5 things to remember when spray painting

Post on 20-Aug-2015






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5 Things To Remember When

Spray Painting

Tired of looking at your furniture that has the same

color since you were in diapers?

Or your car, walls, and knick knacks have accumulated some scratches and other glitches and now they are begging to be repainted?

Then spray painting is your new bestfriend!

If you want to give your furniture, car, house, tiny

paraphernalias or any surfaces especially those with many

sides a makeover, spray painting is a method which

covers wide space in a short period of time compared to

using brushes or rollers.

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But then, it is not as easy as it seem, wherever you are

applying the spray paint and whatever kind of spray paint you’re using there are some

important points that you have to remember before going down

to do the dirty work.

Safety FirstRemember that the fumes coming from the paint and your lungs don’t mix. Don’t forget to use protective mask that will prevent you from inhaling the fume, wear worn out clothes or if available, wear overalls while working and gloves just incase you get in contact with the paint. Also if possible, work in a well ventilated area or use an exhaust fan. Most paints are flammable, so make sure not to smoke when you’re at work.

Say No To MessIf you’re planning to spray paint something, you probably don’t want to leave evidences where you don’t want them to be. If you’re painting a small object or furniture like chair, old newspapers are fine for spills or drippings but for huge objects, vehicles or spaces it’s better to use plastic or cloth to serve as drop cloth.

Understand And Follow InstructionsDifferent brand of paint and tools for spray painting requires different method on how to use, apply, specific temperature, period of time needed for the paint to cure, etc. If you want a smooth and pleasant finish then it’s essential that you adhere to the given instructions.

Practice And ExperimentBefore targeting your prospect space to paint, it’s practical if you experiment with scrap materials first especially if it’s your first time to do it. To see whether it is your desired color, you’re doing the right stroke, or what technique to use for spraying the paint for you to achieve your desired outcome.

Prepare The Working AreaIn the working area, remove everything that may cause you to trip over or anything that may damage the spray paint or the tools that you need. Cover anything that may get accidentally sprayed. Get rid of anything that may jeopardize your work, the pray paint and the area. Get everything you need so that you wouldn’t have to go back and forth to the working area and wherever else that the things you need happens to be.

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