6W -RKQ WKH (YDQJHOLVW &KXUFK - Parishes Online

Post on 01-Feb-2023






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Bap�sm please call the church


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freely moves among “all” of God’s people; not just among those we believe are qualified. We have to be

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Listen and Be Open

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Every life has dignity and boundless potential.

Embrace all life as a precious gift created in the image and likeness of

God to be cherished and nourished.


To cultivate and increase awareness about all life issues.

To model pro life, all life, by taking action and leading by example.

To expand our capacity for love, compassion and mercy for all persons

preborn and born.

To bring forth God’s love, mercy, respect, compassion and healing ways

for those entering the world by accompanying them throughout their

journey while helping them meet their needs.

To advocate, defend, protect and care for all creation as we serve the

Lord and embrace His Gospel of Life.

To serve the vulnerable with love in our ministry.

To protect, advocate and facilitate healing.

To be Pro Life for all life.


Dr. Jennifer Forney, Ph.D., Ministry Chair

Deacon Matt Wenke, Michael Forney, Anita Schmidt,

Diane Cecchi, Mary Cygan

"Christ has no body now on earth but yours, no hands but yours.

Yours are the eyes through which to look out to see Christ's compas-

sion to the world. Yours are the feet with which he is to go about doing

good; Yours are the hands with which he is to bless [us] now."

St. Teresa of Avila


We ac�vely give witness and work as missionaries for the Gospel

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We respect, defend and protect life from concep�on through

natural death by means of educa�on, pastoral care and prayer/




Deacon Ma� Wenke, Michael Forney, Anita Schmidt,

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For more informa�on about the Pro & Respect Life Ministry and/

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Our parish extends its condolences

to the Tri-Catholic community

families of

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Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and may

perpetual light shine upon them.

May they rest in peace. Amen

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Pray for Colt Matz who is

fighting leukemia and for

his younger brother Jack

who will be

donating bone marrow

for his brother!

Send prayers and cards to:

Oishei Children’s


Colt - OCH Room 1206

818 Ellicott Street

Buffalo, NY 14203

Please continue to pray for Fr. Greg Dobson.



Matz Family

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The Road to Renewal — What You Can

Do …. The Power of Prayer!

Prayer is talking to God. The personal God to whom we

pray is the all loving, all-powerful Creator, Who brings all

things to goodness. The Lord intervenes in our lives

through the graces of the Holy Spirit to recreate us by His

Son. God is a loving parent, Who cares about our needs

and concerns. The types of prayers that we use that help

us to communicate with God are (1) Blessings &

Adoration, (2) Praise, (3) Supplication (humble request)

and Petition, (4) Intercession, and (5) Thanksgiving and

Gratitude. (CCC-2623-2625)

We have many prayers that we offer up in

communicating our needs, wants, desires or expressing

our thoughts, our ideas and inner emotions. Besides our

formal prayers such as the powerful model of all prayer

that Our Lord taught us in the Our Father, or others heard,

written through or inspired by Sacred Scripture like the

Hail Mary and the Glory Be, we also have many written by

saints, within our devotions and those we compose our-

selves. Prayer can be either communally prayed with

others, or by ourselves and can be expressed aloud in

words and in song, or in private aloud or silently.

As Catholics, our greatest expression of communal prayer

is the Eucharist (meaning Thanksgiving) that we pray

together fully during each Mass. In our linked parish

communities of the Basilica of St. Mary of the Angels and

St. John the Evangelist Church we have begun to say

particular formal prayers besides those that are part of

the order of Mass that are presented at different times

within our Eucharistic celebration which we pray


Below is a Prayer of Intercession said at the end of our

Prayers of the Faithful for our most vulnerable

and our young whom Venerable Baker championed.

Below is a Prayer of supplication and petition to be

prayed at the end of our Mass celebrated to

St. Michael the Archangel requesting him to intercede

for us

to God to help us conquer all physical and moral

evils and forces in the world that threaten us

during these uncertain and challenging times.

As we begin our venture of renewing our Catholic

Community in Olean and Allegany to be a strong

presence of God in our Family of Families in the

Diocese of Buffalo, we are given the prayer below in-

volving Mary, Undoer of Knots. We will proclaim this

request for blessing and guidance using Divine

Intervention through the Holy Spirit within our

gatherings in groups or alone so as to help us spread

God’s Kingdom, the Lord’s Mission of goodness in our

area and beyond.

Let us take action and each contribute to the Road to

Renewal process by lifting all up in prayer and asking

for God’s Will to become ours.

"For me, prayer is a burst from my heart, it is a simple

glance thrown toward Heaven, a cry of thanksgiving

and love in times of trial as well as in times of joy." --

St. Therese of Lisieux


Lord, you gave us Your Servant Nelson

Baker as an example of service to the

poor, homeless and the young. By

Father Baker's ardent concern for

those in need, inflame our hearts and lives with

compassion for the poor, justice for the oppressed, hope

for the troubled and courage to those in doubt.

We pray through the intercession of Nelson Baker that our

young people and those most vulnerable may know a

complete healing and through the intercession of Our Lady

of Victory, if it be Your will, that Your Servant, Nelson

Baker, may one day be canonized. Amen.


us in battle. Be our protection against the

wickedness and snares of the devil. May

God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do

thou, Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the

power of God, cast into hell, Satan and all

evil spirits who prowl through the world

seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.


In every age, O God, you have called us to be

your people, to be your Church.

In this time, we begin anew to discern the

pathways that will lead us, your people, closer

to you.

Continually Bless our journey as we proclaim

your Good news, celebrate your saving presence among us,

serve others with charity and justice, and steward the world

you have entrusted to our care.

Send your Spirit to lead and guide our Emmaus journey as we

commit ourselves to the renewal of our Church.

This we ask through Christ our Lord.. Amen.

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Olean Catholic Youth—LifeTeen/HS - 6:30-8:30pm - PLC�



Olean Catholic Youth-Edge/Middle School - 6:30-




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National Life Chain - 1-2 pm - Lincoln Park

“Rebuild My Church” Town Hall Meeting-4-5 pm-SJTE

FB/YT WITH Vespers in honor of St. Francis/Road to


Olean Catholic Youth—LifeTeen/HS - 6:30-8:30pm - PLC


Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary—

Special Mass @ 12:15 pm followed by Living Rosary -



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Our Lady of Fatima - Living Rosary - SJTE - TBA



Celebrate the 145th Anniversary of the beginnings of

our Olean Catholic Community with our 1st pastor Fr.

John Hamel and the installation of our 10th pastor, Fr.

John Adams, in this time of renewal. More details to


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of the punishment for all sins commied from the day of bap�sm. The

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The following conditions must also

be met:

�� Confess one’s sins to be in

God’s grace, (either 8 days

before or after Oct. 4)

�� Attend Holy Mass and receive

Holy Communion

Pray, in particular:

�� For the intentions of the Pope

(The Creed, Our Father, Hail Mary,

Glory Be)

�� Renounce all attachment to sin,

even venial sin

Spaghetti Dinner on October 24th. Please support this worthy

cause that helps with the upkeep of the Oratory of the Sacred

Heart. Buy the raffle tickets, be a food sponsor, delivery driver,

and/or donate a Theme Basket. Contact SMA Office at 372-4841 if

interested or have any questions. We thank you for whatever you

are able to do to make this a success

“Understanding Alzheimers and Dementia”

September 27th from 10-11 am

Sponsored by

Southern Tier Health Care System, Inc.

Register By E-mail: caregiver@sthcs.org

Or Call 716-372-0614 Ext. 206

St. Francis Hospital Reunion

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and Spouses, too! Sisters, OSF; Friars, OFM;

Doctors; and Board Members!�

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Dominic A. Colarusso, Jr., DDSSteven J. Hietanen, DDS • Andrew J. Dusel, DDS

2660 Route 16 N • Olean, NY 14760716-372-8017


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Contact Lorne Searight to place an ad today! lsearight@4LPi.com or (800) 477-4574 x6460

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