2016 Will Be the Year of Live Streaming Video for Brands

Post on 11-Apr-2017






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2016 Will Be the Year of


FOR BRANDS(...according to several experts…)

For brands and marketers,

2015 may have been

the year of video…

…but 2016 will be the year of live

streaming video. Who says so?

Every year, pundits predict what the

future will hold for digital marketing.

The reports are in, and there is one

thing several digital marketing

experts agree on for 2016.


Live streaming video

for brands will rise in 2016.


to see how brands

are already using

live streaming video.

Here’s what the experts had to say

about live streaming video…

My first day at CES, I was a guest on a panel titled:

‘Social Streaming: The Video Phenomenon of

Everything’...One thing that was clear was the live

streaming is going to be controlled by brands and

be high-quality, or controlled by individuals and

be about community, or maybe both.

CES 2016: Video Streaming -- It's Going To Be Big

“ ”-Steven Rosenbaum,

Forbes Tech

Streaming video has been a mainstay for certain

events, such as sports games and political debates,

but thanks to the sharp increase in popularity for live

streaming apps like Meerkat, Twitch, and Periscope

this past year, live streaming is about to become

even more ubiquitous.

5 Upcoming Technologies that Will Change the World of

Content Marketing

-Jayson DeMers,

Forbes Entrepreneurs

“ ”

Brands, which now have new ways to create

video content, are utilizing live streaming

apps and embracing interactivity.

What Will 2016 Hold for Social Marketers?

-Adweek Social Times

“ ”


to see how

it’s done.

Brands are still figuring out the best means to

integrate live streaming, and in 2016 we can

expect scaling to be a challenge. However, there

are key events next year such as the elections that

could put live-streaming in the front seat.“ ”

-iMedia Connection

'Big in 2016' Social Media Predictions: Video Eats the World…

Live streaming (video) continues to bring

niche moments to life, interrupting streams

everywhere, making conversations on

demand a form of engagement and


26 Disruptive Tech Trends for the Rest of the Decade

-Brian Solis,

Altimeter Group

“ ”

People want to be involved, to create and to be

a part of something interactive. That presents an

opportunity for brands to originate and co-create

video content with their communities.

3 Emerging Social Media Content Trends for 2016

-Ragan Communications

“ ”

More and more celebrities and brands will start

using live streaming video platforms…for a

personalized customer experience. These social

video apps will look to put the user right where an

event is taking place.

Top 10 Online Video Trends to Watch For in 2016


“ ”

Online video publishers should plan

to incorporate live streaming into

their marketing strategies in 2016.

2016 Predictions: 5 Online Video Marketing Trends to Watch


“ ”

In 2016, content marketers need to test visual and

video platforms, not to mention live streaming, as

new means to offer content that is engaging and

will entice users beyond the classic text-based blog.

Digital Marketing in 2016, Trends and Lessons from the Past

-Business 2 Community

“ ”

Look for more streaming video

opportunities to crop up for both

personal users and brands.

Social Media: How to Plan Your Marketing for 2016

“ ”-The Gazette

This is all great news for brands that are

interested in:



Instant commerce

Real-time engagement

(with team members, channel partners and consumers)

We’re happy to report the rise of live streaming video for

brands, since we pioneered the movement several

years ago.

Here’s the original intro video from our CEO

and co-founder. (He looks older now.)

If you haven’t tried live streaming video yet, don’t worry.

It’s easier than you think, and we can help.

CLICK HERE to learn more


Brandlive is a live streaming video platform used by product brands and

retailers for training, marketing and eCommerce. We are changing the way

that brands bring new products to market, communicating with their team

members, channel partners and consumers in real time online. Contact us

to learn more or set up a free consultation.

Our Website • YouTube • Twitter

Let’s connect…


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