2011 Schools Seminar November 2012. Programme: To review what has been accomplishedsince our last seminar. To examine the AFL capabilities we haven'tlooked.

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2011 Schools

Seminar November


Programme:• To review what has been accomplished

since our last seminar.

• To examine the AFL capabilities we haven't looked at yet

• To have a clear understanding of what you and your school’s next steps are

Clarity about what is to be learnt

•Curriculum understanding•Learning Intentions•success criteria•relevance•Exemplars/modelling

AssessmentKnowledge of assessment , assessment tools and use of assessment information

Promoting Further Learning

TimingStudent involvementClosing the gap strategiesNext steps

Active Reflection

•About learning and the learning culture

•Self and peer assessment

Shared clarity about next learning stepsShared knowledge of ‘where to next’



Building Learning-Focused RelationshipsA foundation of an environment that is focused on and cultivates shared ownership of learning

PurposeTo deepen your understanding of promoting

further learning

• So that you can lead other staff in deepening their understanding

• So that you can find some new learning that will make you more effective in promoting further learning (with adults and students)

Promoting further learning

Some people refer to this as feedback

Chapter 6 in Clarity in the Classroom

What does good feedback feel like?Use a partner and a piece of paper and build up a list of the qualities of good feedback that has led to good learning for you. This is an important part of this learning because we will be adding to this sheet all morning. Keep the paper close to you.

What about the qualities of feedback that make it a learning mechanism?

Rather than a control mechanism

ie “I’ll give you a sticker when you rule off your page without having to be reminded”

“Providing appropriate support is a skilled act of teaching that must both leave the students with responsibility and motivation for their learning and also help them advance that learning. It is at the heart of effective teaching and it a capability that we never perfect. “

Absolum (2006)

“Hattie and Timperley (2007) argue that feedback should help answer three overlapping questions: Where am I going? (goals), How am I going? (performance as measured against goals), and What next? (future goals).”

Going back to go forward

"Feedback has its greatest effect when a learner expects a response to be correct and it turns out to be wrong" .

Hattie & Timperley(2007)

Hattie and Timperley confirmed that feedback is effective when

it is specific and focused.

Bucket & Ball ActivityThis is a practical activity to show you the

difference between poor feedback and good feedback

• A volunteer is needed

We are learning how to throw accurately,

Why? To demonstrate the effectiveness of promoting further learning

Success criteria(What do we need to do to be successful?)

•Have the correct height•Correct length•Correct direction•Correct force

•Hit the target

What principles of promoting further learning have we just used in this feedback?Add them to your list

1. Affirms learner’s ownership of the learning

2. Focuses on LI & SC3. Is provided at the ‘right’ time4. Confirms what has been taught and

supports the next step5. Provides appropriate response6. Does not swamp the learner7. Allows repeated opportunities to act on

the feedback (p.120 Clarity in the Classroom)

Principals of effective feedback

After morning tea Allan and Barbara Anne will take you deeper into what Promoting Further Learning really looks like, feels like and sounds like.

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