8 Reasons to Attend a Marriage Retreat

Post on 25-May-2015






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Marriage retreats are for married couples in all situations. Check out this slideshare for 8 reasons to attend a marriage retreat.


8 Reasons to Attend a Marriage Retreat

Marriage retreats are for all couples and marital circumstances.

1. Decline in Communication

If communication has taken a backseat in your marriage, it is time to develop skills that will improve your ability to discuss with your spouse.

2. Reduced Intimacy

Intimacy often starts as fiery passion and fizzles to normalcy. It doesn’t have to be that way. A marriage retreat can help you rekindle your intimacy.

3. Feelings of Anger

If you or your spouse are holding grudges and angry feelings against the other, you need time to talk through it together. A marriage retreat can provide the appropriate time and space for that conversation.

4. Infidelity

If one or both partners in a marriage have been unfaithful, there may be deep feelings of hurt that need to be overcome before the marriage can get back to a good place.

5. Desire to Reconnect

A marriage retreat doesn’t have to be a last-ditch effort to save your marriage. It can be a time to reconnect and understand your spouse so that you are on the same page.

6. Empty Nesting

Couples who have recently become empty nesters may discover that they no longer know their spouse as an individual rather than a parent. A marriage retreat can help you set new goals and recognize aspirations you can do together.

7. Trust Issues

Issues with trust can spring up from many problems piling up, or a few big controversies causing conflict. Learn to trust your spouse again at marriage retreats.

8. Need for Healthy Marriage Patterns

Marriage retreats can also be for newlywed couples who are interested in developing healthy marriage patterns for the future. No matter how long you have been married, there is something about the relationship you can improve.

LIFE Marriage Retreats

The benefits of marriage retreats are far-reaching.

The couples private retreats offered by LIFE Marriage Retreats can help with whatever marriage conflicts you have.

For more information, contact LIFE Marriage Retreats at http://www.lifemarriageretreats.com/contact-us/

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