5. get happy customers, no satisfied customers

Post on 16-Jul-2015






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Get happy customers, not satisfied customersCheck it out these tips to implement a consumer-happiness survey culture.

Achieving satisfaction should not be a standard when you are looking to improve your product. The key is making your customers happy, if they are, they will share their experience with other people, who might become your next customers. It’s in this way your business can grow organically, get brand awareness, and increase your sales.

Usually, people say that a bad experience is more transcendent than a good one. According to Zendesk, the platform that helps you manage your customer services, 95% of customers are more likely to share bad experiences, versus 85% of those who had good ones.

Your customers will fall in love with your brand, if you give them the best moments when interacting with your brand or product.

Here there are some aspects that you should bear in mind to make your customers happy:


There is a huge difference between a satisfied customer and a happy customer. If your customers are satisfied with your product, they will think that the product “Is just ok, not that good, not that bad”. In the process, they will find a better product or a substitute very easily, because they don’t have feelings for you.

On the other hand, when a customer is happy (and not just satisfied), you are probably doing something good. That’s the first signal that you’re building a relationship with them.


Many companies use surveys with the purpose of getting information that allows them to grade their customers’ satisfaction. However, surveys are more than just assigning a value to your customer satisfaction scale.

Surely, you have received some sort of a customer satisfaction survey from any business. In most cases, the question structure is not posed properly. That means the survey has a rigid structure with closed questions and answers. These are not compatible with your opinion because you don’t have an opportunity to express yourself.

As a user, this experience is very frustrating because you want to give feedback (good or bad), but you can’t do it because the survey is poorly designed.

We advise to make a balanced survey, you should include different types of questions (multiple choice, likert scale, net promoter score, open text questions, and more). You can use these types of questions to measure different variables.

Also we recommend to use open ended questions to get the perfect ideas to make your customers happy. Why? Easy, because this is a way that you can know the real opinion of your customers in their own words. With this type of question, you can ask feedback, and responses will help you in multiple ways.


Once the first survey results come in, you must act immediately to impact your ROI. It is incredible that the first thing that companies do when they receive customer information is save it! This is a serious mistake.

A business who listens to their customers can take actions to implement great strategies and create customer loyalty to increase its sales.

The next step would be analyze the information and implement actions to correct mistakes. Review the worst rated aspects and present strategies to improve those points. Look at your customers’ suggestions and you’ll find some incredible solutions.

To start getting feedback from your customers, follow these five steps to create your first customer-happiness survey for your business:

1. Involve all the areas of your organization to identify and define the aspects that you want to measure. The best way to do it is with questions like: What is the most important thing that my customer needs from my product?

2. Make a draft with at least 5 different aspects that you want to cover. Validate these assumptions by asking your most frequent customers or users. You’ll recognize them because they use your product or service a lot.

3. If a few of your customers validate your ideas, start designing your surveys with no more than 15 questions using multiple types of questions. Don’t forget to include an open-text question.

4. Ask your customers. The best idea is to use a survey solution to cover multiple channels. By email, social media or asking directly to your customers face-to-face are great ideas to start.

5. You’re getting your first results, congratulations! Now start evaluating them to see if you can validate your core assumptions. If you can’t do it, you probably need to redefine the things that you want to cover or ask in a different way. Go back to number 2, and start again.

If you have more doubts about creating your first survey, check it out Survmetrics blog, that will help you start building your first survey.

Read the full blog post by clicking here

At Survmetrics, we provide both sides — great features to customize your surveys and better designs to get better results. Try it now and get your survey responses for free.



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