A BLOCKCHAIN-BASED PLATFORM - Orbi · The global freelancing market-size is $3.5 trillion according to Staffing Industry Analyst. The online staffing platform (Orbi Network) addressable

Post on 23-May-2020






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ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................. 3

I. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................. 5

II. VISION ............................................................................................................... 7

III. MISSION ............................................................................................................ 8

IV. THE FREELANCING MARKET ............................................................................. 9

V. MARKET PAIN POINTS ..................................................................................... 14

VI. ORBI NETWORK SOLUTION ............................................................................. 18

VII. GO-TO MARKET STRATEGY ............................................................................. 22


The World Economic Forum (WEF) has identified blockchain technology as one of its six

mega-trends in a new report broadly aimed at outlining the expected transition to a more

digital and connected world.1

The World Bank estimates that 10% of global GDP will be generated on blockchains by

2025. The GDP estimated for 2025 is $100T, thus the value generated through blockchain

is expected to be $10T.

The freelance economy, also known as the gig economy, revolves around hiring self-

employed workers to undertake specific jobs in return for an agreed upon payment.

Freelancers may find jobs through classified ads or through temporary staffing agencies,

but the internet has created the current boom in freelance work.

Based on a recent study, 85% of all jobs are found via networking. Networking is in fact one

of the most powerful keys to reduce unemployment in both side of the fence for corporates

and freelancers alike. Talent are currently either retained by one company, however this

trend is coming to an end, as employees are increasingly looking for flexibility, mobility and


The biggest problem faced by companies around the world is human resources; It is every

day more challenging to get access to highly skilled professionals and to retain the best


This problem has become even more apparent in the past decade, as new generations are

requesting more and more work flexibility and mobility. Trends such as “home office”,

“remote work”, and even “unlimited holidays” are starting to be seen in some companies

such as Netflix and GoogleOn top of this, companies have observed a spike in turnover

significantly increasing in recent years. In fact, millennials are being called the “Job

Hoppers” by not seeing themselves in a job more than 2.6 years on average.

In a world where accessing talent is becoming increasingly competitive, it is even harder to

retain it based on financial reasons, as this is no longer the predominant part of the


1 http://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_GAC15_Technological_Tipping_Points_report_2015.pdf

With technology delivering more transparency, companies will no longer be able to settle for

interchangeable freelancers that will lead to a high turnover.

There is a huge gain for companies who hire freelancers. Highly qualified freelancers are

ready and willing to be deployed to accomplish clearly defined outcomes. This is more

efficient in terms of time and cost and drives profits for any companies.

Temp agencies won’t be well positioned in the future of work and the gig economy because

of their excessively high fees.


What will be the future of work?

In ten years, freelancers are expected to become the workforce majority based on the

current growth rate, due to factors such as automation, freedom, flexibility and the ability

to earn extra money.

As a matter of fact, more than 50% of the U.S. workforce are not confident that the work

they do today is likely to exist in 20 years.2

Even worse, younger generations, the same who plan to invest their savings in crypto

instead of stock, don’t believe anymore in the security of a long-term employment, nor in

the sustainability of the pension systems.

Hence, the employment environment is observing changes where talent centralization in

companies is becoming economically unsustainable. To adapt to the rapid pace of the

economy, companies prefer to hire consultants for specific projects.

However, instead of accepting this state of mind, why don’t we try shape, create, design

and build ourselves the future of work that WE want to see?

At Orbi Network, we are doing the shift from this actual passive stance to a more active

stance about the future of work and we want to pursue and BUILD another future for us and

our kids, a future where, instead of working for global, “uberized”, giant off-shore

marketplaces like Uber or Airbnb, we’ll be working in decentralized communities where all

the value created will be directly distributed in the platform itself, and thus ultimately into the


The employment environment is observing evolution where talent centralization in

companies is becoming economically unsustainable. In order to adapt to the rapid pace of

the economy, companies prefer to hire consultant for specific project.

2 https://www.slideshare.net/upwork/freelancing-in-america-2017/1


Past Future

Work 9-5 Work Anytime

Work in a corporate office Work anywhere

Use company equipment Use any device

Focused on input Focused on output

Climb the corporate ladder Create your own ladder

Pre-defined work Customized work

Hoards information Shares information

No voice Can become a leader

Relies on email Relies on collaboration technologies

Focused on knowledge Focused on adaptative

Corporate learning and teaching Democratized learning and teaching


At Orbi Network believes the next frontier and challenge on both a corporate and workforce

level will be peer-to-peer collaboration. The employment market is a very inefficient in many

ways, especially when it comes to trusting the other parties. Are they solvable? Is this

employee really competent? Are his past experiences credible?

On the one hand, companies will have to transform their work environment to access a new

highly skilled population that works remotely and for their own company. To the end,

companies will have to create/use new tools to manage such a decentralized workforce.

On the other hand, freelancers will have to access networks, training and collaborative tools

to improve productivity and communication among a decentralized team.

Leveraging on Blockchain technology, Orbi Network believes it can help to create a better,

more efficient and trustless environment based on verified and immutable data.


Orbi Network aims to redesign the employment market through a blockchain based

platform that ensures transparency and verified data for both:

• Independent workforces (Freelancer)

• Companies

Orbi Network is the future of Freelancing platforms: a decentralized "Uber for Workforce"

where a network of trusted professionals around the world can have access to jobs,

MOOCS and coaching, while build a reputation than they'll own and carry forever and

protecting their work with copyright and invoicing tools.

We have revisited Freelancing and the gig economy around a simple equation based on the

ERC 20 standard: smart contract + escrow = guaranteed payment + review.

But there's more: we've also created two non-fungible tokens for professional ID and

licensing, based on the ERC 721 and 725 standards. These 2 tokens will belong to the

professionals who will be able to use them in other platforms. Our tokens will be used by

any professional: developers, photographers, writers...

At the end, we aim at decentralizing the entire BPO industry (Business Process

Outsourcing) with home-shoring (home-based work).

Our specialization in Real Estate, Automotive and Insurance, and our off-chain tokens used

for over 3 years already, will give immediate traction to our fully functional on-chain

platform, to be launched before our upcoming ICO in Switzerland.

Orbi Network is a radical and natural evolution of our 8 years old bootstrapped and

profitable business, based on Outsourced Sales Force and performance-based marketing.


The traditional model where you join a company and stay there for decades has been

overturned by globalization; where the workforce is becoming highly mobile. Co-working

space and remote work is becoming a very high trend along with people working for

themselves as well as on a freelance basis.


Although our Token Generation Event is not open to US citizens, we are showing US

market figures because the trends in US are generally almost always replicated in Europe

several years later. And these trends in US are quite impressive: “The U.S. freelance

workforce is growing faster than the overall U.S. workforce, outpacing overall U.S. workforce

growth at a rate 3x faster since 2014. It numbered 53 million in 2014 and grew to 57.3 million

this year (8.1 percent growth since 2014) while the U.S. workforce grew from 156 million to

160 million in the same timeframe (2.6 percent growth)”3. In 2020, 43% of the U.S

workforce could be freelancers.4

Although our Token Sale is not open to US citizens and residents, the US market figures

are very relevant for our study, because the trends in US are generally almost always

replicated in Europe several years later. And these trends in US are quite impressive.

The freelancing economy grew 3x faster than the U.S workforce since 2014.5

In the United States, freelancers make up 35% of the workforce, in the European Union

they make up 16.1%6.

3 https://s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com/adquiro-content-prod/documents/Infographic_UP-URL_2040x1180.pdf

4 https://www.nasdaq.com/article/the-gig-economy-2020-freelance-workforce-predicted-to-rise-to-43-cm803297

5 https://www.slideshare.net/upwork/freelancing-in-america-2017/1

6 https://data.oecd.org/emp/self-employment-rate.htm

Among the youngest active generation, freelancers account up to 57% of the active work

force in the US7 - nearly 50% of Millennial are already part of the gig economy.

In Europe, in 2017 there were 9M professionals exercising as freelancers. This represents

an increase of 126% for this working class in 10 years.

More than 160 million people in Europe and the US - which accounts for 20 to 30 percent

of the working-age population—are engaged in independent work.8

According to McKinsey 2017 research, up to 540 million people could benefit from online

talent platforms by 2025. As many as 230 million could find new jobs more quickly,

reducing the period of unemployment, while 200 million who are inactive or employed part

time could gain additional hours through freelance platforms.

7 Upwork Edelman (c) Statista 2017

8 https://www.mckinsey.com/featured-insights/employment-and-growth/independent-work-choice-necessity-and-the-gig-economy

Freelanc ers workers in the US as of 2016


34%28% 28%


66%72% 72%






18 to 21 22 to 34 35 to 44 44 to 55 55 and over

Freelancers Non-freelancers

The global freelancing market-size is $3.5 trillion according to Staffing Industry Analyst.

The online staffing platform (Orbi Network) addressable market is estimated between $5.75

and $6.49 billion.9 Global GDP could be boosted by $2.7 trillion thanks to freelancing

platforms and could start to improve problems on labor markets.10

Improved productivity

0.34 Better matches

0.29 Reduced informality

Greater employment,

25 million additional FTEs

0.70 Faster matches

0.11 New matches

Higher labor-force participation, 47 million

additional FTEs 1.27

Work for currently inactive people and

increased hours for current part-timers

figures do not sum to total because of rounding

Freelancers can then be broken down into 4 segments11, however some of those ever ever-

lasted paint points can now be overturned by blockchain technology.

70% of freelancers stated they are freelancing by choice and not because of


9 https://www2.staffingindustry.com/eng/content/download/246507/9128496/HumanCloudSummary2017_170912.pdf

10 https://www.mckinsey.com/featured-insights/employment-and-growth/connecting-talent-with-opportunity-in-the-digital-age

11 Source: 2016 McKinsey Global Institute survey of 8,000 US and EU respondents

We can see how the unemployment is at the forefront of a new revolution where

professionals are becoming their own company, offering service/product to other


Free agents

30% | 49 millions


14% | 23 millions

Financially strapped

16% | 26 millions

Casual earners

40% | 64 millions

Primary income Supplemental income

Preferred choice

Out of necessity



Freelancing platforms such as Upwork and Guru started to appear in the late 90’s. Every

platform leverages some specific characteristics and positions themselves at different entry

points of the freelance market. Below is a comparative analysis vs Orbi Network platform.

Zhubajie UpWork Fiverr Freelancer Guru Orbi Network

#Freelancers 7 millions 14 millions n/a 21 millions 3 millions 1 million


#Gigis /

Corporate n/a n/a 1.2M Gigs n/a n/a coming soon





model + up to

30% for a


2.75% >20$: 1$

<20$: 5% 3% 2.5% 1%






+ up to 20%

up to 20% 0% 10% from 4.95%

to 8.95% 4%

Escrow Yes - cash


Yes - upon


Yes but


Yes but


Yes but


Yes Smart


Positioning Gig economy




Gig economy Gig economy Experienced




Funds raised $431 M $168 M $111 M $37.5 M $41 M $35 M



The employment market is well known for its inefficiencies, its complexity and its need for

intermediaries to properly function.

It is divided into three categories, Self Employed (Freelance), Corporate Employee and


Orbi Network focuses mainly in the Freelancing category. The freelancing market is indeed

very complex to navigate as its workforce works remotely, uses its own IT material, uses

different tools and is highly mobile. This particular section of the employment market is

suffering very specific problems such as trust in payment, delivery, quality, identity,

experience and above all transaction fees.

Freelancers - Employment Market’s Pain Point

Data ownership

Data like ratings, diplomas and general reputation will be stored in

identity smart-contract using the ERC-725 Ethereum Standard.

Profile data will remain owned by the users.


With our ERC 721 standard, freelancers will have their own “proof

of work” by putting each creation into a non-fungible token and

transferring the rights for each gig to the client, thus releasing

automatically the escrowed payment. And the client will have a

proof that he owns the rights.

Transaction fees

Payment will be escrowed in a smart-contract in Orbi tokens. By

using blockchain smart contract as escrow and not having to

necessarily work with banks for international transfers will

significantly reduce the platform fee structures and the costs for

the freelancer.

Trust of payment

As a wallet will be registered as the reference address link to a

specific problem, the freelancer will be able to use verify the

employer’s solvability.

Fraud As every profile will be identified and verified through the

blockchain, no fraud in identity and payment will be possible.

Payment process & timing

As every work contract will be signed and bound digitally within a

smart-contract, payment timing will be known in advance by both

parties and cannot be tampered with.


Being able to have a proof of revenue verified on the blockchain

can be very valuable for freelancers when they contract with

middlemen like banks, real estate agencies etc.

Company - Employment Market’s Pain Points

Hiring cost

Being able to access talent from around the globe and being able

to managed the entire administrative process can significantly

reduce HR costs, especially when passing through third party


Transaction fees

Payment will be escrowed in a smart-contract in Orbi tokens,

which will be released simultaneously with the Copyright token.

International payments will be cheap and fast, and possible even

for micro tasks, thus eliminating big frictions when working with

international freelancers and the upcoming micro-gig economy.

Using blockchain smart contract as escrow will significantly

reduce the platform fee structure.

ID verification

Being able to hire someone from China or India when you are

based in Europe is nowadays very challenging. Orbi Network will

make it happen thanks to ID verification coupled with track record


Trust of delivery

Companies are facing big challenges in recruitment, as people in

the freelancing work most of the time for multiple companies

around the globe. Being able to contact every previous company

to do a background checks is very time consuming and costly.

With the Orbi.Network Dapps, freelancer will be able to show a

proof of previous successful deliveries to previous employers,

rated and recorded in the blockchain.

Workforce management

As teams will become more decentralized itself and people

become corporate entities, Companies will have to adapt and

transform to new collaborative standards. Orbi Network will offer

tools to onboard and manage these decentralized workforces

based on AI and gamification.

Quality of delivery

Smart-contract technology embedded in Orbi Network platform

will allow multiple, automated payment releases upon milestones,

hours of work, and quality. It will be based on the delivery of the

task requested, the proprietary rights with the ERC 721 standard

and the quality of the gig.

The corporations will be able to ask the freelancers to give

guarantees that the task will not be cancelled by setting an escrow

of 10% of the price.


Orbi Network delivers a single, global and seamless solution for freelancing based on the

cutting-edge, decentralized digital technology of blockchain and smart contracts, all in one

intuitive and easy- to-use platform and helps to put the right talent onto the right job.

Orbi Network ecosystem is powered by an Ethereum based ERC20 Token that will be used

for a variety of purposes such as facilitating the transactions between the members of the

network, paying the gas so the users won’t have to download the software, and rewarding

and decentralizing the governance over the ecosystem with a quadrating voting system.

OrbiCoin token has multiple features that it can offer users via the platform. The goal is to

create a perfectly frictionless ecosystem in the user experience and meet all needs thanks

to the cutting-edge technology employed.



Each freelancer will be able to control and own its professional reputation by creating a

digital identity based on ERC-725 standard, a non-fungible token which cannot be

transmitted. The freelancer will be in complete control of its own digital identity data and

professional history such as education, diplomas, professional experience and ratings... In

order to create its digital identity, the user will be asked to provide specific documents for

verification (mini KYC): such as ID, passport or an electricity bill... This task will later be

done by spontaneous validators from the community, chosen for their reputation in the

platform (similar to Wikipedia), and will be paid in tokens.

Each user (talent, client, etc.) can control and protect its identity to prevent scams or

identity-theft. ERC 725, combined with ERC-735, is supported by well-known Ethereum

developer such as Fabian Vogelsteller.12


When a freelancer makes a gig on behalf of a customer, he can transmit to him all the rights

of use, license and intellectual property of the work done to them. The property will be

transmitted via an ERC 721 token, a single non-fungible token that can change ownership.

12 https://www.coindesk.com/forget-token-sales-the-father-of-the-ico-is-all-about-identity-now/

This is especially interesting for art creations, like photography for ad agencies, written

content or even music.


The OrbiCoin may be used for escrow account purposes by both parties in the Orbi

platform: the freelancers and the corporations or other freelancers. Once a mission is

agreed between the two parties (offer / demand), the funds will be kept via smart contract

until the service is fully completed to avoid any risks.


All parties will be able to review each other to build a system based on trust and reputation.

Every time a transaction is made, or a claim is registered, solved or unsolved (according to

the transaction details saved during the payment process), a review written, the trust level

for the parties involved will automatically change and be stored in a decentralized smart

contract-based, trusted system. Each section will thus contribute to building the trusting



The system will create trustworthy certified partners labels (Talent & Client). The

marketplace will help to verticalize the entire value chain.

Orbi will prize trustworthiness and transparency of its trustworthy certified partners by

putting them in the marketplace program. A trusted partner stands out for its reliability,

transparency, ability to resolve claims and high overall rating. All these elements, which

allow access to the program, must stand the test of time in a sustainable manner.


Users of the platform will be able to appeal directly to the community to resolve potential

conflicts between parties. Members of a jury, chosen for their reputation, will oversee

validating the request or not. For these tasks, approvers will be paid in OrbiCoin, taken from

the losing party.


The platform will automatically provide an invoice for each gig, detailing all work done by the

user (accounting and taxation purposes). Holding the accounts of the users of the platform

will require little or no human intervention and will move towards a full automation through

our tools. This tool will be particularly useful for the freelancers in order to have an

immutable income record for their credit score towards the obtention of a mortgage, for



Orbi Network users can spend or earn OrbiCoins in the platform with different types of

premium services like MOOCS, coaching, VOIP, ... Premium services will be accessible

only for OrbiCoin owners.


Independent workers like lawyers, consultants, experts and telemarketers, will be able to

use Orbi’s calling feature. The payment is automatically settled by smart contract based on

the conversation time and user price rate, plugged into our own VOIP solution. Interestingly,

this process can be reversed and the companies will be able to pay the customers to listen

to their sales pitch, which will probably be the future in sales, at least in B2B or high value

items like automobiles.


It is important to underline that our OrbiCoin token improves the core interaction of the

service our platform is providing, which gives it it’s entire justification: for a seamless

experience, the OrbiCoins will automatically pay the gas for Ether, so the users won’t have

to download Metamask or MyEtherWallet if they don’t want to. This is what we like to call

our “blockchain Inside” vision and we consider it critical for the immediate adoption of the

technology. We believe that soon blockchain technology will be everywhere, but most of the

consumers will not even know (or care for that matter) that they will be using it.

For a seamless experience, users will also be able to exchange their OrbiCoins directly in

our peer-to-peer marketplace. Each user will be able to buy or sell directly within the

OrbiCoin community. Orbi will use its own OrbiCoin reserve to create more liquidity into the

exchange by carrying out market making/taking. Reserve function will be dedicated to the

(internal) exchange need in liquidity. All funds collected will be hold in a specific public

smart contract.



Company PSP $1000

- $1000


+ $1000 - 1000 ORB

$900 minus

Orbi fees


Escrow Freelancer

registration of data transaction in the smart contract

1000 ORB

Company Company



Orbi Network’s strategy is using and leveraging blockchain technology to create a

community of freelancers and corporates to support the blockchain projects with highly

skilled people. Orbi Network will position itself as a very low-cost platform for the very skilled

Blockchain market and will later expand to the BPO industry and micro-tasking like chatbot

and AI training. Very low transaction fees and affordable international micro payments can

be achieved using Blockchain technology and the underlying smart-contracts that will

automate large pans of the platform interaction.

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