
5 Simple Wine Tips & Advice

If you've got a $60 bottle of damn fine Cabernet in your cellar, stop talking and start pouring!

Don’t be a cork tease!

When saving money for expensive wine, remember not to chintz on the glasses! Trust us, you won’t enjoy drinking that rare vintage from an old coffee mug....

Wine openers vary in price and expertise. If you want something basic that gets the job done, go with your handy screw opener. If you're looking for a step above to "wow" your friends, test out the Rabbit or the Oster electric wine opener with chiller. But if you're very serious and want just one glass at a time, try the uber fancy Coravin. Find whatever floats your boat!

For a collection of wine opener ideas, visit our Pinterest board:

Sweet wine are often mistaken for going well with sweet dessert. This isn't necessarily true. Try pairing a moderate to dry wine with a sweet dessert for the best effect. YUM!

Women who drink wine every day have better sex, according to an Italian study. So, how's YOUR wine cellar looking these days?

For additional simple (and sometimes outrageous!) wine tips like these, check out Underground Cellar, a new online wine marketplace.

At Underground Cellar you can interact directly with prestigious vintners, discover amazing wine and score free upgrades!

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