2021 NHD UTAH VIRTUAL CONTEST GUIDE NHD Utah...formatting your project, registering for your contest, and uploading your completed project. Part 1. Create Your Digital Entry • Digital

Post on 22-Feb-2021






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A program of the Utah Division of State History utahhistoryday@gmail.com https://history.utah.gov/utah-history-day/


VIRTUAL CONTEST GUIDE _____________________________________________

Most NHD Utah contests will be conducted virtually in spring 2021. This guide has three parts with complete instructions for students and teachers to assist you with creating and formatting your project, registering for your contest, and uploading your completed project.

Part 1. Create Your Digital Entry • Digital project formats • Creating an exhibit for a virtual NHD contest • Creating a documentary for a virtual NHD contest • Creating a performance for a virtual NHD contest • Creating a shareable link to your documentary or

performance video using Google Drive

Part 2. Register For Your Local Contest • Before you begin • Teacher registration instructions • Students: gather this info before you register • Student registration instructions

Part 3. Upload Your Digital Project to the Contest

• Digital formats • Uploading help videos

2021 NHD UTAH CONTESTS Find your local contest here. Click to go to the contest website. District Contests Canyons School District Ogden School District

District contests are for public school students in these districts. Top district entries advance to the local regional contest.

Charter, online, and private school students in these districts should register for the regional contest, below.

Regional Contests Cache (Box Elder/Cache/Rich) Castle Country (Carbon/Emery) Salt Lake (Salt Lake/Tooele/Park City) San Juan County Utah Valley Washington County Weber (Ogden/Weber/Davis) Or look up your contest at https://register.nhd.org

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Projects in NHD’s five creative categories should be created and submitted in the following digital formats.


Choose one:

Option A. Create a born-digital exhibit using Google Draw, Microsoft Publisher, or similar, then generate a PDF of your exhibit.

Option B. Create a physical 3D exhibit, take photos of it, then create a slides presentation of your exhibit.

Both options will create one PDF file with title page, process paper, annotated bibliography, and exhibit (in that order).

Exhibits must follow NHD’s virtual exhibit guidelines and use the NHD templates (linked below).

Documentary Digital video of documentary plus one PDF of title page, process paper, annotated bibliography (in that order).

Performance Digital video of performance plus one PDF of title page, process paper, annotated bibliography (in that order).

Performances must follow NHD’s virtual performance guidelines (below).

Paper One PDF of title page, process paper, paper, and annotated bibliography (in that order). Process papers are now required in the Paper category.

Website Build your project on NHDWebCentral. Embed your process paper and annotated bibliography in your site.

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EXHIBIT OPTION A: Create a Born-Digital Exhibit If you wish to create a digital exhibit, see pages 30-32 in the updated NHD Contest Rule Book for exhibit project rules. Instead of building a physical exhibit, you will build your exhibit with design software. Your digital exhibit must comply with all category rules, including word counts, source credits, and captions.

Design Software Options

To create a digital exhibit, you are welcome to use any design software that you prefer. Here are two examples:

● Google Drawings is a free program that allows you to create a digital exhibit within the maximum size of an NHD exhibit. Using this program does require creating a free Google account if you do not already have one through your school.

● Microsoft Publisher is another program that you may have access to through your school. This program also allows you to create a digital exhibit that fits within the maximum size of an NHD exhibit.

Regardless of which design software you use, NHD strongly recommends designing a flat version of a tri-fold exhibit. Digital exhibits cannot adequately represent 3D exhibits that are round, multi-sided, or those with moving parts.

Digital Exhibit Size & Dimensions: 74 x 72 inches

A 74-inch wide x 72-inch high page size replicates the maximum dimensions of a tri-fold exhibit. If you laid a standard rules-compliant tri-fold board flat, the dimensions of the board would be 74 inches wide by 72 inches high. You may not create anything larger than these dimensions.

Required Font Size

The minimum font size on a digital exhibit is 20 pt font. This applies to ALL text on your exhibit, including captions and source credits.

NHD Digital Exhibit Design Templates

● Google Drawings NHD Template (74-inch wide x 72-inch high)

● Microsoft Publisher NHD Template (74-inch wide x 72-inch high)

● See next page for an example of a born-digital exhibit in the NHD template.

Both of these templates are adjustable. You may make your digital exhibit smaller, but you may not make the dimensions larger. You may move or eliminate the black lines on the templates, if desired.

Prepare your digital exhibit and required paperwork for virtual submission:

1. Export/download your virtual exhibit as a PDF.

2. Combine your exhibit PDF and required paperwork (title page, process paper, and annotated bibliography) PDF into a single PDF file. (Free apps for this include Small PDF and I Love PDF). The final PDF order must be: title page, process paper, annotated bibliography, virtual exhibit.

• Please see this example for the correct order.

• Please see this video to learn how to combine your PDF documents into one PDF file.

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EXAMPLE: Born-Digital NHD Exhibit Created in Google Drawings

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EXHIBIT OPTION B: Build a Physical Exhibit, Take Photos, Create Slides If you wish to create a physical exhibit, see pages 30-32 in the updated NHD Contest Rule Book for exhibit project rules. If you create a physical exhibit, and your contest is held virtually, you must photograph your exhibit and create slides to submit, using one of the templates below.

If you create a physical exhibit and participate in a virtual contest, you are required to follow these submission instructions to be sure judges can read and evaluate your exhibit.

Step 1: Build your physical exhibit

As you create your exhibit, remember that it should be simple to photograph in sections. Features that span across the exhibit panels (such as long timelines) will be difficult to photograph and display on the slides.

Step 2: Take high quality photos of your exhibit

Place your project in good light. Take high-resolution photos that are focused and sharp. Be aware that Google Slides will reduce the resolution of your photos, so you should start with good quality pictures.

Photos you will need:

• One full photo of your exhibit

• Close-up photos of each section of your exhibit, dividing each panel into three sections: ○ Left panel: top, center, bottom ○ Center panel: top, center, bottom ○ Right panel: top, center, bottom

Step 3: Create a set of slides using an NHD template

Your slides must use a combination of photos and typed text from your exhibit, including student-composed words, quotes, and source credits.

You may use either of these two template options to submit your exhibit. These options provide you with slides to insert photos and text from your exhibit.

You may not add additional slides. Further details can be found on the first page of either slide template.

• Google Slides Template • PowerPoint Template • Click here to view a sample project submitted through one of these templates.

Step 4: Prepare your slides and required paperwork for virtual submission:

• Export/download your completed slides as a PDF.

• Combine your exhibit PDF and required paperwork (title page, process paper, and annotated bibliography) PDF into a single PDF file. (Free apps for this include Small PDF and I Love PDF.) The final PDF document order must be: title page, process paper, annotated bibliography, exhibit template.

○ Please see this example for the correct order. ○ Please see this video to learn how to combine your PDF documents into one PDF file.

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• You will submit your completed documentary to the contest via a shareable link.

• You can create your documentary using the video editing software of your choice.

• You must follow all rules for the documentary category; refer to the NHD Rule Book (2020 edition) for complete details.

• Save (export/render/convert) your completed video as an MP4 file.

• Combine your title page, process paper, and annotated bibliography into one PDF file. Name this file the title of your project.

• Follow the instructions below to create and submit a shareable link to your project.


• You will make a video recording of your performance and submit it to the contest via a shareable link.

• Group performances can use Zoom, Google Meet, or similar platform to record their performance in a gallery format.

• You should follow all social distancing guidelines and preventative actions that apply in your community and school.

• Performances must be recorded in one take regardless of recording platform. Do not edit multiple clips together.

• Feel free to be creative with the recording medium. Consider set designs, costumes, and props that will be effective in a recorded format. Virtual backgrounds are allowed, but must be relevant to the topic.

• Any audio recordings, music, or media should be present in the video as a part of the performance.

• You must follow all rules for the performance category; refer to the NHD Rule Book (2020 edition) for complete details.

• Students do not submit a script of their performance.

• Save (export/render/convert) your video recording as an MP4 file.

• Combine your title page, process paper, and annotated bibliography into one PDF file. Name this file the title of your project.

• Follow the instructions below to create and submit a shareable link to your project.

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CREATING A SHAREABLE LINK TO YOUR DOCUMENTARY OR PERFORMANCE VIDEO USING GOOGLE DRIVE Because student Google accounts are usually kept behind a school firewall, you will need to use a teacher, parent, or personal Google Drive account to create a shareable link to your video. Contest judges will watch your project directly from the link you provide.

Step 1. Save your finished video as an MP4 file.

Step 2. Upload the MP4 file into the teacher/parent/personal Google Drive folder. Allow it time to upload fully.

Step 3. In the Google folder, click on the video file to select it, then click on the Get link icon (looks like a hyperlink button).

Step 4. Set link sharing to Anyone with the link (anyone on the internet with this link can view) and Viewer.

Step 5. Click Copy link.

Step 6. Send the link to a friend or relative to be sure your video plays properly and can be viewed by someone outside your school.

Step 7. Go to the website for your contest and login to your student account (you’ll need the username and password you created when you registered for the contest.) Click on your name and select My Profile.

Step 8. Paste your shareable link in the Documentary Link field. This field is for both documentary and performance video links.

Step 8. Upload the PDF of your title page, process paper, and annotated bibliography in the Written Materials field.

Step 9. Click SAVE at the bottom of the profile box.

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Teachers Register First Teachers must register BEFORE their students can register. When students register, they will select from the list of available teachers from each school. New for 2021: Register up to three teachers who work together on a school’s NHD team. Students can select multiple teachers when they register.

Independent Students If you are not working with a teacher on your NHD project, you are an Independent Student. You should have a parent or other trusted adult register as your “teacher” in the system. They should follow the Teacher Registration Instructions. They should use their name and email in the teacher fields, and the school you currently attend in the school field. This person will receive contest emails and must be able to share them with you. Please also send the contest coordinator an email letting them know you are competing independently. Email Addresses You need to provide an email address that will accept mail from our registration system. If your school blocks student accounts from receiving outside email, please provide a personal or parent email address (such as gmail) that is checked regularly. You may put the same email address in all email fields, and it can be a parent’s address. Parents with more than one child participating can use the same email for all children. NHD Utah uses student email, phone, and mailing addresses strictly for contest management purposes. Your NHD Account Lasts All Year Teachers and students will only create one NHD account for the entire year. You will use the same login for each contest as you advance through local, regional, state, and national levels. Save your username and password so you can access your NHD account to upload your project and edit your information throughout the year. Registration Fees: $0 There are no fees to register for NHD contests in Utah.

Register for the Correct Contest Depending on where you live and the school you attend, your first contest may be at the district or regional level. If you aren’t sure which contest to enter, contact utahhistoryday@gmail.com. Check Your Deadlines Consult your local contest website lists your registration deadline, as well as when project uploads are due. If You Advance to Regionals/State/Nationals

• Do not create a new NHD account. We will transfer your information up to the next contest automatically.

• You will receive an email from zfairs.com with a link to access the next contest. Use the same username and password for all NHD contests this year.

• Always access your NHD account in the contest in which you are currently competing. Once you have advanced, you cannot edit information in previous contests.

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• Select Create Account from top menu bar select Teacher from the dropdown menu. • Enter your name and email address, prove you’re not a robot, then click Next. • Complete personal contact information. Provide your preferred mailing address. • Create a password. It must be at least 6 characters long, and contain upper- and lower-case letters. • Write down your password for future reference. • Click Save and Continue.

STEP 2. Select Your School

• If your school does not appear on the list, stop here and contact the contest coordinator. Tell them to add your school to the system.

• Continue registering after your school has been added. STEP 3. Answer Additional Questions

• Help us out by providing the total number of your students who are using NHD in any way this year, even if they will not register for a contest. This is how we gather student participation for the entire state, and we depend on you to make these numbers as accurate as possible. Thanks!

STEP 4. Agree to Permissions and Waivers STEP 5. Registration Complete/Username

• Write down your username and keep it with your password. You will use this username and password for every NHD contest your students compete in this year.

• You will receive a Registration Completed email from NoReply@zfairs.com (check your spam folder). STEP 6. Your Students May Now Register

• Your students may begin registering after your account is complete. • Track their registration progress using your My Students list.

NOTE: Using Your MY STUDENTS List Teachers, you can view your students’ registration status and edit their information using your My Students list. Your list appears when you are logged into your NHD teacher account. A thumbs-up next to a student’s name means they have completed their registration. You can edit student and project information, and link or unlink students from an entry.

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Student Name

Student’s Email

Mailing Address

Parent’s Email

City & ZIP

Your Teacher

The student email you provide must accept outside mail. If your school blocks student accounts from receiving outside emails, provide a parent’s or personal email address in the student email field. We will use this to send contest announcements and information, or if there is a problem with your registration.

Title of Your Project

Category Documentary Exhibit Paper Performance Website

Individual or Group Entry

Individual Entry: I worked alone on this project Group Entry: I worked in a group of 2-5 students on this project. See Group Project Registration instructions below.

Website Category Site Key

If you created a website for your project, you must enter your NHDWebCentral Site Key when you register for the contest. This is how judges will view your project. Your website will be locked during the judging period and you will not be able to edit it during this time. Your 8-Digit Site Key:

When to Upload Your Project

Exhibit, Documentary, Performance, & Paper Students: You will be prompted to upload your project file/link during registration, but you can wait and upload your project later by logging in to your NHD account. Be sure to upload by the project deadline for your contest.

Write down your NHD username and password here when you register. Keep in a safe place. You will use these all year to access your NHD account. If you advance to the next contest, you will use the same username and password to register and keep your project information current.

Your NHD Username

Your NHD Password

Group Project Registration

Group members should choose one student to register first. The system will assign a Project Key code to your group entry when the first student registers. The other group members will use the Project Key to link themselves to the shared project when they register. Write down the Project Key for your group here. Your Project Key:

NHD Utah respects your privacy. Student and parent emails and addresses are used strictly for contest management purposes. Your information is stored securely and is not shared with organizations outside NHD.

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STUDENT REGISTRATION INSTRUCTIONS Registration Demo Videos: Individual Entry / Group Entry STEP 1. Create Your Student Account (one for each student)

• Select Create Account from top menu bar select Student from the dropdown menu. • Enter your name and email address, click Next. • At Register as a ?, select Student. • Complete personal contact information (provide your home mailing address and ZIP). • Create a password. • Username – you can use the one created by the system or create your own in this field now. • Keep a copy of your username and password in a safe place, you will need them in the future.

STEP 2. Select School, Teacher, Grade

• Select your school from the dropdown menu. • Select your NHD teacher(s) from the dropdown menu(s). • Grade: select your year in school from the dropdown menu. • If your school and/or teacher do not appear on the dropdown menus, stop here and email the contest

coordinator for assistance. Continue registering after they have been added. STEP 3. Answer Additional Questions STEP 4. Enter Project Information

4a. Students competing in an INDIVIDUAL category: • Click Create a New Project. • Enter your title (you can change it later). • Select your category (this cannot be changed).

4b. Students competing in a GROUP category:

Student 1: • Click Create a New Project. • Enter your title (you can change it later). • Select your category (this cannot be changed). • Continue and complete the registration process. • Copy down the Project Key code and share it with your group. You can find it anytime under My Profile.

Students 2-5: 2. Each of you will create your own student account as described in Steps 1-3. 3. During Step 4, click on Link/Join Existing Team Project and enter the Project Key for your group. 4. Do not create a new project for each student. Connect each student in the group to one project.

4c. All Students: Review Your Information • Correct any errors before moving on. Please use proper spelling and capitalization. We will generate the

contest program directly from your registration.


Website Category

Provide your NHDWebCentral Site Key while you register. You can continue to edit your website until the project deadline.

All Other Categories

No need to upload your project during registration. You can continue to work on it after you register. Upload it to your student profile by the project deadline for your contest.

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STEP 5. Agree to Permissions and Waivers • Students and parents must agree to NHD permissions and waivers. A copy is included here for your records. • Click Continue arrive at Account Created click Go To Main Page.

STEP 6. You’ll Know Your Registration is Complete When:

• On the Students Main/Welcome Students tab you’ll see two green banners that say Account Created and Waivers Accepted. You must be logged in to your student account to see them.

• You’ll receive a Registration Complete email from NoReply@zfairs.com (check your spam folder). This email goes to the address you provided in the Student Email field when you registered.


Please note that you must agree to the following authorizations in order to complete online registration and compete at National History Day contests at all levels. If you have further questions, please contact your contest coordinator.

Students will need a parent/guardian to agree to the authorizations and waivers below.

I affirm that the entry submitted for competition was researched and developed during this school year. I have read the National History Day Rule Book and contest registration materials regarding policies governing student behavior and will conform to these rules. I understand that violation of these rules may result in the disqualification of my entry. I accept the decision of the judges as final. I have reviewed and understand the information presented above and acknowledge that my participation in National History Day is conditioned on my agreement with the terms and conditions outlined herein. I further understand that selecting "Yes" for each agreement and creating an account shall have the same force of law as my original signature and that I am not obligated in any way to make such agreement, except as a prerequisite to my participation in this program.

Yes, I agree By indicating yes below, I agree to indemnify and hold harmless National History Day, Inc., its affiliate programs, and its staff, trustees and sponsors, for any personal injuries or property damages arising out of my child's participation in the National History Day Contest. I also understand that by agreeing, I am certifying that my child understands what is involved in participation, and that I have freely and voluntarily allowed my child to participate and hereby agree to assume and accept any and all risks associated with his/her participation in the National History Day Contest.

Yes, I agree I give National History Day, Inc., its affiliate programs, and its partners the unlimited right to use the voice and/or image of me and/or my child for publicity, and/or in documentaries, or other education materials and media, including online. I also give National History Day, Inc., and its affiliate programs the right to use images of me/my child’s project for teaching and example purposes, including online. If I choose “No,” I acknowledge that NHD contest coordinators will do their best to ensure that I and/or my child is not photographed. However, due to the number of participants at the contest this cannot be guaranteed. I am aware that I must remove myself and/or my child from group photography situations, and if necessary, speak to the photographer/media to request that I and/or my child not be photographed.

Yes, I agree No, I don't agree. Please explain:

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UPLOADING YOUR DIGITAL PROJECT TO THE CONTEST For NHD Utah 2021 virtual contests, you will upload a digital version of your project directly into your NHD student account.

Check the project due dates for your contest. Be sure to submit your finished project before this deadline.

Group Entries: Only one student needs to upload the project files/links.

If You Advance: If you advance to the next level of competition and revise your project (which you are strongly encouraged to do!), you will need to upload the revised files/links into your student profile for the next contest.

Watch the project upload demo for your category: Exhibits, Documentaries, Papers, Performances, Websites.

Uploading Instructions:

Step 1. Go to the contest website and login to your NHD student account. You’ll need the username and password you created when you registered for the contest.

Step 2. Click on your name (top right) click on My Profile.

Step 3. Upload your project files and/or paste your video link into the upload fields for your category.

Step 4. Double-check that your file and/or link shows in the fields.

Step 5. Click SAVE at the bottom of the profile box.

Your Category Digital Format Upload to this Field Exhibit

One PDF that includes your title page, process paper, annotated bibliography, and digital exhibit (in that order).

Exhibit (PDF)

Documentary One PDF of title page, process paper, annotated bibliography Shareable link to video of your documentary/performance

Written Materials (PDF) Documentary Link

Performance One PDF of title page, process paper, annotated bibliography Shareable link to video of your documentary/performance

Written Materials (PDF) Performance Link


One PDF that includes your title page, process paper, paper, and annotated bibliography (in that order).

Paper (PDF)


Your NHDWebCentral Site Key (8 digits). Copy/paste from your website page during registration.

Site Key

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