
7 Habits Review

Which lessons were most successful

Question #1: Which lesson was most successfule when introducing the habits?

We introduced each habit by reading the accompanying story, followed by a classroom discussion.

Our most significant/successful lessons came when we applied a habit to a particular situation that arose in class. The teacher would identify a problem, and ask the students how the given habit would be useful to solve the problem.

continuation of question 1: Example: A student randomly pointed out a real life win-win situation: If the class was quiet, they could get a drink right away after PE, in the middle school hallway - & - the middle schoolers could continue working uninterrupted.

More from Question 1 • Watched and listened to a video from

Israel and posted on blog how it was related to the habit (win-win) •  Used in everyday language to do their

work ahead of time (proactive)

Question 1 Fifth Grade focused on Win/Win, working on a project with Morah Liat. Each student was asked to come up with a win/win scenario and share with the class. They were able to see how it works outside school.

Question 1 In first grade introducing WIN-WIN was great. They read the book Goodnight Rainbow Fish.

This a book about how rainbow fish wants to go to sleep but has a million excuses why he can’t sleep. Mom gives him win-win solutions for each excuse.

We then each made a rainbow fish and wrote an example of a win-win on it.

Success stories from the habits... Students seem to be empowered. They have come up to MS teachers using the language of 7 habits:

“ I am trying to be proactive, how can I improve my grade.”

The common language like “Be Kind” from Wonder, be Proactive, WIN-WIN seems to be very helpful.

Success stories... In Kindergarten we discussed WIN-WIN’s that they could relate to.

You only need one jar of Peanut Butter but it’s BOGO - you keep one and give one to the food pantry.

You outgrew your coat and you get a new one. You give the old one to someone who is poor - WIN-WIN.

Question #2 Kindness examples A student who was hungry (he had eaten his lunch before lunchtime) and had made it known, was spontaneously helped by his classmates, who each donated a little bit, so that he could buy his own lunch and “pay” them back with kindness.

Kindness examples In Second grade, Rabbi Lubliner came in to be a mystery reader. One

student spoke up to remind the teachers that not everyone knew him. She went on to introduce the new student and make her feel more comfortable. This wonderful act was reported to Dr. Mitzmacher, and then publicly acknowledge on social media.

Promoting kindness in the class •  “Mensch-o-meter” for students who are

consistently kind to one another •  Students helping each other throughout

class instead of always having the teacher help •  Sharing each other’s ideas and materials •  Including one another in social settings

such as lunch

Promoting kindness Kindergarten does a compliment circle. On Fridays they all sit in a circle and they have to compliment the person sitting next to them. It is a real “feel good” experience. The compliment has to be meaningful!

In 1st grade there is a lot of emphasis on helping each other if something is dropped or lost.

No one ever sits alone at lunch in Middle School anymore.

Question #3: How are we reinforcing the previous habits?

Students and teachers reference past habits as applicable situations arise, so that they are constantly being reinforced.

Habits are reviewed daily in 1st grade.

In First grade, they use “Begin with the End in Mind” a lot. It works especially well when you have to redirect behavior. The students are used to hearing, “is this behavior helping you get to purple (on the behavior chart)?”

Reviewing habits •  Continuing to use language from previous

months •  Keeping activities from previous months

on the wall to review

Keep the language consistent In First grade (and soon to be in Kindergarten) Shannon created a wonderful flip chart of all of the habits so that they can constantly review them.

In Middle School we constantly use the language. The one habit that is referred to the most though, is BE PROACTIVE. In Science they have previewed a “coming” attraction - “Think to Understand and then to be Understood.”

Question #4: School-wide ideas Have students or a “team” of students be on the lookout to find as many examples of that month’s habit. They can point them out and document how they alter their choices using pictures and explanations that can be made into a blog post.

More ideas…. The Habits being posted around the school make a huge impact. They could be uniform with what the kids see in the book, “personalizing” in the classroom. Posters hung in the restrooms, middle school halls, LUNCHROOM and put in Hebrew.

More skits and contests... •  To have skits every month for every

habit for the whole school •  To have small contests or something

similar to that every month •  Pair older kids with younger kids to teach

the habits

More ideas…. Spirit Days Parent Education! Get our parents involved!

Post good stuff on the school website.

Thank you all for actively participating today. You all shared some great examples and future ideas. If anyone wants to volunteer to help create some posters (to laminate for permanent use) and/or help to lead a parent session with me...let me know :) Thanks again

Todah Robah everyone!

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