25 Popular Business Books Summarized In One Sentence Each

Post on 10-May-2015






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We summarized the core value of 25 books about business and are sharing it with you, hope you find it useful.


25 Popular Business Books Summarized In One Sentence

Each分别用一句话概括 25本热门商务书籍

Givers - people who try to benefit others in their interactions - are the most successful people, since they create durable, career-enabling relationships.

给予 – 者 使他人在互动中受益的人 - 是最成功的人,因为他们创造持久的、有益于职业生涯的关系。

Give and Take /

Adam Grant

Brands exist only in people’s minds, which is why they need to be both identifiable and differentiated.


Positioning /

Al Ries & Jack Trout

Success in business comes from building strong relationships.商业上的成功来源于建立稳固的关系。

How to Win Friends and Influence People

/ Dale Carnegie

Our decision-making gets stifled by dozens of cognitive biases we may not be aware of.


Decisive /

Chip Heath & Dan Heath

Stress-free productivity is a product of knowing your long term priorities and breaking your near-term goals into

actionable projects.无压工作是一个让你了解长期优先任务并将近期目标化成可操作的任


Getting Things Done /

David Allen

You shouldn’t follow your passion; you should refine your craft.你不应追随你的激情;你应该完善你的手艺。

So Good They Can’t Ignore You /

Cal Newport

IQ alone is not enough to be successful and must be complemented by self-control, persistence, and motivation.单靠高智商是无法成功的。自我管理,耐力和动力也是不可或缺的。

Emotional Intelligence /

Dan Goleman

After leading one of the world’s largest companies for 23  years, Sloan discovered that decentralisation breeds innovation.

在领导了世界上最大的公司之一长达 23年之后, Sloan发现权利下放会带来创新。

My Years with General Motors /

Alfred Sloan

People are motivated by meaning more than by pleasure or even happiness.


Man’s Search For Meaning /

Victor Frankl

For employees to be continually engaged, happy, and productive, they need to experience small victories every day.为了让员工持续的参与、快乐和高产,他们需要每天获得一点小成功。

The Progress Principle /

Teresa Amabile & Steven Kramer

People aren’t as rational as a first-year economics textbook tells you, and there are many situations where you can count on

them to be irrational.人不会像你在第一年经济学书本中学到的那样理性。并且生活中总是存在


Predictability Irrational /

Dan Ariely

Although we’ve come to think of the extroverted, charismatic leader as the ideal, introverts have an important advantage.


Quiet /

Susan Cain

You have to be willing to kill off or cannibalise your best business, or someone else will do it for you.


The Innovator’s Dilemma /

Clayton Christensen

There are six universal principles that determine if people will change behaviour-reciprocity, commitment, social proof, liking, authority, and

scarcity.6 条通用原则决定人们是否会改变自己的行为互惠、承诺、社会认同、喜好、权


Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion

/ Robert Cialdini

Good companies become great by confronting the brutal realities of their business, finding out what they’re uniquely

good at, creating a culture of discipline and maintaining momentum.


Good to Great /

Jim Collins

Being effective is  as much about what you choose not to do as what you actually do every day.


The Effective Executive /

Peter Drucker

A lot of the accepted business wisdom - that workaholics are heroes, that a great resume signals a good candidate, and that you need outside investors -

is completely false. 很多公认的商业智慧 - 工作狂是英雄,一份好简历标志着一个

好的候选人,你需要外部投资者 - 是完全错误的。

Rework /

Jason Fried & David Heinemeier Hansson

Talent, intelligence, hard work, and ambition are all great, but real the secret of successful people is often luck, timing, and

where they’re from.人才、智力、勤奋和野心都很好,但真正成功的人的秘诀经常是运气、时


Outliers /

Malcolm Gladwell

Advertising and marketing that is built off other people’s work is doomed to fail, and the only way to stand out is to be truly



Purple Cow /

Seth Godin

People are most motivated by having autonomy, mastery, and purpose, rather than incentives.


Drive /

Daniel Pink

Rather than work forward from technology or a complex strategy, work backward from the needs of the customer

and build the simplest product possible.不是正面从技术或复杂的战略合作推进,而是从客户的需求出发,并


The Lean Startup /

Eric Ries

Women continue to face career obstacles but can overcome them by speaking up, setting big goals, working hard, and

finding supporters.女性仍然面临着职业生涯的障碍,但可以通过交流,制定宏大目标,


Lean In /

Sheryl Sandberg

New technology made us much better at using data, but can make us more likely to make bad predictions because we overemphasise random fluctuations in



The Signal and the Noise /

Nate Silver

People are very good at fooling themselves into thinking they know much more than they do, which makes it easy for big, unusual events to surprise us.人很善于自欺欺人,以为他们知道的比实际的多,这让大的和


The Black Swan /

Nassim Taleb

Adding more people to a complicated software project that’s already behind makes things worse, since small

groups are better at such complex tasks.在复杂的软件项目中增加人手,使已经落后使项目变得更糟。


The Mythical Man-Month /

Frederick Brooks

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