2017年初级组课程资料 药物课

Post on 11-Apr-2017






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• 急救课本 -- 旧课本( L1-L15 )

笔试 practical




dettol ? panadol? 胶布?


药物介绍• 药箱里的药物

药物名称 数量三角巾 2 条剪刀 1 把手套 (xs) 5 双手套 (s) 1 包棉花粒 1 包棉花棒 1 包方形纱布(5cmx5cm) 1 包方形纱布(7.5cmx7.5cm) 1 包无药胶布 1 卷

药品名称 数量有药胶布 10 片消毒药水 1 瓶黄药水 1 瓶风油 1 支消毒膏 1 支抽筋膏 1 支纱布 1 卷纱布 1 卷纸巾 1 包塑料袋 (7.5cmx4.5cm) 5 个绷带 1 卷

Medicines / EquipmentDettol liquid / Savlon liquid( 消毒药水 )为了进行清洗和消毒。如伤势 : 割伤,被昆虫叮咬,擦伤等。The difference between dettol liquid &

savlon liquid is dettol must fill in warm water in the ratio of 1:10.

Acriflavine solution / Yellow solution( 黄药水 )An antiseptic( 杀菌 ) for cut, wounds, abrasion

etc.**If using gauze (纱布) for treatment, no to apply 黄药水 , use Salvon cream or yellow cream.

Savlon Cream( 消毒膏 )杀菌的功效对于伤势。** 挤压消毒膏在纱布上,然后贴在伤势上

Burnol Plus (黄药膏) * 消毒作用An antiseptics cream for cuts, wounds, insect

sting & abrasion etc.

** 严重烧伤者不能使用任何的消毒药膏,应该及时寻找医生进行治疗。Liniment methyl / Salicylate Flanil cream /

Counterpain( 抽筋膏 )For muscle aches, pains and cramps.

Medicated Oil( 风油 )For general use (eg. Fainting 头晕 , stomached,

headaches etc.)

Leucoplast(adhesive tape)/Urgosyval(surgical tape) **Non-fabric** ( 无药胶布 )

Immobilizing (固定) gauze (纱布) .分为两种不同的纱布:surgical tape(non-sticky) ~ 给予将会寻找医生进行进一步的治疗的伤者 ; use leucoplast(sticky)~ 如果伤者将会在继续运动。

Handsaplast *Fabric 有药胶布 & Non-fabric 无药胶布 For minor wounds After washing & sterilize the wound, then apply


Cotton Balls (only white in colour) ( 棉花球 ) Use to washing wounds

Gauze Pad For dressing wounds Before apply to wounds, must put some savlon cream(消毒药膏) on the cause swabs.

Triangular bandage( 三角巾 )Support the injured part 固定伤势Immobilized (使不动) the injured

Crepe bandage (5.0cm x 4cm) / (7.5cm x 4cm)Support the injured partImmobilized the injured

Forceps / Tweezers( 钳子 )Use to pick cotton balls when washing &

sterilizing wounds

Scissors( 剪刀 )Use to cut leucoplast & crepe bandage.

Plastic bag( 塑料袋 )Fill in some ice for Cold Compress. 冰敷用于装上用过的棉花或呕吐物。Disposable Glove( 手套 )在还未触碰伤者时应该带上手套 .

Roller bandage( 绷带 )Support the injured partImmobilized the injuredFor dressing wounds

Hot Water Bag( 热水袋 )To relief pain especially menstrual pain.必须要包上三角巾在还未给予伤者使用 .Fill in ¾ of hot water before giving treatment.

Stretcher( 担架 ) 搬运伤者Use as transport equipment, to remove

casualty ( 特别是给予不清醒的伤者 )

Basic Materials For A Home First-Aid Kit

• Easily identifiable watertight (防水性) box• 20 Adhesive dressing (plasters) in assorted sizes• 2 large sterile (无菌) dressings• 6 medium sterile dressings• 2 extra-large sterile dressings• 2 sterile eye pads• 6 triangular bandages (三角巾)• 6 safety pins• Disposable gloves

Procedure of washing & sterilizing wounds清洗和包扎伤口的步骤① Wear disposable gloves

② Use tweezers (钳子) or hand to pick cotton ball

③ Apply few dettol liquid / savlon liquid on cotton ball to wash & sterilize wounds

④ Apply some acriflavine solution / savlon cream on gauze pad

5.Place gauze (纱布) directly on the wound

6.Secure the gauze pad with adhesive tape / roller bandage

7.Cut off the adhesive tape with the longer length of the gauze pad / Clips the roller bandage probably and nicely.

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