
Unit 57: Photography and Photographic Practise

Project Proposal(P2, P3, M2, M3)By Ashleigh Darlington

I plan to have more of an urban kind of theme, at the moment I sort of want to follow the styles of Andrew Brooks Photography, he takes lots of pictures in Manchester and I like the photo’s he takes and I want some similar to his, I would also like to edit my pictures to come up with photographs similar to David Hockney’s, this is something I would be able to do on Photoshop after I have took my photographs.Architectural Exploration of Salford Quays.

David Hackneys Photography

Andrew Brooks Photography

Predicted final outcomeMy plan is to take at least around about fifty images to ensure that I will be able to choose ten images that I will want to and be able to use as my final images. I will mainly be focusing on taking pictures of tall buildings and streets to create the urban theme that I want. I will be taking some of the pictures in black and white and some in colour, but I want to edit my pictures also and I want more darker colours with dark contrast, I hope for pictures like this:

Reasons for selection of themeI have chosen to take images in Salford Quays because I want urban images and I think it is great for that, as there are lots of tall buildings and streetlights, there will also be quite a lot of people there which will help with my theme and the skylines and the traffic. I am following the styles mainly of Andrew Brooks as he mainly bases his photographs in Manchester and is an urban photographer.

Example of the tall building that I will be capturing when taking my pictures in Salford quays.

Andrew Brooks Photo of Salford Quays.

Andrew Brooks Photographs of Salford Quays


I really like Andrew Brooks Photography and I would like to take pictures very similar to this as he is one of my main inspirations.


David Hockney’s Photography

David Hockney is know for editing all the pictures he takes, to give them the weird collage effect and I really like this and I am planning to do this with some of the pictures I take myself.

Inspirations:Clifton Carr Photography

Clifton Carr takes more rural types of images, however I really like his work, especially the reflection photo that has been took in the water with the leaves, this is one that I will definitely be trying to replicate.

Techniques that will be used:

I plan to use the rule of thirds so that I am able to capture the tall buildings that surround Salford quays but I will also get the sky as well as I will have the buildings at the far end of the photograph.

I will be using a camera flash for most of the photographs that I take, this is so that I can bring out the colour of certain objects on the things that I am taking as I want very bright distinctive coloured objects that will stand out against darkish urban background.

This is the kind of thing I want with the dark background with bright flowers as the objects.

Date, time and location:

We will be going on November 19th and we will be there from 9.30 till 12.30.

The location is Salford quays.