4000 Essential English Words 3 Keys

Post on 29-May-2018






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  • 8/9/2019 4000 Essential English Words 3 Keys


    4000 Essential English Words 3 Answer Key

    Unit 1

    Exercise 1Part A1. d2. b3. b4. b5. d

    Part B1. a2. d3. d

    4. b5. d

    Exercise 21. b2. c3. c4. d5. b6. b7. d8. c9. a10. c

    Reading ComprehensionPart A1. F / Marcus occupies a house withhis family.2. T

    3. F / A problem arises for Marcusbecause the blacksmith didn't payhim.4. T5. F / Marcus wasn't compensatedfor his work.6. T

    Part B1. d2. c

    3. c4. b


  • 8/9/2019 4000 Essential English Words 3 Keys


    4000 Essential English Words 3 Answer Key

    Unit 2Exercise 1Part A1. c2. a3. d4. b5. b

    Part B1. c2. b3. a4. b

    5. d

    Exercise 21. b, d2. a, b3. b, d4. b, d5. a, c

    Exercise 3

    1. newcomers/fake2. acquire/lodge3. repay/neglected4. discouraged/offenses5. shepherd/venturing6. deceive/ridiculous7. hut/wheat8. caretaker/awkward9. overlook/ inferior10. hatred/satisfactory

    Reading ComprehensionPart A1. T2. F / The shepherd couldn't takethe sheep outside because it wastoo cold.3. F / The shepherd gave the wildsheep more wheat than his own.4. T5. T6. F / The shepherd realized that he

    was wrong.

    Part B1. c

    2. a3. d4. d


  • 8/9/2019 4000 Essential English Words 3 Keys


    4000 Essential English Words 3 Answer Key

    Unit 3Exercise 1Part A1. b2. c3. b4. a5. a

    Part B1. a2. c3. b4. a

    5. d6. a7. b8. d9. b10. c

    Exercise 21. ax/pine2. tease/offend3. loose/overnight4. chore/grateful5. alley/sled6. elbow/scar7. bunch/persist8. kids/irritate9. decent/valentine10. disgrace/sensation

    Reading ComprehensionPart A

    1. T2. F / Mike found a bunch of woodboards.3. F / Joe was not a decent personat the beginning of the story.4. T5. F / Mike used to put together theloose pieces.6. T

    Part B1. c

    2. a3. d4. b


  • 8/9/2019 4000 Essential English Words 3 Keys


    4000 Essential English Words 3 Answer Key

    Unit 4Exercise 1Part A1. c2. a3. d4. c5. b

    Part B1. b2. c3. a4. c

    5. c6. c7. a8. b9. a10. a

    Exercise 21. distant/compact2. eclipse/pulse3. mankind/grace4. spice/desserts5. bloom/decay6. whistled/refresh7. wool/curls8. leisure/fairy9. dipped/sneezing10. passion/pillow

    Reading ComprehensionPart A

    1. T2. F / Tina wore a dress made ofwool.3. T4. F / Tina had a passion forflowers.5. T6. F / Wilma gave Tina some cakefor dessert.

    Part B1. d

    2. c3. a4. d


  • 8/9/2019 4000 Essential English Words 3 Keys


    4000 Essential English Words 3 Answer Key

    Unit 5

    Exercise 1

    1. cursed/scared2. cemetery/skeletons3. fancy/hood4. flashlight/ riddles5. disguise/wicked6. nourish/rotted7. starving/spoiled8. inhabitant/shortly9. publication/thrill10. acquainted/pirates

    Exercise 21. d2. a3. b4. c5. d

    Exercise 31. shortly2. acquaint

    3. riddles4. publication5. inhabitant6. scared7. fancy8. flashlight9. curse10. hood

    Reading ComprehensionPart A1. F / People from places likeIreland, China, Egypt, and Mexicobelieved souls needed food.2. F / Many cultures believed thatsouls needed food for their journeyto heaven.

    3. F / Housewives gave children foodif they sang or danced.

    4. T

    5. T

    6. F / Inhabitants from villagesstarted trick-or-treating in the early1900s.

    Part B1. b2. c3. c4. a


  • 8/9/2019 4000 Essential English Words 3 Keys


    4000 Essential English Words 3 Answer Key

    Unit 6

    Exercise 11. senator, districts2. tapped, skull3. worm, underneath4. consoled, broadcast5. tremendous, executed6. bulletin, endure7. grasp, stir8. alerted, rear9. drawer, chop10. closet, bump

    Exercise 21. consoled2. broadcast3. closet4. underneath5. senator6. tremendous7. bump8. district9. executed10. chopped

    Exercise 31. b2. a3. c4. a5. d

    Reading ComprehensionPart A

    1. T2. T3. T4. F The cook found a pipe in thecloset.5. F The cook knew he was goingto hit the worm hard.6. F The worm slid off the senator'shead.

    Part B

    1. a2. d3. c4. c


  • 8/9/2019 4000 Essential English Words 3 Keys


    4000 Essential English Words 3 Answer Key

    Unit 7

    Exercise 1Part A1. b2. c3. d4. a5. b

    Part B1. b2. b3. c

    4. d5. a6. a7. d8. c9.a10. c

    Exercise 21. c2. a3. d4. c5. a6. c7. a8. d9. b10. d

    Reading Comprehension

    Part A1. T2. F / Her owners did not want herbecause she could not hear. Sothey abandoned her.3. T4. T5. F / A new law made all dogswear a collar and get shots.6. F / She couldnt bark.

    Part B

    1. a2. b3. d4. c


  • 8/9/2019 4000 Essential English Words 3 Keys


    4000 Essential English Words 3 Answer Key

    Unit 8

    Exercise 11. anniversary, elegant2. arithmetic, upwards3. ashamed, couch4. burst, dripped5. carpenter, sew6. highlands, coal7. needle, ivory8. mill, threads9. polish, fabric10. shed, trim

    Exercise 21. arithmetic2. thread3. trim4. fabric5. upwards6. shed7. highlands8. mill9. sew10. polished

    Exercise 31. d2. b3. a4. d5. b

    Reading ComprehensionPart A

    1. F / Joe and Stella were poor, butnot ashamed.2. T3. F / They used coal to heat theirhome.4. F / Together, they trimmed thebushes outside to look nice.5. T6. T

    Part B

    1. d2. d3. a4. a


  • 8/9/2019 4000 Essential English Words 3 Keys


    4000 Essential English Words 3 Answer Key

    Unit 9

    Exercise 1Part A1. b2. c3. a4. d5. b

    Part B1. d2. c3. c

    4. c5. d6. a7. a8. d9. b10. b

    Exercise 21. boasting2. bully3. carbohydrate4. defeated5. stinging6. dial7. nod8. rival9. ailed10. torture

    Reading Comprehension

    Part A1. T2. F / Dalton was a nice boy, butsometimes the other boys madefun of him because he was so talland skinny.3. F / Dalton pretended that a beestung him so he wouldnt have toplay.4. F / Daltons biggest problem wasMitch.5. F / Mitch was dominant in every

    event.6. T

    Part B

    1. d2. b3. a4.c


  • 8/9/2019 4000 Essential English Words 3 Keys


    4000 Essential English Words 3 Answer Key

    Unit 10

    Exercise 11. a2. d3. b4. d5. c

    Exercise 21. b2. d3. a4. b

    5. d6. b7. b8. d9. c10. a

    Exercise 31. aloud, nowhere2. infant, wrinkles

    3. divorced, absence4. reproduce, urgent5. sucked, patted6. bald, rhymes7. vanished, crept8. wagon, kidnap9. relief, nap10. blanket, imitating

    Reading ComprehensionPart A

    1. T2. F / Grace was bald and had nowrinkles.3. T4. T5. F / When Anna came back fromher room, she found that Gracehad vanished.6. F / Anna called aloud for Graceto find her.

    Part B1. c2. a3. c

    4. c


  • 8/9/2019 4000 Essential English Words 3 Keys


    4000 Essential English Words 3 Answer Key

    Unit 11

    Exercise 1Part A1. c2. b3. a4. c5. d

    Part B1. d2. a3. a

    4. b5. b

    Exercise 21. c2. a3. b4. d5. a

    Exercise 31. ecosystem, pond2. recited, dialect3. abnormal, dwarf4. manuscript, impatient5. proverbs, patience6. pursuit, marsh7. blossom, perfume8. dishonest, fatal9. leaves, bamboo10. wilderness, compass

    Reading ComprehensionPart A1. T2. F / When people entered theMagic Marsh, they never came out.3. F / Peter drank some water andfell asleep.4. T5. F / Peter didnt know the dwarfwas dishonest.

    6. T

    Part B1. a

    2. c3. b4. b


  • 8/9/2019 4000 Essential English Words 3 Keys


    4000 Essential English Words 3 Answer Key

    Unit 12

    Exercise 1Part A

    1. b2. b3. c4. d5. a6. a7. d8. c9. b10. d

    Part B1. d2. a3. c4. b5. c

    Exercise 21. beam2. triumph

    3. caution4. exploded5. rag6. swift7. casual8. scent9. scatter10. puff

    Reading Comprehension

    Part A1. T2. T3. F / You have to fasten the beam.4. F / Sam washed the germs offhis hands.5. T6. T

    Part B1. c

    2. b

    3. d4. a


  • 8/9/2019 4000 Essential English Words 3 Keys


    4000 Essential English Words 3 Answer Key

    Unit 13

    Exercise 1

    1. voyage / vessel2. port / aboard3. sweat / sheriff4. millionaire / fountain5. harbor / worship6. inhabit / enforce7. trigger / bullets8. unify / march9. startle / devil10. bitter / drift

    Exercise 21. voyage2. aboard3. trigger4. sheriff5. fountain6. startle7. unify8. harbor9. inhabit

    10. devil

    Exercise 31. c2. a3. b4. b5. c

    Reading ComprehensionPart A1. T2. F / Dan pulled the trigger on hisgun and shot bullets in the air toscare people in the town.3. T4. T5. F / Dan was sent on a voyage tothe middle of the ocean.6. F / Every person who inhabitedOcean-town disliked Dan.

    Part B1. b2. c3. d

    4. c


  • 8/9/2019 4000 Essential English Words 3 Keys


    4000 Essential English Words 3 Answer Key

    Unit 14

    Exercise 1

    1. a2. c3. b4. d5. a

    Exercise 21. luxury2. crown3. chef4. bleed

    5. horrible6. impolite7. kneel8. massive9. bond10. fiber

    Exercise 31. b2. d

    3. a4. a5. d6. d7. a8. c9. a10. d

    Reading ComprehensionPart A

    1. T2. F / The chef was a horribleperson that everyone hated.3. T4. T5. F / The chef was very impoliteand always scolded his workers.6. T

    Part B

    1. c

    2. d3. b4. c


  • 8/9/2019 4000 Essential English Words 3 Keys


    4000 Essential English Words 3 Answer Key

    Unit 15

    Exercise 1

    1. b, c2. a. c3. a, b4. c, d5. c, d

    Exercise 21. diameter2. theft3. scheme4. bless

    5. famine6. exploited7. slim8. routine9. Pardon10. pharaohs

    Exercise 31. ripe, roasted2. Pardon, theft

    3. famine, pharaoh4. stove, cereal5. harvest, slim6. nut, diameter7. affair, merry8. routine, bless9. exploit, assembly10. cheerful, scheme

    Reading ComprehensionPart A

    1. F / The pharaohs party was agreat affair.2. T3. T4. F / Monkey repeated the routinefor four days.5. T6. F/ Monkey asked the pharaoh,Pardon?

    Part B

    1. b2. b3. a4. c


  • 8/9/2019 4000 Essential English Words 3 Keys


    4000 Essential English Words 3 Answer Key

    Unit 16

    Exercise 1

    1. b2. a3. b4. b5. a

    Exercise 21. a2. b3. a4. a

    5. b

    Exercise 31. adolescents2. sorrow3. journalism4. swell5. hindered6. punishment7. slices

    8. straws9. liberty10. tidy

    Reading ComprehensionPart A1. T2. F / The boy leaning against the

    pole complimented Matthewsjacket.3. T4. T5. F / Matthew wants to work injournalism when he grows up.6. T

    Part B1. c

    2. c

    3. b4. c


  • 8/9/2019 4000 Essential English Words 3 Keys


    4000 Essential English Words 3 Answer Key

    Unit 17

    Exercise 1

    1. b2. d3. d4. b5. a

    Exercise 21. miserable2. agency3. shallow4. confine

    5. ash6. navigate7. originated8. affection9. vibrating10. sympathy

    Exercise 31. superstition / originated2. agency / dismissed

    3. slope / lava4. fate / vibrated5. confine / sympathy6. ash / erupted7. miserable / retrieve8. affection / wander9. remainder / shallow10. navigate / spanned

    Reading ComprehensionPart A

    1. F / The trip to find the magic cupwas very difficult.2. T3. T4. F / A superstition said thatanyone who retrieved the magiccup would get their greatest wish.5. T6. T

    Part B

    1. d2. d3. b4. d


  • 8/9/2019 4000 Essential English Words 3 Keys


    4000 Essential English Words 3 Answer Key

    Unit 18

    Exercise 1

    1. a, d2. a, b3. c, d4. b, c5. a, c

    Exercise 2Part A1. c2. a3. d

    4. b5. c

    Part B1. a2. c3. a4. d5. b

    Exercise 31. yield2. spear3. thunder4. retreated5. troops6. armor7. steep8. independence

    9. invasion10. boom

    Reading ComprehensionPart A1. T2. T3. F / The knight wore armor, andthe warriors used spears.4. T

    5. T

    6. F / The flames scared theenemy.

    Part B

    1. a2. b3. b4. c


  • 8/9/2019 4000 Essential English Words 3 Keys


    4000 Essential English Words 3 Answer Key

    Unit 19

    Exercise 1

    Part A1. b2. d3. a4. c5. a

    Part B1. b2. a3. c

    4. a5. d

    Exercise 21. b2. c3. b4. d5. b

    Exercise 31. daisy, mist2. dispute, confronted3. bench, sighed4. horror, incident5. pregnant, spare6. revenge, plotted7. stems, rage8. supper, tender9. orphan, sneak10. objects, shame

    Reading ComprehensionPart A1. T2. T3. F / The girl plotted to getrevenge against the farmer.4. F / The girl sighed because thefarmer wouldnt give her a pear.5. T

    6. F / The orphan hadnt eaten

    supper for days.

    Part B1. a

    2. a3. c4. a


  • 8/9/2019 4000 Essential English Words 3 Keys


    4000 Essential English Words 3 Answer Key

    Unit 20

    Exercise 1

    1. a2. b3. d4. a5. c

    Exercise 21. magnificent2. necessity3. supreme4. outcome

    5. evident6. dissatisfied7. seize8. dawn9. pile10. cub

    Exercise 31. c2. b

    3. a4. b5. d6. a7. a8. d9. b10. a

    Reading ComprehensionPart A

    1. T2. F / Mother Wolf knew how toseize prey.3. T4. F / Mother Wolf made a denbeneath the tree.5. T6. T

    Part B

    1. b

    2. c3. d4. d


  • 8/9/2019 4000 Essential English Words 3 Keys


    4000 Essential English Words 3 Answer Key

    Unit 21

    Exercise 1

    1. b2. a3. d4. d5. d

    Exercise 21. dim2. accustomed3. leak4. stiff

    5. clan6. astonished7. feast8. glowing9. tragic10. instincts

    Exercise 11. fable, astonished2. banged, instincts

    3. feast, accustomed4. physician, joint5. emphasis, affirm6. hollow, stiff7. clan, tunes8. dim, stroked9. tragic, sacrifices10. leak, glowing

    Reading ComprehensionPart A

    1. T2. T3. F / The old mans joints werestiff from sitting under a tree for along time.4. F / The old mans instincts toldhim there was something in theforest.5. T6. T

    Part B1. d2. b3. c

    4. b


  • 8/9/2019 4000 Essential English Words 3 Keys


    4000 Essential English Words 3 Answer Key

    Unit 22

    Exercise 1

    Part A1. a2. b3. d4. b5. b

    Part B1. b2. d3. a

    4. b5. a

    Exercise 21. inquired, dose2. peered, pose3. portrait, commissioned4. coincided, accommodate5. circus, dyed6. extent, headline

    7. messenger, stripe8. ranch, informal9. gender, steering10. tempted, tame

    Reading ComprehensionPart A1. T2. F / Ben wasnt tempted bymoney when he had his own

    circus.3. T4. T5. F / Ben learned about the circusfrom a messenger with newspaperheadlines.6. F / An artist could becommissioned to paint informalportraits of people posing in frontof a funny picture.

    Part B1. c2. a3. d

    4. d


  • 8/9/2019 4000 Essential English Words 3 Keys


    4000 Essential English Words 3 Answer Key

    Unit 23

    Exercise 1

    1. a2. c3. d4. b5. b6. c7. c8. a9. b10. a

    Exercise 21. Aborigine, cottage2. outlaw, prospects3. wizard, shaved4. cautious, gamble5. ban, daytime6. lawn, faded7. desperate, purse8. mow, fierce9. terrified, confess

    10. seldom, rod

    Reading ComprehensionPart A1. T2. F / Hans went to the old manscottage because he liked the

    prospect of food and warmth.3. F / The old man in the cottagewas a wizard.4. F / When daylight faded, Hansreturned to the cottage.5. T6. T

    Part B1. a2. a

    3. b4. d


  • 8/9/2019 4000 Essential English Words 3 Keys


    4000 Essential English Words 3 Answer Key

    Unit 24

    Exercise 1

    Part A1. b2. a3. d4. c5. d

    Part B1. b2. d3. b

    4. a5. c

    Exercise 21. symphony, initiated2. graze, cattle3. nerve, optimist4. lane, paved5. herd, bundle6. widow, greed

    7. parade, posters8. portable, bulb9. phantom, fled10. baggage, scratched

    Reading ComprehensionPart A1. F / Larry was a cow, Harry was arooster and Lester was a duck onthe widow Rileys farm.

    2. T3. T4. F / The only things the animalstook with them were a portablemicrophone, a flute and a drum.5. F / Lester was an optimist.6. F / Harry knocked over the lampto break the bulb.

    Part B1. b

    2. c3. b4. a


  • 8/9/2019 4000 Essential English Words 3 Keys


    4000 Essential English Words 3 Answer Key

    Unit 25

    Exercise 1Part A1. a2. a3. d4. c5. b

    Part B1. c2. b3. b

    4. a5. d

    Exercise 21. a, d2. b, c3. a, d4. a, b5. b, d

    Exercise 31. fraction2. dynasty3. ray4. illusion5. via6. circulated7. resigned8. frost9. trembled10. lieutenant

    Reading ComprehensionPart A1. F / The suns rays dont shine onGreenland for three months.2. F / He wanted to start a dynastyin his name in Greenland.3. F / Erik the Reds consequentpunishment for killing his neighborwas to leave Iceland.4. T

    5. T6. F / Erik gave it the nameGreenland because he wantedmany people to settle there.

    Part B1. c2. b3. b4. b


  • 8/9/2019 4000 Essential English Words 3 Keys


    4000 Essential English Words 3 Answer Key

    Unit 26

    Exercise 1

    1. a, d2. b, c3. a, d4. a, c5. b, c

    Exercise 21. disgusting2. collapsed3. wiped4. curved

    5. embraced6. autumn7. wire8. altered9. drain10. receipt

    Exercise 31. collapsed, altered2. ginger, blend

    3. autumn, envied4. aside, wires5. crushed, receipt6. fireworks, fuse7. paste, wiped8. curved, embraced9. jealous, disgusting10. flour, drain

    Reading ComprehensionPart A

    1. F / The brothers blended flourand ginger together when trying tomake cookies.2. T3. F / The model rocket workedafter the wires were moved.4. F / The mailbox collapsedbecause the rocket curved into it.5. T6. T

    Part B1. a2. b3. d

    4. d


  • 8/9/2019 4000 Essential English Words 3 Keys


    4000 Essential English Words 3 Answer Key

    Unit 27

    Exercise 1

    Part A1. a2. a3. b4. b5. a

    Part B1. a2. a3. d

    4. a5. c

    Exercise 21. Meanwhile2. ambassador3. necklace4. acknowledge5. insult6. conquered

    7. precious8. stack9. rumors10. prejudice

    Reading ComprehensionPart A1. T2. F / The Spanish had blonde hair.3. T

    4. T5. F / Atahualpa thought thatPizarro had insulted him.6. F / Pizarro did not agree thatAtahualpa was both a go and aking.

    Part B1. a2. a3. b

    4. b


  • 8/9/2019 4000 Essential English Words 3 Keys


    4000 Essential English Words 3 Answer Key

    Unit 28

    Exercise 1

    Part A1. a2. b3. c4. b5. d

    Part B1. c2. b3. b

    4. d5. c

    Exercise 21. postponed2. congress3. merchant4. institution5. chemist6. dairy

    7. splash8. suburb9. tide10. ache

    Reading ComprehensionPart A1. T2. F / The chill of the arctic watermade Marcuss finger ache.

    3. F / Marcus didnt work in aninstitution with his father.4. F / In the end, everyone wasvery happy with Marcus.5. T6. T

    Part B1. b2. a

    3. d

    4. c


  • 8/9/2019 4000 Essential English Words 3 Keys


    4000 Essential English Words 3 Answer Key

    Unit 29

    Exercise 1

    Part A1. a2. c3. b4. c5. b

    Part B1. d2. a3. b

    4. c5. c

    Exercise 21. traced, bomb2. circumstances, nuclear3. glance, certificate4. grief, coffin5. devastated, cope6. rotated, souvenir

    7. criticism, frowned8. gazed, microscope9. license, submarine10. portrayed, groom

    Reading comprehensionPart A1. F / The photographs portrayedimportant events from thegrandfathers life.

    2. T3. T4. T5. F / The certificate was from theday the grandfather got married.6. T

    Part B1. c2. a3. c

    4. c


  • 8/9/2019 4000 Essential English Words 3 Keys


    4000 Essential English Words 3 Answer Key

    Unit 30

    Exercise 1

    Part A1. c2. b3. b4. a5. d

    Part B1. d2. a3. d

    4. d5. a

    Exercise 21. spine2. basin3. cupboard4. hopped5. emerged6. hook

    7. caterpillar8. strip9. sleeves10. stain

    Reading ComprehensionPart A1. T2. F / The caterpillar had no bones,not even a spine.

    3. T4. F / Cory hopped off the counterand ran into the kitchen.5. T6. T

    Part B1. a2. c3. c4. a


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