9A Units1-2 Revision Star signs & Colour Jurong No. 3 Secondary School Wan Xianbin.

Post on 24-Dec-2015






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9A Units1-2 Revision

Star signs & ColourStar signs & Colour

Jurong No. 3 Secondary SchoolWan Xianbin

People in the west have 12 star signs just like Chinese horoscope. A year is divided into 12 different star signs. Some western people believe that people born under the same star sign share similar characteristics. It is very interesting though it’s not true actually.

People who are born between 23rd October and 21st November are Scorpio stars. They have lots of energy and like to keep secrets. But sometimes it’s silly of them not to forgive others for their faults.

Task 1

Can you guess what the star sign between 23rd July and 22nd August is? Yeah, It’s “Leo”. Leo people are generous to others. They are confident and strong. They like to buy nice gifts for friends.

If someone is generous, easy-going and he or she has the abilities of imagination and creation, he or she is born between 20th February and 20th March. We call him or her “Pisces”.

• 1 Simon’s star sign is Leo. This means he is selfish and unconfident.

• 2 Kitty was born on 7th October, so her star sign is Scorpio.

• 3 If someone is born on the first of March, maybe he or she is imaginative and creative.

• 4 All star signs are animals.





Name Date of birth

Star sign Characteristic Colour

Fan Bingbing


Jay Chow

Capricorn blue

Choi Jin Woo

June 11th

Gemini curious purple

David Beckham

Taurus hard-working, never


pinkpractical modest

patientJan.18, 1979

May 2, 1975



give up easily

Task 2 Listen to the recording and complete the table.

As we know, colours can ______(effect) our moods and make us feel happy or sad, energetic or sleepy.

Blue and white are both the colours that can make us feel calm and peaceful. Blue creates the feeling of harmony. _______(wear) blue clothes or _______(sleep) in a blue room is good for the mind and body. Blue can also r_________ sadness. White is the colour of purity. You should wear if you are feeling ________ (stress).

Warm colours give a happy and contented feeling. People who live in cold climates prefer to use colours like orange and yellow to give their

Task 3affect




homes a warm feel. Orange can ______you ______ (make someone happy) when you are feeling sad. Yellow _______ ( 使想起 ) you of a warm, sunny day. It’s also the colour of intelligence and ________ (wise).

Green can give you energy, as it represents new life and _______ (grow). It is the colour of nature as well as the colour of money and envy.

Red represents _______ (the meaning of strength) and it is also the colour of heat and strong feelings. Wearing red makes it easier for you to take action. It can help when you are having_______( 困难 )______(make) a decision.







difficulty making

calm peace






What if …?

What should you give him as a present or give him some advice on colors when your classmate Yang Yang has a test in a few weeks? Tell me your ideas and your reasons.

有困难做某事担心不做某事被分成…放弃做某事注意细节与某人争论某事原谅某人的过错颇有幽默感没有做某事没有生气平等对待某人炫耀 ,卖弄穿在身上看上去可爱与某人交朋友开心地做某事影响某人的心情感到放松感到有压力感到满足代表忧伤象征新生命和成长使某人快乐使某人想起某事采取行动做某事

•Task 4 Cooperation study

•Task 5 Consolidation exercises

Keep calm.

Don’t be impatient.

Read the sentences completely and carefully.

Pay attention to details.

Learn the ways of solving problems.

1.It’s not easy ______ you to be a top student in such a short time.

It’s very silly ______ you to make such a mistake.



2.She’s crazy _______ the pop singer who performed successfully last night.

It’s crazy ______ you to let such a young girl drive your car.

A. about B. for C. of D. with




4.People who live in cold climates prefer ______(use) warm colours to _____ (use) cold colours.

*People who live in cold climates prefer _______(use) warm colours ______ (give) their homes a warm feel. (选自中考指南 )

to use to give

using using

3. I would rather _____(watch) TV at home

than _____(go) to the cinema. I prefer ________ (watch) TV _______

(go) to the cinema. *I prefer _______(watch) TV rather than

______ (go) to the cinema.


watching to going

to watchgo

6. 他考虑问题很周到,足以将这件事处理好。 He is so ______________________ it well.

He is ______________________ it well.

5.Tina is ____ kind _____ she always helps her friends in need.

Tina is ______ ________ ____ _______ her friends in need.

It is _______ ____ Tina _____ _______ her friends in need.

so that

kind enough to help

kind of to help

thoughtful that he can deal with

thoughtful enough to deal with

* 7. 这条蛇有毒没人敢碰。 The snake is _______________________ dares to touch it.

The snake is _______________________ touch.

so poisonous that no one

too poisonous for anyone to

8. 老师应当公平地对待每个学生。 Teachers should __________ to each of

their students. treat sb. equally

Teachers should treat each of their students equally.

be fair

9. nothing, no one / nobody, none (选自中考指南 )

— How many birds are there in the tree ?  — ______________. — How much money do you have on you?  — ______________.  — What is in the box ?  — ______________.  — Who is in the classroom ?  — ______________.



No one / Nobody

no one 与 none 好分辨,强调数量把 none 填。不知何人与何物, no one , nothing 是一路。no one 人 , nothing 物,保你不会出错误。


10.I don’t know whether __________ put my umbrella over there.

I don’t know whether my ruler is longer than ___________.

A. else anyone B. anyone’s else

C. anyone else D. anyone else’s

  I agree with most of what you said, but I don't agree with __________.

    A. everything B. anything

C. something D. nothing

anyone else

anyone else’s


12. This pair of jeans looks nice _____ Betty. Because she looks very lovely _____ pink.

A. on , in B. in , on C. in , in D. on on


13. 在十天内要解决这道难题有困难吗? Do you have difficulty (in) solving this pro

blem within ten days? Do you have problems (in) solving this pro

blem within ten days? Do you have a problem ________ (solve) ? to solve


14. He got the first price of 500,000 dollars in the sports lottery. How _________(luck) he is!

Don’t think yourself _______ (luck) when you are in trouble because everyone has his own problems.

He thought of this answer very _______(luck).




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