4 The Moorish Message - Esta Hora Real | Informação · PDF filePage 3 of 18 The Moorish Message descent flag of your forefathers, there is A.D. They are no more Jewish or...

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Capricorn – Pisces

Volume 1, Issue 1 The Moorish Message

Moorish Interest


• Does being born

in America make

you an


• How old is Islam?

• Do you know your


Individual Highlights:

Who‟s Really American?

Pg 2

Nationality Issues

Pg 3

Islam…the old time

religion Pg 4

The Importance of

Etymology...Pg 6

Something to

Consider… Pg 9

Misrepresentation of

Identity… Pg 11

Holy Moorish Emporium Publishing (302) 715-1665

It has often been misconstrued, throughout

history and politics, that the Americans are the

revolting European colonist of the Roman

Empire, who conquered the Americas in recent

years. The truth of the matter is that the

colonists are European nations, falsely claiming

to be Americans and sovereign freeholders. The

Europeans misapplication of American status

has caused the true Americans to relinquish all

sovereign power and hereditaments to the

conquering nations of Rome.

The colonizing Europeans of the Americas are

foreigners who have claimed all of this land

under the “discovery doctrines” and de-

nationalizing the indigenous people by

classifying them as Indians! The indigenous

people ARE NOT FROM INDIA! If the indigenous

people of America were Indians, then this land

would be called India! The land is called

America, because it is and was called Amaru or

Al-moroc, by the indigenous people, meaning

descended from Morocco. From Al-Moroc(anos)

you get Amaru(ka) or America.

(Q) What is your Nationality?

(A) Moorish American

(Q) Why are we Moorish Americans?

(A) Because we are descendants of

Moroccans and born in America

The Indigenous people of the Americas

were Moors and not Indians! The Moors are the

olive shaded peoples of the planet whom the

Who‟s Really American?

colonists classify as negros, coloreds and

latinos. These are the oldest inhabitants of

North, South, Central America and the

adjoining islands. This is who is really

American! If someone is of Japanese descent

and born in America, this does not make that

someone American, he is still Japanese. The

same applies to people of the European

nations such as Germany, Spain, France,

Portugal and England that are born in

America. This does not make them American

either. These are the colonizing European

nations, of the Americas, who falsely claim

that they are Americans.

American: def. An aboriginal, or one

of the various copper-colored natives

found on the American continent by

the descents of European settlers.

(Webster’s Universal Dictionary

1937 Edition)

America is the name of the landmass;

however the body politic is called the United

States of America. Pay close attention to how

this nation has no descent name like Mexico

and Canada does. In Canada the people are

Canadian, in Mexico, the people are called

Mexican but what are the people in the

United States called? United statesians?

The name of this body politic alone

should make you aware that these people are

not Americans but foreigners doing business

on a landmass that belongs to the ancient


The Moorish Message Page 2 of 18

“You will find treaties

between the Emperor of

Morocco and the United

States that verify the

presence of Moors, here in

North America as free

nationals and not black


The ancient ones are the Washitaw

Dedugdahmoundya Muurs who the colonizing

nations of Europe refer to as Olmecs. These

Olmecs are who we refer to as blacks and

latinos! This landmass was already heavily

populated by the dark skinned Moors, prior to

European arrival. Look at some of the names

used to identify some of indigenous tribes, such

as “Black Foot” or “Tarheel” Indian. These were

Moors! On the eastern seaboard of North

America we had the Ben Ishmael Indians

(Moors) in Delaware (Lenape) Territory, while

in the west we had the Califs, led by the Queen

Califa, from where the name California is

derived. These were all Moors, who are

indigenous Americans and the forefathers of

the so called black people of today. His-story of

the slave trade is in error, when one does his

own research throughout the congressional

library. You will find treaties between the

Emperor of Morocco and the United States that

verify the presence of Moors, here in North

America as free nationals and not black slaves.

When you explore the mega-lithic mounds,

within the Americas, there is concrete proof of

the presence of Moors (so-called blacks) in its

architecture, mirroring the same culture as our

brothers and sisters on the other side of the

Atlantic Ocean. These mounds predate

Columbus’s expeditions and the transatlantic

slave trade. The pale skin nations of Europe

have been hiding the true history of the

Americas within their fraternal organizations,

mystic passwords and phrases.

The so called “black people” of North

America will not be able to reclaim their

birthright as long as they cling to names and

principles that delude to slavery. The so called

“black people” are the rightful heirs to the

Americas but in order for them to even

consider reclaiming any of this land they must

proclaim their free national name and status

and return the European surnames given by

slave holders.

Who‟s Really American? cont.

(Q) Name some of the marks that

were put upon the moors of

Northwest in 1774.

(A) Negro, black, colored and


The so called “black people” of North America are indigenous as well as the so-called Indians (Native Americans), who are all of the same Asiatic family. It is of great importance, that our people are aware that classifications such as negro, black, colored, latino and indian are all misnomers that do not properly identify the indigenous peoples of North America. Being as though this land is not India, no one who claims to be indian can make lawful claim to this land. The only nations that have a lawful claim to this land are the Moorish nations! These are the true Americans! The European nations were granted permission to do business on these lands by the Emperor of Morocco who was ruler over these dominions during the United States constitutional convention. The proof of this can be found in the congressional library, in a letter from George Washington to the Sultan of Morocco, dated 1789. His-story likes to omit this type of information from public institutions curriculum to ensure reconstructed history holds weight. The colonists know that if you don’t know who you are, you then have no legal/lawful standing to do or enforce anything! This is the inquisitional tactic that colonists use against indigenous people all over the planet, in order to keep them in their current condition. It will then become clear why the United States, were one of three nations that did not sign the United Nations Declaration of Rights of indigenous people, under the Bush administration. The Declaration of Rights of Indigenous people was signed by the United States under the Obama administration and it is available for the indigenous Moors to use in nation re-building. Recognize that you are a nation! Get yourself back into a constitutional fold of government and reclaim your vast estate. The European nations are grateful to claim your status as an American since you won’t claim it. The pen is mightier than the sword, proclaim your status and take back what’s yours…Peace

Dark skinned Moors sitting with a European

The Moorish Message Page 3 of 18

“For without a free national name, with a

descent flag of your forefathers, there is

not a national divine title of the

government in which we live.” Noble

Drew Ali



Ask yourself; “What is my free national

name and what is the decent flag of my


Did we have sir names such as Jones,

Smith, Johnson, etc. on the continent called


Were we all brought over to North

America on slave-ships as savages, and did

those of us who were brought to these

shores, have a national flag of their


The Moorish Holy Temple of Science was founded by Noble Drew Ali in 1913, for the purpose of uplifting fallen humanity, and it was these above questions that he gave us the answers to, in order that we may learn to love instead of hate. The Moors are those of us who have been improperly identified as negros, blacks, coloreds, latinos and Indians. We use the phrase “so-called black man” because “black man” is not a nationality or identity that any of our people can connect to their ancient forefathers and mothers. The Moors are Moroccans! These are West Africans of the Ancient Moroccan Empire, whose dominion extended from Northeast, Southwest Africa, and across the Atlantic to the present North, South, and Central Americas and the adjoining islands. Moor is NOT a religion and the organization of the Moorish Holy Temple of Science is not a belief system. Moorish is the descent free national name of the forefathers of those of us who have been referring to ourselves as black, negro, colored, latino and indian. The language that you speak

DOES NOT determine what your

nationality is! Those of us Moors who

speak Spanish and identify themselves as

Spanish is a fallacy. Spain is in Europe!!! I am an English speaking Moor, but this

does not make me an Englishman. I speak

English because of colonialism, as do most

of our brethren who speak Spanish. The

Nationality Issues…

“The language you speak

DOES NOT determine

your nationality!”

Spanish Inquisition of 1492, against the Moors

and colonizing of Moorish dominions is what

forced our brethren in the South American

continent to the language called Spanish, which

is a corruption of the Moorish Latin language.

Latin is a language and not a people! Hebrew is

a language and not the people who falsely

identify themselves as Jews. The pale skin

Europeans who claim to be Jewish have no

historical connection to the land of Canaan.

They (Jews) are the descendants of a barbaric

tribe called Khazars who have been falsely

claiming to be Israelites since the 8th century

A.D. They are no more Jewish or Israelites, than

European (so-called white men) are true

Americans! True Americans are the Indigenous

people (Moors) of the Americas, the

descendants of the ancient Moabites and

Canaanites or who would refer to as black

people and latinos. America is not India and

thus there are no Indigenous people of this land

called “Indians”. The so-called Jews are not

from Palestine, they are from what is known

today as Russia. Most of them don‟t even speak

Hebrew, they speak Yiddish! The Hebrew

language is a Moorish language and Yiddish is a

corruption of it. The message to you, “so-called

black man” is to know who you are and who

the imposters are. Know what your nationality

is and the religion of your forefathers.

What is the national flag of „black man‟ or

„latino‟ or colored man‟?

Nations with no flag are dead nations! Prior to

colonialism, we so-called blacks were

Moors/Moslems bearing our national flag

which is red with a five pointed green star in

the center. Inquisition and forced servitude is

what caused our forefathers to forget our true

identity and cling to names and principals that

delude to slavery. The true surnames of the

Moors of Northwest Amexem (America) are El

and Bey. These are some of the Noble titles that

were taken away from the Moors in North

America in 1774 and names such as negro,

black, colored and Ethiopian were used to de-

nationalize Moorish nationals. During the time

of slavery, 1774-1865, the European slave

master would place the surname of his

forefathers on the El‟s and Bey‟s thus

denationalizing and disconnecting us from our

true family lineage and culture. This is a

process that has been passed down from generation to generation, thus causing us Moors

to glorify slave titles as if they belong to

Our flag is over 10,000

years old!

The Moorish Message Page 4 of 18

us when they, in fact belong to the families

of the European slave master. This is the

mark of the beast that the book of

Revelations speaks of “and that no one may

buy or sell except one who has the mark or

the name of the beast, or the number of his

name”. In this day, he will not allow you to

buy or sell unless you use his straw name

and social security number. His straw

name is the name that appears on any

STATE issued document such as driver‟s

license, birth certificate, social security card

and written in all capital letters. All of those

aforementioned documents can only bear

names of corporations and not of real

people, so keep in mind why the name on

the driver‟s license is referred to as a straw

name. It‟s not you and it is not your name!

The name belongs to the STATE that created

it, however you, as a stateless person (no

nationality) are held responsible for all

liabilities of that straw name. One who

desires to use any of the STATE issued

documents, be sure to reserve your

common law rights by placing “UCC 1-

207/1-308/1-103 All Rights Reserved,”

above your signature. Be aware that STATE

documents are commercial contracts and

you must reserve your common law rights

when entering into these contracts.

What we must do, as so-called

blacks, is return the slave master‟s name

back to him and proclaim the free national

surname of our forefathers so that we may

enjoy all of the natural, human and

substantive rights as any other nation! The

five points on our flag represents love,

truth, peace, freedom, and justice which

are the harmonies of life. The truth about

us so-called blacks is that we were not all

brought to the Americas by way of the slave

trade, the majority of us were already here,

with political systems of government

already set in place, in harmony with the

Universal Law of the Zodiac and

mathematical scale from 0 to 9. It‟s hard

for most of our people to understand this

fact, due to their lack of knowledge of our

true identity, throughout world history.

We read his-story and cannot find

Nationality Issues….cont.

“The five points on our

flag represents love, truth,

peace, freedom, and

justice which are the

harmonies of life.”

“The true descent name

of the so called black

people is Moorish and

the true nature of these

people is righteousness

and peace which is


ourselves within his-story because we don‟t

know who to look for! We keep looking for

blacks but cannot find blacks because we

never called ourselves that. We were Moors

then, we are Moors now!!! Peace

ISLAM…the old time religion

(Q) What is our religion?

(A) Islamism

(Q) Is that a new, or is that the old time


(A) Old time religion

The so called “Black people” of North

America and abroad have been stripped of

their true descent name, nature and religion,

due to colonialism and forced servitude

(Peonage) and have since been clinging to

names, actions and religions that belong to


The true descent name of the so

called black people is Moorish and the true

nature of these people is righteousness and

peace which is Islam! Not to be confused with

organized religions, under the banner of Islam.

Islam means peace and peace is the divine

nature of the universe! The true order of the

universe and not the religious organization

that is widely accepted as Islam! The Islam

that is widely seen practiced in the Middle

East and the Americas is not the same Islam

that was practiced by Mohammad, Jesus,

Solomon, Moses and Abraham, it is only a

small fraction of the old time religion. Islamism

goes back to the Ancient Egyptian mystery

school and beyond! Islamism is the applied

science of astrology, sacred geometry,

metaphysics, physics, alchemy, anatomy

workings of nature, and from this comes all

The Moorish Message Page 5 of 18

“It is Islam that has built

all civilizations of the

planet, past and


and all the workings of nature; from this

comes all forms of organized religions i.e.

Judaism, Islam, Christianity. The religions

of Judaism, Christianity and Islam are

newly organized religions created by the

mere ideas of man; however they all share

the same esoteric root which is the old time

religion of Islamism, the order of the


“The Arabians of this day are

foreign invaders, of Arabia, just like the

German, Dutch, and Albion Anglos/English

are foreign invaders of the Al-

Morocs/Americas. What we must

understand about the significance of this is

that the Indo- European Aryans who

invaded Arabia (which was the land of the

Moors) had conquered (these) Moorish

Dominions and have been practicing a

diluted version of the ancient Moorish

culture that is called in the Arabic language

ISLAM, which means peace. Peace or

Islam is the natural order of the universe,

and cannot be exclusive to any pseudo

religious organization.” Excerpt from „Who

are the Moors‟.

The true Arabians are the dark

skinned Moors, (who we falsely call black

people) the descendants of the ancient

Moabites, Canaanite‟s, Amorites and

Hittites. These are the original

Moslems/Muslims, before Prophet

Muhammad of 1400 years ago. Islam is the

science and not a belief systems and this is

why the institution for the Moors of North

America is called Moorish Holy Temple of

Science or Moorish Science Temple of

America. It is Islam that has built all

civilizations of the planet, past and present.

Islam is the natural way of life, of Asiatics

and cannot be circumscribed by man-made


For those of us so called blacks

who are still into the church and

Christianity, be aware that it is not the

religion of your forefathers and thus is not

your salvation. The religion of our

forefathers is Islamism of the ancient


This was our Culture/Religion before

forced servitude (Slavery) and the

worldwide Colonialism that was launched

by the Roman Catholic Church. It was the

pale skin Romans who murdered,

tortured and enslaved the indigenous

people of the globe, in the name of Jesus.

The principals of the Christian church

have been forced upon the so called

black people with an iron hand and in

such a way that our people were taught to

hate themselves and the high sciences of

our forefathers called Islam. Most of our

people are so stuck on Christianity that

we run away from Islam, assuming that

its an attempt to convert them to another

belief system. Be aware that the heads of

these Christian churches i.e. pastors,

ministers, popes, etc…, are master

masons and deal with Islam in secret!

They deal with Islam, which is a high

science, and give the people a belief

system. They don‟t give Islam to the

people because they use it to rule the

people and „a king can‟t be a king without

subjects‟. The leaders of the church have

taken oaths of secrecy not to reveal the

high sciences of your forefathers,

however, Noble Drew Ali, has taken the

veils off of these secrets when he

established the Moorish Holy Temple of

Science in 1913. This is why we are here

to teach you the divine creed of your

forefathers which is Islamism.

Chapter XLVI Holy Koran of the



The foundation of Christianity

began in Rome. The Roman nations

founded the first church, of whom

crucified Jesus of Nazareth for seeking to

redeem his people from under the Roman

yoke and law.

blood of the ancient Cannanites


ISLAM…the old time religion cont.

Jesus himself was of the true blood of

the ancient Canaanites and Moabites

and inhabitants of Africa.

Seeking to redeem his people in

those days from the pressure of the pale

skin nations of Europe, Rome crucified

him according to their law.

Then Europe had peace for a

long time until Mohammad the first

came upon the scene and fulfilled the

works of Jesus of Nazareth.

The holy teaching of Jesus was

for the common people, to redeem them

from under the great pressure of the

hands of the unjust. That the rulers and

the rich would not oppress the poor.

Also that the lion and the lamb may lay

down together and neither would be

harmed when morning came.

Christianity was established by

the Roman Emperor Constantine, in the

year 325 A.D at the council of Nicaea.

This is where the story of a man born

from a virgin was selected along with

other stories and attributes that are

accredited to Jesus but were taken from

other schools of thought that existed

before Jesus. These schools of thought

are called in this day, solar/lunar cults.

Islam…the old time religion cont.

The Romans were practitioners of these

cults and are still practitioners of them

today, under the name of Christianity.

The establishment of Christianity had

played a major part in the concealment

of the Mother Goddess principle of

creation and thus set the ground for a

patriarchal dominated society.

The womb is where creation takes

place in the course of 9 months, 9

corresponding the letter I, which is

Islam. The Ankh of life is a

representation of the womb and thus

creation. The cross is a mundane

symbol, representing the concealment

of the mother and the 4 cardinal points

of the planet wherein the romans go to

and fro, seeking whom they may devour

in the name of Jesus and the cross. If

the so called black men, can only attain

the position of a slave, in the Christian

body politic, what position does he have

in a Christian heaven? Return

Christianity and the church, back to the

Roman nations! Hotep

All previous articles written by:

Grand Sheik Messiah Aziz El

What is etymology?

Etymology is the study of the origin of words. The

breakdown of the word etymology is as follows:

Etymology: etym + olog + y

- Etym derives from etymon, a Classical Greek adverb that

means true, real, and actual.

- + ology (olog + y) derives from the Medieval Latin and

Greek word logia, meaning the study of. It comes from

the root of the Latin word legein, which means to speak

(think of the word lecture).

To study etymology, one must look at the matrix of a word. The

root of the word matrix comes from the Latin word matrona,

which means mother (see maternity, matriarch, etc.…). The

matrix of a word gives us the mother of the word. The mother

refers to the source or the origin of the word. Thus, studying

etymology is

The Importance of Etymology in Literacy, History, and Law

finding the matrix of a word and determining the changes

that have taken place over time.

Why study etymology?

1. We need to study etymology to determine the true

meaning of words and their functions in a sentence.

Although this sounds pretty basic, think about the

confusions that take place due to the seemingly multiple

meanings of words? The general public understands the

word “color” (as a noun) to refer to the pigmentation of a

person’s skin, which they also erroneously call “race”.

There is also the understanding that color is a substance

that imparts a hue (such as red, blue, purple, etc.…).

However, by looking at the etymology of the word, we

derive the meaning to be, that which is hidden (Old Latin

colos, meaning “a covering”). The latter meaning is one

that we see most often in the context of law. Thus, if we

study etymology, we will be able to identify the meaning

“It is Islam that has built

all civilizations of the

planet, past and


The Moorish Message Page 7 of 18

study etymology, we will be able to identify the

meaning of words in various contexts.

2. Etymology also provides knowledge of history

and culture throughout the world. This comes

studying the denotative vs. the connotative


a. The denotative meaning is the

complete meaning, where de means complete

and note refers to a marking. The complete

meaning was applied to the word at its

inception; thus, its etymological meaning must

be its denotative meaning. Denotative

meanings are derived from etymological


b. The connotative meaning is an

additional or shaded meaning, where the

prefix con indicates with (added, together). It

is not based on the etymology of the word, but

on a meaning that has been attached to the

word over time. (Remember, whoever controls

the definition controls the debate. Europeans

co-opted meanings to words with their own

original meanings, to causes distortion and

confusion, for the purposes of trading places

with us and take our culture and our land- our

birthright. They did so to hide information

about our history, culture, status, and most

importantly, our estate.

For example, the words consider and disaster

have a root with the same meaning, which is


consider: Latin, considerare, con (with) +

sidus (the stars)

disaster: dis (not) + aster (star), from Greek

astron, meaning star

Consider means to ponder and look toward

the stars. Disaster means ill-starred, or a

calamity due to not address or considering the

stars when making a decision. Our

agricultural societies were influenced by

astrological and astronomical phenomena,

indicating when to plant and when to harvest. Holidays (holy or sacred days) are based on

stars and planets rising, falling, or joining with

one another. Christmas is the winter solstice

The Importance of Etymology cont.

one another. Christmas is the winter

solstice (Sun stands still); the fourth of July

is the Heliacal rising of Sirius (rising with the

Sun); Easter, a fertility goddess signifying

Venus and her transit across the Sun. All of

these are linked to agricultural festivals and


Lastly, combining the two previous reasons,

etymology is the key to waking up and

freeing ourselves. From a divine

perspective, etymology gives insight into the

metaphysical principles of cosmogony. The

word spirit is often used to falsely “denote”

the presence of a supernatural, immaterial

creature (such as angel, demon, ghost,

etc…). It also refers to the soul and the part

of a human associated with the mind, will

and feelings. The most well-known meaning

is a vital principle or animating force within

living beings. Studying the etymology of the

word, we see that spirit comes from the Latin

spiritus which means “breathing”. Spirit

is the breath. Holy Spirit is Holy Breath,

and Holy refers to whole or full. Holy Breath

then is full breathing or deep breathing.

From the national perspective, let‟s go back

and review the meaning of the word color.

Color, again, refers to that which is

hidden. This is most evident in the legal


In law, color means “an appearance,

semblance [or symbol] or simulacrum,

distinguished from that which is real. A

prima facie or apparent right. Hence, a

deceptive appearance; a plausible,

assumed exterior, concealing a lack of

reality”(see Black‟s Law Dictionary, 4th ed. )

Can you see that the etymological meaning

of color (hidden) is similar to the meaning of

the word in law? A deceptive appearance

means an appearance that has been hidden

in order to deceive the people. Color of law

is not true law, but are the statutes and

codes that do not coincide with or are not

influenced by the

“Consider means to

ponder and look toward

the stars.”

influenced by the Constitution (which is

natural and common law). A colored

person is not a living and breathing being. A

colored person is the status of a person that

is not deemed a live person; thus, a colored

person is considered civilitter mortus or

“civilly dead” or dead in the eyes of the

law. A person dead in the eyes of the law

has no rights and can only operate through

licenses and privileges (secondary to rights).

Thus, we study etymology so that we can

take back inner and overstanding of our

language (yes, OUR language::see the

section below on “Proto-Indo European

roots). We study etymology because the

Europeans have changed the meaning of

words through connotative linguistics (also

see below) to THEIR benefit. Notice who

are called “people of color”: Moors of North,

South, and Central America; Amexum (the

true name of Africa); the Indus River Valley

civilization (i.e. Hindustan or India); and to a

lesser extent, Southern China and Asia

(depending on where the person chooses to

stand politically). In other words, the

modern day European is the only one that is

not considered a person of color. Why is

that? Who determined that the Moors would

be colored and Europeans would not? The

answer to these questions relates back to

status, ancestry and lineage, and birthright

theft. However, you must understand the

language to understand the issue at hand.

What are the basic components of



- Prefixes come at the beginning of a word. A

prefix can identify

o Number (bi/du= two; octo=eight, etc.…)

o Direction (post=after; circum=around;

pre=before, etc.…)

o Negation (unlawful= not lawful;

illegitimate= not legitimate)


- The root of a word contains its basic meaning.

- The root of a word is based on from where the word is derived in another

language (often Latin or Greek). One

can then trace a word back even farther

by studying its Indo European root.

This can show you how the cognate is

spelled, which is a cousin of the mother

tongue of all European and Indus River

Valley languages, called Indo-European.

Note that the root of the word etymology

is log, which refers to study (from Latin

and Greek, -logia, which means to the

“study of”. If I trace the root back to its

mother tongue and root, leg meaning to

collect (a collection of knowledge that

you speak on- thus, knowledge is

classified as a study of a particular

concept or field of knowledge).

- The Indo-European root can be found at the

end of the definition, [in brackets] in your

American Heritage Dictionary of the

English Language (with Indo-European

roots). This dictionary contains an appendix

(see Appendix I) that gives the meaning and

cognates (cousins) of the roots.

The Importance of Etymology cont.


- Suffixes help one to identify the part of

speech of the word. (-tion signifies a noun;

-ish signifies an adjective; -ly signifies an

adverb; etc.…)

Parts of Speech

- Identifying the meaning of the word by

knowing its function in a sentence (is it

naming something like a noun? Is it stating

an action like a verb? Is it modifying a noun

like an adjective? Or does it modify a verb

or adjective as an adverb?).

When studying vocabulary, create word or

Matrix Maps to keep track of the information

for later study. The matrix maps for children

and adults (respectively) are below:

“we study etymology so

that we can take back

inner and overstanding

of our language”

The Moorish Message Page 9 of 18

The so called black leaders have been lying to their people for decades. So called black people have been

taught to believe that they have civil rights that are respected in the United States, which they do not know is a

corporation that is bankrupt, dissolved and insolvent. Yes, a corporation, not a dejure government.

“It is an established fact that the United States Federal Government has been dissolved by the Emergency

Banking Act, March 9, 1933, 48 Stat. 1, Public Law 89-719; declared by President Roosevelt, being bankrupt and

insolvent. H.J.R. 192, 73rd Congress m session June 5, 1933 - Joint Resolution To suspend the Gold Standard and

Abrogate The Gold Clause dissolved the Sovereign Authority of the United States and the official capacities of all

United States Governmental Offices, Officers, and Departments and is further evidence that the United States Federal

Government exists today in name only.”- United States Congressional Record, March 17, 1993 Vol. 33, page H-1303

So called black people believe that the problem is racism, discrimination and prejudice and that they are being

targeted for being “minorities”. Many of our people think, the logical answer is marching and picketing for their rights to

be respected and acknowledged.

If we look at this from a perspective of Law, it is a shame that the so called leaders of these people have not taught

them Law when many of the most prominent were students of the SCIENCE. Martin Luther King Jr. favoured studies in

medicine and law, but these were eclipsed in his senior year by a decision to enter the ministry, as his father had

urged. Nelson Mandela was part of the first black law partnership in South Africa; the office Mandela and his partner

Oliver Tambo shared in Johannesburg is now being made into a museum. Charles Hamilton Houston, mentor of

Thurgood Marshall was known as an expert in Constitutional Law. Barack Obama was a Law Professor and taught

constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School for twelve years, first as a Lecturer from 1992 to 1996, and

then as a Senior Lecturer from 1996 to 2004. Malik Zulu Shabazz graduated from Howard University and Howard

University School of Law.

“Leaders who do not have such usable material in their dossiers have been approached to take government

posts, mostly as ambassadors and primarily in African countries. The promise of these positions also has materially

contributed to a temporary slow-down of Minority activities. However, we do not expect these slow-downs to be of long

duration, because there are always new and dissident

Assignment Create a matrix map for the following words. If you are unable to identify the PIE root, put the root that you are able to identify. The point is to find the basic, root meaning of the word. The answers can be found on www.cultivated-minds.com

1) Witness 2) Advisory 3) Consider 4) Disaster 5) Spirit 6) Nationality 7) Black 8) Color 9) Orphan 10) Allegiance

Compare the etymological meanings to the definitions given in Black‟s Law Dictionary the 4

th edition. This will

prove that etymology and law are two fields that are to be studied simultaneously.

Written by Sis. Selah Li-Bey, “Seba” (kemetic for teacher), Astrologer -

The Importance of Etymology cont.

Something for so called blacks/minorities to consider.

duration, because there are always new and dissident elements joining these organizations, with the potential power to

replace the old leaders. All organizations and their leaders are under constant, 24-hour surveillance. It is necessary to use

the Minority leaders designated by the President in much the same manner in which we use Minority members who are

agents with Central and Federal, and we cannot, until there is no alternative, reveal King Alfred in all its aspects. Minority

members of Congress will be unseated at once.” – King Alfred Rex 84 Plan

The irony here is that none of the so called black leaders that studied Law has taught the people about the importance

of status, and not only that, but the positive effects of Status and the negative effects of not having a Status.

Status in the Black‟s Law Dictionary means: Standing; state or condition; social position. The legal relation of an

individual to the rest of the community as well as the rights, duties, capacities and incapacities which determine a person‟s

given class. A legal personal relationship, neither temporary in its nature nor terminable at the mere will of the parties, with

which third persons and the state are concerned. While term implies relation it is not a mere relation. It also means Estate.

Based on this definition, please pocket your emotions and recognize that the INCAPACITIES of Status in relation to

unconscious Moors (so called black people) is why no one respects their marching, picketing and curb side memorials for

the victims of violence.

What is IN FULL LIFE? Continuing in both physical and civil existence; that is, neither actually dead nor civiliter mortuus What is in propria persona? In one‟s own proper person. It was formerly a rule in pleading that pleas to the jurisdiction of the court must be plead in propria persona, because if pleaded by an Attorney they admit the jurisdiction, as an Attorney is an Officer of the Court, and he is presumed to plead after having obtained Leave, which admits the jurisdiction.

Until our people embrace the facts and caste away the belief, they will continue to be cattle and sheep heading to

slaughter. As well, with regard to civil rights and the Act that grants these rights, the Supreme Court decided the act was

unconstitutional in 1883. 1883!! This is just something for so called black people to consider.

“He will be a formidable enemy, for he is bound to the Continent by heritage and knows that political asylum will not be

available to him in other countries.”- King Alfred Rex 84 Plan

written by G.S. Kudjo Adwo El, The Iron Sheik Canaanland Moors


Something …to consider. Cont.

northgatemoors.webs.com http://moorishdirectory.com/

The Moorish Message Page 11 of 18



WRITTEN BY Sis. Safi Yin El, Grade 12 Feature Article

The “blacks” of America received their freedom, in the form of the emancipation proclamation issued by Abraham

Lincoln on January 1, 1863. However, has freedom truly been attained? The Moorish community would argue “blacks”

have not attained the freedom they were promised; in fact, "blacks" have simply been situated to run in circles. Picture the

image of a black, or white square, now take a look at your skin. By now you should start to see where this simple test of

logic is going. Think about the darkest person you have ever seen and then imagine this box again. Notice the difference?

If your skin does not match the black box, then it is obvious that your skin is not black (or white) so such the term “black of

skin”. Black is a „brand‟ and it deludes to servitude, when applied to people as an identity. Black is degrading; means civil

death; and describes one who is without „Light‟. „Light,‟ in this instance, means knowledge. Most importantly black is an

adjective, not a noun, meaning it should not pertain to a human. Why would anyone for that matter, call themselves black?

Why do people on this land, blindly use terms like “black people “when there are no such people on the planet now, or who

have ever existed that have black skin? Why don‟t these social and political distortions plague other sovereign people, or

any other nation of people? It should be noted socially and politically, „black’ implies „Civil Mortuus‟ which means „Dead in

the eyes of Law.‟1 Many people of the Human Race have limited consciousness as to what legal complications a displaced

word can cause. Misplacing the words such as Nigger, Negro, Black, Coon, Jiggaboo, Nigga, does foul things to a race of

people, it strips them of their dignity and legal status in society. In fact, these brands impact the Moorish community

socially, politically, morally, ethically, economically, and spiritually. The „true‟ identity of the Natural Peoples of the Americas

are Moor‟s, and have been falsely branded by Paleo-European Colonists as Niggers, Negros, Blacks, Colored, Afro-

Americans, or West Indians.2

Identity is the quality or state of being shown to be. In Law, identity is evidence and proof that a person, object,

subject thing, or idea, is exactly the same as claimed, or charged to be. Identification is the act or process of showing to be

the same as presented. When addressing a person, place or thing, it is correct to refer to a particular person, place or

thing, in „proper name.‟ A proper name establishes one‟s status in society. A name outside of that „proper name‟ is called, a

misnomer. A misnomer is a name which is in error; that is unsuitably applied to a person, place or thing.3 The same

concept is applied to the Natural Persons, as known as Moors. A Moor is someone who is genetically and ethnically

descendants of the progenitors, ancestors, of all humanity.4 Moors are often described as the dark-skinned, woolly haired

people of the planet who range from dark brown, olive tone hue, to a light tan olive tone hue, possessing all of the

characteristics of the people falsely called "black" people on this Earth today. The Aboriginal and Indigenous Natural

Peoples of the Western Hemisphere are direct and mixed descendants of the Ancient Moors. (Canaanites/ Moabites)

Indigenous peoples have the collective and individual right to maintain and develop their distinct identities and

characteristics, including the right to be identified as indigenous.5 These misnomers were coined by Europeans to describe

a civilly lost and fallen people, who are the descendants of a much greater culture; having extraordinary standards for

higher knowledge. Before Moors were stripped of their titles, they were wealthy, intelligent, strong people. Most of those

who label themselves as black today know they were destined to be powerful because of their ancestry but are not properly

educated about their history, aside from slavery. The "Negro/Black," people as they are called in this nation (Western

Hemisphere) have no nation to which they might look to with pride. Their history starts with the ending of the Civil War or

more accurately with being forced to serve another power, thus, being separated from the illustrious history of the Moor

forefathers, who were the founders of the first civilization of the Old World.1 Proof of this can be seen in February which is

called "Black History Month." Every year since the inception of what should be called a Mental Slavery Enforcing Program,

stories are told about slave times and the intense times proceeding; but never the history about the people who built the

great and wonderful structures of the Old World documented. Today, you have many groups who fight for being black more

than they will fight for anything else. Historically, you have the police brutality outburst that happened in the 1950‟s, and

throughout the 1960‟s with the Black Panthers, the social injustice for Trayvon Martin in 2012, and of course the

most contemporary case of the Michael Brown shooting this

past summer of 2014. Why is it that nothing positive results

from these protests and marches for freedom, so called civil

rights, and equality? Do people march for yellow and orange

rights? The social injustice is the misrepresentation of identity

and the outcry for a non-existent society of BLACK people.

Black American is not a nationality nor is it a nation; therefore

„blacks‟ have no political powers in the Free National

Constitution that was prepared for all Free National Beings.6

Black, Negro, Coloreds, and African-Americans are not living

people; these „tags‟ are politically and lawfully „brands‟ that

have been put upon the Aboriginal Indigenous Moors of

Morocco, now called America. The European Colonial

Inquisitionist‟s have established their „Roman Order‟ in the

Extreme West. The motive was and still is to gain, control and

corrupt the seats of power in the Northwest Amexem

(America) by way of seizure.7 The Indigenes are aware of the

historical facts and know that the present social and

economic human sufferings in the West have origins from the

effects of imperialism. It has been the misuse, and abuse of,

the seized political and economic power that brings injury to

the natural peoples of the Far East, which is now

geographically referred to as the west.8

Misinformation and malediction are basic harmful social

engineering tools, which were instituted for the Inquisition

mission. None of this is coincidental; and it should be noted

most of those who occupy the religious and political seats of

government, are well aware of the great malediction and

farce that they have perpetrated against Aboriginal Peoples.9

The Natural peoples have been faced with inhumane

treatments and are subjected to many human rights abuses.

It is important to examine a social or political dilemma in

order to rightfully, truly, and honestly understand the system.

In law, „coloured‟ means a „prima facie‟ meaning apparent

right or appearance as opposed to which is real, actual or


True Al Moroccans are regularly being subjected to

“color-of-law” policies and regulations, which are derived, not

from de jure law (constitutional) but from de facto, color-of-

law, which is (unconstitutional).11

There are organized

criminals, operating through positions in Government,


on city, state and federal levels. The document used to

secure the legitimate Government of the People, is the

constitution, and the Judges of every state/province are

bound by oath to uphold and enforce it.12

Section 15, Criminal Code of Canada: Obedience to de

facto law

15. No person shall be convicted of an offence in respect of

an act or omission in obedience to the laws for the time being

made and enforced by persons in de facto possession of the

sovereign power in and over the place where the act of

omission occurs.

This clause states that obedience to the laws, for the time

being, made and enforced by those who are de facto in

possession of the sovereign power in and over the place

where the acts or omissions occur will prevent a conviction-

unless a specific exception is made in the clause creating the


Therefore, in preservation of “The Rights of

Indigenous Peoples‟ and the Preservation of the Rights of the

People, in accord and defense of the Constitution for the

United States Republic of North America and its Republican

Form of Government – being the „Supreme Law of the Land‟:

and primal to the contractual liabilities, such as Oath- bound

Obligations, and Fiduciary Duties of the Officers of the

Courts- Federal, State, City and Municipal. The universal

declaration of human rights; the united nations charter, article

55(c);Wherefore all parties of interest are authorized by this

Writ, pursuant to National and International Law, to honor all

Substantive Rights and Constitutional Immunities reserved

for, and to these Aboriginal/ Indigenous Free and Sovereign

Moors/ Muurs. All officials are to enlist all available and

appropriate measures to ensure, and assure, that all Our

Substantive Rights and constitutionally – secured Rights and

Immunities are not violated, not breached, nor abridged. The

Sovereign, Natural Beings, named herein, Moorish

Americans are not to be arrested nor held for detention under

any „colorable‟ circumstances. You are to notify the active

Ministers of the Aboriginal/ Indigenous Moorish Nationals of

the Territory (Organic Land) herein Moorish Holy Temple of

Science, Moorish Science Temple of America. The Natural

Persons named herein, Moorish Americans are


The Moorish Message Page 13 of 18

Persons named herein, Moorish

Americans are NONOBLIGATORY and thus

Exempt from customs, tariffs, taxation, „Owner

in Fee‟ permit-deception Constructs, and from

any other hindrance or restriction of His or Her

Freedoms, Allodial Properties,

Compensations, Right of Travel, or Freedom

of movement on, in or within, any member or

non-member States of the United States

Union, etc. The Moors/Muurs (bearers of this

Indigenous Peoples‟ Document) are to be

treated with all due Respect and „Due

Process‟ rights under law. All available and

appropriate measures are to be taken to

prevent injustice, harm, false arrest, trumped

–up charges, or attack on the Natural Being‟s

Property, Personality, Conveyances,

Freedoms, and/or Dignity. Europeans are not

Indigenous to the American Lands. Moors are

Aboriginal and operate in a Republican form

of Government, conjoined with Isonomi

Principles- being in harmony with the

Constitution. Moors respect Constitution

Principles, and functions primarily in „colorable

procedures. These violating acts constitute a

„Conflict of Interest‟, a conflict of Law and

clearly establish the federal questions of

„Diversity of Citizenship‟; a Conflict of Identity;

and of Nationality. Only Moors can present

and depict themselves as being Moors/Al

Moroccans, and Aboriginal Indigenes of the

Land. Thus, only Moors can present self. 13

Moors and Mexicans are Aboriginal and

Indigenous to the Americas, particularly the

Northwest. The Europeans occupying North

America are not Indigenous; they are a

colonizing force being a political appendage

from Europe. 14

The Moors of Northwest

Amexem/Africa/America have also „branded‟

or tagged as „Indians‟. This misnomer has

origin with the shipping records of Cristobal

Colon (Christopher Columbus) of Genoa. He

was a seaman who worked for a Portuguese

merchant service who applied his religious

war-methods of forced religion, mind control,

and murder to assault the Natural Peoples of

the American Lands.15

After about eight years

of humble requests, Colon was funded to

make his famous voyage and effectively

defeated the Moors at Grenada, Espana

(Spain) in 1492 A.D. Christopher

(Spain) in 1492 A.D. Christopher Columbus

set sail from Palos Espana, on day 3 of August

in 1942 with three small ships.16

These ships

were named the Pinta, the Nina, and the Santa

Maria. Christopher Columbus and his other

two commanders; Martin Pinzon and Vicente

Yanez Pinzon sailed into the waters of the

Atlantis, and had Columbus successfully

keeping order in spite of threats.17


eventually sighted the Islands of the Bahamas.

When Columbus reached the shore and saw

the natural people, he called them „Indi‟, as

they were so like in looks with similar culture to

the Moors of Hindustan/ India. Christopher

logged the native peoples as Indians, although

he knew they were not Indians. That is how

the native Moabite Moorish Tribes and Natural

Peoples of the Western hemisphere became

falsely known as “Indians” of the west and as

“West Indians”.18

Columbus was honored by

the Monarchs of Espana (which is modern day

Spain) and by most of other nations of


It was widely and incorrectly

assumed that he had discovered the long

route to the East (Hindustan) by sailing west.

He made three more voyages to America

between the years 1492 and 1502. He

explored Boringuen (Puerto Rico), the Virgin

Islands, Jamaica, Saint Vincent, and Trinidad 20

Explorations made later by other Europeans,

convinced many that Christopher Columbus

had actually discovered a different place,

which they called the “New World.”21

One fact

was sure, and that is it remains true that

Columbus never reached Hindustan/India. The

natural peoples and civilization whom he came

to allegedly discover were, in fact not Indians.

The corrupt and negative effects of

European Colonialism have brought the

western hemisphere downward into foul and

troubling states and conditions of duress and

confusion. What ancient history has been

buried or suppressed by the European

occupational Colonists and Inquisitionist‟s who

now obtain, misgovern, and negatively

dominate the political areas in the Americas?

The purpose of the Moorish Temple founded

by Prophet Noble Drew Ali, (Sheik Sharif

Abdul Ali) is to recover the birthrights of the

Moors which was taken from them in 1779,

and to enable them again to govern their own


“Moors and Mexicans

are Aboriginal and

Indigenous to the

Americas, particularly

the Northwest. The

Europeans occupying

North America are not



and to enable them again to govern their own

country of Morocco and be known as Moors.22

Noble Drew Ali is the great restorer and

redeemer of ancient Moorish consciousness

and High Science Culture in North America.

Noble Drew Ali was a descendant of the

Ancient Moabites, born in North Carolina on

January 8th 1886. He was born of the

Cherokee tribe of the Moorish Nation and was

named Timothy Drew.23

At a very young age,

Drew was inspired to learn more about the

scattered bits and pieces of knowledge,

heritage, and culture of his Ancient Moorish

peoples. He began to travel the old land

America (Amexem). Amexem is one of the

many historical names of the land mass that

includes North, Central, and South America,

as well as surrounding islands.24

In the year,

1913 A.D Prophet Noble Drew Ali founded the

Old Canaanite Temple in Newark, New

Jersey. The call was to put out to all the

Asiatics of America to hear the truth about

their nationality and birthrights. He explained:

…You are not Negroes, colored

folks, black, or Ethiopians because

these names were given to by slave

holders in 1779 and lasted until 1865

during the time of slavery. But this is a

new era of time now, and all men now

must proclaim their nationality to be

recognized by the government in

which you live, and the nations of the


The movement spread across America

during the 1920‟s as the Moorish Holy Temple

of Science.25

Prophet Noble Drew Ali

dedicatedly pioneered the Moorish Divine and

National Movement in attempts to instill racial

pride among the people. Before he came to

Chicago in 1925, the movement proliferated to

Detroit, New York, Philadelphia, Camden, and

to various southern cities.26

In 1925, Noble

Drew Ali wearing a flaming red Fez, appeared

on the streets of Chicago, proclaiming to the

people of the Asiatic race that they were not

Negroes, Colored Folks, Black people or

Ethiopians. Finally by 1928, The Moorish

Holy Temple of Science adopted its corporate

name “The Moorish Science Temple of

America.” This procedure of elevating the

movement to the Moorish Science Temple of

movement to the Moorish Science Temple of

America, Inc. from the Canaanite Temple in

phases was to prepare the people for this

great “new thought” movement. 27

With the

incorporation came a new charter; a divine

constitution and By Laws, consisting of seven

acts. Following these were seven additional


These were to strengthen the

guidelines for better unity within the

organization. The Moorish movement is still

alive and expanding today. There are many

small Temples all over America that still follow

the great teachings of Prophet Noble Drew

Ali. The star and crescent; fezzes; turbans;

membership cards; buttons; Moorish Flags;

and the correction names of “El”, “Bey” or “Ali”

are reclaimed to remove the slave names and

mental slavery.

If the Italians, Greeks, English, Chinese,

Japanese, Turks and Arabians are forced to

proclaim their free national names and

religions before the Constitutional

Government of the United States of America,

it is no more than right the law should be

enforced upon all other Americans alike. One

must claim one‟s nationality and one‟s nation,

to be recognized by the nations of the Earth.

As for those who are branded Negro,

coloreds, blacks, etc. have no guarantees;

they have only granted privileges because

they have waived their inalienable birthrights

by not claiming their own nationality, names

and connection to the Constitution where their

rights are secured. 29

Peoples of Chinese and

Japanese descent were always called Yellow

people by the Europeans. The American

Indian tribes were always called red people by

them as well and yet, you never hear Chinese

or Japanese people screaming “Yellow

power!” or American Indians screaming “red

power!” This is because they know that they

descend from nations and tribes, not colors.

Color in law means false and something

colored is that which has been painted stained

varnished or dyed.30

Notice that for the Native

Americans, they did not use Red as a

classification. Notice for the Asians or Pacific

Islanders, they did not use Yellow as a

classification but only so called black and

white people (Moorish Americans and

European Americans) were given these false


“you never hear

Chinese or Japanese

people screaming

“Yellow power!” or

American Indians

screaming “red power!”

This is because they

know that they descend

from nations and tribes,

not colors.”

The Moorish Message Page 15 of 18

designations. It has nothing to do with color

but has everything to do with status. Black

being the lowest and white being the highest.

Europeans took on the title "White" because it

represents purity and God and it was opposite

of black, but when you observe the skin tone

of a European, you will see that it is not white

at all, it is pale, genetically faded down over

thousands of years from the brown skin tone

that the Moorish ancestors of humanity have

now. Imagine what would happen if people

discontinued looking at the world through a

coloring box perspective. It is time for the

people of a great, powerful, intelligent nation

to wake up and stop marching for the wrong

purposes. There is only one race, the human

race…and the human race is divided into

nationalities. Black, Negro, Colored are not

nationalities. End Notes

1 Taj Tarik Bey, Moors, Mexicans and Other South Al Moroccan Indigenes (Northwest Amexem: Rvbey Publications,

2006), 27. 2 Taj Tarik Bey, Moors, Mexicans and Other South Al Moroccan Indigenes, 5. 3 Taj Tarik Bey, The Nigger Problem (Northwest Amexem:

Rvbey Publications, 2006), 23. 4 Taj Tarik Bey, Moors, Mexicans and Other South Al

Moroccan Indigenes, 8. 5 Taj Tarik Bey, The Nigger Problem, 17. 6 Taj Tarik Bey, The Nigger Problem, 20. 7 Taj Tarik Bey, Mexicans and Other South Al Moroccan

Indigenes, 17. 8 Taj Tarik Bey, Moors, Mexicans and Other South Al

Moroccan Indigenes,17. 9 Taj Tarik Bey, Moors, Mexicans and Other South Al

Moroccan Indigenes, 18. 10 Taj Tarik Bey, Moors, Mexicans and Other South Al

Moroccan Indigenes,22. 11 Taj Tarik Bey, Moors, Mexicans and Other South Al

Moroccan Indigenes,20. 12 Taj Tarik Bey, Moors, Mexicans and Other South Al

Moroccan Indigenes,57 13

Moorish Science Temple, Moorish Guidepost (Northwest

Amexem: Rvbey Publications, 2013), 6. 14

Moorish Science Temple, Moorish Guidepost (Northwest

Amexem: Rvbey Publications, 2013), 7.

15 Taj Tarik Bey, The Nigger Problem, 23. 16 Taj Tarik Bey, The Nigger Problem, 25. 17

Taj Tarik Bey, The Nigger Problem, 15. 18 Taj Tarik Bey, The Nigger Problem, 16. 19 Taj Tarik Bey, Moors, Mexicans and Other South Al

Moroccan Indigenes 20 Taj Tarik Bey, The Nigger Problem, 28. 21 Taj Tarik Bey, The Nigger Problem, 28. 22 Taj Tarik Bey, The Nigger Problem, 17. 23 Moorish Science Temple, Moorish Guidepost (Northwest

Amexem: Rvbey Publications, 2013), 4. 24 Moorish Science Temple, Moorish Guidepost (Northwest

Amexem: Rvbey Publications, 2013), 4.

Taj Tarik Bey, The Nigger Problem, 18.

25 Taj Tarik Bey, The Nigger Problem, 18.

26 Moorish Science Temple, Moorish Guidepost (Northwest

Amexem: Rvbey Publications, 2013), 6. 27 Moorish Science Temple Canaanland, A Universal Prophet,

2012. http://rvbeypublications.com/id76.html


Taj Tarik Bey, The Nigger Problem, 38. 29 Moorish Science Temple, Moorish Guidepost (Northwest

Amexem: Rvbey Publications, 2013), 7. 30 Taj Tarik Bey, Moors, Mexicans and Other South Al

Moroccan Indigenes, 14


Bey, Taj Tarik Khatib. The Nigger Problem (Social Misprision). Northwest Amexem: Rvbey Publications, 2006.

Bey, Taj Tarik Khatib. Moors, Mexicans and Other South Al

Moroccan Indigenes. Northwest Amexem: Rvbey Publications, 2006.

Moorish Science Temple Canaanland . “Judicial Notice and

Proclamation.” Moorish Guidepost (Northwest Amexem), January 8th 2013.

Moorish Science Temple Canaanland. Changing the Literature.

http://rvbeypublications.com/ (September 28th 2014)

Moorish Science Temple Canaanland. Nature’s Law and

Nature’s God. http://moorishciviletter.net/ (September 27th 2014)


We‟d like to welcome our newly awakened Si-stars and Brothers. Islam and Welcome!

Walter Hammary-Bey

Thomas Shannon-El

Tylshey Browning-Bey

Master Malik El-Bey

Jihad Bey

Robert Devoe-Bey

Rakeem Malik-Bey

Apocalypse Bey

Jaszhark Ahmad-El

Malik M. King-Bey

Samihah Sayidana Harrell Muhammad-Bey

Monnika Muhammad-Bey

Ali Ibn-Omar Kiyyam Muhammad Abdullah-Bey

Gary Brooks-Bey

Jahmal Brooks-Bey

Sha-Zi El

Mackenson Eza El

Just SunBey

Imohotep Forquan Ansar Muhammd-El

Johnathan Thomas-El

Amen-Ra Allah-El

Continued on page 17




Moors Heritage and History School: Mhhs - "Eyes Wide Open"

. Host: Anaidah El, Co-host: Mizraim El

Guest Co-hosts: Kudjo of Canaanland and Rahsmariah Bey

"Sons of Allah" -- Airs every 3rd Thursday of the

Month! w/ Mizraim El and Kudjo Adwo El


. Be Sure To Listen In at 9:30 p.m. as

we discuss National Principles!

"Sistars Standing On Law" has also moved to Moors Heritage and History School "Eyes Wide

Open" w/ Host Sister Anaidah El and Rahsmariah Bey

Every 3rd Sunday of the Month 1 p.m.--3 p.m. .

CALL IN: (347) 945-5899. INTERNET: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/mhhs-

eyeswideopen. Email: mhhseyeswideopen@gmail.com



Purchase Masonic Gate Newspaper $1.50 per issue- http://www.moorishciviletter.net/masonicgate.html

~ New Book by Bro. Abdullah El Talib Mosi Bey

New Books by G.S. Messiah Aziz-El on sale now at www.holymoorishemporium.org

The Moorish Message Page 17 of 18

Jabari Akil

Eric Williams-Bey

Lamont Vaughn-Bey

King Hashawn Najib-Bey

Divine Bey

Prince Young-Bey

Born Elijah Bey

Kalim H. Muhammad-El

Universal Elijah Bey

Sultan Jemal Bey

Amir El

Uhuru Sasa Bey

Aima Ma‟at Allahuma Nura El


Christmas marks the birth of Christ, and it is celebrated by Christians around the world. But this holiday has close ties

to an older festival known as the "Unconquered Sun." The impact this Pagan tradition had on how Christmas was

celebrated is one of the ways in which The Christian tradition The winter solstice is the time when the Sun reaches

it‟s southernmost rising and setting points in the northern hemisphere and the Suns apex at noon is at its lowest point

of the year. The days are shortest and the nights are longest. December 25th was the date of the winter solstice in

the calendar Julius Caesar devised for Rome in 46BC. Today the winter solstice usually occurs on December 21st.

Although Caesar used a 365 1/4 day year, a year is actually a little shorter, and this made the solstice occur a little

earlier over the years. There was a discrepancy of 1 day in 128 years.

The pagans celebrated the winter solstice as the Unconquered Sun. After this day, the Sun would begin to stay in the

sky longer each day, and there would be less cold, and less night; the Sun would win the battle of night and day.

There would be feasts; evergreens would be brought into the house to be decorated and lighted with candles to pay

tribute to the Sun.

There is nothing in the Christian Bible to specify the day of Christmas. Prior to the fourth century, Christ‟s birth had

been associated with Three King‟s Day on January 6. But the pagans and the newly converted were being a major

problem to the church because they were still celebrating the Unconquered Sun. Nothing the church did or said made

a difference; the winter solstice was just too important a festival.

What the Christians did in this dilemma, was execute a move seen over and over in history. If you can‟t defeat them,

and refuse to join them, at least make it appear that you defeated them. Sometime between AD 354 and 360 a few

decades after Emperor Constantine‟s conversion to Christianity, the celebration of Christmas was shifted to the day

of the Unconquered Sun. But the tradition of the Sun god lived on a long time.

The Romans got the idea of the sun god from the Syrians. Their Sun god, Deus Sol Invictus, became the chief god of

the Roman State under Aurelian. The Fathers of the Church however, insisted that Christ was the true Sun God, and

said that any celebrations for the Sun were really in celebration of Christ.

Both the Sun worshipers and the Christians saw the solstice/birthday as a transition from darkness to light. Christ

conquered the darkness, as did the Sun. Since the theme was similar, the traditions of one blended well with the


People have still carried over these traditions, though their earlier pagan roots have mostly long been forgotten.

"Christmas" trees are still brought into the house. Colored lights and candles light the darkness. The Yule Log is lit.

Courtesy of http://home.ccil.org/~kmiles/dln/12-95/decsol.html

© Copyright 1996 Kathy Miles and Charles F. Peters II - published in the Daily Local News 12/10/96 The Holy Moorish Emporium does not support this website in any other manner except the use of the information provided above.

Christmas….Do you really know what you‟re celebrating?


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Emporium Capricorn: I use The time of the Winter Solstice, Capricorn represents a quiet energy that comes from limitation, restriction, and order. Ambitious, calculating, and at times rigid, this energy is destined to succeed. Challenge comes from restriction; to overcome brings one success. Aquarius: I know Aquarius is the energy of intuition and innovation, in philosophy and technology. Aquarius seeks to destroy and rebuild that which inhibits progress in society. This is also an energy of group consciousness and awakening through compassion and humanitarian efforts. Pisces: I believe Pisces represents cosmic consciousness. It is the unity of love, for as the HKM says “No man lives unto himself, for every living thing is bound by cords to every living thing”. It is dreams, psychic energy, sensitive, emotional, and other-worldly. Upcoming Holy-Days Winter Solstice - December 21, 6:03 P.M. EST Prophet Noble Drew Ali‟s Birthday – January 8, 2015 Moorish New Year – January 15, 2015 Vernal Equinox /Astrological New Year - March 20 2015 5:45 P.M.EST

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