8 Ingredients of Content Reuse

Post on 23-Jan-2018






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8 Essential Ingredients of Content Reuse

Content marketers have an elephant-sized problem.

70% to 80% of B2B goes unused.*

*Source: SiriusDecisions

We’re creating content landfills.

Why is this?

10% 30% 50% 70% 90%

Brand Awareness

Customer Acquisition

Lead Generation


Thought Leadership


Web Traffic






Because we have too many goals for content. Which is as bad as having none.

Source: Content Marketing Institute

Too many goals leads to one-off content.

REPURPOSE so your content can hit specific goals.

But reusing content is not as simple as…


There are eight steps you need to follow if reuse is part of your content strategy.

1. Put together a content game plan.


Most marketers don’t have a documented content strategy.



Source: Content Marketing Institute

Content without a documented strategy ends up abandoned.

2. Appoint a content boss.

73% of B2B companies have someone overseeing content strategy.

Source: Content Marketing Institute

The goal isn’t too add bureaucracy.

It’s to save time spent on redundant content and tasks..

Marketing Sales

Customer Service

3. You need an editorial board.


Executive Team

Deciding what to dump and what to recycle requires bringing key stakeholders together.

Tips! for assembling your editorial board.

f k N W

Keep a regular meeting schedule.

Include a mix of department heads and staff.

Review goals or objectives at every meeting.

4. Perform a content audit.

Remember that scene at the end of

Raiders of the

Lost Ark

where the ark is hidden away in a giant warehouse?

Here’s where we keep the eBooks.

Finding your content shouldn’t be that difficult.

s A content audit identifies…

…where your content lives.

…what theme it covers.

…how it’s performed.

5. Figure our which channels you use and...

…and who owns those channels.

B2B marketers are using an average of 13 content tactics.

Source: Content Marketing Institute

B2B marketers are using an average of 13 content tactics.

Imagine how

many channels

are used for

each tactic!

Customize your content for each channel so it gets the most exposure.

6. Invest in content pillars.

A content pillar is a large, meaty asset that can be turned into many other smaller assets.

In fact, one eBook can be turned into 260 content assets.

Click on this eBook to learn how.

7. Build clear workflows.

A clear workflow is like a good checklist…

…it answers the important questions behind every project.




Without workflows reusing content is as painful as starting from scratch.

8. Get an editorial calendar.

If you don’t have a calendar, it’s nearly impossible to keep track of what you’ve made and what you’re making.

Tips! for assembling your editorial calendar.

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Make it visible across teams, departments and regions.

Organize by content type, task owners and deadline.

Keep it fresh by updating regularly.

Mix together these eight ingredients and cook a content feast.

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