5 Reasons Why You’Re Losing Twitter Followers and What Should You Do?

Post on 11-Mar-2022



Social Media



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We all have been through that phase of our social media journey when we suddenly start to see a decline in our Twitter follower’s growth rate. It feels helpless when you continuously see your followers count go down when you were expecting it to increase and you sit and wonder what went wrong? In this document, you will get to know some of the reasons why you are losing Twitter followers and how to fix that?


5 Reasons Why You’re Losing Twitter Followers and What should You Do?
We all have been through that phase of our social media journey when
we suddenly start to see a decline in our Twitter follower’s growth rate. It
feels helpless when you continuously see your followers count go down
when you were expecting it to increase and you sit and wonder what
went wrong?
In this article, you will get to know some of the reasons why you are
losing Twitter followers and how to fix that?
Why You’re Losing Twitter Followers
Before we begin, let’s talk about unfollowers rate.
It is completely okay to lose a few followers on a daily basis, everyone
But you need to become serious when your unfollowers rate increase to a
point where now you are facing a rapid decrease in your followers.
Let’s Begin.
Your content has become repetitive
Your followers who are following you from the beginning will eventually get bored of your content if you do not make any process in it and will unfollow you.
What should You Do?
With time keep updating your content, the concept, the quality.
Do not stick to just one pattern it will make your old followers get bored
of it and not excited anymore that’s why they choose to unfollow after a
certain time.
If you will keep updating your content your followers will gain more
interest in your feed.
You have Fake Followers
If you have faced a sudden drop in your followers out of nowhere, the reason could be Twitter itself.
Why? Recently it was found that the famous social media
networking website “Twitter” has millions of fake followers.
That is why Twitter has started to vanish all those fake and inactive
accounts from its platform to gain its authenticity back.
Now if you are someone who has bought followers in the past then it will
be a huge issue for you because you are going to lose all of them and you
cannot do anything about it, and if you are someone who has never
bought any followers and still faced a huge drop in your followers count
then also it’s okay because everyone on Twitter has a little percentage of
fake/ inactive accounts and it is good to get rid of them for your
“engagement rate”.
What should You Do?
If you have ever bought followers in the past there’s nothing you can do
to save them.
If you have never bought any, still you will have a few percentages of
fake/ spam and inactive followers. It’s better to know about your
followers and get a detailed fake followers audit report.
FollowerAudit an AI-Based Twitter followers tracker tool will audit your or
any other public Twitter account for fake followers as well as inactive
followers providing a detailed audit report.
You are not posting enough
You haven’t posted on your feed for a long time now.
When you become inactive certain followers will forget about you and
will unfollow you after some time. People follow you to see your content
regularly becoming inactive will be a very bad choice.
What should You Do?
Stay consistent with your content.
Create content in advance for a week or more days than that (only if you
can) and plan your feed with a help of feed planner tools to keep your
content well planned and sorted. This will help you to stay consistent.
You post too much about politics Not everyone likes to talk about politics, not everyone has the same views on politics.
People who are not interested in it or do not agree with your point of
view will unfollow you immediately.
What should You Do?
You get a follow for your content and not for your political choices (in
most cases). It’s better to focus on your content and keep personal and
professional life different.
You do not have the “RIGHT FOLLOWER” Your content has a category (niche) and if some of your followers are not interested in it, they are going to hit the unfollow button immediately.
What should You Do?
It’s good to lose such followers who are not interested in your content
because they will not interact with it leading to a drop in your
engagement rate and reach. You shouldn’t feel bad about it.
Keep a track of your Twitter Unfollowers
Now that we have understood a few reasons why you are facing a sudden
drop in followers and what should you do about it.
Let’s move forward to how to keep track of unfollowers.
It is important to have the knowledge on which days and months you
have lost or gained more followers to modify your content according to
As mentioned above, FollowerAudit, a Twitter followers tracker tool will
also help you track your unfollowers and identify who unfollowed you and when
You will also get other amazing features like detailed followers analytics, tracking followers growth, etc.
We hope to see you soon again with another topic.
Why You’re Losing Twitter Followers
Your content has become repetitive
What should You Do?
You have Fake Followers
What should You Do?
What should You Do?
What should You Do?
What should You Do?

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