
Improving access to markets

List Of Contents

1. Report 1: Nature of International Trade, Labour Productivity and Comparative Advantage2

2. Report 2: Role of WTO in New Zealands Trade with the rest of the world5

3. Report 3: New Zealand's current trade balance...17

Report 1: Nature of International Trade, Labour Productivity and Comparative Advantage may include:

(i) Why Countries Trade?

When countries trade with each other, they don't have the asset, or capacity to satisfy their own specific necessities. By making and destroying their private uncommon resources, countries can make a overflow of there own product, and trade this for the advantages they require. Today, overall trade is at the heart of the overall economy and is accountable for an incredible piece of the change and achievement of the current industrialized world. They may in like manner be more smoothly open or basically more captivating than by territorial measures made items. The era of items and organizations in nations that need to trade is in light of two key models:

Division of work


Divison of labour

A division of work means dividing creation into small, interconnected errands, and after that allocating these assignments to differing workers in light of their suitability to grasp the task adequately.


Specialization is the second foremost standard associated with trade, and results from the division of work. Given that each master, or each producer, is given a authority part, they are inclined to wind up gainful providers to the general method of era, and to the finished thing. In this manner, specialization can make further points of interest in regards to capability and benefit. Worldwide specialization is extended when countries use their uncommon advantages for make basically a little extent of things in high volume. Extensive scale assembling allows a flood of incredible to be conveyed, which can then be conveyed. This infers that items and resources must be imported from diverse countries that have similarly focused, and conveyed surpluses they could call their own.

(ii) Comparative advantage

The breaking point of a firm or individual to create items and organizations at a less complex open door cost than particular firms or people. A close good circumstances gives an affiliation the capacity to offer stock and organizations at a less requesting cost than its competitors and perceive stronger arrangements edge. The principle of close purposes of hobby is vital to determination of the representation of exchange among countries. The speculation of relative playing point is essentially the prospect that regardless of the way that one substance may be ideal at making an OK over a second component, it still may be useful to trade with the second component in case they have lower open entryway costs. Close inclination is most successfully elucidated with a specimen..

Productivity possibilities


New Zealand







India has a similar focal point in the generation of both Wheat and MOTORBIKE's. In the given time span India can deliver four times as much Wheat or twice the same number of Motorbike's. In the event that India to commit 50% of now is the ideal time to every great, it would create 500 Wheat and 300 Motorbike's. In the event that New Zealand to commit 50% of now is the right time to every great it would deliver 125 Wheat and 150 Motorbike's. This would be a joined aggregate of 625 Wheat and 650 Motorbike's.

(iii) Factor Endowment and labour productivity

Factor endowment

In budgetary matters, a country's variable blessing is cleared up as the measure of range, work, capital, and business open in a nation and that can be mishandled for amassing. Nations having unfathomable change of advantages, are a more prominent number of prosperous than those with to a degree one, all particular things being indistinguishable.

Regardless, the New World economies gained appealing blessings, for instance, conductive soils, impeccable atmosphere conditions, and suitable size and sparse peoples that unavoidably went under the control of European pioneers who had an insignificant fiscal excitement to try and point of interest from these new divulgences. Pioneers were made a beeline for return high advantages and impact by copying such economies' which in the end drove them towards the methods for fiscal upgrades with distinctive degrees of unevenness in human capital, wealth, and political impact

Labour productivity

Work productive measures, the measure of bona fide Gross domestic product created by an hour of work. Making work point of interest relies on upon three vital variables: meander and sparing in physical capital, new building and human capital.

(iv) Protectionism

Protectionism is the budgetary method of confining exchange between states through strategies, for occasion, forces on remote things, prohibitive parts, and a mixture of other government regulations which are required to permit sensible rivalry amidst imports and stock and organizations made mainly. This methodology separates from encouraged business, where government deterrents to exchange are kept to a base.

A mixed bag of arrangements have been utilized to attain to protectionist objectives. These include:

Export subsidies

Exchange rate

International patent systems


Political campaigns advocating domestic consumption

Preferential governmental spending


Import quotas

Administrative barriers

Anti-dumping legislation

Direct subsidies

(v) Methods of Protection

The protection could be possible through' subsidies, standards, willful fare restrictions, nearby substance principles, and fare impetuses. Some of them are clarified beneath.

Subsidies - Appropriations are money installments made to household makers by the administration. A sponsorship empowers makers to decrease their expenses of creation and contend all the more positively with outside contenders.

Quotas - A amount is a lawfully forced limit used to control the amount of a decent that can be imported into a nation over a given time.

Report 2: Role of WTO in New Zealands Trade with the rest of the world may include:

(i) Facilitates trade liberalisation through opening up markets and removing trade barriers

The major focus of negotiations at the WTO is to facilitate trade liberalisation through the opening of markets and the removal of trade barriers.

Agriculture - Farming is a genuine building bit of the New Zealand economy. The era and get ready of agrarian things, for instance, meat, dairy things, downy, natural item, vegetables and wine frequently make around 16 percent of NZ's yearly Gross domestic product and use around 15 percent of the workforce. Plant things make up more than 50% of New Zealand's stock charges.

Non-horticulture items - Non-agrarian things (overall called present day things) cover an arranged extent of New Zealand conveys. They join all created items (from materials, pieces of clothing and footwear to steel and aluminum) and timberland and fish things, chemicals, and minerals. Non-rustic things made up 46% of New Zealand's toll receipts in the year to December 2005, worth NZ$14.2 billion.

Services- Services are consistently portrayed as things which some person can buy or offer yet can't pass on. They join a wide and diverse extent of activities that are key to New Zealand's economy, from master organizations, for instance, true blue, accounting, outlining, and restorative organizations, to correspondence organizations, for instance, postal and data exchanges organizations, through to fiscal, direction, tourism and transport organizations.

(ii) Clarifies and strengthens the rules used to govern international tradeIn worldwide trade, sponsorships can give producers from one country an absurd point of convergence over those from another. This disfigures trade, and infers that assignments gave by one country can hurt the matter of another. Governments general give money related sponsorship and help to support business and industry. By covering some of a creator's costs, a sponsorship can give a reenacted high ground. Enrichments have been the wellspring of worldwide trade disintegration for quite a while. Governments can turn to countervailing commitments to adjust the playing point gave by gifts to producers in the conveying country. Countervailing commitments must be associated when an imported thing preferences from an apportionment and the playing point remained to imports of that thing by the enrichment can be shown to be realizing harm to the family business. Countervailing commitments are wanted to adjust the absurd point of convergence that a sponsorship may give another country's industry. Regardless, they don't address the unsafe effect appointments can have where one country's admissions to a third market are supplanted by those of another financing countries.

(iii) Trade facilitation

WTO Individuals assented to dispatch trade help exchanges with the purpose of enlightening and upgrading appropriate parts of Articles V, VIII and X of the GATT 1994. These Articles oversee, independently, chance of travel, costs and traditions joined with importation and exportation, and appropriation and association of trade regulations. This is incredibly convincing to making countries. Article VIII of the GATT sees the necessity for streamlining import and admission traditions and documentation. It doesn't, in any case, give any obliged necessities around there. A couple of Individuals have suggested that current general standards should be used to unravel edge related documentation and procedures. Unraveling of such requirements is obligated to particularly point of interest making country exporters, particularly SMEs. Trade cures license governments to give temporary help to neighborhood industry from preposterous contention from abroad or a sudden surge in imports.

Governments have three sorts of exchange cure accessible to them:

Anti-dumping duties

Subsidies and countervailing measures (including fishing subsidies)

Safeguard action.

The WTO has secured standards to ensure that these instruments are not badly utilized through ill-use. Dumping is the toll of a thing at a lower expense than the thing's "common worth", i.e. the worth regularly charged on the making country's business. The WTO's Concurrence on Antidumping suits the utilization of antidumping commitments when an examination has secured that items are being dumped and that they are realizing or cripple to achieve material damage to a private industry. The commitment is proposed to adjust the purpose of interest oversaw through dumping. The Antidumping Understanding gives low down norms on the rules WTO Individuals must meet in making a dumping determination, and choosing damage.

(iv) Trade RemediesIf any time, sudden surges in imports can basically strain private business endeavors. In such cases, governments may apply break secures as a wellbeing valve to shield neighborhood producers from damage. Shields normally take the appearance of commitment additions to higher than bound rates or quantitative constrainments. They give private producers a polish period for similarity. The WTO's Concession to Protects sets out standards for the utilization of shield measures. Shields may very well be joined when there is an extended level of imports and there is totally serious mischief (or the danger of) to the position of private industry made by those imports. Shields must be joined on a non-particular (most bolstered nation) introduce and be sensibly changed while basically. WTO Individuals applying shields have a commitment to reimburse distinctive Individuals whose trade is affected.(v) Non-tariff barriersDuty are evaluations on stock being conveyed beginning with one country then onto the following. The effect of these measures is to raise the expense of imported stock and make them less forceful in the importing country, to the insult of exporters in the conveying country and buyers in the importing country. The prompt and underhanded costs of controlling such certification may be similar to or surpass the wage got. Non-obligation impediments (NTBs) have a practically identical effect to obligations by growing the consistence costs of getting a thing into an abroad market. A NTB is a measure other then an expense which guarantees neighborhood industry. Not all NTBs are "terrible" some are considering genuine destinations, for instance, the protection of human wellbeing. Diminishing tolls and NTBs is ideal for both those offering and those obtaining an it.(vi) Rules of Origin

For a trading country like New Zealand, understanding where a thing is "from" can be critical. It can center, for occasion, whether the thing can be imported commitment free in light of the way that it is "made" in a making country, or whether it is subject to import segments when it is conveyed. The World Exchange Association and the World Traditions Association are working with countries as far and wide as could be allowed to make around the globe 'Rules of Starting point' - criteria that countries can use to make sense of where a thing is made. Various things moving around the globe in all inclusive trade consolidate materials or parts from more than one country, and may moreover have been delivered or taken Motorbike of in more than one country. This mixture of sources can raise inconveniences for importing countries. Choosing a thing's beginning stage can matter for different reasons,

Principles of source (ROOs) are the criteria by which an item's nation of beginning can be resolved. Starting now there is no course of action of ROOs that are seen around the globe. Shakiness about whether things will meet starting necessities can be a honest to goodness obstruction to trade. There is similarly the probability that measures may be altered or controlled and used as a protectionist measure.The Agreement on Rules of OriginThe Agreement on Rules of Origin was made in the midst of the Uruguay Round, with the recommendation of making a coordinated ROO structure to cure this situation. The piece of the Specialized Board of trustees on Standards of Beginning, some bit of the World Traditions Association, is to examine particular specific issues developing in the ordinary association of ROOs. The particular chamber then gives advising conclusions on suitable plans. The committee on standards of beginning stage can similarly request the particular bulletin gathering to refine or far reaching its work and, infrequently, develop new techniques. All WTO people have the benefit to participate in both these sheets of trustees. It gives that the country of origin is the "either the country where the colossal has been totally gotten or when more than one country is concerned in the production of the immense, the country where the last noteworthy change has been finished." The principles of beginning stage should similarly be target, obvious and relentless and not trade restrictive.(vii) Customs Valuation With a particular final objective to register rates of commitment on stock, customs powers need to have the ability to work out the estimation of the items. Without the plan of sensible, uniform and unbiased principles gave by the World Exchange Association admission to customs valuation, exporters could be bamboozled commitment on their tolls. Customs valuation is the procedure used by conventions powers to center the estimation of the imported items for the reasons of processing the right import commitment. The conventions worth is fundamentally the trade regard that a shipper pays for the stock, however can join other additional costs, for instance, commission, packaging and eminences. In case the wrong regard is joined, exporters could be tricked commitment. On the off chance that exporters are dubious how the value will be figured, the matter of conveying gets the opportunity to be surprising. Poor customs valuation systems can go about as a limit to trade, since exporters need to make certain the measure of commitment their items will pull into pick whether an advantage could be made by conveying stock to particular markets.Agreement on Implementation of Article VII of the GATT 1994

The WTO assention concerned with customs valuation is the "Simultaneousness on Execution of Article VII of the GATT 1994". The Understanding is insinuated here as the simultaneousness on conventions valuation. The assention is proposed to propel a sensible, uniform and impartial structure for the valuation of stock for customs purposes. The simultaneousness on conventions valuation has key impact in ensuring that the right commitments are paid on imports, rather than commitments in light of minimum qualities. A key objective of the admission to conventions valuation is to ensure that the reason for valuation of items for customs aims is, to the best degree possible, the trade regard (the expense truly paid or payable for the stock when sold in the importing country).

Customs associations have the benefit to request extra information in circumstances where they doubt the exactness of the declared estimation of the items. In case customs powers are still in vulnerability, regardless of the extra information, the comprehension issues them different decisions to ensure the declared conventions worth is correct or sensibly conform. The going hand in hand with options are joined in a particular request:

(a) Transaction value of identical goods: The estimation of unclear stock can be used to focus the trade regard if the items are the same in all respects. This consolidates physical qualities, quality and reputation, era in the same country as the stock being regarded and creation by the creator of the same items being regarded. If these conditions are met, slight differences in appearance of stock don't basically block the items being used as a piece of a relationship to discover the trade regard.

(b) Transaction value of similar goods: Traditional powers can in like manner use the trade estimation of similar stock when the trade estimation of imported items is in uncertainability. Traditions powers have reaction to this option if the near items:

closely be like the goods being appreciated in terms of part equipment and type

are talented of the same functions

are commercially the same with the goods being appreciated

are being sold to the same country of introduction as the goods being valued.

(c) Deduction value: In case there is still instability after the more than two choices have been joined, the conventions worth can be determined on the reason of the unit cost at which the imported items (or vague or equivalent stock) are sold to a detached buyer in the best aggregate sum in the country of importation. The best number of units sold at one expense identifies with the best aggregate sum. To center the best aggregate sum, all arrangements at a given expense are taken together and the entire of each and every one of units of items sold at the expense differentiated and the total of each and every one of units of stock sold at some other expenses.

(d) Computed value: Enrolled quality chooses customs regard on the reason of the cost of making of the items being regarded, notwithstanding an entirety for the advantage and general expenses ordinarily reflected in arrangements from the country of exportation to the country of importation of stock of the same class or kind. Enlisted worth is the total of era costs notwithstanding advantage, general and diverse expenses.

(e) Fall-back method: On the off chance that instability still stays about the right conventions regard in the wake of encountering the past decisions, conduct quality may be determined using sensible means on the reason of data open in the country of importation. They include:

the sale cost of goods made in the country of import

a structure that provide for customs purpose the senior of two unusual values

the price of goods in the domestic market of the country of exportation

the cost of production (other than the computed values determined for the identical or similar goods)

the fee of goods for the export to a country other than the country of importation.

Customs valuation in New Zealand- The simultaneousness on customs valuation is joined into New Zealand law by the second schedule to the Traditions and Extract Act 1996. The New Zealand Traditions Administration is the essential government association responsible for execution of this order

Where the amount of duty payable on goods is a set percentage of the customs value of the goods. For example, $1 duty would be payable if an ad valorem tariff of 5% was levied on a compact disc valued at $20.

A minimum transaction value that customs officials use to calculate the customs duty for a product, regardless of whether this is higher than the real transaction value.

(viii) Pre-shipment Inspection

Importing items from a couple of countries is perhaps a hazardous business for all get-togethers concerned. To prevent coercion and to guarantee shippers and exporters, some making countries use pre-shipment examination by free workplaces to confirm that the worth, quality and sum are precisely decided on shipment unobtrusive components. Pre-shipment examination is the practice by councils of using self-ruling exclusive organizations to look at stock before these are exchanged to diverse countries. The stock are checked to ensure that the worth, quality and sum are adequately demonstrated on the shipment purposes of hobby. Some making countries have made presentation of a clean report by a pre-shipment appraisal office a condition for clearing imports through conventions.

Importance of pre-shipment inspection

Pre-shipment assessment is important in two ways. Firstly, it is used by lawmaking bodies of making countries to compensate for any inadequacies in the administrative structures. Pre-shipment audit is a way to deal with deflect business deception furthermore conventions commitment evasion. Besides, pre-shipment examination gives exporters and shippers extra sureness that the items match what is resolved in the business contract. This accordingly rouses more important trust in trading with making countries.

The agreement on pre-shipment inspection

The agreement to Pre-shipment Examination sees the need, of making countries particularly, to check the quality and sum or expense of imported items. Pre-shipment activities are portrayed as activities relating to the affirmation of the quality, sum, worth (checking coin change scale and cash related terms) or the conventions gathering of stock to be conveyed to the locale of the customer part.


People using pre-shipment evaluation are obliged to ensure pre-shipment examination activities are finished in a non-one-sided way. Strategies and criteria used as a piece of finishing the activities should be objective, and joined on an equal reason to all exporters affected by such activities. Customer people moreover have a promise not to apply national regulations that result in less perfect treatment to examined items diverged from private things that are the same. Conveying countries are furthermore obliged to ensure that their laws and regulations relating to preshipment evaluation activities are joined in a non-biased manner.

(ix) Intellectual Property

People can be given phenomenal rights to keep others from using their improvements, plots or distinctive signs. These rights offer rising to a kind of property - "learned" property - which touches base in a blended sack of structures. The best known structures are copyright (covering books, painted manifestations, films or some other representation of an idea), licenses (for advancements) and trademarks (under which brand names and logos can be enrolled). The objective of ensured advancement affirmation is to strike an amicability amidst improvement and the trading of development, to preference both producers and customers, and to overhaul budgetary and social welfare.

Difference between intellectual property rights & ordinary propertyOwnership of them is not prohibitive in light of the fact that they are incomprehensibly reproducible. For example, a proprietor of an auto can keep others from using it, yet it is troublesome for the creator of a tune to keep someone else from singing it. On the off chance that the auto is sold or pummeled, the proprietor no more has responsibility for, however a dreadful open execution of a tune does not pummel it as a remarkable work. Their value lies in the information and creative energy they contain. Books are worth fundamentally more than the paper on which they are printed. Also, an item framework has a higher worth than the metal and plastic of the plate on which it is sold. An incredible piece of the value added to ensured development reflects the cost of examination, plan and testing included in making stock, (for instance, in pharmaceuticals and high advancement things). Various things that have been traded as low-advancement stock or things in the past may now contain a higher degree of improvement and plan in their quality. Necessity of International agreement on intellectual property necessary

Considerations and learning have transformed into an inflexibly discriminating bit of business, yet the courses in which authorized advancement rights are protected and approved movement from country to country. Era of fake clothing, PC programming, music and highlights, for case, in countries with settle for what is most helpful choice of certification reasons strain in overall relations. The Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) Agreement sets out slightest standards of protection from imitating that are joined generally to diminishing these weights. The World Trade Organization (WTO) Agreement on TRIPS has restricted the qualifications in the way these rights are guaranteed around the globe by bringing them under fundamental worldwide norms - anyway it is far from comprehensive.

Trade law and free trade agreementsThe Trade Law Unit inside the Legal Division of the Ministry gives legitimate guidance and representation in diverse overall trade, including World Trade Organization (WTO) organizing rounds, WTO question settlement methods, and in Free Trade Agreement (FTA) plans. The Unit moreover gives admonishment on the consistency of family New Zealand approach with our all inclusive trade law duties.Free Trade AgreementsFurthermore sharing in World Trade Organization (WTO) exchange rounds, New Zealand proactively looks to upgrade trading conditions with some of our genuine trading accessories. The Unit in like manner gives the New Zealand lead in the exchanges on legitimate and institutional issues in every assention. These fuse the inquiry settlement standards like those in the WTO structure, the structure and consistency of the assention, and the general acquisitions that apply over the comprehension.(xi) Transparency

Straightforwardness expect a discriminating part in the assention. There are specific responsibilities on people to ensure that information is open to contributed people so they can take after examination requirements. For example, the comprehension communicates that people may ensure that when at initially came to by exporters, pre-shipment examination components provide for the exporters a summary of all the information key for the exporters to agree to appraisal requirements. Protection precepts do make a difference in any case, keeping evaluation workplaces from requesting purposes of enthusiasm from authorized techniques, internal costs, advantage levels and contracts amidst exporters and their suppliers. Under the assention, all laws and regulations relating to pre-shipment examination practices must be appropriated expediently by people.

(xi) Transparency in the World Trade OrganisationPeople, organizations and governments included in exchange and venture need to know however much as could reasonably be expected about the states of exchange the nations they need to manage. Expanded straightforwardness is a highlight of numerous WTO understandings.

Policies that aid certainty and predictability in trade

Trade policy reviews

Policies that aid certainty and predictability in trade

The following policies aid certainty and predictability about trading conditions:

Publication: Governments are obliged to publish relevant laws and regulations.

Notifications:. Every time an organization familiarizes or reveals a change with specific measures, procedures or laws that may have a basic effect on trade, they have to light up the WTO and individual people and give purposes of enthusiasm of how these laws are being joined. WTO people are allowed a sensible period to take off comments on these proposed upgrade.

National enquiry points: Under a few assentions, a solitary purpose of contact is created, so other WTO individuals can undoubtedly ask for data and documentation. The national enquiry point is obliged to answer any sensible appeals. Enquiry focuses are generally administrative offices, however their obligations can likewise be appointed to a private body.

New Zealands enquiry points are: Technical barriers to trade (technical regulations) - Standards New Zealand; sanitary and phytosanitary - Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.

Trade policy reviews

For each review two documents are prepared: a policy statement by the government under review and a detailed report written by the WTO secretariat.

A assembly is then held, typically permanent two days, in which all members are given the chance to question the state under review on precise aspects of its trade strategy. The minutes of the Trade Policy Review Bodys gathering and answer to the question are available by the WTO secretariat soon afterwards.

In the Uruguay Round courses of action, General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)/WTO people assented to set up typical reviews of part countries' trade approach. At first, as GATT, they focussed on items trade however in 1995, with the arrangement of the WTO, their augmentation was reached out to consolidate organizations and secured advancement. The reviews focus isolated trade game plans and practices. They moreover consider the countries' more far reaching money related and developmental needs, their methodologies and objectives, and the outside monetary environment they confront.

The review have two broad results: (i) they allow other WTO member to better appreciate a countrys trade policy and conditions, and (ii) they provide criticism to the reviewed country on its show and give confidence them to follow WTO rules and discipline more closely.

The frequency of reviews depends on the countrys size

The four biggest trader (the EU, US, Japan and Canada) are examine roughly once every two years

The next sixteen countries in conditions of their share of world operate are review every four years

The residual countries (including New Zealand) are review around every six years, with the opportunity for a longer period for the least-developed countries.

(x) Dispute SettlementInvolvement of New Zealand in World Trade Organisation disputes includes:

Scope of the disputes system

The dispute process

Current disputes

Current WTO disputes with New Zealand as a Principal Complainant

Indonesia - Import Restrictions on Agricultural Products

Current third party participation

US - Tuna Dolphin

US - Mandatory Country of Origin Labelling (MCOOL)


New Zealands involvement in previous disputes

Previous WTO disputes with New Zealand as a Principal Complainant

Previous third party participation

One of the real accomplishments of the Uruguay Round of WTO arrangements was to situated set up a coupling strategy for determining exchange debate emerging between individuals. WTO individuals concur not to make one-sided move when they think their rights have been disregarded. Rather they put their grievance through the WTO debate settlement framework and consent to maintain its standards and discoveries.

Scope of the disputes system

The WTO system deals with all trade disputes arising from any of the agreements contained in the Final Act of the Uruguay Round including agreements on:

Tariffs and Trade (GATT) relating to access to the market for goods

Agriculture (including export subsidies and support to domestic producers)

Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (for human, animal or plant life or health)

Technical Barriers to Trade (ensuring that technical regulations, testing or certification procedures do not create unnecessary barriers to trade)


Subsidies and Countervailing Measures


Rules of Origin

Import Licensing and Customs Valuation

Services, relating to access to the market for services

Intellectual Property (such as trademarks, copyrights and patents)

(xii) WTO negotiations to enable New Zealand to pursue high standards in tradeOverview

New Zealand is an element individual from the World Trade Organization (WTO), the all inclusive body that coordinates world trade. The WTO Agreements are a plan of game plans that make standards and rules regulating worldwide trade stock and organizations and to which New Zealand is a get-together. WTO law serves to ensure that organizations don't outlandishly abuse items and organizations of other WTO Members or mangle worldwide trade.

Principles of the WTO

The National Treatment principle provides that countries should provide the same treatment to foreign goods and traders as they do to domestic goods and traders; and

The Most Favoured Nation principle provides that countries should not discriminate between the goods and traders from different countries.

A detailed explanation of the WTO system and its law is available from the WTO website.

The Role of the Legal Division

The Trade Law Unit inside the Legal Division gives legitimate sponsorship to New Zealand's collaboration in the WTO, including the exchanges under the WTO Doha Development Round.

It moreover gives legal advice to other government divisions to ensure consistency of New Zealand's private methodology and sanctioning with our duties under overall trade law. The Unit is moreover accountable for assessing the consistency of other countries' trade and fiscal measures with their WTO obligations, particularly where these measures may achieve harm to New Zealand's trading diversions. As a bit of this process, the Unit drives New Zealand's commitment in WTO face off regarding settlement strategies.

Report 3: New Zealand's current trade balance may include:

(i) Value of Exports

The term fare means sending the products and administrations out of the port of a nation. The merchant of such stock and organizations is called an "exporter" who is arranged in the country of fare though the abroad based purchaser is alluded to as a "shipper". In International Trade, "fares" alludes to offering items and organizations transformed in the home country to different markets.

New Zealand has a business economy that depends essentially on overall trade, basically with Australia, the European Union, the United States, India, South Korea and Japan. It has just little assembling and innovative divisions, being emphatically centered tourism and key business endeavours, for instance, cultivating. Free-market changes over late decades have cleared various obstructions to remote financing, and the World Bank in 2005 commended New Zealand just like the most business cordial nation on the planet, before Singapore.

In 2012, 70 percent of all products sent out were essential items and 25 percent were produced merchandise. Milk powder, margarine, and cheddar keep on being New Zealand's most elevated quality fare, representing 25 percent of merchandise traded.

Main export commodities




Milk powder, butter, and cheese



Meat and edible offal



Logs, wood, and wood articles(1)



Crude oil



Mechanical machinery and equipment






Fish, crustaceans, and molluscs






Total all commodities



Ten Countries Which Buy Most Of Nz Exports

In the year ended June 2009 these ten countries bought most of NZs exports:

Information Source:Global New Zealand international trade, investment, and travel profile: year ended June 2009. Wellington: Statistics New Zealand, 2009. Table Answered: 21 April 2010.

The below chart shows the exports for year 2011-2013.

Comparably the export was high as 4.43 Billion NZD in August 2012 and low as 3.29 Billion NZD in October and September 2013.

From 1951 until 2013, New Zealand Exports averaged 1.1 Billion NZD reaching an all-time high of 4.7 Billion NZD in April of 2011 and a record low of 0.0 Billion NZD in August of 1954.

(ii) Value of Imports

The word "Import" is copied from the word "port," since supplies are often shipped via boat to overseas countries. Countries are most likely to trade in goods that home industries cannot produce as well or cheaply, but may also introduce raw materials or goods that are not on hand within its borders. For example, many countries have to import oil because they either cannot produce it domestically or cannot produce enough of it to meet demand.

Petroleum and petroleum products are New Zealands largest imports, followed by mechanical machinery and equipment. Australia contributes 19 percent of New Zealands total import value, followed by India with 15 percent of imports (taken from statistics, nz).

The above graph shows the imports of the year 2012 and 2013. It reached a maximum of 4.62 Billion NZD in Aug 2013.

The above graph shows imports from the year 1960 2013. It was almost zero till 1974 and started increasing gradually.

(iii) Current Account Balance

New Zealand Current Account

New Zealand record a Current report deficit of 837 NZD Million in the fourth quarter of 2013. Current Account in New Zealand averaged -1281.02 NZD Million from 1987 until 2013, reaching an all-time high of 354 NZD Million in the third quarter of 2009 and a record low of -4298 NZD Million in the second quarter of 2008. Current Account in New Zealand is reported by the Statistics New Zealand.

The above figure shows the current account from 2008 until 2013.

The above chart shows the current account from 1987 till 2013.

(iv) Underlying factors includes: Exchange rate movements

It is the progressions in quality between monetary standards, the changes in worth between coinage that can bring about misfortunes to organizations that import and fare products and to speculators. The costs that exporters get in New Zealand dollars are likewise impacted by changes in the swapping scale. As seen from Figure underneath, the estimation of the New Zealand dollar has been unpredictable since it was glided in 1985, which is another wellspring of vulnerability for exporters. As a rule however, the

Costs of production


Land comprises of simple surface of area as well as incorporates all the characteristic sources, for example, seas, mountains, woods and so on. Along these lines area is a significant some bit of creation which supports in the transforming of stock and organizations in confined or the other.


Work alludes to the demonstration of working for some fiscal advantages against physical and mental movement. It doesn't embody any relaxation action. It doesn't contain any entertainment activity. It joins the organizations of a generation line worker, any master workers, for instance, creators, experts, educators, lawyer et cetera. As needs be work structures a key piece of planning.


Capital means all human-made materials, for example, devices, equipment's, base, apparatus, seeds, plants, methods of transportation, for example, rail, street and air and so on. Human capital is more indispensable than the physical capital since without human's obstruction the materialistic capital can't be used viably.

Intermediate goods

They are used as inputs or sections inside the era of distinctive stock. Midway stock are joined into the production of finished things, or what are termed last items. Not at all like last stock, transitional items will be further taken Motorbike of before sold as last stock

Non tariff barriers

Exporters regularly observe that it is duties as well as different issues, for example, traditions tenets or import guidelines, which piece them from offering items in different nations.

These assumed non-levy hindrances are not kidding to the point that they are especially under plan inside the World Trade Organization Doha Round. The fact of the matter is to ensure that such impediments are subjected to fruitful principles and, where possible, diminished or abstained from.

The top 10 barriers faced by New Zealand exporters, in order of frequency, are identified as:

Standards and certification

Customs procedures

Food safety or health requirements

Distribution constraints

High internal taxes or charges

Import quotas or prohibitions

Inadequacies in intellectual property protection

Motorbike go handling and port procedures

Subsidies or tax benefits for domestic firms

Import licensing.


Trade Protectionism [Online] Available from: (Accessed on 11/04/2015)

Economics Concept [Online] Available from : (Accessed on 09/04/2015)

WTO trade rules and remedies [Online] Available from: (Accessed on 12/04/2015)

Strengthening trade rules [Online] Available from: (Accessed on 13/04/2015)

Non tariff barriers [Online] Available from: (Accessed on 14/04/2015)

Trade and Economic relations [Online] Available from: (Accessed on 11/04/2015)

Trade and Economic relations [Online] available from: (Accessed on 12/041/2015)

Strengthening trade rules [Online] Available from: (Accessed on 15/04/2015)

New Zealand Export stats [Online] Available from: (Accessed on 12/04/2015)

New Zealand exports [Online] Available from: (Accessed on 10/04/2015)

Trade Law and free Trade Agreement [Online] Available from: (Accessed on 12/04/2015)

Trade and Economic Relations [Online] Available from: (Accessed on 15/04/2015)


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