9.2 Group 6 Apps for Good Competition Entry 2015

Post on 17-Jul-2015






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Ur Mama


Bradley Atuahene, Ben Cooper, Adam Hawkins &

Vippie Udayakumar

Our app is a nagging app which will constantly remind you to do things you have forgotten until

you physically tell it to stop. We have noticed that current apps that do this, such as the pre-installed reminder apps, calendars, Siri, Google Voice and Cortana, are not sufficient in irritating you into

doing something, which is what our app will achieve.

Target Audience

Our app is aimed at the stereotypical forgetful teenager to help them battle their bad habits of leaving things until the last minute. This is an

app that can be used anywhere, even in places with restricted Wi-Fi access, and can be used at anytime, even at school and at home.


Results from our survey said that the app would be too controlling. Another person wondered if our app would link to other

inbuilt apps such as calendar but that would be included in our app.

User Profiles

We have learnt that users are somewhat positive about the prospect of our app. From our survey, people said that if this product was

available to install today, they would be very likely to do so. No-one person had come across over seven other apps similar to ours in any app store, 6 in between one and six, and two who had come across



The main question that will come to mind

when you think about our app is:

How will this app be successful in

preparing and helping users combat their

forgetful habits?

Key Insight Statements

More people who did our survey said that this is an app that will be useful to them than those who said

that it wouldn’t. One of the surveyors said that it will be useful said that was because they “tend to

procrastinate” whereas another said “it will help organize my time”.

Current Competitors

The main competitors in our market is mainly the pre-installed apps which are simple, yet effective. However, we are looking to at those apps

and are aiming to improve while adding different aspects of them they have failed to recognise. There are also some app that you can find in the

app stores available but people find these ones difficult to use and too complicated.

From our survey, people said that there were only a few that they had across on the app stores, with only one saying that they had seen 7 or

more similar apps.

Core Features

Yes, because one respondent on our survey said that they would like to be able to see their school routine on it and we have included that feature on the actual app as well as a potential widget for your timetable.


Lessons Page

Homework Page

Exams Page

Extra-Curricular Page

Settings Page


People from our user research have said that

they would like to see features from the

calendar and reminder apps integrated into

our idea. We have looked upon this and

decided that our app will include a calendar

on the exam timetable page.

Business Case & Customer Pledges

We did not have to change anything because all of the surveyors said that the idea was feasible and was a good idea. People generally thought of our

app as something that will be needed than something that will be wanted.

Marketing Strategy

We are going to integrate many different ideas that we have seen in other apps and combine them in the simplest, yet most effective way. Our app is not one that will need a tutorial in order to use but

one that you can just look at and see right away how it works.

App Design Mock-up

[Anything else you want to share?]

This slide is your chance to add more information about your creative journey. Did

you create a website? Show your work to experts? Present at your school or at another

contest? Did you do local media work?

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