6 D Alexander the Great and the Hellenistic Age 2013 2014

Post on 20-Oct-2014






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Alexander the Great and

the Hellenistic Age

You will need 6-D note sheet

The History of Alexander the Great 9 min

1.True King Philip of Macedonia united all of Greece into one nation, Greece.

or False?

2. Alexander was a student of which Athenian philosopher?

A. LaoziB. AristotleC. PlatoD. Socrates

3. Which hero of Homer’s epic poem, the Iliad, was Alexander’s role model and hero?

A. HectorB. UlyssesC. AchillesD. Ajax

4. In 336 B.C.E., Alexander became king of Greece at the age of ___.

A. 16B. 21C. 36 D. 46

5. Alexander’s father

A. died in battle. B. retired at an early age.C. lived a long and wonderful life.D. was assassinated.

6. If Greece banded together ships, soldiers, and supplies, Alexander promised to conquer which empire?

A. EgyptianB. IndianC. PersianD. Greek

7. False In 334 B.C.E. with 45,000 men, Alexander began his conquest of Persia and returned to Greece five years later.

True or ?

He died on way home.

8. What battle formation did Alexander use to conquer the Persians?

A. the PhalanxB. the LegionC. the WedgeD. the Stack

9. After his battle with the Persians, Alexander and his army travelled more than 500 miles to _____.

A. IndiaB. EgyptC. RomeD. Turkey

10. True Alexander wanted to spread Greek learning and culture throughout the known world.

or False?

11. Alexander had his city constructed in a grid. What earlier civilization constructed their cities (Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa) that way?

A. Indus River ValleyB. EgyptianC. SumerianD. Persian

12. What great city did Alexander build at the mouth of the Nile River?

A. AthensB. SpartaC. TroyD. Alexandria

13. Alexander constructed twelve other cities throughout his empire. Each city was a created as a miniature ________.

A. RomeB. GreeceC. TurkeyD. Persia

14. In 331 B.C.E., Alexander used strategy in his second battle against the Persian emperor.

strength or

15. By the age of 25, Alexander defeated the _______ empire, the largest empire of his time.

A. EgyptianB. RomanC. PersianD. Macedonian

16. After his defeat of Persia, what two countries did Alexander go to?

A. Iran and IraqB. Israel and EgyptC. China and JapanD. Afghanistan and India

17. As he conquered, which culture did Alexander spread?

A. EgyptianB. GreekC. PersianD. Indian

18. In 323 B.C.E., Alexander died

A. from an assassination.B. in battle.C. from a mosquito bite.D. of old age.

19. Alexander spread Greek culture throughout his empire and left a legacy that is still in existence today.

or is not

20. Alexander shared these aspects of Greek Culture:

A. governmentB. religionC. artD. architectureE. all of the aboveF. none of the above

Hellenistic Culture

Alexander spread the Greek Culture wherever he went and it blended it with the cultures of the places he fought. Combining those cultures creates a new culture: the Hellenistic Culture.


Hellenistic Culture






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