67e44Succeeding at Interviews FINALI

Post on 08-Apr-2018






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Succeeding  at  InterviewsSucceeding  at  Interviews



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The interview processThe interview process

Interview objectivesInterview objectives

Types of questionsTypes of questions


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Interviewee¶s objectives are to:Interviewee¶s objectives are to:

Gain the initiativeGain the initiative--an offer or commitmentan offer or commitment

Present yourself in the best possible lightPresent yourself in the best possible light

Mak e known your talents and expertiseMak e known your talents and expertise

Fill gaps in knowledge about the job and or ganisationFill gaps in knowledge about the job and or ganisation

Meet future colleagues/managersMeet future colleagues/managers

Be clear about whether or not to accept the postBe clear about whether or not to accept the post

Inter viewer¶s objectives are to:Inter viewer¶s objectives are to:Find the most suitable personFind the most suitable person

Encour age you to express yourself fullyEncour age you to express yourself fully

Look for specif ic skills and achievementsLook for specif ic skills and achievements

Sell the job and or ganisationSell the job and or ganisation

Assess your initial impact and social f itAssess your initial impact and social f it

Appoint the r ight personAppoint the r ight person

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Assessment categoriesAssessment categories

Interest in the postInterest in the post

Potential to mix with othersPotential to mix with others


Ability to sustain an ar gumentAbility to sustain an ar gument Common senseCommon sense

Communication skillsCommunication skills

Interests, politics, hobbiesInterests, politics, hobbies

Technical knowledgeTechnical knowledge MotivationMotivation

Career hopesCareer hopes

Appear anceAppear ance

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Types of questionsTypes of questions

Open Qs.Open Qs.

Probing QsProbing Qs

Closed QsClosed Qs

Hypothetical QsHypothetical Qs

Leading QsLeading Qs

Diff icult QsDiff icult Qs Negative QsNegative Qs

Discr iminatory QsDiscr iminatory Qs

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Open QsOpen Qs: This is where interviewers give you: This is where interviewers give you

the chance to talk. They want to hear your ideasthe chance to talk. They want to hear your ideasand see how you develop an answer.OQ startand see how you develop an answer.OQ start

with: Who, What, Where, When, Which andwith: Who, What, Where, When, Which and

How. For ex: What level of budget responsibility How. For ex: What level of budget responsibility 

have you had throughout your career?have you had throughout your career?

Who,What,Where,When,Which,Why and HowWho,What,Where,When,Which,Why and How

For example:For example:

What level of budget responsibility have you had What level of budget responsibility have you had 

throughout your career?throughout your career?

How did you implement Investors in People?How did you implement Investors in People?

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Probing Qs:Probing Qs: When interviewers areWhen interviewers are

particularly interested in your reply and wantparticularly interested in your reply and want

further information, they will use probing Qs.tofurther information, they will use probing Qs.to

focus in on the subject.focus in on the subject.

For ex:For ex:

Tell me about your research to dateTell me about your research to date

How did you manage the change?How did you manage the change?

What made you respond in that way?What made you respond in that way?

It¶s r ather lik e a funnelling process where theIt¶s r ather lik e a funnelling process where the

inter viewer moves from gener al Qs to specif icinter viewer moves from gener al Qs to specif ic


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Closed Qs:Closed Qs: Direct Qs that tend to pin you downDirect Qs that tend to pin you down

to a factual reply or to a µyes¶ or µno¶ answer.to a factual reply or to a µyes¶ or µno¶ answer.

For ex:Were you responsible for managing a budget in For ex:Were you responsible for managing a budget in 

your last job?your last job? Are you f amiliar with Investors in People?Are you f amiliar with Investors in People?

Qs such as these can inhibit you and restr ict your freedom in Qs such as these can inhibit you and restr ict your freedom in presenting information. For ex, you may not have been presenting information. For ex, you may not have been 

responsible for the budget in your last post but have had responsible for the budget in your last post but have had such responsibilities in the past. If you are not able tosuch responsibilities in the past. If you are not able tocommunicate this information it may reduce your chancescommunicate this information it may reduce your chancesof being successful. Always try to highlight relevantof being successful. Always try to highlight relevantprevious exper ience.previous exper ience.

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Hypothetical Qs:Hypothetical Qs: are to encourage you toare to encourage you to

imagine how you might handle the unknown.imagine how you might handle the unknown.

They also provide an opportunity for you toThey also provide an opportunity for you todemonstrate how well you think and the quality demonstrate how well you think and the quality 

of your judgment. The interviewer will suggest aof your judgment. The interviewer will suggest a

hypothetical situation and ask how you wouldhypothetical situation and ask how you would

deal with it.deal with it.

For ex:What would you do if «?For ex:What would you do if «?

How would you deal with «?How would you deal with «?

What would you expect from a perfect manager?What would you expect from a perfect manager?These can tend to be diff icult qs to ans, especially if These can tend to be diff icult qs to ans, especially if 

complex scenar ios are being present. Try to relatecomplex scenar ios are being present. Try to relate

these qs to your own exper ience & if not clear ask  these qs to your own exper ience & if not clear ask  

for more information.for more information.

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Leading Qs are the opposite to hypotheticalLeading Qs are the opposite to hypothetical

qs. The interviewer steers you to the kindqs. The interviewer steers you to the kind

of ans they expect. LQ do not giveof ans they expect. LQ do not give

interviewers much of an idea about you,interviewers much of an idea about you,

though you will have an insight into theirthough you will have an insight into their

thinking. It is best not to rock the boat; gothinking. It is best not to rock the boat; gowhere the qs are leading and check if youwhere the qs are leading and check if you

are unclear.are unclear.

For ex: As you have had exper ience of budgeting,For ex: As you have had exper ience of budgeting,I¶m sure you wouldn¶t «.I¶m sure you wouldn¶t «.

With regar d to Investors in People, you areWith regar d to Investors in People, you are

obviously aware of the problems with «obviously aware of the problems with «

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Difficult Qs:Difficult Qs: These take many shape and forms.These take many shape and forms.

Give yourself a moment to think, rather thanGive yourself a moment to think, rather than

trying to start answering immediately. Don¶t betrying to start answering immediately. Don¶t beevasive.Anticipate the difficult areas for you andevasive.Anticipate the difficult areas for you and

be prepared for them.be prepared for them.

For ex: I see you have a gap of 3 years in your For ex: I see you have a gap of 3 years in your 

employment; what did you do dur ing that time?employment; what did you do dur ing that time?

This job requires the professional diploma. HowThis job requires the professional diploma. How

are you going to mak e up the shortf all in your are you going to mak e up the shortf all in your 

qualif ications?qualif ications?

Some qs will tak e you by surpr ise; tak e your timeSome qs will tak e you by surpr ise; tak e your time

over them. Remember, the inter viewer is trying toover them. Remember, the inter viewer is trying to

give you the opportunity to put yourself forwar d give you the opportunity to put yourself forwar d 

in the best possible light, not putting you down.in the best possible light, not putting you down.

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Negat ve s: can o ten re lect an nterv ewer sNegat ve s: can o ten re lect an nterv ewer s

tendency to look on the more negative side of tendency to look on the more negative side of 

life. It may be their way of makinglife. It may be their way of making

comparisons between the best candidates.comparisons between the best candidates.

For ex:What are your weaknesses?For ex:What are your weaknesses?

Why is it that you have changed jobs so often?Why is it that you have changed jobs so often?

You stayed in your last job for 10 years.Why soYou stayed in your last job for 10 years.Why so


Don¶t f all into the tr ap of defending yourself, asDon¶t f all into the tr ap of defending yourself, asthough this were a direct attack by the inter viewer.though this were a direct attack by the inter viewer.

Be constructive and tur n the qs around to showBe constructive and tur n the qs around to show

yourself in a positive light.yourself in a positive light.

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Discriminatory Qs:Discriminatory Qs: These sorts of qs are stillThese sorts of qs are still

asked at interview, particularly of women andasked at interview, particularly of women and

minority groups.minority groups.

For ex: How does your husband feel about you applying for For ex: How does your husband feel about you applying for this post?this post?

What effect might the increased responsibility have on your What effect might the increased responsibility have on your f amily life?f amily life?

Are you planning to have a f amily?Are you planning to have a f amily?

Ethnic minor ities may be ask ed: For ex: How would youEthnic minor ities may be ask ed: For ex: How would yourespond to cr iticism from a white candidate?respond to cr iticism from a white candidate?

What impression of this or ganisation do you think your accentWhat impression of this or ganisation do you think your accentwould give?would give?

These all need to be handled very carefully. You can clar ifyThese all need to be handled very carefully. You can clar ifythe relevance of the question.the relevance of the question.

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  1. The disorganised interviewer:1. The disorganised interviewer: AllowAllow

time to settle down and find the papers or notestime to settle down and find the papers or notes

that they need.that they need.

2. The unprepared interviewer:2. The unprepared interviewer: Be calmBe calm

and patient and think how it would be workingand patient and think how it would be working

with them.with them.

3. The nervous interviewer:3. The nervous interviewer: They will beThey will be

grateful if you offer relevant information andgrateful if you offer relevant information and

loosely control the interview. Be careful not toloosely control the interview. Be careful not topatronise.patronise.

4. The aggressive interviewer:4. The aggressive interviewer: Don¶t getDon¶t get

provoked by him. Give positive explanation,provoked by him. Give positive explanation,

rather apologising for any gaps or failings in yourrather apologising for any gaps or failings in your

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Has not read your Has not read your CVCV..

Gets aggressive to see how you reactGets aggressive to see how you react

under stress.under stress.

Is constantly disturbed.Is constantly disturbed.

Mak es remar k s about your previousMak es remar k s about your previous

employer or boss.employer or boss.

Ask s questions but doesn¶t listen toAsk s questions but doesn¶t listen to

your answers.your answers.

You will demonstr ate to theYou will demonstr ate to the

inter viewer your interest in the jobinter viewer your interest in the job

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Prepar ing for the Inter viewPrepar ing for the Inter view

Think through your replies and questionsThink through your replies and questions

Get a feel for the or ganisationGet a feel for the or ganisation

Complete any further application formsComplete any further application forms

Read through or ganisation liter atureRead through or ganisation liter ature

Tak e advantage of other informationTak e advantage of other information

-- videovideo

-- tr ips around the sitetr ips around the site Read your cv againRead your cv again


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Interview formatsInterview formats OneOne--toto--one:one: Most common; one inter viewer talking toMost common; one inter viewer talking to

one applicant.one applicant.

Panel:Panel: No from two members upwar ds. Very formal. TheNo from two members upwar ds. Very formal. Thechair of the panel is usually the one who mak es the initialchair of the panel is usually the one who mak es the initialintroductions and the f inal remar k s, although f inalintroductions and the f inal remar k s, although f inal

decisions are made by all.decisions are made by all.Whom to address:Whom to address: Always look  at the person questioning youAlways look  at the person questioning you

Direct your answer to the questioner Direct your answer to the questioner Glance around to show you are ready for the next questionGlance around to show you are ready for the next question

Tests:Tests: are now commonly used to help assess candidates¶are now commonly used to help assess candidates¶abilities, aptitudes and personality. Different test types are:abilities, aptitudes and personality. Different test types are:Psychometr ic, Attainment, Intelligence, Physical, GroupPsychometr ic, Attainment, Intelligence, Physical, Groupdiscussions, Presentations, and Aptitude.discussions, Presentations, and Aptitude.

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Presentation contentPresentation content Convince them that you are qualif ied and exper iencedConvince them that you are qualif ied and exper ienced

Demonstr ate successesDemonstr ate successes

Outline your contr ibutions on a str ategic and detailed levelOutline your contr ibutions on a str ategic and detailed level Establish good relationshipsEstablish good relationships

Be sure to injectBe sure to inject ProfessionalismProfessionalism

Degree of formalityDegree of formality

Controlled enthusiasmControlled enthusiasm

Pace and dr ivePace and dr ive

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Extent of duties and responsibilitiesExtent of duties and responsibilities

Desir able and essential qualities required Desir able and essential qualities required  Skill levels, academic qualif icationsSkill levels, academic qualif ications

Reporting relationshipsReporting relationships

Opportunities for tr aining and developmentOpportunities for tr aining and development


Hour of wor k Hour of wor k 

Salary scale and conditionsSalary scale and conditions

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Does your networ k extend into theDoes your networ k extend into theor ganisation? (By talking to insiders you can or ganisation? (By talking to insiders you can 

get an µinside¶ view.)get an µinside¶ view.)

Who do you know wor k s, or has wor k ed, for W

ho do you know wor k s, or has wor k ed, for them?them?

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The organisation; Try to findThe organisation; Try to find

out:out: What the or ganisation doesWhat the or ganisation does

Product detailsProduct details Ownership (public, pr ivate, group, independent, UK)Ownership (public, pr ivate, group, independent, UK)

Size,  HistorySize,  History

Structure (site, area or department)Structure (site, area or department)

Management cultureManagement culture Staff tur nover Staff tur nover 

Outlets/f actor ies/off icesOutlets/f actor ies/off ices

Present degree of prosper ityPresent degree of prosper ity

Mar k et positionMar k et position

Annual reports, StabilityAnnual reports, Stability ReputationReputation

Strengths,  Mar k etsStrengths,  Mar k ets

Weaknesses, Competitors.Weaknesses, Competitors.

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These days you may be greeted by a These days you may be greeted by a 

message r ather than a person. Consider &message r ather than a person. Consider &wr ite down what you want to say beforewr ite down what you want to say beforemaking a call.making a call.

Your nameYour name

Your contact telephone number, and Your contact telephone number, and 

Your addressYour address

A br ief message, requesting informationA br ief message, requesting information Your deadline if you have oneYour deadline if you have one

Your availabilityYour availability

Repeat your name and phone number Repeat your name and phone number 

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K now yourself K now yourself 

You the person:You the person:W

hat have I got that mak es meW

hat have I got that mak es mespecial?What mak es me f it?special?What mak es me f it?

Your skills:Your skills:What can you offer us?What are your What can you offer us?What are your skills?What can I do? (ask yourself)skills?What can I do? (ask yourself)

Your weaknesses:Your weaknesses:W

hat are the weak points of myW

hat are the weak points of mychar acter & personality? (Think  in a positivechar acter & personality? (Think  in a positiveway).What has held me back  in my career? Under way).What has held me back  in my career? Under what circumstances have I felt most frustr ated?what circumstances have I felt most frustr ated?

Your streng

ths:Your streng


hatare the stro


ts of myW

hatare the stro


ts of mychar acter and personality? In so f ar as I havechar acter and personality? In so f ar as I havesucceeded, what has helped me?succeeded, what has helped me?

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DO¶SDO¶SClose the door behind uClose the door behind u

Walk forwar dconf identlyWalk forwar dconf idently

Body str aight, head upBody str aight, head up

Respond to offered Respond to offered handshak es f irmlyhandshak es f irmly

Wait until you are invited toWait until you are invited tositsit

Remain quiet but alert to theRemain quiet but alert to the

opening moves by theopening moves by theinter viewer inter viewer 

Allow them to tak e theAllow them to tak e theinitiativeinitiative

Be ready to respond Be ready to respond 

appropr iatelyappropr iately


Shuffle in, head down withShuffle in, head down withhands in pock etshands in pock ets

Carry a jumble of papersCarry a jumble of papers

Cr ash into the room pushing Cr ash into the room pushing 

out your extended handout your extended handAttempt to dominate an Attempt to dominate an 

inter view, especially in theinter view, especially in theopening stagesopening stages

Confuse your replies or beatConfuse your replies or beat

around the busharound the bushBe too loud or too soft, tooBe too loud or too soft, too

slow or too f ast in your slow or too f ast in your speechspeech

Stare at a particular Stare at a particular inter viewer inter viewer 

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SOME DO¶S & DON¶TSSOME DO¶S & DON¶TSSit comfortably, in an upr ightSit comfortably, in an upr ight

but relaxed posture.but relaxed posture.

Rest your hands on the armsRest your hands on the armsof the chair or comfortablyof the chair or comfortablyin your lap.in your lap.

Look  at your inter viewer Look  at your inter viewer with an interested with an interested expression.expression.

Keep your head r aised when Keep your head r aised when you listen.you listen.

Nod intelligently whenever Nod intelligently whenever the inter viewer tells youthe inter viewer tells yousomething.something.

Be relaxed.Be relaxed.

Fidgeting, biting your nails.Fidgeting, biting your nails.

Crossing arms or legs,Crossing arms or legs,clasping the chair clasping the chair 

Leaning back war ds, looking Leaning back war ds, looking away from the inter viewer away from the inter viewer 

Gazing f ixedly at some pointGazing f ixedly at some pointin the roomin the room

Becoming distr acted by theBecoming distr acted by thecarpet or a picturecarpet or a picture

Pointing your body towar dsPointing your body towar ds

the door the door K icking your foot or tappingK icking your foot or tapping

Propping your head on thePropping your head on thepalm of your handpalm of your hand

Yawning or star ing blank lyYawning or star ing blank lyat the inter viewer at the inter viewer 

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Pause & breathe deeplyPause & breathe deeplybefore speakingbefore speaking

Speak slightly slower than Speak slightly slower than normalnormal

Speak clearly, open your Speak clearly, open your mouthmouth

Vary the tone to add Vary the tone to add interestinterest


R attle out wor ds 16 toR attle out wor ds 16 to

the dozenthe dozen


Cover your mouth asCover your mouth as

you speak you speak 

Stiffen your jawStiffen your jaw Talk to your shoesTalk to your shoes

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Prepare yourself for successPrepare yourself for success

Remember your positivesRemember your positives Start with a good f irm handshak eStart with a good f irm handshak e

Close the door behind you when you¶ve entered Close the door behind you when you¶ve entered the roomthe room

When walking or standing, remain erectWhen walking or standing, remain erect Maintain eye contact with the inter viewer or eachMaintain eye contact with the inter viewer or eachinter viewer in tur ninter viewer in tur n

Dress the partDress the part

Speak wellSpeak well Indicate you are open posturesIndicate you are open postures

Stay positive and calmStay positive and calm

Remember you are inter viewing them tooRemember you are inter viewing them too


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Self Self--assessmentassessment

Wor k history and exper ienceW

or k history and exper ience The or ganisationThe or ganisation

The jobThe job

Management styleManagement style

Ambitions and motivationAmbitions and motivation

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Reasons for applying for this jobReasons for applying for this job

Creativity and problemCreativity and problem--solvingsolving



Attitude to author ity and colleaguesAttitude to author ity and colleagues

Motivations and aspir ationsMotivations and aspir ations

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Qs:Qs: What are your weak points?What are your weak points?

I can tak e longer than others to f inish a task , unlessI can tak e longer than others to f inish a task , unlessthere is a deadline to meet. My weakness is link ed tothere is a deadline to meet. My weakness is link ed toa strengtha strength ± ± being very thorough.being very thorough.

Qs:Qs: What are your strengths?What are your strengths?

I can quick ly create a harmonious atmosphere withI can quick ly create a harmonious atmosphere withnew clients. They feel relaxed and we can talk  new clients. They feel relaxed and we can talk  business str aight away.business str aight away.

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Qs:Qs: If you could start your career again, what If you could start your career again, what would you do diff erently?would you do diff erently?

Now I realise how much I enjoy being a Now I realise how much I enjoy being a manager. I would have put myself forwar d for manager. I would have put myself forwar d for management tr aining a lot sooner management tr aining a lot sooner 

I knew when I was at school that I wanted toI knew when I was at school that I wanted to

be a chief accountant. I planned my education be a chief accountant. I planned my education and job application to this endand job application to this end

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Qs:Qs: Why are you leaving/did you leave your Why are you leaving/did you leave your present position?present position?

I believe everyone should manage their I believe everyone should manage their careers; I now recognise the limited careers; I now recognise the limited opportunities for me within my currentopportunities for me within my current

or ganisation and am actively seeking a changeor ganisation and am actively seeking a change

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Qs:Qs: I n your current/last position, what f eaturesI n your current/last position, what f eatures

do/did you like the most? Which the least?do/did you like the most? Which the least?

I believe in regular communications and I had I believe in regular communications and I had to wor k har d to win my colleagues over to a to wor k har d to win my colleagues over to a 

similar belief; we now have systems that I amsimilar belief; we now have systems that I am

proud of proud of 

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Qs:Qs: Would you describe a f ew situations in whichWould you describe a f ew situations in whichyour work was criticised?your work was criticised?

I once lost my temper with a particular member of I once lost my temper with a particular member of staff. It helped me think  about the way I give and staff. It helped me think  about the way I give and receive feedback receive feedback 

Qs:Qs: H ow long would you stay with us?H ow long would you stay with us?

I expect to be a senior manager within f ive yearsI expect to be a senior manager within f ive years

and would be happy to achieve that within thisand would be happy to achieve that within thisor ganisationor ganisation

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The job and some questions.The job and some questions.

What would you do f irst in this job?What would you do f irst in this job?

I would lik e to look closely at the budgetaryI would lik e to look closely at the budgetarycontrol system as there seems to be scope for control system as there seems to be scope for 

reor ganisation.reor ganisation.

What do you look f or in a job?What do you look f or in a job?

I look for autonomy which is clearly the wayI look for autonomy which is clearly the wayyou expect your managers to wor k .you expect your managers to wor k .

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I look for autonomy which is clearly the wayI look for autonomy which is clearly the way

you expect your managers to wor k you expect your managers to wor k 

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Let the inter view become an interrogationLet the inter view become an interrogation

Use weak evasive phr ases: µI have been told¶Use weak evasive phr ases: µI have been told¶


Be a µknow it all¶Be a µknow it all¶

Mak e jok es, especially against the inter viewersMak e jok es, especially against the inter viewers

Speak  ill of thir d partiesSpeak  ill of thir d parties

Blame others for your shortcomingsBlame others for your shortcomings

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Your moves:Your moves:

Ask the r ight questionsAsk the r ight questions

Keep on listening Keep on listening 

Effective expressionEffective expression End on a top noteEnd on a top note

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Why has the job become vacant?Why has the job become vacant?

What will you expect from me in the next six months?What will you expect from me in the next six months?

What are the k ey task s and responsibilities?What are the k ey task s and responsibilities?

How has the job been handled in the past?How has the job been handled in the past?

What is the lar gest challenge f acing your staff at theWhat is the lar gest challenge f acing your staff at thepresent time?present time?

What are the strengths and weaknesses within the team?What are the strengths and weaknesses within the team? How do you review performance?How do you review performance?

What tr aining is provided?What tr aining is provided?

What would my future career prospects be?What would my future career prospects be?

Is promotion gener ally from within?Is promotion gener ally from within?

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Topics for questions about the organisationTopics for questions about the organisation

Structure of the or ganisation: hier archical, flat, matr ix,Structure of the or ganisation: hier archical, flat, matr ix,informal structureinformal structure

Success of the or ganisation: tur nover, newSuccess of the or ganisation: tur nover, new

products/ser vices, /UK/inter national mar k ets, f inancialproducts/ser vices, /UK/inter national mar k ets, f inancialhealthhealth

DecisionDecision--making: br ief ings, consultations,making: br ief ings, consultations,communicationscommunications

Future str ategy and longFuture str ategy and long--term plans: mission, str ategicterm plans: mission, str ategicplan, philosophyplan, philosophy

Staff ing: contr action, expansion, outsourcing.Staff ing: contr action, expansion, outsourcing.

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Could you clar ify for me the structure of theCould you clar ify for me the structure of theor ganisation?or ganisation?

How has the mar k et been developing for How has the mar k et been developing for products/ser vices?products/ser vices?

How are decisions made?How are decisions made? What problems do you envisage for the or ganisation?What problems do you envisage for the or ganisation?

What plans are there for future expansion or What plans are there for future expansion or retrenchment?retrenchment?

What are your str ategies for growth?What are your str ategies for growth? How often do you update your business plan?How often do you update your business plan?

What is the annual staff/f inancial tur nover?What is the annual staff/f inancial tur nover?

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When will I hear from you?When will I hear from you?

What is the next step? Further inter view, medical,What is the next step? Further inter view, medical,

psychometr ic tests, social gather ing?psychometr ic tests, social gather ing? How will I be informed? Letter, phone call, f ax?How will I be informed? Letter, phone call, f ax?

Is there further information you need from me?Is there further information you need from me?

Is there someone else I should see in theIs there someone else I should see in the

or ganisation? Name, title, responsibilities?or ganisation? Name, title, responsibilities?

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THE INTERVIEW PROCESS:THE INTERVIEW PROCESS: THINGS TO REMEMBER:THINGS TO REMEMBER: Don¶t ask questions about information you haveDon¶t ask questions about information you havealready been givenalready been given

Don¶t ask questions for the sak e of itDon¶t ask questions for the sak e of it

Do ask supplementary questionsDo ask supplementary questions

Demonstr ate you have digested the information Demonstr ate you have digested the information 

previously given previously given 

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Aids to listeningAids to listening

Give the other person your full attention, don¶tGive the other person your full attention, don¶t


Ask open questions for more informationAsk open questions for more information Regularly check your understanding; don¶tRegularly check your understanding; don¶t

mak e assumptionsmak e assumptions

Watch your body languageWatch your body language

Be openBe open--minded, not prejudicedminded, not prejudiced

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Some Do¶s:Some Do¶s: Keep to the pointKeep to the point

Be clear Be clear 

K now the appropr iate jar gonK now the appropr iate jar gon

Speak with conf idenceSpeak with conf idence Keep your answer positiveKeep your answer positive

Be honest and open with repliesBe honest and open with replies

Give plenty of concrete wor k Give plenty of concrete wor k --related examplesrelated examples

Be enthusiasticBe enthusiastic

Weigh them upWeigh them up

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Maintain eye contactMaintain eye contact

Tak e your leave as smoothly and politely as possibleTak e your leave as smoothly and politely as possible Do not add any afterthoughtsDo not add any afterthoughts

Try to resolve any outstanding issuesTry to resolve any outstanding issues

Shak e the inter viewer¶s handShak e the inter viewer¶s hand

Thank them for giving you their timeThank them for giving you their time

followfollow--up letter with your k ey benef itup letter with your k ey benef it

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Entr ance body languageEntr ance body language

Body languageBody language


Answers to questionsAnswers to questions

The benef its you br ingThe benef its you br ing

Asking your questionsAsking your questions

Taking feedback Taking feedback 

top related