

Conflict Management ManualFor

The Wilmington Hammerheads FC

What is Conflict?

The interaction of interdependent people who perceive incompatibility and the possible interference from others as a result of that incompatibility

In other words, conflict is a real or perceived disagreement that has the possibility of ending in argument

Conflict: Good or Bad?

Encourages new thinking

Raises questions

Builds relationships

Opens minds

Conflict: Good or Bad?

Higher anxietyUnhealthy competition

High employee turnoverLow morale

Increased worker complaintsAbsenteeism

Low productivitySabotage

Types of Communication

Defensive & Supportive Communication

Power & Conflict


How to Promote Articulated Dissent 

 Develop a culture of trust and respect

Strive to receive and use input wherever possible

Share in decision making  

Encourage risk taking

Engage in conversations about needed change

Promote independent thinking

Identity & Face

Culture & Conflict


Step 1 - Introduction

Explain what mediation is

Discuss ground rules (such as no interrupting)

Set a positive tone

Step 2 – Exploration

Ask all parties to tell their perspective of the conflict

Ask non-judgmental questions

Take notes on the underlying interests of both parties

Summarize interests

Reframe positional statements

Acknowledge feelings

Step 3 - Agenda Setting

Make a list of all underlying interests (maybe write them

out on a white board)

Have parties agree on the order of importance of issues

Find common interests

Step 4 – Problem Solving

Clarify all of the issues

Reframe if necessary

Brainstorm solutions• Are these ideas possible? (reality


Step 5 – Agreement

Write down the agreement that has been made

Read the agreement for all parties to validate

Obtain all external approvals if necessary

Have all parties sign the agreement

Steps of Mediation

Emotions & Conflict

Conflict Management

Types of Conflict Management

Dispute System Design

Case Study

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