4. People Changing Places. Martyn Coltman

Post on 15-Apr-2017






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People Changing places…

..like Bridlington by Martyn Coltman

Chair Bridlington Renaissance Partnership & Town Team

A little light-hearted floral advice…

Preparation & dedication…

...will reap the rewards…

Keep it windswept & interesting…

Be alternative - Our Easter baskets!

Create real Hope for the future…

Show Leadership in Partnership

Avoid going round in circles…!

Make it a colourful voyage…

..and everyone should stay in the pink!

Get people involved from day 1

Get everyone round the table..!

The timeline… •  2002 - Town Team •  2003 - Town Charter •  2004 - Masterplan •  2005/6 - Urban Realm •  2007-2010 - Major Schemes unroll • 2011-2020 The Really Big Stuff!

Halcyon Days… Bringing Back the style, and quality for which Bridlington was once renowned



Fighting off an image problem

•  “The poor man’s Scarborough!” •  “Bridlington - why would you want to go / live / visit there..?” •  “It’s a bit tacky isn’t it?” •  “It’s seen better days, hasn’t it?” •  “It’s a bit downmarket for us I think…”

The new £21m Spa Bridlington



And another £7m on the outside!

New £17m Further Ed. College

So how have WE changed the place?

•  Vision, Passion, Commitment, Self-belief • Quick wins, Medium Term wins, Longer term wins •  Leading with cultural investment •  Keeping the public involved •  Marketing of the change - use the media •  Restoring civic pride - public realm •  Animating the new spaces with festivals & events

and how do we keep people involved & bring in new blood..?

Some Bridlington examples…

The Crescent - Before work began

The Crescent - transforming

The Crescent/gardens - complete

Chapel Street - Before

Chapel St. After - Shared Space

Be confident and tell the world..

The process has brought Bridlington great exposure: •  BBC Look North •  BBC National News •  Radio Interviews •  Live BBC News 24 •  Sky News •  National Press

And finally…

•  A look at some of the finest planned

schemes in Europe

•  Guess the locations of the next 5 slides





They are all coming to Bridlington

The £250m Town Centre Redevelopment Scheme

And next time you visit… Park & Ride from Whitsuntide

Thank you for listening

Any questions..? Martyn Coltman

Chair Bridlington Renaissance Partnership & Town Team

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