
9 shot analysis rope

The film starts off with a high angle shot of the location and natural lighting is used which doesn't really fit in with typical thriller theme. It shows that it is set in the city as people and cars are passing by doing their everyday things; this opening doesn't give much away that the film is going to be a thriller.

The tile looks like it has been scratched on with blood and the colour red usually connotes anger, violence, danger , death, blood, sin and pain which shows that the movie is a ‘typical’ thriller as it suggests that there is murder/killings in the film. The size of the font shows the significance of the word rope in the film as it plays a part later on in the film.

In this shot the face is not shown of the person who is strangling the man. This creates an enigma and mystery and the man is wearing gloves which shows he knows what he’s doing or has maybe done it before and maybe feels guilty and immoral because he doesn't want his fingerprints on the man. It also creates suspicion as the curtains are drawn as he doesn't want anyone to know/see what he's up to. The rope clearly plays a role as he is using it to strange the man, and use it as a weapon to maybe kill his next victims. The lighting is very dark/dim which also adds to the suspense.

In this shot the lighting is very dark/dim as you cant see much of what is around them which again adds mystery and suspicion. Also the character has his back to the audience which could suggest he is a secretive character and that maybe he is hiding something.

This is a long shot, and is used to show that the character looks confident as he’s swinging the rope around in a looped shape as if he’s about to kill someone with it. Also it is disturbing that he is playing around with the rope which shows his amorality because he doesn’t have a guilty conscience.

In this scene the camera is at a handheld shot, where it travels towards the door then stops. At this point the audience gets a feeling something's about to happen; as the character comes into the frame where the camera focuses on his gun and this builds the anxiety and creates this enigma, which raises the question that why is he loading his gun? This shot is also used to be directed towards the audience so it stays in our minds that he is armed. Then the character puts it back into his pocket as if he preparing to kill someone or planning to kill someone.

In this shot you cant see the face of the character and is a close up of the rope which is the main focus for the audience which creates an enigma code. Also he’s twisting the rope in his hands and playing with it as if he’s deciding who his next victim is going to be which connotes that he thinks that he’s playing a game with his victims.

In this scene a cut in is used which shows the struggle between both characters as both of them are fighting over the gun which gives the viewer the sense that someone is going to get hurt.

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