2011 Winter Festival

Post on 09-Apr-2018






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  • 8/7/2019 2011 Winter Festival




    shoppersmallbrandon.comgobrowsego for the shopping stay for the fun!

    welcome all

    winterfest visitorsCheck out our great winter clearance & new spring fashions


  • 8/7/2019 2011 Winter Festival


    FEBRUARY 3-5, 20112

    As The Queens represen-tative in Manitoba, and hon-orary patron, I am pleased to

    welcome everyone to theLieutenant Governors Winter


    Brandon is in for someFebruary fun as this specialevent is celebrated at various

    venues around the city. Withsuch an impressive selectionof pavilions, food and enter-tainment, the challenge willbe trying to take in all thefestival has to offer. Brandoncitizens look forward to thisannual multicultural gathering, and for good reason. It deliv-

    ers plenty of excitement at this time of year and is an excel-lent way to get together with friends, family and the commu-nity.

    I thank the event organizers, sponsors and volunteers fortheir efforts and good work. Best wishes for another enjoy-able, memorable festival.

    Philip S. LeeThe Honourable Philip S. Lee, C.M., O.M.Lieutenant Governor of Manitoba

    On behalf of the City ofBrandon, it is my pleasure toextend a warm welcome toeveryone attending the Eighth

    Annual Lieutenant GovernorsWinter Festival. It is a richand vibrant celebration ofBrandons cultural diversity.

    On February 3, 4, and 5,2011, Brandon will be trans-formed into one of thebiggest stages on theprairies, drawing performersand visitors from far and

    wide. Last year, there weremore than 57,000 pavilion

    visits, and the Winter Festival continues to grow!

    The Festival remains squarely a grassroots event, drivenby the enthusiastic support it receives from Brandons multi-

    cultural communities. The Winter Festival is the result ofcountless hours of hard work and the commitment of over600 volunteers. I would like to extend my thanks to those vol-unteers, City staff, individuals, and groups who have workedso hard to bring us thirteen outstanding pavilions. A very spe-cial thank you to the Colombian Pavilion, who is this yearsHost Pavilion.

    My sincere thanks is extended to all these people and tothe festival sponsors who support the Lieutenant GovernorsWinter Festival in staging this marvellous celebration ofinclusiveness, unity, harmony and goodwill.

    Shari Decter HirstHer Honour Shari Decter HirstMayor of Brandon






    Beside the big license plateB-435 Rosser Avenue, Brandon


    Residential Farm Commercial Travel Hail Auto

  • 8/7/2019 2011 Winter Festival



    The eighth annual Lieutenant Governors WinterFestival will find a way to bring Brandonites andWestman residents out from the cold and into the

    warmth of a cultural exchange.It really has been Brandons biggest entertain-

    ment option of that nature and is a big draw forBrandon, said Elaine Arvisais, a Winter Festivalco-chairwoman.

    The festival kicks off at City Hall on Feb. 3,

    where the Colombian pavilion will provide the foodand entertainment for the opening ceremonies,hosted by Manitoba Lt.-Gov. Philip Lee at 6 p.m.

    Lee, along with Brandon Mayor Shari DecterHirst, Manitobas Minister of Culture, Heritage andTourism Flor Marcelino and a federal governmentofficial will address the crowd.

    There will be some singing and dancing,Arvisais said. Not nearly as much as there wouldbe at their pavilion, but there will be a little bit.

    Its only an hour but its something we take pride intoo.

    Lee will then visit a couple of pavilions, starting

    with the Ukrainian pavilion, then moving on to theIrish pavilion. See 50,000-plus Page 4

    Dancers with theTroyanda School ofUkrainian Dance swirlaround the dance floorduring a performance atlast years LieutenantGovernors WinterFestival.

    Bruce Bumstead

    (Brandon Sun Files)

    February 4 & 5Latino Rhythm Pirate Band

    9 piece Latino Band Playing Salsa, Merengue, Reggae and Latin Rock Plus Salsa Ya Dance Group

    Jaime Chinchilla, Eric Platz, Jose Mora, Oscar Porras, Eliseo Pineda, Soraya Martell,Franklin Leon, Ryan Zingerman and Dave Thiel.


    For tickets phone 727-3800 or 1-888-234-4040CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED


    February 11 & 12 Alice in Blunderland

    Thursday,February 24


    Saturday,February 26





    Friday,April 1

    Pauly Shore

    The Place withGreat Entertainment

    FEBRUARY 3-5, 2011 3


    Colombia (host) profile on page 4

    Ethiopian profile on page 4

    Philippine profile on page 5

    Ukrainian profile on page 5

    Mtis profile on page 6

    English profile on page 7

    Global Village profile on page 10

    Scottish profile on page 11

    Irish profile on page 12

    French Canadian profile on page 13

    Brazil profile on page 14

    Salvador profile on page 15

    First Nations

    profile on page 15

    Warm return for winter tradition

  • 8/7/2019 2011 Winter Festival



    FEBRUARY 3-5, 20114

    Continued from Page 3

    Similar to Winnipegs sum-mer Folklorama festival, lastyears Winter Festival attract-ed nearly 53,000 person vis-its overall to 12 pavilions.

    And those wanting to take inthe 13 venues that will beopen this year from Thursdayto Saturday will have anopportunity to use free tran-sit services, with two specificroutes that will take you nearthe door of each pavilion.

    They start at City Hall andgo to all the pavilions,

    Arvisais said. They run on ahalf-hour schedule. There isalso free Handi Transit,

    though users need to phonein to pre-book a ride.

    They could even phone innow for rides Monday toFriday. It would be free ofcharge if they are going tothe Winter Festival.

    Last year, 4,100 transitrides were provided, on acost-shared basis withManitoba Public Insurance.The total cost of the serviceis $4,000.

    See Multiple Page 5


    came to lastyears fest



    Central United Church

    327 8th Street

    The Ethiopian community in Brandon is veryproud to present and introduce the wonderful anddiverse culture of Ethiopia, its history andlanguage. While enjoying the video of Ethiopia

    land and culture; indulge yourself with ourdelicious traditional dishes like Injera, kei wot,alecha wot, bread and more.

    Discover the unique display of cultural crafts andcostumes. Ethiopians are well known for theirwarm hospitality; so come, have fun andcelebrate with us the Lieutenant GovernorsWinter Festival 2011.

    HOURS:Thursday & Friday6:00 to 11:00 p.m.Saturday1:00 to 11:00 p.m.

    SHOWTIMESWill feature continuous showings ofEthiopian culture and scenic videos

    on wide screen projector.



    The Loft

    111 - 7th Street

    BIENVENIDO! WELCOME! Be prepared to stay

    the entire day as you will discover and witness

    fabulous entertainment & show of the happy,

    smiling Colombian people. Open yourselves to

    a world of colourful costumes and vibrant

    rhythms of our famous Colombian Carnival

    El Carnaval de Barranquilla. Try our delicious

    food and taste the finest coffee in the world.


    HOURS:Thursday & Friday6:00 to 11:00 p.m.

    Saturday1:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m.

    SHOWTIMES:Thursday & Friday7:00-7:45, 8:30-9:15 & 10:00-10:45 p.m.Saturday2:00-2:45, 3:45-4:30, 5:30-6:15,7:15-8:00, 9:00-9:45& 10:45-11:30 p.m.

  • 8/7/2019 2011 Winter Festival


    Continued from Page 4

    Admission to all pavilionsis free though its a good ideato bring cash so you can sam-ple the many food and bever-age options each culture has

    to offer.Really its an education and

    learning tool we have aboutother cultures that are in ourneighbourhood and communi-ties, Arvisais said. Its anopportunity for those culturesto be able to showcase theirtraditions. And its a good wayto celebrate winter.

    As another way to mark theoccasion, a snow sculpture willbe carved on the corner of 18th

    Street and Richmond Avenue.That was a bit of a change

    on location, Arvisais said. Ithought we were going to putit on the Brandon ShoppersMall parking lot, but I think itgets better exposure back

    where its been in past years.Gord Foote will be doing

    the carving and it will honourthe Colombian pavilion, thehost community for thisyears festival.





    FEBRUARY 3-5, 2011 5


    PAVILIONSt. Matthews Anglican Cathedral

    403 13th Street

    Mabuhay! Welcome to the Philippine Pavilion and

    experience the hospitality of the Filipino people.

    Relax, and witness our local talents perform a

    selection of traditional Philippine dances; and if you

    are in for a challenge, you better try your dancing skillson our world-famous national folk dance called

    Tinikling (bamboo dance).

    We always recommend that you enjoy our

    entertainment while your taste buds indulge with

    some of the Philippines unique flavours. Visit us with

    your family and friends; and together, celebrate with

    us our proud Filipino heritage.

    HOURS:Thursday & Friday6:00 to 11:00 p.m.Saturday1:00 to 11:00 p.m.

    SHOWTIMES:Thursday & Friday

    6:30-7:45, & 8:15-9:00 p.m.


    1:30-2:15, 3:00-3:45, 4:30-5:15,6:30-7:15, 8:00-8:45, & 9:30-10:15 p.m.


    PAVILIONUkrainian Reading Association Hall

    1005 Assiniboine AvenueWelcome and experience Ukraine! This year, ourpavilion will feature the usual traditional food such asperogies, cabbage rolls, borscht (beet soup), Ukrainiansausage, and dessert (icing rosettes). You may purchaseindividual items or combos. Featured drinks; two

    different kinds of imported Ukrainian beer and importedvodka - a real treat!

    Our show will feature the Brandon Troyanda School ofUkrainian Dance. These dancers express their joy fordance in an amazing performance, and dress inbeautiful and colorful costumes. Also featured is the AllUkrainian Band. The band will guest the Sawchuksisters, two gifted young fiddlers and duet singers. Youwill find a demonstration of Easter egg creations,including ostrich eggs, and also a display of Ukrainianarts and crafts.

    HOURS:Thursday & Friday6:00 to 11:00 p.m.Saturday1:00 to 11:00 p.m.

    SHOWTIMES:Thursday & Friday6:45, 8:15, & 9:45

    Saturday1:45, 3:15, 4:45, 6:15, 7:45, 9:30,& 10:30 p.m. (Band Finale)

  • 8/7/2019 2011 Winter Festival


    FEBRUARY 3-5, 20116

    Ana Cruz serves a visitor to the Salvadoran pavilion at last years Lieutenant GovernorsWinter Festival. Tim Smith (Brandon Sun Files)

    Treats and sweets


    While out enjoying

    the Winter Festival,Bring a donation

    for the Womens


    They are looking for

    personnel care

    items like shampoo,

    toothpaste andother toiletries.

    There will be a

    collection container

    at each pavilion.


    Welcome EveryoneTo The

    2011Lieutenant GovernorsWinter Festival!

    Lets embrace and celebrate our

    multicultural society.

    Enjoy, have fun and be safe!

    Drew CaldwellWorking for Brandon!119 Tenth Street



    MLA Brandon East


    PAVILIONWestern Manitoba Centennial


    205 - 20th Street

    The Mtis Pavilion is proud to be participating in

    Brandons 8th annual Lieutenant Governors Winter

    Festival. The Mtis Pavilion offers a variety of Mtis

    cultural components through the sharing of traditionalmusic and dance, food, language and great sense of

    humor, with people from Brandon and the

    surrounding areas.

    The Mtis pavilion is a non-licensed venue. We

    encourage everyone to come out and join us for some

    great fiddle music, jigging, dancing, food and people

    at The Mtis Pavilion. Kii-taam-kaa-waa-paa-mittin

    (See you there!)

    HOURS:Thursday & Friday6:00 to 11:00 p.m.Saturday1:00 to 11:00 p.m.

    SHOWTIMES:Thursday & Friday

    6:00, 7:00, 8:00, 9:00 & 10:00 p.m.Saturday1:00, 2:30, 4:00, 6:00 &10:00 p.m.

  • 8/7/2019 2011 Winter Festival


    FEBRUARY 3-5, 2011 7

    Some lucky Brandonschoolchildren will be given apersonalized look at threeWinter Festival pavilions dur-ing afternoon hours.

    The French-Canadian,Mtis and First Nations pavil-ions will offer afternoonhours to accommodate up to500 people.

    They will work it by offer-ing two one-hour slots, saidElaine Arvisais, a WinterFestival co-chairwoman. It

    wont always be a show.Sometimes it will be games,but entertainment will bechosen for them. They willalso be served a snack spon-sored by the CIBC. Thentheres a 15-minute break

    while they change pavilions.That enables each pavilion

    to accommodate two groupsin what has become a verypopular aspect to the winter

    extravaganza.Unfortunately we cant

    accommodate all of therequests, Arvisais said. Sohow we work that is on afirst-come, first-servedbasis.

    Spots fill up quickly.We are overfilled,

    Arvisais said. We can onlyaccommodate 500 studentsand we have gotten more than800 requests. We put therequests out to Brandonschools because its historical-ly been the Brandon schools

    have more than filled it.For that reason, rural

    schools have not been able toget in on the action, thoughthat could change if more

    pavilions were able to openfor an afternoon session.

    The reason more pavilionsdont open is because of vol-unteers, Arvisais said. Theycant get enough volunteersto cover afternoon shifts.They are already open in theevenings, and that doesntexclude any students fromgoing, but it cuts us back onbeing able to accommodatethe classes, which makes ittough to have to say no.

    Brandon Sun

    Students get firstcrack at culture


    Test your knowledge and obser-vation skills by entering theWinter Festival quiz.

    Entry forms are available ateach pavilion. Visit the otherpavilions, mark down youranswers and when completed,place in the quiz tubs. One islocated at each pavilion.

    All correct entries go to theprize draw and winners will becontacted at the end of February.

    Prizes have been donated bypavilions, West End Sobeys andBrandon Forbidden Flavours.

    The quiz was sponsored byWarner Buck and SmittysBrandon.


    PAVILIONArmy, Navy & Air Force Hall

    31 - 14th StreetHail Britannia! Be prepared for a special treat with music by

    The Jimmy Sweets. Enjoy English pub songs, and dance all

    night with special guests, Brandons own tribute to the

    Fab 4, The Beetles.

    Sample such culinary delights as Shepherds Pie,

    Cornish Pasties, Bangers & Mash or Steak & Kidney Pie,

    accompanied, of course, by imported English Ale or Cider.

    You may prefer to step up to the 007 Bar and order a

    martini shaken not stirred! Authentic English Pub Lunch

    is served Saturday afternoon from 1:00 to 4:00.

    We are pleased to welcome local songstress, Lisa

    Vasconcelos, who will be rockin the pub songs, Dave

    Bebbington at the helm with British Invasion karaoke, and of

    course, get your afternoon groove on with the Beetles!

    We look forward to welcoming you to the English Pavilion!

    Groovy Baby!!

    HOURS:Thursday6:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m.Friday6:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m.Saturday1:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m.

    SHOWTIMES:Thursday6:30, 7:45, 9:00, & 10:15 p.m.Friday & Saturday6:30, 7:45, 9:00, 10:15 & 11:30 p.m.

    Welcome toWinter Fest!

  • 8/7/2019 2011 Winter Festival



    Bus at :08 and :38

    IrishRoyal Oak Inn3130 Victoria Avenue


    Bus at :06 and :36

    ScottishVictoria Inn3550 Victoria Avenue


    Bus at :26 and :56

    First NationsMahkaday Ginew205 College Avenue


    Bus at :22 and :52

    SalvadorBethel Christian Assembly440 Richmond Avenue


    Bus at :15 and :45

    French CanadianKeystone Centre

    1175-18th Street


    Bus at :17 and :47

    BrazilSouth End Community Centre1140 Ninth Street


    Bus at :19 and :49

    Global VillageTown Centre800 Rosser Avenue

    profileonpage10Bus at :24 and :54

    EthiopianCentral United327 Eighth Street


    Bus at :21 and :51

    ColombiaThe Loft111 Seventh Street


    Bus at :16 and :46

    EnglishANAF31-14th Street


    Bus at :14 and :44

    MtisWMCA205-20th Street

    profileonpage6Bus at :10 and :40

    UkrainianUkrainian Reading Hall1005 Assiniboine Avenue


    Bus at :05 and :35

    PhilippineSt.Matthews Cathedral

    403-13th Streetprofileonpage5



    Charter bus service to all pavilions

    is free of charge.

    Buses arrive every half hour.

    There are two routes.Riders can

    switch between routes at City Hall.


    First bus departs City Hall at 7 p.m.

    Last bus arrives City Hall at 11 p.m.


    First bus departs City Hall at 7 p.m.

    Last bus arrives City Hall at 12 a.m.


    First bus departs City Hall at 2 p.m.

    Last bus arrives City Hall at 12 a.m.

    HANDI-TRANSIT Free during the festival to those

    who qualify.












    2. 1.

    FEBRUARY 3-5, 2011 9FEBRUARY 3-5, 20118








    February18th & 19th


    Brandons Only Irish Pub

    1133 Princess Ave. Brandon, MB 726-1234www.clancysbrandon.com

    Ask about our

    Loyalty Program


    Tickets for two to see U2 in Winnipeg,including VIP passes for the pre-party

    and overnight accomodations!

    Watchfor our

    in February& March

    Sponsoredin part by

  • 8/7/2019 2011 Winter Festival





    FEBRUARY 3-5, 201110

    Dancers at the Colombianpavilion entertained thecrowd with colourful cos-tumes and rhythmicdance during last yearsLieutenant GovernorsWinter Festival.

    This year, the Colombianpavilion has the honour ofbeing host pavilion.

    Bruce Bumstead

    (Brandon Sun Files)


    PAVILIONTown Centre - Food Court Area

    800 Rosser AvenueThe Global Village Pavilion returns to the Lieutenant Governor's WinterFestival this year, featuring food, entertainment and cultural presentations from

    Japan, China, the Isle of Mauritius and Pakistan.

    Local Mauritians will put their vibrant island culture on display with live music(Island Vibe Band and Mauritian Ottentik), traditional dance, arts and crafts,and a tasty selection of their tropical cuisine.

    The Brandon University Chinese Students and Scholars Association will be

    representing the Chinese community this year and will display traditional artand music, live performances, and a multimedia display.

    And for the very first time, Brandon's Pakistani and Japanese communities willjoin the winter festival.

    The Japanese community has prepared an exciting program with culturaldisplays, food, spectacular martial arts demonstrations provided by membersof the Brandon Judokan judo club, karate performances by Traditional Karateof Brandon, and a selection of Japanese music by talented local artists. Don'tforget to try the succulent teriyaki pork, our sweet potato pastries and green teacookies!

    The Pakistani community is very excited to be part of the Global VillagePavilion. They are set to introduce their culture through traditional clothing,cultural displays, food, music, arts and crafts. Visit the Henna artists to havebeautiful Henna stains traced on your hands. Some of the traditional jewellery,outfits and crafts will be for sale. A perfect place to find a traditional Punjabioutfit or colorful scarves. If you love hot and spicy food don't miss out on ourdelicious samosas.

    The Global Village Pavilion will also feature crafts and activities area for kidson Saturday afternoon, Saturday afternoon tea service and performances bySensacion Internacional on the main stage throughout the weekend.

    HOURS:Thursday & Friday6:00 to 11:00 p.m.Saturday1:00 to 11:00 p.m.

    SHOWTIMES:Thursday & Friday6:0011:00 p.m.(every hour; last show starts 10:00 p.m.)Saturday: 1:00-11:00 p.m.(every hour; last show starts 10:00 p.m.)


    The Lieutenant Governorof Manitoba The HonourablePhilip S. Lee, C.M., O.M.

    Minister of Culture, Heritageand Tourism Flor Marcelino

    Mayor Shari Decter Hirst

    Pay no attention to the cold and snow get out and celebrateall that Brandon has to offer!

    OpeningCeremoniesThursday, February 3rd

    6:00 p.m. (Doors open at 5:00 p.m.)

    at City Hall, 4109th Street

    Hosted by theColombia Pavilion

  • 8/7/2019 2011 Winter Festival


    FEBRUARY 3-5, 2011 11

    This years Winter Festival will see a net

    addition of one pavilion, as some new groupsjoin and others take a break.Brazil, the Philippines and Global Village

    a combination of groups representingJapan, China, Pakistan and Mauritius willbe the new pavilions on the block.

    Stepping away this year are the Chineseand Mexican pavilions, though theres nothingto stop them from making plans for next year.

    We would be interested if any oneexpresses an interest (to add pavilions) fornext year, said Elaine Arvisais, a WinterFestival co-chairwoman. Wed be more than

    willing to hear from them.There are still people lamenting the loss of

    the German pavilion, whose organizers wereattempting to find a new home in time forthis years festival.

    The former Wheat City Curling Club iceshed was considered, however it is not insu-

    lated. Adding the necessary network of

    heaters was not a viable option, Arvisaissaid.There has been interest in the facility but

    the curling club portion really isnt suitablefor a pavilion and thats unfortunate,

    Arvisais said. The Germans had inquiredabout it to see if anything had changed. There

    was an interest from them and they attendedour initial meetings but they werent able tofind a suitable venue. There is still interestthere.

    People are definitely disappointed theyarent there. A lot of people that went to the

    German pavilion came and stayed there. Withothers, there may be a little more movement.

    The minimum hours for pavilions will be 6p.m. to 11 p.m., though the party will contin-ue beyond those hours at some venues.

    Brandon Sun

    Significant changes as

    pavilions come and go New: Brazil, the Philippines

    Departing: China, Mexico

    Global Village: Japan, Pakistan, Mauritius, China



    Visit a Westoba ATM before youattend your favourite pavillion!1st & McTavish 10th & Princess 18th & Kirkcaldy

    34th & Victoria 1035 Richmond

    Westoba Credit Union welcomes you to the

    2011Lieutenant Governors

    Winter Fest


    PAVILIONVictoria Inn - Imperial Ballroom

    3550 Victoria Avenue West

    Come in and be greeted Ceud Mille Faite (a hundredthousand welcomes) by the Westman ScottishAssociation. The Scotch Corner bar will have aselection of beers & Scotch whiskies on sale. Irn Bru,the famous soft drink is also available for everyone to

    taste. The lassies in the Haggis Hoose will haveprepared a variety of food including haggis, tatties andturnip followed by shortbread or trifle for dessert.On Saturday only, afternoon tea will be servedfrom 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. Scones {including Jam &butter}, oatcakes, cheese and shortbread will beserved for you to enjoy.

    Entertainment will include a variety of Highlanddancers, pipers, fiddlers and singers from the Westmanarea. A Ceilidh will also take place.

    HOURS:Thursday6:00 to 11:00 p.m.Friday6:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m.Saturday1:00 to 11:00 p.m.

    SHOWTIMES:Thursday & Friday

    6:35 p.m. & 9:10 p.m.Saturday6:00 p.m. & 9:10 p.m.

  • 8/7/2019 2011 Winter Festival


    Sisters McKenzie and Brandi Duke with McHard School of Dance perform on stage at theScottish pavilion during last years Lieutenant Governors Winter Festival.

    Tim Smith (Brandon Sun Files)

    Kick up your heels

    FEBRUARY 3-5, 201112



    Brandon Sodium Chlorate Plant


    PAVILIONRoyal Oak Inn

    3130 Victoria AvenueCome and join us for traditional Irish stew, soda bread,potato bread, and potato & leek soup as well as thedrink.

    Enjoy rousing entertainment by Ard-Ri with Irelandsown Tom McDermott, The Milliken Maquire CelticTrio, Fingals Last Pint featuring Irish Uillleann Pipes,plus Beggars Brawl and Tom Foolery. McConnellSchool of Dance will be dazzling everyone with theirfoot work and traditional full dress regalia. You wontwant to miss any of the action so come early! May thebest day of your past be like the worst day of yourfuture!

    HOURS:Thursday6:00 to11:00 p.m.Friday6:00 to12:00 a.m.Saturday1:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m.

    SHOWTIMES:Thursday7:00-8:30, & 9:00-10:00Friday7:00-8:30, & 9:00-10:30Saturday

    1:00-4:30, 5:30-6:30, 7:30-9:00& 9:30-11:00 p.m.

  • 8/7/2019 2011 Winter Festival


    FEBRUARY 3-5, 2011 13

    It takes many hands to make the WinterFestival operate smoothly.

    In all, more than 600 people donate theirtime and effort to make the Winter Festival

    the showcase event that its become on theBrandon scene.

    There is a call out for volunteers and ifpeople are interested, they can call the city,

    where we put a list together and share thatwith all the pavilions, said Elaine Arvisais,a Winter Festival co-chairwoman. There isa need for more volunteers, though there arepeople who have participated in the festival

    over the past seven years that have their owndatabases they draw from.

    While some volunteers come and some goover the years, theres never a time when the

    labours of the community arent required tomake this a success, Arvisais said.

    Last year, we had 692 volunteers,Arvisais said. Brandon is known to be a will-ing community and they are with WinterFestival too.

    For more information, call 729-2257.

    Brandon Sun

    Volunteers thanked for

    endless contributions Hundreds donate their time and effort

    More always welcome



    City of Brandon

    Karrouze Hairistrocracy

    Manitoba Hydro

    Manitoba Liquor Marts

    Manitoba Lotteries



    TD Canada Trust

    Tin Tom Asian Grocery

    Warner Buck CA

    Brandon Transit


    PAVILIONKeystone Centre Exhibition Hall

    (Curling Rink entrance)1175 18th Street

    Canad Inns Destination Centre Brandon and theFrancophone of Westman are proud to bring theFrench Canadian Pavilion to Brandon. Its a placeof sights and sounds a reflection of French Canadian heritage. A variety of entertainmentfeaturing the sugar shack and bands willtransform the pavilion into a cultural frenzy.

    Taste some French specialties; Tourtiere,Tarte au sirop derable, Pouding au chomeur andTire sur neige. Join us and discover the Joie deVivre and the warmth and hospitality of theFrancophones!

    HOURS:Thursday6:00 to 11:00 pm.Friday6:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m.Saturday1:00 p.m.to 1:00 a.m.

    SHOWTIMES:Continuous with 15 to 30 minutes intervals.2011 AugustLong Weekend

    July 28th 31stLake Minnedosa, MB

    Toll free 1-888-330-8333


    The Bahais of Brandonapplaud the volunteers

    of the Lt. Governors Winter Festival

    celebrating the diversity

    of the Brandon community.

    The earth is but one country,

    and mankind its citizens.


    The Bahai Faith 726-5122 www.bahai.org

  • 8/7/2019 2011 Winter Festival


    Models display traditional fashions at the Chinese pavilion at last years LieutenantGovernors Winter Festival.This year,the Chinese are part of the Global Village pavilion.

    Colin Corneau (Brandon Sun Files)

    Far-flung fashionistas

    Jim Devereux, with aFighting Irish tattoo adorn-ing his forearm, pours anIrish coffee for a thirstypatron.

    Christopher Pike(Brandon Sun Files)




    FEBRUARY 3-5, 201114

    We in Brandon-Westman are so fortunate to live in such a

    multicultural society. To have the Lieutenant Governors

    Winter Festival is an opportunity for us to celebrate the many

    different ethnic traditions that make up the fabric of who we are in

    Brandon. Join me and help to make this years another success!

    Rick BorotsikMLA Brandon West

    20-18th Street, Brandon, MBPhone 728-2410 | Fax 726-4740rick.borotsik@leg.gov.mb.ca


    PAVILIONSouth End Community Centre

    1140 9th StreetBem Vindo ao Brasil! The Brazilian Pavilion is very excited to

    be part of the Lieutenant Governors Winter Festival for the first

    time in Brandon. Our show is the highlight of our pavilion.

    We are bringing the heat of Brasil right here to Brandon!

    Dont miss the exciting, high energy Capoeira performance, as

    well as traditional Brazilian dances including Maculele, Sambade Roda, Puxada de Rede, and Jongo. Taste our delicious

    feijoada, a black bean stew, accompanied by farofa and

    vinaigrette. Dont leave without trying some brigadeiros for

    dessert - these chocolate fudge sweets will have you going

    back for more! Quench your thirst with a traditional caipirinha

    or a nice cold Brahma beer, or try a Guarana, a famous

    Brazilian soft-drink.

    Dont forget to stop by the cultural display and souvenir table

    so you can take a piece of Brasil home with you. We can t wait

    to see you!

    HOURS:Thursday & Friday6:00 to 11:00 p.m.Saturday1:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m.

    SHOWTIMES:Thursday & Friday

    6:20, 7:30, 8:45, & 10:00 p.m.Saturday1:30, 3:15, 4:45, 6:15, 8:00, 9:30, & 10:45 p.m.

  • 8/7/2019 2011 Winter Festival


    FEBRUARY 3-5, 2011 15

    The Lieutenant-GovernorsWinter Festival has a website.

    Check it out atbrandon.ca/winterfestival.

    Last year, the festivalswebsite had 9,000 hits.

    This official guide to thefestival is available online as

    well, at brandonsun.com.

    Brandon Sun

    Last year, pavilions askedvisitors to bring donations ofnon-perishable food items.

    During the festival, a totalof 772 pounds of food wascollected for SamaritanHouse.

    This year, items will becollected for the WestmanWomens Shelter.

    Please bring small toi-

    letries such as new tubes oftoothpaste, combs, brushes,socks, slippers, etc.

    The English and Philippinepavilions will also haveenvelopes to take monetarydonations.

    Brandon Sun

    A history

    of charity



    PAVILIONBethel Christian Assembly

    440 Richmond AvenueThe Salvadoran Community invites you to enjoy

    music, traditional dances and typical food of El

    Salvador. You will also enjoy pictures with beautiful

    landscapes of El Salvador, cultural history and folklore

    of our Tom Thumb of America.

    Come with your family and friends. You will be

    greeted with smiles and a warm welcome by our

    friendly volunteers!

    HOURS:Thursday & Friday6:00 to 11:00 p.m.Saturday1:00 to 11:00 p.m.

    SHOWTIMES:Thursday & Friday

    6:00-6:45, 7:30-8:15 & 9:00-10:00 p.m.


    1:00-1:45, 2:30-3:15, 4:00-4:45, 5:30-6:15,

    7:00-7:45, 8:30-9:15 & 10:00-10:45 p.m.


    PAVILIONMahkaday Ginew Memorial Centre

    205 College AvenueWelcome to the First Nations Pavilion! We will be havingdemonstrations, music and food such as bannock dogs,bannock, and of course our most popular bannock tacos.There will be information displays for our guest to look at,as well as tables of crafts and various items for you to buyfor yourself or for that special someone.

    We would like to encourage families to come. There willbe a childrens corner to keep the little ones occupied tomake it a little easier for you to enjoy the festivities. Wewould like to invite everyone to attend the Opening PipeCeremony as well as the Closing Pipe Ceremony. Hope tosee you all there!

    HOURS:Thursday & Friday6:00 to 11:00 p.m.Saturday

    1:00 to 11:00 p.m.SHOWTIMES:Phone Frank Tacan or Flora Strong at 727-1407for the following show time schedules:

    ThursdayOpening Pipe CeremonyThursday, Friday & SaturdayDrumming Groups, Powwow demonstrations,Craft tables & Childrens Corner

    SaturdayClosing Pipe Ceremony

  • 8/7/2019 2011 Winter Festival


    Thursday, Feb. 3 Pavilions open 6-11 p.m. Buses run 7-11 p.m.

    Friday, Feb. 4 Pavilions open 6-11 p.m. Buses run 7 p.m.-12 a.m.

    Saturday, Feb. 5

    Pavilions open 1-11 p.m. Buses run 2 p.m.-12 a.m.

    These are minimum operating times, andsome pavilions may be open extendedhours.

    From traditional dancing tomod rock,pavilions know howto entertain a crowd.

    Colin Corneau (Brandon Sun Files)

    All the


    FEBRUARY 3-5, 201116

    When arethey open?

    February 3 5, 2010


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