24 March 2015 Volume 9 Catholic Schools Zone 2 Swimming ... and Events/Documents/24 March.pdf · 24 March 2015 Volume 9 Catholic Schools Zone 2 Swimming Carnival Last Thursday 30

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24 March 2015 Volume 9

Catholic Schools Zone 2 Swimming Carnival

Last Thursday 30 students represented our school at the Zone 2 Catholic Schools Swimming Carnival at Chandler

Aquatic Centre. The Carnival was attended by 21 Catholic Schools from Brisbane’s south side. The boys and girls

from Sts Peter & Paul’s performed very admirably with many great results during the day.

Quite a few of our students achieved a place in their events.

1st: 50m Breastroke – Ella Monckton; 50m Backstroke – Amelia Harmey, Will Spencer; 50m Butterfly – Will

Spencer. 2nd

: 50m Freestyle – Will Spencer, 50m Backstroke – Tiana Smith, Hannah Webb; 50m Butterfly –

Josephine Garvin, Tiana Smith; 50m Breastroke – Thomas Druve. 3rd

: 50m Backstroke – Jack Fury, 50m Freestyle –

Tiana Smith, Charlie Hansson; 50m Butterfly – Charlie Hansson.

Our relay teams also had great success.

Freestyle Relays: 1st – 9 Years Girls – Ava Hawthorne, Milena Willcox, Kya Leppitsch, Grace Gillies; 10 Years

Girls – Amy Penfold, Jessica Walduck, Jessica French, Hannah Webb; 12 Years Boys – Charlie Hansson, Lukas

Bruze-Vromans, Will Spencer, Thomas Druve; 2nd

– 12 Years Girls – Josie Garvin, Amelia Harmey, Claudia

Chapman, Grace Dillon; 9 Years Boys – Charlie Hansson, Tom Robinson, Connor Davidson, Zac Gribble; 3rd

– 10

Years Boys – Thomas Druve, Jack Fury, Tom Harnisch, James Goodyear ; 11 Years Girls – Tiana Smith, Ella

Monckton, Jedda Hawker, Grace Collins.

Medley Relays: 2nd

– Junior Girls – Hannah Webb, Jessica Walduck, Amy Penfold, Jessica French; Junior Boys –

Connor Davidson, Thomas Druve, Charlie Hansson, Tom Robinson; Senior Girls – Amelia Harmey, Ella Monckton,

Tiana Smith, Grace Dillon.

Sts Peter and Paul’s were placed second overall in the Aggregate Points Competition with Our Lady of Lourdes,

Sunnybank taking out first place and St Oliver Plunkett, Cannon Hill coming in third (both schools with their own

pools and swimming clubs!) Our school also achieved second place in the Percentage Trophy which measures overall

points in comparison to school population. Congratulations to our wonderful team on a fantastic day of swimming.

You can be very proud of your efforts and great results. Thanks to Mr Gibson for looking after the team so well and to

the many parents who helped out in the stands with organisation and cheering.

At Monday afternoon’s Sports Assembly, we will make a short presentation to acknowledge our swimming team.

Damien Sullivan


At the end of this term we will be farewelling Heather Mazlin who has worked at Sts Peter and Paul’s for the past 30

years. Heather has been a wonderful teacher, mentor and friend to many children, staff and parents over these many

years; she is a very caring and committed teacher who has touched the lives of so many during these years, and she

will certainly be missed by everyone in this community.

We will gather as a school community next Wednesday afternoon 1 April at 2.40pm in the Good Samaritan Hall to

say farewell to Heather and to thank her for her amazing and very significant contribution to the learning and

teaching at Sts Peter and Paul’s.

We wish Heather all the very best in her retirement and sincerely thank her for all she has contributed to the school.

APRE News – Mr Brendan Schostakowski


Year 3 will lead our Lenten Prayer assembly this Wednesday, 25 March, with the theme ‘Forgiveness’. In each person’s life

there are times we need to forgive ourselves and to forgive others. Often, people do not mean to hurt us – it just happens. We

need to ask Jesus to forgive us for the times we have hurt other people and we need to ask for God’s help to forgive others for

the times they have hurt us.

You are welcome to join us at 9:00am in the Church for this special prayer celebration.

PROJECT COMPASSION Harvesting food for life

At each Lenten assembly members of the Year 6 Care and Concern Committee share the stories of people from different parts of the world whose lives have been transformed with help from Caritas Australia. This week we learn about Cristian’s story. Cristian’s community in rural Peru has always lived a traditional life, with simple diets and crops dependent on rainfall. Until recently, 33-year-old Cristian had to travel one kilometre to access running water. With the help of Caritas Huacho, Cristian and 14 other young farmers have introduced running water and irrigation to their remote Andean village. They now grow and harvest a wide variety of high-value, sustainable crops, which provide them all with a secure income and a wide variety of food. Your donation to Project Compassion helps farmers in Peru secure a food source and income that benefits their families and communities for life. Thank you for your generous response towards Project Compassion and please continue your support during the last two weeks of this term. FEAST OF THE ANNUNCIATION 25 MARCH At the Annunciation, the angel Gabriel announces to Mary that she will conceive a son, and his name will be Jesus. The angel’s greeting, “Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you”, begins the prayer we know as the “Hail Mary”. Mary’s response to the angel, “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord; let it be done to me according to your word”, is a statement of humble faith, and a model for how we are to respond when God calls us to do what seems impossible. GOSPEL REFLECTION FOR THE SIXTH SUNDAY OF LENT – 29 March Mark 14:1 – 15:47 Passion and death of Jesus On the hill of Golgotha we watch as the Holy One, the Son of God, is crucified and mocked, ‘Save yourself, and come down from the cross!’ As the sky grows dark, Jesus cries out, ‘My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?’ – and breathes his last. In deep silence we stand at the foot of the cross. Out of love for us, Jesus chose to go through the pain and humiliation of a public execution. It has made the cross the primary symbol of the Christian faith. But the story does not end there – the death of Jesus is followed by his resurrection. Death has been overcome by the loving life of Jesus and his trust in the Father’s love – and we too will rise with Christ. During this Season of Lent we pray. That we may understand more fully the depth of the love of Jesus through his suffering. That the love that Jesus has for those in need, energises us to care for them more attentively. That we become an outward-looking community, turning our attention to the poor and respecting their rights. Wishing you God’s blessings for the coming week. Brendan

APA News...Mr Damien Sullivan

Mathletics For 2014 our students have again been signed up to become Mathletics users – all classes from Prep to Year 6. This valuable resource is both fun and educational and assists students in the development of their mathematics skills. The site may be accessed from home and is internet based. Last year many students loved working through the activities and teachers reported that student confidence, skills and mathematics knowledge and understanding developed through participation in the program. For our new users to the program – Mathletics is first being introduced in class time, and as confidence and familiarity with the program grows, passwords will be sent home with students next term. Thank you for your support in this curriculum initiative. Playground Champions Congratulations to Annalise (4G), Matteo (Yr 2), Ruby (2G) and Luca (2G) who were drawn out of the box as Playground Champions at our last assembly. They have been helping our school to be a happy and safe place for students. All the best for the week ahead! Damien Sullivan

Sports News

FIT CLUB See the flyer attached in preparation for the School Cross Country Carnival.

Years 1 – 6 School Cross Country Carnival - OUR FINAL FITNESS GOAL Friday, 27 March 2015 Hawthorne Park, Hawthorne Road Side

Permission notes were sent home last week.

A proposed timetable is listed below. Whilst we try to keep to time please be aware that these times are indicative for

the proposed start of each event. Years 1 and 2 run in their year groups and Years 3 – 6 run in their girls and boys age

groups. DOB is as at 31/12/2015.

A map of the proposed course is posted on the Sports board in the undercroft for your perusal.

9:30am Welcome 9:40am 13/12 year old girls born 2002/2003, followed by boys (3 laps of the course) 9:55am 11 year old girls born 2004, followed by boys (3 laps of the course) 10:10am 10 year old girls born 2005, followed by boys (2 laps of the course) with Ryan Seniors 10:25am 9 year old girls born 2006, followed by boys (2 laps of the course) with Concannon Seniors 10:40am 8 year old girls born 2007 (Not in Year 2), followed by boys (2 laps of the course) with SRC Seniors 10:55am Year 2 girls, followed by boys (1 lap of the course) with O’Keeffe Seniors 11:10am Year 1 girls, followed by boys (1 lap of the course) with O’Brien Seniors Conclusion /Pack up: Year 6 and parent helpers to pack up the tents, equipment, load the cars and tidy Venue. Walk back to school with your class teacher and parent walking helpers.

Yours in sport Bec Coen

Library Bytes Thank you to the volunteers who were able to assist at the working bee last week. We really value the time given to help us

complete our Library projects.

This is the last week for class borrowing this term. Students are welcome to borrow books before school to read over the

holidays. The Library is open every morning before school.

LAST CHANCE TO ENTER Writing competition

The 2015 School Writing Competition is NOW OPEN!

Calling all Australian school students... Prep to Year 12...

Write a poem or short story for your chance to win $1,000 cash ($500 for you & $500 for your school) As well as lots

of AWESOME prizes!

All it takes is a burst of inspiration, a dash of creativity and a little bit of effort for great poems and stories to

appear! We can't wait to read yours!

Entry is FREE! Entries close Sunday March 29, 2015. For more information head to http://www.write4fun.net/

Entry forms are also available at the Library.

Happy reading,

Mrs Wilson, Mrs Rimmer, Mrs McEniery and Mrs Brooks.

tmwilson@bne.catholic.edu.au rrimmer@bne.catholic.edu.au

P & F News

Keep an eye out for your invitation to “Dancing in the Moonlight” – coming soon! Save the date for Friday 22nd

May. This event will be

held on the school oval.

The Health and Wellbeing Committee will hold a meeting this Friday 27th

March from 2-3pm in the Staffroom. All are welcome.


The current menu is available on the school website at www.stspp.qld.edu.au. Please Note: Friday 27 March, no morning tea to be ordered. LUNCH orders ONLY due to Cross Country.

Pre-ordered morning tea orders have now been cancelled. Lunch orders remain. ROSTER: Wednesday, 25 March

Gina Yem, Juliane Cowie

Friday, 27 March

Maureen Coorey, Amanda Kimlin, Tamara Schmiede, Melissa Regano

Monday, 30 March

Mechelle Fury

Term 2: Tuckshop resumes on Monday 20 April.

Many thanks everyone for your terrific support,

Chris Watt, Tuckshop Convenor

Tel: 0413 590 109


VACATION CARE: Children are invited to join us these school holidays for lots of egg-citing Egg Themed activities! Program highlights include a trip to Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary to learn about egg laying animals, a visit to the Queensland Museum to investigate dinosaur eggs and an eggs-cursion to Capalaba Regional Park to take part in our own egg treasure hunt! We will also have the Heritage Hatchlings program at the centre during the holidays where we will be able to watch chicks hatch from incubated eggs. To attend Vacation Care children must first be enrolled in OSHC. Bookings for Vacation Care can only be made with a completed Vacation Care Booking Form. For more information please email Claire at bulimbaoshc@bne.centacare.net.au. OUR ACTIVITIES: This week at OSHC we have lots of Harmony Day activities planned. For craft we will be making Harmony Day chatter boxes, paper people chains, hand art and painting. In the kitchen we are cooking yummy fried rice, baking apple galettes, cooking kaiserschmarrn (delicious Austrian pancakes) and making Italian-style pizzas with our very own home made bases topped with salami, mozzarella and fresh basil from the garden. Inside we are playing Trio, castles, dress ups, mobilo and lego. In the garden we are transplanting our leafy green seedlings - shallots, mint, celery, spinach & parsley, as the first phase of the new moon will enhance their growth. Outside games and activities include chalk art, skipping, handball, pop up tiggy and cricket. On the oval we are having running games and playing capture the flag. EMERGENCY PROCEDURES: This week at OSHC we will be practising our Evacuation and Lockdown procedures. These procedures are on display at the centre. PAPER DONATIONS: We are very busy with lots of drawing and paper plane making at the moment. We love recycling and would welcome any donations of unneeded paper that we can use for craft. OSHC EDUCATOR OF THE WEEK: Jason Warland is our OSHC Educator of the week. Jase has been working at OSHC at Sts Peter & Paul’s since 2004 and has completed a Certificate III in Children’s Services. He is a Certified Supervisor and Re lief Coordinator at the centre and looks after W H & S. In his spare time Jase enjoys swimming, bushwalking and looking after his pet fish, Oscar. His favourite area to look after at OSHC is the quad and garden because there are so many different things to do! DOCUMENTING OUR FUN: Each child has their own folder on the network at OSHC where we record information about the wonderful activities s/he takes part in. Your child’s folder can be accessed from the family area; log in details are on the green poster on the window. Please see an Educator for more information; we love sharing your child’s adventures at OSHC with you! SUGGESTIONS: At Sts Peter & Paul’s our philosophy, practices and focus on continual improvement is guided by the National

Quality Framework and Standards for Education and Care. We enjoy collaborating with families and welcome suggestions and

feedback on how we can continue to improve OSHC for you and your child! Please speak to an Educator, email us or place

your comments into the box at OSHC. We look forward to hearing from you! More information about the National Quality

Framework can be found at www.acecqa.gov.au.

OSHC CHAMPION: This week’s OSHC Champions are Poppy Crow, Ella Barry, Oscar Hoeft, Lucinda Pollock, Hannah Pearse,

Sienna Ellero, Amelie Hopkins and Zane Seeto. Well done!

Claire Ravenswood OSHC Coordinator Educational Leader

Support a Reader

Just a reminder that Support-a-Reader will end for Term 1 on Thursday 26 March and recommence for Term 2 on Tuesday 28 April. Thank you for your support of this wonderful program.

School Banking What an amazing first term of school banking we are having. Our sign on day a few weeks ago was very busy and we now

have a large number of Prep students banking consistently each week. Our Year 1 bankers have been banking just as well as

last year, we are so proud of both of our younger grades who are doing such a great job. Well Done Prep and Year 1.

Our rewards for Term 1 are the Planet Hand Ball and ET DVD, when you have saved ten tokens you can choose either of these


Happy Banking from your school banking co-ordinators Deb Waldron, Amanda Monckton, Melody Phillips, Cath Palmer, Sonia Horsburgh,

Airoleene Chaw, Peta Perring and Maria Hatzifotis.

ANZAC DAY MARCH - SATURDAY 25th APRIL Sts Peter & Paul’s School will again be participating in the Anzac Day parade down Oxford Street next month.

The parade begins at the Bulimba Library and proceeds down Oxford Street to Memorial Park, where a short service is


Children who wish to help represent our school and participate in the March will need to be at the Bulimba Library by

7.15am. The children need to be in full school uniform including hat. The service usually finishes by 9am and the

children will be given Anzac biscuits afterwards.

The RSL has kindly asked parents not to march with the children. Parents can walk and watch along the footpath, or

meet the children at the park, but should not be part of the March.

We’re giving plenty of notice as Anzac Day occurs in the first week of Term 2. If anyone has any queries or would like to

help make Anzac biscuits please email me at jennym_ryan@yahoo.com.au or phone 0423 574 496.


Jenny Hansson


27 March Cross Country (Years 1 to 6) 30 March Sports Assembly – 2.30pm 1 April Farewell and Thank You Mrs Heather Mazlin – 2.30pm

2 April Term 1 Ends 20 April Term 2 Begins 25 April Anzac Day 22 May P & F Dinner Dance 8 June Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday 26 June Term 2 Ends

Child of the Week

PB: Lucinda Croger PG: Zoe Barends PR: Isabella Malek PY: Harvey Knauer

1B: William O’Connor 1G: Esme Jackson 1R: Beth Collie 1Y: Grace Dark

2B: Riley Palmer 2G: Lily Lerner 2R: Ben Green

3B: Adalyn Pohl 3G: Alice Hayes 3R: Charlie Hansson 3Y: Isobel Gillies

4B: James Dooley 4G: Ruby Armstrong 4R: Sofia Tanks

5B: Thomas Dean 5G: Phoebe James

6B: Claire Robertson 6G: Lila Maxwell

Bulimba Riverside Junior Rugby is a great local junior

rugby club, located in Bulimba Street Bulimba.

We are looking for boys or girls born in 2006 who

would like to learn to play rugby, make some new

mates and have fun.

Training is Friday Nights, with games on Saturday


Please contact us at riversiderugby.bulimba@gmail.com

for more information.



WHERE: WALK THE COURSE – Thursday 26 March

For those keen runners who are interested in checking out the course before the day of the carnival, WITH

PARENTS (weather permitting). Meet at the “tennis wall” on the back oval at Hawthorne Park (Park

Road/ Hawthorne Road side) for a walk of the 2015 Cross Country Course. Once we are finished you must

go to school with a parent/carer.

Parents – you must stay with your child during this

session to accompany them around the course.

WHEN: BEFORE SCHOOL FROM 7.30am – 8.00am


Remember to apply sunscreen before arriving and to bring your full school uniform to change into at 8.00am

Bring a second breakfast snack for before class

FINAL GOAL - Sts Peter & Paul’s School Cross Country Carnival Years 1 – 6 Friday, 27 March 2015 Hawthorne Park, Hawthorne Road Side

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