2011 CSI Recruiting E%26P Salary Report

Post on 28-Nov-2014






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2011 E&P Salary

Petroleum Engineering Petroleum Geosciences Petroleum Land Management New for 2011… Land Technicians!

Salary Data and Position Descriptions U.S. E&P Technical Professionals

New for 2011…Bonus, Stock and Vacation Data

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CSI Recruiting Domestic U.S. E&P 2011 Salary Report

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Table of Contents

Introduction 3 Using the Report 4 How Report Was Created 5 The ‘Other’ Compensation 6 2011 - State of the E&P Industry 7 An Overview of Compensation 9 Petroleum Engineering 11 Petroleum Land Management 24 Petroleum Geosciences 31 About CSI Recruiting 44

CSI Recruiting Domestic U.S. E&P 2011 Salary Report

© 2011 CSI Recruiting 3


CSI Recruiting‟s 2011 Domestic Exploration and Production (E&P) Salary Report is a targeted

research study of compensation within the domestic exploration and production marketplace.

This report consists of average and median base salary data for technical positions across the

engineering, geoscience and land disciplines, in addition to average annual bonus payments,

company stock program participation percentages and average paid time off data.

Data included in this Report is restricted to technical professionals currently in

full-time, salaried positions with Exploration & Production companies, working in

a U.S. location.

The Job Descriptions portion provides detailed and in-depth definitions for the experience and

educational requirements of the position, and delves into responsibilities and expectations for

those particular positions.

The Annual Update portion provides an overview of present day supply and demand for the

specific skill set with commentary as to the expected trends related to that specific technical


The primary objective of this report is to provide up-to-date, detailed data and commentary tied

to specific job titles and technical disciplines to enable readers to fully understand current

market compensation conditions within the United States E&P community.

The landscape of the Domestic E&P hiring marketplace is constantly changing. Technical skill

sets have been and will continue to be in high demand and short supply, resulting in an ever-

changing compensation environment. Developments in the world economy and within the

domestic E&P industry influence these numbers, and the evolving marketplace has implications

for everyone in the E&P business.

This report strives to provide a comprehensive overview of compensation within the domestic

E&P marketplace, backed by detailed data, to be utilized by hiring authorities, human resources

personnel, company executives and technical personnel within the E&P community.

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Using the Report

CSI Recruiting‟s 2011 Domestic E&P Salary Report includes ten Job Categories, which are

organized by three Disciplines:

1. Petroleum Engineering (Includes Reservoir Engineer, Drilling Engineer,

Production / Operations Engineer and Engineering Technician)

2. Petroleum Land Management (Includes Landman and Land Technician)

3. Petroleum Geoscience (Includes Geologist, Geophysicist, Geological / Geophysical Technician, and Petrophysicist)

Each Job Category provides an overview of the position within a typical E&P organization, and

then details the experience and educational requirements of the position. The report delves into

specific responsibilities and expectations for that Job Category and addresses the current state

of affairs for that particular Job Category, the overall supply and demand issues and regional

nuances for the skill set.

Base Salary data is presented at the end of each Job Category, presented in average and median

numbers. The data is further broken down into Years of Experience and Region Working. The

count of the Respondents compiled for each Job Category is also provided.

For the first time in the history of the CSI Recruiting E&P Salary Report, we have

also included information related to the annual cash bonus, company stock and

paid time off portion of the compensation package.

While the report does not address the details related to stock plans, such as vesting schedules,

option versus grant programs or stock purchase plans, we feel that the details presented tell at

least part of the story about non-base compensation within the industry.

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How the Report Was Created

CSI Recruiting‟s 2011 Domestic E&P Salary Report contains data from over 2,600 professionals

currently employed in full-time, salaried positions within E&P Operators, based in a U.S.

location, and paid in U.S. dollars.

The data was gathered via voluntary survey, which asked respondents to disclose their current

job title, base salary and years within the industry. For the first time in the history of the

CSI Recruiting E&P Salary Report, we also asked respondents for information

related to participation in a company stock program, annual cash bonuses and

Vacation / Paid Time Off.

For the sake of useable data groups, certain job titles were combined into the most suitable Job

Category. For job titles with very small data groups that were not deemed to be close to any one

Job Category, that data was not included.

Within a Job Category, in order for an Experience Data or Regional Data grouping to be

presented, we required that the count of that grouping‟s data set represented a minimum of 8%

of the total count for that Job Category.

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The ‘Other’ Compensation

The most-oft-asked question in response to our Salary Report is “Why just Base Salary – Why not

include „other‟ compensation?” The argument goes that since base salary is, more often than not, one

piece of an overall compensation package, a report that ignores bonuses, stock options, benefits and

other forms of non-salaried compensation was not comprehensive.

Well, we agree. Base salary is not, on its own, always representative of whether a person is well

compensated or lags behind his or her colleagues. It does not illustrate whether a company is truly

„taking care‟ of its employees, or simply keeping pace with the market.

In past years we have resisted including any „other‟ important compensation components, most

significant of which are annual bonus, stock programs and employee benefits.

These compensation components, particularly in comparison to base salary, are difficult to quantify.

Given the variety of programs for the most prevalent „others‟ (stock, bonus and benefits), a side-by-

side comparison is elusive as there is little consistency between organizations. Take bonuses, where

some firms have cash bonuses, payable annually while others vest over several years. Still others have

no bonuses, but instead offer stock grants.

On the topic of stock options and grants, their value moves with the daily price of the publicly traded

stock, making it impossible to assign a value to any stock option program. And what about privately

held companies that have „phantom‟ stock programs?

All this said, these „other‟ components cannot be ignored. As base salary compensation within the

industry has fluctuations so does the annual bonus, the quality of benefits and the access to stock


Bearing that in mind, and responding to the requests of the report’s participants, for the

first time in the history of CSI Recruiting’s E&P Salary Report we are including data on

the ‘other’ compensation components that are most easily defined: Annual Cash Bonus

as Percentage of Salary, Quantity of Vacation / PTO and Participation in Company Stock

Program (Y/N), in a new section of the report that can be found within each discipline

and job category.

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2011 State of the E&P Industry

Lessons Learned

The industry performed very well within the downturn caused by the „great recession‟ in 2008

and 2009, resisting the temptation to layoff large numbers of expensive technical talent or

significantly reduce benefits as immediate cost cutting measures. There were layoffs of technical

staff, however those reductions were small in scale and more for appearances‟ sake.

By not taking a knee-jerk approach and largely maintaining staffing levels in spite of a

substantial reduction in activity levels, the E&P community as a whole has weathered the

recession storm well. The technical teams, lying in wait for the better part of a year, have

reacted quickly to management‟s call for increased drilling and production activities.

A Busy Year 2010 was a year of solid recovery for the domestic E&P industry, in spite of the Deepwater

Horizon drilling rig tragedy. The independent operator community continued its development

of the nation‟s domestic, onshore oil and gas plays at a rapid pace. Year-to-year domestic oil

production increased in 2010 by as much as 150,000 bopd, thanks in part to new projects in the

Bakken play of North Dakota, the Wolfberry and Spraberry trends of West Texas, the Eagle Ford

play in South Texas, and technological advances in both onshore and offshore drilling. Oil

prices continued to climb, providing these active E&P firms with much-needed cash for

expensive drilling projects and larger acquisition costs. Conventional and unconventional gas

plays continued to see large-scale drilling in spite of a stagnant gas pricing environment.

The need for experienced technical talent followed in lock-step with the sustained recovery in

drilling activity. Experienced engineers were consistently in demand, as were experienced

development geoscientists. Landmen and exploration geoscientists saw their demand increase

in fits and starts, without the sustained hiring that the engineers and development geoscientists

experienced. Technicians across engineering, land and geo departments continued to be in

short supply as the gap between the junior (0-2 years experience) and the senior (25+ years

experience) talent only widening as those senior technicians continue to age and with little

significant addition to the pool of median-level talent.

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2010 illustrated that a year of little hiring within the industry in 2009 did nothing to mitigate

the overall supply and demand issues that continue across the technical disciplines. As the

majors (Chevron, ExxonMobil) and foreign oil companies (Statoil, Talisman, BHP) continue to

ramp up within the onshore, domestic space, the competition for experienced talent is back to

levels last seen in the mid-2000‟s. This time demand could be even higher, as in the mid 2000‟s

the competition for talent was largely confined to independents competing against each other.

The entrance of majors and foreign oil companies could tighten competition further.

Companies that were quick to hire in early 2010 found themselves with a strong pool of talent at

reasonable compensation levels. Those companies hiring in the 3rd and 4th Quarter of 2010

found a much tougher staffing environment, and the talent was expensive. We expect that to

continue in 2011.

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An Overview of Compensation

Incentive Compensation

Incentive compensation is defined for the purposes of this overview as present-day or deferred

cash bonuses, stock options, stock grants or „phantom‟ stock options, generally granted to

professionals and managers. Incentive compensation is given to employees for both individual

and corporate performance, oftentimes varying in size and amount from person to person or

department to department.

As both our industry and the overall economy experienced a period of growth and expansion

from 2001 until mid-2008, incentive compensation grew substantially, often climbing into the

millions of dollars within start-up E&P companies, or for higher-level managers. Even staff-

level technical professionals within the E&P community were able to bank six-figure sums as a

result of growth in stock option values and profit sharing distributions. These perks were

effectively cancelled, if not in practice, then certainly in value, in 2009. Stock options were

under water with no signs of returning to the black, and profit sharing and bonus checks were

diminished if not eliminated.

In 2010, the stock market, particularly within the energy sector, rebounded in earnest, and

companies began to open their coffers again to incentive compensation, giving hope to those

younger E&P professionals that missed out on the last boom and reseeding the portfolios of

those senior staff members close to retirement.

Those heady times of the mid-2000‟s appear to be back in earnest, as pay packages are up or at

least even – base salaries are seeing increases, stock programs have higher value and annual

bonuses are robust in recognition of strong company performance. High value stock programs

with multi-year vesting schedules, in addition to cash „retention bonus‟ programs, are helping

companies to keep technical talent from being hired away, and putting substantial cash in the

pockets of technical staff at all levels.

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Benefits have long been an intangible component of a compensation package. Even 10 years

ago, robust health insurance was considered to be a given, as was generous vacation time, and a

covered, reserved parking space. Times are different, even for the oil business.

Health insurance costs are onerous. The cost to insure a family in any kind of decent health

insurance program can cost a company $1,500 / month or more, and that doesn‟t include vision,

dental life or disability coverage. In tandem, gone is the company pension, replaced with 401k

matching. Vacation time is now often part of a “PTO Bank” where time off for your honeymoon

counts the same as a dentist appointment or the flu.

These changes could be viewed negatively, but instead they illustrate that E&P companies, while

being eyeful of the runaway cost of benefits, have done well at keeping the key pieces in place:

health coverage, retirement, and time off, all while maintaining strong base salaries and

installing incentive compensation components. Perhaps the health coverage may have a high

deductible or require more out-of-pocket monthly contribution from the employee, or you may

not actually get to use all of your PTO because of workload, but overall E&P companies continue

to maintain better-than-average benefits programs for their employees.

Base Salaries

Base salary is often viewed as the defacto “Scorecard” for both hiring company and prospective

candidates. It is the most easily discernable data point for all participants in the hiring process,

and while salary is not always the determining factor for candidate or company, it plays a very

key role in a hiring or job change decision. So while base salary numbers certainly do not tell

the whole story, they are a reliable barometer of the general state of the industry.

In 2010, as competition for experienced talent mirrored the industry‟s increase in drilling

activity, acquisition deal making, and overall hydrocarbon production, so followed an increase

in base salaries across most technical disciplines and at a variety of levels of experience. While

the year started slowly hiring-wise, by the spring of 2010, recruiting efforts were at work in

earnest and by the fall, most companies with any kind of significant drilling and production

program were in need of engineers, geoscientists or landmen, with many of the larger E&P

companies seeking all three.

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Petroleum Engineering

Reservoir Engineer

Drilling Engineer

Production / Operations Engineer

Engineering Technician `` `

REPORT 2011 Salary

Petroleum Engineering

Salaries, Job Descriptions, and Recruiting and Hiring Trends

Salaries, Job Descriptions, and Recruiting and Hiring Trends

Reservoir Engineer Drilling Engineer Production/Operations Engineer Engineering Technician

Petroleum Engineering – Summary Table AVERAGE MEDIAN

Reservoir Engineer $166,828 $172,000

Drilling Engineer $145,488 $145,000

Production/Operations Engineer

$149,875 $147,400

Engineering Technician $87,712 $88,000

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Reservoir Engineer The Reservoir Engineer is responsible for estimation of hydrocarbons in place within an oil or gas reservoir, and for forecasting the probable future production performance of a gas or oil reservoir. Responsibilities and Expectations:

Conduct economic evaluation of exploration and development drilling opportunities, acquisitions and divestitures

Prepare budgets, forecasts, and SEC reserves reporting documents

Support drilling plans and execution (e.g. well location, well testing, logging )

Develop and maintain field profitability models, and running economic models of production optimization proposals

Build reservoir models and carry out simulations to evaluate the possible development scenarios and associated reserve profiles

Perform detailed simulation studies to optimize well production/design or to investigate critical aspects related to fluid movements

Conduct analytical studies to understand the fluid flow characteristics in the reservoir

Develop and maintain standard field profitability models, and run economic models of optimization proposals

Prepare reserve estimates and economic analyses for exploration and development drilling and recompletion projects

Analyze electric logs, formation pressures and reservoir fluids

Evaluate potential acquisitions and divestitures

Identify and recommend exploitation opportunities on existing properties

Supervise reserve studies performed by consulting firms

Mentor junior engineers and engineering technicians, and providing guidance and training in fundamental and advanced applications of reservoir engineering

Experience and Educational requirements:

Bachelor of Science Degree in Petroleum Engineering

Hands on experience in field studies, acquisition evaluations, and federal lease sale economics

Oil and Gas Reserve Estimations, Decline Curve Analysis, Petrophysical Log Analysis, Material Balance Studies

Experience in Economic Evaluations using ARIES, OGRE, PEEP software

Excellent communication skills (written and oral) for internal and external project presentation

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2011 Update - Reservoir Engineers

As the industry has recovered from the recession and E&P companies resume drilling and

production activity levels from their 12+ month slow-down, Reservoir Engineers, and their

close cousins, the „Business Development‟ or „Acquisitions‟ Engineers are leading the charge.

In demand regardless of ramp-up or ramp-down, these engineers are continually tapped by E&P

management to answer the question, “What do I have?” In 2009 and early 2010, that query was

born from questions like “What untapped assets do I need to be exploiting, what assets are

saleable and at what price”, or “What do I need to do to make this asset worth the money we

paid for it?” By the end of 2010, the “What do I have” question centered more on „How do I

grow my position, in both size and value?‟ and “Where should I be looking next?” These

questions are tough to answer when assets in the hot plays are scarce and expensive.

Heavily involved in the acquisitions and divestures that guided much of the non-drill bit growth

in the industry, reservoir engineers have been, and continue to be, high in demand for operators

of all sizes. The deal screening and economic evaluations skill set is certainly one reason why, in

addition to skills in reservoir evaluation and simulation, and expertise in company-wide asset


Reservoir Engineers are seeing salary levels at all-time highs. Demand for reservoir engineers at

all experience levels can be seen in every market in the U.S., and the need for their talents is felt

at E&P firms from the largest of operators down to the start-up that needs help evaluating assets

for that first acquisition.

Compared with the 2010 Salary Report, Reservoir Engineers, in comparison to the other

disciplines, have seen the greatest increase in base salary, up to 20%. The most significant gain

is with Reservoir Engineers possessing between 11-29 years experience. Reservoir Engineers can

expect to receive annual cash bonuses at the highest percentage within petroleum engineering.

Appalachia in particular witnessed strong improvement in base salaries. This can be directly

contributed to projects in the Marcellus, as companies operating in that region bring in talent

from other oil & gas centers at higher dollars than the Appalachian region typically sees.

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0-5 yrs 6-10 yrs 11-20 yrs 21-29 yrs 30+ yrs

Years of Service


BASE SALARY $166,828 $172,000


0-5 Years Experience $113,238 $109,000

6-10 Years Experience $136,865 $128,000

11-20 Years Experience $173,974 $178,000

21-29 Years Experience $183,699 $187,500

30+ Years Experience $189,260 $190,000


Appalachia $162,768 $169,000

Dallas/Fort Worth Metro $168,423 $177,500

Denver/Rockies $164,602 $175,000

Houston Metro $170,005 $180,500

Mid-Continent $165,522 $167,500

Midland $163,422 $164,500


STOCK 73% participate in a company stock program

BONUS 94% receive an annual cash bonus Cash bonus paid at an average of 30.6% of salary

PAID TIME OFF Average 4.44 weeks


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Drilling Engineer

The Drilling Engineer is responsible for the design, development, review, and implementation of

drilling and well work-over programs, and to recommend changes in such programs due to

economic and production factors.

Responsibilities and Expectations:

Design and implement a procedure to drill the well as economically as possible

Manage the complex drilling operation including both the people and technology

Work closely with the drilling contractor (the operator of the rig and its crews), service

contractors, and compliance personnel, as well as the other members of his internal team

Direct the review and analysis of drilling, redrilling, and remedial well work-over

programs; inspect the implementation of drilling and various remedial programs

Review and monitor mud programs, directional drilling methods, and logging methods

Review and analyze well completion methods to be used in the well for secondary

recovery projects

Direct and prepare graphic records relative to drilling and redrilling, such as well

histories, bit performance records, directional surveys, and drilling cost records

Coordinate activities with other staff as to well logging programs, interpretation of well

logs and sand counting for the preparation of isopach maps

Obtain cores and fluid samples for and exchanges information with other sections

relative to the drilling, redrilling, and remedial well work required to obtain the

maximum efficient recovery of petroleum products from waterflood programs

Prepare detailed reports on the status of drilling operations

Experience and Educational requirements:

Bachelor of Science Degree in Petroleum Engineering

Knowledge of petroleum engineering and secondary recovery methods and techniques,

drilling, redrilling, and remedial work

Excellent communication skills (written and oral) for interface with professional

engineers, company management, field personnel and drilling contractors.

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2011 Update - Drilling Engineers

Drilling Engineers are key to unlocking the potential of the unconventional assets spread

throughout the domestic, onshore marketplace. Horizontal drilling efforts are high-cost

programs, but with associated high-value results, and it takes an experienced drilling team to

make the most of the time you have a horizontal rig at your disposal. Drilling Engineers are

integral to the success of these programs and those with experience working shale plays in

particular are seeing their demand skyrocket.

Record high drilling activity in Eastern Colorado, North Dakota, and Pennsylvania in addition to

high drilling activity in West Texas, South Texas, California, the Mid-Continent have snapped up

any drilling engineers that were seeking a new opportunity in the early part of 2010, making for

a tight marketplace for experienced talent by mid-year.

Service company engineers in the drilling realm are again able to make the jump to an operator,

a phenomenon last seen in 2008, and many 5+ year experienced engineers that have spent their

career at Halliburton or BJ Services are taking that experience in-house.

2011 promises to be another busy year for drilling engineers, with drilling budgets high and

expectations for success in the expensive shale plays even higher. Drilling engineers are

working hard in this present environment, and companies that do not keep them at high levels

of compensation within their technical teams will see that talent defect to competitors.

Compared with the 2010 Salary Report, Drilling Engineers actually saw a light decline in

average and median base salaries, largely attributable to an increase in new graduate hiring

from 2009. Drilling Engineers with 1-5 years experience are seeing higher base salaries, as

companies fight for strong, young talent. Bonuses were robust for Drilling Engineers, at an

average of 30% of salary.

As with most disciplines covered in this report, Drilling Engineers in Appalachia witnessed

strong improvement in base salaries. This can be contributed to projects in the Marcellus and

the need for companies to bring in talent from other domestic areas at higher levels than the

Appalachian region typically sees.

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0-5 yrs 6-10 yrs 11-20 yrs 21-29 yrs 30+ yrs

Years of Service


BASE SALARY $145,488 $145,000


0-5 Years Experience $110,111 $107,000

6-10 Years Experience $128,312 $121,500

11-20 Years Experience $156,055 $161,000

21-29 Years Experience $171,200 $170,000

30+ Years Experience $175,875 $174,250


Appalachia $142,666 $138,000

Dallas/Fort Worth Metro $144,250 $137,000

Denver/Rockies $141,392 $140,000

Houston Metro $146,615 $141,000

Mid-Continent $147,222 $142,000

Midland $140,500 $139,000


STOCK 79% participate in a company stock program

BONUS 98% receive an annual cash bonus Cash bonus paid at an average of 30% of salary

PAID TIME OFF Average 4.0 weeks


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Production / Operations Engineer The Production / Operations Engineer is charged with overseeing the daily operation of wells, including constant monitoring of well performance, planning, and supervising workover operations to maximize recovery and optimizing artificial-lift and pipe flow systems. Additionally, as the well produces, these engineers are responsible for the design and implementation of well completions and subsurface and surface production facilities which are needed to produce the field and treat the produced fluids to produce oil and gas with the specifications needed for transportation and refining operations. Responsibilities and Expectations:

Analyze, interpret, and optimize the performance of individual wells

Determine the most efficient means to develop the field considering the viscosity of the crude oil, the gas-to-oil ratio, the depth and type of formation, and the project economics

Identify wells for production enhancements

Maximize the daily production and ultimate recovery of producing properties through optimum operational procedures

Perform open hole and cased hole log evaluation

Recommend wells for completion or abandonment

Design facilities and coordinate installation

Responsible for cost containment and regulatory compliance

Develop a system of surface equipment that will separate the oil, gas, and water. Explore additional technologies to enhance production from wells that are declining

Work closely with reservoir engineers and those in other disciplines to determine the optimal approach for a particular field

Coordinate all phases of drilling, completion and workover operations

Oversee State, Federal and environmental compliance and deliver professional testimony

Experience and Educational Requirements:

Bachelor of Science Degree in Petroleum Engineering

Knowledge of petroleum engineering operations and production methods for oil and natural gas recovery

Excellent communication skills (written and oral) for interface with professional engineers, company management, and field personnel

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2011 Update - Production / Operations Engineers

Production and Operations Engineers are the engine that drives company performance within

the E&P industry. When production is down, revenue, net income and sentiments are down.

When production levels are up, particularly in tandem with high commodity prices, E&P

companies succeed.

Regional experience is still preferred when making a Production or Operations Engineer hiring

decisions, as companies want to see engineers that have worked the assets in question, or in the

case of the shale plays, have worked similar assets in the very near term. A California heavy oil

producer still has little interest in a Barnett Shale-experienced Operations Engineer, and vice

versa. The same holds true for on-shore versus off-shore experience. That said, as demand

continues to exact pressure on the recruiting efforts of company HR staffers, that regional

experience requirement starts to wane.

Additionally, where during the recessionary downturn, service company engineers were not

highly sought after by the operators, those operators with multiple needs or those smaller E&P

firms with difficulty attracting top talent will start poaching engineers from the service sector.

The majority of experienced production operations engineers posses either less than 10 years of

experience, or over 30 years of experience. The compensation differential is tough to make

conclusions from in the production / operations engineer ranks, as you often see very well paid

6 or 7-year engineers, often with senior-level, over even managerial titles. On the other hand

there are many 3 to 5 year experienced production or operations engineers that are still in

training programs or considered to be „in development‟. The 30+ year professionals are on

more of an even keel, as the major separation in compensation comes only when one takes on

the added responsibilities of an Operations Manager or Production Manager role.

Compared with the 2010 Salary Report, Production/Operations Engineers have witnessed an

increase in base salaries, except for those individuals with 0-5 years of experience. The current

demand is for those individuals with 6-20 years experience and companies are paying a

premium for strong individuals. Average cash bonuses of 24% of salary add to the cash

compensation package.

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0-5 yrs 6-10 yrs 11-20 yrs 21-29 yrs 30+ yrs

Years of Service


BASE SALARY $149,875 $147,400


0-5 Years Experience $95,777 $94,500

6-10 Years Experience $135,357 $134,000

11-20 Years Experience $153,172 $155,000

21-29 Years Experience $165,564 $168,000

30+ Years Experience $167,453 $170,000


Appalachia $119,190 $125,000

Dallas/Fort Worth Metro $145,655 $146,500

Denver/Rockies $151,421 $158,000

Houston Metro $150,765 $152,500

Mid-Continent $149,900 157,400

Midland $152,583 $151,500


STOCK 63% participate in a company stock program

BONUS 94% receive an annual cash bonus Cash bonus paid at an average of 24% of salary

PAID TIME OFF Average 4.1 weeks


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Engineering Technician

The Engineering Technician is responsible for economic evaluation of oil & gas properties for acquisition and divestment, waterflood monitoring, workover and well maintenance records, with daily utilization of ARIES and related valuation programs. Responsibilities and Expectations:

Maintain reserve and production databases; provide annual, mid-year and quarterly reserve reports to banks, verifying financial position

Digitize well logs and create reservoir cross-sections

Maintain files and schematics for surface equipment on oil & gas leases

Organize and update well log library

Perform economic forecasting to evaluate marginally economic oil & gas properties for divestment

Provide oil production forecasting and reserve analyses using production decline curves

Generate computations to determine the economic life of oil & gas fields

Maintain well equipment inventory databases for producing oil & gas leases

Monitor operating, workover, and repair expenses

Estimate drilling & completion costs for drilling projects and provided management with requests for approval of project capitalization

Provide support to acquisition, exploration and development by accessing outside information sources

Provide reports and production history graphs, and data imports for engineering software

Use computer software to create wellbore schematics of downhole equipment for well completions and workovers

Prepare AFEs for well drilling, completions, and workovers

Prepare and maintain scheduling time lines of ongoing projects

Organize and maintain well files Experience and Educational Requirements:

Knowledge of petroleum evaluation software (ARIES)

Experience supporting petroleum engineers within an exploration and production environment.

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2011 Update - Engineering Technicians

2010 saw what little Engineering Technician talent that was available in 2009 quickly absorbed.

Compensation is strong for those Engineering Techs with 5+ years of experience, with many 30-

year experienced Engineering Techs in the six-figures on base salary. ARIES is still the „have-

to-have‟ technical skill for Reservoir Techs, with PhDWin lagging significantly behind.

Operators seeking junior-level technicians with hands-on experience with industry software

have a difficult time locating candidates. Again, with little training available other than on-the-

job experience, even small operators are resorting to hiring recent graduates with math or IT

aptitude and training them on the software.

Engineering Techs tend to develop skills both specific to their upbringing (IT staff focuses on

software, former admin keep engineers organized, you get the idea), yet they also have a key

commonality – they make the engineers better. And since engineers are expensive, in short

supply and are the drivers of an E&P firm‟s daily performance, these techs are very important.

The few operators that still insist on foregoing professional-level incentives for their technicians

have a tough time both hiring and retaining premium technician talent.

Career progression from Technician to Engineer continues to be elusive, although due largely to

the lack of a BSPE, this is also a result of techs enjoying being techs and not interested in the

daily pressures that come with an engineering role.

Salaries for experienced Engineering Techs have seen a rapid rise since 2001, in addition to

bonuses and stock options, particularly for those adept with ARIES, PEEP, DIMS, PhDWin,

Enertia, TOW, and Excalibur, among other industry software packages. Salaries continue to rise

across the board since the 2010 Salary Report, with Engineering Techs with 6+ years experience

seeing an increase of 7-13% in their base salary. Bonuses are also received by 98% of

Engineering Techs, but at a lower percentage of salary than Petroleum Engineers.

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0-5 yrs 6-10 yrs 11-20 yrs 21-29 yrs 30+ yrs

Years of Service


BASE SALARY $87,712 $88,000


0-5 Years Experience $70,612 $68,500

6-10 Years Experience $84,696 $84,000

11-20 Years Experience $86,422 $85,000

21-29 Years Experience $96,437 $97,500

30+ Years Experience $96,518 $98,000


Dallas/Fort Worth Metro $84,111 $83,000

Denver/Rockies $80,810 $84,000

Houston Metro $91,704 $91,000

Mid-Continent $80,476 $82,000

Midland $87,833 $88,000


STOCK 89% participate in a company stock program

BONUS 98% receive an annual cash bonus Cash bonus paid at an average of 17% of salary

PAID TIME OFF Average 3.91 weeks


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Petroleum Land



Landman $123,565 $122,500

Land Technician $72,160 $69,000

REPORT 2011 Salary

Landman Land Technician New for 2011!

Petroleum Land Management – Summary Table

Petroleum Engineering

Salaries, Job Descriptions, and Recruiting and Hiring Trends

Salaries, Job Descriptions, and Recruiting and Hiring Trends

Petroleum Land

Salaries, Job Descriptions, and Recruiting and Hiring Trends

Salaries, Job Descriptions, and Recruiting and Hiring Trends

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© 2011 CSI Recruiting 25

Landman The Petroleum Landman is a job unique to North America. The petroleum landman is

responsible for obtaining permission to drill a well, meaning the land must be leased from the

landowner who owns the subsurface oil and gas.

Responsibilities and Expectations:

Responsible for acquisition or disposition of oil, natural gas or surface interests

Conduct negotiation, drafting or management of agreements respecting property


Interface directly with surface owners, research ownership records in county, state, or

provincial offices.

Research titles and negotiate and draft a wide variety of leases and agreements with

landowners, mineral owners, state and federal agencies, Native American tribes and

industry partners.

Represent their employer before regulatory bodies, participate in and provide expertise

for multidisciplinary teams, and apply state-of-the-art software to create maps, reports

and other documents to aid management in the decision-making process

Obtain the proper documents and data so that the company may obtain leases on

acreage it is interested in

Assemble data and maps in connection with acreage rental expiration deadlines to

determine whether the company should renew or continue lease agreements.

Review and evaluate lease recommendations and other data for presentation to


Work closely with attorneys in preparation of title opinions, filing force integration

proceedings, interpleading to Court suspended royalties, and quiet title suits

Maintain project area land/well forms on computer systems and spreadsheets

Experience and Educational Requirements:

Bachelor of Science Degree in Petroleum Land Management or related discipline

Knowledge of petroleum land management principles

Excellent communication skills (written and oral) for interface with professional

engineers, company management, field personnel, and business contacts / partners

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2011 Update - Land Professionals

2010 saw increased demand for land professionals from 2009, although that demand

manifested more in landmen staying busy than in increased compensation. The operators who

sought to hire in-house landmen or land managers in 2010 found an experienced candidate pool

seeking reasonable compensation packages, and industry delivered job offers accordingly.

Additionally, the need for surface landmen to handle permitting and regulatory issues has

returned to levels seen in the mid 2000‟s, although they typically see lower salaries than their

negotiations-focused counterparts.

The domestic E&P industry still finds itself in dire need of mid-range experienced landmen,

those candidates with 7 to 20 years of experience. For reasons related to the industry downturn

and a nationwide trend of eliminating PLM programs from university coursework throughout

the 1990‟s, the quantity of experienced landmen in this range is miniscule. The few experienced

land professionals in this age and experience range are very well compensated and are on the

fast-track to Land Manager positions, if not in them already. For companies seeking this level of

talent, they are pressed to offer any one of the following: an immediate promotion into a Land

Manager role; high base salary; significant stock grants or equity compensation; strong

promotion opportunities; top-level perks and benefits.

There is presently a quantity of landmen in the four and five-year experience level, meaning that

over the next few years the dearth of mid-range landmen should be eliminated, however the

industry needs to keep those younger landmen busy with significant projects and ensure they

are properly mentored so they can be prepared to take on leadership roles sooner in their career

than their engineering or geosciences counterparts.

Graduates from Energy Management or PLM programs are seeing good recruiting from oil

companies on campus, so the future looks promising for those junior-level hires, reflected in the

increase in salary at the 0-5 year experience range.

As with most disciplines covered in this report, Appalachia witnessed strong improvement in

base salaries. This can be contributed to projects in the Marcellus and Appalachia-based

companies need to be competitive with other markets in hiring practices.

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LANDMAN Respondents: 416












0-5 yrs 6-10 yrs 11-20 yrs 21-29 yrs 30+ yrs

Years of Service


BASE SALARY $123,565 $122,500


0-5 Years Experience $92,271 $88,500

6-10 Years Experience $110,683 $108,500

11-20 Years Experience $116,304 $116,000

21-29 Years Experience $146,065 $145,000

30+ Years Experience $150,375 $153,000


Appalachia $111,683 $113,000

Dallas/Fort Worth Metro $132,542 $130,000

Denver/Rockies $126,389 $126,000

Houston Metro $140,812 $138,000

Mid-Continent $129,900 $128,000

Midland $118,347 $117,000


STOCK 78% participate in a company stock program

BONUS 91% receive an annual cash bonus Cash bonus paid at an average of 25.25% of salary

PAID TIME OFF Average 3.9 weeks


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© 2011 CSI Recruiting 28

Land Technician

The Land Technician supports the petroleum landmen in their petroleum land management functions within the land department of an exploration & production firm. Responsibilities and Expectations:

Orders and reviews drilling title opinions and prepares necessary curative as required for

drilling activity.

Prepares and reviews exhibits for Federal Unit Agreements and Unit Operating


Assists with forming federal participating areas, securing paying well determinations,

preparing annual plan of development and unit contractions for government approval.

Prepares communication agreements and pooling agreements.

Communicates with various federal and state agency personnel.

Assists Landman with spacing applications and exhibits.

Prepares JOAs and state, federal, and fee assignments.

Reviews and monitors contract briefs set up by Land Administration.

Working with tax maps, farmline and topo maps and property deeds

Working with deed plotting programs and chain of title programs

Experience and Educational Requirements:

Demonstrated proficiency in Microsoft Word, Excel and Access

Excellent written and oral communication skills

High degree of initiative, attention to detail and accuracy, timeliness

Strong working knowledge of Leases and Division Orders to interface with Land

Administration personnel and handle difficult land owner questions regarding pooling,

unitization, and spacing.

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2011 Update – Land Technicians

Prior to the last decade, land support functions were performed by land administrators or

secretarial staff. As technology became more widely used within all aspects of technical

disciplines within E&P companies, so did software applications and high level data analysis

become integrated within the land departments of active operators. Enter the Land Technician.

In the early 2000‟s only the largest of independent operators and a few of the major oil

companies designated Land Technicians as a part of their land teams. The ranks of Land Techs

within the industry grew steadily and by 2010 most independents and majors had Land

Technicians on their payrolls, and a growth track developed as companies populated their

organizational charts with Land Technicians, Senior Land Technicians and Land Technician


Much like their counterparts in Engineering and Geosciences, you need not have a bachelor‟s

degree to be a Land Technician, much less a petroleum land management background. Most

land techs are brought into the industry without land experience, but with an aptitude towards

Excel and other desktop applications, in addition to skills in technical support and strong oral

and written communication skills.

Land Technicians are here to stay, and demand for experienced techs is robust in most of the

upstream markets. Competition for experienced land technicians between operators is tight and

salaries continue to climb as the role takes on more responsibilities that collaborate with the

division order and leasing analysts.

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LAND TECHNICIANS Respondents: 86













0-5 yrs 16-30

Years of Service


BASE SALARY $72,160 $69,000


0-5 Years Experience $61,046 $60,000

6-15 Years Experience $69,814 $70,500

16 -30 Years Experience $81,241 $80,500


Appalachia $66,437 $68,000

Dallas/Fort Worth Metro $69,894 $69,000

Denver/Rockies $74,261 $72,000

Houston Metro $70,301 $69,000

Mid-Continent $70,306 $69,000


STOCK 70% participate in a company stock program

BONUS 87% receive an annual cash bonus Cash bonus paid at an average of 12.6% of salary

PAID TIME OFF Average 4.1 weeks


6-15 yrs

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Petroleum Geosciences



Geological / Geophysical Technician

REPORT 2011 Salary

Petroleum Geosciences

Salaries, Job Descriptions, and Recruiting and Hiring Trends

Salaries, Job Descriptions, and Recruiting and Hiring Trends

Geologist Geophysicist Geological/Geophysical Technician Petrophysicist

Petroleum Geosciences – Summary Table AVERAGE MEDIAN

Geologist $148,343 $150,000

Geophysicist $173,239 $182,500

Geological/Geophysical Technician $87,230 $88,000

Petrophysicist $161,366 $165,000

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The Petroleum Geologist is typically focused on development (also referred to as operations) geology or exploration geology. Exploration Geologists are more involved in the activity of prospect generation, which includes locating a prospect, making geological surveys, and documenting the viability and location of the prospect. Development Geologists work alongside drilling staff to best get the resources out of the ground. Responsibilities and Expectations:

Perform log analysis, and well site work that results in the discovery of new reservoirs and field extensions

Prepare detailed studies regarding producing properties with respect to future drilling, secondary recovery operations, and rework potential

Prepare a variety of detailed structural and stratigraphic maps used to define exploration models for generating prospects

Work closely with Geophysics, Land and Engineering to develop a prospect portfolio

Achieve increases in oil and natural gas production by revising previous formation structural and stratigraphic interpretations

Evaluate prospects and develop lead areas by conducting well data analysis, log interpretation and lithologic correlation, generation of maps and cross sections, and modeling gas/oil in-place volumetric estimates

Develop existing assets by daily interaction with engineering (reservoir management), selection of well completion intervals, and providing geological interpretation to field operations

Select core sites and intervals, and coordinate geologic specific drilling requirements

Interpret geologic data and calculate pay zones from log analysis

Compile and evaluate historical production and trends in completion techniques.

Conduct subsurface evaluations to link logs, stratigraphy, and petrophysical properties to production

Experience and Educational Requirements:

Master and Bachelor of Science Degrees in Geology or related Geosciences discipline

Successful track record of prospect generation and finding hydrocarbons

Excellent communication skills (written and oral) for interface with geoscientists, company management, seismic service companies and technicians

Experience as well-site geologist or in well-logging or data acquisition or interpretation is desirable

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2011 Update - Geologists

2010 continued to see the industry focus on plays in the lower 48 that are more exploitation and

development focused as opposed to „elephant hunting‟ exploration, resulting in a rise of demand

for experienced operations geologist to ‟chase rigs‟ within these drilling-intensive

unconventional oil and gas plays.

As we progressed out of the industry downturn on the back of the recession, rigs laid down came

back on line and the high-cost horizontal drilling operations resumed on a large scale. As a

result, hiring of geosteerers and development geologist resumed in the spring and stayed steady

throughout the summer and fall. By the end of the year, E&P companies small and large began

showing exploration-minded signals by advertising for senior-level oil finders.

E&P companies hoping to grow their reserve base without paying top-dollar for acreage in the

high profile resource plays are seeking experienced explorationists. Acquisition opportunities in

the Shale plays are tough to come by, as are assets in the Wolfberry / Spraberry trends in West

Texas. E&P firms are turning to the proven oil finders to lead them to liquids-rich resources in

areas that are not presently the talk of the industry.

Development Geologists, with or without geosteering expertise, will see steady demand in 2011,

particularly those with relevant experience within the hiring company‟s development program.

Senior exploration geologists will be in high demand as E&P companies look for low-cost entry

to liquids-rich plays not presently on the industry‟s radar. Additionally, those recently-funded

start up E&P firms seeking acquisition opportunities to employ their funding will be seeking

strong explorationists with solid industry contacts to generate deal flow.

Geologists have seen little movement in base salary during the past year, however the bonus

levels are robust, at an average of 28% of base salary. Entry-level geologists are seeing stronger

starting base salaries, likely due to competition for strong new grads.

As with most disciplines covered in this report, Appalachia witnessed strong improvement in

base salaries, due largely to projects the Marcellus and the need to bring in talent from higher

paying markets to staff offices in Pennsylvania and New York.

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GEOLOGISTS Respondents: 416













0-5 yrs 6-10 yrs 11-20 yrs 21-29 yrs 30+ yrs

Years of Service


BASE SALARY $148,343 $150,000


0-5 Years Experience $110,381 $107,050

6-10 Years Experience $121,251 $122,000

11-20 Years Experience $156,222 $150,000

21-29 Years Experience $176,263 $178.000

30+ Years Experience $170,685 $176,000


Appalachia $127,809 $140,000

Dallas/Fort Worth Metro $138,406 $135,000

Denver/Rockies $147,367 $150,000

Houston Metro $158,895 $170,000

Mid-Continent $143,031 $152,000

Midland $154,995 $160,000


STOCK 65% participate in a company stock program

BONUS 94% receive an annual cash bonus Cash bonus paid at an average of 28% of salary

PAID TIME OFF Average 4 weeks


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© 2011 CSI Recruiting 35


Petroleum Geophysicists use the principles of physics to measure and assess the properties of

the earth and its environment in order to manage exploration and development projects on land

and at sea. They plan, oversee and analyze complex land and marine surveys.

Responsibilities and Expectations:

Take seismic projects from concept to drill ready which can include 2-D / 3-D design,

acquisition, processing, interpretation, and modeling

Perform evaluations utilizing workstation environments including Landmark,

Kingdom/3D-Pak, Geoquest, ZMAP, Geographix, and GMAplus software platforms

Compile regional maps and coordinate seismic processing efforts for exploration efforts

Participate in the evaluation and acquisition of production and exploration assets

Conduct structural and stratigraphic interpretation of 3D seismic reflection volumes

Perform quantitative amplitude interpretation, including AVO, for pre-drill prediction of

lithology and fluid types away from well control

Assess 3D seismic data fidelity by, for example, ray-tracing effects of acquisition on

seismic image and modeling effects of velocity on migrated position of reflectors

Perform volumetric calculations, risk assessment and preliminary economic analysis for

exploration opportunities

Work with Managers of Engineering, Land, and Exploration to fully evaluate all aspects

of new exploration opportunities

Experience and Educational Requirements:

Master and Bachelor of Science Degrees in Geophysics or related Geosciences discipline

Successful track record of prospect generation and finding hydrocarbons

Excellent communication skills (written and oral) for interface with geoscientists,

company management, seismic service companies and technicians

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2011 Update - Geophysicists

Due in a large part to the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig tragedy, off-shore geophysicists, long

one of the industry‟s highest paid and most sought after technical skill sets, saw demand go

silent for the majority of 2010. While off-shore focused operators held tightly to their

experienced talent in anticipation of resumed drilling activity in 2011, they kept staffing levels

constant. In the mean time, on-shore focused E&P companies hired geophysicists in moderate

quantities for both development and exploration efforts. The hiring was somewhat mitigated by

the nature of the unconventional shale plays, which are not geophysically intensive. That said,

experienced exploration and development geophysicists interested in making a job change

continued to see their services sought after, particularly those geophysical professionals with

excellent track records of on-shore, domestic exploration success.

Geophysicists, always fewer in number than their Geological counterparts, stayed employed and

well compensated in 2010, as operators industry-wide put their geophysicists on projects that

had been delayed by the industry slowdown in 2009.

For companies seeking to hire experienced geophysicists in 2011, exploration-heavy projects will

draw the better talent, as oil finders will seek to avoid the „rig chasing‟ work and get back to the

task of finding hydrocarbons. For those geophysicists keen on operations work, their skills will

continue to be high in demand as drilling activity remains high.

Geophysicists experience the talent gap of the other technical disciplines, however it does not

appear to be nearly as pronounced. Be it due to small ranks of geophysicists in all levels of

ability, or the industry‟s interest in hiring good geophysical talent regardless of activity level or

commodity pricing, the fact is that the geophysics skill set is less fragmented across the

experience spectrum as its engineering, land, or even geological counterparts.

Compared with the 2010 Salary Report, Geophysicists saw salaries increased across the board in

both average and median data. As with most disciplines covered in this report, Appalachia

witnessed strong improvement in base salaries, a direct result of the increase in activity levels

within the Marcellus and the need to lure candidates from other markets to the region.

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GEOPHYSICISTS Respondents: 304













0-5 yrs 6-10 yrs 11-20 yrs 21-29 yrs 30+ yrs

Years of Service


BASE SALARY $173,239 $182,500


0-9 Years Experience $114,541 $109,500

10-19 Years Experience $152,788 $149,000

20-29 Years Experience $174,700 $178,500

30+ Years Experience $197,307 $197,000


Dallas/Fort Worth Metro $171,125 $176,000

Denver/Rockies $168,272 $166,000

Houston Metro $179,916 $190,000

Mid-Continent $182,867 $191,000

Midland $174,524 $179,000


STOCK 63% participate in a company stock program

BONUS 91% receive an annual cash bonus Cash bonus paid at an average of 24% of salary

PAID TIME OFF Average 4.3 weeks


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Geological / Geophysical Technician The Geological / Geophysical Technician supports petroleum geoscientists in their exploration and development efforts for company assets. Additionally, these technicians assist the geoscientists with evaluation efforts for acquisitions and divestitures. The Technician‟s work is performed using workstation software and mapping software, including Geographix, Petra, Kingdom / SMT, and Zmap, to name a few. Responsibilities and Expectations:

Scanning, digitizing and geo-referencing all types of hard copy geological maps, lease maps, etc. for use in many different software packages including GESX, AutoCAD, and Global Mapper

Creating thematic seismic basemaps, Isopach maps and cross sections in GES97 and GES Explorer

Retrieve, print and prepare mud logs for geologists

Create and maintain team well files which includes e-logs, mud logs, maps and election papers for wells

Researched and produced acreage ArcView/GIS gas maps to determine new ventures acreage for new acquisitions

Generate contour maps of monthly production (gas & water rate).

Coordinate with Drafting department to complete comprehensive Geographix mapping projects for presentations

Utilize Geographix to depth calibrate and create smart-rasters for wells, creating maps and cross-sections to determine new drill locations

Generate maps and cross-sections zeroing in on multiple pay zones using Petra and hand cross-sections

Prepared structure and isopach maps

Work closely with engineers to determine production rates, reserve adds, decline curves, gas in place, recoverable gas, spacing issues and potential payout

Manage GESX Well Library, consisting of the acquisition and importation of .las data and workstation ready digits from numerous vendors

Deliver clear and succinct presentations to management, geoscientists and mineral owners

Undertake practical field and laboratory work to support geophysical exploration and development work

Experience and Educational Requirements:

Bachelor‟s Degree in Geology, Geophysics or related Geosciences discipline is preferred but not essential

Knowledge of geosciences workstation software and mapping software

Experience supporting petroleum geoscientists within an exploration and production environment

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2011 Update - Geological and Geophysical Techs

With exploration and development activity levels increased industry-wide in 2010, geological

and geophysical technicians are again very busy and a key component to both the development

and exploration project work at hand.

This is in stark contrast to when the rigs were shelved and the exploration plays lacked funding

in 2009. During that time geotechs found themselves with little pressing work at hand and

instead busied themselves with project work that focused on long-range planning and re-study

of plays shelved during the go-go times of the mid-2000‟s.

Now that they are again party to a robust geosciences effort, geotechs continue to utilize

software tools and geological knowledge to make the professionals more effective, and the rise in

compensation for that effort they experienced from 2003-2008 has held steady. Likewise the

increases in benefits for Geosciences Technicians have been retained throughout the downturn

as operators continue to recognize the significance of their contribution.

Demand for experienced Geological and Geophysical Techs, has gradually returned beginning in

the spring of 2010 and gathering significant steam from the fall through year-end. Those

geotechs with the stronger workstation skills in Petra and/or Geographix software experience

will continue to command the higher end of the pay scale.

Skills in GIS (Geographic Information Systems) tools, primarily in the form of products

developed by ESRI, including ArcMap and ArcGIS, are becoming very highly sought by the

larger independent operators. While some technicians utilize these tools in tandem with Petra,

Geographix and other geosciences software applications, many GIS Analysts are solely

experienced in the ESRI tools.

There were more new entrants into the ranks of the Geosciences Techs than in 2009, most of

which had no formal training or schooling to be a Geological or Geophysical Technician. These

new hires are brought in at below-market salaries, bringing the salary averages for all GeoTechs

down slightly year-to-year from the 2009 report.

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0-5 yrs 6-10 yrs 11-20 yrs 21-29 yrs 30+ yrs

Years of Service


BASE SALARY $87,230 $88,000


0-5 Years Experience $67,131 $67,000

6-10 Years Experience $74,112 $76,500

11-20 Years Experience $82,379 $85,000

21-29 Years Experience $89,241 $91,000

30+ Years Experience $88,569 $89,000


Appalachia $68,552 $69,000

Dallas/Fort Worth Metro $86,113 $88,000

Denver/Rockies $80,763 $87,000

Houston Metro $89,659 $90,000

Mid-Continent $69,467 $70,500

Midland $70,247 $68,000


STOCK 76% participate in a company stock program

BONUS 90% receive an annual cash bonus Cash bonus paid at an average of 14.56% of salary

PAID TIME OFF Average 4.6 weeks


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© 2011 CSI Recruiting 41


Petrophysicists within the E&P industry typically are tasked with working alongside engineers

and other geoscientists to help fully understand the rock properties of the reservoir.

Petrophysicists evaluate the reservoir rock properties by employing well log measurements, in

which a string of measurement tools are inserted in the borehole, core measurements, in which

rock samples are retrieved from subsurface, and seismic measurements, and combining them

with geology and geophysics.

These petrophysicists compute the conventional (or reservoir) petrophysical properties,

including lithology, porosity, water saturation and permeability.

Reservoir models are built upon their measured and derived petrophysical properties to

estimate the amount of hydrocarbon present in the reservoir, the rate at which that hydrocarbon

can be produced to the Earth‟s surface through wellbores, and the fluid flow in rocks.

The petrophysicist will evaluate petrophysical problems of varying complexity and design

and/or apply the correct solution to them, in addition to conducting advanced technical studies

independently or integrated with exploration and development teams.

Experience and Educational Requirements:

Master‟s Degree in Geology, Geophysics or related Physics discipline is strongly

preferred, although occasionally a petrophysicist will have a Petroleum Engineering


Petrophysical skills should cover the entire range of issues encountered from exploration

to development, with experience in designing well logging programs, doing data quality

control of acquired log data, formation evaluations of critical wells, creating final log

curve for input in reservoir models, reservoir description, and rock properties for seismic


Ability to integrate petrophysical work with geophysics, geology and reservoir

engineering is critical.

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2011 Update - Petrophysicists

Prior to the early 2000‟s, petrophysicists were only found in the ranks of the major oil

companies and at large, multi-national service companies or specialty, petrophysical and well

log analysis firms. Petrophysicists are now seen within nearly all the larger independent

operators, and even are becoming common within the mid-size independent E&P companies.

Instead of using petrophysical consulting firms or self-employed consultants for petrophysical

analysis, these E&P companies have now brought these technical resources in-house, at salaries

in line with top-level geoscientists.

A rare breed, the quantity of petrophysicists with hands-on experience working in domestic E&P

companies is small, likely less than a couple of hundred individuals. These petrophysicists

presently working in industry have resumes with extensive consulting and / or service company

experience or are lifers within a major oil company, neither of which is a background typically

desired within the independent operator community. However, these candidates appear to

transition well into these in-house positions at independents, if for no other reason than there‟s

no viable alternative. The simply are no other candidates to choose from, and the technical

skills are tantamount.

Demand for experienced petrophysicists will grow for the foreseeable future, as E&P companies

continue to realize the value in having this technical expertise in-house. We can assume that

more technical professionals will join the ranks of those petrophysicists with experience working

within an active exploration environment as their utilization within the independent community

grows, however their addition to the industry‟s supply will not keep pace with demand.

Salaries for these experienced E&P petrophysicists are at the high end of the spectrum for non-

managerial positions, and this will continue as their demand stays strong and supply is not

significantly increased.

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0-15 yrs 16-29 yrs 30+ yrs

Years of Service


BASE SALARY $161,366 $165,000


0-15 Years Experience $137,577 $134,000

16-29 Years Experience $184,322 $187,000

30+ Years Experience $186,592 $188,000


Dallas/Fort Worth Metro $171,592 $170,000

Denver/Rockies $176,794 $176,000

Houston Metro $173,696 $175,000

Mid-Continent $162,479 $160,000

Midland $175,962 $174,000


STOCK 85% participate in a company stock program

BONUS 100% receive an annual cash bonus Cash bonus paid at an average of 25% of salary

PAID TIME OFF Average 4.8 weeks


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© 2011 CSI Recruiting 44

About CSI Recruiting

CSI Recruiting is a professional recruiting and personnel search firm focused exclusively on the

Domestic U.S. Exploration & Production industry since the founding of the company in 2001.

Headquartered in Denver, Colorado, CSI‟s staff of experienced oil & gas recruiters work with

candidates and client companies throughout the U.S., finding and placing E&P professionals

into Engineering, Geosciences and Land positions located from Alaska to Appalachia.

In 2011, CSI Recruiting opened a division office in Dallas / Fort Worth to better serve the Mid-

Continent, Houston and West Texas markets. All recruiting operations will continue to be

headquartered in Denver.

CSI‟s recruiting professionals are consistently involved with the industry‟s annual conferences

and prospect expositions, and have been long-time members and supporters of AAPG, AAPL,

SEG, and SPE. CSI is often cited by national publications such as The Wall Street Journal and

Oil & Gas Investor in articles pertaining to oil & gas hiring trends and recruiting efforts.

CSI Recruiting is supporting the development and execution of this report in response to market

demands for a detailed and focused summary of current salaries within the U.S. E&P


The comments contained herein regarding compensation trends and marketplace demands are

the opinion of staffers within CSI Recruiting, based on their years of in-depth work within the

domestic E&P industry.

1905 Sherman Street Suite 200 Denver, CO 80203 1-888-264-7600 www.csirecruiting.com

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