3 - Panorama Necto 14 application - visualization & data discovery solution

Post on 20-Jan-2017






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Necto TrainingModule 3: Necto Application

Module Contents Necto Home Page Interactive help Workboard basics

Lesson Objectives

By the end of this lesson you will be able to: Navigate within the Necto application. Efficiently use the Interactive help. Describe the Workboard environment. Navigate through the Workboard trees. Find and open relevant Workboards.

Necto Home Page

Workboard Thumbnail


Interactive Help

Quick Links

User AreaApplication Bar

Using Necto Homepage – Quick Links

Allows access to Workboards created by followed users.

• Recent Workboards that you have viewed previously, by time period

• Favorites Workboards are ones that you have decided to save as favorites.

• Relevant Workboards are suggested to you by the system.

Shows recent Discussions with other users

Shows selected Workboards in thumbnails

Using Necto Homepage – Relevancy

• Workboards that are most relevant for your work are suggested by the system, based on:

Previous activity: Workboard usage and

popularityYour topics of interest Number of Likes

the Workboard got

Using Necto Homepage – Discussions

Discussion Notification

Displays the discussions that you have initiated and those in which you have participated.

Using Necto Homepage – Subscriptions

Recent Subscriptions: allows tracking of the Workboard actions that the specific user performs

Using Necto Homepage - Filter

Tag Cloud Creation Date

Show as

Operations from Homepage

Navigate to specific Workboard

Open Necto application

Navigate to specific Workboard

Double click on Workboard thumbnail to open specific Workboard .

Or click on the work area button to access the Necto application, if the WorkBoard is unknown.

Find a Workboard

When you know what you’re searching for, you can find a Workboard or Discussion using search.

Double click on Workboard name to access it

Necto Workboard

Main Workboard Features:• Analyze data in

Interactive and Customizable UI

• Use Cause and Effect to find insights

• Allows social decision making

Workboard is a smart interactive dashboard, that includes information from various sources.

Necto Workboard – Page Structure

Analyze data

Discuss with coworkers

Get insights

Working Area

Necto Workboard – Social Bar

Who has used this Workboard

This option shows a list of my friends

Necto Workboard – Left Pane

Can show:1. Workboard

list.2. Slicers.3. Discussions.4. Scrapbook.5. Properties*


areaCurrently shows Workboard list

Necto Workboard – Left Pane states

1. Workboard list.

2. Slicers. 3. Discussions. 4. Scrapbook.

Necto Workboard

• Uses interactive and Customizable UI• Enables users to add their own data• Allows social decision making

• Enter design mode• Use the Advisor to see what others are doing in

the system• Like or Dislike a Workboard• Create and show comments both public and


Need help?

Interactive Help : Use this option to get instant help: Once opened hover the mouse pointer over an area, feature or button you need assistance with

Thank youAny Questions?

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