
20 Vocabulary Words

By Eli Prompradit

The small intrepid child was not scared of the bully.

Foster Farms does not augment their chicken unlike others.

The languid cat didn’t want to get up to excersize.

The pernicious branch cut my arm with its thorns.

Electrical wiring didn’t start the conflagration, the man did.

The altercation occurred when the employee disobeyed his boss.

The old granny had the audacity to flip me off, during the social gathering.

The movie Just Friends is an example of platonic love.

The man had a malignant melanoma and was going to die in a week.

The man who had munificence, gave one million dollars to the homeless


The GMA line had a paucity of people at the May 2007 election.

The gray man was a pariah to all the other colorful men.

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