9 Ways The Internet of Things Is Changing Everything

Post on 17-Jul-2015






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9 Ways The Internet of Things Is Changing


via @mattnollmanand @KevinPetrieTech

In the dawn of the IoT, what kind of world will

we be living in?

Here are nine ways the IoT is improving our daily lives:

1. The IoT will create new jobs.

Agricultural Technologist

Wearable Tech Designer

Transportation Network Designer

3D Printing Engineer

If train or ski lifts had sensors built in, the manufacturer would be notified of any

malfunctioning parts and could schedule preventative

maintenance BEFORE anything happens.

3. Airplanes can operate more efficiently, lowering your ticket price.

GE recently started connecting their jet engines to the IoT with the hope of improving overall efficiency and reducing

fuel costs, flight times, and maintenance costs.

4. We can have our packages delivered with DRONES, saving time and money.

5. Interconnected farm equipment is optimizing food production.

And we’re talking more than just “smart” farm equipment. A farmer’s network could allow

each piece of heavy equipment to be diagnosed and repaired before it breaks, and eventually

could analyze every crop to customize the fertilizer to each specific plant.

6. Your house can now be smart and connected.

With products like Nest, connected lights, and security systems, you can now monitor and change the settings in your house from anywhere. Homes are continuing to get smarter and smarter.

7. There are even connected floating hotels for workers drilling offshore! These hotels use built in sensors to monitor

each vessel and run preventative diagnostics in real time.

8. By the end of the decade, some cities will inter-connect their infrastructure to provide electric vehicle charging stations, smart grids

and meters, smart taxis and parking, and a Direct Alarm System for homes.

9. Finally, connected healthcare equipment can monitor you at all times.

This constant stream of data could save your life one day. It can allow doctors to more accurately monitor you, virtually

diagnose problems, and even preemptively respond to emergencies!

The bottom line is that anyone age 10-90 can find the IoT very useful.

We can all benefit from cheaper, more efficient flights…

And we can all benefit from connected farm networks that increase farmer profits and decrease food prices.

Even smart homes can save you money on energy and give you less to worry about at the end of the day.

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