3'$ 13 1.)$3 - South Gloucestershiresites.southglos.gov.uk/mind-you/wp-content/uploads/sites/... · 2020-06-05 · 3'$ 13 1.)$"3 Our vision is to create a photo album on our Blog.

Post on 07-Aug-2020






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HYPE the Art Project

Our vision is tocreate a photoalbum on our

Blog. We wantto create a

visual record ofwhat theCOVID-19

pandemic waslike for under25s. We wantthis to includevirtually any


Barnardos HYPE service works with under 25's tocreate change in children's health.

A team of health champions (all under 25) havecreated projects to support all our mental health.

We have a small budget for art materials, thatcan be delivered to you at home, if you needthem. Contact Bridget, if you would like to chatabout materials or any other aspect of theprojects, on: 07827256259.

We would love to see your Paintings, Photographs, Crafts, Doodlesor absolutely anything you create that shows how you are getting

through day-to-day. Anything creative that really makes adifference to your mood and wellbeing. Submit your art to us via

our Facebook page: Barnardo's HYPE Blog.

You can post as often as you like, we would love itif you wanted to post everyday!

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