2013.June Preweek Reviewer in Political Law

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  • 8/13/2019 2013.June Preweek Reviewer in Political Law



    Prepared by

    ATTY LARRY ! "ACAYANProfessor of Law


    Baguio City


    BAR REVIEWER(Political Law & Constitutional Law)

    CPR$ 'AR REVIEW CENTERCagayan de Oro City, Zamboanga City, Davao City, Ozamis City, Iloilo City, Bagio

    City,and !a"loban City,

    POWER&AW$ 'AR REVIEW CENTERBagio City, #antiago City, Isabela, #an $ernando City, %a &nion, 'anila, aga City,

    !a"loban City, Diolog City and !agbilaran City

    CO$OPOLITAN REVIEW CENTER (CRC)&niversity o* t+e Cordilleras, Bagio City

    ECELLENT 'AR REVIEW CENTERBagio City, Ceb City and !a"loban City


    eneral #antos City


    Dagan City

    -AR! I

  • 8/13/2019 2013.June Preweek Reviewer in Political Law



    Define Political Law

    It is t+at bran"+ o* bli" la. .+i"+ deals .it+ t+e organization and oerations o* t+e

    governmental organs o* t+e #tate and de*ines t+e relations o* t+e #tate .it+ t+e in+abitants o*its territory/ (PEOPLE V$ PER%ECTO* +3 P,il .)

    What are included in Political Law?

    Constittional %a.0Administrative %a.%a. o* -bli" O**i"ers%a. on -bli" Cororation Ele"tion %a.

    3. What is the doctrine of constitutional supremacy?

    &nder t+e do"trine o* "onstittional srema"y, i* a la. or "ontra"t violates anynorm o* t+e "onstittion t+at la. or "ontra"t .+et+er romlgated by t+e legislative orby t+e e1e"tive bran"+ or entered into by rivate ersons *or rivate roses is nlland void and .it+ot any *or"e and e**e"t/ !+s, sin"e t+e Constittion is t+e*ndamental, aramont and sreme la. o* t+e nation, it is deemed .ritten in everystatte and "ontra"t/ (Manila Prince Hotel Corporation Case

    !. What are the re"uisites for the #alid e$ercise of %peoples initiati#e' to proposeamendments to the Constitution?

    It is rovided nder #e"tion 2, Art/ 3VII o* t+e Constittion .+i"+ rovides t+at 4Amendments to

    t+is Constittion may li5e.ise be dire"tly roosed by t+e eole t+rog+ initiative on a etition o* atleast 627 o* t+e total nmber o* registered voters, o* .+i"+ every legislative distri"t mst bereresented by at least 87 o* t+e registered voter t+erein/9 !+e Congress s+all rovide *or t+eimlementation o* t+e e1er"ise o* t+is rig+t:::.+i"+ means t+at t+ere mst be "omlete and ade;atela. *or t+e said rose/

    . )s there a law which would pro#ide for the mechanism for the people to proposeamendments to the Constitution *y peoples initiati#e?

    W+ile Congress +ad ena"ted RA rortedly to rovide t+e me"+anisms *or t+e eole?se1er"ise t+e o.er to amend t+e Constittion by eole?s initiative, t+e #reme Cort in IRIA!E%EN$OR-$ANTIA"O* /t l V COELEC* "R No 12.32* 4, 15* 155. 6 Jun/ 10*

    155., t+e #reme Cort +eld t+at RA 7.3 i in4o89l/t/* ind/:ut/ o ;ntin< in //ntilt/8 nd 4ondition ino= inititi>/ on 8/nd8/nt to t,/ Contitution i 4on4/n/d Itl4un/ on t,i u?tnti>/ 8tt/ / =tl nd 4nnot ?/ 4u/d ?y @/89o;/in

  • 8/13/2019 2013.June Preweek Reviewer in Political Law


    a. May the "uestion %Do you appro#e the amendment of /rticles 0) and 0)) of the 124Philippine Constitution chan5in5 the form of 5o#ernment from Presidential,icameral toParliamentary6nicameral' *e allowed to *e su*mitted to the people for their ratification orre7ection as a means of amendin5 the Constitution *y peoples initiati#e if the re"uisite num*erof si5natories (189 nationwide and at least 39 for e#ery le5islati#e district are met?

    No* =o t;o (2) /on/

    6/ !+e said 4roosal9 did not indi"ate .+i"+ rovisions o* Arti"les VI and VII are a"tally beingamended .+i"+ is a mst nder #e"tion 2, Art/ 3VII/ Ot+er.ise, .+o s+all ma5e t+e amendments i*t+e eole in a lebis"ite arove t+e same@0

    2/ C+anging t+e *orm o* government *rom residential to arliamentary is an a"t o* REVI#It+e Constittion .+i"+ is not allo.ed nder Art/ 3VII, #e"tion 2/ -eole?s initiative may only be allo.edto roose amendments to t+e Constittion, not revision/

    :. What are the re"uisites *efore an amendment to the Constitution *y %peoplesinitiati#e' is sufficient in form and in su*stance?

    In t+e "ase o* RA#L L LA'INO nd ERICO ' A#ENTA!O * to T&E COI$$ION ON ELECTION$* "R No 1.+13* O4to?/ 2* 2007*0 $CRA 170, t+e *ollo.ing re;isites mst be resent

    !+e eole mst at+or and mst sign t+e entire roosal/ o agent or reresentative "an sign *orand on t+eir be+al*0

    As an initiative on a etition, !E -RO-O#A% '! BE E'BODIED I !E -E!I!IO I!#E%$/

    T,// //ntil /l/8/nt / 9//nt only i= t,/ =ull t/t o= t,/ 9o9o/d 8/nd8/nti =it ,o;n to t,/ 9/o9l/ ;,o ;ill /9/ t,/i /nt ?y iiion is t+e alterations o* t+e di**erent ortions o* t+e entire do"mentConstittion/ It may reslt in t+e re.riting .+et+er t+e .+ole "onstittion, or t+egreater ortion o* it, or er+as some o* its imortant rovisions/ Bt .+atever resltst+e revision may rod"e, t+e *a"tor t+at "+ara"terizes it as an a"t o* revision is t+eoriginal intention and lan at+orized to be "arried ot/ !+at intention and lan mst"ontemlate a "onsideration o* all t+e rovisions o* t+e Constittion to determine .+i"+one s+old be altered or sressed or .+et+er t+e .+ole do"ment s+old be

    rela"ed .it+ an entirely ne. one/

    @A8/nd8/nto* t+e Constittion, on t+e ot+er +and, envisages a "+ange oronly a *e. se"i*i" rovisions/ !+e intention o* an a"t to amend is not to "onsider t+eadvisability o* "+anging t+e entire "onstittion or o* "onsidering t+at ossibility/ !+eintention rat+er is to imrove se"i*i" arts o* t+e e1isting "onstittion or to add to itrovisions deemed essential on a""ont o* "+anged "onditions or to sress ortionso* it t+at seem obsolete, or dangeros, or misleading in t+eir e**e"t/ ( $INCO* Vi4/nt/*P&ILIPPINE POLITICAL LAW* 4it/d in $nti COELEC 6 LA'INO V$COELEC)

  • 8/13/2019 2013.June Preweek Reviewer in Political Law


    . May Con5ress propose amendments to the Constitution while at the same timeenactin5 a law callin5 for a Constitutional Con#ention to propose amendments to theConstitution?

    Yes, there is no prohibition for Congress to propose amendments to the Constitutionand at the same time call for the convening of a Constitutional Convention to amend the Constitution.

    The word or in the provision Congress, upon a vote of of all its members; ! "#$ %constitutional Convention under &ection ', %rt. ()** also means %+. (/L+@ 0@.C=M+L+CA 21 $CRA ..+. )> @H=;BA )B /PP+/;@ BH/B BH+;+ )@ >= P;=H),)B)=> =;C=>@B)B6B)=>/L C=>0+>B)=> />D BH+ P+=PL+ M/)>< / P;=P=@/L B=

    /M+>D BH+ C=>@B)B6B)=> /B BH+ @/M+ B)M+ @)>C+ BH)@ )@ / P=W+; @+P/;/B+LEB+D B= BH+M ,E BH+ C=>@B)B6B)=> 6>D+; /;B. F0)) = BH+ 124 C=>@B)B6B)=>.

    2. What is the %Doctrine of Proper @u*mission' in connection with proposedamendments to the Constitution?

    octrine of -roper &ubmission means all the proposed amendments to the Constitution shallbe presented to the people for their ratification or reection at the same time, not piecemeal.

    /B=L+>B)>= 0@. C=M+L+CA !1 @C;/ 4G8

    1G. What is the archipela5ic doctrine or archipela5o theory?

    It is t+e 2nd senten"e o* #e"tion 6, Art/ I o* t+e Constittion .+i"+ states t+at %the watersaroundA *etween and connectin5 the islands of the archipela5oA re5ardless of their *readthand dimensionsA form part of the internal waters of the Philippines.'

    11. What are the elements of a %state'?

    As +eld in C001CT! )&. C%2-& !31%, 4# &C!% #5, the elements o* a state are/6/ eole

    2/ territory 8/ sovereignty F/ government

    18. /re the twofold function of 5o#ernment as enumerated *y the @upreme Court in,/C/>) 0@. >/C=C=A 1GG Phil. !: (Ministrant merely directoryI and Constituent MandatoryIunctions still applica*le today?

    +o more as held in /CC/ 0@. C6

  • 8/13/2019 2013.June Preweek Reviewer in Political Law


    As +eld in CO KI C&A V$ VAL!ED TAN KE&* . P,il 113* t+e t+ree (8) 5inds o* de *a"togovernments are

    The first, or government de facto in a proper legal sense, is thatgovernment that gets possession and control of, or usurps, b7 force orb7 the voice of the maorit7, the rightful legal governments and maintains

    itself against the will of the latter, such as the government of 1nglandunder the Commonwealth, first b7 -arliament and later b7 Cromwell as-rotector.

    The second is that which is established and maintained b7 militar7forces who invade and occup7 a territor7 of the enem7 in the course ofwar, and which is denominated a government of paramount force, as thecases of Castine, in 2aine, which was reduced to 8ritish possession inthe war of '9'#, and Tampico, 2e:ico, occupied during the war with2e:ico, b7 the troops of the 3nited &tates.

    %nd the third is that established as an independent government b7 the

    inhabitants of a countr7 who rise in insurrection against the parent stateof such as the government of the &outhern Confederac7 in revolt notconcerned in the present case with the first ind, but onl7 with thesecond and third inds of de facto governments.

    Bt t+ere is anot+er des"rition o* government, "alled also bybli"ists a government de *a"to, bt .+i"+ mig+t, er+as, be moreatly denominated a government o* aramont *or"e/ Its distingis+ing"+ara"teristi"s are

    (6), t+at its e1isten"e is maintained by a"tive military o.er .it+t+e territories, and against t+e rig+t*l at+ority o* an establis+ed and

    la.*l government0 and(2), t+at .+ile it e1ists it ne"essarily be obeyed in "ivil matters by

    rivate "itizens .+o, by a"ts o* obedien"e rendered in sbmission tos"+ *or"e, do not be"ome resonsible, or .rongdoers, *or t+ose a"ts,t+og+ not .arranted by t+e la.s o* t+e rig+t*l government/

    1. What is the postliminy theory or 7us postliminium?

    W+en a *oreign o.er o""ies a state and e1er"ises t+e o.ers o* government, t+e oliti"alla.s o* t+e said state are deemed atomati"ally ssended bt t+e *ormer government atomati"ally"omes to li*e and .ill be in *or"e and in e**e"t again on t+e re:establis+ment o* t+e *ormergovernment/ (BaylorA )nternational LawA p. :1.

    1:. What is the doctrine of so#erei5nty as %auto limitation'?

    In t+e s""in"t langage o* Helline5, it is t+e roerty o* a state:*or"e de to.+i"+ it +as t+e e1"lsive "aa"ity o* legal sel*:determination and sel*:restri"tionG Att/ t,/n* i= it 4,oo/ to* 8y /=in =o8 t,/ //4i/ o= ;,t ot,/;i/ iilli8it?l/ 4o89/t/n4/G !+e oinion .as at ains to oint ot t+og+ t+at even t+en,t+ere is at t+e most dimintion o* Grisdi"tional rig+ts, not its disaearan"e/ (Cited inReagan vs/ Commissioner, P+=PL+ 0@. +; 0@. ;=,+;B@=>A 1!3 @C;/ 324

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    14. What is the %incorporation theory' or the %)ncorporation Clause' of theConstitution?

    It is t+e rin"ile embodied in #e"tion 2, Arti"le II o* t+e Constittion .+i"+ states t+at 4 T,/P,ili99in/ do9t t,/

  • 8/13/2019 2013.June Preweek Reviewer in Political Law


    81. What are the factors to *e considered *y the Philippines in dealin5 with othernations?

    As rovided in #e"tion = o* Art/ II, !+e -+iliines s+all rse an indeendent *oreign oli"y/In its relations .it+ ot+er states t+e aramont "onsideration s+all be H1ntionl o>//i

  • 8/13/2019 2013.June Preweek Reviewer in Political Law


    As +eld in ACC$A V#/ C&CO, 8J #CRA iion on o. 4:8 which allows forei5ners toen5a5e in retail trade in the Philippines #iolati#e of @ecs. 2A 12 and 8G A /t. )) of the Constitutionwhich mandates that the national economy shall *e effecti#ely controlled *y ilipinos?

    o, said la. is "onstittional/ As +eld by t+e #reme Cort in REP "ERAR!O E$PINA ETAL V$ EEC $EC RONAL!O DAORA* "R No 1+3* $/9t/8?/ 21* 2010 (!+e !rade%iberalization A"t o* 2JJJ, RA o/ M=ol>in< t,/ 9u?li4 int//t #"+ a"t .old also violate t+e 4i

  • 8/13/2019 2013.June Preweek Reviewer in Political Law


    ot,/ ntionl /8//8?/ 3* 200)

    31a. )s a ilipino citiJen who *ecame a mem*er of the 6@ /rmed orces and thereforeat one time a 6@ CitiJen considered %natural *orn' for purposes of complyin5 with the"ualifications of a mem*er of the House of ;epresentati#es@

    es as +eld in ANTONIO 'EN"$ON III V$ &O#$E O% REPRE$ENTATIVE$ ELECTORALTRI'#NAL nd TEO!ORO CR#D* 3. $CRA +be"ase Re/ A"t o/ 2

  • 8/13/2019 2013.June Preweek Reviewer in Political Law


    !E %OCA% CIVI% REI#!R I !E -%ACE WERE E RE#IDE# OR %A#! RE#IDED I !E-I%I--IE#/ !+e said Oat+ o* allegian"e s+all "ontain a renn"iation o* any ot+er "itizens+i/9 And+e s+all still be "onsidered 4natral born9 $iliino "itizen/

    38. )f the candidate for Con5ressman is su*se"uently dis"ualified for noncomplianceof the residence re"uirement under /rt. 0)A may the 8nd placer *e declared the winner in his

    place? When may the 8nd placer *e allowed to *e declared the winner?

    It deends/ As +eld in OCAPO V$ &O#$E ELECTORAL TRI'#NAL nd ARIOCRE$PO* ARK JIENED* Jun/ 1* 200+

    !+ere mst be a *inal Gdgment dis;ali*ying a "andidate in order t+at t+e votes o* a dis;ali*ied"andidate "an be "onsidered 4stray9/ !+is *inal Gdgment mst be rendered 'E%ORE T&E ELECTION/(%R NAR!O CAYAT V$ COELEC* 200.)/ !+is .as t+e rling in t+e "ase o* CODI%%A V#/ DEVEECIA/ en"e, .+en a "andidate +as not been dis;ali*ied by *inal Gdgment and on ele"tion day+e obtained t+e +ig+est nmber o* votes, t+e votes "ast in +is *avor "annot be de"lared stray/ !o doso .old amont to disen*ran"+ising t+e ele"torate in .+om sovereignty resides/ !+e reason be+indt+is is t+at t+e eole voted *or +im bona *ide and in t+e +onest belie* t+at t+e "andidate .as t+en;ali*ied to be t+e erson to .+om t+ey .old entrst t+e e1er"ise o* t+e o.ers o* government/

    !+e dis;ali*i"ation o* a "andidate .+o obtained t+e +ig+est nmber o* votes A%TER T&EELECTIONdoes not entitle t+e se"ond la"er to be de"lared t+e .inner/ !+e said rin"ile .as laiddo.n as early as 6N62 in TOPACIO V$ PARE!E$ and reiterated in t+e "ases o* LA'O V$COELEC* A'ELLA V$ COELEC nd !OINO V$ COELEC/

    38a. )n order to #alidly create an aditional district for Ca5ayan de =ro CityA must the lawcreatin5 it *e first su*mitted to the people therein in a ple*iscite in accordance with@ection 1GA /rt. F of the 124 Constitution?

    o, be"ase t+e "reation o* anot+er distri"t .+en t+e same is .arranted as .+en t+ere is anin"rease o* olation Gsti*ying t+e "reation o* a ne. distri"t does not "reate a ne. or divide alo"al government nit/ W+at is ali"able is #e"tion >, Art/ VI o* t+e Constittion, not #e"tion 6J,

    Art/ 3/ (,//d out =o8 n /itin< 9o>in4/* t,/n* />/n n / ;it,only 200 in,?itnt / llo;/d to 4ontitut/ n/; diti4tF It >iolt/ t,/ /:ui/8/nt o=

    9o9otionl /9//nttion ;/ll ?/d on @uni=o8 nd 9o/ tio

    38c. )s the law creatin5 the new le5islati#e district for Malolos City constitutional sincethe >ational @tatistics =ffice had pro7ected that it will ha#e a population of 8!AG3G *y 'theyear 8G1G'?

    o, t+ere mst be 2>J,JJJ olation on or be*ore t+e 'ay 6J, 2J6J ele"tions/ In t+is "ase, it.as not "lear t+at it +as "omlied .it+ t+e olation re;irement on ele"tion day/ 2J6J is toDe"ember o* said year/ (AL!A'A V$ COELEC* "R No 10.* Jnuy 2* 2010)

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    38d. )n the computation of partylist representati#esA is the 0eterans ederation Party #s.C=M+L+C ormula or the Pan5ani*an ormula still applica*le?

    o more be"ase it reslts in a mat+emati"al imossiblity/ !o stri"tly "omly .it+ it re;iring atleast 27 *or every se"toral reresentative to obtain in order to garner 6 seat .old re;ire 66M se"toral reresentatives in 2J68J based on t+e nmber o* legislativedistri"ts at resent/ Also, t+e 2J7 arty:list members+i in t+e ose o* Reresentatives s+all be

    *lly *illed , not Gst 2J, 26, 22, or 28 .+en t+e -anganiban $ormla .as sed/

    38e. )s Dan ernandeJ "ualified to run for Con5ressman of the irst District of La5unasince he is rentin5 an apartment in @ta. ;osaA La5unaA e#en thou5h his residential house isat Pa5san7anA La5una which is a part of the thdistrict where he was residin5 *efore thou5hhe resided in that rented apartment for more than 1 year *efore the 8GG4 elections?

    es/ O.ners+i o* a real roerty in t+e la"e .+ere one rns *or Congressman is not re;iredby #e"tion !E "#DAN* 113 $CRA 31 W,t 4ould not ?/ don/ di/4tly4ould not li/;i/ ?/ don/ indi/4tly/ #o a member o* Congress .+o is a sto"5+older o* t+e"ororation involved in a "ase is not allo.ed to aear nder t+e gise t+at +e is aearing as s"+,not as "onsel *or t+e "ororation/

    (Not/ Was t+e #reme Cort "orre"t in allo.ing #enator Ho5er Arroyo to arge be*ore t+e#reme Cort as COE% *or t+e #enate o* t+e -+iliines in t+e "ases (!ilon > E8it* NERI> 'lu/ Ri??on Co88itt//* /t4).+ere t+e #enate .as a resondent t+erein desite #e"tion 6F,

  • 8/13/2019 2013.June Preweek Reviewer in Political Law


    Art VI .+i"+ rovides t+at 4o #enator or 'ember o* t+e ose o* Reresentatives may ersonallyaear as "onsel be*ore any "ort o* Gsti"eL9@

    3. May a court suspend a mem*er of Con5ress when @ection 1: 3IA /rticle 0) appearsto 5i#e such e$clusi#e power to each House only for disorderly *eha#iorA and with theconcurrence of 8K3 of all its mem*ersA suspend or e$pel a Mem*er. / penalty of suspensionAwhen imposedA shall mot e$ceed si$ty days?

    es, t+is .as t+e rlings o* t+e #reme Cort in t+e "ases o* IRIA !E%EN$OR nd REP

    PARE!E$ V$ $AN!I"AN'AYAN RA 3015 99li/ to ll /n8/nt o==i4/ nd /89loy//

    3:. )n case of conflict *etween the entries in a 7ournal of *oth Houses of Con5ress ande$traneous e#idence li-e affida#its of witnessesA which shall pre#ail?

    %s held in 6.@. #s. P=>@A 3! Phil. 482Athe ournal prevails over e:traneous evidence lieaccounts of newspaper ournalists and reporters as to what the proceedings all about.

    34. )n case of conflict *etween the 7ournal and the enrolled *illA which shall pre#ail>

    *n C/@C= PH)L. 0@. +A 4 @C;/ 3!4, it was held b7 the &upreme Court that !+eenrolled bill revails over t+e Gornal/ I* t+e enrolled bill rovides t+at it is rea *ormalde+ydeis t+e one e1emt *rom ta1, and not rea and *ormalde+yde .+i"+ aears in t+e Gornal.+i"+ .as really aroved, t+e *ormer revails and only C&RA!IVE %EI#%A!IO CO&%DCAE !E #A'E, O! H&DICIA% %EI#%A!IO/ o.ever, i* t+e -resident o* t+e-+iliines, #enate -resident and t+e #ea5er o* t+e ose o* Reresentatives .it+dra.t+eir signatres as a reslt o* an anomaly srronding t+e rinting o* t+e *inal "oy o* t+e bill,t+en, t+e Gornal .ill revail sin"e .+at is le*t is no longer "onsidered an 4enrolled bill/9

    (O!E, +o.ever, t+at t+e Gornal revails over t+e enrolled bill on all matters re;iredto be entered in t+e Gornals, li5e yeas and nays on t+e *inal reading o* a bill or on any ;estionat t+e re;est o* 6P> o* t+e members resent/ Hsti"e Isagani Crz)

    3. May the C=M+L+C continue to decide a pendin5 dis"ualification petition a5ainst acandidate for the House of ;epresentati#es after said candidate has *een proclaimedand already dischar5in5 his duties as such?

    o more/ Only t+e ose o* Reresentatives Ele"toral !ribnal (RE!) +as t+e Grisdi"tion todo t+at being 4t+e sole Gdge o* all "ontests relating to t+e ele"tion, retrns and ;ali*i"ations9 o*said 'ember in a""ordan"e .it+ #e"tion 6=, Art/ VI o* t+e Constittion/ HLIKAIC&ON" V$COELEC* A9il 1* 2005

    3a. How a*out mem*ers of the House of ;epresentati#e representin5 the partylist5roups?

    All ;estions regarding t+e ;ali*i"ations o* members o* t+e di**erent arty:list grosare .it+in t+e e1"lsive Grisdi"tion o* t+e RE! a*ter t+eir ro"lamation as s"+ and t+at t+eCO'E%EC may no longer "ontine to de"ide it/ (A'AYON 6 PALPARAN V$ &RET*%/?uy 11* 2010)

    3*. May Les*iansA

  • 8/13/2019 2013.June Preweek Reviewer in Political Law


    Y/ be"ase t+e enmerated se"tors t+erein, i/e/, labor, easant, *is+er*ol5, rban oor,indigenos "ltral "ommnities, elderly, +andi"aed, .omen, yot+, veterans, overseas .or5ers, andro*essionals, 4is not e1"lsive9/

    3c. May an indi#idual who does not *elon5 to a particular mar5inaliJed 5roup #alidly*ecome the nominee of said sector?

    Ees pro#ided he 8ut ,>/ t4 /4od o= d>o44y =o t,/i /9/4ti>/ /4to(ATON"

    PA"LA#* INC V$ COELEC* "R No 203.77* nd 4o89nion 4/* %/?uy 27* 2013)

    3d. May national parties "ualified to 7oin the partylist elections?

    W+ile t+e #reme Cort ans.ered t+e same in t+e negative in t+e "ases o* Ang BagongBayani and BAA!, t+ey .ere allo.ed in ATON" PA"LA#* INC V$ COELEC* "R No203.77* nd 4o89nion 4/* %/?uy 27* 2013

    3e. May Con5ress chan5e the e$istin5 mem*ership of the Commission on/ppointments or +lectoral Bri*unals as a result of the chan5es of mem*ership of thedifferent political parties?

    Yes *f the changes in the political part7 affiliations of the members of Congress issubstantial and at the same time permanent so as to dramaticall7 increase the membership ofone part7 while significantl7 reducing the other, the number of representatives of the different

    parties in the Commission on %ppointments ma7 also be changed in proportion to their actualmemberships. H!ADA V$ $IN"$ON* !/4/8?/ 21* 155 /+T16 *n Cunanan #s. BanA themem*ership of the @enators was only %temporary'so as not to result in the change ofmembership in the Commission on %ppointments?

    3f. May a political party (LDP replace its representati#e in the House of;epresentati#es +lectoral Commission whoA in a preliminary #otin5 in a protest casea5ainst an LDP Mem*erA #oted in fa#or of the other party and a5ainst the candidate ofhis #ery own party?

    @hile as a rule the different political parties ma7 change their representatives in the1lectoral Tribunal or Commission on %ppointments, it ma7 not change a 2ember whocompletel7 heard and participated in a particular case "and has alread7 indicated his vote to themembers of the tribunal$ and replace him with another who has no participation therein, e:ceptonl7 to vote for a part7Amate who is involved in the protest. &uch would be a travest7 of ustice./,=>D=C 0@. P)>+D/A @eptem*er 8:A 1221

    32. May a committee of Con5ress cite a person for contempt of court for refusin5 toanswer its "uestions durin5 in#esti5ations in aid of le5islation? How lon5 may it imprisonsuch witness?

    As +eld in %!+%30T vs. +%B%!1+, 9 -hil. #D, @A ;itn/ ;,o /=u/ to n;/ :u/y ?y t,/ Co88itt// 8y ?/ d/tin/d duin< t,/ t/8 o= t,/ 8/8?/ i89oin< id9/nlty ?ut t,/ d/t/ntion ,ould not ?/ too lon< to >iolt/ t,/ ;itn/B i

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    legislation nder #e"tion 26, Art/ VI, s"+ a"t o* t+e -resident is n"onstittional *or it .old violatet+e oversig+t o.ers o* Congress and be"ase t+e aearan"e o* said e1e"tive o**i"ers is'ADA!OR/ It .old also violate t+e rig+t to in*ormation on t+e art o* t+e "itizens/ o.ever, i* t+einvitation to aear is based on #e"tion 22, Art/ VI or dring t+e 4;estion +or9, t+en t+e -residentmay validly demand t+at t+ey mst get +er "onsent *irst be"ase s"+ aearan"e isDI#CRE!IOAR/ ($ENATE O% T&E P&ILIPPINE$* /9//nt/d ?y $ENATE PRE$I!ENT%RANKLIN !RILON* ET AL* V$ EEC $EC E!#AR!O ERITA* ET AL* "R No 175..* A9il

    20* 2007 * + $CRA 1)

    !Ga. While a Mem*er of the Ca*inet may *e compelled to appear *efore Con5ressunder @ection 81A /rt. 0) of the ConstitutionA may he *e compelled to answer "uestionsre5ardin5 his con#ersations with the President on matters su*7ect of the in#esti5ationKin"uiryin aid of le5islation?

    o i* t+e "onversations are "overed by t+e 4e1e"tive rivilege9/

    !G*. +$plain the %e$ecuti#e pri#ile5e' doctrine. Distin5uish the %presidentialcommunications pri#ile5e' and the %deli*erati#e process pri#ile5e' which comprise said%e$ecuti#e pri#ile5e'. Who are co#ered *y this rule?

    !+e +i:on and postA@atergate cases establis+ed t+e broad "ontors o* t+e 9/id/ntil

    4o88uni4tion 9i>il//tion t,t t/ 9l4/ in t,/ P/id/ntB9/=o8n4/ o= ,i o==i4il duti/ It t+s "onsidered residential "ommni"ations as49/u89ti>/ly 9i>il/t/ly

    In *n !e6 &ealed Case, t+e &/#/ Cort o* Aeals delved deeer/ It rled t+at t+ere are t.o (2)

    5inds o* e1e"tive rivilege0 one is t+e 9/id/ntil 4o88uni4tion 9i>il// 9o4/ 9i>il// ,ould /8in 4on=id/ntil !+e ltt/ in4lud/ d>ioy o9inion*/4o88/ndtion nd d/li?/tion 4o89iin< 9t o= 9o4/ ?y ;,i4, /n8/ntld/4iion nd 9oli4i/ / =o8ult/d

    A""ordingly, t+ey are "+ara"terized by mar5ed distin"tions/ P/id/ntil 4o88uni4tion9i>il// 9o4/ 9i>il// o==i4il/ !+e =it is rooted in t+e "onstittional rin"ile o*searation o* o.er and t+e -resident?s ni;e "onstittional role0 t+e /4ond on "ommonla. rivilege/ &nli5e t+e d/li?/ti>/ 9o4/

    9i>il/il// =inl nd 9ot-d/4iionl 8t/il ;/ll 9/-d/li?/ti>/ on// As a "onse;en"e,"ongressional or Gdi"ial negation o* t+e 9/id/ntil 4o88uni4tion 9i>il// 9o4/ 9i>il/il/

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    dis"losed/ !+is is t+e reason .+y t+e &/#/ Cort .as ;i"5 to 4li8it t,/ 4o9/ o= it d/4iion9 Itstressed t+at it is @not 4on4/n/d ,// ;it, t,/ ?ln4/ ?/t;//n t,/ P/id/ntB o. 1 pro#ides that they shouldnot *e "uestioned re5ardin5 their acti#ities as such?

    o, t+e rovision o* E1e"/ Order o/ 6 regarding t+eir rivilege not to attend s"+ +earings isn"onstittional/ It violates #e"tion 2M, Art/ II, !+e rig+t to in*ormation nder Art/ III, #e"tion 26, Art/ VIand #e"tion 6, Art/ 3I or t+e a""ontability o* bli" o**i"ers/

    !1*. May local le5islati#e *odies #alidly cite a person in contempt of court (as whatCon5ress could do for refusin5 to appear therein or to answer the "uestions of the mem*ersthereof?

    o/ In ERO# ORIE!A% II E%EC!RIC COO-ERA!IVE V#/ #A&IA-A%OD O$ D&'A&E!E CI!, /R/ o/ =2FN2, ov/ >, 6NM=, 6>> #CRA F26, t+e#reme Cort +eld t+at s"+ o.er .as not delegated by Congress to lo"al government nits/

    !1c. May the @enate Committee on orei5n /ffairs conduct an in#esti5ation of anincident in#ol#in5 ran-in5 mem*ers of the P>P that too- place in MoscowA ;ussia?

    es/ It +as t+e at+ority to investigate on 4all matters relating to t+e relations o* t+e -+iliines.it+ all ot+er nations9/ (!E LA PAD V$ $ENATE COITTEE ON %OREI"N A%%AIR$* %/?uy13* 2005)

    !8. What are the *ills that must e$clusi#ely ori5inate from the House of;epresentati#es?

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    &nder #e"tion 2F, Art/ VI, All 99o9ition* />/nu/ o ti== ?ill* ?ill ut,oiint/ ?ill ,ll oi/ly in t,/ &ou/ o= R/9//ntti>/, bt t+e #enate may roose or "on"r .it+amendments/ (NOTE In Tol/ntino > $/4/ty o= %inn4/, t+e #reme Cort +eld t+at t+e E:VA! %a. is "onstittional even i* t+e same .as t+e VER#IO .+i"+ "ame *rom t+e #enate, not *romt+e ose o* Reresentatives/ !+is is so be"ase t+e #enate is allo.ed to 4roose amendments9 to

    bills .+i"+ mst e1"lsively originate *rom t+e ose o* Reresentatives/)

    !3. When is transfer of appropriations allowed *y the Constitution@

    Only t+ose "overed by #e"tion 2> > .+i"+ rovides t+at 4o la. s+all be assed at+orizingany trans*er o* aroriations0 +o.ever, t+e -resident, t+e -resident o* t+e #enate, t+e #ea5er o* t+e+ose o* Reresentatives, t+e C+ie* Gsti"e o* t+e #reme Cort, and t+e +eads o* t+e "onstittional"ommissions may, by la., be at+orized to agment any item in t+e general aroriations la. *ort+eir rese"tive o**i"es *rom savings in ot+er items o* t+eir rese"tive aroriations/9

    !!. What is the socalled %e$ecuti#e impoundment'?

    It means t+at alt+og+ an item o* aroriation is not vetoed by t+e -resident, +e +o.everre*ses *or .+atever reason, to send *nds made ossible by Congress/ It is t+e *ailre to send orobligate bdget at+ority o* any tye/ -roonents o* imondment +ave invo5ed at least t+ree (8)rin"ial sor"es o* at+ority o* t+e -resident/ 6 at+ority to imond given to +im by Congress,eit+er e1ressly or imliedly0 2 t+e e1e"tive o.er dra.n *rom +is o.er as Commander:in:"+ie*0and 8 t+e $ait+*l e1e"tion "lase o* t+e Constittion/ ote t+at in t+is "ase t+e #C +eld t+at t+eContryside Develoment $nd (CD$) or 4-or5 Barrel9 o* Congressmen and #enators isCO#!I!&!IOA% be"ase t+e same is 4set aside *or in*rastr"tre, r"+ase o* amblan"es and"omters and ot+er riority roGe"ts and a"tivities, and "redit *a"ilities to ;ali*ied bene*i"iaries asroosed and identi*ied by said #enators and Congressmen (P&ILCON$A V$ ENRIM#ED* 23$CRA 07)

    !. May the President refuse to enforce a law on the 5round that in his opinion it isunconstitutional?

    o/ Ot+er.ise, +e .ill be violating t+e do"trine o* searation o* o.ers be"ase by doing so,+e .ill be arrogating nto +imsel* t+e o.er to interret t+e la., not merely to imlement it/ (L.@.M==> & C=. 0@. H/;;)@=>A !3 Phil.3

    !:. Bhe President of the PhilippinesA *y /dministrati#e =rderA mandates the %/D=PB)=>= / >/B)=>/L C=MP6B+;)+D )D+>B))C/B)=> ;++;+>C+ @E@B+M' and appropriatin5funds therefore?)s this within his %e$ecuti#e power'?

    o as +eld by t+e #reme Cort in B%A# O-%E V#/ R&BE !ORRE#, E! A%/, /R/ o/

    62=, Hly 28, 6NNM, t+e AO establis+es a system o* identi*i"ation t+at is all:en"omassing in s"oe,a**e"ts t+e li*e and liberty o* every $iliino "itizens and *oreign residents and t+ere*ore, it is sosedto be a la. assed by Congress t+at imlements it, not by an Administrative Order issed by t+e-resident/ Administrative -o.er, .+i"+ is sosed to be e1er"ised by t+e -resident, is "on"erned.it+ t+e .or5 o* alying oli"ies and en*or"ing orders as determined by roer governmentalorgans/ It enables t+e -resident to *i1 a ni*orm standard o* administrative e**i"ien"y and "+e"5 t+eo**i"ial "ond"t o* +is agents/ -res"inding *rom t+e *oregoing re"ets, AO 8JM involves a sbGe"t t+atis not aroriate to be "overed by an Administrative Order/ An administrative order is an ordinan"eissed by t+e -resident .+i"+ relates to se"i*i" ase"ts in t+e administrative oeration o* t+egovernment/ It mst be in +armony .it+ t+e la. and s+old be *or t+e sole rose o* imlementing

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    es rovided t+e temorary aointments o* "abinet members do not e1"eed one (6) year/($EN AM#ILINO PIENTEL* /t l* > EEC $ECRETARY E!#AR!O ERITA* /t l* +.2 $CRA.)

    !+e temorary aointments are valid/ !+e o.er to aoint is essentially e1e"tive in natre and t+elegislatre may not inter*ere .it+ t+e e1er"ise o* t+is e1e"tive o.er e1"et in t+ose instan"es .+ent+e Constittion e1ressly allo.s it to inter*ere/ !+e essen"e o* an aointment in an a"ting "aa"ity

    is its temorary natre/ It is a sto:ga measre intended to *ill an o**i"e *or a limited time ntil t+eaointment o* a ermanent o""ant to t+e o**i"e/ In "ase o* va"an"y in an o**i"e o""ied by analter ego o* t+e -resident, s"+ as t+e o**i"e o* a deartment se"retary, t+e -resident mstne"essarily aoint an alter ego o* +er "+oi"e as a"ting se"retary be*ore t+e ermanent aointee o*+er "+oi"e "old assme o**i"e/ Congress, t+rog+ a la. "annot imose on t+e -resident t+eobligation o* atomati"ally aointing t+e &nderse"retary as +er alter ego/ e mst be o* t+e-resident?s "on*iden"e and rovided t+at t+e temorary aointment does not e1"eed one (6) year/

    !+ere is a need to distingis+ ad interim aointments and aointments in an a"ting"aa"ity/ W+ile bot+ are e**e"tive on a""etan"e, ad interim aointments are e1tendedonly dring t+e re"ess o* Congress, .+ereas a"ting aointments may be e1tended any timet+at t+ere is a va"an"y/ 'oreover, ad interim aointments are sbmitted to t+e Commission

    on Aointments *or "on*irmation or reGe"tion0 a"ting aointments are not sbmitted to t+eCommission on aointments/ A"ting aointments are a .ay o* temorarily "ir"mventing t+eneed o* "on*irmation by t+e Commission on Aointments/

    1a. May the President appoint a Chief ustice within the prohi*ited period under@ection 1A /rt. 0)) of the Constitution?

    es be"ase t+e ro+ibition alies only to t+e E1e"tive Deartment/ (ART#RO !ECA$TRO V$ J'C* ARC& 1.* 2010 6 APRIL 20* 2010 ON T&E OTION %ORRECON$I!ERATION ote, +o.ever, t+at only *ive Gsti"es voted on t+e isse on .+et+er t+e-resident "old aoint Gsti"es and Gdges lo.er t+an t+e C+ie* Hsti"e/ !+ere*ore, t+e do"trine in INRE VALEND#ELA 6 IN RE VALLARTA* 25 $CRA +0is still ali"able

    1*. Must the Commissioner of Customs *e su*7ected to confirmation *y theCommission on /ppointments considerin5 the importance of his position?

    o be"ase +e does not *all nder t+e 6stsenten"e o* #e"tion 6

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    8. What is the %ta-e care power' of the President of the Philippines?

    It is t+e o.er o* t+e -resident nder #e"tion 6=, Art/ VII .+i"+ rovides t+at !+e -residents+all +ave "ontrol o* all t+e e1e"tive deartments , breas and o**i"es/ &/ ,ll /nu/ t,t t,/l; ?/ =it,=ully //4ut/d (RAN!Y !AVI! V$ ARROYO* "R No 1.1357* y 3* 2007)

    3. What is the power of control of the President. Distin5uish it from power ofsuper#ision/

    GContolG+as been de*ined as t+e o.er o* an o**i"er to alter or modi*y or nlli*y or set aside.+at a sbordinate o**i"er +ad done in t+e er*orman"e o* +is dties and to sbstitte t+e Gdgment o*t+e *ormer *or test o* t+e latter/ G$u9/>iionGon t+e ot+er +and means overseeing or t+e o.er orat+ority o* an o**i"er to see t+at sbordinate o**i"ers er*orm t+eir dties/ (ON!ANO V$ $ILVO$A)

    !. May the President #alidly re"uire all officers and employees under the e$ecuti#edepartment to maintain an )D system and ha#e )D cards?

    es in a""ordan"e .it+ +er o.er o* "ontrol nder #e"tion 6=, Art/ VII o* t+e Constittion/

    (KIL#$AN" AYO #NO V$ EEC#TIVE $ECRETARY E!#AR!O ERITA* ET AL* A9il 15*2007 6 Jun/ 20* 2007)Bt not *or a national ID system .+i"+ in"ldes "ivilians as +eld in Ole vs/!orres, sra/

    . What is the doctrine of "ualified political a5ency?

    It simly means t+at 4t,/ P/id/nt i not /9/4t/d to 9/=o8 in 9/on n t,/8ulti=iou //4uti>/ nd d8initti>/ =un4tion T,/ O==i4/ o= t,/ E/4uti>/$/4/ty i n uilly unit ;,i4, it t,/ P/id/nt #nd/ ou 4ontitutionl /t-u9* t,/ E/4uti>/ $/4/ty 4t =o nd in ?/,l= o= t,/ P/id/nt nd ?y ut,oity o=t,/ P/id/nt* ,/ , undi9ut/d uidi4tion to ==i8* 8odi=y* o />/n />// nyod/ o= t,/ $/4/ty o= Ntul R/ou4/ nd ot,/ C?in/t $/4/ti// W+ere t+e

    E1e"tive #e"retary a"ts by at+ority o* t+e -resident +is de"ision is t+at o* t+e -resident/(L4on- Pno* 21 $CRA 5)

    .a. What is the power of e$ecuti#e impoundment?

    *t means that although an item of appropriation is not vetoed b7 the -resident, he, however,refuses for whatever reason, to spend funds made possible b7 Congress. *t is the failure to spendor obligate budget authorit7 of an7 t7pe. -roponents of impoundment have invoed at least three/5? principal sources of the authorit7 of the -resident on this matter. "'$ authorit7 to impound givenb7 Congress, either e:pressl7 or impliedl7; "#$ the e:ecutive power drawn from his power as thecommanderAinAchief; and "5$ the faithful e:ecution clause of the Constitution under &ection ', %rt.)** of the Constitution. (PH)LC=>@/ 0@. +>;)N6+A 83 @C;/ G:

    :. What are the differences *etween the power of the President to declare martial law orsuspend the pri#ile5e of the writ of ha*eas corpus under the 124 Constitution and the

    pre#ious Constitutions?

    &nder t+e 6NM= -+iliine Constittion, s"+ a"ts o* t+e -resident may be revie.ed not onlyby t+e #reme Cort bt also t+e Congress o* t+e -+iliines/ -reviosly, s"+ .old be"onsidered 4oliti"al ;estion9 .+i"+ is beyond t+e revie. o.ers o* t+e "orts/ %i5e.ise, t+ere is ade*inite eriod *or t+e said ssension nli5e be*ore and more imortantly, t+e gronds are onlyinvasion and rebellion WE !E -&B%IC #A$E! REK&IRE# I!/ !+e #reme Cort may

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    revie., in an aroriate ro"eeding *iled by any "itizen, t+e s**i"ien"y o* t+e *a"tal basis o* t+ero"lamation o* martial la. or ssension o* t+e rivilege o* t+e .rit or t+e e1tension t+ereo*, andmst romlgate its de"ision t+ereon .it+in 8J days *rom its *iling/

    A state o* martial la. does not ssend t+e oeration o* t+e Constittion, nor slant t+e*n"tioning o* t+e "ivil "orts or legislative assemblies, nor at+orize t+e "on*erment o* Grisdi"tion onmilitary "orts and agen"ies over "ivilians .+ere "ivil "orts are able to *n"tion, nor atomati"ally

    ssend t+e rivilege o* t+e .rit/

    !+e ssension o* t+e rivilege o* t+e .rit s+all aly only to ersons Gdi"ially "+arged *orrebellion or o**enses in+erent in or dire"tly "onne"ted .it+ invasion/

    Dring t+e ssension o* t+e rivilege o* t+e .rit, any erson t+s arrested or detained s+all beGdi"ially "+arged .it+in 8 days, ot+er.ise, +e s+all be released/

    4. May the President under the 124 Constitution #alidly issue decrees %which shallform part of the laws of the land' after declarin5 a state of national emer5ency *ut did notdeclare martial law. May she direct the ta-eo#er of *usiness affected with national interest *yreason of the %emer5ency' which she herself proclaimed?

    I n t + e " a s e o * PRO% RAN!OL% $ !AVI!* /t Al V$ "LORIAACAPA"AL-ARROYO* A$ PRE$I!ENT AN! COAN!ER-IN-C&IE%* /t l* "R No1.1357* y 3* 2007, it .as +eld t+at in de"laring a state o* national emergen"y, -resident Arroyo didnot only rely on #e"tion 6M, Arti"le VII o* t+e Constittion, a rovision "alling on t+e A$- to revent orsress la.less violen"e, invasion or rebellion/ #+e also relied on #e"tion 6=, Arti"le 3II, a rovisionon t+e #tate?s e1traordinary o.er to ta5e over rivately:o.ned bli" tility and bsiness a**e"ted.it+ bli" interest/ !+e #reme Cort rled t+at t+e assailed -- 6J6= is n"onstittional inso*ar asit grants -resident Arroyo t+e at+ority to romlgate 4de"rees/9 %egislative o.er is e"liarly .it+int+e rovin"e o* t+e %egislatre/ #e"tion 6, Arti"le VI "ategori"ally states t+at 4t+e legislative o.ers+all be vested in t+e Congress o* t+e -+iliines .+i"+ s+all "onsist o* a #enate and a ose o*Reresentatives/9 !o be sre, neit+er 'artial %a. nor a state o* rebellion nor a state o* emergen"y

    "an Gsti*y -resident Arroyo?s e1er"ise o* legislative o.er by issing de"rees/

    %i5e.ise, t+e e1er"ise o* emergen"y o.ers, s"+ as t+e ta5ing over o* rivately o.ned bli"tility or bsiness a**e"ted .it+ bli" interest, is also n"onstittional/ !+is re;ires a delegation*rom Congress .+i"+ s+all enmerate t+e said 4bsiness a**e"ted .it+ national interest9/

    4a. May the President #alidly declare a @tate of >ational +mer5ency in the Pro#ince ofMa5uindanao without a law enacted *y Con5ress in accordance with @ection 83 8IA /rt. 0) ofthe Constitution?

    es be"ase t+e "alling ot t+e armed *or"es is .it+in t+e -resident?s o.er nder t+e 6st

    #e"tion o* #e"tion 6M, Art/ VII o* t+e Constittion/ (DAL!Y APAT#AN V$ P#NO* Jun/ .* 2011)

    . What are the re"uisites of 7udicial re#iew?

    Corts may e1er"ise t+e o.er o* Gdi"ial revie. only .+en t+e *ollo.ing re;isites areresent first, t+ere mst be an a"tal "ase or "ontroversy0 second, etitioners +ave to raise a;estion o* n"onstittionality0 third, t+e "onstittional ;estion mst be raised at t+e earliestoortnity0 and fourth, t+e de"ision o* t+e "onstittional ;estion mst be ne"essary to t+edetermination o* t+e "ase itsel*/

    2. When may the courts still #alidly decide moot and academic cases?

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    A moot and a"ademi" "ase is one t+at "eases to resent a Gsti"iable "ontroversy by virte o*servening events, so t+at a de"laration t+ereon .old be o* no ra"ti"al se or vale/ enerally,"orts de"line Grisdi"tion over s"+ "ase or dismiss it on grond o* mootness/ !+e @8oot nd4d/8i49 rin"ile is not a magi"al *ormla t+at "an atomati"ally dissade t+e "orts in resolving a"ase/ Corts .ill de"ide "ases, ot+er.ise moot and a"ademi", i*

    first, t+ere is a grave violation o* t+e Constittion (Po>in4/ o= 'tnRo8ulo* R No 12..+* y 2.* 200+* +25 $CRA .37)/

    second, t+e e1"etional "+ara"ter o* t+e sitation and t+e aramont bli" interest isinvolved (L4on > P//* "R No 1+..0* y 10* 2001* 3. $CRA .7)Q

    third, .+en "onstittional isse raised re;ires *ormlation o* "ontrolling rin"iles togide t+e ben"+, t+e bar, and t+e bli" (Po>in4/ o= 'tn Ro8ulo)0 and

    fourth,t+e "ase is "aable o* reetition yet evading revie. (/l*aOa #. Commission on+lectionsA "R No 173302* July 23* 200+* +3 $CRA 5*/cop #. /y 4tion 8ut ?/9o/4ut/d o d/=/nd/d in t,/ n8/ o= t,/ /l 9ty in int//t/9 A""ordingly, t+e 4real:arty:ininterest9 is 4t,/ 9ty ;,o tnd to ?/ ?/n/=it/d o inu/d ?y t,/ udil o= t,/ uit9#""in"tly t, t+e lainti**?s standing is based on +is o.nrig+t to t+e relie* sog+t/

    :1. What are the tests of locus standi in the Philippines@

    !+e original .as 6 I* t+e a"t involves t+e disbrsement o* bli" *nds, mere ta1ayer +ast+e "aa"ity to se and ;estion s"+ a"t/ 2 I* it does not involve disbrsement o* bli" *nds, onlyt+ose .+o are 4dire"tly inGred9 by t+e said la. or "ontra"t entered into by t+e government/

    Case la. in most Grisdi"tions no. allo.s bot+ 4"itizen9 and 4ta1ayer9 standing in bli"a"tions/ !+e distin"tion .as *irst laid do.n in 8eauchamp v. &il, .+ere it .as +eld t+at t+e lainti**in a ta1ayer?s sit is in a di**erent "ategory *rom t+e lainti** in a "itizen?s sit/ In t,/ =o8/* t,/9linti== i ==/4t/d ?y t,/ /9/nditu/ o= 9u?li4 =und* ;,il/ in t,/ ltt/* ,/ i ?ut t,/ 8//

    intu8/nt o= t,/ 9u?li4 4on4/n

    o.ever, to revent Gst abot any erson *rom see5ing Gdi"ial inter*eren"e in any o**i"ialoli"y or a"t .it+ .+i"+ +e disagreed .it+, and t+s +inders t+e a"tivities o* governmental agen"iesengaged in bli" servi"e, t+e &nited #tate #reme Cort laid do.n t+e more stringent 4 di/4tinuy9 t/tin 1: -arte 0evitt, later rea**irmed in Tileston v. 3llman. !+e same Cort rled t+at *or arivate individal to invo5e t+e Gdi"ial o.er to determine t+e validity o* an e1e"tive or legislativea"tion, ,/ 8ut ,o; t,t ,/ , utin/d di/4t inuy /ult o= t,t 4tion* nd it i notu==i4i/nt t,t ,/ ,

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    !+is Cort adoted t+e @di/4t inuy t/tin or Grisdi"tion/ In -eople v. )era, it +eld t+att+e erson .+o imgns t+e validity o* a statte mst +ave 4 9/onl nd u?tntil int//t int,/ 4/ u4, t,t ,/ , utin/d* o ;ill utin di/4t inuy /ult /9 !+e )erado"trine.as +eld in a litany o* "ases, s"+ as, Custodio v. -resident of the &enate, 2anila !ace ForseTrainers< %ssociation v. e la Guente, -ascual v. &ecretar7 of -ublic @orsand%ntiAChinese 0eagueof the -hilippines v. Geli:.

    o.ever, being a mere ro"edral te"+ni"ality, t+e re;irement o* locus standimay be .aivedby t+e Cort in t+e e1er"ise o* its dis"retion/ !+is .as done in t+e 15+5 E8/ot/, t+ere mst be a s+o.ing o* obvios interest in t+e validity o* t+e ele"tion la. in;estion0

    *or 4on4/n/d 4iti/n, t+ere mst be a s+o.ing t+at t+e isses raised are o* trans"endental

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    imortan"e .+i"+ mst be settled early0 and

    *or l/

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    and reglations .it+ot t+e *avorable re"ommendation o* t+e Commission on Ele"tions/ ($/4tion 15*At VII nd $/4tion * At I-C))

    :!. Distin5uish pardon from amnesty/

    As +eld in 'ARRIOM#INTO V$ %ERNAN!ED* 2 P,il 7+2, t+e distin"tions are as *ollo.s

    6 -ardon is granted by t+e C+ie* E1e"tive and as s"+ it is a rivate a"t .+i"+ mstbe leaded and roved by t+e erson ardoned, be"ase t+e "orts ta5e no noti"e t+ereo*0.+ile amnesty by -ro"lamation o* t+e C+ie* E1e"tive .it+ t+e "on"rren"e o* Congress, and itis a bli" a"t o* .+i"+ t+e "orts s+old ta5e Gdi"ial noti"e/

    2 -ardon is granted to one a*ter "onvi"tion (o* ordinary "rimes) 0 .+ile amnesty isgranted to "lasses o* ersons or "ommnities .+o may be gilty o* oliti"al o**enses, generallybe*ore or a*ter t+e instittion o* t+e "riminal rose"tion and sometimes a*ter "onvi"tion/

    8 -ardon loo5s *or.ard and relieves t+e o**ender *rom t+e "onse;en"es o* an o**enseo* .+i"+ +e +as been "onvi"ted, t+at is, it abolis+ed or *orgives t+e nis+ment, and *or t+atreason it does nor .or5 t+e restoration o* t+e rig+ts to +old bli" o**i"e, or t+e rig+t o*

    s**rage, nless s"+ rig+ts be e1ressly restored by t+e terms o* t+e ardon, and it in no "asee1emts t+e "lrit *rom t+e ayment o* t+e "ivil indemnity imosed on +im by t+e senten"earti"le 8 E?y* 1.0 o* +5.Q .1 $W 2* 71Q'udi4 > #nit/d $tt/* NY* 3 $ Ct* 27.Q 2.1Q 237 #$* .5Q 5 L; /d* +.7)

    F -ardon is "omlete .it+ t+e a"t o* t+e -resident .+ile Amnesty is valid only .it+ t+e"on"rren"e o* t+e maGority o* t+e members o* all t+e members o* Congress/

    :. )s it re"uired for the person applyin5 for amnesty to admit his 5uilt *efore hisamnesty application can *e considered?

    Yes as held in )1!% )&. -1-01, &C!% 'J#. Be*ore one may validly aly *or e1e"tive"lemen"y (ardon or amnesty) +e '! AD'I! AVI CO''I!!ED !E AC!# WICRE#&%!ED I I# I'-RI#O'E!/ !+is rle abandoned t+e "ontrary rling in Barrio;intovs/ $ernandez/

    ::. May a pu*lic officerA who has *een 5ranted an a*solute pardon *y the Chief+$ecuti#eA entitled to automatic reinstatement to her former position without need of a >ewappointment?

    +o. %s held in ON$ANTO V$ %ACTORAN*%/?uy* 155* a ardon loo5s to t+e*tre/ It is not retrose"tive/ It ma5es no amends *or t+e ast/ It a**ords no relie* *or .+at+as been s**ered by t+e o**ender/ It does not imose on t+e government any obligationto ma5e rearation *or .+at +as been s**ered/ #in"e t+e o**ense +as been establis+ed by

    Gdi"ial ro"eedings, t+at .+i"+ +as been done or s**ered .+ile t+ey .ere in *or"e isresmed to +ave been rig+t*lly done and Gstly s**ered, and no satis*a"tion *or it "an bere;ired/ T,i ;ould /9lin ;,y 9/tition/* t,ou

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    :4. May the power of e$ecuti#e clemency applied to administrati#e cases li-e the

    suspension of a Pro#incial E/4 $/4 O?o* O4t 1*1551 T,/ ;od @4on>i4tion in $/4tion 15* At VII o= t,/ Contitution may be sed eit+er in a

    "riminal "ase or in an administrative "ase/

    :. )s the mere filin5 of a criminal case a5ainst a recipient of a conditional pardon withthe condition not a5ain #iolate any of the penal laws of the Philippines and this condition *e#iolatedA he will *e proceeded a5ainst in the manner prescri*ed *y law sufficient to re#o-esuch conditional pardon without first securin5 con#iction a5ainst the 5rantee?

    es/ As +eld in TORRE$ V$ "ONDALE$* 12 $CRA 2.2, t+e determination o* .+et+er t+e"onditions o* a "onvi"t?s ardon +ad been brea"+ed rests e1"lsively in t+e sond Gdgment o* t+e-resident and t+at s"+ determination .old not be revie.ed by t+e "orts/ As +eld in !esoro vs/Dire"tor o* -risons, in a""eting t+e terms nder .+i"+ t+e arole +ad been granted, !esoro +ad ine**e"t agreed t+at t+e overnor:eneralQs determination (rat+er t+an t+at o* t+e reglar "orts o* la.)

    t+at +e +ad brea"+ed one o* t+e "onditions o* +is arole by "ommitting adltery .+ile +e .as"onditionally at liberty, .as binding and "on"lsive on +im/

    :2. What are the re"uisites *efore the President or his representati#es may #alidlycontract or 5uarantee forei5n loans?

    &nder #e"tion 2J, Art/ VII, t+e -resident may "ontra"t or garantee *oreign loans on be+al* o*t+e Rebli" o* t+e -+iliines sbGe"t to t+e *ollo.ing "onditions

    a/ t+ere mst be rior "on"rren"e o* t+e 'onetary Board0b/ sbGe"t to s"+ limitations as may be rovided *or by la./

    $rt+er, t+e 'onetary Board s+all, .it+in 8J days *rom t+e end o* every ;arter o* t+e "alendar

    year, sbmit to t+e Congress a "omlete reort o* its de"isions on ali"ations *or loans to be"ontra"ted or garanteed by t+e government or government o.ned and "ontrolled "ororations .+i"+.old +ave t+e e**e"t o* in"reasing t+e *oreign debt, and "ontaining ot+er matters as may be rovided*or by la./

    4G. What is 7udicial power?

    Hdi"ial o.er in"ldes t+e dty o* t+e "orts o* Gsti"e to settle a"tal "ontroversies involvingrig+ts .+i"+ are legally demandable and en*or"eable, and to determine .+et+er or not t+ere +as beena grave abse o* dis"retion amonting to la"5 or in e1"ess o* Grisdi"tion on t+e art o* any bran"+ orinstrmentality o* t+e government/ (#e"tion 6, 2ndaragra+, Art/ VIII o* t+e Constittion)

    41. May 7udicial power *e e$ercised *y the @upreme Court in cases in#ol#in5 thedecisions of the House of ;epresentati#es +lectoral Bri*unal since @ection 1:A /rt. 0) of theConstitution pro#ides that the H;+B is the %sole 7ud5e' of all contests in#ol#in5 the electionAreturns and "ualifications of the mem*ers of the House of ;epresentati#es?

    es i* t+ere is allegation o* grave abse o* dis"retion amonting to la"5 or in e1"ess o*Grisdi"tion on t+e art o* t+e RE! (BODOC V#/ RE! S -IEDA)

    48. What is a political "uestion?

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    *n /LM/;)= 0@. /L,/A 184 @C;/ :Ait was defined as a ;estion .+i"+ deals .it+ t+ene"essity, e1edien"y and .isdom o* a arti"ar a"t, t+e same is oliti"al and not Gsti"iable

    In $nidd > Co8/l/4* .3 $CRA 333, oliti"al ;estions .as de*ined as ;estions .+i"+are neatly asso"iated .it+ t+e .isdom, not t+e legality o* a arti"lar a"t/ W+ere t+e vorte1 o* t+e"ontroversy re*ers to t+e legality or validity o* t+e "ontested a"t, t+e matter is de*initely Gsti"iable ornon:oliti"al/

    In Tnd > Cu/n4o* 103 P,il*oliti"al ;estion .as de*ined as ;estions to be ans.eredby t+e eole in t+eir sovereign "aa"ity or in regard to .+i"+ *ll dis"retionary at+ority is vested tot+e e1e"tive or legislative bran"+ o* t+e government/

    Or in "onl/ > COELEC* 21 $CRA ..+, .+en t+e "r1 o* t+e roblem deals .it+ t+e.isdom o* an a"t, it is oliti"al)/

    43. What is the e$tent of the fiscal autonomy 5ranted to the 7udiciary under the 124Constitution?

    As rovided nder #e"tion 8, At/ VIII, t+e Gdi"iary s+all enGoy *is"al atonomy and as

    s"+ aroriations *or t+e Gdi"iary may not be red"ed by t+e legislatre belo. t+e amontaroriated *or t+e revios year and, a*ter aroval, s+all be atomati"ally and reglarlyreleased/

    4!. What are the cases to *e decided *y the @upreme Court en *anc?

    All "ases involving t+e "onstittionality o* a treaty, international or e1e"tive agreement, orla., .+i"+ s+all be +eard by t+e #reme Cort en ban", in"lding t+ose involving t+e"onstittionality, ali"ation, or oeration o* residential de"rees, ro"lamations, orders,instr"tions, ordinan"es, and ot+er reglations, s+all be de"ided .it+ t+e "on"rren"e o* amaGority o* t+e members .+o a"tally too5 art in t+e deliberations on t+e isses in t+e "aseand voted t+ereon/ Also, no do"trine or rin"ile o* la. laid do.n by t+e "ort en ban" or in

    division may be modi*ied or reversed e1"et by t+e "ort sitting en ban"/

    Also i* t.o (2) divisions o* t+e #reme Cort +ave "on*li"ting de"isions, t+e same s+allbe resolved by t+e #reme Cort en ban"/ Cases re*erred to by t+e division to t+e ban"involving novel ;estions o* la. , t+e same s+all be de"ided by t+e en ban" a""eted by t+elatter/$inally, dismissal o* Gdges and disbarment o* la.yers are also de"ided by t+e #reme Corten ban"/

    . W,t / t,/ 9o;/ o= t,/ $u9/8/ CoutF

    As enmerated in Art/ VIII, #e"tion >, t +e #reme Cort s+all +ave t+e *ollo.ing o.ers

    E/4i/ oi/ 4/ ==/4tin< 8?do* ot,/ 9u?li48init/ nd 4onul* nd o>/ 9/tition =o 4/tioi* 9o,i?ition*8nd8u* :uo ;nto* nd ,?/ 4o9uR/>i/;* />i/* />//* 8odi=y* o ==i8 on 99/l o 4/tioi t,/ l; ot,/ Rul/ o= Cout 8y 9o>id/* =inl udlidity o= ny t/ty*int/ntionl o //4uti>/

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    9o4l8tion* od/* intu4tion* odinn4/* o /ol>in< t,/ l//d


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    he passed. He was 5i#en the opportunity to answer said char5e *ut failed to do so.Decide.

    !+e De"ision o* t+e Civil #ervi"e Commission is not valid/ Only t+e #reme Cort +ast+e o.er remove o**i"ials and emloyees in t+e Gdi"iary nder its o.er enn"iated in#e"tion /n 4o89/t/n4/* int/)B//> 0@. C=MM)@@)=>+;A 18 @C;/ 8! which abandoned thecontrar7 rulings in the cases of -1!G1CT )&. 211!, 9J -hil. JJ# and 1+1+C*% )&. %)*, D5

    -hil. KDK

    1a. May the Con5ress of the Philippines *e represented *y a Mem*er of the House of;epresentati#es and a mem*er of the @enate in the udicial and ,ar Council separately?

    o/ &nder #e"tion M, Art/ VIII o* t+e Constittion, t+e Hdi"ial and Bar Con"il s+all +ave seven(=) members only and t+e Congress o* t+e -+iliines is entitled to only one (6) member/ As s"+, t+eose o* Reresentatives s+all send only one (6) member in t+e Hdi"ial and Bar Con"il/(%RANCI$CO C&AVED V$ J#!ICIAL AN! 'AR CO#NCIL* July 1* 2012 nd A9il 13* 2013)

    8. 6p to when are mem*ers of the 7udiciary entitled to hold on to their positions?

    #e"tion 66, Art/ VIII rovides t+at t+e 'embers o* t+e #reme Cort and Gdges o* t+e lo.er"ort s+all +old o**i"e 6 dring good be+avior ntil t+ey rea"+ t+e age o* =J years or 2 be"omein"aa"itated to dis"+arge t+e dties o* t+eir o**i"e/ !+e #reme Cort en ban" s+all +ave t+e o.erto dis"iline Gdges o* lo.er "orts, or order t+eir dismissal by a vote o* maGority o* t+e members .+oa"tally too5 art in t+e deliberations on t+e isses in t+e "ase and voted t+ereon

    3. May an ;BC ud5e *e appointed as a mem*er of the Pro#incial Peace and =rderCouncil of the place where he holds office?

    o/ T,/ 8/8?/ o= t,/ $u9/8/ Cout nd ot,/ 4out /t?li,/d ?y l; ,ll not?/ d/i

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    5JKnd 2angelen vs. C%, #'J &C!% #5M?

    . What are the periods 5i#en to the different courts to decide cases *efore them?

    &nder #e"tion 6>, Art/ VIII, all "ases or matters *iled a*ter t+e e**e"tivity o* t+is Constittionmst be de"ided or resolved .it+in 2F mont+s *rom date o* sbmission *or t+e #reme Cort, andnless red"ed by t+e #reme Cort, 62 mont+s *or all lo.er "ollegiate "orts, and 8 mont+s *or all

    ot+er lo.er "orts/ A "ase s+all be deemed sbmitted *or de"ision or resoltion on t+e *iling o* t+elast leading, brie* or memorandm re;ired by t+e Rles o* Cort or by t+e "ort itsel*/

    #nd/ $/4tion 1* At VII* ,o;/>/* 4/ :u/tionin< t,/ >lidity o= t,/ d/4ltion o=8til l; o u9/nion o= t,/ ;it o= ,?/ 4o9u 8ut ?/ d/4id/d ;it,in 30 dy =o8t,/ dt/ o= =ilin, Art/ VIII is mandatory in all "orts e1"et t+e #reme Cort .+ere said rovisionis "onsidered merely dire"tory/ !+is is so be"ase it is 4imossible9 *or t+e #reme Cort to "omly.it+ s"+ rovision "onsidering t+e volme o* "ases *iled be*ore it/(C=;P6@ 0@. C/ 2 @C;/ !8!*

    M/L/C=;/ 0@. C/A 114 @C;/ !3* M/;C+L)>= 0@. C;6A 181 @C;/ 1 nd D+ ;=M/ 0@.C/A 18 @C;/ 8G

    .. What are co#ered *y the powers of the Ci#il @er#ice CommissionF

    &nder #e"tion 2, Arti"le I3:B o* t+e Constittion, t+e "ivil servi"e embra"es all bran"+es,sbdivisions, instrmentalities, and agen"ies o* t+e government, in"lding government o.ned and"ontrolled "ororations WI! ORIIA% CAR!ER#/

    . What are the re"uirements *efore one may *e appointed in the ci#il ser#ice?+$ceptions?

    Aointments in t+e C# s+all be made only a""ording to merit and *itness to be determinedas *ar as ra"ti"able, and /4/9t to 9oition ;,i4, / 9oli4y d/t/8inin

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    o/ !+e C#C osition t+at a "ivil servi"e emloyee does not enGoy se"rity o* tenre dring +is

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    o/ !+is is "lear *rom RA A e*ruary 8:A122G* M+>D=/ 0@. N6)@6M,)>

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    t+e #reme Cort in t+e "ase o* PROVINCE O% 'ATAN"A$ V$ &ON AL'ERTO RO#LO* ETAL* y 2.* 200+* atomati" release o* *nds o* %o"al overnment &nits, arti"larly t+e IRA, ismandated .it+ no "onditions imosed *or its release/ !o allo. t+e -resident to imose "onditions *ort+e release o* t+e IRA amonts to "ontrol to lo"al government nits .+en t+e -resident?s o.er overlo"al government nits is "on*ined to general servision, not o.er o* "ontrol as enn"iated in !ilon> Li8* 23 $CRA 13

    1GG/. May the @ecretary of +n#ironment and >atural ;esources #alidly re#erse and setaside the %smallscale minin5 permit' issued *y a Pro#incial / t/8* not ?y u44/ion ('ENJAIN 'ORJA V$ COELEC* ndJO$E T CAPCO* JR* "R No 133+5* $/9t/8?/ 3* 155* #DJ &C!% 'J)

    1G8a. Monte*on was elected Municipal Councilor of Bu*uranA Ce*u durin5 the 122A8GG1 and 8GG! elections. He was num*er councilor in the election of 8GG!. )n 8GGA the 0iceMayor died and he too- o#er the said position *y way of succession in accordance with theLocal

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    Captain of his *aran5ay durin5 the *aran5ay elections of =cto*erA 8GG4?

    o more be"ase +e .as ele"ted to t+ree "onse"tive terms/ is non:"omletion o* +is8rd term WA# VO%&!AR .+en +er rn *or 'ni"ial Con"ilor/ ('OLO$* JR V$ COELEC*4, 1.* 2005)

    1G8c. Ha5edorn was elected and ser#ed for three (3 consecuti#e terms as Mayor of

    Puerto Princesa City *ut did not run durin5 his supposed !th

    term. Howe#erA after 7ust a year inoffice of his successorA a recall election was held. May Ha5edorn run in the recall electionswithout #iolatin5 the 3consecuti#e rule pro#ision of the Constitution?

    o/An ele"tive o**i"ial, .+o +as served *or t+ree "onse"tive terms and .+o did not see5 t+eele"tive osition *or .+at "old be +is *ort+ term, bt later .on in a re"all ele"tion, +ad an interrtion int+e "ontinity o* t+e o**i"ial?s servi"e/ $or, +e +ad be"ome in t+e interim, i/e/, *rom t+e end o* t+e 8rd term to t+e re"all ele"tion, a rivate "itizen (/dormeo #s. C=M+L+CA e*ruary !A 8GG8 and @ocrates #s.C=M+L+C and +dward Ha5edornA A >o#em*er 18A 8GG8.

    1G8D. or four (! successi#e re5ular electionsA namelyA the 8GG1A 8GG!A 8GG4 and 8G1Gnational and local electionsA /*undo #ied for the position of municipal mayor of 0i5aA

    Catanduanes. )n *oth the 8GG1 and 8GG4 runsA he emer5ed and was proclaimed as the winnin5mayoralty candidate and fully ser#ed the correspondin5 terms as mayor. )n the 8GG! electionsAhowe#erA the 0i5a municipal *oard of can#assers initially proclaimed as winner one ose Borres(BorresA whoA in due timeA performed the functions of the office of mayor. /*undo protestedBorres election and proclamation. /*undo was e#entually declared the winner of the 8GG!mayoralty electoral contestA pa#in5 the way for his assumption of office startin5 May 2A 8GG: untilthe end of the 8GG!8GG4 term on une 3GA 8GG4A or for a period of a little o#er one year and onemonth. May he #alidly run for the same position in the MayA 8G1G elections?

    es/ e +as not served 8:"onse"tive terms/ !+e "onse"tiveness o* .+at ot+er.ise .old+ave been Abndo?s t+ree s""essive, "ontinos mayors+i .as e**e"tively bro5en dring t+e 2JJF: 2JJ=term .+en +e .as initially derived o* title to, and .as veritably disallo.ed to serve and o""y, an o**i"e to.+i"+ +e, a*ter de ro"eedings, .as eventally de"lared to +ave been t+e rig+t*l "+oi"e o* t+e ele"torate/

    !+e t+ree:term limit rle *or ele"tive lo"al o**i"ials, a dis;ali*i"ation rle, is *ond in #e"tion M,

    Arti"le 3 o* t+e 6NM= Constittion, .+i"+ rovides

    #e"/ M/ !+e term o* o**i"e o* ele"tive lo"al o**i"ials, e1"et barangay o**i"ials, .+i"+s+all be determined by la., s+all be t+ree years and no u4, o==i4il ,ll />/ =o 8o/t,n t,// 4on/4uti>/ t/8/

    Volntary renn"iation o* t+e o**i"e *or any lengt+ o* time s+all not be "onsidered asan interrtion in t+e "ontinity o* +is servi"e *or t+e *llterm *or .+i"+ +e .as ele"ted/(Em+asis slied/)

    !o "onstitte a dis;ali*i"ation to rn *or an ele"tive lo"al o**i"e rsant to t+e a*ore;oted"onstittional and stattory rovisions, t+e *ollo.ing re;isites mst "on"r/

    (6) t+at t+e o**i"ial "on"erned +as been elected for three consecuti#eterms in t+e same lo"al government ost0 and

    (2) t+at +e +as fully ser#ed three consecuti#e terms/ (AYOR A'ELAR!O A'#N!O*$R V$ COELEC 6 ERNE$TO VE"A* "R No 201.17* JAN#ARY 0* 2013)

    102-/ &/ ; /l/4t/d =o 3-4on/4uti>/ t/8 uni4i9l yo o= !iod/l $u &/ />/d 5 y/ u4, '/=o/ t,/ /nd o= ,i 3 d t/8* !i/t/d into

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    4o89on/nt 4ity y ,/ un

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    1G. What is the e$tent of a 7ud5ment in impeachment cases?

    Hdgment in "ases o* imea"+ment s+all not e1tend *rt+er t+an removal *rom o**i"e anddis;ali*i"ation to +old any ot+er o**i"e nder t+e Rebli" o* t+e -+iliines bt s+all nevert+eless beliable to rose"tion, trial and nis+ment a""ording to la./

    1G:. When is an impeachment complaint deemed %initiated' to *ar another complaintwithin a period of one year?

    As +eld in %RANCI$CO V$ $PEAKER JO$E !E VENECIA* ET AL* +1 $CRA ++*No>/8?/ 10* 2003* an imea"+ment "omlaint deemed 4initiated9 to be a bar to t+e *iling o*anot+er "omlaint .it+in a 6:year eriod on its a *iling0 and b CO&-%ED WI! CORE##!AI II!IA% AC!IO O$ #AID CO'-%AI!/9

    1G4. Does the prohi*ition under @ection 3 I of /rt. F) applies when the 1stimpeachment complaint was filed on uly 88A 8G1G and the 8nd on uly 84A 8G1G a5ainst thesame impeacha*le officer thou5h *oth complaints were referred to the appropriate committeeon the same day?

    o/ W+at is ro+ibited is +aving more t+an one imea"+ment ro"eedings .it+in a eriod o*one (6) year/ Even i* t+ere are several "ases *iled on di**erent dates bt simltaneosly tried againstt+e said imea"+able o**i"er, t+ere is no ro+ibition to #e"tion 8 > o* Art/ 3I/ ("#TIERRED V$&O#$E O% REPRE$ENTATIVE$ COITTEE ON J#$TICE* ET AL* %/?uy 1* 2011)

    1G4. Who in#esti5ates and prosecutes pu*lic officials for crimes committed in theperformance of their official duties? +$ception

    It is t+e O**i"e o* t+e Ombdsman and t+e O**i"e o* t+e #e"ial -rose"tor /4/9t i= t,/o==/n/ i in >ioltion o= /l/4tion l;* ul/ nd //ti

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    re#o-e a de5ree or honor it has *estowed to its students?

    es/ As +eld in &- BOARD O$ REE!# V#/ CA, Agst 86, 6NNN, 4a"ademi" $reedomin"ldes t+e o.er o* a &niversity to REVOE a degree or +onor it +as "on*erred to a stdenta*ter it .as *ond ot t+at t+e stdent?s gradation .as obtained t+rog+ *rad/ A"ademi"*reedom is given a .ide s+ere o* at+ority/ I* an instittion o* +ig+er learning "an de"ide on.+o "an and "annot stdy in it, it "ertainly "an also determine on .+om it "an "on*er t+e +onor

    and distin"tion o* being its gradates/

    111. May a school punish its students for ille5al acts committed outside the schoolpremises and *eyond school hours *ut within the semester where they are enrolled?

    Yes because the7 still carr7 the name of the school and their actuations affect the reputation ofthe school. ( />A 118 @C;/ 8:This rule was reiterated in the cased of 1 0%&%001 3+*)1!&*TY )&. C% /#MM9? where a rumble between members of two fraternities too placeoutside the school campus but the students involved were 1(-1001 b7 the school. The &upremeCourt, however, while conceding the power of the school over its students held that the penalt7 ofe:pulsion is too harsh a penalt7. *t should be 1(C03&*+, meaning, the7 are not allowed to enroll atthe e 0a &alle but the7 should be given transfer credentials so that the7 ma7 enroll in another


    '''Aa. %re students entitled to crossAe:amine the witnesses against them in an administrativecase to satisf7 their right to due process>

    +o. @hat is important is that the7 were given the opportunit7 to be heard. D+ L/ @/LL+6>)0+;@)BE 0@. C/ (Decem*erA 8GG.

    118. What are the underlyin5 principles *ehind the constitutional proscription that the@tate may not *e sued without its consent?

    87 reason of public polic7 /if ever7 citi=en is allowed to sue the government, it will be distracted

    from performing its functions to serve the people and it will be left ust answering cases in court?, b7reason of sovereignt7 /the people shall not be allowed to sue the ver7 entit7 that gives it said right;?and b7 reason of consent /when the people ratified the Constitution which includes the provision thatthe &tate cannot be sued without its consent, it has consented or waived said right to sue?.

    113. How may the @tate 5i#es its consent to *e sued?

    E1ressly .+en t+ere is a la. allo.ing it and imliedly .+en it enters into a "ontra"t .it+ anindividal be"ase in t+e latter, it des"ended to t+e level o* an individal ma5ing it ss"etible to"onter"laims or sits/

    11!. May the 5o#ernment *e sued in the e$ercise of its 5o#ernmental functions?

    es i* t+e government agen"y +as a "+arter .+i"+ allo.s it to be sed/ (!%Y )&. CG* G830%C%+, ''M &C!% 4JK?. %lso, the government is not allowed to invoe its immunit7 from suit if b7doing so, it will be causing an inustice to its citi=ens. /2*+*&T1!* )&. CG* of Cebu, 4M &C!% and&%+T*%L )&. !1-380*C, 9 &C!% #D4?

    11. )s the 6@

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    t+ere s+old be "omensable ta5ing i* it .old reslt to bli" se/-roerties "ondemned nder oli"e o.er are sally no1ios or intended *or no1ios rose0 +en"e, no "omensation s+all be aid/ %i5e.ise, in t+e e1er"ise o* oli"e o.er, roerty rig+ts o* rivateindividals are sbGe"ted to restraints and brdens in order to se"re t+e general "om*ort, +ealt+ androserity o* t+e state/ (DIDI-IO EAR! #AVER# '&%!I -&R-O#E A##OCIA!IO V#/ DER#EC/ E%I#EA OZ&, E! A%/, FM> #CRA >M

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    2. )f an accused was represented *y a nonlawyer durin5 the trial of his criminal caseAwhat ri5ht of the said accused was #iolated? )s he entitled to a new trial?

    I* an a""sed .as reresented by a non:la.yer dring t+e entire trial (t+og+ s+e t+og+t t+at+e .as a la.yer), +is rig+t to de ro"ess .as violated and t+ere*ore, +e entitled to a ne.trial/ (!EL"A!O V$ CA* No>/8?/ 10* 157)

    2a. Consulta was represented *y one %/tty. ocelyn ;eyes' from arrai5nment up tothe time that the prosecution rested its case. He was represented *y another lawyer when he

    presented his e#idence. )t turned out that %/tty. ;eyes' was not a mem*er of the ,ar. May he#alidly claim #iolation of his ri5ht to due process and ha#e a new trial li-e in %Del5ado'?

    No 8o/ Even i* +e .as not reresented by a non:la.yer at t+e start o* t+e "riminal trial,arti"larly .+en t+e rose"tion resented its eviden"e, bt .as reresented by a la.yer.+en +e resented +is eviden"e, t+ere is no violation o* +is rig+t to de ro"ess or rig+t to"onsel/All t,/ /:uiit/ o= udi4il du/ 9o4/ / 9//nt (CON$#LTA V$ PEOPLE*"R No 1.57+2* %/?uy 12* 2005)

    2*. Mayor Mali-si was furnished copies of the ;esolutions of the C=M+L+C directin5

    his opponentA who appealed the decision of the ;BC a5ainst himA to deposit amounts for thedecryptin5A copyin5 and printin5 of the *allot ima5es from C Cards. BhereafterA the C=M+L+Cunseated Mayor Mali-si. He went to the @upreme Court and claimed #iolation of his ri5ht t todue process *ecause he was not informed of the dates when the %decryptionA copyin5 and

    printin5' of the *allot ima5es/

    es, +is rig+t to de ro"ess .as violated/ E WA# O! I$OR'ED O$ !E DA!E# WE!E 4de"rytion, "oying and rinting9 o* t+e ballot images too5 la"e/

    1G. What are the re"uisites of procedural due process in disciplinary actions a5ainststudents@

    As +eld in "#DAN V$ N#* 1+2 $CRA .07*t+e re;isites are

    6. the students must *e informed in writin5 of the nature and cause ofany accusation a5ainst themQ

    8. they shall ha#e the ri5ht to answer the char5es a5ainst themA withthe assistance of counselQ 3. they shall *e informed of the e#idence a5ainst themQ !. they shall ha#e the ri5ht to adduce e#idence in their own *ehalfQ . the e#idence must *e duly considered *y the in#esti5atin5committee or official desi5nated *y the school authorities to hear anddecide the case.

    11. What are the re"uisites of due process *efore a pri#ate employee may *e dismissedfrom his wor-?

    !+e re;isites o* De -ro"ess be*ore t+e %RC are

    oti"e0 andearing

    18. )s due process satisfied in administrati#e proceedin5s if the respondent was not

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    assisted *y counsel?

    !+ere is no la., .+et+er t+e Civil #ervi"e A"t or t+e Administrative Code o* 6NM=, .+i"+rovides t+at a resondent in an administrative "ase s+old be assisted by "onsel in order t+at t+ero"eedings t+erein is "onsidered valid/ ot only, t+at, etitioner +erein .as given t+e oortnityseveral times to engage t+e servi"es o* a la.yer to assist +im bt +e "on*idently in*ormed t+einvestigators t+at +e "old rote"t +imsel*/(L#IM#E! V$ EENEA* 22 $CRA 12)

    18a. )s there a #iolation of a persons ri5ht to due process *efore an administrati#e*ody li-e the Ci#il @er#ice Commission if a party was not allowed to crosse$amine thewitnesses a5ainst him despite his re"uest?

    o/ !+e rig+t to de ro"ess is not violated even i* a arty to an administrative "ase .as notallo.ed to "ross:e1amine t+e ot+er arty or +is .itnesses/ W+at +e is entitled to is t+e rig+t tobe +eard/ (ATTY ROEO ERECE V$ LYN ACALIN"AY* ET AL* "R No 17705* A9il22* 200)

    18*. How a*out in in#esti5ations in#ol#in5 disciplinary actions a5ainst studentsA arethe latter entitled to crosse$amine the complainant and his witnesses?

    A/ o/ !+e rig+t to de ro"ess on t+e art o* a stdent is not violated even i* +e .as notallo.ed to "ross:e1amine t+e ot+er arty or +is .itnesses/ De ro"ess is served i* +e .asgiven t+e "+an"e to resent +is eviden"e/ (!E LA $ALLE #NIVER$ITY V$ J#!"EWIL%RE!O REYE$* RTC 37* nil* "R No* 12.50* !/4/8?/ 15* 200.)

    18c. )s there a #iolation of the ri5ht to due process if mem*ers of a faction of theLi*eral Party were e$pelled from said party in a meetin5 where they were not e#en notified nor5i#en the chance to *e heard?

    o/ De ro"ess "old be invo5ed only be*ore tribnals "reated by t+e #tate t+rog+ .+i"+governmental a"ts or *n"tions are er*ormed/ !+e rig+t to de ro"ess gards against

    n.arranted en"roa"+ment by t+e #tate into *ndamental rig+ts and "annot be invo5ed inrivate "ontroversies involving rivate rig+ts/(ATIENDA V$ COELEC 6 AN#EL ROA$III* ET AL* %/?uy 17* 2010)

    13. What are the re"uisites for a #alid classification@

    As +eld in P/o9l/ > Cyt* 7 P,il 12*t+e re;isites are

    !+ere mst be real and sbstantial distin"tions0It mst be germane tot +e roses o* t+e la.0It mst not be limited to e1isting "onditions only0 andIt mst aly e;ally to all members o* t+e same "lass/

    1!. )s there #iolation of the e"ual protection clause if policemen who are char5ed of acriminal offense punisha*le for more than si$ (: years will remain suspended until after thehis ac"uittal unli-e other pu*lic officers whose ma$imum suspension e#en when facin5 5raftand corrupt char5es is only three (3 months?

    o t+ere is o violation/ In &IA"AN V$ PEOPLE, t+e #reme Cort +eld t+at t+e *a"t t+atoli"emen "+arged .it+ a "riminal o**ense nis+able by more t+an < years are to be ssendeddring t+e entire dration o* t+e "ase nli5e ot+er government emloyees is valid sin"e it rests onvalid "lassi*i"ation be"ase oli"emen "arry .eaons and t+e badge o* t+e la. .+i"+ "an be sed

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    to +arass or intimidate .itnesses against t+em/

    1!a. )s there a #iolation of the ri5ht to e"ual protection of the laws of appointed5o#ernment officials who are deemed automatically resi5ned upon the filin5 of their certificateof candidacy while elected officials are not?

    o, t+ere is real and sbstantial distin"tion/ 'ost ele"ted o**i"ials +ave a *i1ed term nder t+e

    Constittion and said term "old not be s+ortened by means o* a la./ (K&I!O V#/CO'E%EC, $ebrary 22, 2J6J)

    1!*. )s there #iolation of the e"ual protection clause if policemen and soldiers are 5i#enallowances in the

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    1a. What are the two (8 -inds of pro*a*le cause?

    !+e t.o (2) 5inds o* robable "ase are

    6 !+e e1e"tive determination o* robable "ase by t+e -rose"tor .+ere +e determines.+et+er to *ile a "riminal "ase in "ort or not0 and

    2 Hdi"ial determination o* robable "ase to be done by t+e Gdge *or t+e rose o* issinga .arrant o* arrest against t+e a""sed/ (LEVI$TE V$ J#!"E ALAE!A* Au:b/ 'ay t+e Anti:!errorism Con"il isse a .arrant o* detentionagainst terrorists or sse"ted terrorists .it+ot violating #e"tion 2, Art/III o* t+e Constittion .+i"+ allo.s only 4Gdges9 to isse .arrants@

    In t+e "ases o* 6 #O&!ER E'I#-ERE EAE'E! E!WOR, IC/, onbe+al* o* t+e #ot+:#ot+ et.or5 (##) *or on:#tate Armed ro Engagement, and

    A!!/ #O%I'A '/ #A!O#, HR/, 2 I%A 'AO &O ('&0 8 BAOA%A#A 'AABAA (BAA), F ARA-A!A, A%%IACE $OR !E

    ADVACE'E! O$ -EO-%E?# RI!#, > !E I!ERA!ED BAR O$ !E -I%I--IE#(IB-), vs/ !E A!I:!ERRORI#' CO&CI%, E! A%/, /R/ o/ 6=M>>2, O"tober >, 2J6J ,t+e #reme Cort *ailed to de"ide on t+e "onstittionality o* t+e said la. be"ase t+eetitioners .ere +eld to +ave no legal standing or ersonality to se/

    -lease note o* t+e ;estionable rovisions o* t+e said la.

    @ec. 1.-eriod o* detention .it+ot Gdi"ial .arrant o* arrest/: !+e rovisions o* Arti"le62> o* t+e Revised -enal Code, not.it+standing, any oli"e or la. en*or"ementersonnel, ;,o* ,>in< ?//n duly ut,oi/d in ;itin< ?y t,/ Anti-T/oi8Coun4il +as ta5en "stody o* a erson "+arged .it+ or sse"ted o* t+e "rime o*terrorism or t+e "rime o* "onsira"y to "ommit terrorism s+all, WI!O&! IC&RRI

    A CRI'IA% %IABI%I! $OR DE%A I !E DE%IVER O$ DE!AIED-ER#O# !O !E -RO-ER H&DICIA% A&!ORI!IE#, DE%IVER #AID CAREDOR #-EC!ED -ER#O !O !E -RO-ER H&DICIA% A&!ORI! WI!I A-ERIOD O$ !REE (8) DA# "onted *rom t+e moment said "+arged or sse"tederson +as been are+ended or arrested, detained, and ta5en into "stody by t+esaid oli"e, or la. en*or"ement ersonnel -rovided, !+at t+e arrest o* t+osesse"ted o* t+e "rime o* terrorism or "onsira"y to "ommit terrorism mst reslt *romt+e srveillan"e nder #e"tion = and e1amination o* ban5 deosits nder #e"tion 2= *t+is A"t/

    @ection 12.-eriod o* Detention in t+e event o* an a"tal or imminent terroristatta"5/: In t+e vent o* an a"tal or imminent terrorist atta"5,, sse"ts may not be

    detained *or more t+an t+ree days .it+ot t+e .ritten aroval o* a mni"ial, "ity,rovin"ial or regional o**i"ial o* a man Rig+ts Commission, or Gdge o* t+e mni"ial,regional trial "ort, t+e #andiganbayan or a Gsti"e o* t+e Cort o* Aeals nearest t+ela"e o* arrest/ I* t+e arrest is made dring #atrdays, #ndays or +olidays, or a*tero**i"e +ors, t+e arresting oli"e o* la. en*or"ement ersonnel s+all bring t+e ersont+s arrested to t+e residen"e o* any o* t+e o**i"ials mentioned above t+at is nearestt+e la"e .+ere t+e a""sed .as arrested/ !+e aroval in .riting o* any o* t+e saido**i"ials s+all be se"red by t+e oli"e or la. en*or"ement ersonnel "on"erned .it+in*ive days a*ter t+e date o* t+e detention o* t+e ersons "on"erned0 -rovided, +o.ever,!+at .it+in t+ree days a*ter t+e detention t+e sse"ts .+ose "onne"tion .it+ t+e terror

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    atta"5 or t+reat is not establis+ed, s+all be released immediately/

    (O!E &nder t+e man #e"rity A"tPAnti:!errorism %a., Rebli"A"t o/ N8=2, Aroved on 'ar"+ Rui* 3. $CRA 23, t+e e1amination o* t+e "omlainant ant t+e.itnesses +e may rod"e mst be done ersonally by t+e Gdge/ Ot+er.ise, t+e .arrant s+all bevoid/ As s"+, t+e #C +eld in -EDO V#/ CA, ovember 6 &//* + $CRA 312)

    8G. What is a %scattershot warrant'?It is a sear"+ .arrant issed *or more t+an one (6) se"i*i" o**ense li5e a sear"+

    .arrant issed *or more t+an one se"i*i" o**ense li5e one *or esta*a, robbery, t+e*t and;ali*ied t+e*t9/ (TA'A$EN V$ PEOPLE* July 1+* 155Q PEOPLE V$ CA* 217 $CRA 101)

    81. May a 7ud5e #alidly issue a warrant of arrest *ased only from the )nformation and

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    the ;esolution of the Prosecutor findin5 pro*a*le cause a5ainst the accused?

    o/ !+ere .ill be no basis *or t+e issan"e sin"e t+e -rose"tor is neit+er t+e "omlainant nort+e .itness to t+e "ase/ e "old not +ave determined robable "ase based *rom t+e saiddo"ments/ (VICENTE LI*$R AN! AYOR $#$ANA LIV$&ON N %ELI * "R NO 550+-.)/ As +eld in t+e "ase o* #oliven vs/ 'a5asiar, de"ided nder t+e 6NM= Constittion, t+e Cort notedt+at t+e addition o* t+e .ord ersonally a*ter t+e .ord determined and t+e deletion o* t+e grant o*

    at+ority by t+e 6N=8 Constittion to isse .arrants to ot+er resondent o**i"ers as to may beat+orized by la. does not re;ire t+e Gdge to ersonally e1amine t+e "omlainant and +is .itness in+is determination o* robable "ase *or t+e issan"e o* a .arrant o* arrest/W+at t+e Constittionnders"ores is t+e e1"lsive and ersonal resonsibility o* t+e issing Gdge to satis*y +imsel* o* t+ee1isten"e o* robable "ase/ $ollo.ing establis+ed do"trine and ro"edres, +e s+all

    (6) ersonally evalate t+e reorts and t+e sorting do"ments sbmitted by t+e*is"al regarding t+e e1isten"e o* robable "ase and, on t+e basis t+ereo*, isse a .arrant o*arrest0

    (2) I* on t+e basis t+ereo* +e *inds no robable "ase, +e may disregard t+e *is"alQsreort and re;ire t+e sbmission o* sorting a**idavits o* .itnesses to aid +im in arriving at

    a "on"lsion as to t+e e1isten"e o* robable "ase/

    !+e "ase o* -eole vs/ onorable Enri;e B/ Inting reiterates t+e *ollo.ing do"trines

    (6) !+e determination o* robable "ase is a *n"tion o* t+e Gdge/ It is not *or t+e-rovin"ial $is"al or -rose"tor nor *or t+e Ele"tion #ervisor to as"ertain/ Only t+e Gdgealone ma5es t+is determination/

    (2) !+e reliminary in;iry made by t+e rose"tor does not bind t+e Gdge/ Itmerely assist +im to ma5e t+e determination o* robable "ase/ !+e Gdge does not +ave to*ollo. .+at t+e rose"torQs resent to +im/ By itsel*, t+e rose"torQs "erti*i"ation o* robable"ase is ine**e"tal/ It is t+e reort, t+e a**idavits, t+e trans"rits o* stenogra+i" notes, and all

    ot+er sorting do"ments be+ind t+e rose"torQs "erti*i"ation .+i"+ are material in assistingt+e Gdge to ma5e +is determination/

    (8) -reliminary in;iry s+old be distingis+ed *rom t+e reliminary investigationroer/ W+ile t+e *ormer see5s to determine robable "ase *or t+e issan"e o* .arrant o*arrest, t+e latter as"ertains .+et+er t+e o**ender s+old be +eld *or trial or be released/

    88. /s to the re"uirement that the 7ud5e must %personally' determine pro*a*le causeAmust he e$amine the complainant and his witnesses face to face in order to comply with thesaid constitutional pro#ision?

    It deends/

    6/ In "onne"tion .it+ t+e issan"e o* a #EARC WARRA!, +e mst ersonally e1amine t+e"omlainant and t+e .itnesses, .it+ sear"+ing ;estions, *a"e to *a"e/ (Ba"+e vs/ Hdge Riz, sra)

    2/ In "onne"tion .it+ t+e issan"e o* a .arrant o* arrest, +o.ever, t+e .ord @9/onlly9a*ter t+e .ord determined does not ne"essarily mean t+at t+e Gdge s+old e1amine t+e "omlainantand +is .itnesses ersonally or *a"e to *a"e be*ore issing t+e .arrant o* arrest bt t+e e1"lsiveresonsibility on t+e art o* said Gdge to satis*y +imsel* o* t+e e1isten"e o* robable "ase/ As s"+,t+ere is no need to e1amine t+e "omlainant and +is .itnesses *a"e to *a"e/ It is s**i"ient i* t+e Gdgeis "onvin"ed o* t+e e1isten"e o* robable "ase on reading t+e a**idavits or deosition o* t+e

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    "omlainant and +is .itnesses/ $OLIVEN V$ AKA$IAR* 17. $CRA 353

    83. )s the 7ud5e *ound *y the findin5s of e$istence of %pro*a*le cause' *y theProsecutor as indicated in his Certification in the information so that the issuance of a warrantof arrest is only ministerial on his part? )f not satisfied of the e$istence of pro*a*le causeA maythe 7ud5e re"uire the Prosecutor to su*mit additional e#idence@

    !+e Gdge is not bond by t+e *indings o* t+e -rose"tor be"ase t+e said *inding is only4robable "ase9 t+at a "rime .as "ommitted/ -robable "ase to Gsti*y t+e issan"e o* a .arrant o*arrest is a Gdi"ial *n"tion vested only in t+e Gdge/ In *a"t, +e "an re;ire t+e -rose"tor to sbmitadditional eviden"e i* +e is not "onvin"ed o* t+e e1isten"e o* robable *or t+e issan"e o* a .arrant o*arrest/ (P > Villnu/>* 110 $CRA +7Q Pl4/ > Villnu/>* 127 $CRA +73)

    8!. )s =peration ap-ap *ein5 done *y the police *ecause the suspect hassomethin5 *ul5in5 in his waist and -eeps on touchin5 his a*domen as if touchin5 a 5un #alid?

    As +eld in PEOPLE V$ EN"OTE* "R No .05* Jun/* 1552* 210 $CRA 1.+*4O-ERA!IO A-A-9 or .arrantless sear"+ .it+ot robable "ase is n"onstittional/ #"+sear"+ is valid only i* "overed by #e"tion >, Arti"le 668 o* t+e Rles o* Cort .+i"+ rovides

    #e"/ >/ Arrest .it+ot .arrant0 .+en la.*l/: A ea"e o**i"er or rivate ersonmay, .it+ot .arrant, arrest a erson

    (a) W+en, in +is resen"e, t+e erson to be arrested +as "ommitted, isa"tally "ommitting, or is attemting to "ommit an o**ense0

    (b) W+en an o**ense +as in *a"t Gst been "ommitted, and +e +asersonal 5no.ledge o* *a"ts indi"ating t+at t+e erson to be arrested +as"ommitted it0 and

    (") W+en t+e erson to be arrested is a risoner .+o +as es"aed *rom

    a enal establis+ment or la"e .+ere +e is serving *inal Gdgment or temorarily"on*ined .+ile +is "ase is ending, or +as es"aed .+ile being trans*erred *romone "on*inement to anot+er/

    Comare t+is "ase to 'AA%I%I V#/ -EO-%E, O"tober N, 6NN=/ !+e oli"emen sa. severalssi"ios loo5ing men at da.n .+o ran .+en t+ey .ent near t+em/ As t+e oli"emen ran a*ter t+em,an nli"ensed *irearm .as "on*is"ated/ !+e sear"+ .as de"lared valid by t+e #reme Cort/ ote,+o.ever, t+at in 'A%ACA! V#/ CA, 2M8 #CRA 6>N, t+e #C +eld t+at mere ssi"ions not s**i"ient tovalidate .arrantless arrest/

    8. May the )loilo Police arrest or ma-es a search without warrant the persondisem*ar-in5 from a ship *ased solely on an information relayed to them *y an informant

    that the suspects *a5 contains mari7uana?

    o/ As +eld in P+=PL+ #s. /MM)>6)D)>A 1:3 @C;/ !G8 a .arrantless arrest o* t+ea""sed .as n"onstittional/ !+is .as e**e"ted .+ile +e .as "oming do.n t+e vessel, to allaearan"es no less inno"ent t+an t+e ot+er disembar5ing assengers/ e +ad not "ommitted nor.as a"tally "ommitting or attemting to "ommit an o**ense in t+e resen"e o* t+e arresting o**i"ers/e .as not even a"ting ssi"iosly/ In s+ort, t+ere .as no robable "ase t+at, as t+e rose"tionin"orre"tly sggested, disensed .it+ t+e "onstittional re;irement o* a .arrant/

    8:. )n arrests without warrant *ased on the fact that a crime has 7ust *een committedA

  • 8/13/2019 2013.June Preweek Reviewer in Political Law


    what -ind of -nowled5e is re"uired on the part of the arrestin5 officer?

    In PEOPLE V$ "ALVED* 3 $CRA 2+7* t,/ $u9/8/ Cout ,/ld t,t t+e oli"emanarrested t+e a""sed:aellant on t+e basis solely o* .+at Reynaldo Castro +ad told +im and notbe"ase +e sa. t+e a""sed:aellant "ommit t+e "rime "+arged against +im/ Indeed, t+erose"tion admitted t+at t+ere .as no .arrant o* arrest issed against a""sed:aellant .+en t+elatter .as ta5en into "stody/ Considering t+at t+e a""sed:aellant .as not "ommitting a "rime at

    t+e time +e .as arrested nor did t+e arresting o**i"er +ave any ersonal 5no.ledge o* *a"ts indi"atingt+at a""sed:aellant "ommitted a "rime, +is arrest .it+ot a .arrant "annot be Gsti*ied/

    84. What is the effect on the ille5ality of the arrest *y the su*se"uent act of the accusedin postin5 *ond for his pro#isional li*erty and enterin5 a plea durin5 his arrai5nment?

    By entering a lea o* not gilty dring t+e arraignment, t+e a""sed:aellant .aived +is rig+tto raise t+e isse o* illegality o* +is arrest/ I! I# OW #E!!%ED !A! OBHEC!IO !O A WARRA!O$ ARRE#! OR !E -ROCED&RE B WIC A CO&R! ACK&IRE# H&RI#DIC!IO OVER !E-ER#O O$ A ACCED '! BE 'ADE BE$ORE E E!ER# I# -%EA, O!ERWI#E, !EOBHEC!IO I# DEE'ED WAIVED/ !E $AC! !A! !E ARRE#! WA# I%%EA% DOE# O!REDER !E #&B#EK&E! -ROCEEDI# VOID AD DE-RIVE !E #!A!E O$ I!# RI!

    !O COVIC! !E &I%! WE A%% !E $AC!# -OI! !O !E C&%-ABI%I! O$ !EACCED/ (PEOPLE V$ "ALVED* 3 $CRA 2+7)

    8. )s a warrantless search and seiJure *y a pri#ate indi#idual #alid?

    es sin"e t+e "onstittional rovision is not ali"able to +im/ (PEOPLE O% T&EP&ILIPPINE$ V$ AN!RE ARTI* "R NO 171* Jnuy 1* 1551Q $ILA&I$ INTERNATIONAL&OTEL* INC V$ RO"ELIO $OL#TA* ET AL* +2 $CRA 770)

    82. What are the re"uisites of a #alid search incidental to a #alid arrest?

    As +eld in NOLA$CO V$ PANO* 135 $CRA +1, a sear"+ in"idental to a valid arrest mst

    be done at t+e la"e .+ere t+e a""sed is arrested or its immediate vi"inity or on t+e erson o* t+ea""sed/ As s"+, i* a""sed .as arrested .+ile inside a Geeney, t+ere is no valid sear"+ in"identalto a valid arrest i* s+e .ill be brog+t to +er residen"e and t+erea*ter sear"+ t+e said la"e/ Or as +eldin E$PANO V$ CA* 2 $CRA , i* t+e a""sed .as arrested in t+e street dring a by:bstoeration, t+e sear"+ o* +is +ose nearby is not a valid sear"+ in"idental to a valid arrest/

    3G. )f the accused was #alidly arrested without warrant inside a ni5ht clu* for ille5alpossession of firearmA may the arrestin5 officers #alidly search his car par-ed se#eral metersfrom the place of arrest *ased on %search incidental to a #alid arrest'?

    W+ere t+e gn t"5ed in a erson?s .aist is lainly visible to t+e oli"e, no sear"+ .arrant isne"essary and in t+e absen"e o* any li"ense *or said *irearm, +e may be arrested at on"e as +e is in

    e**e"t "ommitting a "rime in t+e resen"e o* t+e oli"e o**i"ers/ o .arrant is ne"essary in s"+ asitation, it being one o* t+e re"ognized e1"etions nder t+e Rles/ As a "onse;en"e o* t+ea""sed?s valid .arrantless arrest inside t+e nig+t"lb, +e may be la.*lly sear"+ed *or dangeros.eaons or anyt+ing .+i"+ may be sed as roo* o* t+e "ommission o* an o**ense, .it+ot a sear"+.arrant in a""ordan"e .it+ #e"tion 62, Rle 62

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    +is "onsent, not de to sear"+ in"idental to a valid arrest/ As s"+, t+e items do not *all nder t+ee1"lsionary rle and t+e nli"ensed *irearms, drg ara+ernalia and t+e s+ab, "an be sed aseviden"e against t+e a""sed. /PEOPLE V$ "O* 3+ $CRA 33)

    31. May the police authorities #alidly search the rented apartment of a suspect without asearch warrant or without the consent of the said person ,6B W)BH BH+ C=>@+>B = BH+=W>+; = BH+ /P/;BM+>B?

    o/ PEOPLE V$ !AA$O* 212 $CRA +.abandoned t+e rling in %oez vs/ Commissioner.+ere t+e alleged 4.i*e9 "old give a valid "onsent *or t+e sear"+ o* t+e +otel room o* +er +sband as+eld by t+e #reme Cort:::even t+og+ it trned ot t+at s+e .as Gst a 4mani"rist9 o* t+e sse"t /In order t+at t+ere is a valid "onsent to a .arrantless sear"+, t+e "onsent mst "ome *rom t+e ersondire"tly a**e"ted by said .arrantless sear"+/

    38. What is the %plain #iew doctrine' in connection with warrantless search andseiJure?

    As +eld in PEOPLE V$ VAL!ED* 3+1 $CRA 2*t+e plain view doctrine, .+i"+ may Gsti*y a sear"+.it+ot .arrant, A--%IE# O% WERE !E -O%ICE O$$ICER I# O! #EARCI $OR

    EVIDECE AAI#! !E ACCED, B&! IADVER!E!% CO'E# ACRO## AICRI'IA!I OBHEC!/ As s"+, 4lain vie. do"trine "old not be sed to Gsti*y t+e seizre o* annli"ensed *irearm in -eole vs/ Damaso, sra, .+i"+ .as seen on to o* a table a*ter t+e oening o*+is aartment?s door .it+ot a .arrant nor "onsent o* t+e o""ant t+erein/

    38a. Bhe police

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