5 magazine front covers

Post on 20-Feb-2017






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The main cover line, “KANYE WEST” is bright pink, which is as eye catching as the blue. The fact that this cover line (and all the cover lines) are in capital letters creates an effect to the audience that the information the magazine contains is very important. Having “KANYE WEST” as the largest cover line creates the impression that he is the “pull” of the magazine, he attracting customers to want to read the magazine. Having the main image of him also is an advantage. Kanye West has been purposely placed on the front cover as well as his name being the biggest cover line on the front cover to try and attract more customers as he is a very famous artist. Under his name lies a quote from him “I am rap”, this would attract readers as it creates the impression that he is “best in the business” and that he is a very important man. On the other hand, people who do not like him as an artist or do not like him may find his quote wrong and very arrogant, turning them away from the magazine as he seems to be “too big for his own boots”.

The masthead is a bright vibrant blue, the same colour as the males jacket on the front page, this link of colour creates a relation to the importance of both the image and name of magazine. Catching an audiences attention to what the magazine Is called so that you remember it and equally by catching your attention due to the image of a rap artist. Even though the use of blue is bigger on the masthead the use of the colour on the image, the image itself is striking enough so attention is balanced between the masthead and image.

The sky line reveals a secret about the notorious film. Placing this information at the top emphases the importance of the information. The use both blue and pink also creates a striking attraction and importance and blue and pink is used to attract your attention around the whole of the front of the magazine.

A bright vibrant blue and pink colour scheme has been used. These colours work very well together and also create a multi-gender approach. Having both blue and pink creates the effect that this magazine is aimed at both males and females.

The cover line “50 greatest songs” is equally as eye catching at the cover line “Kanye West”. I think this is a great cover line, as the magazine is based upon music, music lovers will be the people who will be reading the magazine and if you like listening to music you will be drawn to this magazine as you will want to know what those 50 songs are and whether you know them or not. Due to the fact that there are 50 would also interest a reader as it a large amount of songs, creating the effect that the content of this magazine is detailed and specific.

Mode of address: the front cover creates the impression that this issue is more so based upon “Rap” music due to the fact that Kayne West is the main image and he is a rap artist, that the main cover article is about him indicating again that it is based around rap music and also the fact that it states a quote from him stating “I am rap” which clearly sets out to a reader that there is a lot of content based upon this genre of music. Although the other cover lines create the impression that other genres of music are within this magazine; “Britney Spears”-another famous artist but of hip hop. The colour scheme also suggests a multi-gender approach, using both blue and pink creates the effect that both girls and boys should interested in the magazine; this creates a larger non-specific target audience.

The main image is very eye catching as he contrasts to the background, and due to his dark completion stands above any of the bright cover lines or the master head. This creates a large importance for the man. His facial expression creates a very mellow yet very serious image. His straight faced expression may turn away customers as he can come across as moody and also turn them away because he looks like he thinks hes “all that” and tough. Others will argue that he is a very famous man so its alright for him to do that and that this glare is merrily showing an audience that nobody should “mess” with him.

Even though the colours are not bright and cheery it is still eye catching and more importantly related to the target audience specifically with a “dark and scary stereotypical metal scheme.

The masthead indicates to a reader what genre of music the magazine is based on.;“Metal Hammer” involves “Metal music. The masthead is large and catches your attention although it is the same dark colour scheme as the main image so it kind of blends into it. On the other hand a relation between the image and masthead is created which creates a balanced view and the effect that they are equally important.

Buzz words are used in this magazine to try and attract an audience to the magazine in the hope that they will continue to read and also to show the reader that they are getting extra content with this issue making it better and more valuable. Stating that a “ Free CD” is included will attract a reader and possibly persuade the reader to buy it because it seems like a good deal. Free posters are included which again will attract more customers to buy the magazine and a third buzz word is used stating that you can “Win!” something addition, again this creates the effect that the magazine is trying to lure people into taking an interest in the magazine by offering a variety of different “free” things. The fact that two of the buzz words are within the skyline creates an importance to them as they are placed at the top of the magazine. Red is the only major colour on the front of the magazine whereby the main cover line is red and is the largest of all the writing on the page, and shoots of the page catching the readers attention. Due to the fact that the buzz word “Free” is used twice in the skyline and is in red creates a relation between the main cover line and the free CD and posters. The cover line is obviously the main pull for the magazine yet the free things are also being used to try and attract more customers, hence the use of the colour red. The use of red is also used for the third buzz word “Win” again linking to the cover line and its importance to the magazine. Layout: A disadvantage of this magazine front cover is that they haven't taken

advantage of the whole page and advertised other main sections in their magazine attracting customers on a wider scale. On the other hand, having just the one cover line can be seen as an advantage as well, due to the fact that this magazine is specifically aimed at metal hammer fans, slipknot is an obvious favourite and would attract a large majority of metal hammer fans. Also because this magazine is aimed at a specific genre a lot of their customers are loyal customers and would automatically buy the magazine anyway.

Mode of address: the masthead creates the effect that this magazine is specifically aimed at metal loves due to the fact that it is called “Metal Hammer”. The fact that Slipknot is the main cover line again creates the effect that this magazine is aimed at metal fans due to the fact that it is a metal band (although only people would know this if they knew the band). The main image creates a scary image, but again fits into the “metal” stereotypical image.

The main cover line is the largest piece of writing on the page and is also in bright red, one of the most colourful things of the page. Due to the size and colour it attracts your attention quickly especially on the dark schemed background. The fact that it is at a slant creates a “rock star metal” approach. It s unbalanced and makes it look more scary, which stereotypically links to the genre. Again due to the size and colour it creates the effect that this cover line is supposed to be the pull of the magazine and is the thing that is supposed to really draw you into it.; which it does.

The main image is of a “dark and scary” image, relating to slipknot and the magazine as a whole. It is very unattractive and un-colourful yet it works for the genre of the magazine, therefore it will attract metal hammer fan and not a mainstream wide variety audience. This can be seen as a negative as it will not attract a large variety of people but also a positive as it is aiming as one particular set of people, therefore for the magazine will be more specific for that audience, meeting more of their needs, creating more loyal customers.

The fact that it states that this issue is “special preview issue” creates the effect that it is “special”, which gives the magazine more value; making an audience more interested in the magazine. “Special” is in big red capital letters, that immediately catch your attention. Both the masthead and the word “special” are red and are of a similar size, creating the effect that they are important.

At the top of the magazine, Reading and Leeds festival is advertised. By advertising that information of these festivals is within the magazine creates is a huge pull due to the fact that a large majority of NME readers go to gigs and festivals, therefore this is will interest a reader and will encourage them to purchase the magazine. The fact that these festivals as a whole are well known and very popular is also a huge pull as if people are aware and like the festivals it is more likely they will take more interest into the magazine.

The main cover line, is yellow and is of the biggest font size than anything else on the page. Even though it is the boldest and stands out the most, the page is balanced with the cover line below, masthead above, the main image and also advertisement of the festivals. The size of the main cover line emphases the importance of the band the Arctic Monkeys and the fact that the cover line and main image of them takes up basically the whole of the magazine, indicating that these people are the main pull of the magazine. One disadvantage is that not many cover lines have been used around the page; therefore they haven't used the space to their advantage drawing in more customers who may take an interest to other things within the magazine, yet on the other hand, just having the Arctic Monkeys take up most of the page, looks very attractive and also to some is a big pull.

The band that form the main image are placed in different positions . I think this makes the magazine more interesting than having them stand in a straight line, it makes them look more individual. The main image is a typical mid-shot , showing the reader enough of the people to see them in detail; as if you were talking to them in person, making the magazine seem more personal. The members of the bands facial expressions are very laid back and straight that could be seen as them just being “chilled” or on the other hand, as if they are too straight faced and boring.

The main colour scheme is red and yellow. These two colours work well together and are frequent colours used by this magazine; therefore it is easily recognisable to a reader and are colours a reader can relate instantly to this magazine. Frequently using these colours would also mean that to loyal customers it would be easier to pick out the magazine in a store. I like the idea that they have used this colour scheme also, as it matches with the “Reading and Leeds Festival” logos. It makes the magazine look more attractive and it also balances out the importance of everything on the front cover, making a reader to observe/take an interest in the whole page.

Mode of address-It is not obvious who this magazine is directly aimed at as a neutral approach has been taken, indicating that both genders would be interested within the magazine. Due to the fact that a specific audience hasn't been targeted many people may be turned away as it is not specific enough for them, making it hard for them to relate and take interest as maybe only one section may apply to them.

A typical red colour scheme has been used; which to loyal customers would be easily recognisable as after researching a variety of NME front covers I have seen that red and yellow are frequently used colours for NME. I like the fact that the colour scheme is not only used for the text it is also used in the imagery with the clothing; this creates a connection between everything on the page and balances out the importance of everything on it. This creates the reader to look not only in one place but at the whole. The masthead is also in red continuing this frequent use of the recognisable “NME” colour.

The fact that the masthead is one of the biggest pieces of writing on the page, creates a large importance of it. It creates the effect that the producers of the magazine want the name of the magazine to stand out and to be known and recognised easily. I have noticed that the masthead is always in the same position; this again creates a reorganisation with the magazine, making it easy for a loyal customer to locate the magazine.

The main cover line “Vampire Weekend” is reasonably big yet it doesn't stand out as much as other magazines main cover lines do. In a way I think it is an advantage as everything is balanced and comes across as equal; drawing your attention not to just one spot but the whole magazine. Yet on the other hand, I think it is a disadvantage as it doesn’t bring enough attention to the magazine as it doesn't stand out enough.

The other cover line varies in size yet it still reasonably big. It informs a reader that the magazine includes “25 bands” that are making America cool again. For one, due to the fact that this is a music magazine, giving their audience information on “top” bands would interest them. Using the word “top” creates the effect that these bands are very good, again drawing an audience into the magazine and influencing them to purchase it. The fact that above it says in a circular bubble that they love USA may turn many readers off, as they may prefer to listen to English bands.

The main image uses a blue and red colour scheme that is used throughout the magazine. This creates a balanced importance of the contents of the magazine. The fact that one of the singers that is within the band “Vampire Weekend” is tilting his sunglasses and almost looking directly at the reader creates a connection with the audience. It makes a reader feel more involved in the magazine and part of something, it also lures a reader more so into wanting to purchase the magazine.

A buzz word is used to try and lure readers in. By offering things for “free” immediately attracts the target audience and influences them to buy it because they think that they are getting something from the magazine as they are able to win VIP camping. NME frequently offer information on gigs and festivals therefore offering the chance to win VIP camping for a festival would be great for loyal customers.

The positioning of the main image has been done in a very interesting way. Its taken from a high angle giving the audience the power, making them more in control. By giving the audience the power it could potentially make them want to buy the magazine more so as they feel like they have power.

A red and yellow colour scheme has been used, which is stereotypical for NME. This gives NME’s loyal customers something that they can recognise with them.

The cover line that states about “My Chemical Romance” new album review would interest a lot of readers as it would give them information on the album, helping a reader cast an idea on whether they would like the album and would want to buy the magazine. There is another cover line that talks about “New music” that is involved in this issue. Obviously if you are interested in music(and NME covers a lot of genres) advertising new music is a good idea, as many people would take an interest in the new sounds and people who may become popular. A lot of cover lines have been used on this front cover, attracting many different people to the magazine for different reasons. They have used their space well and advertised the magazine on a high level.

The masthead is a typical NME red, showing constancy in the colour scheme. It is bold and in a large font attracting the readers eye creating the effect that it is there to be noticed and recognised.

The main cover line “The Automatic” which is the name of the band and are the people in the main image; this creates a great importance of the band in relation to the magazine as they appear in the main image and the main cover line is the biggest and most eye catching piece of writing. Obviously, this band is the pull of the magazine and they have used them as the main image and given the main cover line to them as they are the attraction for customers to purchase the magazine. The fact that the cover line is at a slant creates a edginess to the band, creating a unique sense which then creates the impression that the magazine is unique which would attract a lot of customers as people like “difference”.

There is a quote from the band “The Automatic” relating to big brother. In general using this particular quote is an advantage and would attract many readers as big brother is a well known programme. Due to the fact that you are aware of the programme but you are unaware of what the band are actually talking about; lures the readers in as you would want to know what to talk about.

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