
What you need in the header for your journal posts

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In-class Journal 10/26/12

Tell me in at least 100 words about an experience that caused you to learn something about yourself. Answer the following questions about this experience:

• Why did the experience or incident occur?

• What events led up to it?• How was it resolved?• What were its short- and long-term

outcomes?• What is its significance now? 


1. What is an anecdote?

2. For personal essays, writers primarily use three strategies. Name one of them.

3. What does “entomology” mean?

4. What is a “cliché”? Give me an example of one.

E.C. Why did the narrator consider himself and his dog clichés?

1. What is an anecdote?

1. What is an anecdote?

A brief story that enlivens* your writing while introducing a topic or illustrating an idea.

*to make something come “alive”

2. For personal essays, writers primarily use three strategies. Name one of them.

2. For personal essays, writers primarily use three strategies. Name one of them.•Narration•Description•Reflection

3. What does “entomology” mean?

3. What does “entomology” mean?

The study of bugs

4. What is a “cliché”? Give me an example of one.

4. What is a “cliché”? Give me an example of one.

A phrase, expression, or situation that has become overly familiar or commonplace. See page 103

E.C. Why did the narrator consider himself and his dog clichés?

In the Computer Lab today, 10/26/12

Your Writing Diagnostic. Be sure to save it on your flash drive and post it in “Writing Diagnostic” discussion area. Be sure to double-space and give it a title.

Homework for Monday, 10/29/12

Read pages 155-157. In your journal answers the questions on page 157.(Do not do #8)

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