259].Experiences [54]. Experiment[198, 196, 122, 65, 70, 94]. Experimental[283, 140, 316, 235]. Experiments[229, 214, 104, 93, 362, 48, 145]. Exports[67]. Extension [199].

    F [327, 158, 239]. F. [203]. Fabrications[128]. Factor [319, 8, 181, 296, 57].Factorial [229, 198, 122]. Factors [240].

    Factory [302]. Facts [14]. Family [226, 32].Fascination [286]. Feller [312]. Field [182].Fieller [220]. Figures [137, 14]. Finite[356]. Finney [235]. Firm [81]. First[271, 342]. Fisher [188, 267, 77]. Flowers[18]. Flowmeter [20]. Fluctuations [41].Foodstuffs [166, 181]. Forecasting[167, 55]. Foreword [223]. Formulas[256, 78]. Forward [1]. Foundations [307].Four [198]. Francis [242]. Frank [77].Franklin [160]. Frederick [327]. Freedom[33]. Front[15, 52, 100, 116, 134, 193, 208, 222]. Fryer[157]. Functions [248, 121]. Fundamental[166]. Fundamentals [330]. Funds [178].Future [17].

    G [97, 206, 326, 130, 50, 112, 114, 113, 98,268, 242, 343, 341]. G. [361]. Games [243].Gas [20]. George [204]. Gets [83]. Glass[29]. Good [84]. Goulden [92]. Grant[206]. Graphic [158]. Graphical [151, 122].Graphing [137]. Great [212, 55].Grenander [285]. Ground [18]. Group[247, 260]. Guide [256, 197, 236, 303].Guiding [120]. Guilbaud [361].

    H[324, 330, 347, 26, 94, 302, 95, 340, 190, 51, 92].H. [146, 157, 360, 129]. Hald [76, 78].Handbook [206, 158]. Harold [364]. Harry[97, 323, 253]. Hartley [146]. Henry [323].Hermann [218]. Hilde [363]. Himmelweit[363]. History [163]. Hogben [307, 187].Hospital [209]. Household [182]. Hugh[190].

    Ideas [205]. II [260, 122]. Ilersic [49, 254].Income [182, 165, 266]. Increasing [245].Index [19, 215, 319, 136, 67, 86]. Individual[32]. Industrial [12, 24, 36, 47, 61, 73, 90,110, 125, 143, 155, 173, 185, 201, 352, 206,282, 245, 210, 139, 121, 212, 145, 240, 284].Industry [270, 3, 160]. Infection [148].

  • 4

    Inference [288, 267, 129]. Information[38, 53, 80, 135, 147, 177, 224, 244, 273, 290,314, 331, 366, 226]. Informats [226]. Initial[279]. Inquiry [226]. Inspection [304].Integrating [20]. Intermediate [231].International [98, 4]. Interview [250].Interviewer [194]. Interviewers [259].Introduction[288, 3, 312, 79, 189, 359, 300]. Inventories[328]. Investigation [18, 106, 344].Investment [178]. Ireson [206].

    J [163, 286, 327, 27, 325, 235, 300, 311, 14].J. [310, 283, 269, 79, 113, 98, 241, 360, 284,129, 205]. James [204]. Jerome [288]. John[96, 204]. Johnson [256]. Jurors [71]. Jury[6].

    Karmel [347]. Katona [204]. Kempthorne[48]. Kendall [326, 50, 114, 268, 341].Kingdom [50]. Klein [204].

    L [206, 270, 159, 145, 160]. L. [26, 51].Lancelot [187]. Landblom [238, 238].Lansing [204]. Lawrence [204]. Learning[203]. Length [334]. Leonard [302]. Leslie[218]. Lester [49]. Letter[108, 153, 338, 59, 87, 141]. Letters[123, 279]. Lev [129]. Level [168]. Lewis[220, 162]. Li [288]. Limitations [225].Limits [179, 263]. Line [22]. Linear[243, 227, 138]. Lives [29]. Lloyd [161].Local [113]. Lognormal [269, 305]. Looks[4]. Lot [356]. Loveday [342]. Lyle [302].

    M [328, 241, 129, 239]. M.[330, 94, 50, 95, 189, 340, 114, 285, 14].Madge [96]. Magazines [169].Maintenance [328]. Makeshift [140].Making [29]. Management [4, 206].Mannheim [218]. Manufacture [168, 42].Marginal [294]. Market [299]. Marris[345]. Martin [310]. Massed [66].Matching [332]. Matematico [237].

    Material [316]. Materials [231, 138, 211].Mathematical [325, 284]. Mathematics[163, 130, 176]. Matter[15, 52, 99, 115, 133, 100, 116, 134, 192, 207,221, 193, 208, 222, 365]. Maurice[326, 268, 341]. Maverick [162]. Max [346].McCarthy [327, 300]. Mean [33]. Means[139]. Measured [149]. Measurement[102, 105, 21, 231]. Measurements [262, 95].Measuring [169]. Medical [63, 28, 117, 77].Medicine [352, 83]. Meetings [217, 234,252, 265, 281, 298, 309, 322, 339, 358].Melman [240]. Method [245, 137].Methods [218, 270, 75, 140, 3, 18, 127, 210,27, 188, 267, 204, 51, 92, 311, 344, 287, 161].Michel [346]. Mill [70]. Minimisation[295]. Minimum [168]. Missing [306, 214].Modelo [237]. Models [203]. Modified[179]. Monte [210]. Monthly [355]. Moore[343]. Morbidity [226]. Morgan [204].Moroney [14]. Morris [256, 282]. Morse[328]. Mortality [293]. Moser [344].Mosteller [203]. Motivation [323].Mounsey [79]. Multi [231]. Multi-Stage[231]. Multiple [260, 149, 340, 170].Multivariate [324, 341, 152].

    N [256, 363, 204]. N. [325]. National[165, 266]. Nature [50]. Neale [236].Neglected [86]. Nellie [238]. Net [67].Newspapers [169]. Neyman [284].Nomogram [85]. Nomograms [107, 122].Non [151]. Non-Parametric [151].Norbert [161]. Normal [220]. Normality[258]. Norman [160]. Notes [11, 23, 35, 46,60, 72, 88, 109, 124, 154, 172, 183, 216, 233,251, 264, 280, 297, 308, 321, 357]. Number[43]. Numbers [19, 215, 86, 286].Numerical [287].

    O [146, 266]. O. [270, 130, 145].Observation [106]. Observational [276].Observations [306]. Obtaining [226].Official [275, 236]. One [316, 22].

  • 5

    Operation [245]. Operational [328, 346].Operations [302]. Opinions [327].Oppenheim [363]. Optical [262].Organisation [170]. Orgin [57]. Oscar [48].Other [131].

    P [310, 236]. P. [347, 343]. Pamela [363].Pandurang [132]. Panel [30]. Paper [348].Parametric [151]. Part [247, 260, 107, 122].Pattern [318]. Pearson [220, 146].Pemberton [360]. Percentage [119].Percentages [320]. Performance [68, 21].Periodograph [262]. Personnel [180].Petroleum [41]. Philip[324, 327, 328, 302, 300]. Pilot [271]. Plane[149]. Planning [209, 362, 70]. Plans [356].Plastics [7]. Point [86]. Points [149].Population [17, 271, 190]. Postal [250].Pots [29]. Practical [167]. Practice[227, 346]. Prediction [218, 332, 56].Predictive [197]. Preliminary [317].Prescribing [310]. Presentation[229, 283, 158]. Price [215, 86]. Prices [19].Primer [239]. Principle [332]. Principles[304, 176, 343]. Probability [312, 284].Probits [276]. Problem [352, 230, 42].Problems [166, 195, 210]. Procedure[261, 327]. Procedures [58]. Proceedings[284]. Process [231]. Processes[44, 282, 189]. Production[270, 230, 302, 121, 81]. Productivity[136, 245, 162, 240]. Products [211].Professor [307]. Programming[227, 138, 243]. Proneness [120].Proportion [232, 71]. Pseudo [337].Pseudo-Random [337]. Psychometry[284]. Public [351]. Publication [272].Publications [131, 164, 175, 191, 219, 255,289, 301, 313, 329, 349]. Pulmonary [148].Punched [335]. Purchases [318].Pyrethrum [18].

    Qualification [6]. Quality[101, 168, 258, 305, 315, 161, 64, 311, 355].

    Quarterly [355]. Quenouille[330, 94, 95, 340]. Question [200, 142].Questions [89, 184, 10, 34, 45]. Queueing[117]. Queues [328]. Quoted [351].

    R [288, 203, 362, 49, 254, 268, 204]. R.[203, 159, 98, 342, 287, 128]. Radar [263].Radhakrishna [75]. Radioactive [198].Random [220, 104, 337, 43]. Randomised[306]. Range [263]. Rao [75]. Rates [293].Rationalization [282]. Raw [138].Readership [169]. Readings [40].Reasoning [330, 300]. Received[131, 164, 175, 191, 219, 255, 272, 289, 301,313, 329, 349]. Records [195]. Reduction[283]. Reference [270, 269]. Regression[247, 260, 302, 149, 278, 180, 231].Regulators [101]. Reichmann [286].Relation [218, 81]. Reliability [353].Research [238, 270, 188, 346, 284, 93, 75,323, 159, 299, 77]. Reservoirs [148].Results [82, 229, 140, 167, 122, 283]. Retail[19]. Returns [65]. Review [176, 14].Reviews[76, 288, 218, 310, 163, 203, 97, 220, 206, 237,256, 238, 270, 286, 326, 348, 324, 362, 282,283, 361, 49, 330, 254, 269, 347, 345, 243, 26,75, 48, 94, 130, 146, 50, 112, 323, 327, 363,312, 127, 328, 302, 27, 79, 95, 96, 157, 189,188, 267, 340, 114, 346, 359, 113, 159, 98, 241,299, 268, 325, 187, 145, 364, 271, 242, 342, 343,236, 266, 190, 235, 287, 300, 360, 132, 128, 77,158, 162, 161, 240, 253, 78, 204, 51, 92, 160,284, 311, 285, 129, 205, 239, 341, 344, 93].Richardson [283]. Risk [241]. Road [257].Robert [256]. Roberts [253]. Robin [345].Romig [97]. Ronald [188, 267, 77].Rosenblatt [285]. Royal[12, 24, 36, 13, 25, 37, 47, 61, 73, 63, 62, 74,90, 110, 125, 91, 111, 126, 143, 155, 173, 144,156, 174, 185, 201, 217, 186, 202, 234, 252,265, 281, 298, 309, 322, 339, 358].

    S [220, 146, 189, 241, 205]. S. [243, 239].

  • 6

    Sale [277]. Sales [167, 21, 137]. Same [316].Sample [182, 6, 194, 250, 119]. Samples[69]. Sampling [58, 327, 304, 356, 31, 195, 9,65, 43, 132, 257, 303, 228]. Scarce [211].Schemes [333, 119]. Schmid [158, 239].Science [176, 96]. Scientific [267]. Scope[28, 225]. Search [263]. Section[12, 24, 36, 13, 25, 37, 47, 61, 73, 62, 74, 90,110, 125, 91, 111, 126, 143, 155, 173, 144,156, 174, 185, 201, 186, 202]. Sections [217,234, 252, 265, 281, 298, 309, 322, 339, 358].Selection [180, 138]. Selector [104].Sensory [353]. Sentencing [333].Sequential [58, 261]. Serial [43]. Series[319, 139, 340, 285]. Service [136]. Set [316].Setting [101]. Several [171]. Seymour[240]. Sheet [149]. Shipping [354]. Shop[170]. Short [41]. Short-Term [41].Significance [151, 320]. Simple[295, 151, 293, 247, 261]. Single [356, 119].Single-Sample [119]. Size [295, 356, 81].Skew [228]. Smith [176]. Social[310, 96, 113, 159, 5, 239, 344]. Societ [234].Society [12, 24, 36, 13, 25, 37, 47, 61, 73, 63,62, 74, 90, 110, 125, 91, 111, 126, 143, 155,173, 144, 156, 174, 185, 201, 217, 186, 202,252, 265, 281, 298, 309, 322, 339, 358]. Socio[248]. Socio-Economic [248]. Some[85, 140, 304, 195, 246, 167, 315]. Sources[50, 299]. Special [270, 269]. Specification[168, 7]. Spinning [70]. Squares [33]. Staff[170]. Stage [250, 231]. Standard[232, 261]. Standardising [66]. States[212]. Stationary [285]. Statistical[12, 24, 36, 13, 25, 37, 76, 47, 61, 73, 63, 62,74, 90, 110, 125, 91, 111, 126, 143, 155, 173,144, 156, 174, 185, 201, 217, 186, 202, 234,252, 265, 281, 298, 309, 322, 339, 358, 288,256, 270, 330, 75, 3, 127, 350, 27, 79, 188,267, 246, 42, 299, 268, 343, 235, 300, 77, 161,78, 92, 160, 311, 7, 285, 335, 129, 93].Statistician [4]. Statisticians [146].Statistics [63, 28, 209, 44, 326, 348, 49, 85,254, 347, 50, 277, 178, 56, 118, 104, 307, 107,

    122, 275, 342, 165, 190, 292, 253, 284, 239, 26,157, 114, 98, 242, 236, 51]. Statistique [128].Statler [93]. Stephan [327]. Stochastic[44, 203, 189]. Store [295]. Store-Size [295].Stores [350]. Structure [351]. Struik [163].Stuart [326]. Stubs [334]. Students [176].Studies [274, 360]. Study[13, 25, 37, 63, 62, 74, 91, 111, 126, 144, 156,174, 186, 202, 198, 353, 29, 249]. Studying[213]. Subjective [352, 166]. Successive[40]. Sudan [271]. Sukhatme [132].Supply [328]. Surnames [279]. Survey[327, 250, 336, 307, 204, 344]. Surveys[182, 194, 132]. Sutton [130]. Symposium[284]. Systematic [9, 43]. Systems [328].

    T [218, 238, 282, 283, 361, 363, 325]. T.[220, 205]. Tables [146, 112, 77, 78, 97].Taken [194]. Tasting [196]. Teaching [104].Technique [66, 213, 181]. Techniques[343]. Technological [26]. Television[213, 363]. Term [41]. Terms [354, 268].Test [274, 82, 151, 199, 261]. Testers [112].Testing [171, 348]. Textile [82]. Textiles[315]. Their [49, 254, 33, 190]. Theoretical[114]. Theory[76, 326, 243, 312, 325, 132, 326]. Third[270, 302, 284]. Three [247, 260].Three-Group [247, 260]. Time[139, 285, 340]. Time-Series [340]. Tippett[26, 302, 51]. Tolerances [355]. Too [84].Tools [96]. Totals [32]. Toussaint [359].Towns [5]. Trade [354, 98]. Traffic [257].Training [218]. Treatments [171, 316].Trends [275, 165]. True [107, 84].Tuberculosis [148]. Two [274, 194, 22].

    U. [285]. United [50, 212]. USA [64].Usage [162]. Use [120, 6, 316, 178, 262, 199,107, 122, 180, 231, 137, 335, 69]. Used [29].User [30]. Uses [85, 269, 8]. Utting [113].

    V [132, 253, 284]. Vajda [243]. Value [197].Values [214]. Variability [274, 194, 40, 249].


    Variable [328]. Variables [149, 228].Variance [306]. Variations [105]. Verhulst[346]. Very [228]. Villars [93]. Vince [363].Visual [82]. Visualized [266]. Vol [284].Voltage [101]. Volume[38, 53, 80, 135, 147, 177, 224, 244, 273, 290,314, 331, 366, 237, 326, 67, 146, 50, 312, 187].

    W. [206, 286, 27, 359, 253]. Walker [129].Wallis [253]. Warwickshire [148]. Weekly[355]. Whether [261]. Who [83]. Wilkins[218]. Willard [360]. William[282, 312, 268]. Wolfenden [190]. Work[182, 238]. Workers [188].

    Yarn [82]. Yates [77]. Youden [27].

    Zealand [354, 236].


    [1] Anonymous. Forward. Applied Statis-tics, 1(1):1, March 1952. CODEN AP-STAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [2] Anonymous. Editorial. Applied Statis-tics, 1(1):2, March 1952. CODEN AP-STAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [3] Bernard P. Dudding. The introductionof statistical methods to industry. Ap-plied Statistics, 1(1):3–20, March 1952.CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254(print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [4] Albert W. Swan. A statisticianlooks at The International ManagementCongress of 1951. Applied Statistics, 1(1):21–26, March 1952. CODEN AP-STAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [5] Leslie T. Wilkins. Estimating the socialclass of towns. Applied Statistics, 1(1):27–33, March 1952. CODEN APSTAG.ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (elec-tronic).


    [6] Thomas Corlett. A use for the juryqualification in sample design. AppliedStatistics, 1(1):34–36, March 1952. CO-DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [7] Charles Wainwright. A statistical ap-proach to the specification of plastics.Applied Statistics, 1(1):37–44, March1952. CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [8] Hans J. Eysenck. Uses and abuses offactor analysis. Applied Statistics, 1(1):45–49, March 1952. CODEN APSTAG.ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (elec-tronic).


    [9] Geoffrey H. Jowett. The accuracy of sys-tematic sampling from conveyor belts.Applied Statistics, 1(1):50–59, March1952. CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).



    [10] G. Salter, L. T. Wilkins, and G. H.Jowett. Questions and answers. AppliedStatistics, 1(1):60–62, March 1952. CO-DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [11] Anonymous. Notes and comments. Ap-plied Statistics, 1(1):63–64, March 1952.CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254(print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [12] Anonymous. Industrial applications sec-tion of the royal statistical society. Ap-plied Statistics, 1(1):65–73, March 1952.CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254(print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [13] Anonymous. Study section of the royalstatistical society. Applied Statistics, 1(1):74–79, March 1952. CODEN AP-STAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [14] L. T. Wilkins. Book review: Facts fromFigures, by M. J. Moroney. AppliedStatistics, 1(1):80, March 1952. CO-DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [15] Anonymous. Front matter. AppliedStatistics, 1(1):[3], March 1952. CO-DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [16] Anonymous. Editorial. Applied Statis-tics, 1(2):81, June 1952. CODEN AP-STAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [17] Peter R. Cox. Estimating the futurepopulation. Applied Statistics, 1(2):82–94, June 1952. CODEN APSTAG.ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (elec-tronic).


    [18] George V. Dyke and Emily P. Simp-son. A collaborative investigation intomethods of chemical analysis of groundpyrethrum flowers. Applied Statistics,1(2):95–105, June 1952. CODEN AP-STAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [19] Roy G. D. Allen. Index numbers of retailprices 1938–51. Applied Statistics, 1(2):106–117, June 1952. CODEN APSTAG.ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (elec-tronic).


    [20] William Spendley. Calibration of an in-tegrating gas flowmeter. Applied Statis-tics, 1(2):118–125, June 1952. CO-DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [21] Bernard T. Ramm. The measurementof branch sales performance. AppliedStatistics, 1(2):126–130, June 1952. CO-DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).



    [22] William N. Jessop. One line or two?Applied Statistics, 1(2):131–137, June1952. CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [23] Anonymous. Notes and comments. Ap-plied Statistics, 1(2):138–139, June 1952.CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254(print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [24] Anonymous. Industrial applications sec-tion of the royal statistical society. Ap-plied Statistics, 1(2):140–144, June 1952.CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254(print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [25] Anonymous. Study section of the royalstatistical society. Applied Statistics, 1(2):145–147, June 1952. CODEN AP-STAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [26] O. L. Davies. Book reviews: Techno-logical Applications of Statistics, by L.H. C. Tippett. Applied Statistics, 1(2):148, June 1952. CODEN APSTAG.ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (elec-tronic).


    [27] G. H. Jowett. Book reviews: StatisticalMethods for Chemists, by W. J. Youden.Applied Statistics, 1(2):148, June 1952.CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254(print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [28] Norman T. J. Bailey. The scope of med-ical statistics. Applied Statistics, 1(3):149–162, November 1952. CODEN AP-STAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [29] Joan Keen and Denys J. Page. A studyof the lives of pots used in makingglass. Applied Statistics, 1(3):163–168,November 1952. CODEN APSTAG.ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (elec-tronic).


    [30] Robert N. Wadsworth. The experienceof a user of a consumer panel. Ap-plied Statistics, 1(3):169–178, November1952. CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [31] Jack Hebden and Geoffrey H. Jowett.The accuracy of sampling coal. Ap-plied Statistics, 1(3):179–191, November1952. CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [32] W. F. F. Kemsley. Estimating individ-ual expenditure from family totals. Ap-plied Statistics, 1(3):192–201, November1952. CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [33] Leroy P. V. Johnson and Ernest S.Keeping. Composite mean squares andtheir degrees of freedom. Applied Statis-tics, 1(3):202–205, November 1952. CO-


    DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [34] E. Shankleman and O. L. Davies. Ques-tions and answers. Applied Statistics,1(3):206–207, November 1952. CO-DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [35] Anonymous. Notes and comments. Ap-plied Statistics, 1(3):208–209, November1952. CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [36] Anonymous. Industrial applicationssection of the royal statistical society.Applied Statistics, 1(3):210, November1952. CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [37] Anonymous. Study section of the royalstatistical society. Applied Statistics,1(3):211–212, November 1952. CO-DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [38] Anonymous. Volume information. Ap-plied Statistics, 1(3):[2], November 1952.CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254(print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [39] Dudley A. Clark. The census of dis-tribution. Applied Statistics, 2(1):1–12, March 1953. CODEN APSTAG.ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (elec-tronic).


    [40] Joan Keen and Denys J. Page. Esti-mating variability from the differencesbetween successive readings. AppliedStatistics, 2(1):13–23, March 1953. CO-DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [41] John Douglas Butler. Short-term fluc-tuations in petroleum consumption. Ap-plied Statistics, 2(1):24–29, March 1953.CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254(print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [42] Andrew Muir and Frank Downton. Astatistical approach to a problem ofchemical manufacture. Applied Statis-tics, 2(1):30–38, March 1953. CO-DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [43] Orville O. Price and Alfred J. McK-eon. A comparison of serial numberdigit sampling with systematic and ran-dom sampling. Applied Statistics, 2(1):39–43, March 1953. CODEN APSTAG.ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (elec-tronic).


    [44] Maurice S. Bartlett. Stochastic pro-cesses or the statistics of change. AppliedStatistics, 2(1):44–64, March 1953. CO-DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [45] E. D. Van Rest and W. J. Martin. Ques-tions and answers. Applied Statistics, 2


    (1):65–66, March 1953. CODEN AP-STAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [46] Anonymous. Notes and comments. Ap-plied Statistics, 2(1):67, March 1953.CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254(print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [47] Anonymous. Industrial applications sec-tion of the royal statistical society. Ap-plied Statistics, 2(1):68–69, March 1953.CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254(print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [48] O. L. Davies. Book reviews: The De-sign and Analysis of Experiments, byOscar Kempthorne. Applied Statistics, 2(1):70, March 1953. CODEN APSTAG.ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (elec-tronic).


    [49] H. S. Booker. Book reviews: Statisticsand Their Application to Commerce.10th Edition, by A. Lester Boddingtonand A. R. Ilersic. Applied Statistics, 2(1):70–71, March 1953. CODEN AP-STAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [50] E. Devons. Book reviews: The Sourcesand Nature of the Statistics of the UnitedKingdom. Volume I, by M. G. Kendall.Applied Statistics, 2(1):71–72, March1953. CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [51] E. D. Van Rest. Book reviews: TheMethods of Statistics, by L. H. C. Tip-pett. Applied Statistics, 2(1):72, March1953. CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [52] Anonymous. Front matter. AppliedStatistics, 2(1):[2], March 1953. CO-DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [53] Anonymous. Volume information. Ap-plied Statistics, 2(1):[2], March 1953.CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254(print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [54] Donald G. Beech. Experiences of corre-lation analysis. Applied Statistics, 2(2):73–85, June 1953. CODEN APSTAG.ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (elec-tronic).


    [55] Eric Shankleman. Economic forecastingin Great Britain. Applied Statistics, 2(2):86–100, June 1953. CODEN AP-STAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [56] Cyril Davenport Hughes. Statistics andprediction. Applied Statistics, 2(2):101–106, June 1953. CODEN APSTAG.ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (elec-tronic).



    [57] Douglas F. Vincent. The orgin and de-velopment of factor analysis. AppliedStatistics, 2(2):107–117, June 1953. CO-DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [58] David G. Champernowne. The eco-nomics of sequential sampling proce-dures for defectives. Applied Statistics,2(2):118–130, June 1953. CODEN AP-STAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [59] J. L. Nicholson and W. F. F. Kemsley.Letter to the editor. Applied Statistics,2(2):131–132, June 1953. CODEN AP-STAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [60] Anonymous. Notes and comments. Ap-plied Statistics, 2(2):133–135, June 1953.CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254(print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [61] Anonymous. Industrial applications sec-tion of the royal statistical society. Ap-plied Statistics, 2(2):136–137, June 1953.CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254(print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [62] Anonymous. Study section of the royalstatistical society. Applied Statistics, 2(2):138–139, June 1953. CODEN AP-STAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [63] Anonymous. Study circle on medi-cal statistics: Royal statistical society.Applied Statistics, 2(2):140, June 1953.CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254(print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [64] Edward D. Van Rest. Quality controlin the USA. Applied Statistics, 2(3):141–151, November 1953. CODEN AP-STAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [65] Henry Palca. An experiment in thesampling of agricultural returns. Ap-plied Statistics, 2(3):152–159, November1953. CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [66] Stafford Beer. A technique for stan-dardising massed batteries of controlcharts. Applied Statistics, 2(3):160–165,November 1953. CODEN APSTAG.ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (elec-tronic).


    [67] Wladyslaw Z. Billewicz. An index of thevolume of net exports. Applied Statis-tics, 2(3):166–171, November 1953. CO-DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [68] Clifford Pugh. The evaluation of deter-gent performance in domestic dishwash-ing. Applied Statistics, 2(3):172–179,November 1953. CODEN APSTAG.


    ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (elec-tronic).


    [69] Noel Williams. The use of samples in au-diting. Applied Statistics, 2(3):180–183,November 1953. CODEN APSTAG.ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (elec-tronic).


    [70] Robert E. Peake. Planning an exper-iment in a cotton spinning mill. Ap-plied Statistics, 2(3):184–192, November1953. CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [71] Thomas Corlett. A change in the pro-portion of jurors. Applied Statistics,2(3):193–195, November 1953. CO-DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [72] Anonymous. Notes and comments.Applied Statistics, 2(3):196, November1953. CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [73] Anonymous. Industrial applications sec-tion of the royal statistical society. Ap-plied Statistics, 2(3):197–199, November1953. CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [74] Anonymous. Study section of the royalstatistical society. Applied Statistics,2(3):200–201, November 1953. CO-DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [75] O. L. Davies. Book reviews: Ad-vanced Statistical Methods in Biomet-ric Research, by C. Radhakrishna Rao.Applied Statistics, 2(3):202, November1953. CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [76] Anonymous. Book reviews: StatisticalTheory with Engineering Examples, byA. Hald. Applied Statistics, 2(3):203,November 1953. CODEN APSTAG.ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (elec-tronic).


    [77] L. H. C. Tippett. Book reviews: Statis-tical Tables for Biological, Agriculturaland Medical Research, by Ronald A.Fisher and Frank Yates. Applied Statis-tics, 2(3):203, November 1953. CO-DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [78] F. C. Turner. Book reviews: Statisti-cal Tables and Formulas, by A. Hald.Applied Statistics, 2(3):203, November1953. CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [79] G. H. Jowett. Book reviews: An Intro-duction to Statistical Calculations, by J.Mounsey. Applied Statistics, 2(3):204,November 1953. CODEN APSTAG.ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (elec-tronic).



    [80] Anonymous. Volume information. Ap-plied Statistics, 2(3):[2], November 1953.CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254(print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [81] Seymour Melman. Production and ad-ministration cost in relation to sizeof firm. Applied Statistics, 3(1):1–11, March 1954. CODEN APSTAG.ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (elec-tronic).


    [82] Anthony G. Baker, Kenneth W. Hillier,and Robert H. Woodward. An analy-sis of the results of a visual test of tex-tile yarn. Applied Statistics, 3(1):12–18, March 1954. CODEN APSTAG.ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (elec-tronic).


    [83] Percy G. Gray and Ann Cartwright.Who gets the medicine? Applied Statis-tics, 3(1):19–28, March 1954. CO-DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [84] Alan Stuart. Too good to be true? Ap-plied Statistics, 3(1):29–32, March 1954.CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254(print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [85] Simon Broadbent. Some uses of thenomogram in statistics. Applied Statis-tics, 3(1):33–43, March 1954. CO-DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [86] Armand Peter Ruderman. A neglectedpoint in the construction of price in-dex numbers. Applied Statistics, 3(1):44–47, March 1954. CODEN APSTAG.ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (elec-tronic).


    [87] Peter Robson. Letter to the editor. Ap-plied Statistics, 3(1):48–49, March 1954.CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254(print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [88] Anonymous. Notes and comments. Ap-plied Statistics, 3(1):50–51, March 1954.CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254(print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [89] Philip Lyle and E. Shankleman. Ques-tions and answers. Applied Statistics, 3(1):52–54, March 1954. CODEN AP-STAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [90] Anonymous. Industrial applications sec-tion of the royal statistical society. Ap-plied Statistics, 3(1):55–57, March 1954.CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254(print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [91] Anonymous. Study section of the royalstatistical society. Applied Statistics, 3(1):58, March 1954. CODEN APSTAG.ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (elec-tronic).



    [92] E. D. Van Rest. Book reviews: Meth-ods of Statistical Analysis, by C. H.Goulden. Applied Statistics, 3(1):59, March 1954. CODEN APSTAG.ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (elec-tronic).


    [93] E. D. van Rest. Book reviews: Statisti-cal Design and Analysis of Experimentsfor Development Research, by DonaldStatler Villars. Applied Statistics, 3(1):59–60, March 1954. CODEN APSTAG.ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (elec-tronic).


    [94] O. L. Davies. Book reviews: The De-sign and Analysis of Experiment, by M.H. Quenouille. Applied Statistics, 3(1):60–61, March 1954. CODEN APSTAG.ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (elec-tronic).


    [95] G. H. Jowett. Book reviews: AssociatedMeasurements, by M. H. Quenouille.Applied Statistics, 3(1):61–62, March1954. CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [96] G. H. Jowett and M. Hodges. Book re-views: The Tools of Social Science, byJohn Madge. Applied Statistics, 3(1):62, March 1954. CODEN APSTAG.ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (elec-tronic).


    [97] D. G. Beech. Book reviews: 50–100Binomial Tables, by Harry G. Romig.Applied Statistics, 3(1):63, March 1954.CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254(print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [98] C. Nuttall. Book reviews: InternationalTrade Statistics, by R. G. D. Allen andJ. Edward Ely. Applied Statistics, 3(1):63–64, March 1954. CODEN APSTAG.ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (elec-tronic).


    [99] Anonymous. Back matter. AppliedStatistics, 3(1):[1], March 1954. CO-DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [100] Anonymous. Front matter. AppliedStatistics, 3(1):[2], March 1954. CO-DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [101] David J. Desmond. Quality control onthe setting of voltage regulators. AppliedStatistics, 3(2):65–73, June 1954. CO-DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [102] Conrad E. V. Leser. The measure-ment of elasticities of demand. AppliedStatistics, 3(2):74–84, June 1954. CO-DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).



    [103] Eric Shankleman. What is economet-rics? Applied Statistics, 3(2):85–89, June 1954. CODEN APSTAG.ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (elec-tronic).


    [104] Elsie A. G. Knowles. Experiments witha random selector as an aid to the teach-ing of statistics. Applied Statistics, 3(2):90–103, June 1954. CODEN APSTAG.ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (elec-tronic).


    [105] F. D. K. Liddell. The measurementof daily variations in absence. AppliedStatistics, 3(2):104–111, June 1954. CO-DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [106] Rupert Thomas Leslie. Investigation oferrors of observation. Applied Statistics,3(2):112–115, June 1954. CODEN AP-STAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [107] Philip Lyle. The construction of nomo-grams for use in statistics: Part I.true and empirical nomograms. AppliedStatistics, 3(2):116–125, June 1954. CO-DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [108] R. F. Fowler. Letter to the editor. Ap-plied Statistics, 3(2):126–127, June 1954.CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254(print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [109] Anonymous. Notes and comments. Ap-plied Statistics, 3(2):128–129, June 1954.CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254(print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [110] Anonymous. Industrial applications sec-tion of the royal statistical society. Ap-plied Statistics, 3(2):130–132, June 1954.CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254(print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [111] Anonymous. Study section of the royalstatistical society. Applied Statistics, 3(2):133, June 1954. CODEN APSTAG.ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (elec-tronic).


    [112] E. Elliott. Book reviews: Tables for Ap-titude Testers, by A. G. Arbous. AppliedStatistics, 3(2):134, June 1954. CO-DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [113] C. A. Moser. Book reviews: Social Ac-counts of Local Authorities, by J. E.G. Utting. Applied Statistics, 3(2):134–135, June 1954. CODEN APSTAG.ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (elec-tronic).


    [114] E. A. G. Knowles. Book reviews: Ex-ercises in Theoretical Statistics, by M.G. Kendall. Applied Statistics, 3(2):135–136, June 1954. CODEN APSTAG.ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (elec-tronic).



    [115] Anonymous. Back matter. AppliedStatistics, 3(2):[2], June 1954. CO-DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [116] Anonymous. Front matter. AppliedStatistics, 3(2):[2], June 1954. CO-DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [117] Norman T. J. Bailey. Queueing formedical care. Applied Statistics, 3(3):137–145, November 1954. CODEN AP-STAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [118] Cyril Davenport Hughes. Accuracy instatistics. Applied Statistics, 3(3):146–149, November 1954. CODEN AP-STAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [119] Gareth Horsnell. The determination ofsingle-sample schemes for percentage de-fectives. Applied Statistics, 3(3):150–158, November 1954. CODEN AP-STAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [120] Adrian Garth Arbous and Herbert Si-mon Sichel. The use of estimates ofabsence-proneness for guiding executiveaction. Applied Statistics, 3(3):159–173,November 1954. CODEN APSTAG.ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (elec-tronic).


    [121] Conrad E. V. Leser. Production func-tions for the British industrial econ-omy. Applied Statistics, 3(3):174–183,November 1954. CODEN APSTAG.ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (elec-tronic).


    [122] Philip Lyle. The construction of nomo-grams for use in statistics: Part II.the graphical analysis of the results ofa factorial experiment. Applied Statis-tics, 3(3):184–195, November 1954. CO-DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [123] Freda Conway and W. T. Osborn. Let-ters to the editor. Applied Statistics,3(3):196–198, November 1954. CO-DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [124] Anonymous. Notes and comments.Applied Statistics, 3(3):199, November1954. CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [125] Anonymous. Industrial applications sec-tion of the royal statistical society. Ap-plied Statistics, 3(3):200–201, November1954. CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [126] Anonymous. Study section of the royalstatistical society. Applied Statistics,3(3):202–203, November 1954. CO-


    DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [127] J. F. Hinsley. Book reviews: Statisti-cal Methods in Electrical Engineering,by D. A. Bell. Applied Statistics, 3(3):204, November 1954. CODEN AP-STAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [128] A. W. Swan. Book reviews: Le ContrôleStatistique des Fabrications, by R. Cave.Applied Statistics, 3(3):205, November1954. CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [129] L. T. Wilkins. Book reviews: Statisti-cal Inference, by H. M. Walker and J.Lev. Applied Statistics, 3(3):206–207,November 1954. CODEN APSTAG.ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (elec-tronic).


    [130] D. R. Davies. Book reviews: Math-ematics in Action, by O. G. Sutton.Applied Statistics, 3(3):207, November1954. CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [131] Anonymous. Other publications re-ceived. Applied Statistics, 3(3):208,November 1954. CODEN APSTAG.ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (elec-tronic).


    [132] A. Stuart. Book reviews: SamplingTheory of Surveys with Applications,

    by Pandurang V. Sukhatme. AppliedStatistics, 3(3):208, November 1954.CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254(print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [133] Anonymous. Back matter. AppliedStatistics, 3(3):[1], November 1954. CO-DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [134] Anonymous. Front matter. AppliedStatistics, 3(3):[2], November 1954. CO-DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [135] Anonymous. Volume information. Ap-plied Statistics, 3(3):[7], November 1954.CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254(print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [136] Stafford Beer. The productivity index inactive service. Applied Statistics, 4(1):1–14, March 1955. CODEN APSTAG.ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (elec-tronic).


    [137] Albert W. Swan. A method of graphingsales figures for executive use. AppliedStatistics, 4(1):15–21, March 1955. CO-DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [138] Noel Williams. An application of lin-ear programming to the selection of rawmaterials. Applied Statistics, 4(1):22–31, March 1955. CODEN APSTAG.


    ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (elec-tronic).


    [139] Geoffrey H. Jowett. The comparison ofmeans of industrial time series. AppliedStatistics, 4(1):32–46, March 1955. CO-DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [140] G. P. Davies and G. W. Sears. Somemakeshift methods of analysis applied tocomplex experimental results. AppliedStatistics, 4(1):47–63, March 1955. CO-DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [141] Itasu Sakura. Letter to the editor. Ap-plied Statistics, 4(1):64, March 1955.CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254(print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [142] E. D. van Rest. Question and answer.Applied Statistics, 4(1):65–66, March1955. CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [143] Anonymous. Industrial applications sec-tion of the royal statistical society. Ap-plied Statistics, 4(1):67–69, March 1955.CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254(print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [144] Anonymous. Study section of the royalstatistical society. Applied Statistics, 4(1):70, March 1955. CODEN APSTAG.ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (elec-tronic).


    [145] D. R. Read. Book reviews: The Designand Analysis of Industrial Experiments,by O. L. Davies. Applied Statistics, 4(1):71, March 1955. CODEN APSTAG.ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (elec-tronic).


    [146] O. L. Davies. Book reviews: BiometrikaTables for Statisticians, Volume I, by E.S. Pearson and H. O. Hartley. AppliedStatistics, 4(1):72, March 1955. CO-DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [147] Anonymous. Volume information. Ap-plied Statistics, 4(1):[4], March 1955.CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254(print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [148] Marjorie Jessop. Reservoirs of infec-tion of pulmonary tuberculosis in war-wickshire. Applied Statistics, 4(2):73–79, June 1955. CODEN APSTAG.ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (elec-tronic).


    [149] Geoffrey H. Jowett. Multiple regres-sion between variables measured at thepoints of a plane sheet. Applied Statis-tics, 4(2):80–89, June 1955. CODENAPSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [150] P. A. Daniell and F. D. K. Liddell.Calculation by accumulation. Applied


    Statistics, 4(2):90–96, June 1955. CO-DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [151] Wladyslaw Z. Billewicz. A simple non-parametric graphical test for the signifi-cance of a difference. Applied Statistics,4(2):97–102, June 1955. CODEN AP-STAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [152] John Wishart. Multivariate analysis.Applied Statistics, 4(2):103–116, June1955. CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [153] A. Glaskin. Letter to the editor. AppliedStatistics, 4(2):117–119, June 1955. CO-DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [154] Anonymous. Notes and comments. Ap-plied Statistics, 4(2):120–121, June 1955.CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254(print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [155] Anonymous. Industrial applications sec-tion of the royal statistical society. Ap-plied Statistics, 4(2):122–125, June 1955.CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254(print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [156] Anonymous. Study section of the royalstatistical society. Applied Statistics, 4(2):126, June 1955. CODEN APSTAG.ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (elec-tronic).


    [157] G. H. Jowett. Book reviews: Elements ofStatistics, by H. C. Fryer. Applied Statis-tics, 4(2):127, June 1955. CODEN AP-STAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [158] L. H. C. Tippett. Book reviews: Hand-book of Graphic Presentation, by CalvinF. Schmid. Applied Statistics, 4(2):127, June 1955. CODEN APSTAG.ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (elec-tronic).


    [159] C. A. Moser. Book reviews: The De-sign of Social Research, by R. L. Ackoff.Applied Statistics, 4(2):128–129, June1955. CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [160] E. D. Van Rest. Book reviews: Statisti-cal Analysis in Chemistry and the Chem-ical Industry, by Carl A. Bennett andNorman L. Franklin. Applied Statistics,4(2):129–130, June 1955. CODEN AP-STAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [161] L. H. C. Tippett. Book reviews: Qual-ity Control Through Statistical Methods,by Norbert Lloyd Enrick. Applied Statis-tics, 4(2):130, June 1955. CODEN AP-STAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [162] L. H. C. Tippett. Book reviews: Produc-tivity, a Critique of Current Usage, by


    Lewis A. Maverick. Applied Statistics,4(2):130–131, June 1955. CODEN AP-STAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [163] M. S. Bartlett. Book reviews: A con-cise history of mathematics, by D. J.Struik. Applied Statistics, 4(2):131, June1955. CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [164] Anonymous. Publications received. Ap-plied Statistics, 4(2):132, June 1955.CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254(print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [165] Christopher T. Saunders. Currenttrends in national income statistics. Ap-plied Statistics, 4(3):133–144, November1955. CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [166] Roland Harper. Fundamental prob-lems in the subjective appraisal of food-stuffs. Applied Statistics, 4(3):145–161,November 1955. CODEN APSTAG.ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (elec-tronic).


    [167] David J. Liston. Sales forecasting: Anevaluation of some practical results. Ap-plied Statistics, 4(3):162–172, November1955. CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [168] John H. Hepburn. Level of qualityfor minimum cost of manufacture of a

    specification. Applied Statistics, 4(3):173–182, November 1955. CODEN AP-STAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [169] Eric Shankleman. Measuring the reader-ship of newspapers and magazines. Ap-plied Statistics, 4(3):183–194, November1955. CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [170] Bernard T. Ramm. The determinationof branch staff establishments in a mul-tiple shop organisation. Applied Statis-tics, 4(3):195–198, November 1955. CO-DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [171] Geoffrey M. Clarke. A design for testingseveral treatments under controlled en-vironmental conditions. Applied Statis-tics, 4(3):199–206, November 1955. CO-DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [172] Anonymous. Notes and comments.Applied Statistics, 4(3):207, November1955. CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [173] Anonymous. Industrial applications sec-tion of the royal statistical society. Ap-plied Statistics, 4(3):208–210, November1955. CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).



    [174] Anonymous. Study section of the royalstatistical society. Applied Statistics, 4(3):211, November 1955. CODEN AP-STAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [175] Anonymous. Publications received.Applied Statistics, 4(3):212, November1955. CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [176] S. C. Harland. Book review: Biomath-ematics: The Principles of Mathemat-ics for Students of Biological Science, byCedric A. B. Smith. Applied Statistics,4(3):212, November 1955. CODEN AP-STAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [177] Anonymous. Volume information. Ap-plied Statistics, 4(3):[2], November 1955.CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254(print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [178] G. H. Ross Goobey. The use of statis-tics in the investment of funds. AppliedStatistics, 5(1):1–11, March 1956. CO-DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [179] David Hill. Modified control limits. Ap-plied Statistics, 5(1):12–19, March 1956.CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254(print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [180] Frank Sandon. A regression controlchart for use in personnel selection. Ap-plied Statistics, 5(1):20–31, March 1956.CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254(print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [181] Roland Harper. Factor analysis as atechnique for examining complex dataon foodstuffs. Applied Statistics, 5(1):32–48, March 1956. CODEN APSTAG.ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (elec-tronic).


    [182] Dorothy E. Cole. Field work in sam-ple surveys of household income and ex-penditure. Applied Statistics, 5(1):49–61, March 1956. CODEN APSTAG.ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (elec-tronic).


    [183] Anonymous. Notes and comments. Ap-plied Statistics, 5(1):62, March 1956.CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254(print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [184] R. L. Plackett. Questions and answers.Applied Statistics, 5(1):63–64, March1956. CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [185] Anonymous. Industrial applications sec-tion of the royal statistical society. Ap-plied Statistics, 5(1):65–66, March 1956.CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254(print), 1467-9876 (electronic).



    [186] Anonymous. Study section of the royalstatistical society. Applied Statistics, 5(1):67, March 1956. CODEN APSTAG.ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (elec-tronic).


    [187] R. L. Plackett. Book reviews: Chanceand Choice by Cardpack and Chessboard.Volume 2, by Lancelot Hogben. AppliedStatistics, 5(1):68, March 1956. CO-DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [188] G. H. Jowett. Book reviews: Statisti-cal Methods for Research Workers, byRonald A. Fisher. Applied Statistics, 5(1):68–70, March 1956. CODEN AP-STAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [189] G. H. Jowett. Book reviews: An In-troduction to Stochastic Processes, byM. S. Bartlett. Applied Statistics, 5(1):70, March 1956. CODEN APSTAG.ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (elec-tronic).


    [190] E. Shankleman. Book reviews: Popula-tion Statistics and their Compilation, byHugh H. Wolfenden. Applied Statistics,5(1):71–72, March 1956. CODEN AP-STAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [191] Anonymous. Publications received. Ap-plied Statistics, 5(1):72, March 1956.

    CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254(print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [192] Anonymous. Back matter. AppliedStatistics, 5(1):[2], March 1956. CO-DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [193] Anonymous. Front matter. AppliedStatistics, 5(1):[2], March 1956. CO-DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [194] Percy G. Gray. Examples of inter-viewer variability taken from two sam-ple surveys. Applied Statistics, 5(2):73–85, June 1956. CODEN APSTAG.ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (elec-tronic).


    [195] Stanley F. James. Some samplingproblems in connection with account-ing records. Applied Statistics, 5(2):86–105, June 1956. CODEN APSTAG.ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (elec-tronic).


    [196] Norman Theodore Gridgeman. A tast-ing experiment. Applied Statistics, 5(2):106–112, June 1956. CODEN APSTAG.ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (elec-tronic).


    [197] Robert Ferber. Are correlations anyguide to predictive value? Applied


    Statistics, 5(2):113–121, June 1956. CO-DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [198] Martin K. Barnett and Frank C. Mead,Jr. A 2 4 factorial experiment in fourblocks of eight: A study in radioactivedecontamination. Applied Statistics, 5(2):122–131, June 1956. CODEN AP-STAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [199] Erik K. Leander and David J. Finney.An extension of the use of the χ2-test.Applied Statistics, 5(2):132–136, June1956. CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [200] G. H. Jowett. Question and answer.Applied Statistics, 5(2):137–138, June1956. CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [201] Anonymous. Industrial applications sec-tion of the royal statistical society. Ap-plied Statistics, 5(2):139, June 1956.CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254(print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [202] Anonymous. Study section of the royalstatistical society. Applied Statistics, 5(2):140, June 1956. CODEN APSTAG.ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (elec-tronic).


    [203] M. S. Bartlett. Book reviews: Stochas-tic Models for Learning, by R. R. Bush

    and F. Mosteller. Applied Statistics, 5(2):141, June 1956. CODEN APSTAG.ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (elec-tronic).


    [204] J. E. G. Utting. Book reviews: Contribu-tions of Survey Methods to Economics,by George Katona, Lawrence R. Klein,John B. Lansing and James N. Morgan.Applied Statistics, 5(2):141–143, June1956. CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [205] L. T. Wilkins. Book reviews: The Com-munication of Ideas, by T. Cauter andJ. S. Downham. Applied Statistics, 5(2):143–144, June 1956. CODEN APSTAG.ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (elec-tronic).


    [206] D. G. Beech. Book reviews: Hand-book of Industrial Engineering and Man-agement, by W. G. Ireson and E. L.Grant. Applied Statistics, 5(2):144, June1956. CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [207] Anonymous. Back matter. AppliedStatistics, 5(2):[1], June 1956. CO-DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [208] Anonymous. Front matter. AppliedStatistics, 5(2):[2], June 1956. CO-DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).



    [209] Norman T. J. Bailey. Statistics in hospi-tal planning and design. Applied Statis-tics, 5(3):146–157, November 1956. CO-DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [210] W. Neil Jessop. Monte Carlo methodsand industrial problems. Applied Statis-tics, 5(3):158–165, November 1956. CO-DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [211] Noel Williams. The allocation ofscarce materials between products. Ap-plied Statistics, 5(3):166–176, November1956. CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [212] Rita J. Maurice. Industrial cen-suses in Great Britain and the UnitedStates. Applied Statistics, 5(3):177–194,November 1956. CODEN APSTAG.ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (elec-tronic).


    [213] William A. Belson. A technique forstudying the effects of a television broad-cast. Applied Statistics, 5(3):195–202,November 1956. CODEN APSTAG.ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (elec-tronic).


    [214] Michael Healy and Michael Westmacott.Missing values in experiments analysedon automatic computers. Applied Statis-tics, 5(3):203–206, November 1956. CO-

    DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [215] K. S. Banerjee. A comment on the con-struction of price index numbers. Ap-plied Statistics, 5(3):207–210, November1956. CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [216] Anonymous. Notes and comments. Ap-plied Statistics, 5(3):211–212, November1956. CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [217] Anonymous. Meetings of sections of theroyal statistical society. Applied Statis-tics, 5(3):213–214, November 1956. CO-DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [218] Norman T. J. Bailey. Book reviews: Pre-diction Methods in Relation to BorstalTraining, by Hermann Mannheim andLeslie T. Wilkins. Applied Statistics,5(3):215–216, November 1956. CO-DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [219] Anonymous. Publications received.Applied Statistics, 5(3):216, November1956. CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [220] D. G. Beech. Book reviews: Corre-lated Random Normal Deviates, by E.C. Fieller, T. Lewis and E. S. Pearson.


    Applied Statistics, 5(3):216, November1956. CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [221] Anonymous. Back matter. AppliedStatistics, 5(3):[2], November 1956. CO-DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [222] Anonymous. Front matter. AppliedStatistics, 5(3):[2], November 1956. CO-DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [223] Anonymous. Foreword. Applied Statis-tics, 5(3):[1], November 1956. CO-DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [224] Anonymous. Volume information. Ap-plied Statistics, 5(3):[5], November 1956.CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254(print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [225] L. R. Klein. The scope and limitationsof econometrics. Applied Statistics, 6(1):1–17, March 1957. CODEN APSTAG.ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (elec-tronic).


    [226] Ann Cartwright. The effect of obtain-ing information from different informatson a family morbidity inquiry. AppliedStatistics, 6(1):18–25, March 1957. CO-DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [227] Emil Kay and Eric Duckworth. Lin-ear programming in practice. AppliedStatistics, 6(1):26–39, March 1957. CO-DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [228] R. Tulse. Sampling for variables with avery skew distribution. Applied Statis-tics, 6(1):40–44, March 1957. CO-DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [229] Anthony G. Baker. Analysis and pre-sentation of the results of factorial ex-periments. Applied Statistics, 6(1):45–55, March 1957. CODEN APSTAG.ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (elec-tronic).


    [230] Raymond Chittleburgh and Alec Lee. Aproblem in production control. AppliedStatistics, 6(1):56–62, March 1957. CO-DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [231] William Stannage. Use of regressionanalysis to detect errors in measurementof intermediate materials in a multi-stage process. Applied Statistics, 6(1):63–66, March 1957. CODEN APSTAG.ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (elec-tronic).


    [232] Edward F. Brayer. Calculating the stan-dard error of a proportion. Applied


    Statistics, 6(1):67–68, March 1957. CO-DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [233] Anonymous. Notes and comments. Ap-plied Statistics, 6(1):69–70, March 1957.CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254(print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [234] Anonymous. Meetings of sections ofthe royal statistical societ. AppliedStatistics, 6(1):71–72, March 1957. CO-DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [235] Cedric A. B. Smith. Book reviews: Ex-perimental Design and Its Statistical Ba-sis, by D. J. Finney. Applied Statistics, 6(1):73, March 1957. CODEN APSTAG.ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (elec-tronic).


    [236] C. T. Saunders. Book reviews: Guide toNew Zealand Official Statistics, by E. P.Neale. Applied Statistics, 6(1):74, March1957. CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [237] D. G. Beech. Book reviews: Curso deEstadistica: Volume I, Estadistica De-scriptiva y Modelo Matematico, by En-rique Chacon. Applied Statistics, 6(1):74–75, March 1957. CODEN APSTAG.ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (elec-tronic).


    [238] D. G. Beech. Book reviews: Nellie Land-blom’s Copybook for Beginners in Re-search Work, by Nellie T. Landblom.Applied Statistics, 6(1):75, March 1957.CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254(print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [239] Leslie T. Wilkins. Book reviews: Aprimer of social statistics, by S. M.Dornbusch and C. F. Schmid. AppliedStatistics, 6(1):75–76, March 1957. CO-DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [240] L. H. C. Tippett. Book reviews: Dy-namic Factors in Industrial Productiv-ity, by Seymour Melman. Applied Statis-tics, 6(1):76–77, March 1957. CO-DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [241] C. Nuttall. Book reviews: The Clas-sification and Coding of Accounts, byJ. M. S. Risk. Applied Statistics, 6(1):78, March 1957. CODEN APSTAG.ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (elec-tronic).


    [242] Frank Sandon. Book reviews: TheEssentials of Educational Statistics, byFrancis G. Cornell. Applied Statistics,6(1):78–79, March 1957. CODEN AP-STAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).



    [243] G. A. Coutie. Book reviews: The The-ory of Games and Linear Programming,by S. Vajda. Applied Statistics, 6(1):79–80, March 1957. CODEN APSTAG.ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (elec-tronic).


    [244] Anonymous. Volume information. Ap-plied Statistics, 6(1):[4], March 1957.CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254(print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [245] George E. P. Box. Evolutionary oper-ation: A method for increasing indus-trial productivity. Applied Statistics, 6(2):81–101, June 1957. CODEN AP-STAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [246] Stephen Lipton. Some statistical appli-cations of electronic computers. AppliedStatistics, 6(2):102–113, June 1957. CO-DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [247] Wendy M. Gibson and Geoffrey H.Jowett. ‘three-group’ regression analy-sis: Part I. simple regression analysis.Applied Statistics, 6(2):114–122, June1957. CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [248] Kathleen Gales. Discriminant functionsof socio-economic class. Applied Statis-tics, 6(2):123–132, June 1957. CO-

    DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [249] S. James Morrison. The study of vari-ability in engineering design. AppliedStatistics, 6(2):133–138, June 1957. CO-DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [250] Percy G. Gray. A sample survey withboth a postal and an interview stage.Applied Statistics, 6(2):139–153, June1957. CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [251] Anonymous. Notes and comments. Ap-plied Statistics, 6(2):154, June 1957.CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254(print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [252] Anonymous. Meetings of sections ofthe royal statistical society. AppliedStatistics, 6(2):155–156, June 1957. CO-DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [253] L. H. C. Tippett. Book reviews: Statis-tics: A New Approach, by W. AllenWallis and Harry V. Roberts. AppliedStatistics, 6(2):157–158, June 1957. CO-DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [254] S. Burke. Book reviews: Statistics andTheir Application to Commerce. 11th


    Edition, by A. R. Ilersic. Applied Statis-tics, 6(2):158–159, June 1957. CO-DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [255] Anonymous. Publications received. Ap-plied Statistics, 6(2):160, June 1957.CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254(print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [256] D. G. Beech. Book reviews: Guideto Elementary Statistical Formulas, byRobert E. Johnson and Doris N. Mor-ris. Applied Statistics, 6(2):160, June1957. CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [257] John C. Tanner. The sampling of roadtraffic. Applied Statistics, 6(3):161–170,November 1957. CODEN APSTAG.ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (elec-tronic).


    [258] Peter G. Moore. Normality in qualitycontrol charts. Applied Statistics, 6(3):171–179, November 1957. CODEN AP-STAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [259] Alexander Barr. Differences between ex-perienced interviewers. Applied Statis-tics, 6(3):180–188, November 1957. CO-DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [260] Wendy M. Gibson and Geoffrey H.Jowett. ‘three-group’ regression anal-

    ysis: Part II. multiple regression anal-ysis. Applied Statistics, 6(3):189–197,November 1957. CODEN APSTAG.ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (elec-tronic).


    [261] Rolfe C. Tomlinson. A simple sequentialprocedure to test whether average con-ditions achieve a certain standard. Ap-plied Statistics, 6(3):198–207, November1957. CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [262] Kenneth W. Kemp. An optical peri-odograph for use in the analysis of con-tinuous measurements. Applied Statis-tics, 6(3):208–213, November 1957. CO-DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [263] Colin Stevens. Confidence limits for therange of a search radar. Applied Statis-tics, 6(3):214–222, November 1957. CO-DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [264] Anonymous. Notes and comments.Applied Statistics, 6(3):223, November1957. CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [265] Anonymous. Meetings of sections of theroyal statistical society. Applied Statis-tics, 6(3):224, November 1957. CO-DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).



    [266] C. T. Saunders. Book reviews: Na-tional Income Visualized, by Arthur O.Dahlberg. Applied Statistics, 6(3):225–226, November 1957. CODEN AP-STAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [267] G. H. Jowett. Book reviews: Statis-tical Methods and Scientific Inference,by Ronald A. Fisher. Applied Statis-tics, 6(3):226–227, November 1957. CO-DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [268] P. D. Oldham. Book reviews: A dictio-nary of statistical terms, by Maurice G.Kendall and William R. Buckland. Ap-plied Statistics, 6(3):227–228, November1957. CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [269] W. J. Corlett. Book reviews: The Log-normal Distribution, With Special Ref-erence to Its Uses in Economics, by J.Aitchison and J. A. C. Brown. Ap-plied Statistics, 6(3):228–230, November1957. CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [270] D. G. Beech. Book reviews: Statisti-cal Methods in Research and Production,With Special Reference to the Chemi-cal Industry. Third Edition, by O. L.Davies. Applied Statistics, 6(3):230–231,November 1957. CODEN APSTAG.ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (elec-tronic).


    [271] J. A. Rowntree. Book reviews: The1953 Pilot Population Census for theFirst Population Census in Sudan. Ap-plied Statistics, 6(3):231–232, November1957. CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [272] Anonymous. Publication received. Ap-plied Statistics, 6(3):232, November1957. CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [273] Anonymous. Volume information. Ap-plied Statistics, 6(3):[3], November 1957.CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254(print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [274] Peter Armitage, G. Isley, and C. Ingram.Studies in the variability of two blood-clotting test. Applied Statistics, 7(1):1–14, March 1958. CODEN APSTAG.ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (elec-tronic).


    [275] Rita J. Maurice. Official statistics of eco-nomic trends. Applied Statistics, 7(1):15–24, March 1958. CODEN APSTAG.ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (elec-tronic).


    [276] John K. Friend. Probits: An applicationto observational data. Applied Statistics,7(1):25–41, March 1958. CODEN AP-STAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).



    [277] David C. Duncan. Statistics of an auc-tion sale. Applied Statistics, 7(1):42–47, March 1958. CODEN APSTAG.ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (elec-tronic).


    [278] Edwin Mansfield and Harold H. Wein. Aregression control chart for cost. AppliedStatistics, 7(1):48–57, March 1958. CO-DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [279] Percy G. Gray. Initial letters of sur-names. Applied Statistics, 7(1):58–59, March 1958. CODEN APSTAG.ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (elec-tronic).


    [280] Anonymous. Notes and comments. Ap-plied Statistics, 7(1):60–61, March 1958.CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254(print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [281] Anonymous. Meetings of sections ofthe royal statistical society. AppliedStatistics, 7(1):62–64, March 1958. CO-DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [282] Stafford Beer. Book reviews: The Ra-tionalization of Industrial Decision Pro-cesses, by William T. Morris. AppliedStatistics, 7(1):65–66, March 1958. CO-DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [283] Stafford Beer. Book reviews: The Re-duction and Presentation of Experimen-tal Results, by J. T. Richardson. AppliedStatistics, 7(1):66–67, March 1958. CO-DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [284] E. D. Van Rest. Book reviews: Pro-ceedings of the Third Berkeley Sym-posium on Mathematical Statistics andProbability. Vol. V. Econometrics, In-dustrial Research, and Psychometry, byJ. Neyman. Applied Statistics, 7(1):67–68, March 1958. CODEN APSTAG.ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (elec-tronic).


    [285] A. M. Walker. Book reviews: StatisticalAnalysis of Stationary Time Series, byU. Grenander and M. Rosenblatt. Ap-plied Statistics, 7(1):68–70, March 1958.CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254(print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [286] D. G. Beech. Book reviews: The Fas-cination of Numbers, by W. J. Reich-mann. Applied Statistics, 7(1):70, March1958. CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [287] F. T. M. Smith. Book reviews: Numeri-cal Methods, by R. A. Buckingham. Ap-plied Statistics, 7(1):70–71, March 1958.CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254(print), 1467-9876 (electronic).



    [288] C. J. Anson. Book reviews: Introductionto Statistical Inference, by Jerome C. R.Li. Applied Statistics, 7(1):71–72, March1958. CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [289] Anonymous. Publications received. Ap-plied Statistics, 7(1):72, March 1958.CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254(print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [290] Anonymous. Volume information. Ap-plied Statistics, 7(1):[4], March 1958.CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254(print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [291] Anonymous. Editorial. Applied Statis-tics, 7(2):73–75, June 1958. CODENAPSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [292] Eric Shankleman. The economist andhis statistics. Applied Statistics, 7(2):76–85, June 1958. CODEN APSTAG.ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (elec-tronic).


    [293] Simon Broadbent. Simple mortal-ity rates. Applied Statistics, 7(2):86–95, June 1958. CODEN APSTAG.ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (elec-tronic).


    [294] Andrew Muir. Marginal cost. AppliedStatistics, 7(2):96–103, June 1958. CO-

    DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [295] Norman T. J. Bailey. A simple ap-proach to the minimisation of store-size.Applied Statistics, 7(2):104–113, June1958. CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [296] Geoffrey H. Jowett. Factor analysis.Applied Statistics, 7(2):114–125, June1958. CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [297] Anonymous. Notes and comments. Ap-plied Statistics, 7(2):126, June 1958.CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254(print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [298] Anonymous. Meetings of sections ofthe royal statistical society. AppliedStatistics, 7(2):127–129, June 1958. CO-DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [299] C. Nuttall. Book reviews: StatisticalSources for Market Research. AppliedStatistics, 7(2):130, June 1958. CO-DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [300] Philip J. Stanley. Book reviews: In-troduction to Statistical Reasoning, byPhilip J. McCarthy. Applied Statistics,7(2):130–131, June 1958. CODEN AP-STAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).



    [301] Anonymous. Publications received. Ap-plied Statistics, 7(2):132, June 1958.CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254(print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [302] W. N. Jessop. Book reviews: Regres-sion Analysis of Production Costs andFactory Operations. (Third Edition), byPhilip Lyle and Leonard H. C. Tip-pett. Applied Statistics, 7(2):132, June1958. CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [303] Leonard H. C. Tippett. A guide toacceptance sampling. Applied Statis-tics, 7(3):133–148, November 1958. CO-DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [304] Hugo C. Hamaker. Some basic prin-ciples of sampling inspection by at-tributes. Applied Statistics, 7(3):149–159, November 1958. CODEN AP-STAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [305] James Morrison. The lognormal distri-bution in quality control. Applied Statis-tics, 7(3):160–172, November 1958. CO-DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [306] William Alexander Glenn and Clyde YoungKramer. Analysis of variance of a ran-domised block design with missing ob-servations. Applied Statistics, 7(3):173–

    185, November 1958. CODEN AP-STAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [307] D. V. Lindley. Professor Hogben’s ‘crisis’— A survey of the foundations of statis-tics. Applied Statistics, 7(3):186–198,November 1958. CODEN APSTAG.ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (elec-tronic).


    [308] Anonymous. Notes and comments.Applied Statistics, 7(3):199, November1958. CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [309] Anonymous. Meetings of sections of theroyal statistical society. Applied Statis-tics, 7(3):200, November 1958. CO-DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [310] A. Barr. Book reviews: Social Aspectsof Prescribing, by J. P. Martin. Ap-plied Statistics, 7(3):201–202, November1958. CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [311] E. D. Van Rest. Book reviews: Statisti-cal Methods in Quality Control, by Dud-ley J. Cowden. Applied Statistics, 7(3):202–203, November 1958. CODEN AP-STAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [312] F. G. Foster. Book reviews: An In-troduction to Probability Theory and its


    Applications, Volume 1 (2nd Edition),by William Feller. Applied Statistics,7(3):203–204, November 1958. CO-DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [313] Anonymous. Publications received.Applied Statistics, 7(3):204, November1958. CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [314] Anonymous. Volume information. Ap-plied Statistics, 7(3):[3], November 1958.CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254(print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [315] Geoffrey Newbery. Some aspects of qual-ity control in cotton textiles. AppliedStatistics, 8(1):1–12, March 1959. CO-DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [316] G. H. Freeman. The use of the same ex-perimental material for more than oneset of treatments. Applied Statistics, 8(1):13–20, March 1959. CODEN AP-STAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [317] Denis H. Ward. Elimination of biasin the preliminary examination of data.Applied Statistics, 8(1):21–25, March1959. CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [318] A. S. C. Ehrenberg. The pattern of con-sumer purchases. Applied Statistics, 8

    (1):26–41, March 1959. CODEN AP-STAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [319] K. S. Banerjee. Choice of conversion fac-tor in the derivation of an index of a dis-continued series. Applied Statistics, 8(1):42–44, March 1959. CODEN APSTAG.ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (elec-tronic).


    [320] Sidney Rosenbaum. A significance chartfor percentages. Applied Statistics, 8(1):45–52, March 1959. CODEN APSTAG.ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (elec-tronic).


    [321] Anonymous. Notes and comments. Ap-plied Statistics, 8(1):53–54, March 1959.CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254(print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [322] Anonymous. Meetings of sections ofthe royal statistical society. AppliedStatistics, 8(1):55–57, March 1959. CO-DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [323] B. P. Emmett. Book reviews: Motiva-tion Research, by Harry Henry. AppliedStatistics, 8(1):58, March 1959. CO-DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [324] D. G. Beech. Book reviews: Multi-variate Correlation Analysis, by Philip


    H. DuBois. Applied Statistics, 8(1):58–60, March 1959. CODEN APSTAG.ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (elec-tronic).


    [325] P. D. Oldham. Book reviews: The Math-ematical Theory of Epidemics, by N. T.J. Bailey. Applied Statistics, 8(1):60–61, March 1959. CODEN APSTAG.ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (elec-tronic).


    [326] D. G. Beech. Book reviews: TheAdvanced Theory of Statistics. Volume1, Distribution Theory, by Maurice G.Kendall and Alan Stuart. Applied Statis-tics, 8(1):61–62, March 1959. CO-DEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254 (print),1467-9876 (electronic).


    [327] B. P. Emmett. Book reviews: SamplingOpinions: An Analysis of Survey Proce-dure, by Frederick F. Stephan and PhilipJ. McCarthy. Applied Statistics, 8(1):62–63, March 1959. CODEN APSTAG.ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (elec-tronic).


    [328] R. R. P. Jackson. Book reviews:Queues, Inventories and Maintenance:The Analysis of Operational Systemswith Variable Demand and Supply, byPhilip M. Morse. Applied Statistics, 8(1):63, March 1959. CODEN APSTAG.ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (elec-tronic).


    [329] Anonymous. Publications received. Ap-plied Statistics, 8(1):64, March 1959.CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254(print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [330] M. G. Bulmer. Book reviews: Funda-mentals of Statistical Reasoning, by M.H. Quenouille. Applied Statistics, 8(1):64, March 1959. CODEN APSTAG.ISSN 0035-9254 (print), 1467-9876 (elec-tronic).


    [331] Anonymous. Volume information. Ap-plied Statistics, 8(1):[4], March 1959.CODEN APSTAG. ISSN 0035-9254(print), 1467-9876 (electronic).


    [332] William A. Belson. Matching and pre-

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